Read in the first person the story of the New Year's story. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "Herringbone



Full name (full name)

Koshman Galina Anatolievna

Place of work

MBOU-secondary school No. 6, Klintsy

Job title

Primary school teacher


Literary reading


Topic and lesson number in the topic

S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" Lesson 2

Basic Tutorial

L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky - Literary reading

    The purpose of the lesson: continue work on Mikhalkov's work "New Year's Story", develop the skills of fluent conscious reading, develop attention, memory, speech, and the ability to work with text.

9. Tasks:

- educational - to continue acquaintance with Mikhalkov's work, to develop the skills of quick, fluent conscious reading, the ability to work with text, work on expressiveness.

-developing - develop attention, memory, oral speech, figurative thinking.

- educational - to cultivate love for nature, the surrounding world, a careful attitude towards it.

    Forms of student work: frontal conversation, individual work, pair work, group work.

    Required technical equipment: computer, projector, screen, speakers, a set of DERs from the Unified DER Collection

    Structure and course of the lesson

Table 1.

Technological map of the lesson

Lesson stage

Name of used ESM

(with indication of serial number from Table 2)

Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration)

Student activities


(in minutes)

Organizing time

Phonogram of the song Elochka Elka ...

The bell rang for class. Let's smile at each other, give a good mood and sit quietly

Uch. greet each other, emotionally tune in to the lesson


new knowledge

Slide #1

Slide #2

Why was this song played at the beginning of the lesson?

Where are we going on a trip today?

What would you like to learn in this lesson?

Student responses:

a) expressive reading

b) the ability to retell

d) work with text

Checking homework

Slide number 3 (test)

Let's find out how carefully you read the fairy tale at home. To do this, we will answer the questions of the test.

Children read the slides and choose the correct answer.

Speech warm-up

Slide #4

First, let's do an exercise that will help you read expressively without errors Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree prickly needle.

Children read:

a) chorus

b) in rows

c) one at a time

Work on the topic of the lesson

Slide #5

Slide #6

Let's open a fairy tale and prepare to beautifully answer questions with words from the text

- Where do the events in the story take place?

How did the Christmas tree live in the forest?

Find the words that tell about the tree as a person (she grew, warmed herself, trembled, got acquainted, was not alone) The author endowed the Christmas tree with human features, he used personification.

Look at the illustration from the textbook. She will tell the character of the characters.

What is our tree?

What is our magpie?

Work with text, selective reading.

Work with the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.

Characteristics of the characters are given.

Phys. Minute.

Slide #6

The green fir trees sway in the wind, bend low. How many green Christmas trees, so many slopes. Squat as many times as we have butterflies. How many red circles, we will make so many jumps.

Movements are being made.

Consolidation of what has been learned. Role reading. Staging.

Reading the dialogue "Magpies and Christmas trees" (work in pairs)

Work in pairs, working out the expressiveness of reading.

Formulation of the problem.

Slide number 7 "Bryansk forest reserve"

Imagine that our Christmas tree in the forest is gone

What will happen?

Do you think we could barely help, so that they would not be cut down?

Information about the reserve Bryansk forest.

Children make assumptions, give an interpretation of the word reserve, listen to information about the benefits of coniferous forests.

Fairy tale analysis

Acquaintance with S. Mikhalkov's poem "Event"

What happened to the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve

Underline the main words of the Christmas tree. (woke up, alive, decorated, slim)

Read the text (part number 4, find the words in the text)


Slide #8

Choose and continue any offer

I found out…

I would commend myself...

I want to know…

Student responses

Lesson summary

Slide #9

Slide number 10 "Hurry to do good!"

Why is the work of S. Mikhalkov called "New Year's story", and not "New Year's Tale"

Student responses. It was and should always be, so "Hurry to do good"


Slide #11

Retell the story on behalf of the Christmas tree, using the words highlighted in the lesson.

Introspection of the lesson

A lesson in literary reading in the second grade according to the traditional system, according to the program "School of Russia" (FSES), the author of the textbook L.V. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky. Section "How to be able to read well", the work of S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story". This piece takes 2 hours.

Lesson type: repetition and generalization of the acquired knowledge.

The following tasks were solved during the lesson:

Tutorials: to consolidate the ability to build a chain of events into works, improve the skills of expressive reading, analyze the work.

Educational: establishing psychological and emotional contact with children, cultivating interest in reading, cultivating a positive attitude towards the world, people, teaching children to analyze their behavior through the actions of literary characters.

