A person who eats human flesh is called. The most famous cannibals (11 photos)


Cannibalism (or anthropophagy) is the eating of human flesh by humans. If in ancient times the main cause of cannibalism was hunger, then today it is a terrible mental disorder. According to psychiatrists, no one is safe from meeting with a cannibal.

A seemingly ordinary married couple has been eating people for 20 years - this shocking news came from the Krasnodar Territory.

As police officers, the husband and wife kidnapped people, put them to sleep with ether and corvalol, then killed them and ate them piece by piece. What they didn’t eat was turned into canned food.

It was possible to reveal the cruelty of the married couple only after the husband lost his phone on the street - numerous photographs of disfigured corpses were found there. And at home, the cannibals kept recipes for cooking human meat and the very canned food into which the killed people turned.

Presumably, on the account of the family of cannibals 30 victims. Law enforcement officers have already been able to prove the involvement of cannibals in the deaths of seven people. There is no separate article for cannibalism in Russian legislation, but, probably, the crimes of Krasnodar cannibals fit under the articles "Murder" and "Desecration of the bodies of the dead."

If all 30 episodes are proven, then the crimes will be qualified as murders with aggravating circumstances: preliminary conspiracy, premeditated murder, murder with special cruelty and, possibly, something else, explains lawyer Konstantin Trapaidze. - These people will be assigned a psychiatric examination. If she shows that they are sane, then the prosecutor's office will unambiguously request the highest penalty for them - life imprisonment. If the examination recognizes them as insane, then they will face lifelong compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

Now this story is being dealt with in the Investigative Committee. Life found out whether it was possible to pre-calculate the cannibals hiding under the guise of a happy married couple.

Charming cannibal

Cannibalism is different. It can be a way of survival (rescue from hunger) or a ritual (sacrifice). All this was common in the ancient world and in the Middle Ages. Nowadays, cannibalism is most often a form of mental disorder.

In 2016, scientists from Altai State University released a study on cannibals (available to Life). The work says that most cannibals had a difficult childhood, they were subjected to psychological, physical or sexual abuse. Often the cause of cannibalism is a mental illness, most often schizophrenia.

Schizophrenic cannibals are very aggressive. " The suffering that the cannibal endured in childhood allows him to inflict suffering on other people; trying to assert himself, he begins to kill and dismember people, eat human flesh," the authors of the study write.

As an example, scientists cite the story of one of the cannibals already discovered in modern Russia - Igor Kuzikov. This is "a typical representative of homo anthropofagus -" man-eating man ".

Kuzikov was born into a dysfunctional family in 1961, suffered from schizophrenia, mental retardation, and, in addition, alcoholism. Despite outward harmlessness, he was prone to aggression from his youth. He was treated, but in the early 1990s, psychiatry was falling apart.

As a result, Kuzikov did not receive treatment in the hospital and did not take medication on his own either. The offender got acquainted on the street with homeless people and vagrants, brought them to his one-room apartment, killed and ate them. The facts of the murder by Kuzikov in 1994–1995 were proved at the trial. at least three people. Terrifying details are recorded in the case file - the body of the last of the killed Kuzikov dismembered and boiled jelly out of it.

There is a more perverse "direction" of cannibalism - these are cannibals who want to eat their victim because of sexual fantasies. Cannibal is tormented by a painful passion and desire to possess another. Cannibals claim that by eating their prey, they make it a part of themselves, thereby keeping it for themselves. According to the study, the most striking example of sexual cannibalism was the crimes of the most famous Russian maniac Andrei Chikatilo.

Chikatilo's cannibalism had a purely sexual meaning and was generated by his pathetic and unsuccessful attempts to acquire biological male status, at least on a psychological level. On account of Andrey Chikatilo about 65 murders, 36 of them with the use of cannibal tendencies. Chikatilo admitted that he gutted his victims in order to get some kind of sexual pleasure. He did this not out of revenge or hatred, it brought him peace of mind, the study says.

The study lists some signs of cannibalism:

  1. Below average IQ is 65–80.
  2. Cannot have a university education.
  3. Non-standard sexual hobbies (perversion, fetishism).
  4. Aggressive within his family, in society behaves with restraint.
  5. closed.
  6. Outwardly, the cannibal may look like a happy family man.
  7. Can seduce the victim, play with her, easily gains confidence.
  8. The cannibal has a predetermined image of the victim (age restrictions, gender, etc.).
  9. He returns to the scene of the crime to monitor the work of the police.

According to forensic psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov, it is impossible to calculate a cannibal from such a list of signs, as well as from any others.

- Recognizing a cannibal from the outside is extremely difficult. It will not be possible to single out obvious signs - we have a lot of patients with schizophrenia or other mental disorders, but this does not mean that they are all cannibals, the expert noted.

The psychiatrist gave an example from his practice: in Soviet times, the police caught a man who fed human flesh to his neighbors in a communal apartment. He killed people, brought home meat and gave part of the prey to his neighbors. He said that he works as a butcher in the market and these are leftovers that can be eaten. He ate most of it himself. Outwardly, he was a very sympathetic, kind, a little reserved person. The neighbors were horrified when the crimes were revealed - the cannibal was caught red-handed during the murder of one of his victims. In the end, he was shot.

As you can see, it was extremely difficult to recognize a cruel person in the killer by outward signs,” Vinogradov added.

According to the psychiatrist, cannibalism is not curable.

It is impossible to cure a cannibal - he will never voluntarily seek help, because he does not believe that he is doing something wrong. The patient's condition can be maintained with sedatives, keeping in isolation, but it will not be possible to get rid of the craving for cannibalism, if it has already arisen. If such people are released after serving their sentence, they will continue their atrocities, he explained.

Cannibal subculture

In Soviet times, they tried not to cover stories about cannibals so as not to sow panic, said Mikhail Vinogradov. Now all these shocking stories are easily leaked to the media. Abroad, someone is even trying to make money on it.

For example, in 2010, the media wrote about the opening of a "restaurant for cannibals" in Berlin.According to the owners, the food will be supplied by volunteers willing to donate their organs.

There are those who are not averse to turning into a cannibal for a while for the sake of the show. In 2016, British TV presenter Greg Foote intended to taste human meat (his own) live on air. He turned to doctors, who cut off a piece of muscle from him. The idea failed - according to British law, it is forbidden to eat human flesh.

In our country, there are cases when cannibalism was associated with a passion for one or another youth subculture. In 2009, in St. Petersburg, two young men killed and ate their 16-year-old girlfriend. When the crime was solved, information was leaked to the media that the killers identified themselves as "goths" and "emo". This caused a real explosion in the press and the Internet - people were sure that all "goths" and "emo" devour human flesh, they need to be isolated from society and treated.

A later investigation proved that the cruelty of the killers had nothing to do with these subcultures. It is not known how many "emo" and "goth" have suffered from the resulting bullying.

On the one hand, it is good that the media began to cover this topic. Cannibalism is very dangerous, people must be protected. But you have to be more careful with this topic - it can cause people's unhealthy interest in this topic and provoke new crimes, - Mikhail Vinogradov said.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court of Yakutia sentenced Alexei GORULENKO, a resident of the Saratov region, to 12 years in a strict regime colony, who, together with his comrade Andrey KUROCHKIN, went fishing on the Amur and got lost. After four months of wandering through the taiga, Gorulenko was found. And soon they found his friend - more precisely, what was left of him. Kurochkin's body was cut with an axe. It turned out that the comrade had beaten the unfortunate man and left him to die in the cold. And then he dismembered and ate a friend, roasting him at the stake.

