The black aura is the terrible meaning of gloomy colors in the subtle body. Unknown thanatology


The inevitable death of the physical body is not the most frightening thought for many people compared to the idea of ​​the complete extinction of the mind and spirit.

As for the energy potential, the human aura undergoes significant changes after death, but it is possible to notice irreversible changes in the biofield even before death. Most esotericists and magicians have their own views on the transformation of life force due to death, in addition, this is also the scientific community.

Bioenergetics of a person before death

A long-known fact, proven by American researchers, says that after death the physical shell becomes 4-6 grams lighter, which indicates the departure of a subtle substance or soul from a dead body. According to other sources, the body loses about 21 grams.

Indeed, at the moment of a person's transition to another world, energy bursts occur, and this was recorded by physicians many times with the help of various equipment. True, not all vital energy comes out, because part of it remains for the completion of physical decay. It is the initial impulse of the release of energy that helps the soul to break out of the body shell. But it is still not exactly established what is happening on the mental level at this time.

In fact, death is the completion of the life program of the individual.

The soul begins to separate from the material world and enters a different energy level. In general, in the subtle worlds there is no concept of death, the transformation of the soul - the acceptance of new high energies by it - occurs naturally, gradually. At the same time, the physical plan fixes the death of a person as an instantaneous event, and at the energy levels, changes in the biofield are carried out in advance. We can say that the aura of the individual prepares the entire consciousness of a person for departure. The most drastic changes in energy occur minutes before the death of the subject.

Modern psychics have not yet come to a consensus on what the aura of death looks like. In this regard, it is advisable to highlight several points of view regarding changes in the human biofield due to death:

  • Before death, the thin shell ceases to exist completely, or it forms a darkened pillar above the crown of the person. This happens because there is free space for the soul to exit.
  • In the weeks before death, the aura begins to weaken and fade. Seven days before the departure of a person, an expansion of the biofield is observed. The ethereal shell suddenly acquires a spectacular sky-bluish hue, while silvery sparks fly in the density of the aura.
  • In anticipation of leaving for another world, from the point of view of supporters of the energy of Qi, a stream of gray tint develops around the head of the individual. This is the qi of death, which is associated with ashes and gives the face itself an unpleasant color. Such dead energy stops moving 3 days before death.
    Sometimes gray smoke overhead begins to smoke. Interestingly, the aura changes in this way even a day before an unexpected death as a result of an accident or natural disaster. The entire biofield becomes dark, the spot in the forehead area seems especially saturated. This means that the third eye loses light energy, it becomes covered with a gray coating.
  • With doomed human diseases, the aura gradually fades. It can disappear even before the death of the physical shell, if the disease has been drawing out the strength of the individual for a very long time. In the case of unexpected deaths, the biofield, on the contrary, persists for some time after the clinical death of the body.
  • The most striking change in the aura concerns the destruction of the so-called silver thread. Some esotericists call such a cord a ray of light connecting the astral and physical shells. This element ceases to exist after the death of the individual, it breaks the connection with the material world.

Changes in the soul and aura after the death of an individual

For most esotericists, the fact that the etheric body cannot exist without a physical shell is quite obvious. The thin shell cannot live without energy replenishment, therefore, 1.5 months after the death of the individual, it disappears into oblivion.

The loss of energy in the aura occurs gradually: first, the perception of the environment changes, then communication is allowed only with other people's ethereal shells. At the same time, the subtle body continues to see the physical bodies around and realize the world.

There is an opinion that in a month and a half the ethereal shell of a dead person is able to find another human (or simply living) organism to stay on earth after the next energy saturation.

If the energy is completely lost, the human aura will turn into a shapeless shadow in 3D format. It will be a simple electromagnetic bunch moving at the speed of light.

The energy of a person after death, from the position of most esotericists, dissolves gradually. The soul begins to ascend to a better world, and the thin shells of the biofield that previously surrounded the body disintegrate. After three days, the ethereal energy leaves, after nine - astral, and after forty days - mental. All these are temporary layers of the aura that the soul does not need. But there are also four higher layers of the biofield, which are preserved during any rebirth.

In the subtle worlds, the soul does not need additional energy, but until the destruction of the shells, it still needs help to ascend to a high level. This support for the soul is provided by living people through religious rituals.

In the process of its flight, the soul reaches both the astral and mental shells, and they immediately retreat. True, this path is for ordinary individuals, while special messengers, spiritual gurus and psychics immediately disappear from the earthly layers after death. Their biofield is destroyed instantly, the energy of the lower order disintegrates immediately, and high energy pulls upward.

Another version of the development of the post-mortem aura says that the ethereal shell collapses on the 9th day, the astral shell on the 40th, and the mental body dies only after 90 days. After that, the body of the individual forever loses the glow around it. The death of the aura occurs from the bottom up, since it is in the lower part of the body that the mundane shells are located. At the same time, the higher subtle body is not amenable to death, it lives in the form of a spirit or passes into another body. From the point of view of reincarnation, such beings are capable of eternal rebirth and constant spiritual development.

