What to do if you crossed the road to the dead. Is it true that one should not cross the road in front of a funeral procession?

serebryakovaaFrom the archive of my grandmother Aida Mikhailovna
It is generally accepted that the grave bone appears if you have crossed the road of the funeral procession.
In 10% of cases, heredity is to blame.
In 90% of cases, you yourself are to blame - high heels and narrow shoes deform the foot.
Charging and training! Comfortable shoes! Pedicure!!!
(I will repeat a thousand and a thousand times - to walk barefoot on the ground at every opportunity!).
And a couple more methods:
1. I fly a bone with a bone
On the flawed month, cook meat broth.
Remove the bone with meat from the broth, eat some of the meat yourself, leave some on the bone and read special words over it.
Then you need to give the bone to the dog. If a man is treated, then the bone with meat is given to the male, if the woman is treated, then to the bitch.
"Bone relative, grave bone,
You leave me.
I came from the dead, go to the dead.
Do not torment the white body, violent head,
Zealous heart.
Dead - dead, living - alive. Amen."
- Say the words and go home without looking back, without saying a word to a single person you meet.
2. I sweep the grave bone
Take a clean (preferably new) broom, carefully sweep the whole room, collect all the garbage at the threshold. Throw large motes into a bucket with your hand, and the remaining fine dust, the very crumbs, need to be rubbed into the bones with your hand.
Then wash your hands with soap, take out a candy or a pie and put it on a clay saucer for Brownie. Say out loud:
-I can easily walk, Father, with your help!
Checked several times, it helps.
About the beauty of heels Here And Here

Tags: What to do if, crossed, road, funeral, processions

Dear conscious motorists! This post is about culture on the roads. Video is its illustration. Novoobukhovs...

Jul 7, 2014 - Crossed the road of the funeral procession. ... What should I do? ... The old people used to say that when the procession goes to bury the dead, ...

Funeral rituals in the Slavic tradition. (Part 1)

Preparation for death. Feeling the approach of death, the old man asked his sons to lead him into the field. There he bowed on all four sides: "Mother damp Earth, forgive and accept! And you, free light-priest, forgive me if you offended ..."
A person preparing to accept death made a will, put his affairs in order, repaid debts, distributed his fortune. Before his death, he did some good deeds: he distributed alms, allocated money for the construction of temples, or donated some sums to charitable institutions - hospitals, shelters, etc.
Then he lay down on a bench in the holy corner, and his sons dismantled the earthen roof of the hut over him, so that the soul flew out more easily, so that the body would not torment, and also so that it would not even think of staying in the house, disturbing the living.

It has long been customary to believe that dying among one's family ("in one's bed"), having lived a long, worthy life, is heavenly grace for a person. And our ancestors believed that if a person died quickly, easily, then his soul would certainly go to heaven. If he suffered heavily before death, then his sins are great and he will not escape hell. It was also believed that sorcerers and witches die hard if they do not have the opportunity to transfer their knowledge to someone. (and this seems to be true, my great-grandmother witnessed such torments of a village sorceress who, by hook or by crook, called on her closest living relative on her deathbed, and when she did come, they were left alone, only after which the first one expired,)
Feeling the approach of death, people called for a priest for confession. After confession, they said goodbye to relatives, gave orders, blessed, "ordered to live long."
Among adherents of the old faith, on the contrary, it was considered a grave sin to confess to an Orthodox priest. It was possible to bring repentance only before your mentor. It happened that the most convinced Old Believers left the village before their death and died somewhere completely alone, often starving themselves to death.
In the old days, in the villages, it was believed that it was easiest to die on the floor, where straw was laid, and later - the canvas. The relatives gathered around silently condoled with the dying man. It was impossible to speak loudly near him. If a person was tormented, they tried to help the soul fly away, opened the door, window, chimney, broke the ridge on the roof, or simply raised the upper slab on the roof of the house.
When death came, relatives began to wail and cry loudly. It was believed that the soul that had just flown away from the body was still in the house, nearby. If the deceased is mourned ("obvy") properly, then his soul will be calmer and he will not later disturb the living in visions, thoughts and in reality. (in our time, the priest, on the contrary, admonishes not to sob, not to cry, not to kill himself, otherwise it will be difficult for the deceased to leave and not calmly - he is, as it were, kept on the ground by relatives)
Burial forms. The early form of burials of the ancient Slavs - the burial of a corpse in a twisted form, that is, in the position of an embryo - is associated with the idea of ​​​​reincarnation, the reincarnation of the deceased, his second birth on earth, the transition of his life force (soul) into one of the living beings.
At the turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages, a method of burying the dead appeared already in a straightened form.
Then came cremation - the burning of a corpse on a funeral pyre. This ritual was also associated with the idea of ​​the indestructibility of the life force. New was the idea of ​​the abode of invisible souls - the sky, where souls fell with the smoke of a funeral pyre. The ashes of the burned deceased were buried in the ground, placing it in urns-pots or simply in pits. Initially, a tomb structure was built over each grave in the form of a residential building, a domina. It is from here that the custom originates (in particular, among the Old Believers) to make a pommel over the grave cross, similar to a gable roof. (and not protecting the cross from rain or snow)
In the middle of the first millennium, the rite of burial of funerary urns was replaced by burial in burial mounds - "graves".

