Man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution. Theories of the origin of man


The problem of man is one of the main ones in philosophy. Of great importance for understanding the essence of man, the ways of his development is the clarification of the question of his origin.

The theory of the origin of man, the essence of which is to study the process of its emergence and development, was named anthropogenesis (from gr. anthropos - man and genesis - origin).

There are several approaches to solving the question of the origin of man.

1) Religious theory. divine origin of man. The soul is the source of the human in man.

2) The theory of paleovisit. Man is an unearthly creature, aliens from outer space, having visited the Earth, left human beings on it.

3) Natural-science (materialistic) theories. C. Darwin. Man as a biological species has a natural origin and is genetically related to higher mammals.

4) Natural-science (materialistic) theories. F. Engels. The main reason for the appearance of man is labor. Under the influence of labor, specific qualities of a person were formed: consciousness, language, creative abilities

Thus, one can only make assumptions about the reasons that determined the formation of the person himself.

The impact on his psychophysical state of the energy of the cosmos, electromagnetic waves, radiation and other influences is enormous.

Human- the highest stage of development of living organisms on Earth. Biologically, man belongs to the mammalian hominids, human-like creatures that appeared about 550,000 years ago.

Man is essentially a being biosocial. It is part of nature and at the same time is inextricably linked with society. Biological and social in man are merged into one, and only in such unity does he exist.

The biological nature of man is his natural prerequisite, the condition of existence, and sociality is the essence of man.

Man like biological being belongs to the higher mammals, forming a special species of Homo sapiens. The biological nature of man manifested in his anatomy, physiology: it has circulatory, muscular, nervous and other systems. Its biological properties are not rigidly programmed, which makes it possible to adapt to various conditions of existence. Man like social being inextricably linked to society. A person becomes a person only by entering into social relations, into communication with others. The social essence of man manifested through properties such as ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness and reason, freedom and responsibility and etc.

Absolutization of one of the sides of human essence leads to biologization or sociologization.

The main differences between humans and animals
1. Man possesses thinking and articulate speech. Only a man can think about his past, critically evaluating it, and think about the future, dreaming and making plans.

Some species of monkeys also have communicative capabilities, but only a person can convey to other people objective information about the world around them. People have the ability to highlight the main thing in their speech. In addition, a person is able to reflect reality not only with the help of speech, but also with the help of music, painting and other figurative forms.

2. A person is capable of conscious purposeful creative activity:
- models his behavior and can choose various social roles;
- possesses ability to foresee long-term consequences of their actions, the nature and direction of the development of natural processes;
- expresses value attitude to reality.

The animal in its behavior is subject to instinct, its actions are initially programmed. It does not separate itself from nature.

3. Human in the course of its activities transforms the surrounding reality, creates the necessary material and spiritual benefits and values. Carrying out practically transforming activity, a person creates a "second nature" - culture.

Animals adapt to the environment, which determines their way of life. They cannot produce fundamental changes in the conditions of their existence.

4. Man is able to make tools and use them as a means of producing material goods.

Highly organized animals can use natural tools (sticks, stones) for certain purposes. But no animal species is able to make tools with the help of previously made tools.

5. A person reproduces not only his biological, but also his social essence, and therefore must satisfy not only his material, but also his spiritual needs. Satisfaction of spiritual needs is connected with the formation of the spiritual (inner) world of a person.

Human - creature unique(open to the world, unique, spiritually incomplete); being universal(capable of any kind of activity); holistic being(integrates the physical, mental and spiritual principles).

