Chistye Prudy and Chistoprudny Boulevard. Metro "Chistye Prudy": description, location, history


Many of us know that there is a special science - toponymy. This science studies names and therefore is at the intersection of geography, philology and history.

Let us turn today to toponymic knowledge in order to answer the question of whether Chistye Prudy in Moscow was called before. After all, these reservoirs are quite old, so they had some other name.

Let's consider this question in more detail.

Origin story

So, these artificial reservoirs have been known in the capital for a long time. Nearby were butcher shops and slaughterhouses. It was in the waters of these ponds that resourceful shopkeepers dumped their waste products.

That's why the ponds were called "Bad", because the stench emanating from them was difficult to convey in ordinary words.

Now, any tourist who visits here and asks himself the question: “What was the name of Clean Ponds in Moscow before?” - will be able to learn such a story from the guide. In the 18th century, the stench of these ponds reached either Peter the Great, or his faithful servant A.D. Menshikov. As a result, either one or the other ordered to clean up water facilities with such an unpleasant odor.

New name

And so the new name "Chistye Prudy" took root, the history of these places is as follows: after that they became a real property of Moscow. Due to the beautiful scenery and relative seclusion, Muscovites came here to walk along the water in summer and ride on the ice in winter.

Chistye Prudy became a real resort place, festivities and holidays were held here.

cultural significance

In the world of culture, Chistye Prudy in Moscow (as we already know it was called) in the late Soviet era received special significance. This happened because artists began to gather here in the 80s.

However, these were representatives of the so-called subculture: rockers, metalheads, goths. In addition to them, some representatives of the world of poetry and music also appeared.

It was at that time that Igor Talkov's song about these places gained popularity.

Today, young people gather here near the monument to the poet Alexander Griboedov, charity events, flash mobs are often held, and couples in love are walking.

And if you turn to these passers-by with the question: “What was the name of Chistye Prudy in Moscow before?” - hardly anyone will remember that once it was impossible to be here because of the fetid smell. Now these reservoirs are a kind of symbol of Moscow, its greatness and power, centuries-old traditions and eternal youth.

The sculpture dedicated to the author of the famous play "Woe from Wit" is located at the very beginning of the park alley of the boulevard. The statue was created in 1959 by A. Maniulov. By the way, the location of the monument is no coincidence, because right next to it on Myasnitskaya Street stands mansion No. 42, within the walls of which the writer worked. Passing by the stone incarnation of Griboyedov, pay attention to the high reliefs. According to the sculptor's idea, the bronze curtain seems to open a stage with bright characters of a biting comedy.

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 6

Chistye Prudy

Two curious moments are connected with Chistye Prudy. Firstly, despite the preserved name, only one pond remained. There used to be three of them, but two have long been drained. In addition, in the past, these reservoirs had a much less pleasant name. The ponds were called Filthy because the butchers who lived nearby regularly dumped waste products into the water. However, thanks to the associate of Peter I A. Menshikov, who settled nearby, the ecological situation of the area has changed for the better. The slaughterhouses were closed, the reservoirs were rid of waste, and they began to be called Clean.

Chistye Prudy

Anticafe & Coworking Good Republic

Anticafe & Coworking A good republic is open to everyone who wants to feel like a resident of a small country created specifically for fruitful work and healthy recreation.

st. Myasnitskaya, 13, building 24

Moscow theater "Sovremennik"

The house in neoclassical style interspersed with Art Nouveau was built in 1912-1914. architect R. Klein. Initially, it was assumed that the Colosseum cinema would be located in this building. Until 1970, there really was a cinema here, which was then closed for reconstruction. But in the future, he never earned it, and instead of it, the Sovremennik Theater appeared in the building. Over the years of its existence, it has opened the world to many talented actors and has become one of the most significant in the history of the formation of the national theatrical culture.

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 19

Art Studio "Galka and Galysh" 16+

In the middle of a noisy metropolis, there is an oasis of pleasure and self-care - the art studio "Galka and Galysh". A team of certified experienced craftsmen and attentive administrators promises each client an impeccable service, an individual approach and a generous dose of positive!

per. Krivokolenny, 11/13, building 1 (entrance from Arkhangelsky lane)

egg house

To get to this attraction, you need to cross the roadway of Chistoprudny Boulevard and head to the surrounding neighborhoods. Follow Makarenko Street, pass Chaplygin Street, and exit onto Mashkov Street, where the Egg House is located. This residential building quickly became famous throughout the capital due to its unusual shape. It is a five-room red mansion with four levels, rounded walls and a copper roof. There is an underground garage.