After the baptism of Rus' in the 10th century, Russians move on to burying the dead in the ground in coffins made of boards or hollowed out decks, which were also called dominos or dominoes.
Pagan customs were slowly eradicated. Only from the 12th century did Christian symbols (crosses, icons) appear in Slavic village graves. Cultivation of ritual bonfires in cemeteries, symbolizing the burning of a corpse, was preserved in some places until the 19th century, and investing in the coffin of objects that supposedly will be useful to the deceased in the next world still happens.
Ideas about death. Orthodox funerals do not bear the imprint of the tragedy of what happened. On the contrary, it is to a large extent the joy of the hope that the soul of a dead pious person will go to heaven, appear before God and pray there for those left on earth.

In everyday life, however, death, the irretrievable loss of a close and beloved person, is always and quite naturally a grief that requires its expression in weeping and lamentations. In the old days, to give the funeral a solemn and sad character, there was even a profession of mourners.
As a duty of prime necessity, the presence of close relatives at the bedside of the patient at the time of death was considered. According to popular beliefs, at the last breath of a person - the exhalation of the spirit - the soul parted with the body and there is a struggle for the soul between the evil spirit and the angel sent by God for the soul of the dying. The suffering before death was explained not by the severity of the disease, but by the fact that the dying person is tormented in the last minutes by an evil spirit (hell, the devil), as if she does not give her soul to an angel.
Trying to make the path of the soul to God easier, they put a candle in the hand of the dying man, censed him with incense.
Death was considered good on Easter, on the day of Christ's resurrection, when, according to legend, the doors of heaven are open, by analogy with the royal doors in the temple. An easy death was regarded by the people as a reward for a pious life, a difficult one - as the lot of sinners.
Preparation for the funeral. In the folk customs associated with the funeral, three main stages can be distinguished.
Pre-funeral ritual actions: preparation of the body of the deceased for burial, washing, dressing, position in the coffin, night vigils at the coffin of the deceased.
Funeral rites: removal of the body, funeral service in the church, road to the cemetery, farewell to the deceased at the grave, burial of the coffin with the body in the grave, return of relatives and friends back to the house of the deceased.
Wake: after the funeral in the house of the deceased on the third, ninth, twentieth, fortieth days, six months, the anniversary after death, with the ordering of funeral services in the church, with meals and home prayers for the dead.
Many pre-funeral actions are of ancient ritual origin. Death was conceived as a road to the afterlife, and washing, dressing the deceased and other actions to prepare him for the funeral were preparations for a long journey.
Ablution. Ablution had not only a hygienic purpose, but was also considered as a cleansing rite. According to church doctrine, the deceased must go to the Lord with a pure soul and a pure body. Ablution was performed by a special professional category of people - washers.
Washers. Washers, washers, washbasins - everywhere they are called differently.
Washers more often became old maids and old widowers, who no longer "have sin", that is, intimate relationships with people of the opposite sex. The old age of the washers, as it were, emphasized that in the eyes of the living, the deceased becomes not only a representative of the "other world", but now also an ancestor, an accessory of the past. The man was washed by the men, the woman by the women. Washing the dead has always been considered a charitable deed that contributes to the forgiveness of sins.
The girls who were engaged in "collecting" the dead and reading the Psalter over them wore dark clothes. For labor they received linen and clothing of the deceased.
If there were no professional washers, the washing of the dead was carried out by people who were not related to the deceased. True, in some villages it was customary to wash the body with relatives of the same sex as the deceased.
According to church teaching, a mother was not supposed to wash her dead child, since she would certainly mourn him, and this was condemned as a deviation from faith in the immortality of the soul. According to Christian doctrine, a heavenly life awaits the child, and therefore his death should not be mourned. The people believed that a mother's tear "burns the child."
In some villages, the deceased was undressed before washing, tearing his clothes along the body, and not taking them off over his head. While washing, they read a prayer.
The washing procedure was of a ritual nature, a magical orientation. It was performed on the floor at the threshold of the hut. The deceased was laid on the straw with their feet to the stove.
Washed very quickly. Three people usually washed: "one washes, the other holds the dishes, the third supports the body." Washing, in fact, was similar to wiping the dead: with a rag, a tow, cotton, or simply with the back of the hand, they dragged the deceased over the deceased from top to bottom. They lubricated the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, chest, and also "in all places where the joints are." Washed two or three times with warm water and soap from a clay, usually new, pot.
The properties of the dead man, his deadening power, were transferred to the attributes of washing - a pot, water, soap, a comb. They tried to get rid of them as soon as possible. The water with which the deceased was washed was called dead, it was poured into the corner of the yard, where there were no plants, where people did not walk, so that a healthy person could not step on it. The same was done with the water that was used to wash the dishes after the commemoration. Clay pots used for ablution were taken out into a ravine, to the edge of a field, to a crossroads, where, as a rule, there was a cross, a pillar, a chapel (they were broken there or simply left). The straw on which they washed was burned or thrown in the forest under the Christmas tree when they were taken to bury. All this was done in order to prevent the return of the deceased. These places were considered terrible by the people.
After the ritual, the washers had to take a bath and change their clothes.
