Chipization of the country. YOU will be shocked! Chipization of the Earth's population has begun! Werewolves in white coats


Letter to the editor: My brother said that he personally knows a regular officer from St. Petersburg, whose blood type has changed after chipping. He said that specialists in the Russian Federation are being chipped, they essentially do not have biometrics, and the documents that they have are in other names, and not in their own.

They donated blood together, and this officer was surprised that his blood type changed from 1st to 3rd. But the rhesus remained the same. In addition, a man from work told my brother that the military complained that their blood type was changing. Maybe you know something about this, heard or published material on this topic? Mass it cases or not? I don’t know how the chip affects the DNA, but since there are facts of such changes, it means that the chip is enough to change both the body and the soul (((

Editorial: It is absolutely true that some categories of intelligence officers are subject to mandatory chipization. And this has been happening for more than a year now.

We have been informed several times over the past 3 years about a change in the blood group of security officials who were microchipped. And this suggests that as a result of the impact of the implanted chip or along with its implantation, a change in human genetics occurs, its DNA changes. How this can happen, we cannot say, because. we don't know genetics.

But the fact remains! When chipping, a person mutates at the root: both physically and spiritually. He is controlled by the servants of the Antichrist not so much from the outside as from the inside.

Kremlin First Channel prepares Russians for chipping

Last week, the Channel One news program aired a story describing the conveniences and joys of digital technology, which talked about the abolition of paper workflow, paper notices of fines, etc. - in favor of online applications and the website of public services.

The video material about the technotronic paradise, in which all the benefits can be obtained without leaving home, ends with a story about a certain programmer from Tyumen who implanted a chip in his hand.

“Programmer Konstantin Polyakov from Tyumen believes that in the near future even a smartphone will seem like an unnecessary trinket. “Take care of your hand, Kostya,” his friends tell him. he pays for bus fares with a chip in his palm. The conductors were indignant at first, then they got used to it. And the transport company promised that if there are many such people of the future in the present, they will install machines to replenish hypodermic travel cards. He leaned his palm, first the one with the transport card. Then the one from the bank. And that's it. No extra moves.", - the reporter happily broadcasts behind the scenes.

Let's add that rings, key chains and bracelets "Troika" with an embedded chip began to be sold in the Moscow metro. In the near future, the circulation of this product will be increased. And in Moscow schools where the Pass and Meal system operates, at the request of parents, children's school cards are changed to silicone bracelets "Moskvenok".

Taking into account the recent statements by the head of Sberbank German Gref about the imminent rejection of plastic cards and the transition to biometric customer identification, we can conclude that Russians are consistently taught that an electronic device with a chip be “closer to the body”, ideally - so that we generally did not part with him. And there is only one way to do this - by implantation of an ausweiss identifier into a “bioobject”, i.e. into a person.

The man spreads his fingers - thumb and forefinger. Zilch, and the microchip is embedded in his palm - another cyborg is ready to go. This is how superhumans are created. Who are they and why do they need it?

The Belgian startup Epicenter is almost the only company in the world that has put human chipping on stream. Microcircuits, implanted in the hands of employees of organizations, open doors, start printing on printers and allow you to pay for lunch. All you have to do is wave your hand over the device. Epicenter founder and CEO Patrick Mesterton provides a good example by having a microchip implanted in his hand. “The chip is very convenient. It replaces a lot of familiar things, whether it's a bank card or keys,” says Mesterton.

Chip technology is not new. People use chips like this to track the location of luggage and pets. Epicenter's goal is to prove that this technology is safe and beneficial to people. Companies can control when employees are at work, track where they are and what they buy. The person in whom the chip is implanted cannot get rid of surveillance, because the microcircuit is embedded under the skin and it is not so easy to remove it.

Epicenter serves more than a hundred companies, employing more than two thousand people. Since 2015, approximately 150 people have agreed to be microchipped and none of them have been disappointed. Epicenter chips use NFC, a technology that, among other things, is used with a contactless board. NFC allows you to exchange data between two devices that are in close proximity to each other.

Fredrik Kaiser, 47, Epicenter's chief experience officer, is also chipped, and when asked about privacy issues, he says he hasn't thought about it, he just likes to try new things, and he sees such technologies as something that empowers a person. and what will be ubiquitous in the future.

Every month, Epicenter hosts events where attendees can win free microchipping. According to Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, implanting a chip is safe for health, but the ethical problem is much more acute. The fact is that the data that hackers can steal from a chip embedded in the human body is different from data from a smartphone or computer. They are much more personal and can tell about a person’s state of health, as well as about his activity and movement: where he goes, how often he walks, how long he works, what purchases he makes, and so on. If this data gets to outsiders, they can be used for personal gain. Which ones - depends on the violent imagination of hackers.

