What characterizes Oblomovism as a type of life. Oblomovism - is it a character, a way of life or a worldview? Oblomovka and "Oblomovism"


"As long as at least one Russian remains, Oblomov will be remembered until then." I. S. TURGENEV 1848 - 1848 - the first version of "Oblomov's Dream" March 1849 - March 1849 - the first publication of "Oblomov's Dream" 1852 - 1852 - the work was interrupted due to travel November 29, 1855 - November 29, 1855 - the first part of the novel is almost finished June - July 1857 - "Marienbad miracle": the novel is almost completed January - April 1859 - January - April 1859 - the magazine "Domestic Notes" introduces readers to the new novel by I. A. Goncharov “Without any exaggeration, we can say that at the present moment in all of Russia there is not a single city where Oblomov is not read, Oblomov is not praised, Oblomov is not arguing about - this is how he assessed the appearance of the novel critic A. V. Druzhinin.

“The story of how the good-natured sloth Oblomov lies and sleeps, and no matter how friendship or love can awaken and raise him, is not God knows what an important story. But Russian life is reflected in it, it presents us with a living, modern Russian type, minted with merciless rigor and correctness ... "N. A. Dobrolyubov 1859 FIRST RESPONSE" Oblomov and Oblomovism: it was not for nothing that these words spread all over Russia and became words forever rooted in our speech. They explained to us a whole range of phenomena of modern society, they put before us a whole world of ideas, images and details, until recently we were not fully conscious, appearing to us as if in a fog ... "A. V. Druzhinin 1859

STORY FEATURES “It's really stretched out, if you will. In the first part, Oblomov lies on the couch: in the second part he goes to the Ilyinskys and falls in love with Olga, and she falls in love with him; in the third, she sees that she was mistaken in Oblomov, and they disperse; in the fourth, she marries Stolz, and he marries the mistress of the house where he rents an apartment. That's all. No external events, no obstacles (except perhaps the opening of the bridge across the Neva, which stopped Olga's meetings with Oblomov), no extraneous circumstances interfere with the novel. Oblomov's laziness and apathy are the only spring of action in his entire history. N. A. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism?”

“Almost nothing attracted him from home, and every day he settled more firmly and permanently in his apartment ... He was not used to movement, to life, to crowds and bustle ...” WHAT DETAILS OF OBLOMOV’S PORTRAIT WOULD YOU NOTE? DOES THE INTERIOR HELP TO CREATE THE IMAGE?

OBLOMOV'S VISITORS 1. "Appearance" of Mr. Visitor portrait. 2. "Don't come, don't come... you're out of the cold!" 3. Conversation and invitation to Ekateringof. 4. Refusal of Ilya Ilyich. 5. "I have two misfortunes ..." 6. The visitor's refusal to listen to Oblomov. 7. Reflection of the hero about the "unfortunate" visitor. WHAT IS THE GENERAL SCHEME OF ALL VISITS? REMEMBER IN WHICH GENUINE THE AUTHOR USED THE SAME TECHNIQUE?

“WHY AM I LIKE THIS? "(Oblomov's Dream, Part 1, Chapter IX) 1. Restore the composition of the dream: highlight the main thematic parts. 2. Indicate the positive and negative features of life in Oblomovka. 3. Compare Ilyusha at 7 years old and at 14: what changes have occurred in the hero and why? 4. Does our attitude towards Oblomov change after reading this chapter?

“The norm of life was ready and taught to them by their parents, and they adopted it, also ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from great-grandfather, with the covenant to observe its integrity and inviolability ... What did they have to think about and what to worry about ..? Nothing is needed: life, like a calm river, flowed past them ... "HOW ILYUSHA BECAME ILYA ILYICH

CRITICS WRITE "So," Oblomov "is" a big fairy tale. It is not difficult to guess that in this case, Oblomov's Dream should rightfully be considered its core. "Dream" is a figurative and semantic key to understanding the whole work, the ideological and artistic center of the novel. The reality depicted by Goncharov extends far beyond Oblomovka, but the true capital of the “sleepy kingdom” is, of course, the family estate of Ilya Ilyich ... "Yu. M. Loshchits" Imperfect Man "1996" Oblomov's Dream "is a magnificent episode that will remain in our literature. In my opinion, a dream is nothing more than an attempt by Goncharov himself to understand the essence of Oblomov and Oblomovism. Goncharov, apparently, felt, as I felt, for example, when reading a novel, that Oblomov was sweet and sympathetic to him. A. V. Druzhinin "Oblomov". Roman by A. I. Goncharov 1859

