Read the Russian folk tale "Ivan - the peasant's son and the miracle Yudo." Fairy tale Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo


Audio fairy tale Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo is an oral work of folk art. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio tale Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo, content:

Audio fairy tale Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo - listen online performed by a professional reader on our website!

One family lived in this world - parents and three sons. Suddenly, the merciless Miracle Yudo attacked their mother land, and the eldest sons went to fight the monster. Ivanushka - the youngest, did not want to stay at home - his parents also equipped him on the road.

The fellows met a wanderer who told where one could get damask swords, listened to the old man and took weapons in a cave and reached the village defeated by the enemy, where they spent the night.

Then the brothers got to the Kalinov Bridge, remained to guard the crossing so that the filthy monster could not cross to the other side!

The elder brother was the first to go on guard, but fell asleep. And Ivan the peasant's son followed, saw the six-headed monster and hacked him to death.

The next night, the second brother went - history repeated itself, only the monster was already nine-headed.

For the third time, Ivanushka himself went - he is fighting with the twelve-headed miracle-yud, calling his brothers for help, and they are sleeping!

Finally, they woke up, helped Ivan, but it was too early to blow the victory - the online audio fairy tale was not over yet!

The wives and mother of the miracle decided to take revenge on the brothers - one decided to turn into a well with poisoned water, the other - an apple tree with deadly fruits, and the third - a soft carpet that burns everything that falls on it.

But Ivan overheard their conversation and destroyed the evil spirits. The brothers returned to their father's house and lived happily ever after.

Ivan the Peasant's Son

[Archive I.R., geographer. Society I. 54. Manuscript “Ethnographer. description residents of Shenkur Archang. Mr. “A. Stern. The manuscript is not dated.]

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a peasant with an old woman, not very rich and not poor, but so, half in the middle: he had horses, and cows, and two granaries of bread. They had a son and a foal from a mare; the son was called Ivan the peasant's son, and the stallion was called a cloak. Ivan the peasant son grows up not by years and months, but by days and hours. The next year, Ivan the peasant son began to go out into the street, play with the guys: he grabs his hand, his hand is off; if he grabs his head, then his head is off; Kovo stuffs a corner under the bathhouse, Kovo under the barn. They began to tell the peasant to appease his son. For this, the peasant barked at his son and did not order him to leave the hut. At one time, help was appointed in a neighboring neighborhood, and a peasant was asked to help. Ivan the peasant son began to ask his father for help, the father does not let go, says: “What are you, son, still young, only in the ninth year.” Ivan the peasant son began to ask with tears, and his father let him go. Ivan, the peasant son, came to help on a stallion, his coeval cloak, and there are already a lot of people, they carry them on the ground; and a cart was drawn for him. He says: “Dash until I tell you.” People rush about and marvel that they have already swept from ten wagons: “How lucky? ..” They threw more. Finally, Ivan the peasant son said: "It's full." He got on his horse and rode at a trot. He alone was all on the ground and took out. In the evening all the Pomochans were seated at the table and they were served a glass of wine each; the turn came to Ivan the peasant son; he says: "Serve me neither with a glass nor a glass, but serve in a brother." They brought him a full brother of wine, and he drank it all in one breath. Here he sat, had fun, talked and drank his next - instead of a glass of brothers. He became tipsy and rode home on his stallion; the road began to whip his stallion, and he ran at full speed: where the house stands on a swing - he flew far away, where the bathhouse is in the turn - you can’t assemble it on a log; when he drove home, he threw two barns of bread into the river from his father. The father and mother were frightened and began to think and guess how to get rid of the ecowo son early in the morning so that he would not deprive them of their lives. They thought of sending him to the forest, where no one went: there lived a terrible bear; and as there was no mare at home, it was as if behind a horse. Ivan came to the forest, a bear runs towards him, she opens her mouth and wants to eat. Ivan the peasant son grabbed the bear by the jaws, brought it home and shouted at the window: “Father, where can I find the mare?” The old man, not looking out the window, ordered to be caught in the yard; at night, the bear ate all the cattle in the yard, in the morning the old man went out into the yard and fastened it with his hands - cows, bulls and horses lie, and in the middle of them the bear walks. The old man and the old woman began to think more than before, how to lose their son. They sent him to the lake to demand taxes from the devils.

Ivan the peasant's son comes to the lake, the devil comes out of the lake and wanted to drag Ivan. Ivan the peasant son rested, his hands stuck the devil in his hair and let's swing it from side to side - the devil reclines with his feet; the devil became unbearable, let's ask for mercy, he promises: he will give everything that he requires. Ivan the peasant's son demanded that a gold hat be applied to him. The devil ran into the lake for gold, and Ivan dug a large hole in the ground, put his hat on top, and cut a hole in the hat. The devil brought a sack of gold, poured it into a hat, but the hat is incomplete; brought another and a third, slightly filled. Ivan the peasant son took the gold, brought it to his father and said: “Here, father, five sacks of gold, tribute from the devils.” The old man took the gold and began to think again how to sell his son. And they came up with. “Let's send him to the king to ask for tribute, the king will be angry, put him in prison; he has someone to cope with - there are a lot of soldiers. No sooner said than done. Ivan the peasant son does not excuse himself, he took his stallion and went to the city to the king. The king was in great sorrow - his beloved daughter was very sick, an unclean spirit in a human form came to her every night. The tsar promised - whoever saves the princess from an unclean spirit is not at all, that one hundred rubles; and whoever delivers it at all, marry the princess and give half the state as a dowry. Ivan the peasant son volunteered to drive away the unclean spirit. He took with him simple and iron nuts and put on an iron cap, with an iron forehead and went to the princess's chambers. As it got dark, an unclean spirit comes and says: “Who is a stranger here?” Ivan the peasant's son sits on the stove, answers: "Ivan the peasant's son." And he began to chirp and eat simple nuts. The unclean spirit says, "What are you eating, give me." Ivan the peasant's son gave him iron nuts; the unclean spirit gnawed, gnawed, somehow one crushed and broke three teeth, said: “How soon will you, Ivan the peasant’s son, leave here?” - “I will never go, I will always live; but let's play cards, clicks, whoever has played the most, to stay with the queen. We started, Ivan the peasant son deliberately succumbed. Goblin played 10 clicks and let's click with your finger into Ivan's iron forehead, the forehead sings in all wards; play another time. Ivan played 10 clicks on the devil and said: “I feel sorry for you, it will be hard for you from a finger, I will click you with a stick.” I took a hammer and let's click on the forehead. The devil jumped up, grabbed his hat, and the traction, and Ivan the peasant's son barked into the wiring: "Stop, let me count seven more clicks."

