What is the difference between bersh fish and small pike perch: photo. Bursh - exclusively Russian fish


Bersh or Volga pike perch is not related to ordinary pike perch, although both fish belong to the perch family. Little is known about his lifestyle, but it is all the more interesting to learn more. Outwardly, they are similar, but the bersh fish, unlike pike perch, does not have fangs. There are other differences that make these fish bright individuals.

pike perch

Differences between zander and bersh are important for any angler. Only by thoroughly studying the habits of two predators, one can successfully catch one or another fish. There is much more information about zander.

On the Don and the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the people call him sula. Knowing the habits of pike perch, you can choose the right top dressing, tackle, bait and a place for fishing. As a result - a rich catch and a good mood.

The range of the common pike perch is quite wide. It can be caught in rivers flowing into such seas and lakes as:

This fish is quite large. There is data on the catch of individuals with a length of more than a meter and a weight of 15 kg. It is possible that even larger specimens exist.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of this fish is the presence of fang-shaped teeth, giving a ferocious look. Females look more modest, their fangs are shorter than those of males.


There are several varieties of this fish, differing in the color of the scales and the shape of the fins. All of them have an elongated spindle-shaped body, laterally compressed. The scales are small, with uneven jagged edges, and sit firmly in the skin. The scaly cover captures part of the head and tail. The lateral line reaches the caudal fin. There are two fins on the back, they are either separated by a small distance or touch each other.

In one dorsal fin, which is closer to the head, all the rays are hard and prickly. In the other - only 1-3, the rest are soft. The same "thorns" are in the anal fin and two ventral ones. The membranes of the fins on the back and tail are dotted with small dark spots.

The jaws are elongated, the teeth are sharp, small. The mouth is large and has fangs. There are hard spines on the gill bones.

The back is greenish-gray, closer to the fins it is darker. The belly is white or grey. On the sides, transverse stripes are clearly visible. They are brown-black, up to 10 or more pieces.


Pike perch predator. The diet mainly consists of small fish. The fry do not disdain invertebrates, eating them in unlimited quantities.

It practically does not occur in swampy and muddy reservoirs, as it is very sensitive to a lack of oxygen.

In summer, in hot weather, it stays at a depth of 2-5 meters. Active both day and night. In night hunting, reflectors located behind the retina of the eyes help to see well enough moonlight.

Night hunting takes place in shallow water or at the very surface of the water, and characteristic splashes can be observed. During the day it goes deep.

Prefers sandy and pebbly bottom with large snags, debris and stones. In them, he arranges an ambush, and then rushes to the prey.

It spawns in spring when the water temperature is above 12 degrees, usually in April-May. She lays her eggs in shallow water, in those places where there is a lot of driftwood and other debris. Caviar yellowish, small. Spawning starts at the age of 3-4 years.

Walleye - highly valued as a game fish, so in some countries its catch is limited.

Bersh or Volga pike perch

A small fish up to 45 cm long, outwardly similar to pike perch. The average weight of an adult is 1.2-1.4 kg.

It is believed that bersh is a purely Russian fish.. This is due to the fact that it is found only on the territory of Russia and the CIS, in the rivers of the Caspian and Black Seas. There is no other reliable evidence.

There is very little information about this predator. Basically, they are drawn from the stories of anglers who meet bersh in one place or another. Due to its similarity to zander, it is often mistaken for juveniles of this fish, although there are quite a few differences.

Distinctive features

Despite the outward resemblance to zander, this fish is closer to perch. At one time it was even believed that this was a cross between two fish. What is the difference between bersh and pike perch:

  • shorter and wider snout;
  • large eyes;
  • teeth of the same size, without fangs;
  • scaly cheeks;
  • larger scales and smaller rows;
  • a smaller number of transverse stripes - there are 8 of them;
  • a more correct and clear form of stripes.

All these differences are clearly visible.

In large quantities, this fish is not found anywhere else. Most often it is caught in the Volga, but only in some places. Basically, this is a section of the river below Rybinsk - the bersh does not rise upstream.

There is evidence that it is caught in Belozerye, in the Ural and Sheksna rivers, in the Caspian and Baltic bays. They are quite confusing and contradictory. Nobody knows the exact location. This fish is generally little studied, perhaps due to its similarity with pike perch.

Seen in deep places with sandy or rocky muddy bottoms and currents. It was not found in lakes with stagnant water. And just like pike perch, it prefers water saturated with oxygen.