Homework Part II Part II Message-representation of Stolz Message-representation of Stolz Dispute Oblomov and Stolz (chapters 3-4). Criticism about Stolz. Oblomov and Olga Oblomov and Olga


Ivan Goncharov for the first time in his novel "Oblomov" introduces the concept of "Oblomovism" new to Russian literature, by which he designated a special social trend, characteristic, first of all, for the Russian people, concluded in complete lack of will, apathy, constant laziness and excessive daydreaming, when illusions replace real life, and the person degrades. The very word "Oblomovism" comes from the name of the protagonist of the work - Oblomov and the name of his native village - Oblomovka, which was the focus of everything that led to the gradual extinction of Ilya Ilyich as a person, his complete isolation from the world and final escapism. The image of Oblomov and “Oblomovism” in Goncharov’s novel is a reflection of the process of gradual change, the “breakdown” of a person who is instilled with unnatural values ​​and desires, which ultimately leads to tragic consequences - gaining a false meaning of life, fear of the real world and the early death of the hero.

Oblomovka and "Oblomovism"

The roots of the emergence of "Oblomovism" in Oblomov lie in the childhood of the hero - Ilya Ilyich grew up in a remote village - Oblomovka, literally cut off from the real world and the center of Russia. The Oblomov estate is located in a picturesque, quiet, peaceful area, where the climate pleased with its moderation and tranquility, where there were no heavy rains, hurricanes or winds, a raging sea or majestic mountains, instead of which gentle hills spread, even the sky "closer to the earth", “to hug her tighter, with love: it stretched out so low above your head, like a parent’s reliable roof, in order to protect, it seems, the chosen corner from all sorts of adversity.”

Everything here promised "a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and an imperceptible, sleep-like death." Even the seasons changed each other according to the calendar, without destroying the crops with spring snows - everything in Oblomovka went according to its usual way, not changing for decades. In such a semblance of paradise on earth, Oblomov and the Oblomovites developed, even protected by nature from all sorts of adversities, experiences and losses.

People in Oblomovka lived from rite to rite - from birth to wedding and from wedding to funeral. The pacifying nature pacified their temper, making them quiet, harmless and indifferent to everything: the worst atrocities in the village were associated with the theft of peas or carrots, and once they found a dead person from a neighboring village, they decided to forget about it, since the life of other communities was not theirs. touched, which means the dead person is not their problem. A similar situation was with a letter from a neighboring estate, where the recipe for beer was described, but the Oblomovites were afraid to open it right away, fearing bad news that could disturb the usual calm of the village. They did not like work in Oblomovka, considering it a duty and trying to do the job as quickly as possible or even shift it onto the shoulders of another. On the estate, all the work was done by the courtyards, who, as can be seen from the example of Zakhar, were also not the most responsible and hardworking people, but at the same time remained devoted servants of their bar.

The days of the Oblomovites passed in calm and idleness, and the most important event was the choice of dishes for dinner, when everyone offered their own options, and then everyone consulted, approaching the menu with particular seriousness: “care for food was the first and main life concern in Oblomovka. After the meal, everyone fell into a sleepy state, sometimes they carried on lazy meaningless conversations, but more often they were completely silent, gradually falling asleep: “it was some kind of all-consuming, invincible dream, a true likeness of death,” which little Ilya observed from year to year, gradually adopting model of behavior and values ​​of parents.

Oblomov's childhood in Oblomovka

As a child, Ilya was an inquisitive, active child who tried his best to learn about the world around him. He wanted, like other children, to run through the fields, climb trees, walk where it is forbidden, or, climbing into the hayloft, admire the river and magnificent landscapes from a height. Oblomov liked to watch animals, to inspect the surrounding area. However, overprotective parents, who from infancy surrounded Ilya with continuous care and control, forbade the boy to actively interact with the world and study it, instilling in him completely different, "Oblomov" values ​​​​and behavior patterns: constant laziness, unwillingness to work and study, weak will and fear of the real peace.