List of content elements to be tested at the unified state exam in social studies

Controlled element code Content elements tested on the exam
Human and society
1.1 Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution)
1.2 Worldview, its types and forms
1.3 Types of knowledge
1.4 The concept of truth, its criteria
1.5 Thinking and activity
1.6 Needs and Interests
1.7 Freedom and necessity in human activity. Freedom and responsibility
1.8 The systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems
1.9 Basic institutions of society
1.10 The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture
1.11 The science. The main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences
1.12 Education, its importance for the individual and society
1.13 Religion
1.14 Art
1.15 Morality
1.16 The concept of social progress
1.17 Multivariance of social development (types of societies)
1.18 Threats of the 21st century (global problems)
2.1 Economics and economic science
2.2 Factors of production and factor income
2.3 Economic systems
2.4 Market and market mechanism. Demand and supply
2.5 Fixed and variable costs
2.6 financial institutions. Banking system
2.7 Main sources of business financing
2.8 Securities
2.9 Labor market. Unemployment
2.10 Types, causes and consequences of inflation
2.11 Economic growth and development. Concept of GDP
2.12 The role of the state in the economy
2.13 taxes
2.14 The state budget
2.15 World economy
2.16 Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen
social relations
3.1 Social stratification and mobility
3.2 Social groups
3.3 Youth as a social group
3.4 ethnic communities
3.5 Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts, ways to resolve them
3.6 Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy in the Russian Federation
3.7 social conflict
3.8 Types of social norms
3.9 social control
3.10 Family and marriage
3.11 Deviant behavior and its types
3.12 social role
3.13 Socialization of the individual
4.1 The concept of power
4.2 State, its functions
4.3 Politic system
4.4 Typology of political regimes
4.5 Democracy, its core values ​​and features
4.6 Civil Society and the State
4.7 Political elite
4.8 Political parties and movements
4.9 Mass media in the political system
4.10 Election campaign in the Russian Federation
4.11 Political process
4.12 Political participation
4.13 Political leadership
4.14 State authorities of the Russian Federation
4.15 Federal structure of the Russian Federation
5.1 Law in the system of social norms
5.2 The system of Russian law. Legislative process
5.3 The concept and types of legal liability
5.4 Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation
5.5 Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections
5.6 Subjects of civil law.
5.7 Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity
5.8 Property and non-property rights
5.9 The procedure for hiring. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract
5.10 Legal regulation of relations between spouses. The procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage
5.11 Features of administrative jurisdiction
5.12 The right to a favorable environment and ways to protect it
5.13 International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime)
5.14 Disputes, the procedure for their consideration
5.15 Basic rules and principles of civil procedure
5.16 Features of the criminal process
5.17 Citizenship of the Russian Federation
5.18 Conscription, alternative civilian service
5.19 Rights and obligations of the taxpayer
5.20 Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system

Natural and social in man (man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution)

As you and I know the problem of man is one of the main in philosophy. Of great importance for understanding the essence of man, the ways of his development is the clarification of the question of his origin.

The theory of human origin, the essence of which is to study the process of its emergence and development, was called anthropogenesis (from Gr. anthropos - man and genesis - origin).

There are several approaches to solving the question of the origin of man:

ü Religious theory(divine; theological). It implies the divine origin of man. The soul is the source of the human in man.

ü Paleovisit theory. The essence of the theory is that a person is an extraterrestrial being, aliens from outer space, having visited the Earth, left human beings on it.

ü Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution(materialistic). Man is a biological species, its origin is natural, natural. Genetically related to higher mammals. This theory belongs to materialistic theories (natural sciences).

ü Natural science theory of F. Engels(materialistic). Friedrich Engels states that the main reason for the appearance of man (more precisely, his evolution) is labor. Under the influence of labor, a person formed consciousness, as well as language and creative abilities.

Thus, one can only make assumptions about the reasons that determined the formation of the person himself.

The impact on his psychophysical state of the energy of the cosmos, electromagnetic waves, radiation and other influences is enormous.

Man is the highest stage in the development of living organisms on Earth. Biologically, man belongs to the mammalian hominids, human-like creatures that appeared about 550,000 years ago.
Man is essentially a biosocial being. It is part of nature and at the same time is inextricably linked with society. Biological and social in man are merged into one, and only in such unity does he exist.

