The man in the case what the author wanted to say. The problem of "case" in Chekhov's small trilogy ("The Man in the Case", "Gooseberry", "About Love")


1.Introduction. "The Man in the Case" is a textbook work of Russian literature. The story made a huge impression on contemporaries. Chekhov received a large number of letters from readers with grateful reviews about the work. Many critics immediately praised the story very highly. In particular, A. M. Skabichevsky was one of the first to predict that "the man in the case" would become a household name.

2.History of creation. "The Man in the Case" opens Chekhov's "small trilogy". It was conceived in the spring and written in the summer of 1898. It was first published in the Russian Thought magazine with the subtitle "Story".

3.The meaning of the name. Chekhov very well chose the definition for his main character. "The man in the case" denotes the one who fenced himself off from the outside world as much as possible. Belikov is trying to hide from living life with the help of galoshes, cases, dark glasses, etc. Even the soul of this gloomy person is enclosed in the "case".

4. Genus and genre. Story.

5. Subject. The main theme of the work is the danger threatening society from people like Belikov. The narrator admits that the whole city, and especially the teachers of the gymnasium, felt a deep dislike for the "man in the case." Everyone understood how boring and unbearable his lifestyle was. But at the same time, in a strange way, almost the entire city was under the influence of a teacher of the Greek language. His constant whining and foreboding of some kind of danger seemed to hypnotize people, forced them to act according to his desires. Because of Belikov, the city "became afraid of everything." All innocent entertainment and attempts to change the provincial way of life have ceased. People like Belikov resemble a fetid swamp that sucks everything in. The persistence with which Belikov daily warns those around him about "no matter how it happens" can break even a strong will. Gradually, the spirit of eternal fear will reign in society, and it will be impossible to change this.

6. Issues. The main problem of the story is the confrontation between the Beliks and normal society. Chekhov sadly states that the Belikovs are winning. A suspicious, uninteresting Greek teacher instills fear in the entire city. They do not like him, but they are afraid to act against his will. A separate issue is the very appearance of such people. Even during the life of Chekhov, "the man in the case" was recognized collectively. There are many such people, they constantly influence society, trying to weave it in a web of fear and distrust. Of great importance is the appearance in the city of Mikhail Savvich Kovalenko with his sister Varenka. They are not influenced by Belikov. If the plans for the wedding came true, then Varenka would become another "victim" of Belikov. But the strong personality of Mikhail Savvich was able to "liberate" the entire city. It turned out that the unsolvable problem is solved extremely simply. Just one decisive step undermined the unshakable position of Belikov. Of course, Kovalenko did not want him dead. Belikov, for the first time faced with open disobedience, was doomed. All his false ideas about life were destroyed.

7. Heroes. Belikov, Mikhail Savvich Kovalenko, Varvara Savvishna Kovalenko, narrator Ivan Ivanovich Chimsha-Gimalaysky.

8. Plot and composition. Ivan Ivanovich talks about his colleague at the gymnasium, the Greek teacher Belikov. He calls him "the man in the case" who instilled fear in the whole city. The situation changes with the arrival of the Kovalenko family in the city. The teachers come up with the idea to marry Belikov to Varenka. He is convinced of the need for marriage. Belikov agrees, but out of habit he hesitates with the offer. Plans fall apart after Belikov sees his brother and sister Kovalenko on bicycles. He tries to "reason" Mikhail Savvich, but the latter pushes him down the stairs. Varenka sees this. Belikov cannot stand the humiliation and dies.

9. What does the author teach. Chekhov is convinced that it is possible to defeat Belikov only thanks to a strong will and independent character. Among the teachers there were many smart and liberal people, but they were simply afraid to speak out against the "man in a case." Only Kovalenko remained firm and saved the city from the unbearable tormentor.

Chekhov's story "The Man in the Case" is included in the collection of his writings "The Little Trilogy". The summary of the story is as follows: a person has been hiding from life all his life, and only after dying, he found his worthy place, a “case”, in which nothing can disturb him. We offer you to get acquainted with the literary analysis of the work "The Man in the Case" according to the plan. This material can be used to prepare for a literature lesson in grade 10.

