Reading diary for adults. How to make a reading diary for students


The Reader's Diary is a diary for book lovers (and for those who must to become them, i.e. for schoolchildren who have to read in the summer according to given lists), it is an ideal magazine for keeping track of the history of books that you have read and want to leave all the most important, collecting everything from different books in one place. This book, from the first reading mentor in Russia, will teach you to analyze and understand books, show that literature is a whole world in which you can also become a creator.

This diary is a solid book/diary that comes in two parts. The first part explains what can you do in a reading diary: how to write down your impressions and quotes, draw your favorite characters, make a dictionary, even come up with a crossword puzzle or mind map, look up a recipe for dishes mentioned in the book, come up with fan fiction. Here are examples compiled by children - students of Martha.

The second part of the diary creative pages which the reader will fill in.

This is a useful gift for book lovers who find it useful to keep track of all their literary conquests, for any student, because such a diary will help you quickly recall the works you read and write an essay (indispensable for preparing for the exam!). As convenient as volumes of brief summaries of literary works may be, your own "squeeze" is much more useful than any of them. Here it is your thoughts and feelings, something that will help you write a unique, inimitable essay.

The diary is individual, therefore each reader has his own copy. For families of book lovers, it is recommended that you purchase a copy for each reading family member.

The reader's diary will teach you to freely express and write down your thoughts on paper; reason logically, analyze, find patterns, work with information; pay attention to details; remember what's important. These are the very skills that required when writing any essay.

To those who likes to write, this book will help develop writing skills, broaden your horizons, teach you to better understand yourself and other people through the analysis of a literary work.

Moreover, this unique book will instill a love of literature and reading, diversify your leisure time, because it contains many ideas on how to spend time after reading the book.

The diary is written in a living language, children are with it start creating!

You can fill in the pages as you like: if you do not want to draw illustrations, leave these pages for writing about books. No imposition of someone else's will: this your diary.

Some of the pages in the photo:

From the author

You have a rarity in your hands. Almost everyone has a mobile phone or good sneakers, and only the creative and thoughtful have a reading diary. Such people are also called talented. They definitely need a place for their ideas, impressions, drawings, drawings. And there is a lot of it in the reader's diary! This is the territory of your freedom.

The first pages are occupied with a story about how you can fill in a reader's diary with passion and imagination. The second part is empty spreads. Space for you, the main person in this reader's diary.

When there are no empty lines left here, the reader's diary will become a portal to the world of your superpowers for everything in the world: drawing illustrations, analyzing facts, cooking, writing reviews, and most importantly - enthusiastic reading of fiction, the same rare talent, like teleportation, foresight, or elemental control.

Now you have read a number of books, maybe one, or maybe several dozen. You somehow keep them all in your memory. The day will come when you will pay attention to hundreds of writers and their stories. To remember everything, it will be enough for you to scroll through your reader's diary.

To argue with Pushkin, to be a co-author of Chekhov, to put exclamation marks, to publish a devastating critical review of Rowling's latest novel, to paint all the letters green... There is no other place where there is so much freedom as in a reader's diary.

What's in the book?


5 reasons to keep a reading diary
Diaries of the greats
What can be done in the reader's diary
What else can you do in the reader's diary
How to write about your thoughts and feelings
Star, circle, letter - cipher!
Why write out quotes?
5 tips for a beginner illustrator
Make a dictionary book
Interesting Facts
5 Cartographer Actions
Anatomy of a Review
write fanfic
Taste Literature
The best way to ask questions
Instructions for compiling a literary crossword puzzle
The Mystery of the Two Bookshelves


Quotes and my thoughts
Interesting Facts

about the author

Marta Raitses is the founder and methodologist of the first in Russia organization of professional reading mentors "Book Guide".

According to her, reading is an activity in which you need to develop constantly: “We popularize reading and show people that in fact it is not just an educational activity. It's also extremely interesting. Reading is a great pastime. In addition, we form skills that will help a person when reading. These are the skills of text analysis, memorization, speed reading techniques, the ability to draw mind maps, navigate the historical and cultural context ... It is very important that we present all this in an easy form, without edification.

Reader's diarycan be useful both in school and in everyday life. You will be able to fix in it the main facts that will be useful when passing the exam. Recorded impressions of the book will help to resurrect literary images in your memory even many years after you turned the first page.

Keeping a reader's diary is not a goal, but a means! So that the knowledge gained while reading books is not lost, a reader's diary is needed.

Diary entries will help you remember the book after a while. It will be quite easy to find the necessary information about the works read in it - who are her heroes, what happened to them, what did the reader like about her, what made her think. Looking through the diary from time to time, you can notice the books of which authors and genres you like best and purposefully take them from the library.

It is better to take a notebook in a cage as the basis of a reader's diary. On the cover you need to write: "Reader's diary", the name and surname of the owner, class.

At the beginning of the diary, you can write down or paste the List of books to read.