The next day, the tsar's daughter tells the tsar that the devil came, but Ivan the peasant's son drove him away; for this, the tsar gave Ivan the peasant son 100 rubles. On the same day, Ivan came home and gave his father the money, and said: “My parents, father and mother, give me a blessing, I will go to someone else's distant side. The father was happy and blessed. Ivan, the peasant son, again came to the princess in the evening, again climbed onto the stove, put on the skin of a bull. Twilight has come, an unclean spirit comes. "You, Ivan the peasant's son, are you here again?" - "Yes here". - “Come on, Ivan, play cards, pinch?” They play, the devil played 10 pinches and let's pinch Ivan's bull skin - as much as he grabs, so much in his hands and stay. Ivan played enough on the devil, took a vise iron and let's pinch left. The goblin is unbearable, and set the thrust. The tsar learned from the princess that the next night the goblin did not torment his daughter, he greatly thanked Ivan the peasant son. On this day, Ivan the peasant son knocked down an iron machine in the manner of a man and attached a floor to this machine, and when someone touches the tongue, the mouth closes so tightly that it can’t even be reached for a century, it will capture. I took this car with me to the princess and climbed onto the stove. The beginning of dusk, goblin like here. Again he came and said: “Are you, Ivan, here again?” “Yes, I will always be here.” - "Come on, brother, let's fraternize - who should be the elder brother, that is to live here." Ivan says: “I don’t dare what my grandfather Oksen will say, ask him.” And pointed to the iron car. Goblin let's ask, the machine does not answer. Ivan the peasant son says that grandfather Oksen does not hear and does not see, you need to feel his tongue, then he will speak. Goblin felt his tongue, his mouth closed, and his hand remained in the company. The goblin pulls out, the car clamps tighter, the goblin yells, and Ivan took the whip and let's whip hard. Leshy couldn't stand it, he ran with the car, Ivan followed him; outside the city, the goblin became exhausted and fell. At that time, all the people gathered, and the king arrived. The king ordered a large fire of firewood to be brought from the forest, they dragged the leshovo to the fire and burned it. The tsar says to Ivan: "The tsar's word is true - take you, Ivan, the peasant son, marry my princess daughter and half the state, and when I die, then manage everything."

Ivan the peasant's son bowed at the feet of the tsar; the tsar ordered his first minister to have a merry feast tomorrow and for the wedding. A feast began for the whole world, wine poured from barrels, pies flew from the oven. They celebrated all day, and everyone got drunk; the king is tipsy and says: "I am old, I can no longer rule, I give you, Ivan, and the rest of the state." Ivan became a complete king. They began to celebrate again, and everyone got drunk and drunk. And as it began to get dark, the new Tsar Ivan was brought to the basement. The whole story, no more to say. I was there, drinking beer and wine; the beer was warm, but flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth.


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About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo"

A feat aimed at the benefit of the people is the main plot basis of the magical and heroic tale, which is the Russian folk tale "Ivan - the peasant's son and the miracle Yudo." As in many other fairy tales about heroes, the main feat is getting rid of the twelve-headed monster; this event occupies a central place in the composition of the tale. As in many other fairy tales, the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo" did not do without classical folklore attributes: three brothers go into battle three times, three additional trials, a horse is an assistant, in the center of the fairy composition is a victory over evil spirits and etc.

The patriotic and humanistic pathos of the tale is based on the depiction of the exploits of mighty heroes who go to defend their native land and people from foreign invaders and robbers.

The title of the tale emphasizes the origin of the hero, this is a hero from the people. Thus, a social subtext is also included in the fairy tale: not the royal children and not the boyars, but a simple Russian peasant goes to defend his land from evil.

The simplicity and elementary nature of the plot: the old man and the old woman had three sons, the youngest of whom was Ivan. And everything would be fine, but the news spread throughout the Russian land about the attack on their kingdom-state (the locality in the fairy tale, unlike the epic epic, is deliberately not indicated, thereby emphasizing the universality of the folklore text - events could happen anywhere) filthy monster.

The sons, however, did not lose their heads and decided to come out in defense of their homeland. It should be noted that the youngest of the brothers, Ivan, was supposed to stay with his parents, but did not want to yield to his older comrades and went with them to the feat, despite his young age.

And so the brothers finally reached their destination - the Smorodina River, the Kalinov Bridge (this toponym appears in many epic tales as the battlefield of the hero with evil spirits). First of all, the brothers established the order in which they would keep watch on the river. Each of them in turn went to meet the monster, but both brothers slept for the first two nights, instead of them, Ivan entered the battle with the villains - the six-headed and nine-headed miracle Yudo.

On the third night, Ivan himself went on patrol, but warned the brothers not to sleep and waited for a prearranged signal from him in case he had a bad time. Despite the fact that the brothers did not comply with the order and nevertheless succumbed to sleep, Ivan managed to win the battle, largely thanks to his horse (the horse as an assistant to the hero is another classic element of the epic tale).

Having defeated evil, the brothers went home, but another test awaited them: the wives and mother of Miracle Yuda decided to avenge their relatives. With the help of witchcraft tricks, they tried to destroy the heroes, but they did not succeed, because. savvy Ivan overheard their insidious plans and was ready for the tests in advance.

So the heroes fulfilled their military duty and saved their land and people from death. Returning home, they continued to lead the usual peasant way of life: to sow and plow.