The biological nature of man- this is its natural prerequisite, a condition of existence, and sociality is the essence of man.

1. Man is a biological being. Man belongs to the higher mammals, forming a special species of Homo sapiens. The biological nature of a person is manifested in his anatomy, physiology: he has a circulatory, muscular, nervous and other systems. Its biological properties are not rigidly programmed, which makes it possible to adapt to various conditions of existence.

2. Man is a social being. Inextricably linked with society. A person becomes a person only by entering into social relations, into communication with others. The social essence of a person is manifested through such properties as the ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness and reason, freedom and responsibility, etc.

Absolutization of one of the aspects of human essence leads to biologizing or sociologizing.

The main differences between humans and animals:

A person has thinking and articulate speech. Only a person can think about his past, critically evaluating it, and think about the future, making plans. Some species of monkeys also have communicative capabilities, but only a person is able to transmit objective information about the world to other people. Other ways of reflecting the surrounding reality can be added to speech, for example, music, painting, sculpture, etc.

A person is capable of conscious purposeful creative activity:

Models his behavior and can choose different social roles;

Possesses predictive ability, i.e. the ability to foresee the consequences of one's actions, the nature and direction of the development of natural processes;

Expresses a value attitude to reality.

The animal in its behavior is subject to instinct, its actions are initially programmed. It does not separate itself from nature.

· Man in the process of his activity transforms the surrounding reality, creates the necessary material and spiritual benefits and values. Carrying out practically transforming activity, a person creates a "second nature" - culture. Animals, on the other hand, adapt to the environment that determines their way of life. They cannot produce fundamental changes in the conditions of their existence.

Man is able to make tools and use them as a means of producing material goods. In other words, a person can make tools with the help of previously made means of labor.

· A person reproduces not only his biological, but also his social essence, and therefore must satisfy not only his material, but also his spiritual needs. Satisfaction of spiritual needs is associated with the formation of the inner (spiritual) world of a person.

Thus, man is a unique being (open to the world, inimitable, spiritually incomplete); being universal (capable of any kind of activity); a holistic being (integrates (combines) the physical, mental and spiritual principles in itself).

Worldview, its types and forms

1. Inner (spiritual) world of a person– creation, assimilation, preservation and dissemination of cultural values.

2. The structure of the inner world:

knowledge (intelligence) - the need for knowledge about oneself, about the world around, about the meaning and purpose of one's life - forms the intellect of a person, i.e. the totality of mental abilities, primarily the ability to receive new information based on the one that a person already has.

Emotions - subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality (surprise, joy, suffering, anger, fear, shame, etc.)

Feelings - emotional states that are longer than emotions and have a clearly expressed objective character (moral, aesthetic, intellectual, etc.)


personality orientation

3. Worldview- a system of views of a person on the world around him and his place in it:

1. The structure of the worldview: knowledge, principles, ideas, beliefs, ideals, spiritual values

2. Ways of formation: spontaneous, conscious.

3. Classification by emotional coloring: optimistic and pessimistic;

4. Main types: ordinary (everyday), religious, scientific.

5. Role in human life. The worldview gives: guidelines and goals, methods of cognition and activity, true values ​​of life and culture.

6. Features: always historical (different in different historical stages of the formation of society); closely related to beliefs.

4. Beliefs- a stable view of the world, ideals, principles, aspirations.

Worldview types:

Ordinary (or worldly) - is a product of people's everyday life, in the sphere of which their needs are met

· Religious - associated with the recognition of the supernatural beginning, supports in people the hope that they will receive what they are deprived of in everyday life. The basis is religious movements (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)

· Scientific - theoretical understanding of the results of scientific activity of people, the generalized results of human cognition.

Worldview plays a significant role in a person's life: it gives a person guidelines and goals for his practical and theoretical activities; allows people to understand how best to achieve the intended guidelines and goals, equips them with methods of cognition and activity; makes it possible to determine the true values ​​of life and culture.

