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Everyone is constantly trying to become the best version of themselves, starting with weight loss. However, this does not always end in success. What are the reasons for the constant failures?

You stay up late

It's not enough to eat right if you stay up late. Numerous studies show that insufficient sleep is associated with higher body mass index and obesity. Main reason? Lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and lower levels of the satiety hormone leptin.

You exercise too much

Training is an important part of any weight loss program. However, oddly enough, too much exercise and an excessive amount of thinking about upcoming activities can make it difficult for you to lose weight. Researchers have found that people tend to eat more calories if they think about their workouts all the time, most likely because they assume they'll just shed the extra pounds when they hit the gym.

You never weigh

Avoiding scales like your ex? Ignorance may be the very reason why your waistline does not want to shrink. If you watch your body weight, you can follow your weight loss goals, and it also makes it harder for you to self-deceive.

You are constantly stressed

If you are the type of person who is always late, it means that you are constantly stressed. If you're constantly stressed, your body has elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which slows down your metabolism and promotes fat storage.

Psychologists always say that the happiness of a woman in no way depends on the number of her kilograms. It will overtake any woman, whether she is overweight or not overweight, because we all have an equal chance of happiness.

What to do if suddenly a girl gets fat, suddenly gained weight?

Complete happiness is impossible when a woman is completely dissatisfied with herself. Today, anyone strives to resemble the generally accepted standards of beauty - to be slim, busty, long-legged with a flat tummy and steep hips.

Naturally, not everyone can have such forms - someone achieves this through long and painstaking work on themselves, someone through plastic surgery, someone is born like that, but most still come only to cripple their body, your body just because someone likes it this way and not that way ...

As a result, women try to stop eating three cakes a sitting and fatty foods before going to bed. However, there are those who are not at all worried about gaining excess weight. For them, happiness lies in eating to satiety. As a rule, such people are of the opinion that healthy food does not taste good.

Most often, people do not believe that in many cases of sudden weight gain, it is not the people themselves who are to blame, not their uncontrolled eating. They laugh at such people, believing that these weaklings have come up with another excuse for themselves, because they are too weak for self-control in food. In fact, there are many reasons for rapid weight gain other than the direct consumption of large amounts of food.

We find out the reasons

So, let's leave aside the most obvious cause of this effect, which is nutrition. What do we have left?

  • The second place after overeating is, no matter how strange it may sound, the lack of good rest and proper sleep.

Young people begin to compensate for the lack of energy and vigor - food. It seems to a person that if he now refreshes himself with some sandwiches, then later he will feel less sleepy, because his fatigue will pass due to the large amount of energy that this sandwich carries. However, as before, he will have reduced efficiency, distracted attention, and lack of vigor.

All these signs begin to urge him to eat something satisfying to nourish the body.

The solution to the problem is quite simple- you just need to sleep, and after that your body will immediately become more energetic, you will want to create, which means that your appetite will be much easier to control.

If you regularly lack sleep, then such dynamics will manifest itself primarily in a stable increase in body weight.

  • Another reason is the use of certain drugs. Especially frequent culprits of weight gain are those drugs that act on the hormonal level.

These drugs affect the natural balance in the human body, which causes all sorts of system failures. Especially often, these failures affect metabolic metabolism, the removal of fluid from your body, the processes of absorption and digestion of food. That is why women often want to eat while taking these drugs.

The same is observed when taking antidepressants. Drugs based on insulin, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory agents.

If you see a doctor with a problem of excess weight, he will help you find out if different medications are causing it as a side effect.

  • Some believe that often the cause of weight gain is alcoholic beverages, the consumption of which occurs frequently and in large volumes.

This phenomenon leads not only to a violation of metabolic processes. The fact is that alcoholic drinks themselves also carry a lot of calories with them, since all of them contain one fairly high-calorie base (alcohol).

In modern alcoholic cheap drinks, you can often find a synthetic replacement for alcohol, which has an even worse effect on the body. It even more affects the increase in weight gain.

The fact is that, getting into our body, alcohol also retains excess fluid. So, the accumulated fluid is part of the excess weight gained.

