Man is a slave to be a slave easier. Sayings of great people about freedom and slavery


Why is modern man a slave? Tell us what fate, character means?

Modern man is a slave to his work in the modern sense of the word. Most of all, women protest against this, because if the husband is a slave to his work, then the wife, among other things, is the slave of her husband. That is, doubly a slave. Why?

In our development, we have long since overcome the slave-owning system, but we have not been able to renounce the past. We wear it in our souls feel we try to get rid of it, but since it is a feeling, it determines our life. We know that we are not slaves, but we feel like slaves. Therefore, we behave like slaves until patience bursts. Then we begin to fight against our own enslavement and demand equality. After all, the slave does not feel equal with others. As a result of this struggle, a complete zero is reached, because the material struggle cannot give spiritual freedom.

The characteristic sign of a slave is the desire to prove that he is better than he is. A slave is a machine that wants to prove that it is a man, but this fails, because the machine is stronger than a man. In the service of the master, the slave is a good tool of labor - a shovel; in the service of the master, an even better tool - a machine; in the service of the master, an excellent tool - a computer. To work on a computer and to earn big money, nothing more is required than a person's brains and the ability to press keys with a finger. Working on a computer is a wonderful thing, but if a computer scientist becomes dependent on a computer, this is already an escape from reality. This means that the person feels lack of other human skills. He can use computer, but can't do anything by hand and this shame hides from others.

With the triumphant march of computers, the number of people who understand the computer, but do not want to work on it, is growing. If they are forced to use a computer due to the nature of their work, they become allergic to the computer after a while. Why? This is a protest of man against the final transformation into a machine. A person discovers that people have ceased to be people, falls into a panic and begins to protest against turning himself into a machine. He becomes allergic to the computer as the protest remains unfulfilled.

A computer geek is capable of inventing miracles, but it soon turns out that someone has invented an anti-miracle - a computer virus that destroyed his work. Why does such purposeful ill-will arise, aka malice? Because someone was fed up with being a machine, and he began to destroy the machine that turned him into a slave. He wants to be human. Like most people with material views, he seeks to destroy what is destroying him. He wants freedom. By destroying the material, a person hopes to gain spiritual freedom. Destroying the family, he hopes to free himself from his own problems, including from his enslavement.

A slave at his low level of development must do a certain amount of work for development. Work develops a person. And the higher the level of development, the more care must be taken to have time. And if you have the opportunity, and around everything somehow hangs and sticks out, and you walk past every day, you grow your stress. Every time you pass by, you get irritated, angry because of what you see - everywhere something is wrong. Stress kills comfort. And there is no comfort. And when we cry, there are opportunities, but there is no mind.

All these stresses that I called, we all have. All of them from compression and suppression are summed up in the next heavy stage of guilt, which is called depression.

Who doesn't have depression? I didn't ask who's depressed?Remember: if you see, hear, feel, read, learn, no matter from what information, about something that exists in the world, then you all have it. And we need to take care that what someone has, I do not grow more. This is what it iseveryday work with yourself. Make sure stress is kept to a minimum.

If you have realized and acknowledged that you have the main stresses, then there is a need to release them, and you do not feel that someone is forcing you to do this. Therefore, the increasingly complex knowledge about stress contained in my books was perceived by you as something completely natural, and you began to release these stresses, because you realized how much life's burden was thus lightened. Perhaps you yourself came to the idea that stress has its own language. After all, language is a means of self-expression, and expression is the withdrawal or release of accumulated energy.

talkingwith another person, I give him the necessary information about what is needed to me, and in the end it gives that to me need, whether tangible or intangible. Consciously or unconsciously I accept it. Talking with stress, I give him freedom, and he gives freedom to me, that is, something that cannot be done without. Now I I gratefully accept what is given to me. In the meantime, I have already given everything from my side, and therefore I accept with gratitude what is given to me. I brought joy to him, he made me happy, and I don’t have a question: “Why should I start first?” - because I know for sure that my life begins with myself, and therefore it is natural that I myself should take on what I have to do in life.

