What to do profitable in the village. Environmentally friendly earnings, or how to open your own business in the countryside


In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the interest of entrepreneurs in agriculture. The reason for this is three circumstances: the constant demand for products, active government support and a high level of competition in cities. It is logical to assume that in rural areas all novice businessmen face the same problem: what exactly should be done in order to count on a steady income?

It is possible to determine the viability of a business idea in the village from scratch only after studying the market and determining the categories of goods that are in greatest demand. At the same time, the preferences of the target audience should be taken into account: in rural areas, price is an important argument for consumers, while sales in neighboring large cities are better built on the concept of naturalness and organic origin of products.

The implementation of any should be preceded by the development of a business plan, which includes not only an optimistic, but also a pessimistic option. The need to calculate an unfavorable scenario is justified by the risks that accompany agricultural activities - the likelihood of drought, crop failure, epidemics among animals, pest invasion. The success of a business is determined by how well all such options for the development of an enterprise are worked out.

Farming as a business

Popularity is caused not only by the constant demand for agricultural products, but also by numerous state support programs, thanks to which an entrepreneur can compensate up to 90% of the cost of purchasing equipment or seed.

To calculate the total amount of investments, for each type of activity you need to draw up a business plan with calculations, for example, raising pigs or cows can cost 3-6 million rubles, a poultry farm - 1.2-1.6 million rubles, and an apiary - 500 -750 thousand rubles. In general, the agricultural business includes many areas:

  1. Livestock. Breeding pigs, cows, sheep, horses on an industrial scale requires a significant amount of start-up capital;
  2. Poultry farming. It implies keeping chickens, geese, ducks, quails, pheasants and even ostriches. When studying which business is profitable to open in the village, it should be noted that this direction is characterized by high profitability;
  3. Aquaculture. Includes breeding of various types of fish (carp, crucian carp, pike, trout, sturgeon) and crustaceans (narrow-clawed, Australian crayfish and shrimps) in open reservoirs or in recirculating water supply installations;
  4. Beekeeping. If there are certain natural resources in the district (gardens, fields, meadows), it is a promising type of activity;
  5. Cultivation of grain crops (barley, wheat, corn, soybeans);
  6. Growing vegetables and herbs (potatoes, beets, tomatoes, garlic, onions);
  7. Horticulture and floriculture, growing berries (strawberries, raspberries);
  8. Viticulture. A rather specific type of activity, characterized by a long payback period;
  9. Cultivation of mushrooms (mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, truffles and others). When considering how to make a business in the village from scratch, you should pay attention to this method of generating income.

In order for a medium-sized farm to bring 550-800 thousand rubles of annual profit, one should choose the direction of activity in accordance with the climatic features and landscape of the land. Considering what kind of business to open in a small village, you can do otherwise and purchase a piece of land that meets the required conditions. In any case, it will be optimal to conduct a mixed economy, which allows you to increase the range of products and reduce the payback period, which under normal conditions is several years.

Carp breeding

Speaking about possible areas of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture, one cannot fail to mention aquaculture: high-tech technologies and significant investments are not needed to equip a fish farm. In such conditions, it becomes popular, which is primarily due to the peculiarities of keeping this type of fish:

  • Carp grows quite quickly - with intensive feeding, the average individual in two years reaches a weight of 1.6–1.8 kg;
  • The unpretentiousness of the carp allows it to live in almost any conditions, and the ability to hibernate - to withstand a significant drop in temperature;
  • Carp can be kept both on a natural forage base and with the help of top dressing, including barley, peas, corn, mixed fodder.

Considering how to start a business from scratch in a village, a fish farm project includes the arrangement of an artificial reservoir up to 100 m² in area and up to 2 m deep. If the size of the site allows, it is advisable to dig several of these pools for spawning, raising fry, keeping adults and wintering: the construction costs of each will amount to 50-70 thousand rubles.

Flowering and pollution of ponds with carp waste products can lead to the death of the herd. To avoid unpleasant consequences, such a business idea in the village involves the purchase of filters, pumps, aerators, sterilizers, oxidizers and measuring equipment. A kit for servicing each reservoir will cost 75–85 thousand rubles.

After filling the ponds with water, you can start acquiring fry. For a small business at home in the village, it is advisable to buy them on specialized farms: individuals do not always put up healthy and viable livestock for sale. The cost of the herd will be 10-12 thousand rubles, and the monthly cost of purchasing compound feed will be another 10 thousand rubles.

In the question of what kind of profitable business can be opened in the village, it should be borne in mind that the first income from carp breeding will be received only after a year. With a market price of 120-150 rubles per kilogram of live weight, this amount will be 330-360 thousand rubles.