Read the fairy tale "Ivan - the peasant son and the miracle Yudo" online on the site for free and without registration.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day, they plowed arable land and sowed bread.

The news suddenly spread in that kingdom-state: the filthy miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, exterminate all the people, burn the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And their sons console them:

- Do not grieve, father and mother, we will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death. And in order not to yearn for you alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.

“No,” says Ivan, “it doesn’t suit me to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!”

The old man and the old woman did not stop and dissuade Ivanushka, and they equipped all three sons on their way. The brothers took damask swords, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off.

They drove and drove and came to a village. They look - there is not a single living soul around, everything is burnt, broken, there is one small hut, barely holding on. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.

“Hello, grandmother,” the brothers say.

— Hello, good fellows! Where are you on your way?

- We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to the Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight with a miracle Yud, not to allow it to our land.

- Oh, well done, they got down to business! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered, betrayed a fierce death. Nearby kingdoms - even a rolling ball. And started coming here. In this direction, only I remained alone: ​​it is clear that I am a miracle, and I am not fit for food.

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the Kalinov Bridge. Human bones lie all over the shore.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.

“Well, brothers,” says Ivan, “we drove into a foreign country, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one, so that the miracle Yudo does not pass through the Kalinov bridge.

On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked at the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. He lay down under a willow bush and fell sound asleep, snoring loudly.

And Ivan lies in a hut, he can’t fall asleep in any way. He does not sleep, he does not doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River. He looks - under the bush, the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up, hid under the Kalinov bridge, stands, guards the crossing.

Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle Yudo with six heads leaves. He rode out into the middle of the Kalinov Bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, and behind him the black dog bristled.

Says the six-headed miracle Yudo:

- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle. I'll put him on one hand, slap him with the other - it will only get wet!

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

"Don't brag, you filthy miracle Yudo!" Without shooting a clear falcon, it's too early to pluck feathers. Without recognizing a good fellow, there is nothing to blaspheme him. Come on, it's better to try strength; whoever overcomes, he will boast.

So they came together, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth groaned all around.

Miracle Yudu was not lucky: Ivan is a peasant son, knocked down three of his heads with one swing.

- Stop, Ivan - a peasant's son! - shouts miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!

— What a rest! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one! This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.

Again they converged, again hit.

Ivan, the peasant's son, cut off the last three heads of the Miracle Yuda. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded the bridge under the viburnum six heads. He himself returned to the hut.

In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:

"Well, didn't you see anything?"

“No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me.

Ivan didn't say a word to him.

The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the Kalinov bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, on the river, the waters were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - the nine-headed miracle Yudo leaves. As soon as he entered the Kalinov bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him ... The miracle of the horse is on the sides, the crow is on the feathers, the dog is on the ears!

- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!

Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the Kalinov bridge:

- Wait, miracle Yudo, do not boast, first get down to business! It is not yet known who will take it.

As soon as Ivan waved his damask sword once or twice, he knocked off six heads from the miracle-yud. And the miracle Yudo hit, drove the earth into the cheese on Ivan’s knee. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of earth and threw it into his opponent's eyes. While the miracle Yudo was rubbing and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off the rest of his heads as well. Then he took the torso, cut it into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded the nine heads under the viburnum. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

“Well, then,” Ivan asks, “didn’t you see anything during the night?”

- No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked nearby.

- Well, if so, come with me, dear brothers, I will show you both a mosquito and a fly!

Ivan brought the brothers under the Kalinov bridge, showed them the miracle Yudov's heads.

“Here,” he says, “what flies and mosquitoes fly here at night!” You do not fight, but lie at home on the stove.

The brothers were ashamed.

- Sleep, - they say, - knocked down ...

On the third night, Ivan himself was about to go on patrol.

“I,” he says, “I’m going to a terrible battle, but you, brothers, don’t sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, release my horse and hurry to help me yourself.

Ivan came - a peasant son to the Smorodina River, stands under the viburnum bridge, waiting.

It was only past midnight, the damp earth began to sway, the waters in the river stirred, the violent winds howled, the eagles screamed on the oaks ... The twelve-headed miracle Yudo leaves. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are bursting with fire and flames. The horse of a miracle-yuda with twelve wings, the horse's hair is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as the miracle Yudo drove onto the Kalinov Bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him. Miracle Yudo of a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, a dog - on the ears!

- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he didn’t fit into the battle: I’ll just blow - he won’t be left as dust!

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the Kalinov Bridge:

- Wait to boast: how not to be disgraced!

- It's you, Ivan - a peasant's son! Why did you come?

- On you, the enemy force, to look, to try your fortress.

“Where would you like to try my fortress!” You are a fly in front of me.

Ivan, the peasant son of a miracle, answers:

“I came neither to tell you fairy tales, nor to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, to save good people from you, damned!

Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle-yuda. Chudo-Yudo picked up these heads, scribbled at them with his fiery finger - and immediately all the heads grew back, as if they had not fallen from their shoulders.

Ivan, the peasant son, had a bad time: the miracle Yudo stuns him with a whistle, burns and burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives the earth knee-deep into cheese. And he laughs:

“Don’t you want to rest, get better, Ivan is a peasant’s son?”

— What a rest! In our opinion - beat, cut, do not take care of yourself! Ivan says.

He whistled, barked, threw his right mitten into the hut where the brothers remained. The mitten has broken all the glass in the windows, but the brothers are asleep, they hear nothing.

Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut down six heads of the miracle-yud.

Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, drew a fiery finger - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed here at Ivan, beat him to the waist in the damp earth.

Ivan sees - things are bad. He took off his left mitten, launched into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers are still sleeping, they don’t hear anything.

For the third time, Ivan, the peasant's son, swung even stronger and cut down nine heads of the miracle-yuda. Miracle Yudo picked them up, drew them with a fiery finger - the heads grew back again. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the ground up to his shoulders.

Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. From that blow, the hut staggered, almost rolled over the logs.

Just then the brothers woke up, they heard - Ivanov's horse neighs loudly and breaks from the chains.

They rushed to the stable, lowered the horse, and after him they themselves ran to help Ivan.