Supporters of the theory of energy chakras believe that the soul of an individual leaves the body with the help of the main centers. For example, a carrier of information from a parallel world releases the soul through the 5th chakra, just like those rare people who are distinguished by supernatural abilities are representatives of new races. The aura of such individuals is crystal, snow-white, violet or indigo shades.

An ordinary person says goodbye to his soul through the 7th chakra, i.e. crown, with the support of a guardian angel. And if the soul embodied destructive dark forces during its lifetime, it will be sent to the exit through the third energy center.

Where does the energy of a person disappear after death, if we take into account the path of movement of the soul? In the first three days, all the strength is glimmering near the body. The soul at this moment collects information accumulated during life, and also stabilizes the psycho-emotional background of the body in order to calmly separate from the individual. Then the soul goes into the noosphere, to other worlds in which there are no concepts of time and space.

The energy of a person is restored in his soul, but if there is too much negative baggage after death, the soul goes into the isosphere.

But this will not happen with timely repentance for sins before death.

Three days later, the body is buried. By that time, the soul had already passed the necessary filters to leave for a better world. But cells still retain a certain amount of energy, this is muscle memory, a rudimentary form of biological life. If the body has taken too much energy for itself, the soul itself lacks it and it freezes. She expects to be replenished with energy at the expense of other souls.

After that, by the third day, a phantom is formed - an ethereal double of the physical shell, which will last 40 days.

This ethereal body calmly communicates with a person's relatives, it is often confused with a ghost. The ethereal double is fueled by the memory of relatives of the deceased. When it gains a lot of energy, the moment comes to go into the isosphere. But after the energy runs out again, the double from the ether will return to collect negative currents in the dreams of living people.

In this way, the shell purifies its soul for its further movement to better worlds. The ethereal double is extremely pure and spiritual in its essence, it waits for the soul to reach the noosphere, and also fulfills those goals and tasks that were not realized by the subject during his lifetime. The state of the ethereal shell demonstrates the quality of the individual's activity during life. By the way, the double feels death in advance, it warns the soul.

By the 40th day, the soul is ready to ascend to higher planes. She comes to say goodbye to the relatives of the dead man. The ethereal phantom at this moment gives all the saved energy to the soul, merges with it. If the forces are still not enough, the soul wanders the earth for 13 days.

Where does the energy of a person go after the death of the ethereal double? Together with the soul, it enters the noosphere at night. If a person has unfinished business on earth, the soul remains on the first four temporary plans of the noosphere. Her energy remains there, taken first from the human body, and then from the ethereal shell. Then you need to go to purgatory. There is a compression of the accumulated energy and information blocks.

The passage of such filters takes the soul a different time, depending on its readiness.

This process can slow down due to the low amount of energy, loss of information.

There is a version that all human energy shells weigh 25 grams. First, subtle energies leave the physical body after death. The decomposition of the body begins. Further, the etheric body leaves the person. This is raw energy, it can appear in a cemetery, be identified with a ghost or soul. According to many esotericists, this is just an energy shadow from the body. It dissipates in the air after 9 days.

The released energy of consciousness goes further. Where? Some believe that in the so-called emotional world. This level corresponds to the second layer of the aura. This is the space of desires, fulfilled only in the mental world. Consciousness on an emotional level hangs for a short time. After 10-40 days, there is a departure to the mental world.

If the transition time is extended, we are talking about a highly spiritual person, practically a saint. During the transition to another world, the energy of the emotional body is preserved for a certain moment, it holds a piece of the soul. The same energy is attracted by the memories of the relatives of the dead. Such forms of a thin shell often respond at seances, but they do not know about the afterlife. As for the true energy of the soul, by that moment it already goes very far.

Research community

At present, in our country, a physicist from St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov, is studying the development of the aura after the death of an individual. It compares the glow of living and dead objects in an electromagnetic field using gas discharge imaging.

In his study, Korotkov studied the bodies of different sexes between the ages of 19 and 70. Initially, the team in their experiments in the morgue assumed that the aura of dead people is equal to the biofield of an inanimate object. But the observation showed that the energy of the dead man does not change only in the first 2-3 days, and then suddenly decreases to the background value. At the same time, it was proved that the aura of the subject after the death of the physical body behaves differently, in accordance with the type of death.

An unexpected departure to the next world leads to a real protest of the biofield for two days. Graphs at the same time fix powerful electromagnetic oscillations. In the event of expected and natural deaths, the aura does not show excessive activity and easily says goodbye to the earthly shell, maintaining a uniform and constant glow at first.

An interesting conclusion obtained as a result of the study of the aura was the bright daily fluctuations, reaching their strength at midnight. It can be concluded that the aura of a deceased person is most active at night, while observers feel extraneous looks on themselves and feel someone's presence. Consequently, the energy of a person after leaving the physical shell retains its power.

Based on the gas discharge chamber, Korotkov's team managed to film a person before death, at the time of death, and 3 hours after the physical departure from the world. From the photographs, it became clear that the exit of the soul from the body is accompanied by a change in color in the aura. Blues have become warmer.