  • Diseases

It should be noted that often a rapid weight gain is preceded by a certain disease in the body.

For example, one such disease is thyroid disease. This organ is primarily responsible for metabolism. And the thyroid gland, in turn, is affected by diseases such as increased insulin, diabetes, overeating of sugary foods, stress, just increased emotionality.

  • The latter reason is quite common - as a result of stress, adrenaline is produced in the body, which, in general, has a positive effect on the body if its amount is moderate.

However, if there is too much adrenaline, then it adversely affects many organs of the body.

To our surprise, you can gain weight even when you are too active in physical activity, because as a result of increased training, the body begins to actively need calories, which it can gain as quickly as possible from harmful and fatty foods.

We do not recommend that you fight this uncontrollable feeling of hunger, because you will not be able to fight it. Eat regularly, moderately, in small portions, because the cause of excess weight is most often not fatty foods, but a large amount of it.

A woman of a certain age must remember that for a certain age the appearance of excess weight is characteristic, because at this age hormonal changes begin to occur. In addition to weight gain, you will experience a deterioration in well-being, mood swings. It may be that the weight will return to normal after a short period of this restructuring of the body, and it may also begin to drop sharply. So after the end of such a restructuring of the body, you will need to work hard to return your body to its former shape.

Are you starting to work on yourself? Go. . .

Accept into your life

The reasons for a sharp weight gain can be both physical and psychological.

With an active lifestyle and a healthy diet, such a symptom should alert, as it can be the result of various diseases or a reaction to any medications.


Thyroid disease is the most common cause of rapid weight gain. A deficiency in the hormones produced by the thyroid gland slows down the body's metabolic rate.

Symptoms of dysfunction: fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety, swelling of the face, hair loss, dry skin, depression, headache, tingling of the hands and feet, etc. Women with this disease experience not only a sharp increase in weight, but also severe fatigue even after a long rest .

Essential fatty acid deficiency

Good fats help produce hormones and thus keep your metabolism going. In case of their shortage in the diet, body weight begins to increase rapidly. This lack of essential fatty acids can lead to a desire to eat too fatty foods.

People suffering from diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, problems with the cardiovascular system should reconsider their diet. Early symptoms: dandruff, dry and flaky skin, brittle hair.


Hormonal imbalance during this period leads to an increase in appetite and a slowdown in metabolism. Changes in the levels of certain hormones that affect weight affect the increase in body fat during menopause.

Cushing's syndrome

This disease produces an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol. This leads to the accumulation of fat in the back, face and abdomen. The arms and legs tend to remain slender.

Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome: Muscle atrophy, weakness, thin skin, poor wound healing, hypertension, purple stretch marks on the abdomen, menstrual irregularities, hair loss, and rapid weight gain.


Taking birth control pills containing estrogen leads to fluid retention and increased appetite.

Steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, and diabetes medications can also cause rapid weight gain.

Fibromyalgia causes hormonal imbalance and also slows down metabolism.


Fluid retention in the body leads to diseases of the kidneys and heart, taking certain anti-inflammatory drugs. As a result - a sharp weight gain.


It is one of the main reasons for this problem. Anxiety, depression, and other emotional factors can slow your metabolism and cause weight gain.

During times of stress, people try to eat foods high in carbohydrates, which have a calming effect, as they help produce serotonin, the "hormone of happiness."

Blood sugar imbalance

To stabilize your sugar levels, include enough fruits and vegetables in your diet and limit your intake of simple and refined carbohydrates.

Dietary changes

In an effort to lose weight quickly, people use different types of diets. For example, high in protein. With such a diet, the consumption of carbohydrates is sharply reduced, which in some cases leads to rapid weight gain.

Other reasons

Mitochondrial dysfunction, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, genetic predisposition, prolonged fasting, smoking cessation have been found to lead to dramatic weight gain. The cause of this problem can only be diagnosed by an experienced doctor.

Therefore, you should not start self-medication and torture yourself with diets, you should immediately contact a specialist and undergo an examination.