Mashkova street, 1/11

This building was erected in 1908-1909. The work was based on the project of L. Kravetsky. The facades and interior decoration were designed by architects S. Vashkov and P. Mikini. The building is notable for its terracotta bas-reliefs depicting fantastic beasts. The elements of the ancient Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir served as a model for the design of an apartment building. The church that once owned this architectural landmark is literally around the corner, on Pokrovka Street.

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 14

The oceanarium was built in 1989. Within its walls there is not only a live exposition, but also a pet shop. Here you can see sharks, moray eels, piranhas, crabs and other marine life. And on Tuesdays and Fridays at 18:30 especially bloodthirsty visitors and fans of the movie "Jaws" can watch how sharks dine. Every day, excursions are led to the aquarium, for participation in which advance registration by phone is required.

blvd. Chistoprudny, 14, building 3

The cinema "Roland"

This cinema is considered one of the most modern in the capital. Previously, namely from 1912 to 1918, this place was a wooden pavilion "Borodino Panorama". It was built on the territory of one of the ponds that were drained. Now you can see this pavilion in a new building located on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 12a

Menshikov Tower (Church of the Archangel Gabriel)

The attraction was built in 1704-1707. architect I. Zarudny at the expense of the famous associate of Peter I A. Menshikov. The creators of the building set themselves the goal of making their creation higher than the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Kremlin. That is why the spire flaunts at the top of the church. The goal was achieved: the 80-meter building is three meters higher than the height of the bell tower. However, in 1723 the spire played a cruel joke on the church. Lightning struck him, starting a fire that destroyed the upper part of the building. Reconstruction was completed only at the end of the 18th century. They did not dare to put a high spire a second time. The restoration work was sponsored by G. Izmailov, who was a member of the Masonic lodge, so Masonic signs and inscriptions in Latin appeared on the building in the Baroque style. Later, Metropolitan Filaret ordered to get rid of them, but their traces can still be seen. There are legends that meetings of Masons were held in the basement of the church, and through underground passages you can get to the estates of noble nobles.

per. Arkhangelsky, 15a

Moscow post office

The house was built by O. Munts in 1912 and has been preserved almost in its original form. The building is made in the Romanesque style. There has always been a postal service. Until 1927, the Moscow Telegraph was located in the corner building. Now the Central Post Office is within its walls, and firms of various specializations and the European-Asian Exchange work in its place.

st. Myasnitskaya, 26a

Tea house on Myasnitskaya

Here is the final point of our walk. The history of this Chinese island in the capital is connected with the Perlov family. She has been trading tea in Russia since the end of the 18th century. The business gave birth to several competing firms. For one native of the Perlov family, Sergei Vasilyevich, the architect R. Klein built this house in 1890-1893. There was a tea shop, as well as an office of the company. There were also living quarters. In 1896, the architectural appearance of the building acquired an oriental flavor. It was a sign of respect for an important Chinese dignitary who came to the coronation ceremony of Nicholas II. The owner of the house hoped to attract the attention of the guest and get him as his guest, which would have a beneficial effect on business. However, the dignitary preferred to stay with a competitor. Nevertheless, the Tea House still pleases the inhabitants of the capital with its appearance and products.

st. Myasnitskaya, 19

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The Chistye Prudy station is part of the Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro. A wonderful and surprisingly beautiful section of the capital - Chistye Prudy: the metro is nearby, a green boulevard, a magnificent pond ...

The station was built and put into operation in 1935, along with the very first section of the Sokolniki metro station - Park Kultury.


This station is located between the "Red Gate" and "Lubyanka". The location of the entrance is the beginning of Chistoprudny Boulevard. The territory belongs to the Basmanny district of the Central District of the capital.

Through this station, you can exit, in addition to the boulevard itself, to Myasnitskaya Street and to the square called Myasnitsky Gates.

Chistye Prudy (metro station): description

The ground hall has an original cube shape. The depth of the subway itself is more than 35 meters.

The vaults of the hall support two rows of twin pylons. Their finish is represented by smoky light Ural marble. Large cornices, behind which lighting is arranged, are hidden by vaulted supports.

The walls were faced with black granite (bottom) and gray marble only in the 90s. Previously (until 1997) there was an ordinary white tile. The floors are paved with gray and pink granite.

Passenger traffic daily at the exit is 32,000 people, and at the entrance - 29,000.

History of the station: features

The Chistye Prudy metro station was built according to an individual project. Monolithic reinforced concrete blocks were used here. At first, the station had two entrance halls on the site of the current central one.

The shape of the station's structure is a three-vaulted pylon (reconstructed in 1971).