In this case, initially the changes concern the abdomen, then the head. A dead person retains an aura in the region of the heart and groin. After 3 hours, the biofield leaves the heart too. And then the blue color completely ceases to surround the individual, and in the photo you can see only a cold red silhouette: this is a body without a soul.

Thus, people with natural death continue to shine intensely for the first 16-55 hours after their death. In case of sudden death, which could not be avoided, for the first eight hours after death, aura activity was observed, which was repeated only at the end of the first day of death. After 2 days, the glow passed to the background values. But if a person could not die, if his death was an absurd accident, the aura glows and fluctuates with maximum intensity for all two days.

The biofield of a dead person at the same time resembles the aura of an individual with an upset energy. There is some oppression, defects in the structure and density.

The aura of a person after death allows us to answer the question of the possibility of rebirth. The evidence of psychics is confirmed by scientific experiments, which means that it is possible to predict the death of an individual in advance by the biofield, and later determine the nature of death. Despite the different positions of esotericists regarding the further path of the subject's energy, a general conclusion can be drawn that after the collapse of the physical shell, the energy from the body enters the soul and, together with it, goes to the higher thin layers around the planet.

Many types of settlers are known, although most often you have to deal with larvae, demons, and the dead. Entities "stick" to everyone, regardless of what their victim is doing, whether she practices magic, how old she is, etc.

Where do settlers come from

Settlers are the inhabitants of the subtle plane. They come from the astral plane and cling to the human aura. Depending on the reasons for which the essence starts up in the biofield, there are several main varieties of settlers:

Sometimes a settler is lured into an animal (it's not for nothing that witches like to keep toads and black cats with them), into a talisman or other object. Entities are subject to the owner for a fee. Getting out of control, they can begin to "eat" the sorcerer, gradually taking control of his personality for themselves.

A striking example of a deliberate call to an entity is the "Groom" settler. The ritual assumes that the woman will receive demonic protection, in which the entity will protect her from magical attacks, problems on the material plane, and other troubles. But most often settlers in the aura do not bring anything good and you need to get rid of them.

The first stage in this is diagnostics (on maps, on runes, from photos, etc.). You can also recognize an entity by some symptoms.

Larva settlers - who are they and how to recognize them?

Larva belong to the lower inhabitants of the energy world. Their nature is unsatisfied desires, obsessive thoughts, fixation on something. Often larvae are born during conflicts, tantrums, fits of jealousy and other emotional outbursts. They have no intelligence. They simply stick to the biofield of the victim and feed on energy.

Larvae have no interest in subordinating a person. Only the probability of losing the “feeder” can stir them up: then the entities come to life and try to control their master. As a rule, the process goes through fear: people become afraid to change anything and prefer to stay in the existing position. As soon as the risk for the larva disappears, it again becomes passive and is only engaged in eating energy. These entities are present in almost all people.

You can recognize them by the following signs:

  1. An uncontrollable passion for something.
  2. Inability to manage their desires and aspirations.
  3. Groundless fears concerning even the simplest situations.
  4. Hypertrophy of fantasies.

In fact, larva is an excessive desire and excessive passion. And the larger the entity, the more important it becomes for a person to follow the thought or emotion that once gave rise to the settler. At the energy level, the larva is visible as a polyp, clot, leech (most often white). She doesn't smell.

Who are demons-settlers and by what signs are they calculated

Demons and devils belong to the same rank of the inhabitants of the subtle plane. They have a mind and a personality of their own, which they try to impose on the victim. Unlike larvae, demons do not arise as a result of a person's emotional and mental activity - they already exist and are simply looking for a suitable "shell" to expand their sphere of influence.

Demon possession is recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Stably elevated body temperature, not associated with any disease.
  2. Aggressiveness, quarrelsomeness, the desire to hit, offend, harm.
  3. Love for alcohol, craving for smoking, drug addiction.
  4. Memory lapses in which a person does not remember what he was doing, while others note his normal behavior at that time.
  5. A characteristic unpleasant odor emanating from the body: sulphurous or reminiscent of the smell of wet wool.
  6. "Prickly" eyes, abnormal look.
  7. Split personality, schizophrenia.
  8. Change of character: a self-confident upstart suddenly “crawls out” from a modest and calm person, clinging to everyone.
  9. Tendency to promiscuity and sexual perversions.
  10. The presence of one or two bumps on the skull, often associated with horns.

It is not difficult to see the demon, since such settlers are not particularly hiding. Traditionally, they appear in animal-like form (dog-man, cat-man, etc.). Sometimes the demon takes on a purely animal form - it depends on the case. The essence is clearly visible in the photo: its portrait seems to appear through the image of a person. Even the victim herself can see the demon in the mirror.

Settlers are perfectly visible when their owners are in an altered state of consciousness (under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or simply in great anger, etc.) At such moments, a person’s appearance changes, facial features become sharper, eyes become angry, and wrinkles deep. Alcoholics possessed by a demon often speak of themselves in the third person (“Ivan is good”, “Ivan loves you”). These words belong to a settler talking about his master.

