Bianca and her husband. Bianca (singer) - biography, information, personal life


FULL NAME: Lipnitskaya Tatyana Eduardovna

DATE OF BIRTH: 09/17/1985 (Virgo)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Minsk, Belarus


HAIR COLOR: brunet


FAMILY: Brother: Alexander Lipnitsky

HEIGHT: 163 cm



Belarusian and Russian singer, songwriter, music producer, dancer, TV presenter and actress.
Tatyana's mother always really wanted her children to learn to play the instruments: for her daughter, she wanted a career as a famous cellist, and from her son Alexander she wanted to make a great conductor. The Lipnitskys went to the music lyceum, where they achieved considerable results. The future singer was even made an offer abroad and joined the symphony orchestra, but by that time Tatiana had already realized that she wanted to become a singer. Already at the age of twelve, Bianca began to write songs and study vocals on her own. The efforts were not in vain and at the age of 16 Tatyana wins at the international festival of young singers "Malva" (Poland). At the competition, the vocal Bianca was noticed by the conductor of the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus Mikhail Finberg and invited her to his orchestra as a soloist. The singer begins touring in Germany, and after that she performs at Eurovision (2001) for her native Belarus. At the same time, she tries on a new pseudonym and style "Russian folk R'n'B".
In 2006, Sergey Parkhomenko (Seryoga) became Bianchi's inspiration and duet partner, with whom they recorded two of the most popular tracks "Black Boomer" and the soundtrack to the film "Shadow Boxing".
In 2007, she released her first album, Pro Summer, with Sony BMG.
But a year later, she broke the contract with the former producer and was already under the direction of
Then the second "38 Castles" (2008) and the third "Our Generation" (2011) in the same style.
But immediately after the release, she breaks the contract with Sony BMG in connection with the financial fraud of the producer, after which she moved to Moscow and starts working with Warner Music.
By 2014, the singer's popularity is fading a little, which affects her decision to change her style. The fourth album "Bianca. Music"
Among Bianchi's awards, one can single out the MTV Russia Music Awards in the nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project" (2007), the "Golden Gramophone" for the song "I Will Not Retreat" (2014) and the RU TV award in the nomination "Creative of the Year" for the scandalous song "Sound G*". Bianca also has the unofficial title of "Queen of Russian R&B".
Now Bianca continues to actively work on her solo and duet career, proof of this is the successful release of her video for the song with rapper Mot "Absolutely Everything", which conquered the top lines of many charts.
The singer does not like to talk about her personal life, and after an unsuccessful romance that ended in 2009, Bianca refuses to comment on her personal life in any way. It is known that the singers have a lot of fans, especially after filming for men's magazines like Maxim and XXL.

Many people know and love Tatyana Eduardovna Lipnitskaya as a singer performing under the pseudonym Bianca. The girl, having decided to conquer the pop scene, chooses a rather difficult musical direction. After many defeats and failures, she manages to intertwine American hip-hop and Russian pop-folk in such a way that today half of the youth listens to her not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the near abroad.

Thanks to her perseverance, Bianca has repeatedly become the owner of the Golden Gramophone, in 2014 she was awarded the title of Sexiest Singer of the Year, won various awards.

Journalists sometimes joke that this is due to her gypsy roots, because looking at a girl you can really think that she is a gypsy. In fact, she has nothing to do with them - Bianca is Belarusian by nationality.

Height, weight, age. How old is Bianca

Despite some secrecy of the girl, data on how tall, weight, age, how old Bianca is can be found out without much difficulty. The singer has a beautiful figure: she stopped growing when she reached 1 meter 63 centimeters. But in order for the scales to stop at around fifty-seven kilograms, the girl has to make a little effort. Bianca advises everyone who wants to maintain a slender physique to visit the gym three times a week, although she herself does this at least twice a day. Dancing also helps her a lot, and the singer sometimes has to go on a diet in order to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds.

Bianca's photos in her youth and now reveal in her a personality who is not afraid of changes in her life, loves to experiment with her appearance. Often the singer shocks her fans with a changeable image: then she is a brunette - then she is sharply blonde; then she has luxurious long hair - then suddenly a bob haircut. Here is such an unpredictable and from this even more interesting Tatyana Lipnitskaya.