Brief analysis

Year of writing– 1898

History of creation The story was the end of the trilogy. At the time when the author was working on this work, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which led to the fading of creativity.

Subject– The main theme of the story is a person’s avoidance of the truth of life, his isolation in his own shell. As a fact, from here comes the theme of loneliness, and apathy towards life. There is also the theme of love.

Composition- The story is written in an easy to understand language, it is divided into small fragments in which the main idea is clearly expressed.

Genre- A story that is part of a trilogy.

Direction- Satire.

History of creation

In the year of writing the story, 1898, Anton Pavlovich was already seriously ill with tuberculosis, and sought to complete work on the "little trilogy", so the story of creation was hasty, the writer wrote less and less. When creating his hero, the author did not have in mind a specific person, the image was collective, including the characteristics of many prototypes that have some resemblance to Belikov. In the same year, the story was published in a magazine.


To make an analysis of this work in the "Man in a Case", it is necessary to identify issues story. One of the main problems described by the author is sociopathy. A person completely fences himself off from the surrounding society, trying to hide from the possible attacks of life, various unforeseen situations that could damage the measured course of his life.

One of main themes, is the isolation of man. The protagonist of the story is shown as such a person closed from society. He hides from people not only his essence, but also all his things, each of which has its own cover and case, he hides his feelings, trying to hide himself from human eyes. Belikov is afraid of any manifestation of something extraordinary, which, in his opinion, goes beyond what is permitted.

Belikov's indifference to life is terrifying. This is a man who has completely withdrawn into himself. He is deeply alien to the desire of people for something new and unusual. Belikov understands that a person surrounded by other people should not leave communication with his own kind, but he understands one-sidedly. The essence of his communication is that he visits his colleagues, sits silently for a while, and leaves.

In relation to love, he behaves the same way. Varenka, a candidate for his wife, being inseparably with her brother, and dreaming of her own personal life, is trying to kindle at least some feelings in a potential chosen one. All her aspirations and attempts are in vain, Belikov is not capable of expressing feelings, he runs away from communication with Varenka.

The last straw that put an end to this never-begun relationship was Varenka's cycling. For Belikov, such behavior of a girl is the edge of indecency. He went to brother Varya to point out that such behavior is unacceptable. The rude and straightforward rebuff of Kovalenko brought Belikov into a state of stupor. He went to bed and died a month later.

Thus ended a worthless life, the meaning of which, he never found, and did not understand. Only in the coffin did the expression on his face acquire the features inherent in a normal person. Only after death did the closed and tense muscles of the face relax, and a smile froze on it. But this only spoke of the fact that, finally, he was able to achieve the ideal, he lies in that case, into which no one will ever dare to invade.


The text of the story is divided into small semantic episodes that express the very essence of what is happening.

A description of Belikov is clearly and accurately given, his whole essence, from which the opinion of those around him is formed. With his worldview, his caution, “no matter what happens,” this small and insignificant person managed to keep all the inhabitants of the city in suspense. They measure all their actions with his opinion, not allowing themselves anything superfluous, that is, restraining their manifestations of real human feelings.

A new teacher, Mikhail Kovalenko, arrives in the town, he is the complete opposite of Belikov. He immediately sees the essence of what is happening, and, unlike the resigned townspeople, he is not going to adapt to Belikov. Kovalenko gives a resolute rebuff to Belikov, and he cannot withstand such a stormy onslaught, his brain is not able to process such human behavior, and Belikov's life comes to an end.

Main characters


"The Man in the Case" refers to the genre of the story, included in the "Little Trilogy", continuing the general idea of ​​these works.

The satirical direction of the story, its very construction, caused an ambiguous attitude of critics towards Chekhov's creation. Literary critics were confused by the very fact of combining the seriousness of the problems of the existing society with a caricature character, more intended for farce. In the face of Belikov, the writer reflects the life and life of many "little people" vegetating in their own, useless little world.