The sorcerers skillfully used the objects of ablution: they used "dead" water to spoil the newlyweds. When building a house, carpenters hammered a piece of shroud into the door frame when they wished trouble on the owner they did not like. The soap used to wash the dead was used in home medicine for a different purpose - to suppress, moderate undesirable phenomena. Wives served it, for example, for washing evil husbands, so that their "malice died away", and the girls washed their hands so that their skin would not sag.
There was a belief that if an evil spirit manages to get close to the deceased, then it twists his arms and legs. Therefore, the Old Believers, for example, bandaged the joints of the dead with harsh threads, a cross was obtained, and the evil spirits receded.
The hair of the deceased was combed with a comb, and sometimes with a sliver from the coffin. Then they put them in a coffin.
Dressing. In medieval Russia, they were buried, as a rule, in white. This was explained not only by the influence of Christianity, which associated this color with the spiritual, infantile purity of the Christian soul - the soul goes to God the same as it came to earth at birth. The white color of the clothes of the deceased is the natural color of homespun canvas.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the dead were buried in the clothes in which they walked: in a caftan, trousers, boots, a hat and other clothes. If the patient was dying, they took him out of bed, laid him on a bench, washed him thoroughly and put on him a clean shirt, linen trousers, and new red boots. They wrapped his body in a white linen made in the form of a shirt with sleeves, folded his arms crosswise on his chest, sewed the linen at the head, also on his arms and legs. And they put him in a coffin on a stretcher. If it was a rich man or a nobleman, the stretcher was covered with velvet or expensive cloth. If this person is not wealthy or poor, the stretcher was covered with his own caftan made of canvas or other cheap material. So they carried him to the cemetery.
It was customary for women to be buried in headscarves: the young - in light, the elderly - in dark ones. There was a custom to dress a girl who died in the prime of her youth in a wedding dress. At the funeral of a dead girl, they even imitated a wedding ceremony, sang wedding and wedding songs. A wedding ring was put on the ring finger of the right hand for both the girl and the guy, while the ring was not put on for a married man and a married woman.
The method of making funeral clothes emphasized their destination for the underworld. The clothes were, as it were, not real, but only its replacement, not sewn, but only swept. It was sewn necessarily on the hands, and not on a typewriter, the thread was fixed, the needle was kept away from you forward; otherwise the dead man will again come for someone to his family. The shoes of the deceased were also imitated: as a rule, they did not bury in leather shoes, but replaced them with cloth ones. When boots were put on, iron nails were pulled out of them. Onuchi, worn with bast shoes, were tied around the legs so that the cross formed by the laces fell in front, and not behind, as with the living. Thus, the movement of the deceased was given, as it were, the opposite direction, so that he could not return back to the house.
Once upon a time, the bed of the deceased and the clothes in which he died were placed under a chicken roost and kept there for six weeks (while the soul of the deceased, according to legend, is at home and needs clothes).
Now usually things belonging to the deceased are burned or buried. And they try to bury in new, not yet worn clothes, so that the soul comes to the next world clean. Many elderly people prepare their "death outfit" in advance. Although it happens that they are buried in the old - men are usually in a dark suit, a shirt with a tie, women - in a dress or skirt with a jacket, usually in light colors. Special slippers are usually used as shoes (they, like a cover imitating a shroud, are included in the set of funeral accessories for ritual offices).
Position in the coffin. In the old days, the washed and dressed dead lay for one or two days on a bench under the icons. The body was placed in a coffin just before being taken out of the house. At this time, distant relatives, acquaintances, neighbors came to say goodbye to him. To read the psalter, old women-readers were invited, who, in addition to psalms, performed spiritual verses.
The deceased, like the dying, should never be left alone. It was believed that it was necessary to guard him from evil spirits, "from demons."
Coffin. When making a coffin, it was supposed to put the resulting chips into it. The wood chips were then taken away outside the village and thrown away, and not burned, so that the dead person would not be hot in the next world. They preferred to make a coffin from cedar, pine, but not from aspen. In areas rich in forest, they tried to make coffins hollowed out of a tree trunk.
The coffin was accordingly regarded as the last home of the deceased. Sometimes they even made glazed windows in the coffin.
Before putting the deceased, the coffin was necessarily fumigated with the smoke of incense from a censer. The coffins were lined with something soft from the inside: soft upholstery covered with white material, a pillow, a bedspread. The bottom of the coffin was also covered with leaves of a birch broom, moreover, "clean", i.e. not made on a Sunday. With the same leaves they stuffed a pillow under the head. Some older women collect their own hair during their lifetime to stuff their pillows.
Position. Previously, when the deceased was placed in a coffin, magical precautions were taken. The body was not taken with bare hands, but put on mittens. The hut was constantly fumigated with incense, rubbish was not taken out of the hut, but swept under the coffin, directing towards the deceased. While the coffin was being prepared, the washed deceased was placed on a bench covered with straw in the front corner of the hut so that his face was turned to the icons. Silence and restraint were observed in the hut.
According to the rules of Orthodox burial, it is supposed to put in a coffin a layman, in addition to a pectoral cross, an icon, a halo on his forehead and a "manuscript" - a written or printed prayer that forgives sins, which is put into the right hand of the deceased. Then the deceased is covered with a white veil. The coffin is unfolded in the sun and again placed so that the deceased faces the icons with their feet. Candles are placed on the coffin.
There is a custom to put things in the coffin that could allegedly be useful to the deceased in the next world. In ancient times, sometimes a few small coins were put in the dead man's mouth, as if for expenses on a long journey to the next world, and the caftan of the deceased was hung from the coffin.