Crayfish breeding

represents another aquaculture direction available to entrepreneurs. Industrial scale involves the arrangement of insulated reservoirs with a high planting density, however, significant investments are not required for cultivation in open ponds. Moreover, some experts suggest combining this idea of ​​small business in the village with carp breeding, which will almost double income.

Raising crayfish as a small business in the village requires constant monitoring of water quality and timely cleaning of the pond from pollution. Saturation of the environment with oxygen in the warm season is carried out with the help of an aerator, and in the cold season - by installing an oxidizer at the bottom.

When looking at how to start a small business in a village, you should consider buying or catching a broodstock yourself. In the first case, approximately 30-40 thousand rubles will have to be spent for these purposes, and in the second - a certain amount of personal time. You also need to pay attention to the preparation of feed: thanks to the omnivorous diet of adults, they include cereals, flour, meat and fish waste.

The main difficulty in home breeding is the low growth rate of crayfish: in open ponds, adults hibernate for six to seven months a year. Entrepreneurs considering what kind of business to open at home in the village are usually stopped by the fact that the first profit has to wait several years. However, subsequently, each reservoir with an area of ​​100 m² will bring 90-120 thousand rubles of annual income.

Poultry rearing

Poultry farming, as a business idea in the village from scratch, uses as a basis the growing demand for products of natural origin: not only chickens, but also ducks, geese, turkeys, and quails are of interest to buyers. Other positive aspects of poultry farming include the following factors:

  • The bird grows very quickly - even pays for itself in about six months;
  • Birds are much easier to keep and feed than cows or pigs;
  • The profitability of a poultry farm can reach 80-100%;
  • Poultry meat is classified as a dietary product.

To choose which business can be opened in the village, you should consider all possible types of birds that can be kept in artificial conditions:

  1. Geese, common and musky ducks;
  2. Turkeys;
  3. Laying hens and broilers;
  4. Quail;
  5. Exotic species - pheasants, peacocks, canaries and ostriches.

Before opening a business from scratch in the village, you need to rent or build the poultry house itself. Its area is calculated based on the recommended stocking density: ten broilers, five layers, four ducks, three geese or two turkeys per square meter.

The equipment should be selected in accordance with the specialization of the farm: in the question of whether they distinguish between raising birds for meat, selling young animals or selling eggs. In the first case, it is enough to purchase feeders, drinkers, tools for cleaning the premises, provide for heating and lighting systems. With a full cycle of keeping, incubators are needed, and special automated systems are installed in poultry farms to collect eggs. The general plan for spending a small farm includes:

  • Repair of the premises (120-150 thousand rubles);
  • Purchase of young animals (70–90 thousand rubles);
  • Arrangement of cells (100-120 thousand rubles);
  • Purchase of equipment (60–80 thousand rubles);
  • Purchase of compound feed (50 thousand rubles).

When calculating income, it should be taken into account that poultry farming is virtually waste-free: meat, eggs, down and feathers are sold to wholesale suppliers, production waste is used to feed crayfish, and manure serves as an excellent fertilizer.

Grocery store in the village

An entrepreneur who does not have a penchant for agricultural activities can also find what kind of business to open in the village from scratch: a grocery store will be in demand in almost any locality.

You should first evaluate the activity of competitors, their pricing policy, advantages and disadvantages. Then you can start developing a business plan, which should include finding a room with an area of ​​​​50-70 m², connected to utilities and located on one of the main streets. If this does not turn out to be the case, the business in the village will have to start from scratch with the purchase of a land plot and the construction of a building.

The list of equipment for a small business in the village includes a standard set for a grocery store:

  • Refrigerators and freezers;
  • Showcases, counters, racks and shelves;
  • Scales and cash register.

In order for a small business in the village with a monthly income to be successful, you need to carefully consider the assortment. Delicacies and exclusive expensive goods are unlikely to be in demand here, so it is better to limit yourself to:

  • Bakery products;
  • Pasta, cereals, canned food, salt and sugar;
  • Meat and dairy products;
  • fish;
  • confectionery;
  • Mineral water, beer, alcohol and tobacco products;
  • Related products - matches, dishes, household chemicals.

Thus, to open a grocery store in a rented premises, you need a capital of 600-750 thousand rubles. When considering what kind of business to open in the village, in some cases you can start with a small stall, and later move to a larger format.

With an average check of 250-400 rubles and a trade margin of 25-50%, the store will have a monthly turnover of 350-400 thousand rubles. The net profit of the outlet will be 45–90 thousand rubles, and the payback period will be from one to three years.

Hairdresser at home

Given the almost complete absence of a service sector in rural areas, it can be assumed that a hairdresser at home in the village will enjoy some popularity. In the question of what kind of business to open in the village, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating such a salon is based on the need of each person for a monthly haircut procedure. In addition, women also need additional coloring, styling and curling - especially before the holidays.

