tefi award ceremony. “Let him count his figurines”: how tefi nominees reacted to the posner’s request to change the prize of the competition

0 4 October 2017, 04:31

Last day, the awards ceremony for the highest achievements in the field of television TEFI-2017 was held in Moscow. She became the 21st in a row and summed up the results of the last television season, dividing the most successful projects into two categories: "Daytime broadcast" and "Evening prime".

Yulia Vysotskaya was named the best host of the morning program, as in, but this time the jury noted her TV show "We Eat at Home!" on NTV. The award in the nomination "Daytime Talk Show" went to the program "Vremya Pokazhet", which airs on Channel One.

On Tuesday evening, October 3, guests of the awards ceremony in the Evening Prime category passed along the red carpet near the Rossiya cinema.

By the way, not only Yulia Vysotskaya repeated her last year's success at TEFI-2017, but also Dmitry Borisov, who again became a laureate in the nomination "News Program Host". Vladimir Solovyov was recognized as the best interviewer, and Maxim Galkin received an award in the category "Entertainment Program Host".

Received TEFI as a leader. I sit and rejoice. I'm proud of myself. But the main thing - I thank you, dear viewers, for choosing "Best of all!", - Maxim thanked the viewers of the show "Best of all!", Aired on Channel One, on Instagram.

During the ceremony, Andrei Malakhov was remembered from Channel One. The television show "Let them talk", which he hosted, was named the best prime-time entertainment talk show. Konstantin Ernst said on stage that he would give the commemorative statuette to Andrei.

As for the best entertainment talk show, everyone here knows that the programs are made by a lot of people. Programs that come out for 16 years are made by many people. Nevertheless, this prize, I think, should remain in memory of the First Channel to Andrei Malakhov, - said the general director of the channel.

On October 3, the 21st solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the annual Russian television award TEFI-2017 took place in the capital's cinema Russia. The best representatives of domestic television competed for the statuette of the bronze Orpheus in 33 nominations.

The first winner in the category "Evening Prime" was the program of the First Channel "Time", which was named the best in the nomination "Information program". According to TEFI, Vladimir Solovyov was recognized as the best Russian interviewer. Together with him, the host of Rossiya 24, Nailya Asker-Zade, and Yulia Menshova, representing Channel One, claimed the bronze statuette of the award.

Posted by Julia Menshova (@juliavmenshova) Oct 3, 2017 at 2:26 PDT

The program “Let them talk” won in the “Prime-time entertainment talk show” nomination, but Konstantin Ernst, the general director of the channel, who won the award, decided to give the prize to the former talk show host Andrey Malakhov, who left the channel in August.

Actor Mikhail Efremov became the owner of the TEFI television award in the nomination "Best Actor in a Television Film / Series" for his role in the TV series "Drunk Firm", which is broadcast on TNT. The best actress in this category was Chulpan Khamatova. This is her third victory in TEFI. By the way, Efremov and Khamatova together became winners in these categories in 2014.

The winner of the TEFI-2017 award in the category "Educational program" was "Military secret" Igor Prokopenko. Programs also competed for the award in this nomination. "Miracle of Technology" with Sergey Malozemov (NTV) and "Big Opera" (Russia-Culture).

"Military Secret" has been released on REN since September 1998. Prokopenko and his program have been repeatedly accused of spreading pseudoscientific theories, and over the past few years, of anti-Ukrainian and anti-Western propaganda.

For the program “Military Secret”, which aired on September 30, the following stories were announced: “Western media claim that Typhoon Harvey is the work of Russian hackers. What “evidence” did they fabricate this time?”, “Sport is a lever for humiliating objectionable countries. Who forced the International Olympic Committee not to let our athletes into the Olympics?” and “Why is the Western elite no longer afraid of nuclear war? And what fate is in store for Russia?

Also in the category "Daytime air" in the nomination "Morning program" TEFI was awarded the program "Good morning" (Channel One), Yulia Vysotskaya was recognized as the best host of the morning program ("We eat at home!", NTV). The daytime talk show of the year was named the program “Vremya Pokazhet” (Channel One), in the nomination “Tele Game” the award was given to “Own Game” (NTV). "ABVGDeika" ("TV Center") was recognized as the best program for children and youth, in the category "Reality Show" the figurine went to "Boys" ("Friday"), the best TV series was "Olga" with Yana Troyanova(Yana and the creative producers of the project took the stage for the award, who promised that there would be a third season, the script is already being written).