Knowledge of the language of stress is more important than knowledge of any foreign language, because THE LANGUAGE OF STRESS WITH A PERSON IS SPEAKED BY HIS OWN LIFE.

Many people ask: “Does this kind of thinking really help all people?” - “It helps,” I answer, “if they are people. But if they are good people who only want the best and do not give up their opinion, then it does not help.” The most difficult thing for a person is to give up outdated, obsolete ideas, but such a refusal is the key to happiness.

After all, stress is like a wave, any energy is a wave. A wave with a small amplitude will fit in the normal corridor. Then it's normal life. Everything is everywhere. And if we do not take care of ourselves, but run to worry about others, then imperceptibly we increase the amplitude of the wave more and more, and it will no longer fit in the corridor of the norm, will not fit in me, in my (like a ball) shell. Stress will not fit inside, but will pop out like a hedgehog's needle. Such energies, which are larger than me, do not fit in me, are called character traits that command me. As long as I take care of myself and all these stresses are placed in me, I manage them. And if I did not take care of myself and they have already grown into a character trait, then these character traits are great stresses, they command me, have power over me.

We used to say: such is fate. I'm sorry, that's an excuse. Life does not expect excuses from us. Life says: “If you did what you did in a past life and didn’t correct your mistakes, at least two minutes before death (didn’t admit them and didn’t correct them), then you came into this life with your own created destiny. This is a certain bunch of stresses that you need to live in order to learn, in order to correct your mistake, which says: man, when you collect energy in yourself, you don’t behave like a human.”

And there is such a thing as character. This also justifies us: I have such a character. But I have a different character. What will you do, fight? That is, our characters must destroy each other? Who are we then? We are people, we look from the outside and give the opportunity to the energies contained in us to kill each other. Is it human? Are we happy when another is killed? No, we are joyful because we have proved that we are better. In fact, we are not better, we are stronger.

A slave, satisfied with his position, is doubly a slave, because not only his body is in slavery, but also his soul. (E. Burke)

Man is a slave because freedom is difficult, but slavery is easy. (N. Berdyaev)

Slavery can humiliate people to the point that they begin to love it. (L. Vovenarg)

Slaves always manage to get their own slave. (Ethel Lilian Voynich)

He who is afraid of others is a slave, although he does not notice it. (Antisthenes)

Slaves and tyrants fear each other. (E. Boschen)

The only way to make a people virtuous is to give them freedom; slavery breeds all vices, true freedom purifies the soul. (P. Buast)

Only the slave raises the fallen crown again. (D. Gibran)

Volunteer slaves produce more tyrants than tyrants produce slaves. (O. Mirabeau)

Violence created the first slaves, cowardice immortalized them. (J.J. Rousseau)

There is no slavery more shameful than voluntary slavery. (Seneca)

And as long as people feel that they are only a part, not noticing the whole, they will give themselves into complete slavery.

One who is not afraid to look death in the face cannot be a slave. He who is afraid cannot be a warrior. (Olga Brileva)

The slave owner is a slave himself, worse than the helots! (Ivan Efremov)

Is this really our insignificant lot: To be slaves to our lustful bodies? After all, not one of the living in the world. I couldn't satisfy my desires. (Omar Khayyam)

The government spits on us, do not talk about politics and religion - all this is enemy propaganda! Wars, catastrophes, murders - all this horror! The media make a sad face, characterizing this as a great human tragedy, but we know that - the media do not pursue the goal of destroying the evil of the world - no! Its task is to convince us to accept this evil, to adapt to live in it! The authorities want us to be passive observers! They left us no chance, except for a rare, absolutely symbolic general vote - choose the doll on the left or the doll on the right! (Author unknown)

He is not worth freedom who can be made a slave. (Maria Semyonova)

Slavery is the worst of all misfortunes. (Mark Tullius Cicero)

It is disgusting to be under the yoke - even in the name of freedom. (Karl Marx)

A people that enslaves another people forges its own chains. (Karl Marx)

... There is nothing more terrible, more humiliating than being the slave of a slave. (Karl Marx)

Animals have that noble peculiarity that, out of cowardice, a lion never becomes the slave of another lion, nor a horse the slave of another horse. (Michel de Montaigne)