As a sign of mourning, mirrors are hung in the house, the clock is stopped; from the room where the coffin with the body of the deceased stands, they take out the TV.
15-20 minutes before the removal of the coffin, only relatives and friends remain in the room to say goodbye to the deceased.
Seeing the deceased. Home wires. Although now in the city most often they try to transport the deceased to the morgue on the day of death, in Orthodox families in small towns and villages where there are no morgues, the tradition of night vigil near the deceased is preserved.
If a priest is not invited, the psalter or other sacred books are read by lay believers. But often the gatherings of old women at the coffin take place in the most ordinary memories or conversations.
Immediately after death, they try to put a glass of water covered with a piece of bread on the shelf next to the icons or on the window. At a memorial dinner, a glass of vodka is left in a similar way, covered with a piece of bread, and sometimes this symbolic device is placed at the symbolic place of the deceased at the table. The most typical explanation for this is "the soul stays up to six weeks at home."
Candles are lit at the head of the deceased, they are attached to the corners of the coffin, placed in a glass on the table, and lamps are placed in front of the icons.
Previously, in winter, they were in no hurry to bury and put the dead in the church, where the clergy served daily liturgy and panikhida, and only on the eighth day they buried the body in the ground.
Removal of the body. There is an opinion "that before 12 o'clock and after sunset it is impossible to take out the deceased from the house. There is a custom to take the body out of the house feet first, trying not to touch the threshold and door jambs in order to prevent the return of the deceased in his wake.
They tried to take a seat immediately after the deceased - on the table or chairs on which the coffin stood in the house, after the removal of the deceased, sit down, and then turn this furniture upside down for a while.
There was also such a custom: one of the relatives walked around the coffin three times with a stopper in his hands, holding it with the blade forward, at the last round he hit the coffin with a butt. Sometimes, when carrying out a dead person, they put an ax on the threshold.
Axe. The ax - the weapon of the Thunderer - has been credited with miraculous power since ancient times. They struck with an ax on a bench on which someone died: it was believed that death would be “cut down” and expelled by this. The ax was thrown crosswise over the cattle so that it would not get sick and multiply well. With an ax they drew a solar cross over the sick man, calling for help from two god brothers at once. And on the blades of axes, symbolic images of the sun and thunder were often knocked out. Such an ax, planted in a double joint, was an insurmountable obstacle to evil spirits seeking to penetrate into human habitation.
Many peoples, including the Slavs, tried to carry the deceased not through the front door that served the living, but through a window or a specially made hole in order to deceive the deceased in order to "confuse his trail."
In the old days, as soon as the deceased was taken out of the house, they tried to wash the entire hut with one water: walls, benches, even all the dishes. Now only the floor is washed.
When the body of the deceased was taken out of the house, it was customary to cry loudly. Over the coffin, not only close relatives of the deceased, but also neighbors lamented. If the relatives did not cry, the neighbors questioned the feeling of affection of relatives for the deceased.
Even the ancient Russian church imposed a ban on folk cries and cries. Funeral lamentation was regarded as a manifestation of pagan ideas about the fate of the soul after the grave, the lack of Christian faith among the people in the immortality of the soul. Mothers were not supposed to cry for dead children. However, the church ban was not respected in everyday life. Peter I even issued a special decree prohibiting crying at funerals, which also had no effect.
Funeral procession. The funeral procession was led by a man carrying a crucifix or an icon framed with a towel. If a man was dying, a man walked ahead of the funeral procession with an icon, if a woman, then a woman carried the icon. Spruce or fir branches were scattered in front of the procession, and flowers in summer.
Then followed one or two people with a coffin lid on their heads, followed by the clergy. Two or three pairs of men carried the coffin, followed by close relatives. The funeral procession was closed by neighbors, acquaintances, and curious people.
In Russian villages in the last century, for superstitious reasons, they tried to carry the coffin in mittens, on towels, poles, stretchers.
In some places, they tried to deliver the dead man to the burial place on a sleigh, even in summer.
I'm sitting on a sled. Hence the expression "sitting on a sleigh", which means "at the end of life." Vladimir Monomakh began his famous "Instruction" in this way: "Sitting on a sleigh, I thought in my soul and gave praise to God, who has preserved me, a sinner, to these days. My children or anyone else, listening to this letter, do not laugh, but to whom of my children, she will be loved, let him accept her in his heart and will not be lazy, but will work ... "The overturned sleigh often served as a grave monument. But sometimes the sleigh was burned or left up to the fortieth day with the runners lying up.
When the deceased was taken out of the house, the rite of the "first meeting" was performed - the person who was the first to meet the funeral procession on the way was handed a loaf of bread wrapped in a towel. The gift served as a reminder that the first comer would pray for the deceased, and the deceased, in turn, would be the first to meet in the next world the one who received the bread.
On the way to the temple and from the temple to the cemetery, grain was scattered to feed the birds.
The funeral procession, according to the church charter, was supposed to stop only in the church and near the cemetery. But, as a rule, she stopped in the most memorable places for the deceased in the village, near the house of the deceased neighbor, at the crossroads, at the crosses, which in some areas were called the deceased. Here, part of the mourners left the procession, followed mainly by relatives.
At modern funerals, children (sons) are usually not allowed to carry the coffin with the body of their parents and bury the grave.
The composition of a modern funeral procession is usually as follows: first they carry wreaths, then the lid of the coffin with the narrow part forward, the coffin with the dead. Relatives and friends are the first to go behind the coffin, then all the mourners. Tags: Informative