A kind of final "alloy", which determines the spiritual world of a person as a whole, his approach to certain specific practical matters, is the mentality of a person.

5. Mentality- the totality of all the results of knowledge, their assessment on the basis of previous culture and practical activities, national consciousness, personal life experience.

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The central concept of the course of social science is a person. What is a person?

Human- this is a biosocial creature that has thinking and speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social production.

Consider the biological and social characteristics of a person.

Man as a biological being

As a biological being, man is the result of evolutionary development (anthropogenesis) and is a species of Homo sapiens (reasonable man). It has features common to many animals of the class of mammals, including: live birth, mammal, use of natural objects, instincts. Let's take a closer look at instincts. From your biology course, you know that instincts are innate acts of behavior that help you survive in the natural environment. Man is characterized by such animal instincts as self-preservation, procreation, "friend or foe" and many others. Any instinctive behavior of a person or animal is dictated by biological needs. Thus, the need for a safe and comfortable dwelling is satisfied by the instinct to build a dwelling. Let us compare this instinct in animals and man. For example, bees build honeycombs, spiders weave webs, swallows build nests, beavers build huts. But no one taught them this, the ability to build housing in a certain way was inherited by them. A person builds a house, but due to the fact that he is Homo sapiens, the innate desire to satisfy the need for housing also connects the mind. And so man has come up with thousands of ways to build housing.

Consequently, man as a biological being has features common to many animals, but differs in intelligence, which helps to act contrary to his biological needs.

The social essence of man
In rationality man manifests his social entity. If, as a biological being, he adapts to the environment, then, as a social able to transform it, creating something new that did not exist before. The acquisition by a person of "human" is connected with his presence in a social environment. That is, a person becomes a person not so much by birth, but in the course of socialization. This means that living in an environment of people, he learns to communicate, play, acquire knowledge, work and master many other forms of behavior. In addition, a person learns the rules and norms developed by this society and firmly established in it. So, from early childhood, he is taught how to behave, and what behavior should be refrained from. As a result, a person turns into a social cultural being. The process of socialization begins from birth, the first touch, the word of the mother and continues throughout life. What happens to a person who finds himself outside of society, for example, among animals? The result of life in "wild" conditions can be different and depends on the age of the person, or to be more precise, on whether the person has gone through at least some stage of socialization or not. We know the facts about children - Mowgli, who were fed by animals. Returning to society, they never learned to speak, use cutlery, wear clothes, or move on their feet. They became like animals. An adult person who has undergone socialization, has been brought up by society and knows how to use the objects of the world around him for his own benefit, having fallen into "wild" conditions, arranges his life approximately in the form in which he is used to living. And most importantly, he does not lose his human essence. This is a vivid literary example - Robinson Crusoe - the main character of the story of the same name by Daniel Defoe.

Biological and social in man are closely connected. The development of certain social qualities in a person occurs due to the fact that it has biological prerequisites. Let's look at these biological prerequisites and social qualities.

Biological background

Social qualities



Developed brain


A developed brain allows a person to acquire knowledge, create objects, transform nature. A person controls his behavior and acts depending on a specific life situation. He distinguishes between good and evil, believes, remembers, dreams, creates. It does not have the fearsome claws and fangs, the camouflage coloration that helps many animals avoid danger. But man has a mind, thanks to which he became a powerful force on Earth.


Upright posture and special structure of the hand

Creation of tools

Herder I.G., a German philosopher of the 18th century, wrote that "a person is at the highest stage of development, because he walks straight - there is no other reason." Bipedalism and the development of the hands allowed a person to perform labor actions. The words of the American educator B. Franklin are known: "Man is an animal that creates tools." It was the creation of tools that separated man from the animal world. Yes, animals can use natural objects (like sticks and stones) to build burrows. But only man can make some tools with the help of others.