MOSCOW, October 3 - RIA Novosti. The winners of the TEFI television award in the Daytime Broadcast category, among others, were Good Morning on Channel One, children's ABVGDeyka on TV Center, the Boys show on Friday, and host Yulia Vysotskaya (NTV), reports RIA Novosti correspondent from the awards ceremony.

The awards ceremony took place on Tuesday at the Rossiya cinema.

TEFI is an industrial television award awarded for the highest achievements in the field of television arts. The award was established by the Russian Television Academy Foundation on December 21, 1994, and in different years included a different number of nominations. Since 2014, the award has been organized by the Industrial Television Awards Committee. The winners are traditionally awarded with a bronze statuette "Orpheus" by Ernst Neizvestny.

“Let me remind you that participation is more important than any award, and the very opportunity to enter the top three is already the recognition of colleagues ... All nominees are already winners,” Mikhail Shvydkoi, chairman of the board of founders of the Industrial Television Awards Committee, said opening the ceremony.

He urged everyone to feel lucky and emphasized that if the Internet ever suddenly wants to take revenge on television, everyone present will still work there, because they are the "amazing content".

The ceremony was conducted and bronze statuettes were presented by Elena Malysheva, Evgeny Dodolev, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Sati Spivakova, Oscar Kuchera, Dmitry Dibrov, Svetlana Khorkina, Viktor Gusev, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Arkady Mamontov, Olga Skabeeva, Anastasia Chernobrovina.


The winner of the award in the nomination "Morning Program" was "Good Morning" on Channel One, and Yulia Vysotskaya ("We Eat at Home", NTV) was recognized as the best host of the morning program.

In the nomination "Daytime Talk Show", the winner was "Vremya Pokazhet" (Channel One), and the best "Documentary Project" was the project "Naina Yeltsina. Love Story" ("Russia 1").

The best on the domestic TV reality show was "Tomboys" on the channel "Friday". In the nomination "Television project about sports" the winner was "Alexander Karelin. A duel with himself" (Match TV).

Sergey Gimaev ("Youth Ice Hockey World Championship. Russia-USA", "Match TV") was recognized as the best sports program host/sports commentator. The award was presented posthumously. His son received the statuette for his father. All those present paid tribute to the memory of Gimaev, who passed away in March 2017 at the age of 62.

The Blind Mules project (REN TV) won in the nomination "Journalistic Investigation". The winner of the award in the nomination "Entertainment program "Lifestyle" was "Rules of Life" on "Russia K". The best educational program was recognized as" Military Secret" on REN TV.

In the nomination "Telegame" the winner was "Own game" on NTV, and in the nomination "Program for children and youth" the winner was "ABVGDeyka" (TV Center).

The serial film "Hotel of Last Hope" (TV Center) received the bronze "Orpheus" as the best "daytime television series". The best in the nomination "on-air/off-air promotion of TV programs" was the project "REN TV and Vasily Lozhkin present".

On Tuesday evening, TEFI awards will also be presented in the Evening Prime category.

On Tuesday, October 3, a solemn ceremony of presenting the TEFI Prize was held in the building of the Rossiya cinema. The event began with the traditional red carpet, along which the stars of domestic television walked. After the jury


That's how it all ended... The hall was gradually emptying, the shine of the outfits no longer hurt the eyes... It was a long-awaited presentation-show, where there were many worthy projects, bright, professional people, appreciated ideas. Probably, someone left TEFI in sadness, someone left inspired. Almost all decisions are clear and beyond doubt, the victors will carry the feeling of a holiday with them. Well, we, the audience, will be waiting. What? New projects and ideas. Good television. Brilliant leaders. And in the end - TEFI-2018.

Well, at the end of the event, the audience congratulated Eduard Sagalaev on his birthday, the laureates went on stage and bathed in applause.

However, it was not without "nezhdanchikov". Mikhail Shvydkoy unexpectedly announced the award of two more TEFIs! The first statuette, a special prize, was received by the series "Sofia" ("Russia 1") - really magnificent. And one more surprise. The jury also received a special prize for the project "You are super! Final in the Kremlin." Bravo, NTV!

Timur Weinstein, general producer of NTV, thanked for the prize, but stressed that the highest award for the channel is the gratitude of the children involved in the project, their happy eyes, their joy.

In the meantime, new presenters have entered the stage - Andrey Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. And Mikhail Shvydkoy, of course. This is a serious matter, after all, we are talking about the main TEFI!

There were many applicants, as many as five. As a result, Scarlet Sails, a project of Channel Five, was recognized as the event of the year. This spectacle is really wonderful, so let's congratulate the Petersburgers from the bottom of our hearts! This is indeed a success. Well, see you soon!