Ivanov's horse came running, began to beat the miracle Yudo with his hooves. The wonder-yudo whistled, hissed, began to shower the horse with sparks ... And Ivan, the peasant son, meanwhile got out of the ground, got used to it and cut off the fiery finger of the miracle-yudu. After that, let's chop off his heads, knocked down everything to the last, cut his body into small parts and threw everything into the Smorodina River.

The brothers are here.

- Oh, you sleepyheads! Ivan says. “Your sleep made me lose my head a little.

His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him drink and put him to bed.

Early in the morning, Ivan got up, began to dress and put on shoes.

"Where are you up so early?" the brothers say. “I would like to rest after such a battle.

- No, - Ivan answers, - I don’t have time to rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my scarf - I dropped it.

- Hunt for you! the brothers say. - We'll go to the city - you can buy a new one.

No, I need one!

Ivan went to the Smorodina River, crossed to the other side across the Kalinov bridge and crept to the miraculous Yudov stone chambers. He went to the open window and began to listen to see if they were plotting something else. He looks - three miraculous wives and a mother, an old snake, are sitting in the wards. They sit and talk.

Elder says:

- I will avenge Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself when he and his brothers return home, I’ll turn on the heat, and I myself will turn into a well. They want to drink water and burst from the first sip!

- You have a good idea! says the old snake.

The second said:

- And I will run ahead and turn into an apple tree. If they want to eat an apple, then they will be torn into small pieces!

- And you thought well! says the old snake.

- And I, - says the third, - will let them sleep and slumber, and I myself will run ahead and turn myself into a soft carpet with silk pillows. If the brothers want to lie down, rest, then they will be burned by fire!

The snake answers her:

- And you have a good idea! Well, my dear daughters-in-law, if you do not destroy them, then tomorrow I myself will catch up with them and swallow all three.

Ivan, the peasant son, listened to all this and returned to his brothers.

Well, did you find your handkerchief? the brothers ask.

And it was worth the time!

— It was worth it, brothers!

After that, the brothers gathered and went home.

They go through the steppes, they go through the meadows. And the day is so hot that there is no patience, the thirst is exhausted. The brothers are watching - there is a well, a silver ladle floats in the well. They say to Ivan:

- Come on, brother, let's stop, drink some cold water and water the horses.

- It is not known what kind of water is in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.

He jumped off his good horse, began to chop and chop this well with a sword. The well howled, roared in a bad voice. Suddenly a fog came down, the heat subsided, and I didn’t want to drink.

- You see, brothers, what water was in the well! Ivan says.

How long, how short - they saw an apple tree. Ripe and ruddy apples hang on it.

The brothers jumped off their horses, they wanted to tear the apples, and Ivan, the peasant's son, ran ahead and let's chop and chop the apple tree with a sword. The apple tree howled, screamed ...

- See, brothers, what kind of apple tree is this? Tasteless apples!

They rode and rode and got very tired. They look - there is a soft carpet on the field, and down pillows on it.

“Let’s lie down on this carpet, let’s rest a bit!” the brothers say.

- No, brothers, it will not be soft to lie on this carpet! Ivan answers.

The brothers were angry with him:

- What kind of pointer are you to us: that is impossible, the other is impossible!

Ivan did not say a word in response, took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flames - nothing remained in place.

“That would be the same with you!” Ivan says to his brothers.

He went up to the carpet and let's cut the carpet and pillows into small shreds with a sword. Chopped up, scattered to the sides and says:

- In vain you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and the apple tree, and this carpet - all the miraculous wives were. They wanted to destroy us, but they did not succeed: they all died themselves!

How much, how little, they drove - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, buzzed: the old snake itself flies after them. She opened her mouth from heaven to earth - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Then the good fellows, don't be bad, pulled out of their knapsacks a pood of salt from their travel bags and threw it into the snake's mouth.

The snake was delighted - she thought that Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, was captured. She stopped and began to chew salt. And as I tried it, I realized that these were not good fellows, and again rushed off in pursuit.

Ivan sees that the trouble is imminent - he let his horse run at full speed, and the brothers followed him. Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping ...

They look - there is a forge, and twelve blacksmiths work in that forge.

“Blacksmiths, blacksmiths,” Ivan says, “let us into your forge!”

The blacksmiths let the brothers in, behind them they closed the forge with twelve iron doors, with twelve forged locks.

A snake flew up to the forge and shouted:

- Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - a peasant son with brothers! And the blacksmiths answered her:

“Click twelve iron doors with your tongue, and then you will take it!”

The snake began to lick the iron doors. Licked, licked, licked, licked - licked eleven doors. There is only one door left...

Tired snake, sat down to rest.

Then Ivan, the peasant's son, jumped out of the forge, picked up the snake and hit it with all his might on the damp earth. It crumbled into small dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions. Since then, all miracles and snakes in that region have hatched, people began to live without fear.

And Ivan, a peasant son with his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother, and they began to live and live, to plow the field and collect bread.

B The old man had three sons. The sons have grown up well done to well done, strength is not measured in the hands, curly hair, a blush plays on the cheeks. One day my father says:

Soon it's time to marry you, it will become crowded for everyone in the old house. We need to build a new house.
They got down to business. They dragged the logs - they hooted, they set up a log house - they sang songs, they covered the roof - they joked. For a long time, for a short time - the house worked.

Well, sons, - said the old man, - we have made good housing. Now to find out, guess what it will be like for us to live there.

And he sent the eldest son to spend the night in the new house.
I gave him bread to take with me, and gave him salt, and a mug of water. He ordered to put everything on the table and cover it with a tablecloth, and then go to bed and remember the dream better. Whatever dream you see, it will come true.
The eldest son, according to what was said, did everything according to the written word.
Spent the night, saw a dream, returned in the morning.

I saw, father, - he says, - a yard full of woodpile, and in the house in the furnace the fire burns with a clear flame.
"It's a good dream," the father replies. - We will live warmly.

On the second night he sends his middle son.
He came to a new house, put bread, salt and water in a mug on the table, covered it with a tablecloth. Then he lay down on the bench.