Anatomical and physiological mechanisms (inclinations), instincts

Thinking and activity

A person transforms the world around him to his needs through activity. And the formation of activity depends on the presence of a person's thinking. Because before doing something, a person thinks about the idea and actions in his head. You will learn more about thinking and activity after studying the topic.


Speech and communication

Life in society is the daily interaction of people with each other. This interaction occurs in the course of communication, which would not be possible without the presence of articulate speech in humans. Communication and interaction with other people is very important for a person, because only in groups does he develop, realize himself and reach social maturity.

To sum up, a person is a biosocial being that has thinking and speech. As a biological being, he has the characteristics inherent in animals of the class Mammals: instincts, live birth, mammal, the use of natural objects and distinctive features: a developed brain, upright walking, a developed hand, instincts. As a social being, it has qualities characteristic only of a person: intelligence, the ability to create tools, activity, the ability to articulate speech, communication.

Individual, individuality, personality.

In sociology, which is part of the subject of social science, along with the term "man", the concepts of individual, individuality and personality are used. You must understand the meanings of these concepts and be able to distinguish between them.

Individual- this is one of the representatives of the biological species Homo sapiens, which has genetically inherited biological characteristics.

Each person is an individual. This concept characterizes the fact that people have the same biological features related to the species Homo sapiens. So, each person has one head, two arms, 32 teeth, has a psyche, the structure of internal organs is the same, etc. But there are no absolutely identical individuals in the world, even if they are twins. Individuals differ from each other in external and internal features. As you know, height, eye color, hair length and others are external, and temperament, character, abilities, knowledge, skills and others are internal. Differences in these signs make each of us individual. What is individuality?

Individuality is a set of unique biological and social qualities inherent in every person.

Agree, for each person it is very important that others accept him for who he is. Surely you have heard the words addressed to a person: "He is a bright personality." These words emphasize the "feature" of a person, his difference from others. People of creative work value this assessment very much: artists, writers, scientists.

Who is called a person? A personality is a person who stands out from the background of others with his actions. A person becomes a person in society, in the process of socialization.

Personality- this is a social sign of a person associated with the presence of socially significant qualities in him, that is, those that are important and necessary for society (for example, independence, responsibility, citizenship, patriotism, tolerance, altruism, humanity, and many others).

A person is not so much the one who possesses these qualities as the one who manifests them in his attitude towards people, society and nature. Sometimes we hear: "He is a Man with a capital letter." That's what they say about personality.

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Slides captions:

Man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution Materials for the lesson of social science in the 10th grade of the social and humanitarian profile

Plan: 1) Theories of the origin of man. 2) Biological and social in man.

Anthropogenesis is the process of historical and evolutionary formation of the physical type of a person, the initial development of his labor activity, speech, and society. Anthropology is the study of anthropogenesis.

Anthroposociogenesis The process of the origin of man and society, covering the period of primitive society and ending by the late Paleolithic from 1.5 million to 35-40 thousand years ago

Stages of anthropogenesis:

Factors of anthropogenesis

Sociogenesis The process of transformation of a herd of animals into a primitive human herd and then into a human society. In the process of sociogenesis, everyone acquired the right to a share of food, regardless of his participation or non-participation in its production. There were prohibitions on communications within the maternal clan - the first social organization of antiquity. Pair marriage and family appear

Theories of the origin of man Evolutionary theory of the origin of man He saw the main reason for the variability of organisms in the change in the surrounding conditions of life. In the process of the struggle for existence, those animals survive that adapt to the greatest extent to the changing conditions of existence.

F. Engels' labor theory of the origin of man Labor activity, as Engels believed, is inherent only in people, and it was precisely this that was the main reason for the separation of man from the animal kingdom. Labor contributed to the development of communication between people, united them, and articulate speech arose. Labor and articulate speech led to the improvement of the human brain. Thanks to the theory of F Engels, man appeared as a product of not only biological, but also social evolution.