Biography of Bianchi

Bianchi's biography begins on November 17, 1985, on this day the future hip-hop performer was born in the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Father and mother - Lipnitskaya Tatyana Eduardovna (real name of the singer) had nothing to do with professional music. Parents simply loved jazz music, in their house there was a huge number of records that the whole family listened to with pleasure, and little Tanya and her brother, Alexander Lipnitsky, also sang along with the performers.

From early childhood, Tatyana began to sing in the choir, like her own grandmother in her time. In parallel, she attended a dance club - Tatyana devoted more than three years of her life to these hobbies. This was not enough for the girl, and she entered the music school in the cello class, which made her mother incredibly happy, who saw her daughter as a great cellist. The girl even took an honorable third place in an international competition. At such a young age, she was offered to go abroad to play in a symphony orchestra, but the girl refused.

While studying the school curriculum, Bianca simultaneously works in the State Orchestra of Symphonic and Variety Music, led by Mikhail Finberg. These joint performances helped the young talent to fully reveal his talent and love good music even more. After, she continued her activities in the pop studio.

At the age of thirteen, the girl begins to write her own songs. Four years later, the girl's repertoire allowed her to go to Germany on tour. In 2005, Bianca agrees to take part in the international Eurovision Song Contest as an official representative of the Republic of Belarus. The singer safely reaches the final round, she had a chance to win, but at the last moment Tatiana leaves the competition. The reason for such a sudden decision was the proposal of Sergei Parkhomenko to try his hand at his team. Without hesitation, Lipnitskaya agrees, seeing this as a chance to turn her dreams of becoming a popular singer into reality.

The first song recorded with Max Lawrence was "Swan" - it became the main song in the film "Shadow Boxing". After the film was released, Tatyana received a long-awaited recognition. The song was a huge success and stayed all summer in the top ten charts of various radio stations. By the way, it was Seryoga's team who came up with the pseudonym Bianka for Lipnitskaya: the girl often introduced herself as Yana, and her colleagues began to call her "Yanka-bianca", she liked this nickname and, in the future, she decided to use it as a stage name.

Nevertheless, Bianca did not forget for a second about her dream of becoming a solo singer. After working for some time with Seryoga, having a little untwisted, the girl leaves this project and makes a bet on her songs. In 2006, she released her first album, which, unfortunately, was not particularly appreciated by the audience.

Taking into account her mistakes, four years later, Tatyana, shooting her first video, goes for a little trick - she supplements her song with frank sex scenes. This trick worked one hundred percent.

Then Bianca recorded two more albums: "About Summer", "38 Castles". At this time, the singer "opened her eyes" to the fraud that her producer was engaged in. She immediately ceases cooperation and leaves for Moscow.

In the capital of Russia, the girl found herself in a difficult situation, because now she was left on her own. But, after some time, fate brings her to producer Baldin, who, in turn, finds her a music studio.

In the album "Our Generation", which was already released under a new label, there were many songs sung in a duet with many artists, among which there was also a famous rapper from the West.

In subsequent years, the singer enjoys great success, recording and releasing a couple more albums. It also pleases its fans with new songs: both solo and performed as a duet with various singers of modern music.

Bianca's personal life

Bianchi's personal life is a side of the life of a singer with Belarusian roots that is closed to everyone. However, everyone knows the fact that the more a person wants to hide any information from others, the more he stirs up interest, especially if he is a famous person. This happened with Tatyana: the journalists only found out that she had been dating a guy for a while, and then broke up. Given the stunning appearance of the artist, she was credited with an unthinkable number of novels with the opposite sex, and sometimes, after explicit clips, even with girls.

In the next lover, the yellow press also recorded Sergei Parkhomenko, but the artists claimed that they had a purely business relationship.

Bianca herself, referring to her fans, repeatedly repeats that those people who really want to understand who she really is, what attracts her in men, how she relates to life, should pay attention to her songs. They thoroughly convey the thoughts and inner world of the singer.

Bianchi family

Bianchi's family now is her parents and brother Alexander, who is also successful and in demand in the musical field. Alexander Lipnitsky graduated from the music lyceum with his sister, worked for a long time as a drummer in the Leprikonsy group. Now he is the conductor of a jazz orchestra. In 2015, Bianca gives her first solo concert in one of the clubs in Moscow, in which her brother also takes an active part.