Developing: develop the ability to see shortcomings in the characters, explain them, develop emotional perception when reading by roles.

The following equipment was used:

1 Screen

2 Computer

3 Multimedia projector

4 Ozhegov's dictionary

5 Sheets with printed tests for each student

6 computer presentation

In accordance with the type of lesson, the following lesson structure was provided:

Self-determination stage: Purpose: to attract the attention of students, for which reading lessons are needed.

Preparation for active cognitive activity. Purpose: statement of the problem, message of the purpose of the lesson.

The main stage of the lesson: building a sequence of events, expressive reading and analysis of events, reading by roles, distribution of characters and their characteristics.

stage of reflection. Summing up the lesson

The lesson used METHODS (according to the type of information source):

verbal(conversation, when analyzing episodes, at the stage of reflection)

visual(when preparing for active cognitive activity, when analyzing episodes, at the main stage)

practical(work on highlighting words in the text that characterize the characters of the fairy tale)

By type of learning activity:

Independent work "Work in pairs, work with text"

Problematic search method.

Forms of cognitive activity:

Group (work in pairs, individual). Involved in the lesson visual technical teaching aids. In the lesson, there was a close interdisciplinary connection. The introduction of additional information about coniferous forests into the lesson (a message about the State Biosphere Reserve in the Bryansk region, about the role of coniferous forests for humans, the world around) made it possible to most fully and vividly present the events of the fairy tale.

Stimulation and motivation was carried out through the creation of a situation of interest in novelty, reliance on life experience, the creation of situations, emotional and moral experiences.

The content of the educational material and the type of work used in the lesson were aimed at maintaining the cognitive activity of students. The requirements for a modern lesson include the mandatory use of information technology. Therefore, a computer presentation was created. Taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of children of primary school age, health-saving technologies were included - physical. minutes. From an educational point of view, the lesson contributed to the formation of children's interest in reading, a positive attitude towards people and the world around them. The lesson of the task has been reached. All stages are interconnected.

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade.

Subject: S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" (slide 1)

The goals of the teacher's activity:create conditions for the development of interest in literary creativity and reading speech skills, phonemic hearing, memory and thinking; to introduce students to the work of S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story", to improve the ability to work with illustrations.

Lesson type: setting and solving a learning problem.

Planned results of education:

Personal: interest in educational work; the ability to evaluate their actions and knowledge; attention to the experiences of other people; feeling of empathy.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of the components of universal educational activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to analyze and compare works and characters.

Regulatory: the ability to independently assess the correctness of the performance of actions; plan their actions in accordance with the set educational task.

Communicative:the ability to express one's attitude to literary works and heroes, to focus on the partner's position, developing a common position.

Forms and methods of teaching:group, individual; unproductive.

Educational Resources:game cards; cash desk of letters; album sheets for each student; dictionaries for; exhibition of students' drawings, pencils.

I. Motivation of educational activity.

Personal UUD: positive attitude and interest in the lessons of literary reading.

Regulatory TOS

D: accept and save the learning task; be able to make adjustments to the action after it is completed based on the teacher's assessment.

Communicative UUD: be able to build a monologue statement on the topic of the lesson, get the necessary information by asking questions to the teacher and comparing his answers.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass

(N. Nekrasov)

What did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize children's answers).

What section of literary reading do we continue to study?

II. Checking homework.

1) Consider an exhibition of drawings for the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts". 2) Explain one of the proverbs:

“The frost is great, but it doesn’t order to stand”, “Where it’s warm, there’s good”, “If you want to eat kalachi, then don’t sit on the stove”, “The worker’s work is on fire in his hands”, “Take care of your nose in a big frost”.

III. Speech warm-up. (slide 2)

a) Children speak tongue twisters:

Ma-ma-ma - snowy winter has come,

- er-er-er - everything was covered with white snow,

- ki-ki-ki - we loveplay snowballs,

- oz-oz-oz - frost stings our cheeks,

- lu-lu-lu - I love snowy winter.

b) Speak a tongue twister(slide 3)

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree too

IV. Setting lesson goals.

The New Year holiday is approaching. What is special about this holiday? (This is a magical holiday, we make wishes or send letters to Santa Claus and wishes come true, even incredible fairy-tale events happen.)

Today at the lesson we will read a New Year's fairy tale.

V. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Open your textbook to page 203.

Determine the topic of the lesson.

Try to guess what the story is about by looking at the title.