Recall that "Scarlet Sails" is a fantastic show, which is prepared, hosted and broadcast annually by Channel Five. It has no analogues in the world, this is a large-scale and significant holiday for our entire country. "Scarlet Sails" has rightfully become the hallmark of St. Petersburg. The holiday was recognized as the best urban event in Europe. If we operate with numbers, then in addition to convincing "TV indicators" (the broadcast collected 7.1% of the audience "All 18+" - this is a historical maximum!), There is another record: 2,100 people came to see the miracle of "Scarlet Sails" with their own eyes this year. 000 people, which is an absolute record. And now everyone is intrigued - what will happen in 2018? One thing is certain - a new miracle.

Well, now the most important thing. It remains to hand over "Orpheus", created by the great Ernst Neizvestny, a project that claims to be the most striking television event of the season. But before that, the audience was greeted by Yulia Samoilova - our wonderful performer, a marvelous singer, who this year was denied participation in Eurovision in Ukraine. God bless her, with politics ... Yulia sang amazingly.

They also decided to nominate the producers of the Best of All project, the film Ekaterina and the Dancing project on TNT. Ilya Krivitsky received a fair award for "Best of All" - and rightly so!

Well, the best actress was Chulpan Khamatova (for the role of Bella Akhmadulina in the series "Mysterious Passion", which bypassed, thus, Marina Alexandrova and Anna Banshchikova.

Mikhail Efremov, Denis Nikiforov, Evgeny Tsyganov fought for the right to receive TEFI in the nomination "Best Actor". The statuette rightly went to Mikhail Efremov - for his role in the film "Drunk Firm". I must say that the entire press center applauded this award.

Well, after that, there was a visible change in the mood of the hall. The tension rose instead of subsiding. However, this is understandable. The evening was slowly drawing to a close. The awards have begun for names, names with a capital letter - for the best actors, the best directors, the best actresses. And the best director should receive the award first. The result is the triumph of "Major-2" and its director Maxim Polinsky. Hooray!

Incredible, amazing Vasily Lanovoy was supposed to present awards for the best TV movie. Having confessed that he was at such an event for the first time, the favorite of millions froze with an envelope in his hands and ... shocked the hall! TEFI went to Molodezhka. Neither "Mysterious Passion", based on the novel by Vasily Aksenov, nor "Optimists" - a picture of the production company of Valery Todorovsky, received the coveted statuette.

Smiling Igor and serious Vadim, the Verniki brothers, came out to announce the winners in the "television series" nomination. And then it turned out that TEFI got "Olga" - a funny and high-quality TNT series.

The most humorous were recognized ... "comedy clubs"! For many, this was unexpected, but in fact - nice.

"Best Entertainment Program Host" - the presenters announced. And the hall froze. Galkin? Takmenev? "Comedy club"? Do not rush to guess, everything is already obvious. They became Maxim Galkin. This year he had several projects, but "Best of all!" Definitely deserves an award.

In the "entertainment program" nomination, "The Blue Bird" eclipsed everyone. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to "Russia 1"! And, of course, its participants - children!

Laureate of the Russian television award "TEFI 2017" in the nomination "Telegame" TV presenter Pyotr Kuleshov after the awards ceremony

The next hosts of the ceremony were Natalya Medvedeva and Leonid Yakubovich. Of course, they were entrusted with the entertainment block of awards. And Yuri Nikolaev became their assistant - as always, charm itself. "Let them talk", Oksana Bayrak's show and "Secret for a Million" - who will be cooler? Nikolaev did not pull. "Prime" "took" the show "Let them talk." And to receive the statuette came out ... Konstantin Ernst himself !! And he .

Programs are made by many people, but I believe that the prize should go to Andrey Malakhov as a keepsake, - said Konstantin Lvovich and did not take the statuette.

Presenting the final nomination in the block of information programs, Ernest Mackevicius and Maria Sittel reminded that this is the most dangerous job on TV - the work of reporters, cameramen and directors. Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev became reporters number one, they received an award for the film "The Storming of Mosul".

"Presenter of a socio-political show in prime" - this award also went to the program "60 Minutes", Ole Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. Congratulations to "Russia-1". At that moment, when the award was being presented, the guys were broadcasting. But it turned out that the name of another winner was hidden in the envelope. And it turned out to be Roman Babayan, the host of the "Right to vote" program on "TV Center", the face of this channel.

"60 Minutes" became the next laureate. Congratulations to Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, "Russia 1"!