I slept all night until early dawn. In the morning he returned, his dream tells:
- I dreamed that the stove was heated and the heat had already been raked out into the trough. And that shovel that you, father, the other day, hewed out, so it jumps itself into the oven, planting bread, and ready-made loaves jump out to meet it. Fluffy, ruddy.

Father rejoiced:
- Well, then, we'll live well!
On the third night it was the turn of the youngest son, Ivan.
Father gave him bread, salt, and water in a mug.

Ivan went to a new house. He put the bread on the table - the bread rolled onto the floor. I put the salt shaker - sprinkled the salt. Water spilled from the mug. Everything is wrong!

He lay down on a bench, put his hat under his head. He does not sleep, but he sees a dream. He is not in the old one, not in the new house - in a strange place. He lies on his hands, he is bound on his legs, he cannot move. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a snake crawls towards him, and on the other side a fox runs up. The snake opened its mouth and hissed. Ivan tries to jump up, but he can't.

Meanwhile, the fox began to gnaw through the bonds with sharp teeth. Just didn't have time. The snake straightened up like a red-hot arrow, and bit off Ivan's right leg to the knee. Then the fetters fell of their own accord from him, he stood on one leg, hit the snake. In an instant, the snake skin fell from the snake, and a beautiful girl was born, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. And the fox turned into a girl. So cute, so pretty! Ivan wanted to say a kind word to her, but woke up ...

He shook his head and went home.
Father asks:
- Well, what did you like?
And Ivan replies:
- I won't tell until the dream comes true.

His father asks him this way and that. Ivan is silent. The father got angry and shouted:
- If so, do not live in your new house! Get away from us!
He said in his hearts, he himself did not think that his son would really leave.
And Ivan, as soon as he heard this, turned and left.

Where he walked, wandered, whether he wandered for a long time, or briefly, and stopped in one city. Hired there to the merchant as a worker. Whatever the merchant orders, he does everything on time, he does not refuse any work. The owner of the new worker will not praise enough.

One day a merchant asks:
- Do you have any relatives?
- But how! Ivan answers. - There are brothers and father. Yes, my father drove me out of the house.
- Why would it? - the merchant was surprised. - You are both hardworking and obedient ..
You're right, I didn't contradict my father in anything. Only once did not open the dream that I had a dream. The father got angry.

And what did you dream about? - asks the merchant.
Ivan chuckled and said:
- Well, if I didn’t tell my dear father, it’s not for you to ask me.
Here the merchant became angry. He began to threaten, to pry. Ivan sees - he does not live here. I took the calculation and went to look for a new job.

Yes, he did not immediately find: where the owners do not look at him, where the owners do not need a worker.
And they brought his feet to the royal palace. And just at that time the king went out of the palace to hunt. Ivan in his peasantry had never seen such horses, such magnificent outfits! Worth wondering. And the king noticed him. I admired his article, broad shoulders, blond curls. "Ah yes, good fellow!" - thought.

He turned in his saddle and asked:
- Who are you? What is your name?
Peasant son. Being born Ivan was called.

And they named me Ivan. And how old are you?
Like twenty.
- And I'm twenty. Look how it all fits together. Will you join me as a servant? You will be my good friend. And then I got all the servant-advisers with gray beards from the old tsar, my father.
- Why don't you go! Ivan answers.

Ivan became a peasant son to serve Tsar Ivan. Serves faithfully. Whatever the tsar thinks, Ivan fulfills in advance, any business is argued with him.
Somehow the tsar got into a conversation with him and began to question him. Well, Ivan, a peasant son, simply told him everything about himself and told him.

The king is curious.
- So what dream did you see?
- Oh, don't ask, I won't reveal everything. I didn't tell my father, I didn't tell the merchant, and I won't tell you.
The king is good until then, until he is crossed. And now he was angry that he was being compared with a simple peasant, with a thieving merchant, and ordered Ivan to be thrown into prison.

Ivan sits in a dungeon. And the young king meanwhile planned to marry.
Tsar Ivan had a beloved sister, one year younger, ten years wiser. Here Tsar Ivan says to her:
- So and so, Maryushka, I heard that beyond the sea, on a round island, the beautiful girl Martha the princess lives. Guests came to us under sail, overseas merchants, painted its beauty. I'm going to marry her.
- Oh, brother Ivanushka, - the sister answers. - A crane is dear in the sky, but a tit is better in hand. Wouldn't you go overseas! Do we have a lot of pretty girls?!

And he is his:
- No, I'll go.
Well, take your faithful servant, Ivan, the peasant son, with you. If trouble-need happens in a foreign country, he will help you.
- I'll take it if I open my dream. He didn't tell me, maybe he'll tell you.

With what the royal sister went to prison to Ivan, the peasant son, she returned with that. Says to his brother:
- He doesn't say until his dream comes true.
- Well, let him blame himself! - answers the king. - I can do without it.
I got ready for the road and went to the pier. Under the royal supervision, the ship will be better equipped, and the supply will be taken as much as necessary.

Sister Maryushka escorted him to the gate and thought: “Oh, famously! On a long journey, as in a long century, which will not happen. Mind is good, but two is better. Come what may, I will disobey my brother, I will do it my own way!”
And she released the prisoner-jailer Ivan - a peasant son.
- Catch up with the namesake, Ivan. Be with him in luck and do not leave him in trouble. Just look, first of all, don't get caught in his eyes. He's mad at you.

Well, Ivan replies. - I do not hold my heart on him, I promised to serve him faithfully. The peasant's word is not the king's, what I said, I will do it.
Ivan set off to the pier. Yes, not a well-worn road through the city, but hidden animal paths, straight through the forest. Runs, hurries.

Ivan asks them:
- What, good people, can not share?
- Why, - they say, - we got an invisibility hat, walking boots and a tablecloth-hospitable. And we do not know how to divide the three cherished things into two.

So I will judge you, - said Ivan. - I'll throw a stone, and you run after it. Whoever brings it back first will be the first to choose what he wants. And the second, do not blame me, will take what remains.
The men agreed.