The diet is similar to that of pike perch - small fish and invertebrates. It has all the habits of a predatory fish. Stays in packs.

Spawns later than zander, at the same time as bream. The fry swim near the shore, where it is easier to find food.

Bersh fishing

In the lower reaches of the rivers, it pecks in spring and autumn. According to fishermen, it's better in autumn. Bersh, as already noted, keeps in flocks and is especially active in the early morning and evening.

If you stumble upon such a flock, then the bite will be stormy, but short. This time is enough for the catch to be good. It bites on a worm or other bait. Fishermen say that at the end of May a good bite of a bersh on a spit between Samara and the Volga. True, it is short-lived - only 2-3 days, while the fish goes after spawning.

It is caught on a fishing rod and spinning, on a donk and a vent. In the form of bait, various gear is used: silicone twisters, spinners and mormyshkas, as well as bait fishing using small fish.

In winter, the fish hides under snags and hardly eats. Winter fishing is rarely successful.

Bersh meat is considered a delicacy and is on the menu of many restaurants. Currently, the fish is recognized as rare and listed in the Red Book.

There are fish that are so similar to each other that they are often confused. These are bersh and pike perch. They can be distinguished only when it is known about the structure of their body, habits and habitat of these species. Bersh belongs to the perch family. The length of its body reaches 0.5 m, the weight can be 1.7 kg in large representatives of the species. Like perch, it is a freshwater fish.

If you look at the appearance of pike perch and bersh, their body color is the same. However, the latter has more distinct symmetrical stripes. On the lower jaw, fangs are not found, and the muzzle has a more blunt shape. Unlike pike perch, bersh fish has more rounded and bulging eyes. The fins located on the side and on the back, which are more impressive in size, also stand out. The body of the bersh is oblong. It is covered with large scales. Even near the mouth, small scales can be found.

As for the range, most often the Bershik fish lives in the Volga River and its basin. It is also found in the Dnieper and Don rivers.

Sometimes it is possible to catch a bersh in the Caspian Sea, as well as in the reservoirs that enter its basin.

Bersh prefers small fish, like pike perch. Most often, his victim does not exceed 7 cm in length. His favorite delicacy is minnows. At the same time, he can eat fry and other fish of smaller species. It usually lives in deep waters. You should look for it where the bottom of the reservoir is sandy and fairly solid. In lakes and bays, it is not found at all.

Individuals become sexually mature at 4 years of age. The body length at this moment is 25 cm. Spawning is carried out in this species in shallow water. Bersh builds nests. They are located on the sandy bottom near the snag. The male is responsible for guarding the nest where the eggs are located. He protects the brood until the fry are born.

Usually spawning begins in April at a water temperature not lower than +10°С. Sometimes it can be observed in May. Everything depends on weather conditions. Caviar miniature, yellow. Bersh is a very prolific fish. At one time, females can lay up to 500,000 eggs, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. It takes 1 week for the eggs to mature.

The larvae remain in the cocoon for some time. After a few days, they eat the remains of the shell and begin an independent existence. Larvae do not exceed 2 mm in length. They become fry after a week. Now their diet includes zooplankton.

Compared to zander, bersh can hunt all day long. The zander comes out to hunt only at night. Bersh loves to team up with other brethren in order to hunt prey. In this case, a group of fish drives the victim to a specific place. Younger individuals often swim next to large pike perch, which is why it is rather problematic to recognize a bersh next to a pike perch. Large fish usually live in the middle of the reservoir. Small individuals approach the shore. But it is not so easy to see them, as they swim near the very bottom.

Differences between zander and bersh:

  1. In bersh, scales are present even near the mouth, in pike perch this area is clean.
  2. Bersh has a wider and shorter muzzle.
  3. The scales of the bersh are larger in size.

It is also important to point out that pike perch is found in lakes and reservoirs, while bersh prefers large and small rivers.

Fishermen like to catch bersh, because its fillet is unusually tasty and tender. This type of predatory fish is hunted exclusively by non-professionals.

On an industrial scale, this fish is not caught. More successful fishing will be in winter, in summer it is bad to catch bersh. You should choose a fishing line of medium thickness, since individuals do not exceed 0.5 m in length. For winter fishing, large-sized mormyshkas elongated along the contour should be used. They put minnows or other small fish on them.