Cannibal fisherman Aleksey Gorulenko was punished for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm, which negligently caused the death of the victim. He was not accused of cannibalism - there is no article about this in the Russian Criminal Code. Fortunately, horrifying stories with such forced cannibals are extremely rare - people go for it out of desperation, having no other way to survive. Yes, and crazy maniacs who want to chew what they should not, in our time are presented in single copies.

But this is if we talk about a relatively civilized world: there are people like you - just imagine - brrr ... But on the paradise islands of Polynesia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, the wilds of Africa, Brazil, cannibals still cannot do without their loved ones " delicacies." And if you dig into the past, it becomes obvious: this phenomenon is a rich historical and cultural layer of world civilization. Traces of cannibalism can be found in the myths, traditions and beliefs of many countries. Experts assure that cannibalism is a kind of growing pain: at different stages of development, all peoples must inevitably get sick with it.

Unfortunate savage people

The Neanderthals muddied the waters - due to the lack of plant and animal food, they adapted to devour the old, small and weak representatives of their few teams - those from whom there was no use in the economy. However, with the development of tribal relations, the ritual of obtaining dinner from human flesh became more complicated and overgrown with conventions: our ancestors rightly reasoned that it was not worth killing people living in the same group, and switched to strangers. The first wars were for food - the losers were honorably sent to barbecue.

A European sailor who was captured by the Tupinamba Indians in 1554 was impressed by the rite of eating captives. Having somehow managed to get out safe and sound, the traveler remembered the savage custom for a long time. The slaves, bound hand and foot, were first given to be torn to pieces by women and children, who beat them with what they could. Then the largest of the group was singled out, and the rest were left in reserve. "Lucky" was decorated with feathers, after which the Indians walked in front of him in ritual dances.
Preparations for the gala dinner lasted several months. The prisoner was sweetly fed, methodically bringing to the desired condition. He was allowed to move around the village, put at the same table with the locals, and even allowed to copulate with the natives. On the day when the prisoner, accustomed to carnal pleasures, was to become the main meal, as a token of gratitude for the "warm" reception, he bequeathed the sirloin parts of his body to the citizens who especially fell in love with him.

The "ritual dish" was brought to a fire blazing in the square. A blow with a club on the head - and the cooks are connected to the cutting of the body. A cork is inserted into the anus of the dead person - so that not a single vitamin falls out during the cooking process. To the approving cries of the relatives, the skinned carcass is solemnly sent to the fire and, when the body is browned, the limbs are separated from it, which, with cries of joy, are picked up by women and carried throughout the village. All those present are invited to the meal, and the most relish begins.
The above ritual fits perfectly into the framework of the then ideas about mercy and humane treatment of prisoners. North American Indians did not perform such ceremonies - they are convinced that the more the victim suffers, the juicier and meatier the roast will turn out. The most bloodthirsty were the Hurons and the Iroquois, who tore the hearts out of the chest of the captives and immediately ate them raw.
Another "entertainment" of the sadists was to make the victim run over burning firebrands. The bones of the hands were broken to the victim, they tied her up and languished on coals for a long time, pouring water over them, trying to bring her to her senses - it was believed that the longer a person stays alive on fire, the better his flesh will be baked.

Dancing on the bones

Why do people eat their own kind? Here's how to see. They eat when there really is nothing else to fill the stomach - in the Brazilian thickets for women and children deprived of proteins, a well-fried human cutlet was an excellent vitamin supplement to a diet of rat meat and garbage. The same story in Africa, where famine often breaks out.
But the more likely motive has always been rage towards the enemy and the desire to destroy him literally to the last bone. Wild people believed that when eaten, the spirit of the slain passes to the winner, endowing him with strength and courage.

However, one should not think that dinner was obtained exclusively by force: wild people are not animals. Good "food packages" were obtained from those who died of natural causes. There were many recipes for ritual dishes that inconsolable relatives prepared from the dead dear to their hearts. Latin Americans loved to gnaw on charred bones like chips, or sucked on finely chopped pieces of a dead man roasted at the stake. In African tribes, crushed ashes were added to drinks. Lovers of delights buried their fellow tribesmen in the ground, where the meat dried a little, after which the “food” was taken out, enjoying the aroma that cuts off their feet and the pieces melt in their mouths.

The Batetela Congolese tribes, who gave the world the world-famous Patrice Lumumba, ate old people as soon as they showed signs of infirmity, thereby relieving them of sad thoughts and long illnesses. Tasting a decrepit body, they believed that they absorbed the wisdom of their ancestors, thereby ensuring the continuity of generations.
The neighbors did the same - the inhabitants of the craketo tribe smoked the dead on a slow fire until the corpse was completely dehydrated. After that, the mummy was placed in a hammock and hung from the ceiling in the house of the deceased. A few years later, the remains were burned, and what was left was ground, mixed with corn mash and drunk, remembering the deceased with a kind word.

By the way
According to biochemists and nutritionists, human meat is the most suitable product for our bodies. Easily digested, contains useful vitamins and amino acids, not allergic.

Bokassa had a grudge against Brezhnev

The President of the Central African Republic (CAR), Jean-Bedel Bokassa, became famous throughout the world for his addiction to eating political opponents. The personal chef did not hide the fact that he served the chief of the opposition leaders in mayonnaise for lunch. Without human meat, Bokassa could not live at all and, when traveling abroad, he took canned food with a “delicacy” with him. In 1970, the “fried lover” visited the USSR - according to tradition, he was greeted by pioneers with flowers, whom he paternally smacked on the cheeks. The cannibal also kissed with Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In general, the custom of kissing at a meeting really liked Bokassa - he said that this allows you to feel the taste of the skin. Returning, the extravagant ruler smacked all the ministers, driving the unfortunate into a stupor. And for a long time he remembered the meeting with the Soviet leader, called him well-fed and smiled enigmatically.

The Japanese cut meat from living people

During the Second World War, the soldiers of the Japanese army engaged in cannibalism - but, unlike the exhausted residents of besieged Leningrad, they did it not from hunger, but for fun. The victims were prisoners of war, who were killed, after which they stripped naked and ate. The hands and feet were usually not touched - because of the bony nature. Some had the meat cut off their arms and legs while they were still alive. The tormented people were thrown into the "wells of death."

Ears sticking out of the soup

Earlier this year, in a Nigerian state in Africa, a restaurant that served human flesh was closed. The menu was rich and varied, but its ingredients were not advertised. Until the local pastor came to the institution. Outraged by the too high score, he demanded an explanation. And he found out that he was fed dishes of human meat. The police detained the owner and employees of the institution. During the search, two heads wrapped in polyethylene and a pair of Kalashnikov assault rifles were found.

sex appetite

Cannibal perverts - there are, it turns out, those who are completely “horror-horror” - get sexual pleasure from eating the victim. Somehow, the Frenchman Gilles Garnier strangled a young girl, after which he brought a piece of still warm flesh home and offered it to his wife. She, having eaten, unusually got excited. The mutual orgasm was incredible.
The caretaker of an almshouse in Prague, by the name of Tirsh, boiled human meat, ate it, and then hung around the old women all night. And winemaker Antoine Léger preferred human carpaccio, which he washed down with fresh blood before going on a date.
By the way, the followers of the cannibal serial killer Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, in all seriousness, convinced everyone at the trial that the meat of the priestesses of love is tastier than the meat of an ordinary woman, since it is saturated with sperm, which gives it tenderness and juiciness.