We make the best television in the world. It seems to me that it is enough to waste time on clarifying some kind of relationship or political preferences. When we come abroad, when we compare what we do with what we see there, we understand that this is a good job. But I want, first of all, to thank the viewers for all this. They allow us to be better. We work for them, - said Vladimir Solovyov.

So who is the best interviewer? Mikhail Gusman said that he opens the envelope with a special predilection. And opened. TEFI received Vladimir Solovyov!

The "final analytical program" was presented entirely by stars: "rivals" Valery Fadeev and Irada Zeynalova, Andrey Dobrov and Sergey Brilev. Dobrov won! Yes, the one on the air!

Of course, this prize is awarded to more than one person, - Andrey said. And he expressed the hope that no one will sleep when this program comes out.

Laureate of the Russian television award "TEFI 2017" in the category "Entertainment program" Lifestyle "" TV presenter, artist, designer, architect Alexei Begak after the awards ceremony Photo: Natalia Feoktistova, Evening Moscow

Among informational and analytical programs, Vesti Nedeli won.

We make television with meaning, and we, the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, are one family, said Dmitry Kiselev.

Valery Fadeev, Dmitry Borisov, Andrey Kondrashov and Elena Spiridonova fought for the honorary title of the best presenter of the information program. And Dmitry Borisov won everyone!

I didn't really expect it, really. I miss the information program, this maelstrom of events has overwhelmed me, - he said bewildered.

The beginning of the ceremony, as it was already in the morning, was preceded by Mikhail Shvydkoy. The hall shone with outfits, hearts fluttered. And the first nomination was the "information program", for the presentation of which Mikhail Gusman appeared on the stage. The award went to Vremya. First channel.

Kirill Kleymenov admitted that he did not expect this, and touchingly thanked the audience.

At the TEFI award for the evening prime, the stars fell from the sky even more slowly than at the ceremony dedicated to the daytime broadcast. Dmitry Dibrov sparkled in the lobby. When asked how the ceremony was for him, he just shrugged his shoulders - well, they say, TEFI is like TEFI. Taking this opportunity, by the way, we thanked him for his support, which the maestro was glad about. The queue for a selfie with Dibrov was so long that the times of shortage were involuntarily recalled ... However, Dibrov is always in short supply, so everything is logical.

The ceremony was delayed for a good half an hour. The evening grew languid, but not for the stars. They were excited but good.

Mikhail Shvydkoy, Chairman of the Board of Founders of the Industrial Television Awards Committee, ex-Minister of Culture of Russia:

I do not believe that now is "timelessness", as some claim, referring to modern television. Man himself determines - time or timelessness. I think that live broadcasts should be revived.

All news and analytical TV programs must be broadcast live. It is not true that now there is censorship and such a program as Vzglyad is impossible. There is no censorship. We are much more free than we were 30 years ago when The View began. Now is the time of unprecedented freedom. There is an opportunity to calmly, soberly look at the past, present, and future. No need to cling to words to do nothing. Be free. Do not be silent.

The winners were invited to the stage. They were wonderful and happy. But while there is a pause in the presentation of the next nominees, the leaders of the evening prime, we can sum up the intermediate result. It's intermediate, not final.

In the first approximation, one thing is obvious - the channel "TV Center" has risen very actively. The leading position of the First, NTV, the activity of the REN TV channel is obvious, but in the case of the TV Center, the prediction of Mikhail Shvydkoy, who predicted success and further growth for the channel, is slowly but surely starting to come true. By the way, backstage rumors said the same thing: back in the summer, at that essentially disrupted event, "TV Center" scored so many votes that it shocked many. Well, there are still many nominations ahead, who will be the first - let's see, for now, we can only congratulate TV Center, which has made a tangible step forward.

Well, in the important nomination "Journalistic Investigation", the award went to REN-TV - for the work "Blind Mules". The mules overtook TV Center and NTV.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / RIA Novosti

Well, after Vasya's success, it's time for a serious category. "Documentary project", however! The nominees were one better than the other. "The Last Writer Sasha Sokolov" competed with the love story of Naina Yeltsina and the project "The Holy Sepulcher - the discovery of the main secret of mankind." The film of the channel "Russia 1" "Naina Yeltsina. A Love Story" became the winner.

Anastasia Chernobrovina and Olga Skabeeva changed the leading athletes. They had to announce the winners in the off-air promotion category. Remember how last year on New Year's Eve on Channel One funny squirrels began to jump, similar to the hosts? And the project of the breathtakingly funny Vasya Lozhkin on REN TV? And the wonderful video of the "blue bird" on "Russia-1! Vasya Lozhkin won everyone. Arkady Mamontov, who presented the award, was pleased!