Homework Message on the topic: "Concepts of the origin of man"

Man - a biopsychosocial being "Man" is a general concept denoting belonging to the human race, the nature of which, as noted above, combines biological and social qualities. In other words, man appears in his essence as a biosocial being.

Biosocial nature of man Biological in man Social in man hereditary characteristics; the presence of instincts (self-preservation, sexual emotions; biological needs (breathe, eat, sleep, etc.); the presence of the same internal organs, hormones, constant body temperature; the ability to use natural objects; adaptation to the environment, procreation. the ability to produce tools labor, articulate speech, language, social needs (communication, affection, friendship, love), spiritual needs (morality, religion, art), awareness of one's needs, activity (labor, art, etc.) as the ability to transform the world, consciousness ; ability to think; creativity; creation; goal setting

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Man as a biological and social phenomenon

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Material for the teacher . Lesson #1


Lesson structure

Expected Result: Atchasingknow what is meant by personality in society, distinguish between the concepts of "man", "individuality" and "personality", know what impact nature and society have on the process of becoming a person,

know how to characterize from scientific positions the natural (biological) and public (social) in man; are able to concretize with examples/reveal on examples the biosocial essence of a person, the ability to apply social science knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems.

Lesson structure

    Greetings. Organizational moment (preparation of the necessary equipment, handouts)

    Checking homework. Discussion of difficult issues of the exam, work on the mistakes.

    Phase-call .- 1 .Motivational stage. Updating existing knowledge, identifying difficulties and gaps in knowledge, formulating questions, setting goals for educational activities and raising a problem

(Reception "Open thoughts" and "basket of ideas").

    Phase - comprehension.2 . Acquaintance with new information, correlating it with existing knowledge, searching for answers to the questions posed, identifying difficulties and contradictions (if any), adjusting goals.

theoretical block.Lecture-dialogue . Introduction of new concepts (generic and specific). Memorization of signs and characteristics of concepts.

    Phase - reflection 3. . Summarization and systematization of new information, its assessment, answers to previously posed questions, formulation of questions, setting new goals for educational activities, i.e. "a new challenge".Working with examples. (Reception "imitation-role modeling" . Reception "believe - do not believe")

    Mini test.

    Issuance of homework.

Necessary equipment (Internet, projector, computer, social studies school dictionary 10-11 cells, handouts)In order to interest students, develop their horizons and aim at studying the subject, it is advisable to start the lesson with the opening of the EXPERT magazine and focus on any interesting article, photo essay or photograph - ask the students to make a judgment on this event)

Reception "Open Thoughts" - Beginning of the lesson:

What do you think these pictures mean? [Slide (portrait) (Everyone is free to express their point of view, students express their assumptions: look, freckles, child , man, jobs)

association game : I offer you a word game. write down the word "man"

What associations do you have when looking at this word?

(anthropogenesis, anthroposociogenesis, individual, individuality, personality, etc.)

How is this child in photo1 different from all other newborn children? (the answer is nothing, he is the same as all newborns, he is one of many- he is an individual

How does the child in photo 2 differ from everyone else (correctly bright individual features! Describe them ...)

What will be discussed in today's lesson?

In the lesson we will study:

Natural (biological) and public (social) in man; the concepts of "individual", "individuality", "personality"; needs and their types.

MAIN CONTENT OF THE LESSON - theoretical block (lecture)

Let's start studying the course with the most famous and controversial topic in science - this is Anthropogenesis (the theory of the origin and development of man). In fact, there are several. Let's get acquainted:

(Reception "Basket of Ideas")

- What do you know about this topic? Invite students to present their own versions of these theories and exchange information. (Give each pair cards with the name of one theory)

Theories of the origin of man as a biological species

1. creationism (from lat. creation - creation, creation / creative, creative / - man was created by God, the Creator.