In truth, prostitution is just another form of slavery. Based on misfortune, need, addiction to alcohol or drugs. Dependence of a woman on a man. (Janusz Leon Wisniewski, Malgorzata Domagalik)

There is no hopeless slavery than the slavery of those slaves who consider themselves free from fetters. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Almost all people are slaves, and this is due to the same reason that the Spartans explained the humiliation of the Persians: they are unable to pronounce the word "no" ... (Nicolas Chamfort)

The slave dreams not of freedom, but of his own slaves. (Boris Krutier)

In a totalitarian state, an all-powerful cohort of political bosses and an army of administrators subordinate to them will rule over a population of slaves who need not be coerced, for they love their slavery. (Aldous Huxley)

So, comrades, how is our life arranged? Let's face it. Poverty, overwork, untimely death - this is our destiny. We are born, we get just enough food so as not to starve to death, and work animals are also exhausted with work until all the juices are squeezed out of them, and when we are no longer good for anything, we are killed with monstrous cruelty. There is not an animal in England that does not say goodbye to leisure and joy of life as soon as he is a year old. There is no animal in England that has not been enslaved. (George Orwell.)

Only a person who has overcome the slave in himself knows freedom. (Henry Miller)

So, all the knowledge that scientists with solid diplomas and impressive titles gave him, like priceless treasures, was just a prison. He humbly thanked each time he was slightly lengthened leash, which remained a leash. We can live without a leash. (Bernard Werber)

Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one's passions is the most terrible slavery. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

- This is how freedom dies - to thunderous applause ... (Padmé Amidala, Star Wars)

The one who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage. (Chandra Mohan Rajneesh)

You see, as soon as slavery is legalized somewhere, the lower rungs of the social ladder become terribly slippery ... Once you start measuring human life in money, and it turns out that this price can decrease penny by penny, until there is nothing left at all. (Robin Hobb)

Better freedom in hell than slavery in heaven. (Anatole France)

People mince, trying not to be late for work, many of them mutter on their mobile phones on the go, gradually drawing their sleepy brains into the morning bustle of the city. (Mobile phones now also perform the function of an additional alarm clock. If the first wakes you up for work, the second tells you that it has already begun.) Sometimes my imagination paints bales on the backs of slightly hunched figures, turning them into serf slaves who daily bring their masters tribute in the form of their own health, feelings and emotions. The most stupid and most terrible thing about this is that they do all this of their own free will, in the absence of any bonded serfdom. (Sergey Minaev)

Slavery is a prison of the soul. (Publius)

Habit reconciles with slavery. (Pythagoras of Samos)

People themselves hold on to a slave share. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

It is beautiful to die - it is shameful to be a slave. (Publius Sir)

Emancipation from slavery belongs to the law of nations. (Justinian I)

God did not create slavery, but endowed man with freedom. (John Chrysostom)

Slavery humiliates a person to the point that he begins to love his fetters. (Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues)

The biggest slavery is not having freedom, to consider yourself free. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more regal than work. (Alexander the Great)

Woe to the people, if slavery could not humiliate them, such a people was created to be a slave. (Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev)

Power over oneself is the highest power; enslavement by one's passions is the most terrible slavery. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

You slavishly serve me, and then complain that I am not interested in you: who will be interested in a slave? (George Bernard Shaw)

Every man born into slavery is born into slavery; nothing can be truer than this. In chains, slaves lose everything, up to the desire to free themselves from them. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Debt is the beginning of slavery, even worse than slavery, because the creditor is more inexorable than the slave owner: he owns not only your body, but also your dignity and can, on occasion, inflict grave insults on him. (Victor Marie Hugo)

Since people began to live together, freedom has disappeared and slavery has arisen, for every law, limiting and narrowing the rights of one in favor of all, thereby encroaches on the freedom of an individual. (Raffaello Giovagnoli)

Servants who do not have a master do not become free people because of this - they have servility in their souls. (Heinrich Heinrich)

To become a free man... You need to squeeze a slave out of yourself drop by drop. (Chekhov Anton Pavlovich)

Who by nature does not belong to himself, but to another, and at the same time is still a man, is a slave. (Aristotle)

The dream of slaves: a bazaar where you can buy yourself a master. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

: "The USSR was bad not for things and not for salaries".
I'll tell you that the USSR was great. Yes, there were mistakes and inaccuracies that needed and could be corrected. But which fit perfectly into the goodness of the USSR. The Soviet man was not literally a slave - he was free in the broadest sense of the word: he did not depend on things, did not depend on the employer, did not depend on whether or not he owned housing.