What works of S. Mikhalkov do you remember? (slide 4-6)

Sergei Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. In addition to Sergei, two more boys were brought up in the family: Mikhail, Alexander. Sergei began writing poetry as a child.Mikhalkov spent his school years in Pyatigorsk. In 1930, he graduated from high school, but two years before that, his first poem "The Road" was published.Then Mikhalkov studied at the Gorky Literary Institute. At the same time, Mikhalkov published the first book of poems.During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov was in the ranks of the Red Army, worked in the army press.

The famous lines on the granite slab of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall:"Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal", - also belongs to Mikhalkov.

After the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov continued his literary activity.

VI. Preparatory work before reading. (slide 7)

Read first in syllables, then in whole words.

On-lu-bo-vat-sya - admire

I-knew-to-mi-las - met

Ras-ka-chi-wai-sya - swing

Po-ko-stvo - anxiety

Hide-tat-sya - hide

About-la-we-wa-lis - broke off


Read in full:(slide 8)

Forest - forest, forester

Night - spent the night

Color - colored

Glass - glass

Silver - silver

What are these words? (single root)

VII. The fairy tale is read by the teacher, prepared children of the role of the Christmas tree, Magpie, man and boy.Comprehension test

1 part

  • Where did the fir tree live?
  • Why did the Christmas tree not feel lonely?
  • Did she have friends?
  • Annex 1.

part 2

  • Why did the Christmas tree live through summer and autumn in fear and anxiety?
  • What did the magpie say?
  • What feelings might you have in such a situation?
  • What was the nature of the Christmas tree?

(She was kind, modest, well-mannered, polite - asked politely, whispered softly, objected uncertainly)

  • What can you say about the magpie? (talks quickly - chirped)
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Annex 1.

part 3

  • What did the Christmas tree dream about until the last day of the outgoing year?
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.
  • What do you think, with what intentions could a person go to her?
  • Why are Christmas trees cut down on New Year's Eve?
  • What can happen if before the new year they make a massive cutting down of Christmas trees?
  • Why do we need these trees? (wood is used in construction, in the manufacture of paper, musical instruments; resin, turpentine, etc. are extracted from it.)
  • What needs to be done to grow Christmas trees?

part 4

  • What happened on the first day of the new year? (children and the forester came to the Christmas tree)
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Annex 1.
  • Since this happened many years ago, what happened to the Christmas tree? (grew)
  • How long do you think spruces live? (Lives 250-300, rarely 500 years, reaches a height of 20-50 m and in diameter up to 1 m.)

VIII. Phys. minute.


In small children

The tree is big.

Fires and balls

The tree is sparkling.

Hey Christmas tree!

Look, look!

For children, Christmas tree,

Shine, shine! (Children raise their hands above their heads and turn their palms to the right and left, then they read poetry. They threaten with a finger.)

Do not hit us, Christmas tree,

A shaggy branch.

Remove the needles

IX. Conversation after reading

Did you like the work?

Express your opinion about the work in one word.

Prove that this is a fairy tale.

Look at the illustration on page 205. What episode of the fairy tale is depicted?

What happened to her when she woke up?

What did you especially like about this story?

What is the main idea of ​​the tale?

From whom is the story being told?

What does this work teach?

Has the Christmas tree brought joy to anyone? Why?

Raise your hands those who experienced with the Christmas tree

Work with picturesque plan. (slide 9)

I have prepared for you 5 illustrations for “New Year's Eve”.

Name them in order

On your tables there is a leaflet with 3 proverbs. You need to choose which of them reflects the main idea of ​​“New Year's Eve”?

  • Remember good, but forget evil.
  • Take on every task skillfully
  • All is well that ends well.

S. Mikhalkov recorded this story in verse. Listen to the entire poem (read by a trained student).

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

green needle,



One and a half meter.

An event happened

On one of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down! -

So it seemed to her.

She was seen

Was surrounded...

And only late at night

She came to herself.

What a strange feeling!

Gone is the fear...

Glass lanterns

Burning in its branches.

Glittering decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!...

Who saved, who undressed her?

The forester's son!

Which version of the story did you like best? Why?

X. Consolidation of the studied. Test. (slide 10)

Children work on the test in pairs.

  1. Who is the author of the story?

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

  1. Where did the Christmas tree grow from?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester's house.

  1. Who did she meet once?

a) with a rabbit

b) with a fox;

c) wolf.

  1. Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) a crow;

b) forty;

c) an owl.