Surrendered to be eaten

In March 2001, a resident of the German city of Rothenburg - 41-year-old systems engineer Armin Meiwes posted an ad on the Internet looking for a young guy aged 18 to 25 who wants to die and be eaten. His colleague Bernd Brandes responded to such a strange proposal. Young people agreed to meet. Brandeis was killed and partially eaten by Meiwes. The villain was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison, accused of manslaughter. But later the case was reviewed, and Meiwes received a life sentence.

Smack and don't choke

Our smaller brothers also sin by eating their own kind. This weakness has been established in more than 1300 animal species.
* The female scorpion devours her cubs at their birth or when the larvae climb onto her back. The scorpion removes them from there with claws and for several hours, savoring, crushes the crumbs.
* Spiders of karakurt and pilgrims devour males after mating. Ants swallow fallen brethren, preventing them from decomposing and infecting the anthill.
* Most fish do not distinguish young individuals of their species from other prey and often swallow them.

* Among mammals, cannibalism is known in rodents, dogs, bears, lions, chimpanzees, baboons, and some others. The female hamster starts eating offspring immediately after their birth and stops when they can already eat themselves. This happens due to severe depletion of the body and an acute lack of proteins and minerals after childbirth.

The boys are bloody in their eyes

They say, who once tasted human meat, will never forget its unique sweetish taste. Someone compares it with lamb, another human flesh resembles pork, and another catches banana notes in it.

A few years ago, the world was shocked by photographs taken in China, which depicted the process of butchering a human embryo. They talked about catering establishments where visitors - creepy horror - are fed soup from the germs. Mostly female embryos are used, obtained from pregnant aunts who do not want to have an “extra” girl. "Boys" come across less often and are more expensive.
They wrote that the sale of uterine fetuses is carried out by private hospitals that conduct abortions, while state clinics even distribute them for free. In the Middle Kingdom, they believe that there are substances in the embryos that can prolong the life of the person who ate it. Equally in demand are "ripened" babies, who are killed by an injection of alcohol in the head, as well as a placenta, which can be bought for $ 10. And although it turned out that the nightmare presented in the pictures is a malicious joke of the photographer Zhu Yuyu, who stole the embryo from the medical school, the abundance of details describing this delicate process is striking. This Chinese medicine is a mess...

Just think about it, eat a person ... nope, I won’t even dream of it in a nightmare .. I once watched a movie about such people, but they are "in the cinema" .. but what, were they really? or is there not yes God???

Cannibalism has been practiced by humans since the Stone Age. After all, there was not so much food, so Neanderthals ate their own kind. Later, this phenomenon became of a religious or sexual nature. With the development of civilization, cannibalism has practically disappeared, although facts of eating bodies or their parts by other people sometimes emerge in history.

Today, such a phenomenon is associated either with maniacs, or with savages who have remained at an embryonic cultural level. Cannibals, on the other hand, become despised by the entire civilized society, they are afraid, and on the basis of such stories it is just right to make horror films. We will tell below about the most famous eaters of human flesh.

Issei Sagawa. Today, this venerable Japanese is a restaurant critic whose essays often appear in Tokyo newspapers and magazines. But the past of this man bears a terrible imprint of cannibalism. Sagawa studied at the Sorbonne, his grades were excellent. Only now the Japanese did not leave a strange craving for tall women. On June 1, 1981, Sagawa, who studied English literature, invited a fellow student, Dutchwoman Renee Hartvelt, to his place. At home, the Japanese killed the girl, and then ate her for the next two days. Sagawa expected to absorb the energy of a beautiful and healthy person. When trying to get rid of the mutilated body, the cannibal was noticed. Five days later he was arrested by the French police. Medical experts issued a decision on the insanity of the Japanese and extradited him to his homeland. After only a year and a half of being in a mental hospital, the cannibal was released. Perhaps his rich and influential father influenced this. Now Sagawa lives in Tokyo, being a local celebrity. He is often invited to talk shows and consultations. The cannibal himself claims that he is still visited by such wild fantasies, but he will never want to embody them.

Armin Meiwes. The childhood of this man can hardly be called happy - at the age of 8 his parents divorced, and his mother overprotected her son. After her death, Armin lived in seclusion, doing system administration and dating men. In 2001, a 41-year-old man posted an ad on the Internet that said he was looking for a young guy between the ages of 18 and 25 who wanted to be eaten. Oddly enough, such a request received a positive response. A 43-year-old homosexual Bernd Brandes, also a system administrator, responded to the ad. The lovers began to film their meeting. After another sex session, Meiwes cut off Brandes' penis, which they then ate together. The victim was forced to take a large dose of painkillers along with alcohol. Meiwes then killed his lover by putting his meat in a freezer. For the next few months, the German ate his former lover. When the cannibal was arrested in December 2002, he managed to eat about 20 kilograms of human flesh. In particular, the ribs were barbecued. The court first sentenced Meiwes to 8.5 years in prison, as the murder was recognized as manslaughter. But in May 2006, the case was reviewed, the new sentence meant life imprisonment. Interestingly, in prison, Meiwes became a vegetarian and headed the branch of the Green Party.

Jeffrey Dahmer. This American became famous for killing 17 boys and men between 1978 and 1991. At the same time, the crimes were distinguished by cruelty, and Dahmer raped and ate the corpses of his victims. The childhood of the future cannibal was difficult. Jeffrey had practically no friends, and the family constantly moved from place to place. From the age of 13, Dahmer realized that he was a homosexual. At school, the teenager showed a craving for dead animals, he begins to imagine himself participating in scenes of necrophilia and dismemberment of bodies. The first murder took place in 1978, when the maniac was only 18 years old. Over time, Dahmer developed a whole tactic of finding victims. These were usually sexual minorities, to whom the guy offered to continue their acquaintance outside the bar. Dahmer wanted his victims to become obedient zombies, for this purpose he made holes in their heads with a drill and acid. Some unfortunates lived after that for up to two days. The maniac practiced necrophilia and ate the bodies of his victims. In 1988, his next victim, a 13-year-old Laotian boy, escaped from Dahmer. The police arrested the maniac, but the court sentenced him to only a year of hard labor. Even while under investigation, the killer continued to kill people. In the summer of 1991, Dahmer began to kill once a week. As a result, his next lover managed to escape, and the police raided the maniac's apartment. Three heads, a heart and entrails were found in the cannibal's refrigerator. In the toilet, Dahmer kept a pot with hands and penises, body parts were everywhere. In total, the remains of 11 people were found in the apartment. The hearing of the case became very resonant - the maniac was kept behind bulletproof glass, shepherd dogs were on duty, metal detectors were installed in the courtroom. Kara overtook the cannibal already in prison - other prisoners in 1994 killed him with a metal pipe. The body of the maniac lay in the refrigerator for about a year, and then was cremated.

Albert Fish. This American killer, maniac and cannibal is known by many nicknames - "The Gray Man", "Brooklyn Vampire", "Boogie Man", "Moon Maniac". Albert was born in 1870 and was the youngest in a difficult family. Many relatives had psychological problems, suffering from religious mania. At the age of 5, Fish, left without a father, ended up in an orphanage, where he became the object of frequent beatings. Suddenly, Albert found that physical pain brought him pleasure. The stay in the shelter and the experiences there left an indelible mark on Fish's psyche. At the age of 12, he entered into a homosexual relationship with a postman boy. Since 1890, Fish has been living in New York, where he has been prostituting and raping little boys. In 1898, the maniac married a person 9 years older than him. The couple had six children. In 1903, Fish went to prison for embezzlement, where he regularly had sex with men. The maniac began to commit the first murders upon reaching the age of 40. The victims were minor children. The story of the girl Grace Budd betrayed the cannibal. Fish infiltrated her family, posing as a farmer, and took the girl away allegedly to a relative's birthday. Grace was never seen again. After 6 years, the family received an anonymous letter, which eventually led the police to Albert Fish. The text told how the formation of a cannibal took place, as well as the story of the death of a poor girl. The maniac told in detail how he ate his victim. The police grabbed Fish. At the trial, he stated that he had had sexual relations with 400 children, although 100 cases were officially announced. The exact number of victims of the cannibal is also unknown, they were from 7 to 15. On January 16, 1936, the maniac was executed in the electric chair.