To begin with, you should acquire the relevant knowledge in hairdressing courses, find a suitable room, establish contacts with suppliers of shampoos, paints, masks and other cosmetics. Then this small business idea for beginners in the village involves the purchase of the necessary equipment:

  • Hair dryer, hair iron, curlers, clippers;
  • Scissors, combs, razors, baths, brushes;
  • Consumables - gloves, caps, collars;
  • Hairdresser's chair, lighting equipment, mirrors and furniture;
  • Hairdresser's hair washer.

To open such a business for women in the village from scratch, 60-100 thousand rubles will have to be spent. It is desirable to include the costs of arranging the water supply system and installing a boiler in the list of expenses: not all small settlements have hot water.

Hairdressing services within one village will hardly bring more than 16-20 thousand rubles a month. Therefore, development should include visits to neighboring villages and towns: for field work, a road tool kit should be prepared, a vehicle should be purchased, and agreements should be made with the heads of administrations of the respective settlements on the periodic rental of small premises. As a result, this profitable business in the village from scratch will allow the entrepreneur to hire an assistant and increase income by two to three times.

Additional features and ways of organizing a business in the village from scratch, video material on the topic clearly demonstrates:

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Entrepreneurs considering what kind of business to open in the village from scratch can take into account the following factors as arguments:

  • The agricultural industry is currently actively supported both at the state and regional levels;
  • A wide range of activities allows you to choose a profitable type of business that matches your personal preferences;
  • Demand for products is practically not subject to seasonal fluctuations.

There are two ways to organize an agricultural business. In the first, the desired amount of profit is achieved through mass production using intensive technologies, while the second involves the use of exclusively natural methods to obtain an organic product that is sold at a high margin. An entrepreneur must make a choice between them not only by analyzing the situation on the market, but also on the basis of personal convictions.
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Want to start your own business but live in the countryside? After reading this article, this will not be a problem for you. Business in the countryside can be no less large-scale and profitable than in urban areas. True, there are several differences, the first is a narrow circle of niches, and the second is the pricing policy. According to statistics, business ideas for a village and a village can be very diverse.

Starting investments: from 50,000 rubles The number of employees: 1
Planned income per month: up to 70,000 rubles Market competition: Medium
Estimated monthly expenses: up to 40,000 rubles Payback: Medium

Business ideas in the village can be divided into several areas. You can earn money in animal husbandry, growing crops or providing services to enterprises. Ideas for business may vary from the development of the area. How to make money in the village? To begin with, it is better to sit down and analyze what you can earn on, that is, what tools you have.

What can be attributed to the initial capital of a small business for a village:

  • cash;
  • Earth;
  • animals;
  • room;
  • knowledge.

If you do not have initial capital, but you have knowledge, then there are already options for how to make money in the village by working for yourself. Business in the village from scratch, you can start with the maintenance of agricultural machinery. Applying your experience or knowledge in a particular area, you can get a profitable business model. To earn money doing your own business in the village, you need to analyze the market. Perhaps someone is already running a home business in the village, take a closer look at this niche.

Features of rural business

How to get rich in the countryside? It is always possible to find a profitable business based on your needs. For example, if there is a grocery store in a neighboring village, develop entrepreneurship in this direction. Vital needs, this is what you can always do in the village.

What is the difference between working in the countryside and working in the city?

  • low purchasing power of the population;
  • the impossibility of developing high-tech niches;
  • the demand for such groups of goods as food and clothing;
  • irrelevance of Internet marketing in development;
  • low labor cost.

To understand what can be done in the village, you need to know the target audience. It can vary in age, and this should be taken into account in determining the needs. For example, if most of them are pensioners, products are more relevant for them. If young people, then the list of niches is expanding. If there are production facilities in the village or near it, you can focus on them.

A few simple ideas with a minimum investment

Activities that do not require large investments are mainly related to cultivation for sale. It is possible to sell grown products, be it meat, vegetables or other products, in the regional center. There will always be a demand for fresh produce. Consider what business can be opened in the village.


For a business in the village, the main thing is the minimum investment and demand for products. The presence of an apiary can guarantee a stable profit. Honey, you can always sell to buyers or the end buyer. We will calculate how much is needed to implement the project.

  • beehives (30,000);
  • queen bees (5,000);
  • consumables (15,000).

Total: 50,000 rubles.

poultry breeding

What kind of business to open in the village, if there is only a land plot? In this case, you can fence the site and raise chickens, ducks or other poultry. They can give meat, feathers and eggs. Selling such products will not be a problem, they are always in demand. These are the main options for how you can earn money in the village. Investments are minimal, but there is a lot of time.