After communicating with a demoniac, there is a feeling of dirt, something sticky, there is a desire to move away and even wash. But such feelings arise only in energetically healthy people. Those who themselves carry a settler in themselves, on the contrary, are drawn to the possessed (“the fisherman of the fisherman ...”). The same is true for those with a weak aura.

Bes protects his "ward". A person will survive by driving drunk, will not freeze in the snow, will be taken away from aggressive companies ... The entity needs its “feeding trough” to continue to function: the longer the shell lives, the more power the settler will have time to snatch. After the death of the owner, the demons try to move into someone else, often choosing relatives of the previous victim for this purpose.

Dead resident in man

Many of the deceased do not completely leave the material world, and their spirit continues to roam the earth. Basically, he does not leave the boundaries of his cemetery and places that were once important for him, but sometimes the deceased clings to the human biofield, becoming a settler. The phenomenon is very reminiscent of a strong necrotic connection, in which living energy is pumped into the world of the dead.

Dead people are much more passive than demons, but they also give obvious symptoms. Among them:

  1. Feeling of a mortal threat or an indefinite but inevitable danger (with a completely fresh settler).
  2. Depression, apathy, loss of interest in anything, muffled emotional background, complete withdrawal into oneself and unwillingness to communicate.
  3. Resignation, inability to act, resignation to their "hard fate".
  4. Fatigue, drowsiness, in which you want to sleep for days.
  5. Suicidal thoughts, lack of fear of death, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life.
  6. An intermittent voice in my head saying something like, "You and I are dead."
  7. Dull headache, confused and clouded consciousness.
  8. Cold extremities, chilliness even in extreme heat, always low body temperature.
  9. Pronounced pallor, general appearance, as if "freshly from the grave."
  10. Muddy look, "drunk" eyes.
  11. The smell of decay and decay from the body.
  12. Desire to visit the cemetery.
  13. Youthfulness, lack of signs of aging (noticeable when the settler is in the biofield for a long time).

Although in some cases, especially when the ghoul is planted for damage, the body wears out much faster than it should. If the demoniac attracts all kinds of alcoholics and various "cheerful" personalities, then the deceased in the biofield provokes attention from the gypsies. They do not bother with an offer to tell fortunes, but in fright they go as far as possible. This is understandable, since many gypsies do have magical eyesight. The dead man is visible as a silhouette behind his back. A person can feel the presence of a dead person at night: it will seem to him that they are looking at him.

Some practitioners notice how other entities of the other world flock to the deceased from mirrors (portals) and stand next to him. Sometimes, along with the dead person, the so-called cemetery worms are also visible in the aura. They resemble small snakes and indicate that damage was inflicted on a person through the churchyard.

Children with settlers

Almost always, the presence of a settler indicates a magical attack. Very well known among conjurers is intrauterine damage, in which the impact on the mother hits the fetus with a negative. As a result, a child is born with a whole range of problems, and often a settler sits in the baby. More often than not, children are insane. You can recognize a baby with a similar “diagnosis” by the following signs:

  1. The presence of various pathologies (cerebral palsy, autism). The energy of settlers affects the fetus, causing disturbances in its development. If the essence influenced the unborn child for a long time, then there will not be much human left in the newborn. In fact, a woman will have to raise a demon in its physical incarnation.
  2. Inadequate behavior - cruelty to animals, a tendency to steal, aggressiveness, the desire to do dirty things, enjoy foul language, etc. This is not about ordinary childhood pranks and whims, but about a completely obvious distortion of personality.
  3. A piercing and unpleasant look, twitchy movements, disgust experienced by others when in contact with the child.
  4. Unreasonable fears, poor sleep and other symptoms that show settlers in adults.

If health allows, then a little grown up child rushes into all serious. He is caught with a cigarette at school, he participates in teenage drinking, he does not care about conflicts with elders. Often such children are recommended to be shown to a psychologist, especially if the child was born in a prosperous family and it is impossible to write off abnormal behavior on the negative influence of the environment.

Reptiles and insects as settlers in man

All kinds of small animals often act as entities planted in the biofield. Of course, the "little animals" appear in the human aura not in their physical incarnation, but simply astral settlers take their form. Even experienced practitioners do not fully understand the nature of these entities, although until several generations ago they were regularly used in magical rituals.

Today, the most common types of settlers are:

  1. Snake. Changes a person's appearance, giving them narrow eyes due to swelling above and below the eyes. Also, the victim may develop a habit of sticking out the tip of the tongue and lightly biting it. The essence is used to induce damage. It is almost impossible to get her out of the facility, and in 2-3 years she completely eats away a person.
  2. Toad. As in the case of a snake, it provokes changes in appearance. The victim becomes like a toad: puffiness appears, a characteristic gait develops, warts pop up, etc. Usually such a settler makes a person very greedy (“the toad strangles”).
  3. Mantis. Seers speak of this entity as a huge insect peeping through the physical shell. The settler is firmly held inside the biofield, clinging to the joints with its paws: if you sharply pull it out of the body, you can get a real injury. The essence is strong and helps to reach all sorts of heights in life. But her interest, as a rule, is her own, and the personality of the owner is completely suppressed.