Anton Pavlovich subtly and unobtrusively makes it clear the meaninglessness of the "case" life, calling for an active life position and initiative. Inaction and indifference is the most terrible scourge of generations, poisoning life not only for a single individual, but for the whole society as a whole.

A full-fledged human life is impossible without the manifestation of vivid emotions, the expression of one's individuality and communication with others, which makes clear the analysis of the work "The Man in the Case".

In the late 90s, Chekhov created a "small trilogy" that combined three stories: "The Man in the Case", "Gooseberry", "About Love". These stories are connected by a common theme - the theme of rejection of the case, whatever it may be. "The Man in the Case" The most important work relating to the theme of "case life" and giving it its name is the story "The Man in the Case", written in 1898. This story is a combination of social satire, material related to a certain historical era, and philosophical generalizations of eternal, universal questions. Both the title of the story and the name of its protagonist were immediately perceived as a social generalization. The main character, the teacher of the gymnasium Belikov, is so afraid of troubles that he constantly wants to hide from life, he tries to protect himself from "external influences" with the help of any protective devices: he constantly wears black glasses; stuffs ears with cotton; in any weather, he puts on galoshes, gloves and does not part with an umbrella; watch, pocketknife hides in "covers". In the gymnasium, he teaches the ancient Greek language, which is deeply symbolic, because in a dead language everything is once and for all subject to strict rules. Even Belikov also seeks to hide his thoughts in a case, most likely, again, out of fear "no matter how something happens." From the description of a simple gymnasium teacher, clearly marked signs of the era grow: a carefully concealed thought, which they try to hide deeper in a case; complete prohibition of any public activity; the rise of espionage and denunciations. The result of all this, its direct consequence is universal fear. Belikov oppressed teachers, put pressure on everyone, they began to be afraid of everything, obeyed, endured. The description of Belikov's behavior and habits contains a paradox: a person who should feel most at home in an environment he himself creates, in the customs he instills, he is the first to suffer from them. The same Belikov, whom everyone is so afraid of, cannot even sleep peacefully at night. He is scared even in his case, he is afraid of his cook Athanasius, thieves and thinks, "whatever happens." Such a miserable "case life" is opposed in the story by another life, free, filled with movement and laughter. This life is personified in the story by Varenka Kovalenko, the sister of the new teacher of history and geography. Love can also be a kind of case, as, for example, it becomes one for Olenka Plemyannikova (the story "Darling"). At first glance, it seems that at least some human weaknesses and feelings have finally appeared in the soul of a person in a case. "Gooseberry" This story shows another version of the "case" existence. The hero of the work is Nikolai Ivanovich Chimshi-Himalayan. All his thoughts are aimed at acquiring an estate with a garden in which gooseberries grow. Chekhov again uses the technique of the "speaking" surname. The ridiculous double surname enhances the parody of the image. In the description of Nikolai Ivanovich, Chekhov uses satirical techniques, which contributes to the creation of a repulsive image:. "About love". The heroes of the last story from the "little trilogy" loved sincerely and deeply, but were afraid to reveal their feelings. The story "About Love" prompts the reader to think about the complexity and incomprehensibility of human feelings. The characters of the story have lengthy conversations about love, as if trying to understand this complex and multifaceted phenomenon. At the very beginning, the conversation is based on the story of Pelageya's love for the cook Nikanor. The cook was a drunkard, and besides, he had a violent temper, which, however, did not prevent the woman from loving him sincerely and with all devotion. That is why the speakers have a completely logical question: “How is love born, why didn’t Pelageya fall in love with someone else, more suitable for her in terms of her spiritual and external qualities, but fell in love with Nicanor?” Discussing such issues, everyone present does not come to any definite conclusion. A person is driven by society into a "case". And Chekhov demonstrates this especially well on the example of Alekhine, who, it would seem, wants to change his monotonous life, to break out of the "case", but at the same time does not dare to part with the calmness and comforts of an established life. Anna Alekseevna also prefers a "case" existence and does not dare to change. She wants love, but a gray, familiar life with a husband and children is closer and more understandable to her than a new one, in which, most likely, she will be rejected by a society that does not forgive any attempts to destroy the existing order.