2. Evolutionism / The evolutionary theory of Darwin-Wallace. Darwinism/

evolutionary theory - a complex of knowledge about the general patterns and driving forces of the historical development of wildlife. The basis of evolutionary theory is the assertion that all currently existing organisms have evolved from pre-existing ones through their long-term changes under the influence of external and internal factors.

biological evolution determined by hereditary variability, the struggle for existence, natural and artificial selection3.External interference theory (it is believed that people are direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times).

So which theory should you choose? It largely depends on the level of the person's worldview!

One of the key ideas of the lesson is the ideahuman biosociality.

Man is a biosocial being embodying the highest stage in the evolution of life and being the subject of socio-historical activity and communication.

biological nature a person manifests itself in (specify each feature with an example)

    anatomical and physiological features,

    the structure of various organs and systems,

    instincts and reflexes.

    Inclinations (which, under certain conditions, turn into abilities, but “nature still presents us with a gift)

    The ability to exchange energy with the environment (food gives us energy and we act)

    Biologically, each person is unique, since the set of genes received from parents is unique.

All these factors bring us closer to other living beings.

Biological factors of anthropogenesis (unique, which are not characteristic of other living beings)

    The complex structure of the brain - (leads to the formation of abstract thinking)

    The structure of the jaw, larynx (the ability to articulate speech, but if a person is deprived of society by himself, he will not speak - “Mowgli” can only be in fairy tales!)

    The structure of the hand

    Ability to stand upright (we pay with sciatica and other unpleasant things)

The public in man

Scientists believeThe most important difference between man and other living beings is creatures:

    Consciousness, the presence of thinking and verbal speech;

    ability to purposeful, including creative activity;

    the ability to consciously transform the surrounding reality,

    create the necessary benefits and values;

    the ability to make complex tools of labor with the help of other tools and use them in the process of producing the necessary goods.

Consciousness - the ability inherent in a person to reproduce reality in thoughts and images, to understand what is happening and to act meaningfully and purposefully.

Job bank - Task No. 1 (No. 4 USE) , Task No. 2 (No. 5 USE)

"individual", "personality", "individuality".

    First, write down the words (on the board):

    Decency, intelligence, diligence, erudition, humanity, law-abiding.

    Which is not social? Why? Emphasize.

    (answer : quick wit - natural quality (is a deposit))

(Teaching students take notes in notebooks, the teacher - on the board)

To characterize the essence of a person, scientists use the concepts of "individual", "personality", "individuality".

(Reception "imitation-role modeling") .

Write and read out your description as an individual, personality, person. ( For example social features of individuality: prudent, courageous, cautious, cunning).

in the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" "(find personality and personality traits)

Grinev's father , Andrei Petrovich Grinev, was a real combat officer, courageous and brave. This man is strict» (these are personality traits)

Masha Mironova. Quiet timid captain's daughter(as individual ) became a winner in the most difficult life situations(as a person). She conquered her bitter fate and found a home, family, happiness. She overcame all the vicissitudes of fate, saved the future of Peter, his honor, his family.(as a person).

Now let's get to the theory!

Individual - a single representative of humanity.

The concept of "individuality " is used to refer to such a combination of biological and social qualities that distinguishes one person from all others. We can say that individuality is the originality of a person.

Personality - a set of socially significant qualities of an individual, formed in the process of social life. Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed with a number of important social qualities: the ability to learn, work, communicate with other people, participate in society, have spiritual interests, evaluate and control their actions, and be responsible for their consequences. The personality of a person is formed and develops throughout his life, in the course ofsocialization (in the process of mastering social roles, cultural wealth accumulated by society).

Create a cluster: "Factors of Personality Formation"

The formation of personality is influenced by the social environment and circumstances of life. Modern experts have identified three types of environment that a person turns out to be -

1) natural and geographical environment: (difficult natural conditions of life force a person to reveal all his abilities and vice versa)

2) social environment - (society or society), street, school, work, etc.