Some practitioners believe that the praying mantis and other insectoid "guests" are alien settlers, others consider them man-made within the framework of some esoteric tradition.

In the aura, another entity of a not fully established nature can also start up. At the slightest suspicion of this, it is better to immediately seek help from a magician to clean up. Goodness from energy animals is not to be expected.

Settlers in Man: Deliverance on Your Own

Of course, it is recommended to work under the supervision of a professional. But if this is not possible, you should try to get rid of the settler yourself. Wax castings are considered the most effective way to succeed. Make them anytime.

You will need:

  • natural wax;
  • container with cold water;
  • saucepan.

It is desirable that the ritual for a person be performed by someone else. It is necessary to melt the wax in a water bath, seat the object in front of you and say the plot three times:

“Alive or dead, which is not born in this body, which is not conceived in this fetus, which is accepted from the outside, come down - from the head and from the shoulders, from the back and from the ridge, do not sit with a hump, do not break your loins, do not bite your heels.

Then, over the person’s head, you need to carefully pour the melted wax into a container of cold water. When the casting hardens, it will be possible to see the image of a settler (especially a demon) in it. Larvae and the dead are sometimes shown badly, just giving bubbles and all kinds of distortions on the wax. The rite should be repeated until the casting is leveled. At the end, wax is buried in the ground, and water is poured out in the direction from the house.

You can also try to lure an uninvited "resident" out of yourself. This is best done on a waning moon. It will take thirteen times to speak a bowl of milk:

“Sweet milk, not begun by anyone, taken from the earth, filled with power - for you, that gnaws at the soul, poured, come out and enjoy the sweetness.”

A person should spit into this milk, and then pour it under a dry tree. If the energy of the object is weakened, then the entity will easily leave it for new "food". After the ceremony, you need to surround yourself with salt to the maximum (in bags, in vases), as well as burn church or just wax candles as often as possible.

Some settlers are well cleaned with a fresh chicken egg that has not been in the refrigerator. You just need to roll it over the body of the object, while whispering a plot:

“From meat and bones, from veins of all stripes, from the head and from the neck, from the ridge and from the knee, leave, uninvited stranger!”

The egg is buried in a remote place. At the same time, other methods of magical cleansing can be used.

Energy settlers (spirits of the dead, larvae and other entities) cannot become real "friends" to a person. These are not guardian angels, by the nature of their service, busy with the safety of their ward. Settlers pursue their own goals. Entities can sometimes be used for personal interests, but it is better for the townsfolk not to get involved in such relationships. As soon as the “guest” is removed, people look at life in a new way: it really begins to play with new colors when it is no longer required to share it with someone.

"The experiment on each Object was carried out for three days in a concrete basement 20 meters long and 4 meters wide, without lighting, except for a dim red lamp near the equipment. The room was locked with a key, no one except the operators had access to the Object. The object was placed in the same way - in the far corner of the basement, head to the West, feet to the East ... "

MANY still doubt the existence of an aura that surrounds a person. Meanwhile, almost a hundred and fifty years ago, equipment was invented that made it possible to make the aura visible! The famous Nikola Tesla during his public lectures showed the following experiment. The lights were turned off in the hall, the scientist stood on a special platform that generated an alternating electromagnetic field of a certain frequency, and the shocked spectators saw a luminous halo around Tesla, similar to a blue flame.

It turned out that every person has a similar halo. It can even be photographed. Later it turned out that the nature of the glow changes depending on the physical and mental health of a person. And also from his emotional state... Some people have a powerful halo, while others have a weak and "torn" energy cocoon. After more than 100 years, the St. Petersburg physicist Konstantin Korotkov asked himself the question: how does the aura of a person change after his death?

"Spirit" rebelled, not wanting to leave the body

The fact is that the glow of inanimate objects in an electromagnetic field is strikingly different from the glow of living objects. The halo of a brick, for example, does not change with time. But a living object constantly produces fluctuations in the brightness, magnitude and density of the halo.

Starting experiments on freshly dead people in the basement of the morgue, Korotkov and his team assumed that the aura of a dead person would correspond to the auras characteristic of other inanimate objects. It wasn't there! It turned out that in the first two or three days after death, the aura of a dead person is no different from the aura of a living person. And only then abruptly descends to "background" values. This is strange: the body of the deceased is dead, but his aura is alive! How can this be?

And that is not all! It turned out that the behavior of the aura depended on the nature of death. If a person died at a flourishing age by an unexpected death (suicide, an accident, a blood clot broke off), his “electromagnetic spirit” “rebelled” for two days, as if not wanting to leave the already dead body, and powerful peaks and dips appeared on the graphs. If a person died of old age, his electromagnetic phantom said goodbye to the body easily, without showing such frenzied activity.