And now a person is a slave: a slave of a "mortgage", a slave of savings (if he has any) and real estate, a credit slave, etc. Material fetters are tied hand and foot. He is like a goat tied to a peg, which cannot move away from him further than the length of the belt.

In the USSR it was impossible to "lose EVERYTHING". This opportunity has now been provided.
Russian people have always sought freedom and have found freedom. Now he doesn't have it.

I just found excellent material from a friend, in particular, characterizing the aspirations of the Soviet state regarding the existence of a Soviet person, regarding his liberation for (no matter how pathetic it may sound) all-round creative development.

"In work" Economic problems of socialism in the USSR"(1952) I. Stalin as the third point of an indispensable preliminary condition for the transition from socialism to communism, writes the following:

3. It is necessary, thirdly, to achieve such a cultural growth of society that would provide all members of society with an all-round development of their physical and mental abilities, so that members of society have the opportunity to receive an education sufficient to become active agents of social development, so that they have the opportunity to freely choose a profession, and not be chained for life, due to the existing division of labor, to one particular profession.
What is required for this?

It would be wrong to think that such a serious cultural growth of the members of society can be achieved without serious changes in the present state of work. To do this, it is necessary first of all to reduce the working day to at least 6, and then to 5 hours. This is to ensure that members of the society have enough free time to receive a comprehensive education. To this end, it is necessary, further, to introduce compulsory polytechnic education, which is necessary for the members of society to have the opportunity to freely choose a profession and not be chained for life to any one profession. To this end, it is necessary, further, to radically improve living conditions and raise the real wages of workers and employees at least twice, if not more, both through a direct increase in money wages and, especially, through a further systematic reduction in the prices of consumer goods.

These are the basic conditions for preparing the transition to communism.
Only after the fulfillment of all these preliminary conditions, taken together, can one hope that labor will be transformed in the eyes of the members of society from a burden “into the first necessity of life” (Marx), that “labor will turn from a heavy burden into pleasure” (Engels), that public property will be regarded by all members of society as an unshakable and inviolable basis for the existence of society.

Here is another facet of true freedom. Let us not have time to reach this edge. Until we did.
"Freedom", understood as the freedom to choose between "adidas" and "walker" - petty dreams of a small person. dreams Akaky Akakievich.

But what comes freedom in the understanding of the consumer. It comes not just in thoughts, but is already entering the rails of implementation. I am sure that the majority of opponents are in favor. Even taking motivation into account:
" Human rights organizations, along with African liberals, advocate for the legalization of early abortions. The microbiologist writes that this is necessary for the preparation of expensive anti-aging creams from unborn children.

In my search for various patterns, I came across a very interesting line of reasoning. It happened somehow by accident, so to speak, by itself in a conversation with my best friend. And this chain of reasoning concerned our "Capitalist Society". Society based on private property.

So I will give a number of formulations from Wikipedia in order to make it clear what further logical reasoning will be based on.

Term 1. Slavery.
Slavery is historically a system of social organization, where a person (slave) is the property of another person (master, slave owner, master) or the state. Previously, captives, criminals and debtors were taken as slaves, and later civilians who were forced to work for their master.

Term 2. Feudalism.
Feudalism (from Latin feudum - flax, feudal land tenure) is a socio-political structure characterized by the presence of two social classes - feudal lords (landowners) and commoners (peasants), who occupy a subordinate position in relation to feudal lords; the feudal lords are bound together by a specific type of legal obligation known as the feudal ladder. The basis of feudalism is feudal ownership of land.

