How is an acoustic guitar different from a classical guitar? Features of the tools. The difference between acoustic and classical guitars


Having learned to play the classics, I want to surf other spaces.

But which tool to choose and what is the difference between the varieties? Read the descriptions of the types, as well as the difference between an acoustic guitar and a classical one.

First of all, the classic is a wagon. You can perform works of any genre on it: from the minuet to the boss nova.

With such an instrument, you can go out into the yard and sing songs by the fire. But you can't play Bach's works on acoustics.

However, Western guitars (as they are also called) have one advantage - varieties.

Classification is carried out according to the genre for which the instruments were created. The American entertainer can be called a bard guitar.

You can find a detailed comparative characteristic in the table:

Comparative criterion Classic Acoustics
Kinds Universal option, can be subdivided according to the type of material from which the body and neck are made, there is a type of flamenco models Divided by body shape, model names are given in honor of the styles for which acoustics are suitable: jumbo, dreadnought and western
Deck size small body Large deck size
strings Nylon, soft metal
Vulture Wide Narrow
Game way The plucking technique is used, the sound is produced only with fingers You can play not only with your fingers, but also with a mediator
Sound quality Soft velvet tone, noble sound Ringing sound with a metallic overtone
Advantages It is easier for a beginner to master, soft strings reduce the trauma of the fingertips, you can play any piece and the cost per guitar is lower. Suitable for variety performance, you can play with different playing techniques and devices, it is easier to connect some types of instruments
Flaws Not suitable for creating a certain stage image of a singer It costs more, you can not perform classical works

What are the types of guitars by the number of strings, size and style of music

Your favorite guitar can be made not only with six strings, but also with 7, 8, even 12 wires.

Such instruments are designed to perform various styles of music such as folk, bards, etc.

Important! Each type of guitar has its own tuning and size. They differ in weight, style, number of strings.

For children who study at a music school and study the classical repertoire of works, they acquire ordinary models. Acoustics is mainly bought by an adult audience.

There are a huge number of types and models of tools, consider the main ones:

  1. Classic. Designed for plucked sound production, it has 6 strings, which are made of synthetic material.

    The range and tuning match those of an acoustic instrument. Such a guitar appeared in the 18th century, the style of works - from baroque to pop genres.

  2. Acoustics. It has several varieties: folk, jumbo and dreadnought. Each title has its own style of music.

    Models differ in proportions. The neck in acoustics is thinner, the deck can be connected to a sound amplifier. Also, subspecies include ukulele, 7 string and 12 string guitar.

  3. Electric guitar. This instrument has long conquered the hearts of rock musicians, because in most cases we see it on stage with Yuri Shevchuk or John Mayer.

    Models are classified depending on the part performed: solo, bass, rhythm guitar, etc.

As a separate group, you can put an electro-acoustic guitar, which is a kind of hybrid between acoustic and electric guitar. Flamenco models can be attributed to the group of classical models.

Difference between electroacoustic and electric guitar

There is a difference between these tools - and a significant one.

The electro-acoustic guitar is a pop model, to which a jack is connected and a piezo pickup is inserted. The stage can sound without subsound.

A power tool implies the presence of a combo, the model performs works not only due to the sound, but also the effects.

Disconnect the cable from the acoustics, and it turns into its standard progenitor.

Differences between ukulele and classical guitar

A small ukulele in the hands of a cute girl sounds magical. But you should not hope that by picking up a ukulele, a novice guitarist will be able to perform his favorite pieces.

There are several differences that will not allow you to do this:

  • Size. Obvious difference. A small guitar can be 2 times smaller than a classic.
  • The number of strings. There are only 4 on the ukulele.
  • Build. But there may be options here, depending on the model: soprano, baritone, etc.
  • Number of frets. There are fewer on the ukulele.
  • Price. You can buy a small model almost 2 times cheaper.

It is also worth noting that the highest sound is the fourth string, and the lowest sound is the first. Classics have the opposite situation, so the guitarist will have problems learning a small neck.

Important! Ukulele is a model designed for playing songs. Classics has a wide repertoire.

difference between bass and electric guitar

Another relative that often stands close to each other in a jazz band is the electric guitar and bass.

They differ mainly in performance and purpose.

Main difference:

  • Number of strings and tuning. There are only four of them on the bass.
  • Execution methods. The electric guitar is the undoubted leader in the use of technical means.
  • Destinations. The electric guitar usually plays the lead part, and the bass plays the backing pedal.
  • Appearance. They differ in the size of the neck and body.
  • Ancestors. The guitar is considered the father of the electric instrument, and the bass came from the double bass.
  • String thickness. Bass needs a larger caliber.

Which guitar appeals to you the most? Choose your model to master the big musical horizons.