In addition, scientists have found pronounced daily fluctuations. Their peak was around midnight. Then the aura went off scale, and the experimenters themselves, who were near the deceased, experienced extremely unusual sensations.

I would call it the word "presence," Korotkov recalls. - At first my guys told me about it, I didn’t believe it, but I decided to check it out. Around midnight, I entered the basement where the dead man was, closed the door behind me, stopped and began to listen to my feelings. And I didn't feel anything. Nothing! Then I calmly walked towards the body and here at some point, about 3-5 meters short of the table with the body, I felt IT. It feels like ... Well, as if someone is looking at you from behind with a oppressive look. I stepped forward another meter - the feeling was gone. Then I "scanned" the whole room and made sure: there is only one point where the "presence" is felt the most. It is located 5 meters from the body. As if an electromagnetic phantom broke away from the deceased and is in this place.

I made all the necessary measurements and went to the door. This time, all 20 meters of the way, I had the feeling that someone was looking at me. Moreover, the feeling was that this someone was looking with some kind of reproach, as if HE was here by right, and I was not ...

Prayer is not just a bunch of words

IN THE LANGUAGE of science, this means that there is a certain physical field around a recently deceased person, which has antinodes in certain places. And in the language of religion, this means that the "spirit" of the deceased does not dissolve evenly throughout the universe, but is localized in space. And in the first three days it is near the body ..

Is there any other way to explain the results of your experiments? And then it turns out to be some kind of religion instead of physics ...

Let everyone explain how he wants. My job is to present the facts. I do not stand on a rigid materialistic paradigm, I show that in addition to a dead physical body, there is something else alive.

And how does the Church feel about your studies?

Fine. I know this because we regularly meet with priests.

Perhaps it is useful to pray, mister physicist?

I studied the power of the influence of consciousness on material structures in general and prayers in particular. This is done simply. Ordinary water is taken - two test tubes, one of which is a control sample. The aura is measured on both. The glow is exactly the same, because the water is from the same bottle. After that, a person begins to pray on one of the test tubes. Further measurements are made. In the control tube everything is the same as before, but around the one on which the directed influence of consciousness was directed, the nature of the glow changes greatly.

It is important that, like any object, the aura has certain properties and material manifestations. And so it can be studied.


Stanislav ZENIN, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences:

I KNOW about Korotkov's research. I have been working on the physical and biological properties of water for ten years already, and as far as the field impact on water is concerned, I can confirm its results. Moreover, what is most striking, the influence of some people on water literally knows no barriers - some unique individuals changed the physical properties of water in the laboratory for us, being thousands of kilometers away! This can no longer be explained by any influence of the electromagnetic field. This is already something else.

Perhaps the impact is transmitted through the elementary cells of the vacuum, which turn one after the other, like gears. If this is so, and the vacuum really has a similar "cellular-engaged" structure, then in this case information can be stored in it! In other words, the human electromagnetic phantom can be "imprinted" in space. You can call it a soul... Moreover, this "imprint" will remain, in my opinion, for quite a long time. However, this is just a hypothesis...

By the way

At the end of the century before last, the Parisian doctor Gerard Enkos studied phantoms (as IT was then called) with the help of hypnosis. The hypnotized patient was instructed to separate from his phantom. The phantom began to pace around independently. This was told to Gerard Encos by a hypnotized man who perfectly saw his phantom and all its movements (the experimenter himself, of course, did not observe the phantom).

Dr. Enkos' working notes survive:

“In the following hypnotic states of the subject, the double stands out longer and longer, moves away and finally disappears from the eyes of the subject, who has become very cold. I hastily woke him up. then, alien to his personality, during the session crept into his body. After two days, all these sensations disappeared. "

Respect death!

SECRETARY for Relations between the Church and Society of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Priest Mikhail DUDKO:

Korotkov's experiment did not reveal anything new to me. Any Orthodox person knows that the soul exists, as well as the fact that within three days after death it does not separate from the earthly spheres, being close to the body of the deceased. Another thing is that some of the research methods used by a physicist are very strange. I would be careful not to call them scientific, because they are based on subjective sensations of "presence", "reproachful look". At the same time, the researcher himself feels that he has crossed the line of what is permitted. And for good reason. Manipulations related to the human soul have been known since ancient times. They have been and are still engaged in, for example, spiritualists, psychics. But such experiments often bring considerable trouble. Moreover, both the researchers themselves and those whose souls they, like, say, Kashpirovsky or Chumak, are trying to influence. I personally encountered the victims of such healers and I can state with sadness that a significant part of their patients end up in psychiatric hospitals. Therefore, the Church is extremely wary of any manipulations with the soul, supposedly "scientific" experiments with it, which, by the way, are categorically rejected by the Bible. The Church prescribes with reverence not only a person's life, but also death.

It can be seen from the graph of the experiment that the activity of the aura of a suddenly deceased man fluctuates for more than two days after death and only at the 60th hour goes to a straight line - this is the aura of an "inanimate object". The electromagnetic phantom has left the body. The soul flew away, as a non-physicist would say. Please note that at about the 48th hour, the nature of the fluctuations changes dramatically, the soul seems to have resigned itself to the inevitable.