Deprived of the need to fight for his desires, getting everything he wants at the first request, Oblomov is used to idleness. He did not have to decide or do anything on his own - there were always parents who "knew better" what their son needed, or servants who were ready to bring him any food, help him get dressed or clean up the rooms. Ilya was raised as an exotic "indoor flower", protecting him from the outside world with all his might and sheltering him in the pacifying nest of Oblomovka. Parents did not even demand academic success from their son, since they did not consider science to be something really important and useful, they often left him at home on holidays or in bad weather. That is why studying at school, and then at the institute, became for Oblomov something like an indication of parents, and not the realization of his own will. In the classroom, Ilya Ilyich was bored, he did not understand how the knowledge gained could be applied in later life, in particular, in Oblomovka.

The destructive influence of fairy tales on Oblomov's life

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich appears as a very sensitive, dreamy person who knows how to see beauty and subtly experience any manifestations of the outside world. In many ways, the formation of these qualities in the hero was influenced precisely by the picturesque nature of Oblomov and the fairy tales that his nanny told the boy. Myths and legends carried Oblomov into a completely different world - a fantastic world, beautiful and full of miracles: “He involuntarily dreams of Militris Kirbityevna; everything pulls him in that direction, where they only know that they are walking, where there are no worries and sorrows; he always has the disposition to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made, unearned dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress. Even in adulthood, realizing that "milk rivers" do not exist, Ilya Ilyich "unconsciously sad sometimes, why is a fairy tale not life, and life is not a fairy tale." That is why in Oblomov continued to live that, instilled with fairy tales, the feeling of being abandoned in a terrifying and frightening world, where you need to blindly make your way forward, not seeing a goal or a road, from which only a true miracle can save.

The fabulous, magical world of legends and myths becomes an alternative reality for Oblomov, and already in adulthood he himself invents a fairy tale for himself about a future life in heavenly Oblomovka, about endless calm family happiness, prosperity and tranquility. However, the tragedy of Ilya Ilyich does not even consist in total escapism, fear of society, unwillingness to do anything and fight for his happiness, and not in the understanding that he has already replaced real life with an illusory one. Before his death, for Oblomov, his dreams are more real and important than his son, wife, friend and people around him, even more important than himself, because in his dreams everything is in order with health, he is full of strength and energy. However, Goncharov himself in the novel briefly gives the reader one of the explanations for this substitution: “maybe a dream, the eternal silence of a sluggish life and the absence of movement and any real fears, adventures and dangers forced a person to create another, unrealizable world in the natural world, and in it to look for revelry and fun to idle imagination or unraveling the ordinary chains of circumstances and the causes of the phenomenon outside the phenomenon itself”, emphasizing that life itself should be a continuous striving forward, and not an endless sleep in the “comfort zone”.


The concept of "Oblomovism" in the novel "Oblomov" is introduced by Goncharov not as a single characteristic of the main character's life motives and nature, but as a typical and especially attractive phenomenon for Russian society - the archetype of Emelya the Fool, lying on the stove and waiting for his finest hour. According to the author himself, this is “an evil and insidious satire on our great-grandfathers, and maybe even on ourselves” - a fairy tale that everyone wants to believe in, but which has nothing to do with reality, where in order to achieve heights it is necessary to stand up with stoves and work, work on yourself. On the example of Oblomov, Goncharov showed how excessive care and guardianship, protection from stress and loss, leading to complete disappointment in real life and replacing it with illusions, can adversely affect a sensitive, dreamy person.

The characteristics of the concept of “Oblomovism”, the history of its appearance and the connection with the main character of the novel will be useful to 10 classes during the preparation of an essay on the topic “Oblomov and “Oblomovism” in the novel “Oblomov”.

Artwork test

  1. The personality of one person and a social phenomenon.
  2. Oblomovism as a disaster for the Russian people.
  3. Dobrolyubov's opinion about Oblomovism.