As for gear, you can hunt bersh using spinning, donkey or float fishing rods. Some fishermen practice circle fishing. Spinning is suitable in this case because the predator lives on the sandy bottom. The bait must be selected in a light color. A leash is not required. The bait should be played as smoothly and slowly as possible. This is done at the very bottom.

To find the bersh site, it is necessary to study the bottom topography. Feeder installation is carried out in the evening. They go to check in the morning. This method has many advantages. It is not required to cast tackle regularly and check it. In addition, the use of artificial baits is allowed.

The bottom tackle has a sliding sinker. It is problematic to use a float fishing rod in a current. That is why it is important to select areas where there is relatively standing water. This is also important because the bersh prefers a benthic lifestyle. Float tackle is also difficult to cast over long distances.

What is circle fishing? This is a zherlitsa, but intended for fishing in the summer. Before using it, they determine the location of the school of fish and then cast the tackle. In this case, it is better to use live bait. Large individuals are found on the fairway of the river. That's why you can't do without a boat here.

Fish fillet contains many useful substances. It is low in calories compared to animal meat. That is why bersh meat belongs to dietary products. It is well absorbed and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals..

Including such fish in food, you can achieve the normalization of the work of the kidneys, hepatocytes (liver cells), improve the condition of the skin, strengthen bones and stimulate tissue repair. By regularly eating fish, you can remove toxic compounds from the body, increase the body's defenses and normalize metabolism. Fillet has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Predatory fish can become the basis for culinary delights. Such dishes will be not only healthy, but also tasty. It will not be difficult to figure out how to cook bersh fish, it turns out especially tasty in the oven. To cook a stewed fillet with onions, take 0.5 kg of fish, 3 onions and 1 incomplete glass of grated hard cheese. You will also need 70 g of mayonnaise, salt, spices and some greens.

Clean the fish, gut and wash thoroughly. Remove bones. Cut into portions and rub with spices.

Onions are cut separately into half rings and spread in mayonnaise, mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Preheat the oven to +180°C. The fillet is coated with a mixture of onion and mayonnaise and sent to the oven. Bake for approximately 35 minutes. The fish is laid out on a dish, sprinkled with grated cheese. Again sent to the oven for 5 minutes. Before serving, decorate with finely chopped greens.

Fish can be stewed with vegetables such as carrots. Bersh dishes are especially rich in vitamins. You need to take 2 kg of fish, 1 carrot and 3 onions. As additional components, vegetable oil and flour, salt and spices will be required.

The fish is cleaned and washed, cut into pieces. After that, roll it in coarse salt, and then in flour. Fry in a pan until golden brown. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, onions are cut into half rings. After the fish is ready, carrots and onions are fried here. As soon as the vegetables are browned, put the fish on top and continue to simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes. Before serving, the dish is decorated with herbs.

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Bersh - ray-finned fish belonging to the genus of zander, perch family.

These fish are small in size - the length is no more than 45 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 1.2-1.4 kilograms. Bersh is similar in appearance to pike perch.

Bursh is a native Russian fish, it lives only in the rivers of the Caspian and Black Seas. Bersh has much in common with zander, but at the same time it also has similarities with perch, in this regard, it was previously believed that bersh is a cross between these two species.

The bersh fish has certain features due to which it can be easily distinguished from: the muzzle is much shorter and wider, the teeth are almost the same size, the eyes are large, there are scales on the cheeks, and in general the scales are much larger than those of the zander. By color, bersh and pike perch are almost identical, but the stripes of bersh are clearer and have the correct shape. In size, it is much smaller than zander. This fish weighs, as a rule, 2-3 pounds and in rare cases, the weight reaches 6-8 pounds. In length, five-pound berches reach about 12 inches.

Bersh has another name - Volga pike perch.

Bershees are not very common fish, they are almost never found in large numbers. The main habitat is the Volga with its large tributaries. But these fish do not swim high, they are not higher than Rybinsk. Bersh lives in Beloozero and Sheksna, from there it is brought to Rybinsk.

Bersh is a desirable prey for anglers.

How far these fish rise in Kama, Oka and Sura is unclear. In rare cases, they swim in the Moscow River. In addition, bersh, like pike perch, lives in the Caspian Sea, where it swims into the Gulf of Baku, but it has not been clarified whether it gets into the rivers flowing into the bay.