When you read epitaphs, you get the feeling

as if you can save the world,

only by raising the dead and burying the living.

Paul Eldridge

She enters into a daze ... destroys plans for the future, she is inevitable and always with a scythe. Yes, I'm talking about death. Each person at the end of the path will have to meet her “face to face”. Many are quite calm about this natural process, some feel fear of the inevitability, while another group of people believe that this is a kind of path to the liberation, purification or transmigration of souls.

However, not everyone is given the opportunity to experience “clinical death”, which also destroys short-term plans and turns the worldview of the person being tested by life.


biological death completion or termination of the life of an organism due to natural causes, both aging and in connection with diseases that are pathological in nature for a living being, as well as in the case of unnatural interventions from outside.

Agony... When breathing stops, the process of oxygen saturation of the blood is disturbed, which entails destructive processes in the cells of the body .. and it begins to mobilize to maintain the basic functions for life support, namely the work of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Due to oxygen-free metabolism, namely its incompletely oxidized products, a full-fledged energy flow to the brain and organs becomes impossible, causing damage to the whole organism. Next comes clinical death during which, with the help of resuscitation, you can bring a person back to life.

Flight of the Soul. Aura.

During the agony there is burning adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the peculiarity of which is the delivery of energy for reactions in the cell . Renewal of ATP in humans occurs 2,400 times a day, with a life expectancy, on average, less than 1 minute. Thus, the process of burning energy components, which occurs at a high speed, contributes to the loss of body weight by several grams, which many people call the Soul.

Duncan McDougall in 1906 conducted a series of experiments based on the assertion that a person loses a certain amount of his own weight at the time of death, which is the Soul, the energy potential for life. Measurements were made after the last breath of the subject, or rather at the moment of the terminal state-agony, in the stage of splitting ATP molecules. In these studies, it was found that a person loses weight by several grams.

The energy-information field around a person, called the aura, has its own color, with a predominance of two colors in it. They come out by refraction of light and are detected on a thin shell. In metallurgy and mineralogy, there is such a thing as discoloration arising on a thin surface film due to the interference of white light. In thin films on a reflective surface, as the film thickness increases, the conditions for quenching rays with one or another wavelength arise sequentially. When subtracting one color, or rather its blanking, another appears. This phenomenon most often occurs during oxidation, as a result of heat treatment of the metal. Some minerals also, with the appearance of an outer layer of oxides, exhibit interference colors.

During combustion and oxidation processes, ATP is split and restored, and the decay products, having the smallest (maybe even a photonic structure), are excreted from the body. A person generates heat, as well as heats the space around him. Getting into the thermal field, metal particles contribute to the effect of color tint. Copper is a very good conductor, so it is used to diagnose the aura by causing metal particles to vibrate around the body using an electromagnetic field. The smell of each metal also has its own spectrum, which is fixed by many people with “psychic” abilities, but in reality with a good sense of smell and the ability to vibrate, due to their own energy field, the smallest particles around the body. Thus, the color scheme of the aura is manifested in the visual plane.

When the particles that make up the energy flows of a person and contribute to his life support take off, the information part, which also bears a material basis (based on the fact that thought is material), leaves the body and many who have experienced clinical death see themselves as from the side. The same happens with the astral exit. This is just the ability to manage the elements of your energy supply. If the particles that have flown out of the human body do not find another heat-conducting and heat-emitting substance, the body, then over time they cease to interfere with light and have the effect of color tint.


The time span of a near-death state is short, but that's from the point of view of a ticking rolex on the doctor's hand. On the other hand… those people who managed to get out of the state of clinical death with the help of resuscitation, claim that such a stay in “anabiosis” due to the strongest oxygen starvation of the brain, presents them with a picture of life, memory bursts occur. One of the main phenomena in the stories that survived clinical death is a visual projection in the form of light at the end of the tunnel, they remember the past, as if their whole life flashed before their eyes, they see dead relatives, some have no desire to return to the body.

In fact, everything is much more prosaic ... with oxygen starvation of the brain, the gray matter gradually begins to release the accumulated energy (memory accumulated over the years), and this happens by the method of dying off the upper layer, returning us to the moment of birth, where the first layer is the visual perception of light after passing through along the birth canal. Of course, it can be assumed that a person after death returns to the moment of his birth, starts his own life anew in order to correct mistakes, to make himself more harmonious, but these are only fantastic assumptions.

There is another version of the turn of events about tunnel vision. Russian resuscitator Nikolai Gubin suggests a manifestation of toxic psychosis, in which there is a similarity with sleep, as well as with a hallucination. The fact is that at the moment of dying, parts of the visual cortex of the cerebral hemispheres are already suffering from oxygen starvation, and the poles of both occipital lobes continue to function. In this regard, the field of view is significantly narrowed, and only a narrow band remains, providing central, "tube" vision.