Tatyana Lipnitskaya at one time acted as the host of a music channel, and also tried her hand and talent as an actress. She played herself in the TV series A Brief Course on a Happy Life, and also starred in the TV series Kitchen, where she had a small role.

Bianca's children

Many listeners want to know more information about the young and talented singer: Bianchi's children, husband, parents - who they are, what they do. Today, the girl has only beloved parents, all other items are in her plans for the future.

In her interviews, Tatyana becomes not very talkative when the topic comes up about children and marriage.

However, the more a person tries to hide, the more it gives rise to rumors and gossip. Pen workers often attribute non-existent novels and pregnancy to the girl.

The fans are sure that when Bianca finds her soul mate, and even more so when she finds out that she is waiting for replenishment in the family, she will definitely inform all admirers of her work about this good news.

Bianca's husband

No one can say that Bianchi's husband is such and such a person, was born there, does something: Tatiana has never crossed the threshold of the registry office as a bride. Naturally, many young people show signs of attention to such a beauty, and Tatyana, like any other girl, is flattered by such an interest in her person. However, no matter how hard they try, the journalists fail to find out the continuation of all these meetings. The singer hides her relationship from prying eyes.

As it became known, Bianca met with a young man, they had a long-term relationship, but in 2009 the couple broke up. The girl was very upset by this parting and, in order to somehow muffle the pain of separation, she plunged headlong into her favorite work. We can say that the music saved her. From that moment on, questions about the opposite sex are a taboo for everyone who wants to know all the details of not only the professional, but also the personal life of the star.

The actress, having a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, quite often appears on the covers of glossy publications. The appearance of a photo of Bianchi in the magazine Maxim is looking forward to the male part of the country's population. It is understandable - a men's magazine, the pictures there are quite frank.

However, the completely naked singer Bianca has not starred in any of the photo shoots yet. According to her, sexual beauty needs to be captured correctly, and not just to take pictures for second-rate publications.

Whatever it was, but candid photos of a young lady can be found quite often when watching the singer's clips. When Tatyana was just starting her path to fame and popularity, she resorted to a little trick, which she still uses today. In order to get a male audience as viewers, Bianca takes off and sings in a swimsuit or in short dresses, which does not spoil the singer's reputation at all.

Instagram and Wikipedia Bianchi

Bianchi's Instagram and Wikipedia are not the only social networks that have a TV presenter account. As for professional activities, the artist is a rather talkative person. She is happy to share with her subscribers pictures from concerts, photo shoots and stories about who and what sometimes inspires her to write new songs.

The Queen of Russian R'n'B - this is how a young performer named Bianca is most often called. In addition to excellent voice data, the singer has boundless sexuality, endless femininity and extraordinary beauty. Bianchi's biography has been haunting journalists for more than 10 years. Accustomed to publicity, the girl does not want to let the public into her personal life, so some facts from her fate are still shrouded in a veil of secrecy.

A charming brunette with excellent external data conquered the domestic stage not only with her amazing singing, but also with incendiary dances. An unusual pseudonym also played a big role in her career. Bianchi's biography, the singer's personal life is certainly of interest to all her fans. Let's talk about this in our article.

Childhood and education of the singer

Tatyana Lipnitskaya is the real name of the singer. Tanya was born on September 17, 1985 in the city of Minsk. The girl showed her musical abilities from an early age. At the age of 10, she copied famous jazz performers, so Bianchi's parents, whose biography is hidden under a veil of secrecy, never doubted that another star would light up in the Russian pop sky in the future.

Like all young talents, Tanya attended a folk circle of dance and choral singing. The girl distinguished herself with a wonderful performance of famous songs called "Birch" and "Kalinka". But, unfortunately, Tanya had to leave the circle after 4 years. Do you really think that Bianchi's creative biography could have ended at this stage? She could, but not in the case of this purposeful girl. Leaving the choir, Tatyana immediately devoted herself to pop singing. At the age of 14, the singer had already composed her first song, and at 16 she became the happy owner of the Grand Prix at the Malva International Competition for Young Performers. A year later, Tatyana received the main award at the Belaya Rus festival.

Where did the singer learn to dance?

Bianchi's biography (height, weight of the singer, by the way, is generally recognized to be in an ideal ratio - 163 cm and 50 kg, respectively) is full not only of achievements in the vocal field, but also in the dance one. After all, it's no secret that the singer moves very beautifully.