In the Black Sea basin, bersh is found only in the Dnieper, but it does not swim above Kremenchug, since the Dnieper fishermen do not catch it. But near Yekaterinoslav, bersh is not uncommon, but near Nikopol, it is generally an ordinary fish. In the Bug it is not common, but in the Donets and Don it is widespread everywhere.

Not much is known about the way of life of bersh, this is due to the fact that they are often confused with young zander.

The diet of the bersh is similar to the diet of zander - it eats small fish, mainly minnows. These fish prefer to stay at depth. Favorite places are rivers with a sandy bottom. Bersh do not live in bays and lakes.

In the Middle Volga, he spawns when and

Bersh (Stizostedion volgensis)- a species of fish of the perch family, the genus pike perch. The size of the bersh is small: it reaches a length of 45 cm and a weight of 1.2-1.4 kg. Outwardly similar to Sudak.

This is a purely Russian fish, found only in the rivers of the Black and Caspian Seas. It is not known on what basis Pallas says that he is found in the Irtysh. Bersh is a significant resemblance to pike perch, but at the same time it is somewhat closer to perch, so that before it was even considered a cross between these two fish. It is easily distinguished from pike perch by the following features: its snout is noticeably shorter and wider, its eyes are relatively larger, all teeth are almost the same size, cheeks are not bare, but covered with scales, scales are generally larger (70-75 rows of scales, pike perch 80-90 ). In color, it almost does not differ from pike perch, but the dark transverse stripes (number 8) are more distinct and have a more regular shape.

In size, the bersh is significantly inferior to zander and only in rare cases reaches a weight of 6-8 pounds, as, for example, in the South Volga. Its usual weight is 2-3 pounds and 8 inches long; in the Dnieper, according to fishermen, it never exceeds half an arshin and 3-311 grams of weight. A five-pound bersh in the Volga is 12 inches long.

The distribution of bersh is very limited, and it does not come across in large numbers anywhere. Its main seat is the Volga with its main tributaries, but it does not rise, however, it is high and, apparently, does not occur above Rybinsk; however, it is found throughout Sheksna and even in Beloozero, from where it is often brought to Rybinsk along with salted zander. How far it goes to the Oka, Sura, Kama, Samara is unknown, but in Vyatka it is known, as you know, to Kotelnich, and occasionally it comes, or rather, it went into the Moscow River. In addition, bersh, like pike perch, is also found in the Caspian Sea, where it reaches the Gulf of Baku, but it is not known whether it also enters other rivers that flow there. It seems, however, that it occurs in r. Urals, about which, however, it is desirable to have confirmation.

In the Black Sea basin, it is found almost exclusively in the Dnieper, but, apparently, it does not rise above Kremenchug here: at least, the secret is not at all known to the Dnieper fishermen above Kremenchug, and even here it is often confused with young pike perches; near Ekaterinoslav, on the contrary, it is no longer a rarity, and every fisherman knows how to distinguish it from pike perch, and near Nikopol it belongs to the number of ordinary fish. Bersh is rare in the Bug and Dniester (?), but quite common in the Don and Donets; but here also it is not known for certain how far it is found, and in general the distribution of this fish is still little studied. According to Alferaki, bersh does not come across at all in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. We know even less about the lifestyle of this fish, which probably depends on the fact that most people mix it with young walleye.

The food of the bersh, apparently, is the same as the zander: it feeds mainly on small fish, especially minnows. He also almost always stays at depth, on the fairway itself, and loves the sandy bottom; never occurs in lakes, even flood ones; spawning occurs in the Middle Volga at the same time as bream, somewhat later than pike perch (in the Don in early April), and in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Volga much earlier - in the second half of March, somewhat later than perch. Its main fishing is carried out in the lower reaches - in the spring, even more so in the fall. According to Yakovlev, his autumn exits from the niello are always more than spring ones. Bersh meat is similar to zander meat, but somewhat more tender. On sale, both of these fish usually do not differ. The bersh taken out of the water will snatch even more pike perch.