Andrei Chikatilo. It's hard to believe that this maniac and cannibal was a school teacher. Chikatilo was considered an exemplary husband, he had two children, he was a member of the CPSU. Nevertheless, the most famous Russian maniac, sadist, ripper and cannibal has only 53 proven murders. Chikatilo committed most of his crimes in forest belts adjacent to the cities of Shakhty, Novocherkassk, Novoshakhtinsk. Visiting on business trips to Rostov-on-Don, Leningrad, Moscow and Tashkent, Chikatilo killed people there too. Only in July-August 1984, 8 women and children became its victims. Usually the maniac chose those who seemed to him offended by fate and unhappy. These were women alcoholics, and simply mentally retarded. The pretext was put forward quite simply - to share the booze. Chikatilo lured children into the forest with computers, VCRs, puppies and rare brands. After killing his victim, the maniac mutilated the body - cut off or bit off tongues, genitals, nipples, noses, fingers. The cannibal opened the abdominal cavity, gnawed and ate the internal organs. The worst thing is that many of the victims were still alive. Almost all the dead had their eyes gouged out, the maniac himself said that he was superstitiously afraid of the remnants of his image on their retinas. Most likely, Chikatilo was simply afraid of the look of his victims. The maniac took the cut off parts of the body with him, eating it later. This was also indicated by the fact that, according to his wife, he took a saucepan with him on his “trips”. Chikatilo rarely entered into direct sexual contact with his victims, as he was impotent. His sexual satisfaction was achieved by killing. The capture of the maniac took a long time. Chikatilo himself, as a combatant, even helped the police. As a result, the killer was nevertheless captured; at the trial, he tried to portray a madman. In 1994, the maniac was executed.

Alexander Pierce. The Irishman was born in 1790, and in 1819 he was sentenced to 7 years of exile for stealing several pairs of shoes. Pierce began serving his term in Tasmania. There he showed a rebellious character - he had two escapes, theft of a cart, drunkenness. On September 20, 1822, Pierce and 7 other prisoners escaped again. They went deep into the dense, impenetrable forests of Tasmania. After 8 days, the feeling of hunger became so strong that the fugitives killed Alexander Dalton. Pierce said that he was not loved anyway, for his voluntary participation in the spanking. After that, the two fugitives left the group, fearing a similar fate. The journey of the fugitives took five weeks, during which time two more weakened comrades were eaten. As a result, the former sailor and guide Greenhill, his friend Travers and Pierce himself survived. It would seem that the fate of the Irish is sealed. However, Travers was bitten by a snake, gangrene set in. The starving fugitives ate this comrade as well. Since Pierce and Greenhill had not yet reached the inhabited places, it was clear that one of them would fall prey to the other. For eight days the men did not sleep, fearing each other. As a result, Greenhill fell asleep, and Pierce immediately killed him with an ax. Having reached the inhabited lands, the cannibal lived at large for only a few months. The judges did not believe Pierce's story, believing that this was how he shielded his hiding comrades. In November 1823 the Irishman fled again, this time with a young companion who persuaded him to take him along. When Pierce was caught a few days later, human meat was found in his pockets, although other food was sufficient. The cannibal said that he also killed this comrade by dismembering his body. For his crimes, the maniac was sentenced to death by hanging. His last words were that human meat is much tastier than fish or pork.

Go Amin. The future dictator spent his young years in the army, where he proved himself cruel and merciless towards enemies. With the independence of Uganda, Amin's career is rapidly developing. After the coup d'état, he becomes the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and in 1971 he seized power in the country altogether. The first steps of the dictators turned out to be very democratic, they were designed to win over the population and foreign states. Amin promised to give power to the civilians after the elections, released political prisoners. But already in 1976, the dictator declared himself president for life of the state. Mass terror began in the country. The head of one of his main opponents, Suleiman Hussein, the dictator kept in his safe. As a result, there were so many murders that the bodies did not have time to bury, simply dumping them into the Nile to crocodiles. The bloody reign ended in 1979 when Amin fled the country. He died in 2003 in Saudi Arabia. After the end of the reign, it turned out that the cruel ruler was, among other things, also a cannibal. Yes, he did not deny it. Amin said that he ate his dead opponents. In the residence of the dictator, a refrigerator with parts of the bodies of people was found. But delegations of foreign states, ambassadors, were received nearby and did not suspect Amin's wild essence.

Alexey Sukletin. This man worked as a watchman in a horticultural society near Kazan. Together with his accomplices, Madina Sharipova and Anatoly Nikitin, Sukletin created a gang that was engaged in extortion. It was this part of their illegal activity that led to the arrest and search of the maniac's house in 1985. During the excavations of the garden of Sukletin, many human bones were found, the investigators collected as many as 4 bags. In the gatehouse they found the belongings of the murdered victims and irrefutable evidence of cannibalism, in particular, half a bucket of melted human fat. It turned out that the criminals even sold human meat to their neighbors under the guise of a steam tenderloin. Cannibals Sukletin treated his unsuspecting friends and guests with human liver. In total, 7 women became victims of a maniac in the period from 1979 to 1985. The youngest victim was only 11 years old. Sukletin cut up the bodies of the dead with a kitchen knife, poured the blood into a basin, forcing his cohabitant to drink. Choosing potential victims, the maniac wondered how much meat or liver would be. The examination eventually proved the sanity of Sukletin, he was shot in 1987 by a court verdict.

Nikolay Dzhumagaliev. Maniac was born in 1952. From a young age, he treated women like second-class creatures. Traveling around the country only strengthened the hatred of the weaker sex for loose morals. As a result, it was precisely such women that the maniac later killed. Dzhumagaliev approached his first murder very responsibly. It was a sectarian woman. The maniac cut her throat with a knife and began to drink her blood. The killer warmed his frozen hands on his wife's body, then butchered the body and ate it at home. Dzhumagaliev says that the human flesh was tough, but then he got used to eating such food. In 1979, the maniac killed 5 more people, each time the scenario with dismemberment and eating cadaverous meat was repeated. Dzhumagaliev was arrested for the drunken murder of his colleague, but he was released with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Returning home, the cannibal committed three more murders. The ninth in a row became fatal. Having invited his friends and girlfriends to visit, the killer began to dismember one of them right in the next room. Seeing this, people fled in horror, declaring everything to the police. Everyone was so shocked that the escaped murderer was arrested only the next day. However, instead of a prison, a maniac was waiting for a mental hospital, from where he escaped in 1989. He is said to have committed several more murders in Moscow and Kazakhstan. Now the cannibal killer is again being held in a strict psychiatric hospital. Doctors say that now Dzhumagaliev has recovered and does not pose a danger. Releasing him temporarily to freedom, dismembered bodies were again found in the vicinity.