  1. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

  1. When was the Christmas tree found?
  1. Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog: A hedgehog in needles, a Christmas tree too
Literary activity of S. V. Mikhalkov
PoetWriterFable writerDramaturgTranslatorScreenwriterJournalistAuthor of the Russian anthem
On-lu-bo-wa-sya - admire Ras-ka-chi-wai-sya - sway Demon-for-some-ness - anxiety sya - approaching
Forest - forestry, foresterNight - spent the nightColor - coloredGlass - glassSilver - silver
All is well that ends well.
Who is the author of the fairy tale? a) S. Marshak; b) S. Mikhalkov; c) N. Sladkov. Not far from where did the Christmas tree grow? a) with a hare; b) with a fox; c) with a wolf.
Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year? a) crow; b) magpie; c) owl. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety: a) spring and summer; b) summer and autumn; c) autumn and winter. When did they find the Christmas tree? a) December 30; b) December 31; c) January 1. The Christmas tree: b) dressed up; c) cut down and dressed up.

Tyutrina Oksana Vladimirovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MOU "Ulkan secondary school №2"
Locality: Ulkan village, Irkutsk region
Material name: summary of the open lesson
Subject:"S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story"
Publication date: 06.04.2016
Chapter: elementary education

Literary reading lesson in class 2.
Topic: "S. Mikhalkov" New Year's story "


to acquaint students with the work of S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story; develop comprehension reading skills.
learn to work in pairs; develop the ability to listen to friends.
to cultivate the ability to listen and hear, to correctly express and prove one's opinion, to answer reasonedly, to prove one's opinion, to respect the opinion of classmates.
Predicted results:
students should be able to predict the content of the work; to understand the features of the fairy tale text; compare and characterize the heroes of the work on the basis of their actions; read expressively.
textbook of literary reading by L.F. Klimanova and others, cards for work in pairs; Christmas tree; signs “What was it like”, “How did it lead” Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment

II. Header work
- Guys, what holiday will we have soon? - Do you like this holiday? - What do you expect from him? Slide 1 - Today we will get acquainted with the wonderful work that the writer Sergei Mikhalkov wrote for us. - Let's open the textbook p.203 and read the name of the work. -What does New Year's mean? - Why do you think the author named the story?
III. Primary perception of the text.
gifts holiday dreams come true Santa Claus Snow Maiden fabulous mood sparklers
Children read the work by roles (magpie, Christmas tree, author, forester, boy). - You have now listened to the piece. - Why did the author call the work New Year's story? - What do you think, what is true? - Let's explain to you what a true story is? (on the tables there is a table in them, the children themselves continue) -So, that's what a true story is! - And nothing bothers you in the work? What is unusual in the work? -What doesn't happen? - What conclusion can be drawn? In what works does this happen? - and that is why Mikhalkov called his fairy tale a New Year's reality. Why did he do it. We will learn about this in class. - Why a true story and why a fairy tale?
IV. Secondary Perception
- and now we will carefully read the fairy tale and try to unravel the author's intention. - Let's see how Yolochka lived, what she was like and how she behaved. So let's read the text carefully. Campaign to explain, stop, and reason why this is so. ..... Why do you think the author put three dots here. So, what it was, continue. A story grows in the forest A forester lives Magpies live hares In the forest it falls a lot and small trees fall asleep They decorate a Christmas tree in the forest and at home For the New Year they go to cut down a Christmas tree A fairy tale It is written with a capital letter Mature trees Birds are talking Spruce fainted
Do you think the animals loved her? Why was she swinging? (forty was unfamiliar) How did the Christmas tree behave? (politely asked) What did the magpie bring in when she said Such as you? (beautiful, fluffy) Why did the Christmas tree object uncertainly? (worried) Why did she want to hide, get lost in the forest? (she was scared, she didn't want to be cut down) What's going on here? (cheered up) What was she like? (fluffy, green) Why did he say that? (he liked her) What did she become? (smart), but at the same time where did she stay (stood in the same place) What Christmas tree has become? (NEW YEAR) what did the Christmas tree (joy) What was the Christmas tree (tall, slender spruce) What do you think happened next? How did the fairy tale end? And why, what do you think? Why Mikhalkov wrote. What did Mikhalkov want to show us?
V. Reflection.
If this work taught you something, then take it .. yellow bow If it was difficult for you to work, but you liked it, take .... blue bow If you still need to learn how to work with text ...... green bow
VI. Summary of the lesson.
Y / Z Choose any passage from the work and read by role.