3) home environment, family upbringing, attitudes of relatives, and life circumstances.

4) heredity: from parents, people receive genetically determined inclinations: physiological characteristics (body type), characteristics of the nervous system - strength, endurance), temperament, health or predisposition to diseases.

5) self improvement.

List of sociological research.

Here is a photo of famous personalities (from history and modernity). Who are they? What factors influenced their development and formation? What social qualities are characteristic of them?

Answer - Mature personalitycharacterized by:

    Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed with a number of important social qualities: the ability to learn, work,

    communicate with other people

    participate in the life of society

    have spiritual interests

    assess and control their actions, be responsible for their consequences.

(other qualities can be named)

2) Human needs

Needs - this is the awareness and experience by a person of the need for what is necessary to maintain life and develop a person (a person needs water and air, food and warmth, various objects of material and spiritual culture, etc.

What groups of needs do scientists distinguish? (student answers)

(Reception "simulation-role modeling" .)

Give your examples of the needs of each group.

Natural (biological; physiological, material, etc.)(breathing air, water, food, clothing and housing, procreation, etc.)

Spiritual (ideal)(in the knowledge of the surrounding world, the achievement of harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity)

Social (in communication, in work, success in life, taking a certain position in society)

(see Classification of Needs (pyramid) by A. Maslow.)

Genuine needs are related to what a person really needs, and satisfactionimaginary needs can harm the health, intellectual and moral development of the individual.

Reception "I believe-I do not believe"

Analyze judgments about a person. Students must either agree with this statement or not. Set the icon "! » in the corresponding column of the table.


I believe

I do not believe

The natural (biological) needs of a person include the need to communicate with other people.

Man possesses thinking and verbal speech.

The social essence of a person is manifested in his anatomy and physiology.

The unique, original qualities of a person are called individuality.

Personality is formed in the interaction of a person with other people.

The process of becoming a personality is called stratification.

An individual is a single representative of humanity.

Individual needs are manifested in an individual and are associated with the specific conditions of his life, his personality.

Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed with a number of social qualities.

Job bank - Task number 3 (task No. 28 USE)

mini test

Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution

Each student performs task 1-2 and then a frontal check is carried out with the students explaining the choice of each positionand analysis of incorrect answers.

Exercise 1(USE No. 1)




In the knowledge of the surrounding world, the achievement of harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity.


In communication, in work, success in life, taking a certain position in society.

Answer: spiritual

Exercise 2 (USE No. 4)

Choose the correct judgments about the person and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) A need is a person's need for what constitutes a necessary condition for his existence.

2) Only a person is able to consciously transform the surrounding reality, create the benefits and values ​​he needs.

3) Activity is a specific way of human existence.

4) The spiritual nature of a person is manifested in the anatomical and physiological features, the structure of various systems and organs, instincts and reflexes.

5) The natural (biological) needs of a person include the need for knowledge of the world, the achievement of harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity, etc.

Answer: 123

Exercise 3 (USE №20)

Read the text below with a number of words missing.

Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The motive of __________ (A) is what motivates it, for the sake of which it is carried out. A specific __________ (B) usually acts as an incentive, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of activities. This is a certain form of communication between living organisms and the outside world, necessary for the existence of __________ (B), a social group, society as a whole.

__________(D) needs are caused by the biological nature of man. These are the needs of people for everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. __________ (D) needs are related to the fact that a person belongs to society, occupies a certain place in it, participates in labor activity, in communication with other people. __________(E) needs are associated with a person's knowledge of the world around him, his place in it and the meaning of his existence. Each of the groups of needs causes corresponding types of activity.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

List of terms:

1) need

2) activity

3) nature

4) social

5) natural

6) genuine (reasonable)

7) individuality

8) individual

9) ideal (spiritual)

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

After completing the task - be sure to read the entire text along with the inserted terms !!!.


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