To combat excess weight, first of all, you need to identify the cause of its occurrence. You can quite clearly define these causes of excess weight:

1. The main and most common cause of excess weight is malnutrition.

Often, each person has a light snack in the morning, and in the evening after work, he gorges himself to satiety and goes to bed. The food is unbalanced. The body responds by storing excess fat.

2. Excess weight is often the result of some disease.

There are many diseases in which the functions of the body and metabolism are disturbed. People are treated with pills, lie down and eat a lot. Due to low mobility, excess weight is gained.

3. Excess weight in a woman often appears after pregnancy and the birth of a child.

During pregnancy, a woman eats for two, does not control her diet. There is no harm to the baby from this, but on the figure of the mother, such behavior after the birth of the child is reflected in full.

4. The tendency to be overweight is often determined by the somatotype.

The tendency to be overweight depends not only on the acquired genes, but also on the type of structure of the human body (somatotype). A tall, thin-boned person is less likely to gain weight than a squat, heavy-boned person. And it's much easier for him to lose weight. If at least one of the parents is inclined to be overweight, then the person has every chance of being overweight. Again, some people's bodies burn fat faster than others.

5. The reason for excess weight often lies in various emotions.

After quarrels, conflicts, people are always drawn to food - to eat grief. Some people like sweet things, some people like fat. Favorite foods can help relieve stress. And from a good mood, the appetite increases. This can be seen in the newlyweds, after the wedding, both usually get fat during the year, if everything is fine in their family life.

We must always be careful about what we eat. Our bodies are made up of what we eat, drink and breathe.

A set is considered to be weight gain due to an increased caloric content of the diet over a period of time. This is due to the fact that energy costs are much less than the amount of calories received from food. More often this phenomenon affects women. But weight gain can be related to more than just nutrition. Let's analyze this situation in more detail.

Common Factors Causing Rapid Weight Gain

  • Extra pounds can appear not only as deposits of adipose tissue, but also due to water retention caused by various factors, such as pathologies of the urinary system.
  • A sharp weight gain can occur in a woman due to constant overeating, which has become a consequence of psychological disruptions: stress, bad mood, lack of purpose in life, and others.
  • After 30 years, women begin to decrease the activity of metabolic processes, which can lead to a set of extra pounds even with the right balanced diet.
  • Quite often there is weight gain in women after pregnancy, caused by reduced activity.
  • Obesity can be caused by certain medications, such as hormones used to treat gynecological diseases.

A sharp increase in body weight is not unreasonable, then we will talk about some of the factors that affect it.

Medical reasons for weight gain

The reasons for rapid weight gain in women may be associated with certain diseases of various systems and organs.

  1. Acromegaly is a disease caused by increased synthesis of growth hormone. It causes a slight increase in certain parts of the body. Related manifestations are changes in the skin and facial features, excessive sweating, joint pain, constant fatigue.
  2. Cushing's syndrome is also caused by a disruption in the production of hormones, only corticosteroids. With this pathology, there is a rapid increase in the volume of the shoulder girdle. The face acquires a moon-shaped form, immunity decreases, the course of menstruation is disturbed.
  3. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. With it, there is an almost constant feeling of hunger, which leads to weight gain.
  4. Heart failure. It usually manifests itself as emaciation, but it can also have the opposite effect. Extra pounds appear due to significant fluid retention, leading to swelling, weakness and shortness of breath.
  5. Edema is also caused by some kidney diseases. In severe form, they can lead to a rapid increase in body weight by 2 or even 3 times.
  6. Weight gain in pregnancy. This may be manifested by a sharp increase in weight, which is not normal. There is also constant nausea, abdominal pain, visual disturbances.
  7. Sheehan's syndrome is a disorder of the pituitary gland, which in pregnant women provokes the development of fatty deposits. Usually occurs during severe pregnancy.
  8. The most common cause of rapid recruitment in women is thyroid pathology - hypothyroidism. It causes a decrease in hormone production, leading to a slowdown in metabolism. If the following symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor: rapid weight gain, roughened voice, persistent headaches, feeling cold even in normal temperature conditions.