It is better to fill out the diary immediately after you read the book or the next day. In this case, the memories will be fresh, and if necessary, you can refer to the book.

How to make entries in a diary?

The easiest way - make entries in the table:

More experienced readers can write in a diary, answering the following questions:

1. Describe the appearance of your favorite character. Name the traits of his character
What are his favorite activities. What does he like to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc. Who are his friends? What are they? Would you like to be like this hero? How? Is there anything you don't like about it? Why?

2. Which passage from the book did you like (or remember) the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it.

3. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.
4. What would you tell your friend about this book so that he would definitely want to read it? Choose and write these words.

5. Collect the most interesting and "demonstrative" quotes. After each statement, indicate by whom it was uttered and, if necessary, in what context. Do not be distracted by beautiful, but not very important pieces of text. Take out indiaryonly those quotes that are key to understanding the work.


These items can not be used all, partially! You can rearrange the items as it is convenient for the owner of the reader's diary. You can come up with your own pages, add your own items.
The main thing is that the reader's diary becomes an assistant and interlocutor of its owner.

December 24, home of the medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what this time the inventor and craftsman godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired clocks in the Stahlbaum house, will give them as a gift. Marie dreamed of a garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said that he liked the gifts of his parents that he could play with (the godfather's toys were usually kept away from the children so that they would not break), and the godfather could not make a whole garden.

In the evening, the children were let in to a beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, therefore the miracle of technology quickly got tired of the children - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. When all the gifts were taken apart, Marie saw the Nutcracker. The ugly outwardly doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke a couple of Nutcracker's teeth, trying to crack hard nuts, and Marie began to patronize the toy. At night, the children put the toys in a glass cabinet. Marie lingered at the closet, placing her ward with all the conveniences, and became a participant in the battle between the seven-headed mouse king and the army of dolls led by the Nutcracker. The dolls surrendered under the onslaught of mice, and when the mouse king had already crept up to the Nutcracker, Marie threw her shoe at him ... The girl woke up in bed with her elbow cut by the broken glass of the cabinet. No one believed her story about the night incident. The godfather brought the repaired Nutcracker and told a tale about a hard nut: the beautiful princess Pirlipat was born to the king and queen, but Queen Myshilda, avenging her relatives killed by the mousetraps of the court watchmaker Drosselmeyer (they ate the fat intended for royal sausages), turned the beauty into a freak. The only thing that could calm her now was the cracking of nuts. Drosselmeyer, on pain of death, with the help of a court astrologer, calculated the princess's horoscope - the Krakatuk nut, split by a young man with a special method, will help restore her beauty. The king sent Drosselmeyer and the astrologer in search of salvation; both the nut and the young man (the watchmaker's nephew) were found with Drosselmeyer's brother in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth on Krakatuk, and when the king promised to marry his daughter to a savior, a nephew stepped forward. He cracked the nut and the princess, having eaten it, became a beauty, but the young man could not perform the whole ceremony, because Myshilda threw herself at his feet ... The mouse died, but the guy turned into a Nutcracker. The king expelled Drosselmeier, his nephew and astrologer. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the ugliness would disappear if he defeated the mouse king and a beautiful girl fell in love with him. A week later, Marie recovered and began to reproach Drosselmeyer for not helping the Nutcracker. He replied that only she could help, because she rules the kingdom of light. The Mouse King got into the habit of extorting Marie for her sweets in return for the safety of the Nutcracker. Parents were alarmed by the fact that the mice wound up. When he demanded her books and dress, she took the Nutcracker in her arms and sobbed - she is ready to give everything, but when there is nothing left, the mouse king will want to kill her herself. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything if he got a saber - Fritz helped with this, having recently dismissed the colonel (and punished the hussars for cowardice during the battle). At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 golden crowns. I will give the trophies to the girl, he led her to his kingdom - the Land of Fairy Tales, where they got through their father's fox coat. Helping the Nutcracker sisters with the housework, offering to crush caramel in a golden mortar, Marie suddenly woke up in her bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crowns, Drosselmeier said that this was his gift to Marie for her second birthday and refused to recognize the Nutcracker as his nephew (the toy stood in its place in the closet

If you read regularly but can't remember the contents of a book after a month, stop. Think about it: why is this happening? In the meantime, I'll tell you about my reading diary, which helped me get the most out of reading.


No wonder I love to read. At the Faculty of Journalism, we had the subject “History of Foreign Literature”, thanks to which gigantic lists of books appeared in my life. During the semester, it was necessary to overcome from 50 to 70 works. Complex, deep, heavy. "Doctor Faustus", "Magic Mountain", "Ulysses", "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "Billiards at half past nine" - all these books settled in my head for a long time, because we took them apart for hours in pairs.

But time passed, and the contents of the books were slowly erased from memory. I began to read literature in a completely different way. After reading, there is too little left in my head: I realize this in a month or two.