Medusa Crew. This case of cannibalism went down in history, including painting. Theodore Gericault created the painting "The Raft of the Medusa", which captured the scandalous events. On July 5, 1816, the frigate Medusa, heading for Senegal to assert French domination, was wrecked. The death of the ship was accompanied by terrible scenes. Initially there was no discipline on the ship, all this manifested itself at a critical moment. Part of the team, led by the commander, sailed away in six boats, and 150 people settled on a raft created in a hurry. At sea, it turned out that it was so poorly made that it did not protect against waves, and besides, there were no sails or oars. And most importantly, provisions in the form of crackers were enough for only one day, a few barrels of wine could not improve the situation. For 13 days the raft struggled with the waves. People began to quarrel and fight, embittered by misfortunes. Someone himself jumped into the sea from a raft, wanting to die like that, rather than die in a knife fight and be eaten by his comrades. On the fifth day, only thirty people remained on the raft, three were immediately thrown overboard for attempted theft. The rest began to think about how to prolong their existence. Twelve of them were declared too weak to live in torment any longer. They decided to throw them overboard in order to save the remaining provisions from the human ball and the fish that accidentally jumped onto the lot. As a result, the ship "Argus" picked up the raft, the picture that appeared shocked everyone - pieces of human flesh were drying on the ropes, and the remaining people literally went crazy.

Everything about everything. Volume 3 Likum Arkady

Why do cannibals eat people?

Why do cannibals eat people?

For us, cannibalism seems to be something that it is impossible to even think about without disgust. However, it is known that there are still people and even entire primitive tribes that eat human meat. First of all, it should be remembered that the cannibals did not eat it because they really liked it. They did this because cannibalism was part of a sacred ritual, a kind of religious obligation. For example, among some peoples who inhabited eastern India a long time ago, it was customary to eat their own parents as a sign of respect and reverence!

In many savage tribes there is a widespread belief that the spirit which is in the one whom a man eats passes into himself. If, for example, you eat the meat of a lion, you will become the owner of a lion's heart; if you eat a deer, you can run just as fast; if you taste fox meat, you will be as cunning as this animal. Thus, the more a person from such a tribe respected his father, the more he wanted to eat him.

Other primitive tribes had a custom of eating criminals condemned to death, but by no means those who died a natural death. The reason was that they believed that the criminal had offended the gods by his deed, therefore, in order to appease these gods, he should be sacrificed. Well, since they ate or at least tasted the sacrifices, they did the same when a person was sacrificed.

The word "cannibalism" or "cannibal" comes from the name "Kaniba" or "Carib", the name of the West Indian tribe, in which the Spaniards first observed the custom of cannibalism. Some of the early Indian tribes in North America practiced cannibalism as a religious rite. It is impossible to say for sure how many cannibalistic tribes exist on Earth at the present time. Some researchers claim that they do not exist at all, while others believe that such tribes live in the depths of the island of New Guinea.

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From the author's book

Cannibals and cannibals When predators prey on animals close to them in origin, in the end it can come to cannibalism - eating individuals of their own species. In reptiles, cannibalism is quite common. Usually it is due to the fact that they do not have

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Do crocodiles eat people? Unfortunately, this question can only be answered unambiguously. Crocodiles are really very dangerous, and many of them attack people. Crocodiles kill more people than all other animals. Maybe only a cobra can im make up in this

The name "cannibals" comes from "caniba" - the name that the inhabitants of the Bahamas called the inhabitants of Haiti, terrible cannibals, before Columbus. Subsequently, the name "cannibal" became equivalent to an anthropophagus, although, according to Guerrera, canibal actually meant "brave".

Synonym anthropophagy comes from Greek ἄνθρωπος, anthropos - "man" and φαγειν, phagein- "absorb".


Household cannibalism was practiced at the earliest stage of the Stone Age, with an increase in food resources, it was preserved only as an exceptional phenomenon caused by hunger. In particular, Neanderthal cannibalism is explained by the lack of food resources in harsh living conditions. Religious cannibalism persisted longer, expressed in eating various parts of the bodies of killed enemies, dead relatives; was based on the belief that the strength and other properties of the slain passed to the eater. In tribes that practiced cannibalism, diseases caused by prions, such as Kuru disease, were common due to eating the victim's brain.

Cannibal tribes are already mentioned by many ancient writers and travelers of the Middle Ages; they also have indications of cases of cannibalism and among civilized peoples, caused by famine. In modern times (since the 16th century), cannibalism was found and described among many peoples, in all parts of the world (including Europe). It is authentically known that it was practiced until recently in inner Africa, in Papua New Guinea, on some islands of the Malay Archipelago, in the interior of Brazil. Back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, cannibalism was also common in many groups of islands in Polynesia and Melanesia, in Australia, among some peoples of northwestern America, in South Africa, etc.

In myths, legends, language, beliefs, customs, there are indications that cannibalism was not alien to the ancestors of civilized peoples; traces of it can be noted in the mythology of the Greeks, in the legends and fairy tales of the Germans, Slavs, etc. Some researchers even suggest that cannibalism characterizes one of the stages of development - a kind of disease through which all mankind, all tribes in the known, had to go through. more or less remote period of their lives. Such an assumption is impossible to prove; prehistoric archeology does not give him sufficient evidence. True, some traces of cannibalism were seen in the Stone Age deposits (caves) of Belgium, Italy, France, even in some ancient graves or mounds; but, firstly, these traces are very rare, not clear enough and are considered by some to be completely unconvincing, and secondly, many caves and burial places are known that have yielded abundant remains of the Stone Age, including the remains of a human meal, split and sometimes gnawed bones various animals - but among them not a single one was found subjected to the same splitting or gnawing of a human bone. There is no doubt, however, that cannibalism used to be much more widespread than it is now, and that traces of the use of human meat in the sense of direct feeding on it or for religious, superstitious and symbolic purposes have been noticed among many peoples.

The question of the causes that caused cannibalism has not been fully explained to this day; they could be different - either purely physiological, namely hunger, or mental, connected with certain ideas. On the other hand, once having arisen, cannibalism could be maintained and even become more widespread due to the pleasure caused by this way of eating. Hunger, lack of game and meat in general - these are, apparently, the motives for cannibalism among the Pescheres of Tierra del Fuego, among the inhabitants of some islands of Polynesia, in Brazil, although peoples eating exclusively plant foods were known here. In some places, at certain times of the year, the population (for example, the primitive aborigines of Australia) is forced to starve altogether, and then, especially if a distant search for game led to a clash with another tribe, the fallen and captured enemies could easily be eaten. Then, one of the most primitive motives of cannibalism must be recognized as rage, an instinctive desire destroy enemy in the literal sense of the word. The history of civilized peoples also presents examples of such fury, when an angry crowd, having killed a person it hated, tore him to pieces, devoured his heart, lungs, etc. Such cases were noted in different countries and in different eras. Blind rage is subsequently comprehended by the idea that by eating the enemy, the latter is completely destroyed, or that his spirit passes into the spirit of his conqueror, gives him new strength and courage. As a result, mainly known parts of the body are eaten: eyes, heart, liver, brain, or blood is drunk, etc., in which the vital or animating force of the body is especially supposed. In some nations, old people were killed and eaten so that their soul would not die along with the body through gradual decrepitude, but would continue to live in their descendants and relatives. Primitive man could not reach the idea of ​​eternity; the gods had to die like men; even in Greece, the graves of Zeus, Dionysus, Aphrodite, etc. were shown. Therefore, the incarnated god or his priest, as well as the king of some peoples, were killed so that their souls could still pass in full force into the souls of other mortals. Subsequently, instead of the king or god, other persons began to be sacrificed. Among the Semites, on important occasions, the king's son was sometimes sacrificed for the good of the people; the custom of sacrificing the first-born existed among many peoples. In the sacraments of Mithra, a boy was sacrificed, whose body was then eaten by all those present; the Aztecs of Mexico also had a religious custom of eating the god, who was honored throughout the year in the form of a handsome youth. Later, the eating of a god is replaced by the eating of an animal dedicated to him or bread, which is sometimes given a humanoid form (as it is now in some places in Europe after the harvest, from the first threshed bread). Among many primitive tribes, cannibalism contained something religious, mysterious and was carried out at night, with the participation of priests or shamans, etc. Among other similar peoples, it simply turned into gluttony, to satisfy which raids were made on neighboring tribes in order to capture prisoners. Such cannibal tribes were often culturally superior to their surroundings, such as the Monbuttu of tropical East Africa or the Fiji Islanders. When the traveler Georg Schweinfurt visited the Monbuttu king, cannibalism was hidden from the European in every possible way, since the king knew that the whites were disgusted with this custom.