  • continue acquaintance with the biography and work of the talented children's writer S. V. Mikhalkov;
  • to acquaint with the ideological meaning of the literary fairy tale "New Year's story";
  • analyze this epic work.


  1. Continue acquaintance with the biography and work of S. V. Mikhalkov; continue to work on improving reading skills, awareness, fluency, speed, expressiveness, to form the ability to “read thoughtfully”, i.e. think about the work before, during, after reading.
  2. Develop oral speech, figurative and logical thinking, diction, vocabulary; ability to analyze, summarize, compare
  3. To cultivate respect for nature, perseverance, mutual respect, the ability to work together.

Equipment: textbook "Native speech", an exhibition of books by S. V. Mikhalkov, a portrait of the writer; computer presentation; syllable tables; proverb sheets.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment:

Teacher: The bell rang for our open literary reading lesson. (1slide)

Guys, today we have guests at the lesson. Let's turn to them and say hello.

Are you ready for the lesson? Yes
I hope for you, friends.
We are a good friendly class
Everything will work out for us.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting a goal.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of a very famous children's writer, read his work “New Year's Story”, take a trip to a fabulous winter forest and try to help its inhabitants.

Reading from the board “We are responsible for everything on this planet”

3. Checking homework.

And the first to meet us in the forest is a beautiful white-trunked birch. Let's imagine that we approached her, touched the branches, showered with snow. And what wonderful Russian poet also admired the beauty of the Russian birch?

At home, you learned by heart the poem by S. A. Yesenin “Birch”. Let's listen to the guys who will try to convey to the audience the beauty of Yesenin's verse. When evaluating reading, we are talking about 3 slide.

Reading by heart - 3 students. Evaluated by cards 5 4 3 (no comment)

Physical education:

1) The wind is blowing in our face....

2) A gray bunny is sitting .....

4. Preparatory work

Teacher: Under a birch, someone wrote words in the snow, but they were covered with snow. Let's unravel these words.

Teacher: What holiday do we remember after reading these words?

Teacher: Do you know that in ancient times, the New Year was first celebrated on March 1 (the beginning of spring, the awakening of nature), then they began to celebrate the New Year on September 1 (when the harvest from the fields ended, and only 300 years ago, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New year from December 31 to January 1. For the new year, it is customary to give gifts, rejoice, have fun, and say “New Year!”, “With new happiness!”

A knock on the door is a telegram.

Let's read it. Think with what intonation you need to read this telegram, depending on the content (joyfully, anxiously, with a call for help)

Teacher: Which of the inhabitants of the forest could send this telegram?

Teacher: Spruce is a tree that we call the bird's dining room (waxwings, squirrels, wild boars, elk, everyone comes here in the winter cold).

The piano is made from spruce wood. Spruce is a forest long-liver. She lives 150-200 years. Imagine that this beauty is cut down and brought into the house for a week, and then thrown out. How can we help the Christmas tree?

The poem "Live, Christmas tree!" I. Tokmakova.

Teacher: And a wonderful children's writer gives us his advice, whose books we have at the exhibition - I read the titles of books. You guessed who it is.

This is S. V. Mikhalkov

Teacher: The guys prepared a short message for us about the work of S. V. Mikhalkov (2 messages)

Teacher: Mikhalkov is popular all over the world, his books have been translated into many languages. Their total number (circulation) is 230 million copies.

5. Post the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Today we will read his work, which is called "New Year's Story"

What do you think the meaning of this word "real"?

It was real. Maybe the author remembers this story from his childhood, or maybe someone he knew told him.

Teacher: During the first reading, try to understand what this story is about, imagine yourself among the heroes, become a participant in the events.

6. Primary perception of the text.

Part 1 is read by the teacher.

Part 2 - dramatization / Dialogue of Magpies and Christmas Trees.

Part 3 - student.

4 - at the reader.

Part 5 - student and teacher.

7. Checking the primary perception of the text.

What can you say about what you read?

(joy, anxiety, fear, etc.)

Who did the story you read happen to?

8. Reading and analysis of the work.

1 time - slowly

2 times - at an average pace

then - 3 times quickly

* Read related words, some of which will be found in the text (8 slide)

* Let's clarify the meaning of some words with the help of the "Explanatory Dictionary"

/Individual work/.

* Difficult words - syllable by syllable, smoothly, then - whole words. (10 slide)

9. A moment of rest./Psychological gymnastics/

/Music sounds./

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a winter forest.