Necessary funds for launch, in rubles:

  • fencing for the territory (15,000);
  • feed (20,000);
  • males and females (15,000).

Total: 50,000 rubles.

Photo gallery "A bird that can be bred in the village"


To understand how to make money in the village, you can look at those who already have their own business in this area. If there are successful entrepreneurs, then there is relevance. But the first and main factor is the end consumer of your product. If it is a population, study it; if it is an agrosphere or an industry, be guided by it.


Whether entrepreneurial activity will be successful or not depends on many circumstances, especially in sparsely populated areas. In this case, the talent of the entrepreneur plays a big role. You can earn money everywhere, and a small village is no exception. The main thing is to find a need, and then, ways to satisfy it, this is the main secret.

With the development of mankind, there are fewer and fewer unoccupied areas of activity in which you can start your own business and succeed in it. There is a lot of competition in the cities, and those who want to work for themselves are increasingly looking to the countryside and wondering what they can earn in the countryside. It is difficult to name the most profitable business in the village, since many factors depend on the skills and knowledge in the chosen field, start-up capital and the requests of the person himself.

It is not so easy to start a business idea from scratch in the village, but, as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. If there is a strong desire and self-confidence, then you can safely proceed to the fulfillment of your plan.

What kind of business can be done in the village?

In rural areas, business is quite specific. Basically, it is associated with the cultivation of all kinds of living creatures, or with the cultivation of various kinds of crops. Those who are confident in their potential and ready to start on a large scale can try to open a farm. But for this it is necessary to arm yourself with the relevant knowledge in the chosen field and the estimated amount of start-up capital. In addition, be sure to use the help of the state, as recently it has been trying in every possible way to support the development of agriculture, and publishes laws thanks to which small rural farmers can use a simplified taxation system, receive a loan from the state or a subsidy.

A profitable business in the village can only happen when the project initiator clearly follows the developed business plan.

Do not grab onto several things at once, or start a large company. If there is not enough experience, it is better to start with something small.

For those who are looking for what kind of business to do in the countryside, one can single out the main ideas and directions that do not require large financial investments at the initial stage, and even those who have just moved from the city to the countryside can do it.


Horticulture is a fairly large industry. Even from growing onions, parsley and dill, you can start a small but quite profitable business. This does not require too much land. Enough and what is located on the plot. Those who decide to choose this particular direction should also take care of building a greenhouse. This will make it possible to grow greens in the cold season, when it is in great demand, and increases significantly in price.

Another direction, for those who do not have large land holdings, may be the cultivation of strawberries or raspberries. These plants require more attention, reverent care, but are also quite profitable. Of course, if you put a lot of effort into this business. When choosing varieties, it is worth relying on the fact that these berries should bear fruit for as long as possible. Those who want to make a profit all year round can grow them in greenhouse conditions.

Viticulture is an industry that can be divided into several areas. You can grow grapes and sell berries, or you can make juice and wine, which are also in great demand. Breeders of our time have bred such a wide variety of varieties that for those who decide to start their own business in the village from growing grapes, it will not be difficult to choose exactly those varieties that are in the greatest demand.

The greenhouse business (growing seedlings) does not require large land plots. But those who decide to choose this particular direction, you need to remember that it is quite expensive both in terms of labor and in finance, at least in the first couple. You can grow seedlings of such crops:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbage
  • eggplant
  • Sweet pepper and hot pepper

After the bulk of the seedlings have been sold, plants can be grown in the same greenhouse until fruits are obtained. This will also bring profit to the owners.

Gardening can hardly be called a profitable business, at least because in order to start making a profit, it is worth waiting at least five years until the planted trees begin to bear fruit. But if a novice businessman comes across an opportunity to purchase an already grown-up garden, then it should not be missed. Selling fresh as well as frozen fruits is a very profitable business. Many consumers will prefer to buy a domestic product than to overpay for a foreign product of dubious quality.

Growing potatoes, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers on a scale that will allow them to engage in the subsequent sale of the product can also be called a promising business for those who decide to start their own business from scratch in the village. But these types of crops also require costs in terms of labor. And if a small number of people can handle the landing, then three times as much will be required when harvesting.

animal husbandry

For those who have decided to choose animal husbandry and are looking for how to start their business from scratch in the village in the field of livestock breeding, it is also worth deciding which type to choose. Breeding pigs, cows, geese, turkeys, rabbits, chickens. This is not the whole list of those living creatures that are considered promising for those who are looking for ways to start a business in the village. But first, you need to clearly weigh your options so as not to be disappointed at the first undertakings. What to do in the village if there is a small plot of land and finances are limited? There may be several answers to this question.