Useful video

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The essence of classical mesotherapy is injecting the problem area with a mesopreparation with a syringe and the key point in mesotherapy is the drug injected under the skin, which gives the same Wow effect 2-3 days after rehabilitation.

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Once again, we will repeat the principle of getting the cocktail into the skin.
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Ascertaining: with a similar name of the procedures, they seriously differ in the area of ​​​​impact.
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At first glance, an acoustic guitar is the same as a classical guitar. However, any connoisseur of musical instruments will be ready to argue with you. In order not to get confused and not to confuse these two concepts, read the differences between acoustic guitar and classical guitar.


Both acoustic and classical guitars are string-plucked musical instruments that are used as an accompaniment for performing songs, dances of various genres (author's, folklore), due to the fact that the design generates sound resonance. At the same time, the concept of “acoustic guitar” is wider than the concept of “classical guitar”, in addition to classical guitar, acoustic guitars include jumbo (round guitar), ukulele (Hawaiian guitar with four strings), Russian guitar with seven strings and others. As the name suggests, the classical guitar is a conservative, formalized instrument. This is the main type of acoustic guitars, the most popular. It is on it that classical works are performed, and in musical educational institutions they are taught to play this type of guitar. To play such a guitar, a pick is not needed, because due to the features of the body, the sound does not turn out to be muffled, as is the case with a dreadnought, which is an acoustic guitar (but not a classical one) - a pick is used to play it.

The structure of classical and acoustic guitars

Findings site

  1. Acoustic guitar is a more general, collective term than classical guitar.
  2. Acoustic guitar can have a different number of strings (4,6.7,12). The classical guitar has 6.
  3. Classical guitar - classical, formalized and at the same time the most popular version of the acoustic guitar
  4. The classical guitar is usually played without the help of a pick, which cannot be said about some other varieties of acoustic guitars.

In Russian there is one word "classical", in English there are two at once: classic and classical. Is there a difference between them and what is it? What to use if we are talking about classical music or literature?

Classic #1

Pronunciation and translation:
Сlassic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - classic

Meaning of the word:
About an item of high quality that is generally considered to be one of the best in its field or meets some traditional standard of beauty, style, etc.

It is used when we want to indicate that what we are talking about is appreciated, because it embodies the best features of its style, era, region, etc. For example: Classical (classic) The suit will never go out of style. "Roman Holiday" is classic Hollywood movie.


At the theater she was wearing a classic dress.
In the theater she wore classic dress.

After I had earned his first million I bought a classic 50s Cadillac.
After making my first million, I bought classical Cadillac 50s.

Classic #2

Pronunciation and translation:
Сlassic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - typical

Meaning of the word:
Characteristic representative of a group.

Shows that this or that object is not unique in its field and embodies its characteristic features. For example: Typical (classic) error, typical example.


This story is a classic example of what can happen if you take a big risk without thinking.
This story - typical an example of what can happen if you take a big risk without thinking.

Unfortunately John became a victim of a classic case of fraud.
Unfortunately, John was the victim typical case of fraud.

Classic #3

Pronunciation and translation:
Сlassic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - a classic work

Meaning of the word:
Used in relation to the most significant literary works of the past.

This word means exactly the same thing as “classics” in Russian when we talk about literature. Please note that in English classic- this is precisely the "work" - that is, one. If you want to say " classic" How totality books(for example, Russian classics), then use the plural ( classics). For example: Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" is classic (classic) world literature; John loves to read classics (classics).


Many teachers are worried that classics aren't popular among teenagers anymore.
Many teachers are concerned that classical Literature is no longer popular among teenagers.

The musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" is based on the timeless classic by Victor Hugo.
The musical Notre Dame de Paris is based on the immortal classical work of Victor Hugo.


Pronunciation and translation:
Classical [ˈklæsɪkəl] / [klʻesikel] - classic

Meaning of the word:
Belonging to a specific historical period in the past.

Usually under the word classical strictly defined periods in the history of culture and art are meant.
When we talk about literature or architecture- meaning ancient Greece And Rome(those. antiquity).
If it's about music- that is European orchestral music XVIII-XIX centuries., as well as contemporary music that continues this tradition.


classical composers such as Beethoven are still popular.
Classic composers like Beethoven are still popular.

There's a large collection of classical art in this museum.
This museum has a large collection antique(ancient Greek and Roman) art.

What is the difference?

Classic #1- a high quality item, the best among its kind. For example: This store specializes in clothes in classical (classic) style. Neil collects models classical (classic) cars.

Classic #2
- a typical subject among their own kind. For example: Lack of time is typical problem of a first year student. Promise to help and do nothing - that's right typical Jack! And why do I still contact him?

Classic #3- A classic piece of literature. For example: Reading classics (classics) included in the school curriculum. The author analyzes classic work (classic) N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

classical- relating to the culture of ancient Greece or Rome, or to European music of the 18th-19th centuries. For example: Many works antique (classical) philosophers have not reached our days. Listening classical (classical) music soothed Mary.