Insertion of an implant chip takes only a few seconds. The specialist inserts the chip, using a special syringe, into the flesh between the thumb and forefinger. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't even leave a scar on the arm. The chip does not require electrical energy, it is passive and works in the same way as a contactless payment module in a bank card.

There are very few chipped people on the planet, so hacking the implants implanted in them is of little interest to hackers. Interest in hacking data from the human body would undoubtedly grow if such technology became more widespread. Right now, hackers are mostly busy hacking smartphones and computers, since almost most people on the planet have them. Even if chipping is now safe from the point of view of data privacy, in the future hackers will find a weak spot in this technology and will begin to use vulnerabilities against those who decide to implant a microcircuit in themselves.

Ecology of life.Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting microchips produced by this company under the skin of children. ADS launches rice grain-sized microchips operating at high radio frequencies

Well, what happened? ... Everything that was predicted in the Bible began.

Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting microchips produced by the company under the skin of children. The ADS is bringing to market high-frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice that can track anything from goods to people. This "miracle of technology" is called "Verichip".

As early as October 23 last year, the US Department of Defense announced that it was beginning to use radio frequency identification devices (RFID), and this year RFID will begin to be installed on goods sold in stores of America's largest retail chain Walmart. It is hard to doubt that this will soon be followed by an attempt use "Verichips" to identify children first, and then adults. The Department of Defense claims that RFIs allow for more efficient accounting of army equipment, and therefore they will be attached to everything that comes into the possession of the army, with the exception of sand, gravel, liquids, etc. Soldiers will not be implanted with microchips yet. At least not in the United States. But in other countries, Verichip is already widely used to track people.

The ADS company has a program, which in translation into Russian is called "VeriChild". As part of this program, children are implanted under the skin with a syringe "Verichip", which sends a radio signal at a frequency of 125 kilohertz. This signal is sent to special scanners that read the child's identification number through it and establish his identity in the database. If a child "tagged" in this way is kidnapped or simply lost, the authorities will install scanners in places where they are most likely to be found - in shopping centers, at bus stops, at airports, train stations, etc. Both Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting "Verichipa" into children, they say, in order to ensure children's safety. In Brazil, "Verichips" will also be implanted in adults as a pass into buildings - first in offices, and later in residential buildings.

According to the leading specialists of the company "Applied Digital Solutions", by 2070 "Verichips" will completely replace such attributes of modern society as paper money and identity cards, and will become the main tool for human communication with the surrounding electronic world. With the help of "Verichip" a person will pay for travel in any type of transport and receive or not receive access to it. With the help of "Verichip" he will be registered for flights on the plane without filling out a single piece of paper. With the help of "Verichip" a person will receive accruals to his account and write off funds from there for various purchases. Also, with the help of "Verichips", the healthcare system will carry out controls, exchange of information and first aid to all citizens on the planet. "Verichip" will open new horizons of service and comfort of existence for a person - the company's specialists say.

Thus, even today this global plan is pretending to be a reality. Microchip implantation, starting in hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. Human rights activists see this as a threat to civil liberties and a violation of privacy. And this is quite natural. Nobody hides that even now a microchip can be connected to any database and provide complete information about its owner, including financial and medical. Besides The microchip's position on the planet can easily be tracked by satellite 24 hours a day. Soon the police won't even have to stop a person on the street to interrogate him. It will be enough to scan his microchip, and the whole history of his life will be, pardon the involuntary pun, in full view. Subsequently, scanners will also be installed at highway forks, in libraries, schools and shops - absolutely everywhere.

Ultimately, the “chipization” of society will erase such concepts as “personality” and “freedom”. Each person will become just a number in an electronic database. The degree of control that will possibly be exercised over society will exceed all limits imaginable today.

Not only that, the whole life of a person, up to the time of exit and entry into his own shower, will be recorded in electronic databases. Not only that, this database will record how often, in which supermarket, at what price and what size condoms you buy. Ultimately, the chip will make it possible to simply cut you out of this society with the click of a button ... One single button will close all doors for you in all modes of transport, all borders, all public and private buildings, all access to food through shops and supermarkets, access to information and electronic networks. One single button will control your entire life from birth to death. SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube for free a video about healing, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourselfas a feeling of high vibrations - an important factor in healing - site

The story about the chipping of the population of Russia until 2025 has long and firmly entered the list of favorite topics among numerous conspiracy theorists and sectarians. Such a neighborhood can hardly satisfy any specialist, and therefore a professional discussion of this issue in the public field is extremely rare. The Internet is full of headlines foreshadowing the coming of the Antichrist, who, according to biblical predictions, will seek to oblige people to wear it in their hands and on their faces. The texts of the Revelation of St. John the Theologian often correlate with modern technological innovations that involve the placement of identification chips under the skin. The extent to which this problem can really open the way to apocalyptic prophecies and what kind of chips are being developed under the control of Russian corporations is worth understanding in more detail.