Term 3. Capitalism.
Capitalism is an economic system of production and distribution based on private property, universal legal equality and free enterprise. The main criterion for making economic decisions is the desire to increase capital, to make a profit.

And so... I'll start...
As we are told in various smart textbooks, educational institutions, media and elsewhere... as well as our "smart" politicians, it went like this:
First there was slavery, then it was replaced by a more developed structure of Feudalism, and then feudalism, when it reached its peak, evolved into capitalism. And here comes the question...

But what really changed during these transitions? What distinguishes slavery, feudalism and capitalism, and what has been developing all these thousands of years? These are the questions I will try to answer.

As can be seen from the definition of the term "Slavery", the resulting model is as follows:
There is a slave owner and a slave. The slave owner has absolute power over the slave. Also, the slave owner makes the slave work for himself and bring profit by slave labor, however, in order for the slave to work for a long time and bring a lot of profit, the slave owner had to take care of him: feed, provide medical care, and so on. The slave, in turn, with some kind of fright, was the property of the slave owner and was obliged to give his life for the sake of the owner. And all that is good, however, with an increase in the number of slaves, it was difficult to keep track of them, plague epidemics and other things could cause tremendous damage to slave owners. Also, the slave owners had to take care of their guards, and the guards also came out of the slaves, and sometimes the guards raised uprisings and killed their own masters. So slave owners had the following problems with slaves:
1. Provision of housing.
2. Providing food and water.
3. Providing protection.
4. Providing medical assistance.
5. Possible riots.

And surprisingly, feudalism solved some of these problems. As you can see, slavery simply changed the form of ownership, or rather, it expanded and uneducated people still could not guess that slavery had not gone away. It’s just that during the transition to feudalism, the slave owner did not have to give housing to the slaves, they built it themselves, on his territory, and the slave owner did not have to provide food and water, because. people themselves grew (hunted) in general, they obtained food for subsistence and then taxes appeared. And taxes are the cream that the slave owner removed from his slaves. Net income so to speak. But feudalism solved only 2 problems out of 5.

And the feudal lords thought. How to solve all these problems? And a brilliant thought came: "Why not force the slaves to do everything themselves, and so that they themselves want to work and make a profit and not from under the stick" And this idea came to life in the form of capitalism. In capitalism, a certain “capital” controls everyone, but the cream is skimmed off by the same slave owners (they have not changed at all), and the so-called middle class accepts all the leftovers from their table with great gratitude.

What problems does capitalism solve?
Solves the housing problem. The slave now has to purchase housing for himself, and not someone to give him.

Solves the problem with food and water. If you work, there will be livelihood, if you don't, you won't.
Solves a security issue. Slaves protect themselves from each other, not someone centrally. All armies consist of hired slaves who are ready to give their lives for "capital". This is akin to believing in God, only now the "capital" is a world god.
Solves the problem of medical care. The slaves themselves are ready to treat other slaves for "capital", or rather, to weld on their illnesses. Because the more serious the disease, the more cream the slave owner will receive and the more leftovers will fall from his table.

Solves the problem with riots. Slaves are so busy getting food, shelter, medical care, protection and other things that there is simply no time left for riots.
And most importantly, he solves the problem of the labor of slave owners, now you don’t need to do anything at all to skim the cream. The cream itself is served on the table.

That is why capitalism is considered an ideal stepping stone in evolution. He solved all the tasks of the slave owners, now they can only skim the cream and kick the bulldozer, and the anthill itself works without their participation.

But it is important to understand that the same slave owners and the same slaves still remain. And I and most of those who read this article are also slaves, it is we who eat other people's leftovers. It is we who serve the cream on the table to the slave owners. And it becomes a shame that most of the people do not understand this. Few people understand that he is just a pawn or an ant who will be crushed. But all almost unanimously yell that capitalism is a pancake force, it is the best system of resource allocation. Class. The best. When all the best goes to the slave owner, and for those who got this best, only leftovers from his table. Is this the best one in your opinion?

Although, I do not want to prove anything to anyone. Thus, we see what is hidden behind the screen of capitalism. We can change this, and not just we can, but we need to change it to a different resource allocation model. So that everyone gets what they deserve, not leftovers.