The opinions and intentions of one person may be absolutely not interesting to the majority. But if the actions and opinions of one can be interpreted as a social phenomenon, then they acquire a completely different assessment. Moral and mental troubles can excite and revolt people. But this is clearly not enough. After all, only a real writer can express them in the exact and vivid form of a literary work. I would like to devote the essay to such a social phenomenon as Oblomovism. This phenomenon, in my opinion, can rightfully be attributed to moral and mental turmoil.
Anyone who has read Goncharov's novel Oblomov involuntarily thinks about Oblomovism. What is the main character? Who is he? Unhappy, not knowing how to manage his own life? Or, on the contrary, a lucky man who has defended his own position all his life?

We, the readers, of course, feel very sorry for Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. After all, he denies himself such joys, without which life becomes uninteresting. But, on the other hand, he also managed to free himself from secular conventions. And they largely enslave a person. Of course, the image of Ilya Oblomov deserves the closest attention. This man did not deny himself anything. He only did what he liked. He did not like working, he easily and quickly abandoned it. Of course, Oblomov was largely “lucky”. Or "bad luck", here opinions may differ. After all, he did not need to earn his living. Who knows how Oblomov's fate would have turned out if he had been burdened with the need to take care of his daily bread ...

The only activity that Oblomov did not treat negatively was daydreaming. He dreams with pleasure and taste. Adult Ilya Ilyich recalls with pleasure the children's tales that his nanny told him. He understands that fairy tales will never come true. But after all, they fully correspond to his life position - refusal to act, the intention to plunge into an invented world.
Oblomov refuses real life, as a result of which he impoverishes his own life, makes it empty and meaningless. In order to better understand the protagonist, it does not hurt to recall Dobrolyubov's article "What is Oblomovism."

The great critic Dobrolyubov, with his characteristic frankness, declares that such qualities as apathy, inertia, laziness were typical of Russian life. And all these qualities are united by Dobrolyubov with the word "Oblomovism". Of course, not all representatives of the Russian nobility, as well as other social strata, were struck by this "disease", the name of which is Oblomovism. But nevertheless, we cannot doubt the words of Dobrolyubov. Is it not characteristic of a Russian person to dream, despite the fact that dreams do not correspond to reality in any way? Or postpone “for tomorrow” what you really don’t want to do at the moment?

For example, Oblomov's dreams are not only useless, they are very harmful. The protagonist of the novel gives all his strength to dreams, as a result he receives nothing in return. Dreams are useful only when they correspond to reality at least to some extent.

Dobrolyubov says in his article: “The life that he (Goncharov) depicts serves for him not as a means to an abstract philosophy, but as a direct goal in itself. He does not care about the reader and what conclusions you draw from the novel: that is your business. If you make a mistake - blame your short-sightedness, and not the author. He presents you with a living image and vouches only for its resemblance to reality, and there it is up to you to determine the degree of dignity of the depicted objects - he is completely indifferent to this.

We see that Dobrolyubov fully approved Goncharov's plan. After all, the last one does not invent anything. It shows real life as it is. Oblomov, of course, deserves condemnation ... If we assume that there are not too many people like Ilya Ilyich, then they do not look dangerous. But what will happen to a society where there are too many such Oblomovs? After all, they, that is, the Oblomovs, are not only ruining their own lives. They affect others, even if not too noticeable. It is because of their daydreaming and inactivity that society is gradually degrading.

From the point of view of Dobrolyubov, Olga Il-inskaya deserves special appreciation in the novel. From the point of view of the critic, “in it, more than in Stolz, one can see a hint of a new Russian life; one can expect a word from her that will burn and dispel Oblomovism.

The undoubted merit of Goncharov is that he was able to portray an accurate and reliable portrait of Oblomov, while making it clear that we are not dealing with a separate person, but with a whole social phenomenon. Of course, any social or moral turmoil does not immediately attract attention. But the true skill of a great writer allows us to better understand and realize all the contradictions that interfere with our lives.

1. The main character of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov".
2. The question of the meaning of life.
3. Dreaminess and activity of Oblomov.
4. Degradation of Ilya Ilyich.