Ivan grabbed the crow from his bosom and threw it away into the thicket. A crow flew, the men followed her.
Well, and Ivan, don't be a fool, put his feet into boots-walkers, an invisibility cap - on his head, a hospitable tablecloth - into his belt, stepped seven miles at a time and waved, and found himself on the pier.

And just at that time the royal ship set sail from the pier. Only now Ivan what! He took half a step, stepped over seven waves, stepped onto the deck. Nobody saw him.
The ship is sailing, swaying on the waves. The day passed, the night came, the night passed, the day came again.

Tsar Ivan is exhausted, walks around the deck, talking to himself:
- Oh, if only a sword for heroic shoulders, if only a bow for strong hands, if only a beautiful girl to marry her.

And Ivan, a peasant son in an invisibility cap, walks beside him. He listened, listened, could not resist and said:
- Oh, look, they will bring a sword, but there will not be enough shoulders, there will be a bow, but not to shoot with hands, there will be a maiden, but not just to marry her.
Tsar Ivan looked around - there was no one. Well, I think I heard it.

We sailed for some more time and moored to the island.
As soon as they got down to the pier, Ivan, the peasant son, took off his invisibility cap, bowed to Tsar Ivan. Tsar Ivan was delighted.
- Now I know whose voice spoke to me on the ship.

And to celebrate, I forgot to ask who let him out of the dungeon, how Ivan, the peasant son, got on the ship.
Yes, there was no time for a conversation: they see - a cable of good fellows is coming towards them, grunting, bending, the three of them are barely carrying a sword-hoarder.
“Here,” they say, “Martha the princess ordered you to raise this sword and twist it over your head. If you raise the sword, we will talk about matchmaking, if you don’t raise the sword, your head is off your shoulders.

The king was timid: where is that sword to raise when three fellows are barely dragging.
And Ivan, the peasant's son, jumped up, snatched the sword from the fellows' hands, twisted it over his head, then on his knee, like a twig, broke it in two and threw the fragments to the sides.
- Eh, this, - he says, - is not a task for our king, but fun.

There are three more coming up. Two fellows are dragging a heroic bow, the third is dragging an arrow. They stopped in front of Tsar Ivan, bowed and said:
- Princess Martha ordered this: if you shoot an arrow from a bow, you will be a guest in her house, and if you can’t cope with a bowstring, your head is off your shoulders.

Tsar Ivan's face changed: where can one handle such a bow?!
And Ivan, the peasant son, shook his curls, grabbed the bow, put an arrow and shot it straight into the sky. The arrow flew to the clouds, but who knows if it returned to the ground!
- Why are you showing our tsar, - Ivan laughs, - showing children's toys ?! Better not linger, escort him with honor to Martha the Princess.

Tsar Ivan was taken to the bride.
As long as he was there, he stayed for so long, and returned to the ship darker than the clouds.
Ivan the peasant son asks:
- What is unhappy, king? Ali is not a good bride?
- It's so good - you can't take your eyes off it.
- So what was the matter?
- Yes, you see, - says Tsar Ivan, - she did not run out of riddles. She ordered to sew half of the wedding dress by the morning, no one can tell. And she also sews half a dress. And so that the two halves come together, as to measure.

Otherwise, there will be no wedding.
- Do not twist, - Ivan answers him - a peasant son. - Get some sleep. Perhaps while you sleep, and the riddle will be solved.

Tsar Ivan did not sleep, but Ivan, the peasant son, did the work. He pulled his invisibility cap over his forehead and set off into the city. I ran around all the seamstresses, all the tailors and found those who sewed half the princess's dress. They were just finishing their work, sweeping up the silver braid on the white brocade.

Ivan is a peasant son, he is much more inventive. He spread a bread-salting tablecloth in a corner, just unfolded it, and she stared at all sorts of dishes, pickles and sweets. The tailors were surprised: where did this come from? .. Yes, do not refuse treats! Meanwhile, Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed half a dress and put it in his bosom.

They ate, the tailors helped themselves, looked around: fathers-lights! .. There is no order, as the princess fell through the ground. What to do? It’s good that I’ll stock up on a whole dress prepared. They started sewing again.
And Ivan rolled the tablecloth-holy-solker and quickly to the ship.

Well, morning comes. The tailors brought Martha the princess half a dress, and Tsar Ivan gives her half a dress. And both halves came together, as if by measure.

Princess Marfa frowned her sable eyebrows and said:
- Well, one riddle behind, the second ahead. For my wedding dress, they sew a morocco boot, gold patterns, silver selections. And you give me a second stitch, so that there is a couple.
Tsar Ivan returned to the ship even darker from his face than before. He told his faithful servant everything as it is.

Ivan the peasant son says:
- This trouble is not a problem!
Again ran around the city. I ran around all the shoemakers and found where the princess's boot fit. He did everything, as he did last night - he spread out the tablecloth-holy-salter, beckoned the masters with treats, and took away the boot himself and did not forget to grab the tablecloth.

As soon as the masters managed, they sewed another boot. They bring it to Princess Martha, and Tsar Ivan is there.
They put on boots for the princess - they both fit, at least measure, at least don’t measure.
Marfa the princess with evil feet in new boots stomped and again asked the task:
- I ordered to cast a gold patterned ring. And you do the same in the morning. But no, there won’t be a wedding like that, and you won’t be able to blow your head off.

As it happened on those two nights, so it happened on the third. Ivan, the peasant son, settled everything. By morning, Martha the princess has a ring and Ivan the Tsar has exactly the same.
Here Martha the princess has nowhere to go. Whatever you wished for the groom - everything is done. She agreed to marry him, to go to his kingdom-state.
They boarded the ship and set off on their way back.

Ivan is a peasant son, of course, with them. Again, under the cap of invisibility, he hid. They don't see him, he sees everyone.
Tsar Ivan spoke the truth - the princess is pretty. Yes me friendly, not kind, not smiling. No matter how Ivan the peasant son looks at her, he remembers his dream. "Why did it happen?" - thinks. But he did not begin to guess: he will live - see you.