The pig farm is a profitable business. With the right approach, in the first year you can make a profit and recoup the costs. But in order for pig breeding to develop in the right direction, quite a lot of factors depend on the farmer. First of all, the pig farm should be located separately from the village. This is required by environmental regulations. It is worth taking care of the feed, the appropriate building and the conditions in which the pigs are to be bred. If we take the development of Danish livestock breeders as a basis, then it is necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment and technology that will automate the process of caring for animals. But this is a rather costly undertaking. With a limited amount of finance, it is better to use the proven methods of our domestic livestock breeders. They will minimize the cost of equipment. But raising animals will require more physical strength and pig farm workers.

Raising cattle is beneficial in several ways. Cows can be used to obtain milk and subsequently manufacture a variety of dairy products. True, for this you need to purchase specialized equipment. Cultivation of bull-calves will make it possible to obtain valuable beef, which is in great demand among Russian consumers. True, for raising cattle, you will need not only stalls, but also a decent pasture or area for walking animals. Before choosing this particular direction, it is necessary to rationally weigh your options.

Breeding rabbits does not need a large plot of land, but has its own distinctive features. Choosing the right breed is only the beginning of the journey. Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also quite valuable, dietary meat. And in order to get the greatest benefit, you need to find the right place to sell. Also, breeding rabbits requires great knowledge in the field of diseases of these animals. Since they not only multiply rapidly, but also, like no one else, are susceptible to various diseases. Properly selected and timely vaccinations will reduce the risk of disease and pestilence among animals.

Breeding rune animals is also an equally successful direction in animal husbandry. Properly selected breeds of sheep will help you get not only meat and milk, but valuable wool that you can hand over in its pure form, or set up your own wool processing factory and the manufacture of woolen products.

In addition to sheep, goats are also promising animals as breeding for profit. Useful milk, the ability to produce dairy products, meat. In addition, there are some types of breeds that also provide quite valuable wool.

poultry farming

Breeding chickens can be used in several ways. If we talk about growing poultry in order to get meat products, then you should pay attention to broiler breeds that were bred specifically for this purpose. Egg breed will allow you to sell eggs. There are also breeds that can be grown for a double benefit. They are larger compared to laying hens, but unlike pure broiler breeds, they lay eggs. Such breeds also have the corresponding name egg-meat.

Breeding geese makes it possible to get a decent amount of meat, and at the same time the presence of goose liver, which is in great demand due to its distinctive properties. Using certain techniques when feeding geese, you can achieve good profits.

Muscovy duck farming is popular due to the fact that the meat of this species is much healthier than that of ordinary ducks, not as fatty, and it can be consumed by people with diabetes, as well as those who must adhere to a strict diet and limit themselves to eating fatty foods. However, raising broiler ducks is also a good way to start a business from scratch in the countryside, as it takes much less time for an individual to reach slaughter age than it takes to grow a musk breed.

Growing pheasants, quails, ostriches has also recently gained great popularity. But these destinations are still considered exotic. Since the meat and eggs of this bird are quite expensive and not available to the average consumer. But if a novice businessman has prospective sales markets, then you can safely choose this direction.

mushroom cultivation

Growing mushrooms is popular because it requires little physical effort and quickly pays for itself. It is enough to provide a favorable environment for the reproduction of the pores of fungi, and they grow without human intervention.

Fish farming

Fishing is another promising industry. The truth, like the rest, has its own characteristics. In order to start a business in the village in this particular direction, you must have your own pond. It can be natural or man-made. The main thing is to choose the right varieties of fish that can live and develop in the same reservoir without harming each other. Breeding crayfish can also be attributed to this occupation.


Although there is already some competition in this industry, anyone who is looking for a business to do in the village from scratch can start breeding bees for profit. Before considering the estimated profit, it is worthwhile to carefully study the issue of breeding bees. Which species are most suitable for the area in which a person lives, to study their characteristics and susceptibility to disease. Next, you should take care of acquiring not only families and hives, but also your own honey extractor, as well as other equipment that will facilitate the work of the future beekeeper. It is worth remembering that the bee apiary should be located in such a place so as not to harm the surrounding people. It is equipped either outside the settlement, or they build a high fence from the neighbors.

Feed and compound feed production

The production of feed and compound feed can claim both to be an independent type of business, and to emerge as an additional branch for those who grow wheat, millet, barley, buckwheat and other crops that are actively used as animal feed. Grain can be sold in its original form, interrupted into cereals or torn. And also when using special equipment, you can create feed in the form of granules, flour, flakes. If we talk about the production of compound feed, it is necessary to carefully study the issue of the correct proportions and purchase, in addition to grain crops, special premixes, which are the main component in compound feed and BMVD.