The action of some drugs can cause symptoms of "clinical death", or rather the state during it. Under the influence of anesthesia - ketamine (ketalar, kalypsol) on the central nervous system, the drug has a distinctive feature - stimulation of changes in the processes of excitation, inhibition of the cerebral cortex. As a result, patients do not feel external stimuli, such as: pain, a feeling of pressure and stretching, but at the same time they also hear and see a tunnel or “pipe”, they “leave”, “ascend” somewhere, meet loved ones, etc. These drugs also include lysergic acid, which, when it enters the body, is a competitive implacable opponent of serotonin, one of the regulators of the central nervous system. The acid is found in some plants and has a strong hallucinogenic effect; in practice, it is used in the treatment of certain mental illnesses.

Earth egregors.

Our planet radiates heat... The sun radiates heat in greater quantities, thereby attracting energy decay products to itself. But it seems to me that the Earth has its own egregore and it consists of particles that have chosen the Earth's "heater". Concentrating around the planet, they create an information field of a grid structure. With the help of prayers, mantras and spiritual mood, we control our energy, which in the future will acquire the status of an egregore that structures the universe.

Death remains a mystery… as long as we are alive, we will never know what is on the other side. We can only support those who survived this state and were on the verge of death.

That is the fate of all: everything that lives will die

And through nature to eternity will pass.

William Shakespeare.

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Recording: clinical death. Exit of the soul from the body. Aura.
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The black color of the aura is as rare as the pure white one, because they are two complete opposites. Let's dwell on it separately and tell you what to expect from a person with a black aura.

In the article:

Black aura - very rare

She has many interpretations. Almost everyone who is in any way in contact with the otherworldly has formed an opinion about her. They may seem different, but in fact, one conclusion runs through all theories with a thin thread. Nothing good can be expected from this aura.

Black aura is quite rare. As rare as . After all, real villains are no more common than true altruists, there is nothing surprising here. Her dark spots on auras of a different color indicate that a person has serious problems. They can be both physical and psychological. Nervous breakdown, possible schizophrenia or even fatal disease. In general, the black color shows that nothing good will happen in the near future.

Do not worry if you see black spots on yourself or your loved ones. Yes, this is a cause for concern, but such matters must be approached with a sober head. Below you will find some practical tips that may give you a hint on what to do. Remember - there is a way out of any situation.

What will tell the black aura in a person

As we have already said, it is very difficult to meet a completely black energy shell in a person. But if you are still lucky, then it is better to limit your contacts with him. This is very cruel to aggressive person. He is deeply depressed by internal troubles, but instead of finding a way to deal with them, he pours them out on others. The problems inside his soul mutated, transformed into anger. They burst out in a stream of rude words and actions.

Seeing such a person, you can immediately say: he is deeply unhappy. Yes, at first glance he is a scoundrel and a bastard, but all these are just symptoms. Symptoms of internal, psychological illness. Perhaps not direct, like mental disorders, but indirect. Troubles are eating him up, he does not know what is happening with them and is not going to do anything. He may even find some pleasure in his suffering. Some kind of masochism. With such suffering, they may try to atone for some old guilt, or they are simply afraid to change something.

Can this person be helped? Depends on the brightness of the black aura. If it has gained full strength, has become deeply black, then there is no turning back. Man refused to perceive life, renounced it. There's nothing to be done here. Soon a terrible fate will befall him - troubles will pour in one after another until they completely bury him under them. If the black aura has not gained full strength, it seems dull, then there is an opportunity to save. We will tell about it further.

The black color of the aura, and what to do with it

As we can see from previous research, the black aura does not appear by itself. In case she dull or uneven, then it is a trace of imposed damage or the evil eye. Or a strong but passing shock. In case of stress, only changes in the situation in life and sincere care can help here. If the cause of blackness has become - everything becomes much more complicated. But in any case, do not forget that the main advice is to calm down. Under the influence of the black color of the aura, a person becomes restless, irritable. These elements must be excluded. First of all, make sure that a person stops worrying about anything. Or, in extreme cases, reduce these factors to a minimum.

A ? Here you will need the advice of an experienced person, or better, a magician. Refer to special rituals, or make an appointment with a specialist - he will be able to tell you what to do. For the most part, these are fairly simple rituals. Much, of course, depends on the strength of the one who created such a curse. But, in general, such things are rarely amused by somewhat experienced people. So the chance is big enough. The main thing is not to lose your presence of mind and not despair. You can always come up with something.

What else can we say about this? The black aura can fall on you by close contact with its bearer. This, of course, is not a disease, and soon these spots will disappear. It’s just that he, pouring out his negativity, can hook you too. Accidentally, or on purpose - you can’t tell right off the bat. But it is known for sure that it is better to reduce such contacts to a minimum. Note that here we are talking only about people with a completely black field. Those who are unlikely to be saved. They spread the miasma of their suffering around them, and they very easily catch those around them.

In the end, it is worth saying that the appearance of a black aura is a difficult test for any person. It can be overcome, but it will require all the available forces to apply to this. A person with a black halo is deeply unhappy.

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