From early childhood, the girl was fond of dynamic music. Tanya learned to dance herself, and when YouTube appeared in Belarus, the future singer watched the clips and simply repeated the movements. So Bianca is self-taught. That's all the secrets of her dancing talent.

The beginning of a creative career

After receiving awards, Bianchi's biography became interesting to almost all Minsk residents. By that time, the girl had already managed to work for 4 years in the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg, where the young lady was assigned the role of a soloist.

Tatyana always wanted to perform on the big stage and travel around with tours to different countries. After a while, the girl's seemingly impossible dream comes true. Having composed several songs, she goes to Germany on tour. It's hard to believe, but Tanya was only 17 years old then.

big stage

After some time, the young performer is invited to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. At the same time, she receives a tempting offer from rapper Seryoga. The Belarusian performer offers close cooperation under his leadership. Tatyana makes a choice in favor of Seryoga, considering this option more promising. Fortunately for the girl, she does the right thing.

The first and most memorable composition performed by Bianchi was the soundtrack to the film "Shadow Boxing" called "Swan", which the singer performed with Max Lawrence. The track instantly soared to the top of the charts.

Already in 2006, Bianchi's biography (the singer, by the way, wrote half of the songs herself) was marked by the release of the first studio album called Russian Folk R'n'B. He became extremely popular with listeners. In 2007, she signed a contract with Sony BMG and released two more albums - "About Summer" and "38 Castles", and in 2011, in collaboration with Warner Music Russia, a collection called "Our Generation". The last studio work of the singer comes out in 2014 - “Bianca. Music".

Bianca's love biography

The personal life of the singer gives rise to a lot of speculation and gossip that characterize Bianca as a windy person. According to the beauty, her relationships are not as diverse as her creative career, so most of the novels that the Internet ascribes to her are fiction. According to Bianca herself, she devotes all her time to her career and music.

Rumor has it that the young singer had a relationship with Seryoga. After the meeting, a spark ran between them. But their communication was more about flirting than serious relationships. “Sergey left only pleasant memories in my life. I am grateful to him for everything, because it was he who helped me achieve such heights, ”says Bianca.

Bianchi's love biography (the singer prefers not to tell reporters about her relationship) has always been the subject of gossip. It was rumored that the girl was a supporter of sexual relations with both men and women. It's all to blame for her recent clip, in which Bianca frankly rocks with the girls. But, according to the singer herself, she, like many other representatives of the fair sex, dreams of a one and only man who will support her in everything. Here she is so romantic and sentimental - Bianca.


The biography of the singer is quite interesting. The girl always achieved her goals herself and did not stop at anything. So we wish the singer good luck in her endeavors.

Bianca is a popular Belarusian singer, performer of hip-hop music. A young and promising singer, she was able to conquer many fans due to her style. Her music is a mix of hip-hop and folk tunes. Of course, many will say that this is impossible, but she succeeded and everything turned out pretty well.

Today, the popularity of the artist has greatly decreased. Despite this, Bianchi's biography and personal life, photos with her husband remain a matter of discussion. In fact, she has neither a relationship nor an official marriage, and all the rumors are spread by the yellow press.


Tatyana Lipnitskaya performs under the pseudonym "Bianca". The girl comes from the capital of Belarus, the city of Minsk. With low growth, the star weighs less than sixty kilograms. She was born on September 17, in 1985, that is, she is Virgo according to the sign of the Zodiac. At the moment, the girl is 32 years old and she is engaged in variety activities.

Tatyana Lipnitskaya as a child with her brother Sergei (left)

In her school years, a young and promising girl was engaged in dance circles. For her, this was the best time, since schooling was not very good. She sang excellently, danced, constantly took part in various performances and productions. After that, many Belarusian performers learned about her successes. The first person with whom she began to cooperate was Seryoga.

This story happened at the beginning of Tatiana's career. At that time, she was invited to participate in Eurovision, namely to represent her homeland at an international competition. However, the girl refused for the sake of working together with Sergei Parkhomenko. It is with the singer, also known as Seryoga, that the origin of her pseudonym is connected.

Bianca at the beginning of her career

They have released many collaborations. Sergei greatly inspired the girl. He was a catalyst for new ideas, constantly sharing his experience with Tatyana. It was thanks to this cooperation that the singer gained popularity and recognition not only in Belarus, but also in other CIS countries.