It is also interesting that the floors at the station until 1972 were asphalt. Later they were lined with granite.

Before the construction of the transition to the neighboring Sretensky Bulvar station, and, accordingly, to another line, a bust (bronze) of S. M. Kirov (sculptor M. G. Manizer) stood at the end of the Chistye Prudy metro hall near the wall. Previously, the station was also called "Kirovskaya" in his honor. Now this statue is located at the crossing between Sretensky Boulevard and Turgenevskaya and has lost its former connection with the Chistye Prudy station.

Vestibule (hall), transfers, transitions

"Chistye Prudy" is a metro station that has a single, moreover, ground lobby. From the central hall itself there is a transition to Turgenevskaya (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line).

In 2008, the completed transition to the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line through Sretensky Bulvar was opened at the station. To access this transitional gallery, you must use the escalator located at the end of the station hall.

In the very original version, it was proposed to open this crossing together with the Sretensky Bulvar station, but there was a delay in the delivery of escalators from the factory in St. Petersburg, and only one transfer was opened. The launch of the crossing from Chistye Prudy was postponed.

There is a passage to the Turgenevskaya station, to which stairs rise from the very center of the hall.

origin of name

The station "Chistye Prudy" (Moscow, metro) is so named due to the proximity to it of Chistoprudny Boulevard, as well as Chistye Prudy. The exit leads to them.

It is curious that until 1703 the pond itself was called Pogany, due to the fact that waste from slaughterhouses and shops located in these places was dumped into it. It was subsequently cleared and renamed.

The current Myasnitskaya street used to be called Kirovskaya (until 1990), so the station had the same name (in honor of the politician S. M. Kirov).

Finally, some interesting facts

  • Metro "Chistye Prudy", as already noted, has a cubic-shaped ground lobby. Previously, there were similar vestibules at the Komsomolskaya (northern) and Smolenskaya stations. To date, only one has survived, at Chistye Prudy.
  • This is one of the few stations with the old "METRO" sign on the lobby.
  • During the Second World War, the halls of the Chistye Prudy metro station housed the departments of the General Staff and the country's air defense.
  • The first fluorescent lamps illuminated this particular station of the Moscow Metro, starting in 1947.

  • The area of ​​Chistye Prudy gathers a huge number of people from all over Moscow: lovers of various styles of music, non-formal people, etc. Many people gather at the monument to A. Griboyedov, at the fountain of Chistoprudny Boulevard, sit on benches, meadows. One of the simple names of this cozy place of rest is Clean.
  • Rallies, flash mobs and holidays are often held here. This is truly a cult place. And the Chistye Prudy station makes its contribution to these curious large-scale actions.
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Everyone who comes to Chistye Prudy is surprised: why is it in the plural, if the pond is just one? The explanation is quite logical: one of the ponds was filled up. The same situation was in the case of the Patriarch's Ponds: the name also retained the plural.

Once upon a time there were swamps in this place, but they were gradually drained. The Rachka River, which flowed here, was crossed by the walls of the White City, and a pond formed near the walls. At first it was called Poganym, there are several versions of this name. Many believe that it comes from the word paganus, which means "pagan". This story is connected with the boyar Kuchka, who was not respectful enough to the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky, for which he was first killed and then drowned in a pond. A historically confirmed fact: there were executions on the site of Chistye Prudy, but during the time of Ivan the Terrible. By order of the king, 120 boyars were cruelly tortured and executed at this place.

But the most common version is related to the fact that there used to be meat rows near Pogany Pond. All of Moscow came to the slaughterhouses (by the way, they were located on the street with a telling name - Myasnitskaya). When cutting meat, unnecessary parts that were not for sale were thrown directly into the reservoir by butchers. This fact could not but anger Prince Menshikov, who lived nearby. The prince ordered the ponds to be cleaned. After that, the name "nasty" disappeared, and the ponds became Clean.

In 1911, it was on the ice of Chistye Prudy that the world champions in figure skating trained. By 1960, the pond was equipped, a boat station was opened. In winter, people go skating here, and closer to summer, representatives of informal subcultures gather in a small area near the monument to Griboyedov.

Chistoprudny Boulevard often hosts open-air photo exhibitions. By the way, the Annushka tram runs along it. There is an aquarium nearby.

Address: Moscow, Chistye Prudy (m. Turgenevskaya, Chistye Prudy, Sretensky Boulevard)

The famous Chistye Prudy are rich and attractive not only with an amazing history, but also with their interesting buildings: theaters, restaurants, fitness clubs, cinemas, business centers and shops. Especially these places attract with beautiful and convenient park areas for hiking.