Weight gain and medication

Weight gain is often caused by taking medications.

  1. Contained in birth control pills, female sex hormones, including estrogen, can lead to increased appetite and rapid weight gain due to the accumulation of water in the body. In this case, preference should be given to drugs with a low dose of synthetic estrogens, then the risk of gaining excess weight will be significantly reduced.
  2. Some antidepressants, according to the results of studies, can cause the appearance of extra pounds. Experts have not yet identified the exact mechanism of action. Some patients noted that they experienced a constant feeling of hunger. Other people have experienced weight gain with the same diet as before taking antidepressants. In this case, a change in the drug can help, or rather, the rejection of them and the solution of their psychological problems.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can lead to water retention in the body. But this can be easily corrected through proper nutrition, maintaining a water-salt regime and adequate physical activity.
  4. Anti-allergic drugs lead to a calm, peaceful state and drowsiness, which significantly reduces physical activity. This causes an increase in body weight with the same diet.
  5. Steroid hormones with a long course of administration lead to weight gain in most patients. They provoke water retention, sleep disturbances and increased appetite. To avoid such problems, it is worth adjusting the diet, not overeating, doing more physical activity, for example, walking more often in the fresh air.

Causes of rapid weight gain in older women

With age, women face a certain problem - unreasonable weight gain. This is explained by a slowdown in metabolism, as well as a restructuring of the hormonal system, which is quite normal during this period of life.

A rapid set of extra pounds after the age of 30 is due to reduced physical activity and improperly built nutrition, leading to obesity.

  1. Body changes associated with age. Weight gain occurs because calories from food begin to be consumed more slowly. This leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas for women, such as the abdomen, back and hips.
  2. Menopause. Every woman will face this phenomenon sooner or later. Changes caused by menopause can be especially noticeable. The increase can be up to 10 kg. During this period, you should take full responsibility for your lifestyle. With regular physical activity and proper nutrition, weight gain will be negligible.
  3. Influence of hormones. After 30 years, there is a gradual restructuring of the female body. The ovaries slow down the performance of their functions, the production of sex hormones is markedly reduced. In this case, the sharp appearance of extra pounds is inevitable even with an active lifestyle. The fight against body fat should not be postponed until later, as every year it will be more and more difficult to lose weight. If a woman at the same time consumes high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, then obesity can also develop.
  4. The role of testosterone. Testosterone is a male sex hormone found in the female body in low concentrations. If at a young age it helps in building muscle and burning fat, then with age its amount begins to decline rapidly. This leads to a decrease in the activity of metabolic processes and, accordingly, a rapid set of extra pounds. In addition to testosterone, other male hormones - androgens - affect body changes. Their concentration increases, which leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue in problematic female areas.
  5. Nutrition and physical activity. If during the transition period a woman begins to carefully monitor her diet, then weight gain will be insignificant. It is necessary to exclude foods high in carbohydrates and fats from the diet, to make meals based on protein foods, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats in moderation. We must not forget about physical activity. It is recommended to start the morning with exercises, move more and, if possible, go to the gym or work out at home.

Other reasons

  • Stress can be a factor in weight gain. Some psychological and emotional upheavals are reflected in the metabolism, and also lead to the so-called jamming problems. Especially in such a period, one is drawn to sweets, which consist of simple carbohydrates, leading to the deposition of fat.
  • Rigid diets with many restrictions often lead to breakdowns, during which women can gain up to a few extra pounds.
  • An imbalance in blood sugar occurs due to insufficient intake of plant foods. Replace sweets and other simple carbohydrates with fruits and vegetables, then you will not face weight problems.
  • Lack of healthy fats in the diet will lead to disruption of the hormonal system. With their deficiency, weight begins to increase sharply. In addition to problems with the figure, a woman will face brittleness and hair loss, problems with the skin and nails.

Keeping track of your weight is essential throughout your life. It is worth remembering that obesity leads to many health problems. The reasons for a sharp weight gain in women can be very diverse. Rarely is it unreasonable. This is especially true for older women.

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