At school, we are taught that a slave is someone who is driven to work with a whip, is poorly fed, and can be killed at any moment. In the modern world, a slave is one who does not even suspect that he, his relatives and all the people around him are slaves. The one who does not even think that, in fact, he is completely powerless. That his owners, with the help of specially created laws, law enforcement agencies, public services and, above all, with the help of money, can force him to do everything they need from him.

Modern slavery is not the slavery of the past. It is different. And it is built not on coercion, but on a change in consciousness. When from a proud and free person under the influence of certain technologies, through the influence of ideology, the power of money, fear and cynical lies, a mentally handicapped, easily controlled, corrupt person turns out.

What are the megacities of the planet? They can be compared to gigantic concentration camps inhabited by mentally broken, absolutely disenfranchised residents.

As sad as it is, slavery is still with us. Here, today and now. Some don't notice it, some don't. Someone is trying really hard to keep it that way.

Of course, there was never any talk of complete equality of people. It's physically impossible. Someone is born 2 meters tall with a chic appearance, in a good family. And someone is forced from the cradle to fight for their survival. People are different, and what makes them different is the decisions they make. The topic of this article is: "The illusion of equality of human rights in the modern world." The illusion of a free world without slavery, in which for some reason everyone unanimously believes.

Slavery is a system of social organization, where a person (slave) is the property of another person (master) or the state.

In paragraph 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN expanded the concept of a slave to any person who cannot voluntarily refuse to work.

For thousands of years mankind lived in a slave system. The dominant class of society forced the weaker class to work for it under inhuman conditions. And if the abolition of slavery had not been an empty shaking of the air, it would not have happened so quickly and practically all over the world. Simply, those in power have come to the conclusion that they will be able to keep people in poverty, hunger and get all the necessary work for a penny. And so it happened.

The main families, owners of the largest capitals on the planet, have not disappeared. They remained in the same dominant position and continued to profit from ordinary people. From 40% to 80% of people in any country in the world live below the poverty line not by choice or by chance. These people are not handicapped, mentally retarded, lazy, or criminal. But at the same time, they cannot afford to buy a car, or real estate, or worthy protection of their rights in court. Nothing! These people have to fight for their survival, working hard every day for ridiculous money. And this is even in countries with enormous natural resources and in peacetime! In countries where there is no problem of overpopulation or some kind of natural disasters. What is this?

We return to the 4th paragraph of the declaration of human rights. Do these people have the opportunity to give up work, move, try themselves in another business? Spend a couple of years on a change of specialty? No!

Between 40% and 80% of the people in almost every country in the world are slaves. And the gulf between rich and poor people is getting deeper and deeper, and no one even hides this fact. The ruling families, hand in hand with the bankers, create a system aimed only at enriching themselves. And ordinary people are left out of the game. Do you really think that real estate should cost that much in terms of the working hours of an ordinary person? I am already silent about how many territories, in fact, stand idle in almost any country. And it's not about the overpriced real estate, it's about the undervalued price of human life. We are worth nothing to our "masters". We huddle in slums or concrete high-rise chicken coops. Then and with blood we earn bread, clothes and 1 short trip of a semi-homeless vacation to the sea per year. While privileged classes of people (for example, bankers) draw any amount in their pocket with a simple stroke of a pen. Big capital dictates laws, fashion, politics. Forms and destroys markets. And what can an ordinary person oppose to a corporate machine? Nothing. If you have big capital, you can lobby your interests in the government and always win, regardless of the quality and nature of your activities. All these hopelessly flawed car factories, weapons companies, intermediaries in the raw materials industry, all these are the feeding troughs of the elite. Which we serve together and fill for them.

Those in power send us to war, imprison us for debt, limit our ability to move or our right to have weapons. Who are we but slaves? And the saddest thing is that we ourselves are to blame for this no less than those who are now at the helm. Guilty of their blindness and passivity.