A song called "Swan" was almost a symbol of the year. The joint work of Tatyana with Sergey was at the top of all kinds of tops and charts in Russia and Ukraine. It was just a huge step forward for the star.

Rapper Seryoga brought the singer to show business

However, the star at that moment did not appear at all like Tatyana. She called herself Yana. It was because of this peculiar conspiracy that her pseudonym was born. Rather, Sergei invented it, but he didn’t do it on purpose. During one of their conversations, he funny rhymed with the girl's fictitious name. The following rhyme came out: "Yanca-Bianca."

The young singer not only did not take offense at her colleague. Moreover, she really liked this nickname. She considered that this was an excellent reflection not only of her character, but also of her musical style. Since then, the girl introduces herself as Bianca.

Tatyana masterfully plays the cello


The young performer liked this genre. However, he did not take root on the Russian stage. Not that there were no worthy attempts to develop this area. They were, but it was all to no avail. Indeed, despite the high quality and excellent presentation, this material was simply not adapted to the Russian audience. That is how the girl judged and decided to make her own attempt to conquer this scene.

Singer on stage during a concert

Since Bianca saw the main problem in the lack of adaptation to the Russian listener, she decided to correct this defect. She began work on an album that would combine everything. This is the music of the original Rhythm and Blues. Dynamic and incendiary. Able to invigorate and motivate a person, and simply pleasing to the ear. But to the music familiar to the Western scene, they added completely unusual lyrics, because it was based on Russian folklore. This was reflected in the title of the album: "Russian Folk Rhythm and Blues".

On the set of the film "I will not retreat"

Many liked this combination and the performers found their success. However, not everything went so smoothly, because not all professional critics appreciated this combination. They considered it some kind of unfortunate vinaigrette. First of all, criticism was directed towards the text, the performance of which could vary from a romantic ballad to a perky ditty. And not all of them corresponded to the original image of the singer. She was always full of energy and drive, and then all of a sudden - romantic ballads. However, any experience is still an experience. In addition, in this case, he was very successful, even taking into account the criticism received.

Also, Tatiana Bianca quite often participated in photo sessions of an erotic nature. The singer does not hesitate to appear for men's magazines, however, she does not always agree to such proposals. The performer is quite selective about this.

Bianca and Serega on the set of the video "Roof"

According to her own comments, the girl is removed only in publications of one type. In those where the captured girls look like some beautiful creatures.

She is only interested in printing that shows the natural beauty of girls, which looks natural and natural. Such magazines should be equally interesting for both men and women, because they depict beauty. To summarize, she treats such photo sessions more as an art than a way to earn extra money. The singer would never star in a work that looks like it was intended for the short-term satisfaction of single men. At least the girl says so.

With Potap and Nastya Kamensky in the video "Doggy Style"

One of the most recent and popular works was a fruitful project with the duet Potap and Nastya Kamensky. Their video for the song "Doggy Style" became very popular. More than 50 million viewers watched it on video hosting sites, which is a big indicator for the domestic Internet space. In most cases, the singer collaborates with rap artists.

Personal life

In the case of Bianca, there is practically no information about this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. At one time, the public assumed that Tatiana had a romantic relationship with Sergei. However, the star has always denied this, stating that their relationship is purely business in nature. Bianca's personal life and biography remains a mystery to many; photos with her husband and children, whom she never had, were often published on the network. Many fans believed that in this way they fueled interest in the personality and work of the singer.

Singer Bianca and her tattoos

The most important and famous novel, which was attributed to the young performer, was with the rapper Seryoga. Their joint video, several recorded songs, long-term cooperation became some stage in the formation of such rumors. Therefore, there were a considerable number of joint photos. According to both singers, there is only friendly relations between them.

In 2017, almost nothing is known about Bianchi's personal life and biography. She rarely releases her work, concerts are also held infrequently.

Bianca is a famous Russian performer. The girl was able to break into the big stage by inventing her own musical genre. The amazing performance and determination of the singer allow her to successfully tour, release new compositions and videos for them. Its audience is made up of both teenagers and adults over 30.


The future star Bianca was born on September 17, 1985. Minsk became her homeland. Here she took her first steps towards the musical Olympus. The talent of the baby was noticed by adults very early. Parents had nothing to do with music, but they were seriously fond of it. Therefore, from early childhood, the girl attended vocal classes with pleasure and mastered musical instruments. In those days, she was still called Tatyana Lipnitskaya, and many years remained before the appearance of a sonorous pseudonym.