Reinforcement task

Insert the correct words in the following sentences. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. The lawyer's office was decorated in ___ style.
2. Many theatrical productions are modern interpretations of ___.
3. Dan spent the evening watching ___ movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
4. ___ The mistake of a novice guitarist is the position of the hand.
5. When there is nothing else to talk about, ___ the topic of conversation becomes the weather.
6. When I was learning to play the piano, I was learning pieces of ___ music.
7. George Orwell's novel 1984 quickly became ___.
8. If you like ___ architecture, then I advise you to go to Athens.

Comparison of classical and acoustic guitar.

In the modern world, a large number of stringed instruments are made, and all of them are designed for different purposes, even if they look similar to each other. Sometimes the differences between two instruments that look similar are much greater than, for example, between a fox and a wolf. Today we will be comparing two completely different types of guitars. So what is the difference between acoustic and classical guitar? (In fact, both guitars are acoustic in terms of sound properties. It’s just that over time, the name “acoustics” stuck to the pop guitar).

Appearance and structure

Sometimes the superficial similarities of these guitars cause beginners to confuse them, but first impressions are deceiving. If you examine both tools carefully, you can find the following differences:

1. A western (acoustic) guitar has a slightly larger and more massive body than a classical (Spanish) guitar.
2. The fretboard of a classical guitar is wider for easy movement of the fingers of the left hand. And the western is narrower, which contributes to an easier playing of chords.
3. On the "Spanish" there is no plastic overlay on the case (however, the acoustics may not have it either, so this is not their main external difference).
4. The neck of classical guitars does not have a metal rod (anchor), and this is another reason why it is much wider and thicker.
5. Acoustics often have a cutout in the body, for convenient playing on the last frets (high notes).
6. The main difference is the material from which the strings are made. Classical guitars have nylon strings, while Westerns have metal strings.

Sound extraction methods. sound

"Spanish flute" is intended for finger playing, the pick is used extremely rarely, since the softness of nylon strings will not allow you to play, for example, with a variable stroke. There are guitarists in the history of music who use everything from fingernails to bows, but these are isolated cases that you should not be equal to. Nylon strings combined with finger playing give a soft and pleasant tone.

Acoustic guitar, in terms of sound extraction methods, is not limited. Everyone is allowed to play such an instrument: fingers, a pick, fingerpicks, nails, a coin, and everything that is convenient to hold in your hand. Metal strings and a voluminous body allow you to get a bright acoustic sound.

Purpose and application

Acoustics are used to play different genres of music, this type of guitar is popular with rock musicians, chanson, blues and others. Loud metal strings are perfect for playing chord accompaniment and solo parts. The guitarist most often prefers to perform while standing, so special belts are made for this instrument that support the instrument overhang.

The Spanish guitar is perfect for playing classical music. Playing such an instrument is taught in higher musical institutions and music schools. The guitar is used in orchestras and for pop performance. In most cases, classical guitar is played in a sitting position. At this point, the guitarist holds the instrument on his left knee, and under this leg is a stand for a comfortable fit.


For the left hand, the execution techniques are almost the same, but the western still has more techniques used. In the case of the right hand, everything is much different. Classical guitars most often use the following techniques: flamenco, pizzicato, bartok, tambor, campanella and others. All these techniques are performed by hand (fingers), without the use of a mediator.

Acousticist prefers: chord technique, picking, finger/fingerstyle, slapping, tapping, piano technique, rasgueado, etc.

Recording sheet music for guitar and tablature

My subscribers often ask me if my tabs and notes for guitar songs are suitable for classical music if I play them on an acoustic guitar. In terms of recording notes for the guitar, notation, tabs, there is no difference between acoustic and classical guitars. All the same. The differences are primarily related to sound. For example, in such arrangements of mine as Behind Blue Eyes or In the Last Autumn and some others, there is a game of fighting. Nylon strings are not designed to be strummed, so the sound will be less bright than metal strings.

Another nuance is the width of the neck. On an acoustic, the neck is narrower, and some chords will be easier to pinch than on a classical one, because. the strings are closer together. But there is also the flip side of the coin. On an acoustic guitar, due to the proximity of the strings to each other, it happens that the fingers drown out the sound of the adjacent string, touching it. Classical guitar does not have this problem. The conclusion is this. Any tabs and notes for the guitar that are on my site are suitable for any guitar, by the way, even for electric.

Let's recap. Both instruments presented in comparison have their own history of origin, their own special performance methods, as well as the difference in the way the sound is extracted. But at the same time, these two types of guitars have a lot in common. And in some cases they can be interchangeable.
On this site you can download both sheet music for acoustic guitar and classical arrangements by famous composers.

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