What other business can be opened in the village?

If there is a desire to open a business in the village, but none of the above directions are suitable, do not despair. There are many more directions and business ideas that can be successfully applied in rural areas.

First of all, it is worth mentioning such an area as green tourism. It originates from other countries, but in Russia it is also popular. Especially in those villages that are located near large cities. In order to develop in this direction, it is necessary to provide comfortable housing and options for spending interesting leisure time. One has only to start, and already with the settlement of the first tourists it will be clear in which direction it is worth developing.

Growing flowers cannot be called promising if there is no point of sale. But with the right approach and the presence of a great desire, this direction can also be successfully turned into a successful and rapidly growing business.

Breeding cats and dogs of well-known breeds is also available to residents of the countryside. Conditions are more than suitable. And the market can be found much faster than if you choose other animals.

Making furniture to order will be a relevant option for those who are considering the question of what kind of business to open in the village. If you have certain skills and start-up capital that will help you when buying the most necessary tool, you can even start a business on your own without attracting outside labor. If you don’t have your own skills in working with wood and other materials, but you have money savings, it’s quite realistic to hire specialists who will work for business development.

Before you open your own business in the village, you need to accurately weigh your options. No business can be successful without a clear business plan. Business in the village is quite interesting, but at the same time, not an easy task. It is not enough to have a desire, certain skills are needed in order to achieve success in this field.

It is much easier to start a business in the village from scratch for those who have enough funds to hire specialists, purchase the necessary equipment and start a business in their chosen industry.

Those who own only their own small plot, but are eager, do not despair. The main thing is to find your cell, understand what works best and not shun small undertakings. With the right approach, even a small private farm can be turned into a large and promising, and most importantly, profitable business.

People move from the city to the countryside for various reasons, but everyone has one big question: "How to make money?" The work familiar to a villager is rarely suitable for a city dweller. It’s good if you can get a job as a seller in a shop, but most often the few paid jobs are occupied, and new ones are not expected. You need to find a way to make money on your own land. Almost any person who is not afraid of difficulties and active work can organize his own business. Before you plunge into the worries about earning money, it is worth organizing your own life so that everyday issues do not distract from the main activity.

Business in the village from scratch

Land is a resource that you already have when you move out of town. If you decide to move to live in the village, you probably also worked in the dacha, which means you can grow a crop of vegetables and fruits. Having prepared a certain amount for the family, the surplus can be sold: on your own in the market or by handing it over to the purveyors. The first, easiest option can be the first business that any villager can handle.

If more scope is needed, become a purveyor yourself. To organize a business in the village from scratch by buying up surplus berries, vegetables, fruits from local residents is a task with one unknown. The obscurity and little difficulty is to find a distribution channel for an organic product grown almost under your supervision in neighboring gardens. You can sell products in small shops of eco-products, which are now being opened in many in any city.

Logically, the third option is to open your own organic food store in the city. You can sell not only fruits and vegetables, berries, mushrooms in season, but also dairy products, which can also be bought from local residents. And this is not only milk, but also cottage cheese without additives and preservatives, fermented milk products, cheeses and so on.

Strawberries and strawberries

The first months of summer bring a harvest of berries. This storehouse of vitamins is valued more and more every year. You can grow strawberries both in open ground and in greenhouses. The greenhouse crop ripens earlier, which means that it will be possible to sell it at a better price. A small greenhouse will bring in capital that can be used to start a larger project or invest in a more advanced multi-building greenhouse system.

An additional income-generating business can be the cultivation of strawberry seedlings in a flower pot. It's a bit exotic, beautiful and popular. Strawberry bushes, planted in a pot, successfully bear fruit throughout the season in urban conditions, so such a small home garden is a very interesting idea. It is important to choose a seedling variety and wait for the first berries so that the strawberry pot is attractive from a consumer point of view. Curly remontant varieties of strawberries or strawberries are ideal. Growing strawberries in a pot is a way to open the first small business in the village.

Raspberry: everything is useful

Raspberries are also one of the favorites of the season, especially since, harvested for the winter, they bring no less benefits than fresh ones. When pruning raspberries in the fall, gather and dry the raw material. Twigs, dried leaves, dried berries are also in great demand, and if you are a connoisseur of medicinal herbs, then making a blend of vitamin or medicinal tea is not difficult. The sale of dried blends of healthy raspberry-based teas is also a profitable business in the village. Organizing the reception of berries from the residents of your area is quite simple - offer a good price and get the result.