He was a remarkable master of the short story and an outstanding playwright. He was called "an intelligent native of the people." He was not ashamed of his origin and always said that “peasant blood flows” in him. Chekhov lived in an era when, after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya, persecution of literature began. This period of Russian history, which lasted until the mid-90s, was called "twilight and gloomy."
In literary works, Chekhov, as a doctor by profession, valued reliability and accuracy. He believed that literature should be closely connected with life. His stories are realistic, and although they are simple at first glance, they have a deep philosophical meaning.
Until 1880, Chekhov was considered a humorist; on the pages of his literary works, the writer struggled with the "vulgarity of a vulgar person", with its corrupting influence on the souls of people and Russian life in general. The main themes of his stories were the problem of personality degradation and the philosophical theme of the meaning of life.
By the 1890s, Chekhov was becoming a writer of European renown. He creates such stories as "Ionych", "The Jumper", "Ward No. 6", "The Man in the Case", "Gooseberries", "The Lady with the Dog", the plays "Uncle Vanya", "The Seagull" and many others.
In the story "The Man in the Case" Chekhov protests against spiritual savagery, philistinism and narrow-mindedness. He raises the question of the ratio of education and the general level of culture in one person, opposes narrowness and stupidity. Many Russian writers raised the issue of the inadmissibility of working at school with the children of people with low moral qualities and mental abilities.
The image of the Greek teacher Belikov is given by the writer in a grotesque, exaggerated manner. This person is not evolving. Chekhov argues that the lack of spiritual development, ideals entails the death of the individual. Belikov has long been a spiritual dead man, he strives only for a dead form, he is annoyed and angry by living manifestations of the human mind and feelings. If it were his will, he would put all living things in a case. Belikov, Chekhov writes, “was remarkable in that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with wadding. And he would have an umbrella in a case, and a watch in a case made of gray suede ... ". The hero's favorite expression, "No matter what happens," vividly characterizes him.
Everything new is hostile to Belikov. He always spoke with praise of the past, but the new frightened him. He stuffed his ears with cotton wool, wore dark glasses, a sweatshirt, several layers of clothing was protected from the outside world, which he feared most. It is symbolic that in the gymnasium Belikov teaches a dead language, where nothing will ever change. Like all narrow-minded people, the hero is pathologically suspicious, he clearly enjoys intimidating students and their parents. Everyone in the city is afraid of him. The death of Belikov becomes a worthy finale of the "case existence". The coffin is the case in which he "lay, almost happy." Belikov's name has become a household name, it denotes a person's desire to hide from life. So Chekhov ridiculed the behavior of the timid intelligentsia of the 1990s.
The story "Ionych" is another example of "case life". The hero of this story is Dmitry Ionovich Startsev, a young doctor who came to work in a zemstvo hospital. He works, "having no free time." His soul aspires to high ideals. Startsev meets the inhabitants of the city and sees that they lead a vulgar, sleepy, soulless existence. The townsfolk are all "gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing", they annoy him with "their conversations, views on life and even their appearance." It is impossible to talk to them about politics or science. The doctor comes across a complete misunderstanding. The townsfolk, in response, "start such a philosophy, stupid and evil, that all that remains is to wave your hand and move away."
Startsev meets the Turkin family, “the most educated and talented in the city,” and falls in love with their daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna, who is affectionately called Kotik in the family. The young doctor's life is filled with meaning, but it turned out that in his life it was "the only joy and ... the last." The cat, seeing the doctor's interest in her, jokingly appoints him a date at night in the cemetery. Startsev comes and, having waited in vain for the girl, returns home, irritated and tired. The next day, he confesses his love to Kitty and is refused. From that moment on, Startsev's decisive actions ceased. He feels relieved: "the heart stopped beating restlessly", his life went back to normal. When Kotik left to enter the conservatory, he suffered for three days.
By the age of 35, Startsev turned into Ionych. He was no longer annoyed by the local inhabitants, he became their own for them. He plays cards with them and does not feel any desire to develop spiritually. He completely forgets about his love, sinks, grows fat, in the evenings indulges in his favorite pastime - counts the money received from the sick. Having returned to the town, Kotik does not recognize the former Startsev. He fenced himself off from the whole world and does not want to know anything about it.
Chekhov created a new type of story, in which he raised topics important for the present. With his work, the writer instilled in society an aversion to "a sleepy, half-dead life."