Answers Mail.Ru: Accidentally crossed the road to a car with ...

When the man in the photo improves his health and how his relationship with ... Accidentally crossed the road to a car with a dead man. what to do?

Is it true that you can't cross the road in front of...

Deceased, then you can not cross the road in front of this procession. ... I didn't pay much attention, crossed the road in front of him. ... people, and all this bothered me, what should I do if, without suspecting, I did something wrong? ... And they don’t cross the road in front of the funeral procession rather from ...

- 2406

Throwing various objects onto the road is a way of ritually removing a dangerous and harmful substance outside of “one’s own” space and destroying it. Ritual destruction on the road is also due to its semantics as a place where “unclean” objects are trampled on, and also carried, pulled apart with their feet, dividing harm and danger into many parts. In the treatment of diseases, the patient’s nails and hair, objects that were in contact with him were thrown onto the road: his towel, shirt, as well as objects to which the disease was “transferred” with the help of a conspiracy: an egg, a coin, a log, pebbles from the stove. On the road, the sick were washed, water was poured there, with which they washed the sick or washed themselves on Maundy Thursday in order to be healthy (v.-glory).

To get rid of warts, they were washed with water flowing from the muzzle of a horse during a watering hole, and the water was poured onto the road; blood from warts smeared a stick and left it on the road. (woodland); they tied knots on a thread according to the number of warts and threw them on the road. (V.-Slav.). In order to save a person from back pain, an old bast shoe was chopped off on his lower back and thrown out onto the road so that the passersby would “carry and spread” the disease.

According to etymological magic, diseases "pass" in the same way that people pass along the road. Among the Serbs on Easter, during the procession, women with sick children wrapped them in a row, which they threw on the road so that the participants in the procession would walk along it. According to ideas in the Vyatka province. for the same purpose, sorcerers threw the belts of seriously ill people onto the road under the feet of the participants in the procession.

To get rid of weeds, uprooted plants were thrown onto the road in a rut to be trampled on by people and cattle. In a similar way, they got rid of bedbugs and cockroaches - they were thrown onto the road wrapped in a rag. In Brest Polissya, it was customary to throw garbage on the road after taking the deceased out of the house, in order to expel death in this way. They threw it into the road rut in a hall to neutralize it.

Throwing objects on the road could also be an act of harmful magic, designed to transfer damage or illness to another person. Leaving the patient's belongings on the road, they believed that the disease would then leave him when they were picked up by another person, to whom the disease would pass. To spoil the wedding, they planted or buried an egg, an old broom, a pod with nine peas on the road (v.-glory), and to turn the newlyweds into wolves, the sorcerer stuck a knife in the road with the point up (Russian). In order to send boils on someone, they wiped the boils from the patient with rags, washed the rags in water, and poured the water onto the road along which the one to whom the damage was intended should pass. The sorcerers left a stick or staff on the road, to which they previously “transferred” the evil spirits that were in their service. It was believed that the devils would pass to the person who raised this staff. In this regard, there was a ban on picking up on the road, especially at a crossroads, found things and even touching them. In particular, it was strictly forbidden to pick up a broom lying on the road.

Therefore, in a number of cases in Polissya it was forbidden to pour water on the road after washing on Maundy Thursday, so that diseases would not spread to other people; throw out a fire, so that there would be no fire in the village; throw away soot, otherwise those who step on it will suffer from epilepsy; leave garbage there, because those who step on it will have boils on their feet.

At the same time, it was believed that objects found by chance on the road, that is, those that had contact with the sphere of "alien", have healing power and bring happiness to those who find them. In the Voronezh province. to cure warts, the patient collected small pebbles, walking along the road, and stopped at the crossroads, wrapped them around a circle around him, then left the circle, leaving pebbles, symbolizing warts, at the crossroads.

If the traveler keeps the front paw of a mole found on the road in his pocket, his path will be safe. Good luck is promised by a horseshoe or a piece of iron found on the road. Items were left on the road or hung near it for productive or protective purposes - in order to transfer their positive properties to a protected object or from one object to another. For example, water infused with the leaves of a tree on which the first swarm of bees sat was poured onto the road for cattle to walk along it to increase its milkiness and fertility. Before the young, returning from the crown, poured onto the road. livelihood so that they may live richly.

One of the options for ritual destruction is the throwing of objects across the road that need to be disposed of. In particular, to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches, they were thrown across the road in a box or transported in an old lapta (Russian, woodland). For this reason, there was sometimes a ban on lending things to neighbors living across the road (V.Slav.), while there were no such bans for neighbors from houses on their side of the road.

In Polissya, in order to recognize and neutralize the witch, on the Kupala night and on St. George's Day, the road along which cattle were driven was blocked with a thread, plowed with a plow or harrowed, sprinkled with seeds, ants, poured on it from vars of ants, believing that the witch's cow will not be able to cross this obstacle. In the Yaroslavl province. the chief shepherd, when driving his flock from the village to the pasture, drew a border across the road to block the path of evil spirits.

Crossing the road for a person or cattle was practiced to take away health, happiness, and fertility. The witch, in particular, could be recognized by the fact that she runs across the road at night with her hair loose (woodland). Milk was taken away from the cows, crossing the road with an empty bucket when the herd was first driven out to pasture (woodland). To spoil the young, the sorcerers crossed the road to the wedding train. Therefore, they carefully watched that no one crossed the road to those who set off on a journey in all these and other important cases, for example, one who set off to sow, otherwise the seeds would not sprout. It was impossible to cross the road of the funeral procession and overtake it, because the one who crossed could die or get sick. It was impossible to cross the road to a person bitten by a viper, or overtake him.