Modern slavery takes on sophisticated forms. This is the alienation of a people (community, population) from its natural resources and territories through unfair privatization (monopolization) of the rights to generally useful territorial resources (minerals, rivers and lakes, forests and lands. For example, laws protecting the monopoly ownership of huge resources of a community, people (population) ) territories, regions, countries imposed by unscrupulous rulers (officials, "chosen ones", representative power, legislative power is such a form of alienation that allows us to argue about slave working conditions and monopolies of the oligarchy, in fact, alienation and ownership schemes are implemented due to "defeat in rights "of a part of the population and social groups. The concept of superprofits and inadequate wages is a characteristic feature and a private definition of slavery is a loss in the rights to use the natural resources of territories and the alienation of a share of labor in case of inadequate payment. Such a loss in rights by court decision is used in raider seizures , corruption schemes and in cases of fraud. To enslave, they use traditional debt schemes and lending at inflated interest rates. The main sign of slavery is a violation of the principle of a fair distribution of resources, rights and powers used to enrich one group at the expense of another group and dependent behavior with disempowerment. Any form of inadequate use of benefits and inequality in the distribution of resources is a hidden (implicit, partial) form of the slavish position of certain groups of the population. None of the modern democracies (and other forms of self-organization of the life of society) is devoid of these survivals on the scale of entire states. A sign of such phenomena are the entire institutions of society focused on combating such phenomena in the most extreme forms.

And the situation is only getting worse. Even if we assume that you are satisfied with your position or you can simply endure it. Stop this system of enslavement right now, as it will be even harder for your children to do it.

Modern slaves are forced to work by the following hidden mechanisms:

1. Economic coercion of slaves to permanent work. The modern slave is forced to work non-stop until he dies. The money earned by a slave in 1 month is enough to pay for 1 month's housing, 1 month's food, and 1 month's travel. Since the modern slave always has enough money for only 1 month, the modern slave is forced to work all his life until death. Retirement is also a big sham. The pensioner slave pays his entire pension for housing and food, and the pensioner slave has no free money left.

2. The second mechanism of covert coercion of slaves to work is the creation of artificial demand for pseudo-necessary goods, which are imposed on the slave with the help of TV advertising, PR, and the placement of goods in certain areas of the store. The modern slave is involved in an endless race for "novelties", and for this he is forced to constantly work.

3. The third hidden mechanism of economic coercion of modern slaves is the credit system, with the "help" of which modern slaves are more and more drawn into credit bondage, through the mechanism of "loan interest". Every day the modern slave owes more and more. A modern slave, in order to pay off an interest-bearing loan, takes a new loan without repaying the old one, creating a pyramid of debts. The debt that constantly hangs over the modern slave is a good incentive for the modern slave to work even for meager wages.

4. The fourth mechanism to force modern slaves to work for the hidden slave owner is the myth of the state. The modern slave believes that he works for the state, but in fact the slave works for the pseudo-state, because. The slave's money goes into the pocket of the slave owners, and the concept of the state is used to cloud the brains of the slaves so that the slaves do not ask unnecessary questions like: why do slaves work all their lives and always remain poor? And why don't slaves have a share of the profits? And to whom exactly is the money paid by slaves in the form of taxes transferred?

5. The fifth mechanism of covert coercion of slaves is the mechanism of inflation. The increase in prices in the absence of an increase in the salary of a slave provides a hidden imperceptible robbery of slaves. Thus, the modern slave is impoverished more and more.

6. The sixth hidden mechanism to force a slave to work for free: to deprive the slave of funds to move and buy real estate in another city or another country. This mechanism forces modern slaves to work at one city-forming enterprise and “tolerate” enslaving conditions, tk. The slaves simply have no other conditions, and the slaves have nothing and nowhere to run away.

7. The seventh mechanism that makes a slave work for free is the concealment of information about the real value of the slave's labor, the real value of the goods that the slave produced. And the share of the slave's salary, which the slave owner takes through the accrual mechanism, taking advantage of the ignorance of the slaves and the lack of control of the slaves over the surplus value that the slave owner takes for himself.

8. So that modern slaves do not demand their share of the profit, do not demand to give back what their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, etc. earned. Is the suppression of the facts of the plunder of the pockets of slave owners of resources that were created by numerous generations of slaves over a thousand-year history.

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