The analysis of "The Man in the Case" contributes to the understanding of the work of art, helps to imbue the idea of ​​the author and clearly define his position.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in the story paints a picture of ordinary philistine life, exposes the insignificant essence of small people.

The writer evokes a lot of conflicting feelings and impressions in the soul of the reader.

The history of the creation of the work of A.P. Chekhov "The Man in the Case"

The composition opens the “Little Trilogy”, which includes “Gooseberries” and “About Love”. Anton Pavlovich wrote this series in the summer of 1898 in Melikhovo.

Main characters and their characteristics

In the work there are no heroes in the full sense of the word, people expressing the author's views, revealing the author's meaning.

The protagonist is the Greek teacher Belikov, nicknamed Antropos by his students.

Other actors:

  • Chimsha Himalayan- a veterinarian belonging to the nobility;
  • Burkin- storyteller, teacher, colleague of Belikov;
  • Mikhail Savvich Kovalenko- the character of Burkin's story, a young teacher;
  • Varenka- unmarried sister of Mikhail Savvich about thirty years old;
  • Cook Athanasius- a sixty-year-old man, who is in the servants of Belikov;
  • Maura- the wife of the headman, who has never left the village in her life. And in the last ten years, she leaves her house only at night. The recollection of the Mavra leads Ivan Ivanych and Burkin to talk about the case.

Belikov is a man enclosed in several cases. This is a cover, which is expressed not only externally, consisting of the characteristic attributes of clothing, but also an internal case. Anthropos' life is filled with self-limitations and limitations for others.

The phrase he often repeats, “no matter what happens,” serves as a response to any inconsistency with established stereotypes. The life principles of this person are reduced to protection from the surrounding life, to constant caution, anticipation of danger and the imposition of their restrictions on others.

Chimsha-Himalayan is a lean, tall old man with a long mustache. According to those around him, the strange surname Chimsha-Himalayan absolutely does not suit him. Therefore, everyone calls him simply Ivan Ivanovich. The fate of Belikov prompts Ivan Ivanovich to think about social evil, injustice and the inability to openly express his position.

In contrast to the doctor Chimshe-Gimalaysky, Chekhov depicts the appearance of the teacher Burkin. This is a bald fat man of small stature with a long black beard. He looks with irony at the history of Belikov, being at the same time a typical representative of the petty-bourgeois provincial society.

And only one Kovalenko, an energetic, open person, frankly despises Anthropos, accusing him to his face of fiscalism. He does not understand how the surrounding teachers can exist in such conditions, in an atmosphere of "suffocating, filthy".

Mikhail Savvich's sister Varvara has bright, expressive features. The author draws her as a noisy laugher who is not averse to marrying Belikov.

Athanasius appears as a constantly drunk, half-witted old man who, as usual, stands at the door with crossed arms and indistinctly mutters the same incomprehensible phrase.

Very short summary

The Man in the Case is a short literary work. It has just over 10 printed pages. The story is not divided into chapters, being a whole narrative.

This is a kind of story within a story, a case from life, told between times on the hunt. Briefly, the plot of "The Man in the Case" fits in a few lines.

In the first paragraph, there is a description of the place for the overnight stay of two belated hunters: Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin. They didn't sleep. Various stories came to mind. The conversation turns to people hiding in a protective shell, escaping loneliness.

The teacher remembered Belikov, who had died about two months ago. He was notable for the fact that throughout his life he tried to "surround himself with a shell."

The real Belikov was disgusting, he could not stand deviations from the rules and terrorized the whole city. The Greek teacher was afraid of everything and was cautious in everything. He ate pike perch in cow butter, in fear of being accused of non-observance of fasts.