On the bait, the bersh is sometimes caught in very large numbers, but it seems that its bite is very short. So, for example, bersh often falls for the bait in the lower reaches of the Oka, almost more often than zander; they catch him mainly on a worm, but whether he takes live bait here is unknown. According to the latest information, Samara anglers fish for worms at the end of May (on the spit formed by the Volga and Samara); this fishing lasts only 2-3 days, when this fish “rolls”, i.e., goes down after spawning, but you can catch it from 3 o’clock in the morning to 8, for 5 hours, up to a pood of fish weighing from 1/2 f. up to 2 More detailed information about the fishing of the bersh is not available. How does the bersh take, for what and in the spring only - all these are questions that need to be answered, and it would be very desirable to get some details from the Volga fishermen about the life and fishing of this purely Russian fish.

This species is listed in the Red Book.

Description. Bersh is a predatory fish of the perch family, is a "dwarf" relative. Bersh grows rather slowly, on average it reaches a length of 45 cm and a mass of 1.3 kg, in exceptional cases it reaches 2-3 kg and 55 cm. A half-kilogram individual can be considered a trophy specimen.

Bersh, especially young ones, are so similar to zander that even experienced anglers cannot distinguish them, although these fish have several differences. A large individual of the bersh (more than 15 cm long) has scales on the gill covers, but does not have fangs on the jaws and a hump on the back between the fin and head. The head of the Bersh is much wider and shorter, the diameter of the eyes is larger, the teeth are almost the same size. Pike perch has a more yellow color, weakly pronounced stripes on the sides and a smaller scale size compared to bersh (the bersh has 70-75 rows of scales, and the zander has 80-90). A large bersh resembles a cross between pike perch and.

Lifestyle. Bersh is a freshwater fish, but in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Volga it is semi-anadromous. Prefers hard bottom (sand, rocks, pebbles) and avoids muddy areas. It usually stays close to pike perch on rifts, depth differences, reverse currents and whirlpools. In autumn, the bersh goes to the upper reaches of the rivers and lays down in pits, choosing, unlike pike perch, deeper pits (up to 14 meters) and warmer water. Bersh spawning occurs on sandbars at a water temperature of 13-20 ° C in the Urals in April - May, and often coincides with pike perch.

Nutrition. Bersh, being a larva, eats small zooplankton, juveniles feed on worms and small crustacean mollusks, bersh older than a year switches to predatory food - fingerlings of perch and cyprinids. The adult eats only fish, mostly perch. Due to the relatively small throat and lack of fangs, the bersh swallows individuals up to 7.5 cm long. Intensive feeding occurs in spring and autumn, in summer the bersh eats much less, and in winter it practically does not eat at all, which also distinguishes it from pike perch.

Spreading. Bersh lives in the rivers of the Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the Caspian and Black, in the lower and middle reaches and tributaries of the Don, Ural, Volga, Dniester, Dnieper, Danube and Bug rivers. Enters the Caspian Sea and the southern reservoirs - Tsimlyansk, Volgograd and Kuibyshev. In the Perm Territory, it is found in.

Bersh fishing. Catching a bersh is similar to catching zander, the bait and tackle are the same. The period of the most successful fishing comes in spring - in summer after spawning and in autumn, at the moment of the most active zhora before wintering. 2-3 days after spawning, bersh is caught on any bait: live bait (perch), fry, fish meat, creep, spindle, bunch of worms, shell, leech, frog, piece of lard, as well as various silicone baits, for example, vibrotails and twisters. Tackle can also be any:, float fishing rod, donks, vents, mugs, you can catch trolling and a track from a boat, fishing with a jig and a wobbler is effective.

Since the bersh hardly eats in winter, it is difficult to catch him. You can look for it in the morning in pits up to 14 meters deep and in snags. You can catch a conventional, equipped with a large-diameter inertial reel for jigs, using crustaceans, worms, bloodworms, various larvae as nozzles, or you can try non-bait fishing for the same mormyshkas. In winter, spinners, balancers and twisters are not favored by bersh. Teardrop-shaped, white or copper jigs are suitable, as well as with a luminous coating. You can fish immediately with 2 mormyshkas with a distance of 30 cm between them, only the top one should be smaller than the bottom one. We choose a fishing line with a thickness of 0.2 mm, this is quite enough for a specimen weighing 500 grams. The load must be such that the bait is smoothly carried away by the current for a distance of up to 30 meters. The game of the bait should not be fast, the bersh is attracted by smooth fluctuations vertically and horizontally, tapping on the bottom, as well as stopping the mormyshka. A very sensitive nod is required, because. bersh bites are barely noticeable. When pulling out from a great depth, due to a sharp pressure drop, the bersh's eyes bulge.

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