salad greens

Growing dill, parsley, green onions is an excellent business in the village if they are cultivated in the cold season. There is always a demand for this product, despite crises and falling incomes. To organize the cultivation of greenery, you will need a small greenhouse or a heated room where you can put several boxes of soil and plant. You can harvest all year round, but the winter period is especially profitable: holidays and beriberi are the engines of the greens trade. If this option is yours, then you can do it all year round, especially if you add the cultivation of celery, asparagus and other greens in the summer season.

poultry farming

It's no secret that poultry meat in the supermarket, to put it mildly, is not really meat. With the increase in allergic diseases among the population, the desire for healthy food is increasing. Establishing a business in the village to raise chickens, geese, ducks and any other poultry is promising and profitable. Commercial livestock is grown from chickens or grown young. Both the one and the second options require investments, but the return on implementation covers the costs. The only moment that may disturb a recent city dweller is the preparation of a carcass. If you're not ready, don't even start.

pig farm

The most profitable business in the village is animal breeding. A pig farm, sheep breeding bring a solid capital, but they also require constant care and investment. For breeding pigs, you need a large equipped warm room. You can not do without buildings for a forage base. For a good quality meat product, pigs should be released from the pens. And this means large additional areas and processing of animal waste. You can hand over grown pigs to procurement centers if there is no desire to build a full cycle of a livestock farm.

Goat landing

In terms of profitability, the most profitable business in the village is also built on goat farms. Goat milk is in great demand, both children and adults can drink it. In terms of its nutritional qualities, it is superior to cow's. Having started a small herd of goats, you can provide milk for several families. Dairy products from a goat farm are no less popular. Cheeses based on goat's milk are hypoallergenic, highly nutritious and expensive. At the start of cheese production, there is no need to build a production line. Handmade cheeses are a good advertisement for lovers of life under the sign of "eco". By organizing an eco-farm and inviting tourists to visit your property, you automatically get buyers for your products.

Beautiful garden

When thinking about what kind of business to open in the village, remember that you already have a piece of land in your possession and you need to dispose of it in such a way as to grow food not only for yourself. It is worth planting an apple orchard on one hectare of land and getting a crop of vitamins for yourself and for sale. Winter varieties of apples are perfectly preserved under certain conditions, and they can be sold all winter. Which is very profitable. An environmentally friendly product is in demand on the market, and the demand for such a product will grow. Select seedlings of suitable varieties and learn about planting, pruning and pest control. A year after planting the seedlings, the first, albeit still small, harvest will pleasantly please.

Whatever business you start in the village, you should understand that you will have to work a lot. If there is no desire to make maximum efforts every day, and the office chair is much more attractive, then it is better not to invest in undertakings.

The specificity of rural life dictates its own conditions for those who plan to start an entrepreneurial career. Most business projects implemented in large and densely populated cities will not bring any benefit to the entrepreneur in the village. So what should be the idea of ​​​​a business in the village, so that it will surely work and bring the desired profit? We'll talk about this later in the article.

Prospects for the Russian countryside

Despite a lot of problems that are still characteristic of the socio-economic and demographic situation of modern villages and villages, there are still prospects. So, over the past few years, special targeted programs have been adopted at the federal level:

  • "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020";
  • "State Program for the Development of Agriculture<…>" etc.

Their goal is to improve the quality of life of rural residents, attract investment, organize jobs and much more. Within the framework of these projects, conditions are being formed for attracting young specialists to the countryside - they are allocated housing and land for construction on preferential terms. In addition, grant support is received by farms engaged in animal husbandry, fish farming, crop production, etc.

The programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation have already borne their first fruits, entrepreneurial and interested citizens, having enlisted the support of the state, return to the villages and participate in the implementation of various projects, and the “import substitution course” declared since 2014 only reinforced the emerging trend.

In this regard, we can conclude that under the current conditions, rural areas have good development prospects, and perhaps right now is the right time to decide what kind of business you can do in the village and open your own.

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How to choose the right business for the village

Identifying the needs of local residents, as well as residents of nearby villages and villages, will help determine what kind of business can be opened in the village. If you also live in a rural area and plan to establish a business in your locality, start with yourself. Analyze what you are missing. Think about what products or services could solve your problems, answer your customer needs, etc.

So, if the area where you live does not have enough retail outlets to provide the population with everything they need, and the range of available stores is scarce and monotonous, you can try to organize an outreach trade. For example, it has mostly positive. With a relatively modest budget, you can organize a profitable enterprise in a short time.

In addition to existing needs, attention should also be paid to the geographical and climatic features of the settlement.

What kind of business to do in the villages, where, for example, there are vast agricultural lands? Consider raising pets that feed primarily on greens and roughage as an example. The specificity of the nutrition of these animals makes it possible to save on their maintenance, since in summer they can be grazed on a pasture, and in winter they can be fed with hay prepared in advance. Earnings will consist of income from the sale of milk, cheese, meat, wool and fluff.