Chistoprudny Boulevard is fenced off from major highways and is a quite quiet and cozy place for a relaxing holiday. And Moscow can rightly be proud of him. Chistye Prudy sights, whose names we will discuss in this article, are quite interesting.

This corner of Moscow is an excellent vacation spot, where not only local residents, but also numerous guests of the city try to get. There is something to admire here: magnificent nature, cultural monuments. Even the name of this picturesque corner of the capital evokes pleasant associations.

Chistye Prudy (Moscow)

Attractions in this wonderful corner of the city are rich in their unique history. Of course, it's hard to believe, but once this place was a fetid terrible puddle, polluted with various waste from the meat trade. This is due to the fact that in the neighborhood (Myasnitskaya Street) there were a huge number of butcher shops.

For a long time everything has changed: in 1703, an associate of Peter I, Alexander Menshikov, acquired a small plot with a house nearby. By his order, this place was ennobled, and the reservoir was cleaned. Since then, the pond has become known as Clean. And the more familiar name for today came into use gradually. So, there is no cascade of ponds here.

But Chistye Prudy has become one of the favorite places for recreation for residents of the surrounding area and other metropolitan areas and guests welcomed by Moscow.

Chistye Prudy: attractions, description

This is an amazing district of Moscow, whose history has been preserved not only in chronicles and textbooks. Like more than a hundred years ago, white swans swim on the mirror surface of the water, couples in love and young mothers with strollers stroll along the alleys. You can often see here more mature couples walking along the alleys.

Like many years ago, lindens, willows, chestnuts are blooming here. Even the new modern houses that have appeared around the boulevard in recent years have joined the ensemble and do not destroy the external habitual appearance of the old quarters, which is observed in many areas of the huge city of Moscow.

Chistye Prudy, whose sights are magnificent and beautiful, are also very popular among tourists. One of the main advantages of the park is a magnificent building (house 19a), built in 1912-14. It has a colonnade stylized as antique. The building was built for the cinema "Coliseum" R.I. Klein (famous architect). However, after its reconstruction in the 70s, it was transferred to the Sovremennik Drama Theater.

In the neighboring house (house 21), built in the 1890s, literary meetings of N. Teleshov were held, in which M. Gorky, A. Chekhov, D. Mamin-Sibiryak, A. Kuprin, I. Bunin and other famous writers and poets. Very close to this house (house 23) in 1920-34 lived a famous film director


It is unimaginable without monuments to great people, installed in different parts of the city, Moscow. Chistye Prudy, whose sights tell the history of the city, cannot be imagined without the monument to A. Griboyedov. The great Russian writer lived at 42 Myasnitskaya Street and often walked along the green cozy alleys of the then new boulevard. This monument was erected in 1959.

There is also a monument to M. Bakunin (the ideologist of Russian anarchism) erected in 1918 at the very Butcher's Gate. But the not entirely successful sculpture was removed after a protest by anarchists who believe that such a monument insults the memory of their teacher.


The city of Moscow and Chistye Prudy have an amazing history. The sights of the boulevard and the surrounding area have their own history of formation and emergence. According to legend, this place, previously called Pogany, is strongly associated with the birth of the great city.

According to legend, there was a village here that belonged to the boyar Stepan Kuchka. He did not respect Prince Yu. Dolgoruky, who visited him, and offended him, after which the prince ordered the boyar to be killed and the body to be thrown away. The legend says that it was after this that the reservoir began to bear the name Pogany.

There is another assumption about the name. When Christianity began to spread, pagan idols were destroyed and thrown into the water. And the word "pagan", in Latin paganus, means "filthy". Hence the name Filthy Pond.

The most common version is the following. It has already been mentioned above. The pond got its name due to the fact that garbage was poured here from the slaughterhouses on Myasnitskaya Street. There are scientists who also reject this version due to the fact that the Myasnitskaya Sloboda was located at a great distance from the pond (near Sretenki St.).

It should also be remembered that during the time of Ivan the Terrible, a terrible tragedy occurred in this place. In 1570, 120 boyars and servicemen were subjected to a painful execution on charges of treason.

boulevard formation

Many interesting historical events are hidden in Moscow. Chistye Prudy, whose sights can tell a lot about the events taking place here in ancient times, arose thanks to the dam. In those days, the Rachki River flowed along the walls of the White City (the tributary of this river has long since ceased to exist, and today the reservoir is fed by water from the water supply system.

And then the pond was a favorite place among the townspeople. We rode here in the summer on boats, and in the winter on skates.

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