The whole truth about chips for citizens of the Russian Federation

If we approach the issue considered here literally, then the chipization of the Russian population is the assignment to each of the citizens of a chip or an identification device manufactured using modern high-tech industry. A standard chip is a microelectronic device that allows you to write or read various information. Such chips are made from silicon and have a crystalline structure. They are present in any computer, mobile phone or flash card used for data storage. At the same time, silicon chips in memory cards or electronic computing devices are often large enough to be sewn under the skin and become the seal of the Antichrist, which is mentioned in biblical prophecies.

Neither buy nor sell

To understand how the chipization of the Russian population will occur (forced or optional), and whether it will happen at all, a careful consideration of modern technologies used for remote identification will help. It is these remote control mechanisms that are most consistent with the descriptions found in Revelation. It is also worth adding that all modern projects that deal with the topic of chipping people in Russia in 2018 and subsequent years also consider a similar (remote) mechanism for their technological implementation as the main one. This means taking a closer look at RFID tag technologies and their main applications.

Video about chipping children in Yekaterinburg:

RFID tag - the seal of the Antichrist?

Remote sensing technology through RFID techniques is the most likely mechanism for the introduction of chips into the masses of the civilian population. Silicon crystals in this technological scheme are noticeably different from chips of microelectronic devices. Their main difference is significantly smaller sizes, which can often be indistinguishable to the naked eye. To understand the essence and scale of what is happening, just look at the areas of application of tags made using RFID technologies:

  • Consumer goods labels.
  • Electronic keys and passes.
  • Passport and visa documentation.
  • Systems of remote control and tracking of objects.

If you look at what Vladimir Putin says in his speeches about chipization, it becomes clear that this is far from introducing chips under the skin of Russians, but about ordinary biometric passports. One characteristic feature of RFID tags should not be overlooked here - they consist of two components: a microscopic silicon chip with information recorded on it and an antenna that allows special equipment to read the information recorded in the chip. In other words, the data silicon chip itself is completely useless unless it is complemented by a metallized antenna that allows you to read the information recorded on it. Such a label is almost impossible to introduce under the skin with an injection. The implantation procedure will require major surgery or the work of a tattoo artist, whose ink will have a high metal content.

What does Russian law say?

The law on chipization of the population, which is often mentioned in various conspiracy theories, is very far from biblical predictions in its essence. According to the norms of the current legislation, modern passports will be equipped with chips, and the chip itself will only duplicate the information contained in the document. This technology will simplify the passage of visa control at international airports and a number of other places where the presentation of documents is required. Existing projects to supplement information in passports and visas with biometric data mean nothing more than recording the scanned fingerprints of the document owner on a chip sewn into the pages of the passport. It is important to remember that at present RFID technologies are being implemented exclusively in passports and there is no talk of a total update of all documents of Russians yet.

As can be seen from the above, rumors about chipization and UEC spread by various sectarians and religious fanatics are far from reality. A UEC or a universal electronic card could become a single document, replacing a credit card, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a compulsory medical insurance policy and a host of other documents that a citizen needs today to interact with government authorities and enjoy the benefits of the social sphere. Few Russians have not had to face queues at various institutions and departments, as well as the requirements of civil servants to provide a copy of a particular document, which is often forgotten at home or must be obtained at the other end of the city. The project to introduce universal electronic cards is aimed at ridding citizens of such inconveniences.

State projects in the field of development and implementation of the UEC, at present, are immensely far from practical implementation and exist only at the stage of preliminary discussions. The real state of affairs in this area is such that so far it has not been possible to create any unified information base, and if all electronic systems work, then with great interruptions and still do not cancel paper workflow. It would not be superfluous to recall here that an important part of this work is entrusted to the Rusnano corporation, which is under the control of the notorious Anatoly Chubais. How effective his style of work is and how it was possible to lower electricity tariffs by splitting RAO UES of Russia, which Chubais previously led, most Russians know firsthand and therefore the implementation of the UEC project is unlikely to be seen in the coming decades. Despite the fact that modern Russian realities and the very level of Russia's technological development are far from perfect, and the prospects for the realization of biblical prophecies on the territory of the Russian Federation are very vague, such a danger is still possible.