Map of the spread of cannibalism, published in Germany in 1893

By the beginning of the 20th century, tribal cannibalism existed only in inner Africa and in some places in Melanesia. Korowai people, also called colufo, inhabiting the southeast of Papua New Guinea, can be considered the last of the surviving cannibalistic tribes in the world. American anthropologist Marvin Harris studied cannibalism and food taboos. He argued that cannibalism was a tradition among small closed groups, but disappeared with the transition to larger settlements. The Aztec people were an exception here. A well-known case of eating the dead among the Fur tribe in New Guinea, which led to an epidemic of kuru. Often what seems to be well-documented has no real evidence. There are opinions that although posthumous dismemberment was practiced in funeral rituals, cannibalism did not take place. Marvin Harris concluded that cannibalism did take place during the famine that coincided with the arrival of Europeans, and was elevated to a religious ritual. In medieval medicine, there was an explanation for cannibalism, the main idea of ​​which was the existence of black bilelocated in the shells of the ventricle of the heart and responsible for addiction to human flesh.

Historical facts

Early historical era

Middle Ages

The Beginning of a New History

... they dug up corpses, then began to kill their captives, and with the intensification of feverish delirium, they reached the point that they began to devour each other; this is a fact beyond the slightest doubt: the eyewitness Budzilo reports incredibly terrible details about the last days of the siege, which he could not invent ... Budzilo names faces, notes the numbers: the lieutenant and haiduk each ate two of their sons; another officer ate his mother! The strong took advantage of the weak, and the healthy took advantage of the sick. They quarreled over the dead, and the most amazing ideas of justice were mixed with the strife generated by cruel madness. One soldier complained that people from another company ate his relative, while in fairness he himself and his comrades should have eaten them. The defendants referred to the rights of the regiment to the corpse of a fellow soldier, and the colonel did not dare to stop this strife, fearing that the losing side of the lawsuit would eat the judge out of revenge for the sentence.

He beat and tortured the servants in vain and, having robbed their grain reserves, knocked them out of the prison, and ordered them to go eat the dead foreigners, and the servants, not wanting to die in vain, ate many dead foreigners and servants who, from hunger, died, took about fifty people; other Poyarkov nailed to death with his own hands, saying: “They are not dear, service people! The price for a foreman is ten money, and for an ordinary man two pennies. When he sailed along the Zeya River, the inhabitants there did not allow him to the shore, calling the Russian people filthy cannibals.

The bodies of the de Witt brothers

  • In the Netherlands, in the year of disaster - - when the country was attacked by France and England in the Franco-Dutch War (Third Anglo-Dutch War), Jan de Witt (an influential political figure) was shot in the neck, his naked body was hanged and disfigured, and the heart was put on public display. His brother was also shot, gutted alive, his head crushed, his naked body was hung and partially eaten.
  • Howard Zinn describes cannibalism among the early settlers of Jamestown Island, Virginia in his book A, A History of the People of the United States.
  • An event that occurred in western New York ("Seneca County") in the United States in 1687 was described in the following letter from the Governor of Canada, the Marquis de Denonville, to France:

On the 13th of July, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, having crossed two dangerous passes, we approached the third, where we were attacked by 800 Senecas, 200 of whom tried to come to our rear, and the rest of the force attacked us from the front, but our resistance inspired such fear that they were soon forced to flee. Our troops were so exhausted by the extraordinary heat and the long march that we decided to camp for one day. We have seen the usual atrocities of savages dismembering bodies into quarters, as in a butcher's shop, to put them in a cauldron. Our scoundrels Otoai (Ottawa Indians) were especially distinguished by their barbarism and cowardice, by the way they fled from the battlefield ...

"Onor cannibal" Gubar in the Sakhalin penal servitude, 1903

Death sentence for cannibalism, Congo, before 1905

Modern era

A civilized person does not fit into the head of organized cannibalism, to which the Japanese army has slipped towards the end of the Pacific War. At the same time, cannibalism took place even when there was enough other food. This fact confirms the idea that the Japanese army was deeply affected by wild prejudices and beliefs. According to one of them, it was believed that the eaten body of a defeated enemy strengthens the spirit and adds strength to the winner.

It tasted like good veal, not from the youngest calf, but not beef either. It matches the description exactly, and is unlike any other meat I have ever eaten. I think a person with normal perception would not be able to distinguish it from ordinary veal. This piece of meat had a mild taste without any spiciness or specific characteristics, such as goat or pork. The piece was a little tougher than normal veal, a little stringy, but not too much so that it wasn't edible. The fried piece, from the middle of which I cut and ate it, in terms of color, texture, smell and taste, strengthened my confidence that of all the types of meat familiar to us, veal is the closest analogue.

William Bueller Seabrook. "Jungle Ways" London, Bombay, Sydney: George G. Harrap and Company, 1931