Who was the main character? Why was he in conflict with the world? And how did it all end?! What to do: read again?

What to do

The solution was born in a conversation. My friend and I discussed this problem and suddenly realized that we need to start a reader's diary. Like in school, but more interesting. Not just to list what happened, but to give a detailed analysis of what was read.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source

I fired up the idea. I was looking for something similar on our site. I found a diary for schoolchildren - "Reader's Diary" by Marta Raitzes. It has 4 columns: book, author, translator, quotes and my thoughts. There are pages with facts from the book. Fields where you can draw a mind map, write a fanfiction or a review. Add the recipe that you read in the work. And even make a crossword puzzle based on the book.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source @annakrolly

It didn't even bother me that the diary was for children. After all, those who decide to read and take apart books piece by piece, this will not stop. But I didn’t want to wait until he came, and I left the option on the note.

My version of the diary

Decided to start with something simpler. And in the end I bought a notebook, opened the first page and divided it into several columns:

  • Name,
  • author,
  • the year of publishing,
  • Main characters,
  • action is happening
  • What's happened,
  • What is the book really about?
  • quotes.

I filled in almost all the lines in a swoop. Until the column "What the book is really about." Stopped here. The last time I analyzed the works with the help of the phrases “Cool book! I already wanted to re-read it right away ”or“ Be sure to read it! I couldn't sleep because of her until three in the morning." But for a reader's diary, this scheme was not suitable. And then I realized that I needed a book about how

Reading Rules

4. Don't always look for "the main idea."

This advice applies to fiction. Sometimes we want to reduce works to a list of problems that are described in the text. But often it is not created for this at all. A fiction book is the world into which the writer invites us.

Do not forget to enjoy its colors - stylistic devices, language, charismatic characters, author's style.

American writer, poet and critic Mark Van Doren writes: “Reading Shakespeare's play, we are in it. We are drawn there quickly or smoothly - most often quickly - and once in this world, we are completely immersed in it. This is the secret of Shakespeare's power over us - and it remains unsolved. The author creates a special world around us, which we did not even suspect. And this world absorbs us without a trace.

5. Draw a story.

My reader's diary is not limited to text. Visual images help me remember what I read: I draw a cover or a scene from a book that hooked me the most. For what? The book "Visual Notes" says that our brain processes information verbally and visually. This means that sketches are not simple pictures, but a way to reproduce important moments from a work in memory.

Photo by: Source @infopress18

What is the use

Keeping a reader's diary turned out to be terribly interesting. While I do it "the old fashioned way" - by hand, in a notebook, filling every cell with my imperfect handwriting. I'm thinking of switching to the electronic version: to make a big google doc. Or adapt a creative notebook: one of them will come to me soon.

The diary has several important advantages.

  • A complete reading experience. The book does not disappear in the abyss of thoughts, but stands on the shelf of memories. With a cover, explanations and a bookmark on the right pages where you liked the quotes. There is a feeling that you "lived" the story and understood the author. Figured out everything that was bothering you.
  • Like a detective. The text about the book is like an investigation: you are trying to dig deeper than usual. It seems that you were reading an action-packed thriller, but in fact - a psychological drama. Or at first glance there was a simple story about the life of a choreographer. And on the other hand - a guide to survival in the creative profession.
  • Memory. The content is really remembered many times better. Especially when you write the text by hand, reflect on the decision of the protagonist, highlight the thoughts that you liked.

My diary is slowly filling up

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Cl. leader Demina V.O. How to make a Reader's Diary

Improving reading technique is one of the main tasks of teaching younger students.

Keeping a reader's diary will allow you to: 1) love the book and the process of reading; 2) improve the quality of reading; 3) broaden the horizons of the reader; 4) develop his creative abilities; 5) to teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, to help the child better remember and understand the work.

The main goal of keeping a Reader's Diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop the culture of the reader.

How to design a "Reader's diary" On the title page you need to write: "Reader's diary", your first and last name, class (you can design the cover at your discretion).

In your notebook, indicate: the date of reading the title of the work the author the main characters my impressions of the read “About what?” Here, with the help of parents, the child writes down the main idea of ​​the text in 1-2 sentences.

When writing information about a book you have read, you can follow the pattern given in the table. Date Title of the work Author Names and main characters My impressions of what I read 30.01. 2015 "Unknown Flower" Andrey Platonovich Platonov (real name Klimentov) was born on September 1, 1899 in Yamskaya Sloboda, a suburb of Voronezh. 1.Dasha 2.Unknown flower This is the story of a little flower who wanted to live. I felt very sad when I read that the unknown flower had died. The fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties, but to do everything to "not live sadly."

Here are some questions to help: Describe the character's appearance. Name the traits of his character. What are his favorite activities? Who are his friends? What are they? Would you like to be like this hero? How? Is there anything you don't like about it? Why? Which passage from the book did you like the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent?





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