As they sailed, they sailed - the storm did not overtake them, the sea robbers did not meet.
They returned, everyone went to the palace. And Ivan, the peasant son, went straight to the dungeon. Sat, sits. Thinks like this:
“Tsar Ivan put me in prison, but he didn’t let me out. I have done my job, now I will wait for the royal mercy-justice. Let him remember me!”

But Tsar Ivan does not take his eyes off his bride, he forgot everything in the world, and does not remember about his faithful servant.
Only when they gathered for the wedding feast did the sister say to her brother:
- It's not good, brother, you are breaking the old custom. By the royal wedding, all the dungeons are wide open, they give the guilty will, and you have a prisoner-jailer, a faithful servant Ivan, languishing in a dungeon.
- Oh, it's true! Why didn't you unlock it?

Don't close the dungeon. I called him, he doesn't come. He says: "Whoever threw me here must let him out."
Then Tsar Ivan went to the dungeon, took Ivan, the peasant's son, by the hand and seated him next to him.
Princess Marfa saw this and asked:
- Why is a prisoner such an honor?

Tsar Ivan says:
- Now you are my wife, I will not hide the truth from you. If not for Ivan, our wedding would not have happened. It was he who solved your riddles.
Princess Marfa was angry and shouted:
- So that's who outwitted me!

She jumped up from the table, plucked a sharp saber from the wall. I wanted to cut Ivan's head off, the peasant's son, but Ivan jumped up - and the saber cut down not a victorious little head, but his knee-deep right leg.
Then Ivan, the peasant son, turned to Tsar Ivan and said:
- That's when my dream half came true, justified. I didn’t tell it to my father, or to the merchant, or to you, the king, but now I will. I dreamed of a fox-sister that gnawed through my bonds - this is Marya the maiden, your sister. She let me out of the dungeon. And I also dreamed of a fierce snake that bit off my leg up to the knee, and who she is, you understand, guess. Take care, no matter how bad it is for you!

Nobody had time to say a word. Ivan, the peasant's son, grabbed his severed leg and disappeared from his eyes, as if he had never been. The cap of invisibility hid him from everyone, and the walking boots helped. Although he shod on one leg, he instantly found himself far from the palace in a dark forest.
In front of him is a hut on chicken legs, with one window.

Hey! Ivan said. - Yes, this is Baba-Yaga housing ... Stand, hut, back to the forest, front to me!
The hut scraped with clawed paws, creaked with logs and turned around. Here was the door.
Ivan entered the hut, and there two men were sitting on a bench, crying. Ivan immediately recognized them. The very ones who, because of the invisibility cap, tablecloths, bread-salters and boots, were arguing. I looked closely - one has no legs, the other has no eyes.

What is it with you? Ivan asks.
The one without legs replies:
- Deception goes around in circles, leads trouble. And all because of the invisibility cap, walking boots and hospitable tablecloths. Baba Yaga got them out of nowhere, maybe at Koshchei the Deathless himself, and we coveted them. They lay in wait when she was not at home, and they took her away. We outwitted Baba Yaga, and you outwitted us.
- Sorry, brothers! I did not take it out of self-interest, as a last resort. Now brought back.
- Late, - the second man responds. - Baba Yaga caught us, dragged us here, beat and beat, tormented and bugged, took away his legs, took out my eyes. Yes, that's right, and you had a hard time, if you rode here on one leg.

It's about me in particular. I lost my leg through a prophetic dream, - Ivan answers. - Let's better think about how we can defeat Baba Yaga. Surely the three of us can not cope with it?!
Suddenly there was a thumping sound in the forest. This is Baba Yaga in her mortar Returning home, covering her trail with a broomstick.
Ivan, the peasant son, put on his invisibility cap and stood at the door. Baba Yaga in the house, and he her - for gray hair. Here and those Two to help him ... They tied the Baba Yaga, put him in a corner on a bench.
- Tell me, where are my legs? - shouts the legless.
- Tell me, where are my eyes? - shouts the blind man.
Baba Yaga sees - nowhere to go.
- Legs in a chest by the stove, eyes in a pot behind the stove, - he answers.

Ivan looked - the old one did not deceive.
- Well, - he says, - show me where you have living water. No, we'll do to you as you did to them.
- Yours took, in your opinion and will be, - Baba Yaga agrees.
He put a blind legless man on his backs. Ivan grabbed three legs and eyes in a pot - and they all went for Baba Yaga. In a dense spruce forest, in a frequent birch forest, under the roots of an old oak, a spring was dug - dark water.
“Here,” says Baba Yaga, “wash your feet and eyes in living water, wash yourself.” Everything will grow together without damage, without damage. And let me go in peace.
The blind man was delighted, he wanted to lower his eyes into the well, but Ivan grabbed his hand.
"Don't rush," he says.
And he himself caught a mosquito, squeezed it in his fist and brought it to his ear, listened: the mosquito squeaks in a thin voice, asking to be free. Ivan dipped the mosquito into the well, immediately he hung his wings, spread his legs, was silent, did not move.
- Hey, - said Ivan, - so that's what kind of water she is!
Here they taught a little Baba Yaga: some with a birch rod, some with a spruce branch.
- It's me, I wanted to joke, - the Baba Yaga pleaded.
We entered from the other side of the oak, and there a spring of light sparkled between the roots - light water.
- This is more like it! - Ivan said and lowered the dead mosquito into the water.

Instantly the mosquito started up, spread its wings, twitched its legs and flew away.
They washed themselves with living water. Everything grew together. The one who was blind saw the white light again. The one whom the Baba Yaga decapitated jumps on frisky legs. Yes, and Ivan laughs, stamps both feet.
For joy, they forgot about Baba Yaga. And when they realized it, she already caught a trace. We tried to catch up, but where is it! She jumped into her stupa and rushed off to no one knows where. Since then, no one has seen or heard her in that forest.