The road was swept in front of the young at different stages of the wedding so that they would not be affected by damage. The connection of the road with the other world and the semantics of the path make it a place where fate is known, luck or failure is manifested, which are realized during random encounters with people and animals. On the road they call and meet their Share (Ukrainian), wonder about fate and marriage. At Christmas time, a girl with the first baked pancake went out onto the road and recognized the name of the first person she met; she threw a shoe from the yard onto the road, watching in which direction it would fall with her toe; she took garbage out of the hut onto the road, stood on it and determined her fate by the sounds coming through (V.-Slav.).

On the eve of Ivan Kupala, the girls found a plantain on the road and turned to him with the words: “Plantain, plantain, you are sitting on the road, you see the old and the small, tell me my dear.” After that, the plant was torn off by the mouth and put under the pillow at night (forest.).

Meeting on the road with various people and animals served as a good or evil omen: good luck was promised by a meeting with a cow, with a man carrying full buckets; failure - a meeting with a priest, a pregnant woman who has recently given birth, a funeral procession, a man with empty buckets, a hare, a snake, a magpie, a crow, etc.

In the wedding, baptismal and funeral rites, the choice of the road along which one should go to the church or to the cemetery and back was important, since the locus along which the movement took place correlated with the life path of the young or the child in one case and the path of the deceased to the afterlife world in another. The funeral procession must move around the cemetery in a roundabout way and without stopping, so that the deceased does not return home. It was forbidden to carry a drowned man home along the road, but it was possible only on the outskirts of the village, in back streets, otherwise there would be a drought.

On the way, it was forbidden to take the witch to the cemetery, but it was prescribed to move around, backyards (woodland). After the funeral, they returned to the village by another road so that the deceased would not come back. The sick man was returning home by another road, going to throw off the disease at the crossroads.

There were certain prohibitions and amulets on the road. It was forbidden to build a house in the place where the road was, because it would be restless to live in such a house (V.-Slav.). On the road, as well as on the border, you can’t sleep, so as not to be crushed by a passing wedding of the devil or other evil spirits, sit, sing or shout loudly, do your natural necessities, because it was believed that this was done “for the devil on the table”. Seeing a person defecating on the road, one should have said: “Chiry is in you ...” (S.-Russian). You can’t sleep in the place where the road used to be, otherwise a person can be “sweetened” (Z.-Ukr.). It is forbidden to make a fire on the road, although it was sometimes practiced to make ritual fires on the roads to destroy “creases” or thrown things with damage.

Being a common place for people and evil spirits, the road was symbolically divided into two halves: the right one for people and the left one for otherworldly creatures and animals. Therefore, when meeting with a wolf, they switched to the right side, believing that the wolf would go to the left; when meeting a ghoul on the road, one should say: “Half the road” (western Galicia), and when meeting with a witch they say: “I go my own way, and you go yours.”

There are incomparably more bad omens at a funeral. No wonder - the energy of death is very heavy. She does not forgive mistakes, non-observance of the old rules will not lead to good. It is quite possible to point at yourself or the relatives of the deceased severe damage. That is why it is important to know folk signs about the funeral.

Funeral superstitions - do's and don'ts

The set of rules and prohibitions concerns the family members of the departed to another world. It is not necessary for an outsider to know about them. But there are also beliefs concerning all those who came to say goodbye to the deceased, neighbors and bystanders who met the mournful procession.

Everyone who comes to the cemetery must throw a handful of earth on the coffin so that the spirit does not disturb. At the funeral, you can not look back, otherwise the spirit of the deceased may follow you.

Mopping the floor and sweeping to sweep death out of the house. As a rule, they entrust this to family friends - it is forbidden for relatives of the deceased. They sweep and wash towards the threshold. The broom, rag and gloves are thrown away. Water - pour out where no one goes. Bucket - wash. After that, go to the wake.

After the cemetery, it is supposed to go to the wake or home. You can’t visit, you will bring death to this house. Upon arrival from the cemetery, warm over a candle or wash your hands, this will remove the energy of death. At the entrance to the house, clean the shoes from the ground.

Observe. You can not overdo it with alcohol, sing, have fun. In some regions it is not allowed to say "thank you". The deceased is remembered only with good words.

Flowers in the cemetery

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Flowers have been placed on graves since antiquity. Traditionally, the dead are brought orchids, carnations, callas, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters. You can buy a bouquet of flowers that the deceased liked during life.

There are no strict restrictions regarding the color of plants. In Europe, for example, they are considered a symbol of grief, mourning and separation. The Slavs adopted discreet, strict flowers at the funeral. There should not be more than three shades - variegation does not correspond to the moment of grief.

For a deceased man, pink tones in a bouquet are undesirable. They bury a young girl - it is better to bring white and pink flowers. Children - white and cream bouquets. The older the deceased, the darker the flowers. Plants in bouquets must be alive. It is better that the wreaths consist of fresh flowers.

How many flowers are given for funerals? An even number, but no more than eight. Otherwise, mourning bouquets are not much different from ordinary ones. Flowers brought to the funeral are laid on the grave. They cannot be taken away. They belong to the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the funeral, send flowers by courier and a note expressing your grief.

Beliefs for the neighbors of the deceased

If the neighbors have a funeral, you will have to follow several rules even if you are unfamiliar with them, and you are not going to attend the farewell to the deceased. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment building or a private one.

It is forbidden to sleep in the same room with the deceased

Neighbors can't sleep. The soul of the deceased can move into the body of the sleeping person. Not all the dead easily relate to the fact of their death, separation from loved ones and their grief. A deceased neighbor may not want to go to another world and take advantage of a sleeping person and live another life in his body. Therefore, it is supposed to wake up everyone who lives nearby. Especially when it comes to children - their protection from spirits weaker.