Program "Childhood 2020-2030"

Mass neural networks in the minds of schoolchildren:

USA is the birthplace of the Antichrist

Under the guise of democracy and privacy, today the chipping of people in the United States is being fully implemented, which is fully consistent with the letter and spirit of biblical prophecy. Modern technologies of RFID tags are used by all the largest American corporations engaged in the production of consumer goods. Chips are sewn into clothes, shoes, cars and much more. A person may not have any documents on him, but RFID remote reading systems will be able to fully identify his identity by simply scanning his clothes. Tags introduced into the products of world famous brands are not always located in places accessible to the consumer. Many may not even assume the existence of marks on their clothes, but passing by an advertising plasma panel, they often hear that the sneakers are outdated and it is time for them to update the model in accordance with the fashion of the last season. These hidden consumer spying capabilities of corporations are the main threat posed by chipization and the proliferation of RFID technologies.

The US Food and Drug Administration has registered a chip that allows you to get all the information about the patient, even if he is unconscious.

It is slightly larger than a grain of rice and costs $200. “I am so grateful for such an unusual gift, because it will save my life if something happens,” the head of the “Chipson family” happily announces from the TV screen. So ironically in America they called the family, whose members were among the first to implant chips under their skin.

In Mexico, where kidnappings for ransom are extremely common, would-be victims are chipped so that police can find them. It's like a satellite alarm when a car is stolen.

“Chipization is gradually gaining momentum in corporate culture,” says Evgeniy Lifshits, head of the Cyber ​​Security Agency. - So, in February in Belgium, Newfusion replaced ordinary electronic badges for employees with implanted microchips. Now they can use their hands to open doors in the office, use a copier and other office equipment. All this is interesting, but so far it looks more like a PR stunt.”

Brad or reality?

The web is full of videos of victims of chipping. They say that they were secretly implanted with a chip and they became biorobots: an unknown force dictates to them what to do and what not to do. “You can’t resist, you can be forced to be killed, raped, become a drug addict, made a zombie worker, they will pay you a salary and immediately take it away,” says one of these people.

“This is nonsense,” comments on such statements. Svyatoslav Medvedev, director of the Institute of the Human Brain. Bekhtereva in St. Petersburg. “With the help of chips, you can’t broadcast commands to the brain. To treat patients, different methods of brain stimulation are used, but for this they use sophisticated equipment, and not some kind of microchips. And these methods of therapy cannot influence people. Yes, all these chips are not needed, in social terms, people can be influenced with the help of psychology, and if you also use the knowledge of biochemistry, you can make them do whatever you want. It's simpler and cheaper than any chips."

“From the point of view of what modern science knows about the mechanisms of the brain, it is almost impossible to impose thoughts or commands on a person with the help of implanted electrodes,” says Professor Alexander Kaplan, Head of the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurointerfaces, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. “You can’t connect to your brain like a computer. We do not understand its operation and management so much that we simply cannot know where to connect, we do not know where the memory is stored. It seems that the information in it is not localized in some centers, but distributed among tens of billions of cells and a million billion contacts between them. Connecting to them is even theoretically impossible. What we can? There are 10 thousand people in the world with epilepsy who have electrodes implanted in certain centers of the brain. They read information to understand when a seizure starts. In this case, the implanted device sends electrical signals and extinguishes the attack. But neither read personal information nor manage a person in this way. Another example: completely paralyzed people are placed on a microchip with 100 very thin electrodes that penetrate 1.5 mm into the cerebral cortex - they are in contact with nerve cells (neurons). This allows a person to learn at least a little to communicate with the outside world.

But let us return from theoretical science to the subject of our conversation. Will chipization be total? “This should be an individual decision of a person,” Alexander Kaplan believes. - Whoever wants - let him implant the chip, who does not - use external devices. But civilization is moving towards ever greater convenience, breaking stereotypes: once people were afraid of steam locomotives, but now they fly on airplanes. Therefore, I do not rule out that chipping can become ubiquitous: bringing a hand with a chip is more convenient and easier than using cards.”

Chip war

“Is mass chipization necessary? Evgeny Lifshits says. - Modern technologies already allow you to do everything without implantation. For example, universal electronic cards can be used as credit, medical and pension cards at once. This is the same chip, only unimplanted. Any smartphone can be considered an analogue of the chip. Are chips dangerous in terms of cybersecurity? Their hacking is not particularly interesting to hackers yet. After all, the main goal of cyber scammers is to earn money, and this technology is not yet widespread.

I think the chips will be very interesting in the military sphere. The Discovery Channel showed a documentary about the testing of chips implanted in military personnel. With the help of satellite communications, he made it possible to detect them anywhere on the planet, including deep underground. The filmmakers are sure that experiments are already being carried out, when using a chip and a transmitting device operating through a system of satellites, it is possible to influence the metabolic processes in a soldier’s body, stop bleeding, and accelerate the regeneration of damaged brain cells. But you need to understand that in the event of a cyber war, the enemy, having hacked into such a device, can prevent not only timely medical care for the wounded, but also cover the entire chipped detachment with fire.

There are no systems that are 100% secure: as they say, if there is a lock, then there is a key to it.”

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