  • American writer Lowell Thomas in the book "The Downfall of Dumaru"(1930) writes about cannibalism among the surviving crew members of the Dumaru after their steamship was blown up and sunk during the First World War.
  • Claiming that cannibalism was never practiced in all areas of the Appalachians, James K. Crissman refers to recent cases of eating the dead in the mountains of eastern Kentucky in the late 1930s. The meat of the deceased was eaten to express respect to the deceased and to comfort relatives. Crissman speculates that this rare ritual fell out of practice as American society developed and expanded into a geographically isolated area. One such incident is hinted at by a local newspaper in Knox County, Kentucky, 1904. The article "Killed by a Train" describes the death of J. Cox under a freight train. At the end of the article, the number and time of the visits are given, and there is an allusion to eating the "remains of those who crossed the dark river of death", which is a hidden metaphor that practitioners of this ritual will understand. When talking about the outbreak of a large number of cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Kentucky, it may be due to eating the brains of squirrels; author Burchard Bilger believes that they can be used as a substitute for the meat of human corpses in the continued practice of funerary rituals with a cannibal bias; be that as it may, this fact gives the right to take seriously the rumors about eating the meat of corpses in the Appalachians in the twenty-first century.
  • Mention of the Chinese eating their enemies often appears in the poetry of China during the times when the country was under the yoke of the Song dynasty, although cannibalism here sounds more like poetic symbolism to express hatred of the enemy (see Man Jiang Hong). Chinese cannibalism, as a result of hatred, was also noted during World War II.
  • Journalist Neil Davis wrote about cannibalism during the 1960s and 1970s Southeast Asian wars. Davis wrote that the Cambodian guerrillas ritually ate body parts of killed enemies, most often the liver. At the same time, he and many refugees talk about non-ritual cannibalism, simply because of hunger. This usually took place in towns and villages where the Khmer Rouge was in power, and food was distributed strictly in portions, which caused widespread starvation. Civilians convicted of cannibalism were subjected to immediate execution.
  • Numerous cases of cannibalism have occurred in regions of Africa - in several recent conflicts, like the Second Congo War, as well as civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone. It is clear that such outbreaks occur during military operations - in peacetime, cases of cannibalism are much more rare. But even so, it is indispensable for the areas of Central Africa - among the Pygmies in the Congo. It is also reported that healers allegedly sometimes use parts of children's bodies to prepare their potions.
  • The dictator of Uganda in the 1970s, Idi Amin, and the emperor of the Central African Empire, Bokassa, had a reputation for being cannibals.
  • On October 13, 1972, the Uruguayan rugby team flew over the Andes for a match in Chile. The plane crashed near Chile's border with Argentina. After several weeks of starvation and deprivation, a large group decided to eat the frozen bodies of the dead in order to survive. They were rescued two months later. (See Plane crash in the Andes on October 13, 1972. Based on this story, the 1993 film Alive was filmed by director Frank Marshall).
  • Refugees from North Korea report incidents of cannibalism during a particularly severe famine in 1996 .
  • The international non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders provided representatives of Amnesty International with photographs and documentary evidence of ritual cannibal feasts among participants in the internecine wars in Liberia in the 1980s. Amnesty International was doing fact-finding work in neighboring Guinea at the time and yet refused to release the material. The secretary general of the organization en:Pierre Sané said at an internal meeting: "What they do with the bodies of people, for all violations of human rights, is not within our competence." The existence of cannibalism throughout Liberia was captured on video by London's Journeyman Pictures.
  • In December 2002, an extremely unusual case was identified in the city of Rotenburg (Germany). In March 2001, 41-year-old system administrator Armin Meiwes posted a series of cannibalistic ads on the Internet looking for a young man between the ages of 18 and 25 who wanted to die and be eaten. At least one of his requests received a positive response. The advertisement was answered by Jürgen Brandes, another system administrator, who offered his services. The two gentlemen agreed to meet. Bernd Brandes was, by his own accord, killed and partially eaten by Meiwes. Meiwes was later sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for manslaughter(murder in the second degree). In April 2005, the German Federal Court requested a retrial and in May 2006 Meiwes' case was qualified as premeditated murder and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The song "Mein Teil" by the German rock band Rammstein was written to this plot. This was not the first case of consent murder offered over the Internet, as in the case of Sharon Rina Lopatka, but it was the first case of pre-arranged cannibalism in the world. This case is played out in the English sitcom Geeks in the 3rd episode of the 2nd season.
  • In September 2006, an Australian television group from broadcasts 60 minutes And This night tried to save a six-year-old boy from the Korowai tribe in Papua New Guinea, who, according to available information, was supposed to be ritually eaten by his relatives.
  • January 13, 2007 Danish artist Marco Evaristti hosted a dinner for a small circle of friends. The main dish was agnolotti dumplings, stuffed with minced meat from his own fat, extracted earlier that year by liposuction.
  • In June 2007, in Doha, Qatar, four Asians were arrested for allegedly killing their compatriot and eating him. These four had a severe reaction of the body to the eaten human flesh, and they were forced to urgently go to the hospital. An x-ray taken showed the presence of a human finger in the stomach of one of them, and the doctor called the police. (There is evidence that this charge was subsequently dropped).
  • In the th year, Japanese student Issei Sagawa, who was studying English literature at the Sorbonne University in Paris, met a 25-year-old Dutch student. In the course of communication, he killed her and ate her, touchingly describing this procedure. His rich father, on the grounds that the case did not fit under French jurisdiction, had Issei extradited to Japan, where he was eventually released. The published descriptions of the procedure made him a truly national celebrity; he produced several bestsellers and continued to publish in newspaper columns. The story was the subject of the songs "La Folie" by the rock band the Stranglers (1981) and "Too Much Blood" by the rock band the Rolling Stones.
  • In January 2009, in the city of St. Petersburg (Russia), in one of the houses along Kosmonavtov Avenue, two young people drowned a 11th grade student in the bathroom, after which they dismembered the body and ate parts of her body, frying them with potatoes; the remains were put into bags and thrown into garbage containers and into the pond. The detainees explained their behavior by the feeling of hunger that arose. It was found out that the young people were musicians, one of them was the leader of the group, of which the murdered girl was a fan. In the indictment, the belonging of cannibals to youth subcultures did not appear. On May 5, 2010, the cannibals were sentenced to long prison terms.
  • On December 21, 2010, 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths, a professor of criminology at the University of Bradford, was convicted in Leeds, Yorkshire, UK, for brutally killing, dismembering with a power tool, and then eating three prostitutes in 2009-2010.
  • In 2011, two brothers were tried in Pakistan for digging up corpses in a cemetery and eating them.
  • In 2011, in French Polynesia, on the island of Nuku Hiva, the remains of a German tourist were found, who, most likely, became a victim of cannibals.
  • In 2011, Dutch TV presenters ate each other's parts live on air.
  • On March 22, 2012, two residents of Russky Island (the territory of Vladivostok) killed their third drinking companion while drinking alcohol. After that, for two days, the friends ate the meat of their friend for food, preparing various dishes from it. In the refrigerator of the cannibals, the police found body parts and a head. The detainees also said that they managed to sell some of the meat at the local market. The cannibals explained their act by the fact that they “ran out of snacks” ...
  • In August 2011 in Murmansk, Ivan Lebedev ate a 32-year-old history teacher with non-traditional sexual orientation, inviting him to his home, before that he met on a dating site

Cannibalism as a result of hunger

In history, numerous cases of forced cannibalism are known, when people facing the threat of starvation were forced to eat the flesh of those who died before them of natural death, or, more rarely, killed them themselves in order to survive; in such a situation, the instinct of self-preservation usually turns out to be stronger than the moral taboo on cannibalism, although the psychological trauma and guilt in forced cannibals persist for a long time. A famous case of this kind is the 13 October 1972 Andean plane crash. The survivors of that disaster spent 72 days in the zone of eternal snow and survived only because they ate the bodies of the dead.

Other examples are the mass cases described above: mass famine in the 20s (especially in the Volga region), famine in the USSR (1932-1933), Leningrad blockade during the Second World War, in North Korea (1996), during the reign of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the 1970s, numerous civil wars in African countries, as well as isolated cases of shipwrecks and other disasters.

Cannibalism as a means of propaganda

"Cannibalism in Muscovy and Lithuania", Augsburg, 1571

Propaganda cannibalism: Finnish soldiers display skins taken from Soviet soldiers who were supposedly eaten by their comrades on Maaselkä. Caption: "The soldiers of the enemy reconnaissance company, who were cut off from the food supply, killed several of their comrades and ate almost all of them."

There are unsubstantiated reports of cannibalism among groups that are somehow despised, feared or poorly known. Even in ancient times, the Greeks mentioned the cannibalism of remote not Greek barbarian tribes, or in myths about a primitive underworld (chthonic) world before the advent of the Olympic gods: for example, a clear rejection of human sacrifice at a feast given in honor of Olympus by Tantalus and his son Pelops. In Europe from the 15th to the 19th century, Gypsies and Jews were often credited with kidnapping people from among the national majority of the countries of residence in order to eat them; in some places it was a conscious slander, in some places it was unconscious, caused by the mystical expectations of the population in relation to foreigners. In 1994, a pamphlet was circulated with reports of the Yugoslav Manjaca concentration camp, where Bosnian refugees were allegedly forced to eat each other's bodies. The information was false.

Vivid examples are the cases described above with the Japanese student Issei Sagawa in France (1981) and Armin Meiwes in Germany (2002).

Religious-mystical cannibalism

Among many tribes and peoples, religious and magical cannibalism was widespread, expressed in eating various parts of the body of killed enemies, prisoners of war, dead relatives (the so-called endocannibalism), etc. This custom was based on the belief that the strength and other positive properties of the eaten passed to the eater.