All photos 13

The girl first appeared on stage as part of a choir. She was attracted by national art, so in addition to singing, she began to professionally engage in folk dances. In the future, the artist will change her role, but will bring her favorite elements to her compositions and stage performances.

Seriously, Tatyana was also fond of playing the cello, she graduated from a music school in the corresponding direction. In arrangements for songs, the girl will often use this instrument. Parents wanted to see their daughter as a great cellist. She had every chance for this - the girl was invited to play in an orchestra in Germany. While still at school, the future star learned the taste of success. For four years she sang in one of the most famous pop groups in Belarus - the orchestra of Mikhail Finberg. However, then Tatyana Lipnitskaya had to leave the numerous ranks of its participants. It turned out that the original vocals of the girl did not correspond to her folk repertoire. However, by that time she herself felt the need to change something and move on.

Being a seventeen-year-old girl without great connections and support, the performer was not afraid to go on tour to distant Germany. There, she was finally able to perform songs from the stage, which she herself composed from the age of twelve. Surprisingly, the girl fell in love with the public. Feeling the support and recognition, she was no longer afraid of anything and seriously tuned in to make a real revolution in show business.

2005 was a turning point in the life and career of the performer. Unexpectedly for herself, Tatyana Lipnitskaya faced a difficult choice. On the one hand, she was offered to represent her homeland at Eurovision. This could be considered a great honor and a kind of recognition of merit, as well as an opportunity to declare oneself to the whole of Europe. On the other hand, Sergey Parkhomenko (better known as Seryoga), who has already become famous, drew attention to the girl. His style of performance was very close to the singer. As a result, she relied on collaboration with a hip-hop group.

The girl did not fail. Soon the music world recognized her sonorous pseudonym. From the point of view of the singer, this name was more suitable for her musical style. With the latter, she also decided thanks to Seryoga. Her Russian folk R'n'B has become a new phenomenon on the stage. The combination of rap, vocals, rhythmic melodies and folk instruments appealed to the listeners. Sultry frank dances attracted spectators.

In the CIS, the performer became known after the release of the film "Boomer". It was he who included the composition "Swan", which the girl recorded together with Seryoga and Max Lawrence. In 2006, listeners got the opportunity to evaluate the girl's first album called Russian Folk R'n'B. Despite the specificity of the genre, many people liked it, and the performer got real fans. Then she signed a contract with the Kyiv studio "Sony BMG". This cooperation gave a number of hits, many of which reached the top of the charts.

2009 was one of the most difficult for Bianchi. The financial fraud of her producer was revealed, as a result of which she was practically bankrupt. In addition, there was a gap in the girl’s personal life, which she was very upset about. However, in all these events there was one positive moment. The singer finally decided to move to Moscow and start building her career there.

The capital met her rather unfriendly. She had no money and connections, she had to break through everywhere herself, and in conditions of fierce competition. Everything changed after Sergei Baldin took the performer under his wing. In subsequent years, the singer released several albums, hits from which do not leave music channels and radio.

In 2015, Tatyana Lipnitskaya gave her first solo concert. Despite a rich creative biography, she has never performed on stage with her own program. The show was a success. The audience appreciated not only the long-loved compositions, but also the amazing dance numbers.

At the moment, the girl managed to try herself as an actress in the TV series A Short Course in a Happy Life. She also took her first steps as a producer with the Big Bet project.

Personal life

The singer Bianca keeps her personal life behind seven seals, never telling journalists anything. She claims that everything can be seen in her compositions. Judging by them, there were many sad moments in the life of the girl.

It is known for certain only about what happened in 2009. Who was the villain who broke the beauty's heart is unknown. However, she was very hard and experienced a breakup for a long time. Given the unpleasant attention to this yellow press, the girl decided not to devote more details to her.

At one time there were persistent rumors about the romantic relationship between Bianca and Seryoga. The singer never confirmed them and always called the rapper her friend.

Who owns the girl's heart at the moment is a mystery. But most likely it is free. The singer directs all her strength to career development and prefers not to waste them on novels.

Critics have always treated the work of the performer without much enthusiasm. However, she never gave up and went to her goal. There is no doubt that many more incendiary songs of the young star await the listeners.

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