If there are small children in the house, put water under the cradle - it will absorb the negative. Does the child eat when the neighbor says goodbye to the deceased? Put water nearby in this case too. Do not drink it, pour it down the drain after use.

Is it possible to look at the funeral from the window

In most countries beliefs forbid it. It is believed that anyone who looks at a dead person or a coffin from a window will soon die from a serious illness. The spirit of the deceased does not like staring out of the window.

Such curiosity is considered tactless by the living, while the dead are much more vindictive. Spirit is capable drag a living person with you. Even if during his lifetime he was not distinguished by an evil disposition. Children will have to be supervised especially carefully. If you know that there will be a funeral, you should close the windows with curtains in advance.

What if the rule is broken by accident? Quickly turn away and cross yourself three times. Mentally wish the kingdom of heaven to the deceased, pray for his soul. You can watch the funeral from the street. Not from behind the door, through the peephole or from the threshold. Not because of a fence or a gate. If you want to express sympathy, go outside.

Participants in the funeral procession should not look out the windows. Neither in their own, nor in strangers, nor in the windows of the house where the deceased lived - will attract death to the house. For the same reason, they do not turn back when they are about to leave for the cemetery, and do not get ahead of the coffin, walking in front of it.

If you meet a funeral on the way

Why can't you cross the path of the dead? Signs promise serious illness to the violator of the rule.

According to signs, meeting a funeral along the way is not scary. But you do not need to look at the coffin and the dead. As mentioned above, he may be offended by curiosity. We saw a friend among the mourners - do not say hello, now is not the time.

If the deceased does not have to cross the road, do not linger in vain. You can’t overtake him - to death. It's easier to change the route. But remember you can't look at the dead.

Is it possible to take pictures

Before the October Revolution, it was customary to take pictures with the dead. In Indonesia, it is customary to dig up the corpses of relatives once every three years, take pictures with them, seat them at the table, and then bury them back.

But is it possible to photograph the funeral from the point of view of signs and the church? Psychics are sure: the photo will radiate negative energy. If stored in a house, it will harm the people living in it.

Orthodox and Catholic priests have a negative attitude towards photographing the dead. To perpetuate the best moments of life. Muslims do not film funerals and do not put images of the deceased on tombstones.

If you had to attend a funeral, follow folk traditions. They form an important part of funeral etiquette, the rules of courtesy towards the deceased and his relatives. There are rules for the neighbors of the deceased and even passers-by who met the funeral procession along the way.

Hello! My name is Gennady, I am 23 years old, I am a student. I am not a particularly superstitious person, but one question worries me. The old people used to say that when there is a procession to bury the dead, one should not cross the road in front of this procession. One situation worries me: when I was returning home from the store, I had to cross the road, at that time I saw that an UAZ was driving along this road, similar to an ambulance, but of a different color (only then I noticed a small cross icon on the car) . I didn't pay much attention and crossed the road ahead of him. When he passed, I turned back and saw that the back door of the car was open, and some boards were sticking out, tied with red rags around the edge, and somehow it all looked strange. I remembered what the old people said, and all this worried me, what should I do if, without suspecting, I did something wrong? By nature, I am sometimes suspicious. Please write your opinion about all this, I will be very grateful. Gennady.

Priest Dionysius Svechnikov answers:

Hello Gennady!

Do not look for mysticism where there is none. Do not succumb to superstitious fears, superstition is an empty and worthless faith. They do not cross the road in front of a funeral procession out of respect rather than out of superstitious fear.

Sincerely, priest Dionisy Svechnikov.

Home > Roads > Why you can not cross the road of the funeral procession

Ilya  you can’t seem to go ahead of the hearse .... hell knows ... someone came up with it, so it went, let's go ....

Anton The usual superstition.

Boris This is such a sign. - You can not cross the road of the funeral procession, as well as overtake the hearse. To cross the path of a procession means to take upon oneself the disease from which a person died.

Dmitry  It's a bad omen, then your feet will freeze, - in white slippers =(

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Yesterday I ran across - there was no time to wait. I hope nothing bad will happen?

Kirill  And how many hundreds of thousands of people have passed along this road before this funeral procession? we carried out this action. If you had to go on some business, then please. from existing signs.

Roman  Go to church and order a magpie for health. To go ahead of the funeral procession - to rush to the next world before the dead ...

Stanislav Of course it won't, Olga, You were the first to do it.

If it was the reason.

Anatoly, the more you think that everything will be bad and you think what will happen to me badly, the worse it will be for you... sooner it will be so, so put everything out of your head and don't be superstitious...

Michael ny voobshe-to ne zhelatelno ni darogy perehodit", ne na mashine obronjat "....no raz bula prichina - to nadeus" vse obojdet "sa....a voobshe ludi pravu - luchshe ne zamorachivat" sa po takomy povody ....ny polychilos" tak - da i ladno...ne beri v golovy))

Alexander  You can't, that's what people say, you have good advice: go to three churches and claim your health.

Vyacheslav  There is such a thing as superstition, omens. If a person believes in them, then they are fulfilled, if not... respectively. Checked.

Edward everything will be fine...

Vitaliy  agrees with Nadezhda

Ruslan unwanted

Ilya  And I heard that it is impossible! Several people complained afterwards.

How to understand what is dear to a man; what does he like? How...