Cannibalism in folklore, mythology and religion


Cannibal orgies and elements of cannibalism appear in the folklore of the whole world. Examples are the witch in Hansel and Gretel and Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales; Cannibals and cannibals are the protagonists of several fairy tales by Charles Perrault ("Puss in Boots", etc.).

ancient mythology

A large number of stories in ancient Greek myths in one way or another carry elements of cannibalism, for example, in the stories of Theseus, Tereus, and especially Kronos (whose analogue in the Roman version is Saturn). These myths inspired Shakespeare's cannibal scene in the drama Titus Andronicus.




Cannibalism, along with the prohibition of eating blood, according to the Bible, is the first food prohibition given by God (Gen. 9:3-6). Despite this, in the I-III centuries AD. e. opponents of Christianity sometimes accused the early Christians of cannibalism, interpreting the "Blood and Flesh" of the Eucharist literally. Refuting this, Tertullian replied: “You know the days of our meetings, why we are besieged, and oppressed, and seized at our most secret meetings. However, has anyone ever stumbled upon a half-eaten corpse? Did anyone notice teeth marks on the blood-stained bread? . Some historians, anthropologists, ethnographers, ethologists, folklorists, philosophers, representatives of other sciences in the Christian tradition of communion with bread (God's body) and wine (God's blood) see remnants of religious-magical cannibalism (see Theophagy). However, the question of the direct connection between the origin of this tradition and cannibalism, even in symbolic form, is a debatable issue. Traditionally, in Christianity, the topic of the connection between theophagy and the Eucharist was not the subject of special consideration and controversy, since, as culturologist K. A. Bogdanov emphasizes, "direct analogies between the Eucharist and cannibalism turned out to be in demand - in the context of the expansion of the corresponding plots - only in the culture of the 20th century" .

Orthodox, Catholics and ancient Eastern churches have an understanding that during the celebration of the sacrament of Communion (Eucharist), bread and wine are transubstantiated into the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, which believers partake of (take communion) for the remission of sins and the inheritance of eternal life, thereby really uniting with Christ God. Some Protestant churches (Anglicans, Lutherans) retain the idea of ​​the real presence of the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic wine and bread. In another part of Protestant churches, bread and wine only symbolize the true blood and flesh of Jesus Christ. Accusations of cannibalism against early Christians are based on a misunderstanding caused by ignorance of the essence of the rite, in which Christians "drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus." Christians, in turn, accused their persecutors of cannibalism - the Romans because of their practice of the death penalty by burning, as well as their religious opponents - for example, the Borborite sect.


In the 16th-18th centuries, "medicines" made from parts of the human body were used in Western Europe. Medical historian Richard Sugg from the University of Durham (UK) argues that European physicians used human flesh and preparations made from corpses as often as herbs, roots and bark, and parts of a corpse and blood were essential items and were available in every pharmacy . The corpses of beggars, the remains of executed criminals and even lepers were used for medicines. The most famous promoter of such treatment was Paracelsus.

For example, it was believed that human fat allegedly helped with rheumatism and arthritis. In the 17th century, the German pharmacologist Johann Schroeder prescribed the following prescription to his patients (it is not clear why):

Human meat should be cut into small pieces, add a little myrrh and aloe, soak for several days in wine alcohol, and then dry in a dry room.

One of the last recipes associated with cannibalism for medical purposes was left by the British preacher John Keough, who died in 1754. Among the cannibal drugs for various diseases, powders from the bones of the human wrist and skull, crushed heart, brain distillate, bile extract, fresh and dried blood, as well as "moss" (Usnea Cranii Humani), growing on the skull of a dead man, are recommended. The latter remained the official medicine in the English Pharmacopoeia until the 19th century.

Non-cannibal consumption of parts of human origin

Some people consider the need to bite their nails or bits of skin on their fingers as a form of cannibalism, but usually do not agree with this, since these substances are consumed in the form of food unintentionally. Likewise, the intentional consumption of one's own flesh or body parts, such as sucking blood from wounds, hematophagy, is not usually considered cannibalism; the same applies to swallowing one's own blood for unintentional injuries such as nosebleeds, swallowing liquids of human origin such as semen or urine.


Notable cannibals

  • Idi Amin - President of Uganda in 1971-1979, the creator of one of the most brutal authoritarian regimes in Africa.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer - (1960-1994) - famous American serial killer and cannibal.
  • Alexander Spesivtsev (b.1970) is a Russian serial killer and cannibal.
  • Vladimir Nikolaev is a Russian serial killer and cannibal.
  • Alexei Sukletin - (1943-1987) - Soviet serial killer and cannibal.
  • Albert Fish - (1870-1936) - American serial killer and cannibal.
  • Armin Meiwes (German Armin Meiwes; b. 1961) is a German homosexual and cannibal who ate his lover Bernd Jurgen Brandes in 2001.
  • Bokassa, Jean-Bedel - (1921-1996) - President (later - Emperor) of the Central African Republic (later - Empire), one of the most eccentric dictators of the 20th century.
  • Filippo Zappi - member of the expedition of U. Nobile, who was accused of eating another member of the expedition, F. Malmgren.
  • Issei Sagawa is a Japanese cannibal killer who killed and ate his classmate Renee Hartevelt.
  • Dzhumagaliev, Nikolai Espolovich (b. 1952, Uzunagach village, Alma-Ata region, Kazakh SSR) - Soviet and Kazakh cannibal serial killer, killed 9 women.
  • Alexander Pierce - (1790-1824) - Irish prisoner who escaped from prison twice. In order not to starve to death, Pierce killed other prisoners who fled with him, and engaged in cannibalism.

Notable cannibal victims

  • James Cook - (1728-1779) - English navigator.
  • Pedro de Valdivia - (1500-1554) - Spanish conquistador.

Other uses of the term cannibalism

  • In epithets characterizing cruelty on the part of the authorities, officials, superiors and the corresponding laws supporting them ( cannibal laws).
  • In various production intrigues. For example, if someone, moving up the corporate ladder, becomes the boss of his former boss, then they say that he ate it.
  • It is sometimes said of banks that charge high interest on loans they make, that this interest cannibalistic.

Cannibalism in culture and art

In music


  • Voevodsky, "Cannibalism in Greek myths" (St. Petersburg, ).
  • Schaffhausen in "Archiv für Anthropologie" (vol. IV).
  • Bergemann, "Die Verbreitung der Anthropophagie" ().
  • Frazer, The Golden Rough. A study in comparative Religion" (London, ) (Vol. - ).
  • Lev Kanevsky, "Cannibalism", M., "Kron-press", 1998.
  • travels and general ethnological writings of Lubbock, Taylor, Letourneau, Bastian, etc.
  • Bogdanov K., "Cannibalism: The Story of a Taboo" // Borderline Consciousness (Almanac "Eve". Issue 5). SPb., 1999, p. 198-233.
  • Boris Didenko Civilization of Cannibals. Humanity as it is”, M., 1996, 1999


  • Aleksey Ivanov“The pagan gods love the heart and liver most of all in a person”

see also

  • self-cannibalism


  1. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  2. “Hunger Neanderthals did terrible things”
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  17. The Academy Recorder Saturday, May 27, 1826
  18. Beattie, Owen and Geiger, John (2004). Frozen in Time. ISBN 1-55365-060-3.
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  22. Without a Hangman, Without a Rope: Navy War Crimes Trials After World War II
  23. PT 109 by Donovan (book)
  24. James K. Crissman. Death and Dying in Central Appalachia: Changing Attitudes and Practices University of Illinois Press, 1994, p. 113-6.
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