What else is worth relying on when deciding which business to open in the village - on the availability of material resources at your disposal.

If you have a small plot of land intended for personal subsidiary farming, and 20,000-30,000 rubles, try it. You can start with a small livestock, and over time, having gained sufficient experience and established distribution channels for products, expand the farm and take part in one of the targeted programs.

If you are interested in a business in the village worth 100,000 rubles, consider the production and sale of canned and frozen berries, vegetables and fruits. Such products are in high demand among urban residents, especially in the winter. To implement this idea, it is desirable that you have a car at your disposal that allows you to deliver goods to retail outlets.

Thus, the three main criteria for choosing the right business idea are: the needs of the local market, the characteristics of the locality and the available start-up capital.

Business ideas for the village and village

Opening your own business in the countryside is not only realistic, but also quite profitable, especially if you have special knowledge and skills in a particular area directly related to rural life. Undoubtedly, it is better to do what is familiar and closest in spirit. But this does not mean at all that you cannot try yourself in something new, unknown. Since in the conditions of a small settlement, a small business with small investments most often starts, the risk of incurring losses will be minimal. We present to your attention several relevant business ideas for the village and the village.

Growing champignons

Mushrooms are in high consumer demand due to their beneficial dietary properties, relatively low price and a kind of versatility in cooking. They can be added to various snacks, fried, marinated, cooked julienne, etc.

Meanwhile, these mushrooms are quite unpretentious, they are easy to grow. All you need:

  • a spacious room protected from moisture and sunlight;
  • bedding - compost with soil;
  • mycelium with mushroom spores.

Basements, cellars, greenhouses and various households can be used as premises. the buildings. The main thing is to observe the temperature and humidity conditions - 15-25˚С at a humidity of 60-80%.

For the preparation of compost, you can use straw and agricultural waste - manure, poultry droppings, urea, sawdust, etc.

Mushroom mycelium can be purchased in specialized stores, from agricultural companies engaged in mushroom growing. It is usually sold with compost or on a substrate. The cost is an average of 15,000 rubles. for 1 ton.

With this amount of raw materials, you can harvest about 200 kg of mushrooms in a few months. The average price of champignons in Russia is 280 rubles. per 1 kg, and in some regions it reaches up to 400 rubles. for 1 kg.

Obviously, such production will bring good profits, especially if you use your own growing room and by-products of a personal backyard for making bedding.

For more information on how to make money growing champignons, see the following video:


What you can earn only in the village or in the village is the production of honey and other bee products. There is no way to organize such a business in the city. In order to obtain a natural, environmentally friendly product, insects need to provide a suitable area for collecting and processing nectar.

To open a beekeeping business, you will need:

  • hives to accommodate bee colonies - they can be purchased at the store or made independently;
  • bees - it is advisable to buy them in the spring, experienced beekeepers recommend starting with 6 families;
  • equipment for work - honey extractor, smoker, frames with honeycombs, chisel, etc.;
  • auxiliary equipment and special clothing.

The apiary can be both stationary and mobile. In the latter case, it is necessary to take care of the availability of a special van or car with a trailer, on which it will be possible to transport the hives.

The cost of keeping bees is minimal - in the warm season they provide their own food, in winter they need to be fed with flower honey or sugar syrup. The main thing is to properly take care of insects, maintain the required microclimate in the hives, replace old queens in time, rebuild nesting combs, etc. Internet networks.

If everything is organized correctly, then a small home apiary can recoup the initial costs in one season and even reach a good level of profit. There are usually no problems with the sale of honey, since this product is highly valued in almost every family. The average cost of bee honey today is about 500 rubles. for 1 kg. Being engaged in beekeeping, the farmer will provide himself and his family with a very useful product and will be able to earn good money.

And you can find out how much profit pig farming can bring at home at this address:.

Leisure business

It is more expedient to open this type of business in those settlements where the majority of the population is made up of people up to retirement age. Since there is usually a lack of recreational facilities in rural areas, this idea, if properly organized, can be a great source of income.

How to make money in the village by choosing the sphere of leisure organization:

  • organize a beer bar or with seats;
  • organize a small cozy cafe in a rustic style;
  • build a banquet hall for various celebrations;
  • open a small pizzeria, etc.

Any of these projects requires careful preparation, study of the size and composition of the population and the development of a detailed business plan. In addition, their implementation will require significant start-up capital.

But what if there is a desire to do business, but there is no money to organize any enterprise? Are there any ideas that are cost-free to implement?

Business in the countryside without investments

Rural territories are unique in that they are rich in natural component resources: plant, soil, mineral, etc.

How to make money in the village without starting capital? A small business can be organized literally from everything that surrounds you.

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