Show that you are cold and shrunken, warm and smiling.

You were accidentally hit with a snowball in the face, pretend to be upset, Now brush off the snowflakes, smile and continue the lesson with a great mood.

*Teacher (during preparation, I divided the text into semantic parts for analysis during the second reading).

Part 1 - reading along the “chain”

How did the Christmas tree live in the forest? Was she lonely or bored? Why?

Find words that describe the tree as a person.

Remember what this technique is called in the literature.

Part 2 - reading the dialogue “to yourself”

Tell us which one you presented the Christmas tree, and which Magpie.

Role reading.

Part 3 - Find and read how the Christmas tree began to live after talking with Magpie?

These words carry a special emotional connotation.

What day is the next part about?

Who was the Christmas tree afraid of?

How did the person who came to the forest behave?

I will start the sentence, and you will end it with the words from the text:

"He did not notice,...."

It was the most exciting, tense moment ever.

What happened to Yolochka when she woke up?

Was the Christmas tree happy, became New Year's?

Who rejoiced with her?

10. Secondary synthesis.

What do you think, what feelings did the Christmas tree experience when she lost consciousness, and then woke up,

Work with the picture plan .

I have prepared for you 5 illustrations for “New Year's Eve” Name them in order (group work) (11 slide)

Now let's work in pairs.

There is a piece of paper with 3 proverbs on your tables. You need to choose which of them reflects the main idea of ​​“New Year's Eve”? (12 slide)

For whom did this story end well? Is it only for the Christmas tree?

We read the aphorism "Hurry to do good deeds."

And S.V. Mikhalkov also wrote a poem about the Christmas tree.

Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Event".

11. The result of the lesson.

So our trip to the winter forest ended.

With the work of which children's writer did we continue to get acquainted today?

What moments of his life do you remember?

What can you say about the heroes of “New Year's Eve”?

What do you think S.V. wanted to convey to you? Mikhalkov?

What would Yolochka say to you if she came to our lesson?

* * * * * * *
With P A With And b O (on snowflakes)

12. Grading. Praise.

And I, along with Yolochka, thank you for the excellent work.

13. Homework.

pp. 203-207. Prepare for expressive reading. Try to convey the feelings of each character.

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Compiled by: Poleshchuk Tatyana Yuryev, teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 11 Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov "New Year's story". Speech warm-up. There is one game for you: I will start the poems now. .And toys-Flags, stars sway, ... crackers shine. Read slowly and gradually speed up the pace. Read in a whisper and gradually increase your voice.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2007) Born in Moscow. The father instilled in his son a love for Russian literature, introduced him to the poems of V. Mayakovsky, D. Poor, S. Yesenin. The influence of poetry affected the childhood and youthful poetic experiences of young Mikhalkov. In 1930 he graduated from high school. Moves to Moscow and works as a laborer at the Moskvoretskaya weaving and finishing factory. He took part in a geological exploration expedition to the Volga and Kazakhstan. Mikhalkov's poems were increasingly published in the capital's press and broadcast on the radio. In 1935-1937 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In 1935 he published his poems in the Pioneer magazine. Inspired by success, Mikhalkov ventured to compose a whole poem for children. So "Uncle Styopa" was born. Mikhalkov finished writing "Uncle Styopa" for almost ten years. In 1939 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, for the first time he tried himself as a war correspondent. Continuing to work in the army press, he does not forget his little reader. He writes poems for kids. He wrote fables. He wrote 36 plays for children's and adult theaters. He is the author of scripts, both artistic and animated. THE CREATIVITY OF S. MIKHALKOV Checking perception. Why did the author call this fairy tale a reality? What is real in this fairy tale and what is fictional? What did you like about this story? S. Mikhalkov wrote down the same story in verse. In the snow stood a Christmas tree-Green bang, Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters high. An event occurred One of the winter days: The forester decided to cut it down! late in the evening She came to her senses. What a strange feeling! Fear disappeared somewhere .... Glass lanterns Burn in her branches. Decorations sparkle - What an elegant look! At the same time, without a doubt, She stands in the forest. Uncut! Whole! Beautiful and strong! ... Who saved, who dressed her up? The forester's son! Which version of the story did you like best? Find passages in the text that match the illustrations. Read out. REFLECTION.In today's lesson, I learned…..In this lesson, I would praise myself…….After this lesson, I felt like…….Today I managed…..CHOOSE AND CONTINUE THE OFFER THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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