The measured course of the life of the city is disturbed by the arrival of the teacher of geography and history Kovalenko and his sister. These are new people "from crests". The inhabitants are bored out of boredom by the idea of ​​marrying Varvara Kovalenko and Belikov. Suggestion does its job, and Anthropos tends to think that "we must marry." But this whole situation has a depressing effect on the Greek teacher, he is cautious.

There are two decisive cases here. In the gymnasium, a caricature of an "anthropos in love" appears, depicting Belikov with an umbrella in galoshes and rolled up trousers, arm in arm with Varenka. One day, an unlucky lover sees Varvara Savvishna and her brother on bicycles.

This spectacle strikes him to the depths of his soul and leads to indignation. He decides to explain himself to Kovalenko. The conversation turns into a quarrel, and Mikhail Savvich lowers Belikov down the stairs right under Varvara's feet. The girl, seeing the embarrassed and rumpled teacher, believing that he fell by accident, bursts into loud laughter. This ends for Belikov all earthly existence.

He went to bed and didn't get up again. Anthropos died a month later. After the funeral, all residents experience a feeling of great pleasure. But after a while, life returns to its former course.

In conclusion, the hunters' reasoning on the topic of case follows. But history leads them to different thoughts and conclusions. Everyone, thinking about his own, goes to bed.

Analysis of the work

Analysis of Chekhov's work will help to identify the features of the work, to explore ways of expressing the author's intention.

The main idea - what does "a man in a case" mean?

The main idea of ​​the story is a protest against the case and a call for a simple open life.

Chekhov expands the meaning of the concept "case". The protective cover can be divided into several layers. The main character hides not only in the outer case: in any weather he is dressed in a warm coat on wadding with a raised collar and galoshes, wears an umbrella in a case, and dark glasses. He protects his space, closes on all the latches, closes the shutters.

Belikov defends himself from external influences, is afraid of everything new, ambiguous. He only understands circulars and newspaper articles containing prohibitions. The inner layer is designed to hide Belikov from annoying reality.

Why was the whole city afraid of Belikov? Let us turn to the quotation in which Burkin describes Anthropos:

Belikov oppresses everyone with his caution, puts pressure on people, makes them afraid of everything and everything. Thus, the name Belikov becomes a household name, characterizing the phenomenon of human case. This is the meaning of the title of the story.


The work is distinguished by an unusual compositional technique. The narrative is one story within another. Moreover, the main part of "The Man in the Case" belongs to Burkin. His style is not Chekhovian, it is publicistic and distinguished by pathos.


The work "The Man in the Case" belongs to the genre of the story.

It has the characteristic features of this genre:

  • small volume - about 13 pages;
  • few actors;
  • one significant episode from life is described;
  • a big role is given to details;
  • the story is told from the point of view of the narrator;
  • The title has a key meaning.


Literary direction of Chekhov's work - realism. The author reproduces the typical features of the life of his time, depicts characteristic personalities.

The "Man in the Case" reflects a historical era. And typical social qualities are embodied in the image of the protagonist.

Plot Features

The plot of the work is based on the clash of two dissimilar people of the same profession, Belikov and Mikhail Savvich. The conflict unfolds against the backdrop of everyday life. And the narrative is framed in a lyrical shell.

It is no coincidence that at the end of the story about the life of Anthropos, a lyrical description of the surrounding nature, silence and serenity of the night sounds.


In the story, Chekhov raises important issues concerning the individual, his place in society and his role in social life. The writer draws the image of Belikov as a man who fenced himself off from people, hiding in a case of conventions and fears.

And there are many problems hiding here: the problem of loneliness and hostility towards progress, the meaninglessness of life, the fear of love and the search for happiness.


Critics expressed mixed reviews about the story "The Man in the Case". Most of the writer's contemporaries noted the living image of Belikov, which was an "artistic revelation" and expressing "a whole social environment." And only a few critics did not see the depth of the work, calling it bad and empty.

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