I want to say "thank you" to my colleagues, sports journalists who turn programs into a bright, interesting spectacle. - This is how Viktor Gusev started the announcement of the next nomination.

So who? Stognienko - Russia-24, Guberniev - Match TV, or ... but no, "or" could not be here. TEFI posthumously received Sergey Gimaev (Match TV). The statuette was given to his son. "Father would be happy!" he said...

Well, after that, Sati and Oscar gave way to new presenters - Svetlana Khorkina and Viktor Gusev. Of course, they came to announce the nominees in sports categories. In the sports section, the awards were presented by a legendary man who does not need special introduction - Vyacheslav Fetisov. Match-TV here was above all praise and took the figurine for the project "Alexander Karelin. A duel with oneself." Also, by the way, not really counting on winning.

The main television award of the year, TEFI, took place in Moscow. The stars of the leading channels have been waiting for this ceremony for a very long time, because it was supposed to take place in the summer. As a result, the red carpet spread out in front of the Rossiya Theater only on October 3, but there were no fewer famous guests at the awards ceremony: on the contrary, a huge number of celebrities honored the event with their presence. Among those present were Marina Alexandrova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Yulia Menshova, Marina Kim and many other stars.

The best television programs on Russian television were officially named on October 3 at the TEFI award. Many popular presenters, producers, actors and directors climbed onto the stage for the coveted statuettes.

So, showman Maxim Galkin received a well-deserved award in the nomination "Best Host of an Entertainment Program" and dedicated it to his children, and producer Artur Dzhanibekyan left the ceremony with "Orpheus" for the "Best Comedy Show" Comedy Club.

From the stage, he admitted that his TNT colleagues did not believe in victory and therefore did not come, and since the Academy of Russian Television nevertheless recognized their services to television, it means that “something is wrong.” “We will change our approach,” Janibekyan joked.

You can find the full list of winners below. Do you agree with him?

TEFI-2017 Laureates
Category "Daytime broadcast":

  • Morning program: "Good morning", Channel One
  • Host of the morning program: Yulia Vysotskaya - “We eat at home!”, NTV
  • Daytime talk show: "Time will tell", Channel One
  • Entertainment program "Lifestyle": "Rules of Life", "Russia-Culture"
  • Educational program: "Military secret", REN TV
  • TV game: "Own game", NTV
  • Documentary project: “Naina Yeltsina. A love story”, “Russia-1”
  • Journalistic investigation: "Blind mules", REN TV
  • Reality show: "Boys", "Friday!"
  • Television project about sports: “Alexander Karelin. A duel with yourself”, Match TV
  • Host of the sports program / sports commentator: Sergey Gimaev - “Youth Ice Hockey World Championship. Russia - USA", Match TV
  • Daytime TV series: "Hotel of last resort", TV Center
  • Program for children and youth: "ABVGDeika", TV Center
  • On-air/off-air promotion of TV programs: "REN TV and Vasily Lozhkin present", REN TV

Category "Evening Prime":

  • Information program: "Time", Channel One
  • Presenter of the information program: Dmitry Borisov - "Evening News", Channel One
  • Reporter / reportage operator: Alexander Rogatkin, Dmitry Rogalev - Storming of Mosul, Russia-1
  • Information and analytical final program: "Vesti Nedeli", Channel One
  • Presenter of the information and analytical final program: Andrey Dobrov - "Dobrov on Air", REN TV
  • Interviewer: Vladimir Solovyov - "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov", "Russia-1"
  • Prime-time entertainment talk show: "Let them talk", Channel One
  • Socio-political prime-time talk show: "60 minutes", "Russia-1"
  • Leading social and political prime-time talk show: Olga Skabeeva, Evgeny Popov - "60 minutes", "Russia-1" and Roman Babayan - "Right to vote", TV Center
  • Entertainment program: "Blue Bird", "Russia-1"
  • Host of the entertainment program: Maxim Galkin - “Best of all!”, Channel One
  • Humorous program / show: Comedy Club, TNT
  • Television serial comedy / Sitcom: "Olga", TNT
  • TV movie/series: Molodezhka, STS
  • Director of the television film / series: Nikolai Bulygin, Maxim Polinsky - "Major 2", Channel One
  • Best actor in a television film/series: Mikhail Efremov - "Drunk Firm", TNT
  • Best TV Movie/Series Actress: Chulpan Khamatova - "Mysterious Passion", Channel One
  • Television producer of the season: Ilya Krivitsky - "Best of all!", Channel One
  • TV season event: "Scarlet Sails", Channel Five

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