The novel by A. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" remains relevant for us. modern readers, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its inception. The protagonist of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, cannot but arouse interest. You involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and try to answer the question, who is Oblomov? Was he lazy in the first place? Or is the problem of the protagonist of the novel much deeper? Did Oblomov see any meaning in life? Or did he not tend to think about it? As soon as we meet Oblomov at the beginning of the work, we understand the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day to day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next one is similar to the previous one. Days go by with absolutely nothing. Oblomov leads an almost vegetative existence, he is not interested in anything, he is not fond of anything. The main thing in life is a cozy sofa, on which Oblomov lies all day. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. There were no shocks in Oblomov's life that could affect his worldview. No, everything went very well. From childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of his relatives. And he never had to worry about his daily bread. It is convenient for Oblomov to live without thinking about anything, without caring about anything. He has absolutely no aspirations and desires. Day and night, Oblomov lies on the sofa in the same dressing gown made of Persian fabric. “... Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident. like someone who is tired, nor pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state ... ".

It is always human nature to think about the meaning of life. But even if we consider the question of the meaning of life as an abstract philosophical category, one cannot but admit that inaction has never made anyone happy. Feeling the fullness of life is possible only in the case of constant movement, an active search for new experiences. Let a person not be able to change the world or do anything significant. But he can make his own life brighter and more interesting. And not the last role in this is played by everyday life with its affairs and concerns. Everyday life is not always dull and uninteresting. If desired, everyday affairs can be bright, impressive. But all this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an untidy, dusty room. It's dirty and uncomfortable here. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, to make his life a little more comfortable. Here is how the writer says about Oblomov’s room: “The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, seemed perfectly cleaned ... But the experienced eye of a person with a pure taste with one quick glance at everything that was there, would have read the desire only to somehow observe dekorum of inevitable propriety, if only to get rid of them... On the walls, near the paintings, cobwebs saturated with dust were molded in the form of festoons; mirrors, instead of reflecting objects, could rather serve as tablets for writing on them, through the dust, some notes for memory ... The carpets were stained. There was a forgotten towel on the sofa; on the table, a rare morning, there was not a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone that had not been removed from yesterday's dinner, and there were no bread crumbs lying around.

The environment that surrounds the main character is quite unpleasant. Oblomov tries to reproach his servant Zakhar for his slovenliness. But the servant turns out to be a match for his master. He talks about dust and dirt: "... why clean it up if it picks up again." Zakhar also believes that "he did not invent bedbugs and cockroaches, everyone has them."

Oblomov does not have the strength and desire to force his servant to clean up the room. He can't even do anything in his native village. But Ilya Ilyich makes plans with pleasure, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of rebuilding the countryside. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is basically impossible to implement them. And, of course, Oblomov himself will never be able to implement them. Oblomov's reverie takes on some monstrous scope. He lives these dreams, thereby refusing real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to observe Ilya Ilyich when he dreams: “The thought walked like a free bird across his face, fluttered in his eyes, settled on half-open lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glimmered all over his face .. .".

Oblomov does not think about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He is not worried about tomorrow, he does not think about any problems and troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movement, new experiences, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people; complete solitude from people and worries is enough for him.

I must say that the inner world of Oblomov is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with some people, for example, with Stolz's friend, Olga Ilyinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the fullness of life. And deep down, Oblomov understands this. He tries to create an imaginary harmony between his inner world and the outer world. But this is not so easy to do. After all, real life comes into conflict with the world of dreams and dreams. Let Oblomov be completely satisfied with his existence. But at the same time, he is unhappy, because he has replaced real life with half-asleep. It is no coincidence that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich, vivid experiences, feelings and emotions are not familiar to him. Oblomov's inertia and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know another life, activity, aspirations and activity are alien to him. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives his illusions. And the only thing he sees in front of him is an untidy room. The world has narrowed for Oblomov to the size of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich gives up love, career, family happiness in order to lie quietly on the couch. In fact, the narrowness of Oblomov's thinking becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the advantages of real life. The degradation of Oblomov became quite justified. He does not even pay attention to his own appearance. For what? He is so good. It doesn't matter what was or what will be. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept for so long and on which the main character prefers to stay.

There is no point in Oblomov's life. After all, inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy cannot be called meaning. Life becomes painful, because it is not natural for a person to lead a vegetative existence. The novel "Oblomov" makes readers think that a person is able to become his own enemy if he decides to replace real life with

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