Ivan's men say:
- Take whatever you want, even an invisibility hat, even a tablecloth-holy-salter, even boots-walkers.
Ivan dismisses:
I don't need them now. Own them together and do not quarrel. And I miss being with you. My service is not over, the dream has not fully come true.

And Ivan, the peasant son, went back to where he came from.
Now the forest is over, the city is envious. And between the forest and the city is a large meadow. In that meadow, a man is tending a herd of horses. Ivan came closer, looked - yes, it was Tsar Ivan himself with a whip around the herd, walking around, shouting at the horses.
Ivan - the peasant son is surprised, asks:
- Is it something royal business - to graze horses ?!

Tsar Ivan says:
- Oh, Ivan, you are my faithful servant, I will tell you in all truth: there is nothing worse in the world than a fierce wife. She sharpens me from morning to night, from night again until morning. Here she made the horses graze. And the horses, evenly spoken, do not go home.
Ivan - the peasant son said to this:
- Do not worry, the king, everything will be fine. I opened the log for you, but I myself saw it to the end. Let's change clothes, I'll go to your wife instead of you. And you, as the horses run home, follow them. What will come true will happen, but it will not get worse.

Here comes Ivan - a peasant son to the palace in royal clothes. Martha the princess saw him through the window from afar, and took him for her husband. She jumped out onto the porch, stomping her feet, cursing.
- Why did you, such and such, appear, leave the horses unattended ?!
Well, Ivan - the peasant son was not afraid, he himself did not hesitate for a long time and did not let her come to her senses. He grabbed her by the scythe, threw her to the ground. She hit the ground, turned into a snake, hisses, wriggles, threatens Ivan with a sting.
Ivan was not at a loss here either. He hit the snake with a rod and said:
- Become a snake, become a faithful wife. And you, frisky horses, ride home.

Everything was done according to his word.
The snake skin fell from the snake, and a beautiful girl stood in front of Ivan, the peasant son. The same Martha the princess, but not the same. The face is friendly, the ruddy lips are smiling.
And the clatter of horses is heard close by - this is a herd running home, and Tsar Ivan gallops ahead on a zealous horse.
Princess Martha rushed to him, crying and laughing. Hugs her husband and says:
- My dear husband, if you can, do not remember evil. It was not my will. The dashing stepmother of my father brought me to the grave, and she cursed me with an evil spell, envious of my beauty.

This is what she said: “No one will get you, and you will get it, so it’s not for joy. You will be a red-haired girl in appearance, and in disposition - a snake under the pit. She said so and disappeared to no one knows where. Many suitors wooed me, but they all laid down their heads. And I would have killed you if not for your faithful servant Ivan. He solved the riddles and found the treasured word. A spell fell from me like a snake skin ... From this day, from this hour, I will be to you, my husband, Tsar Ivan, a good wife, and to Ivan - a peasant son named sister.

Here, the king, - said Ivan - a peasant son, - when my dream was completely fulfilled. Now my service to you is over. It's time to go to my dear father, tell the dream so that he won't be angry with me. And you, king, live with Princess Martha in harmony and harmony.
“Wait,” says Tsar Ivan. You were not my servant, but my brother. Claim whatever reward you want. At least I'll give you half the kingdom.

Why do I need half a kingdom, - Ivan answers - a peasant son. - It is more pleasant for me to plow the land and throw grain into the furrow. But won’t you give me your sister as a wife, and not by force, but by her good will? She fell in love with me. Only if I love her - ask her.
The royal sister Maryushka gladly agreed. For a long time, Ivan, the peasant son, fell to her heart. Played a wedding. They feasted for three days, they danced for three nights. We would have been at that feast, but we were not invited there.

And when the fun ended, Ivan went with his young wife, the royal sister, to his native land, to his father-father. What he dreamed, how it came true - he told him everything.
Everyone lived in a new house, and they were warm and satisfying. Nothing to complain about.
There is nothing more to play, our fairy tale is over.

Russian folk tales are one of the types of folklore prose, which makes up a significant part of the entire folk oral art of ancient Rus'. Fairy tales are an important part of Russian culture and can rightfully be considered a national treasure.

Some fairy tales are relatively simple and understandable even to small children, for example, "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip" and others. Other works have a more complex plot - they include, among other things, the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo".

Brief story

Like many fairy tales of the Russian people, this work begins with the traditional words "in a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...". One of the secondary characters are the old man and the old woman.

The protagonist is the youngest of their three sons named Ivanushka. Ivan and his brothers worked on arable land and sowed bread until Miracle Yudo attacked his homeland. The three brothers decided to fight the monster and went to the Smorodina River.

The further plot develops in such a way that, contrary to expectations, Ivanushka single-handedly defeats Chudo-Yudo, as well as his three wives and mother, who wanted to take revenge. After that, Ivan returns home. The tale ends with the words "they began to live and live ...". In this case - "to plow the land and sow bread."

Questions that can be made to a fairy tale

  1. How many children did the old man and the old woman have, and what was the name of the youngest of them?
  2. What did the brothers do before the battle with Miracle Yud?
  3. How did Miracle Yudo want to exterminate people and seize the kingdom?
  4. Who did the brothers meet on the way to the Smorodina River?
  5. How did Miracle-Yudo feel Ivan's presence?
  6. What did Ivan order the brothers before the battle with the monster?
  7. Why did the heads of Miracle Yud grow back, despite the fact that Ivan cut them down with a sword?
  8. How did the wives and mother of Chuda-Yuda want to take revenge?

Characteristics of Ivan - a peasant son

The task to write a description of one of the characters in literature lessons can be either independent or an additional task when writing an essay or analyzing a fairy tale.

Since the fairy tale does not pay much attention to the appearance of the characters, the main part of the characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, is a description of the character and internal qualities.

The name Ivanushka in Russian folk tales is the name of stupid characters from whom the rest do not expect anything special. But, contrary to expectations, Ivan turns out to be the most intelligent, brave and responsible of all three brothers. He was not afraid to engage in battle with Chud-Yud, and during the battle, in addition to courage and courage, he showed resourcefulness and ingenuity, which helped him win.

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