How to express your love to him in his language - so that he understands how dear he is to you? ... How can a man understand a woman; Language of love. ... How to express your love to him in his language - so that he understands how dear he is to you and responds to you in the same way? ... to resentment and a response in the form of a desire not to show your love.


Why You Shouldn't Overtake a Funeral Procession

There are no more important events in a person's life than birth or death. People have always had a special, respectful attitude towards death. The uncertainty that is associated with the movement of the soul into another world is frightening. There are many beliefs and rules associated with death and burial. You can relate to signs in different ways, but it should be remembered that they did not arise from scratch, people did nothing just like that. Each tradition was driven by practical necessity. These laws, unknown to modern man and rejected by him, work regardless of whether we believe in them or not. In order not to suffer through ignorance, explain to your loved ones why it is impossible to overtake the funeral procession.

Do not cross the path of the deceased

It is believed that the soul of a newly deceased person does not leave the body far and leads the funeral procession itself. On the way to the burial place, angels and demons fight for everyone who walked the earth yesterday. They have to decide whether the soul will go into the light or into the darkness. A person who decides to overtake a funeral or cross their path falls into the epicenter of the confrontation between the forces of good and evil. It is impossible to predict who will pay attention to an unintentional passer-by, and what consequences threaten him. Unfortunately, the dark forces willingly take advantage of human ignorance and take away part of the vital energy. A person begins to get sick, he loses interest in life, sometimes he is overtaken by an untimely death. It is surprising that the technique, which is strangely sensitive to other worlds, sometimes reacts strangely to funeral processions, and it happens that the car breaks down out of the blue, preventing its owner from overtaking the coffin-bearers. Often not only the driver, but also the passengers of the car have to bear responsibility for overtaking the funeral cortege. They are overtaken by failures and illnesses. If a person accidentally overtook the funeral procession and does not want to suffer because of this, he should join the procession, go to the cemetery, defend the entire ceremony and pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased. It is believed that then he will be forgiven. Live long, be healthy and happy!


Notes about the dead

The death of someone close to you always brings pain, suffering and tears. And in this, the most terrible for a person, period of life, one so wants to believe that “there” is still waiting for something, there is another life where relatives and friends are happy. And faith in folk signs and superstitions about funerals, many of which have come down to us in the form of traditions, is becoming stronger.

According to signs, someone should always be near the deceased. Moreover, superstitious people believe that women should be planted near the coffin. They explain this by the fact that the things of a deceased person are endowed with magical powers and they cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of evil people. Also, leaving the deceased in the room is to show disrespect to him.

The dead person's eyes may open and the people who will sit next to him should close them. Otherwise, as the signs at the funeral say, a person will die if the gaze of the deceased falls on him.

You can not touch your body when you look at the coffin with the dead. In these places, various skin diseases can appear.

A handkerchief is placed in the hands of the deceased, with which he will wipe the sweat at God's judgment.

You need to be careful with the photos you want to put in the coffin. They should depict people who are no longer in the world of the living. Otherwise, everyone who is depicted in the photo will soon die.

When an unmarried girl dies, she is placed in her coffin in her wedding dress. According to signs, the girl will become the bride of God, and it is impossible for her to appear before him in an unsuitable outfit.

When the deceased was taken out of the house, you need to turn over what the coffin stood on and put an ax next to it. According to belief, if this is not done, then the deceased will return to the house.

It is also necessary to wash the floor in order to drive death out of the home. Until the deceased is in the house, it is forbidden to wash or sweep the floors. According to the legend, a person from the house sweeps all family members to the cemetery. In this case, cleaning equipment must be thrown away.

Widows should wash the deceased. The water that was used to wash the deceased person must be poured out in a place where there are no people.

Personal hygiene items that were used to wash the deceased should be put in the coffin (it’s bad if they fall into the wrong hands and are used in magical rituals).

Signs that someone will die

It so happened that a person is mortal, and the question of another life will forever remain unanswered. Therefore, you need to cherish your earthly life. Everyone is aware of this, and somewhere in the subconscious, even if he does not believe in folk signs that someone will die, he tries to fulfill them.

In almost everything that surrounds us, superstitious people see good or bad signs. Therefore, there are enough signs and beliefs that portend death or a happy and long life.

Folk signs and superstitions that portend death:

  • If a person saw a star falling, death is approaching. It is believed that with the birth of a child, a new star appears in the sky, and while it burns, a person lives.
  • A bird that flew into the house brings with it the death of one of the family members. But the visit of a bird is not always regarded by superstitions as "to the dead." Birds also bring happy tidings to the home. For example, a dove flies into a home where there is a young girl - you need to prepare for the wedding.
  • If a seriously ill person, lying on a bed, turns away from the sun, death is near.
  • Death holds a person by the nose - this is what superstitious people think when a person's nose has become cold.
  • We can't postpone the funeral. Superstitious people take this as a sign that death will take someone else. So, if you postpone the funeral for the next week, the soul of the deceased person will be able to take someone close with him.
  • Preparing a coffin for yourself in advance is a bad omen. Man thus shortens his age.
  • If the dog howls and looks at the ground - to the deceased.

The day of burial also needs to be paid attention to. It is believed that it is impossible to bury on Sunday. According to legend, burial on this day portends the death of three more people during the week.

Many believe that in a dream one can also foresee death. The most popular signs, harbingers of death:

  • I dreamed that a tooth fell out or swept rubbish out of the house - someone in the family would die.
  • I dreamed of a hole (only dug) or boards - for a funeral.
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How to behave at a funeral?

Few people know how to behave at a funeral, especially for the younger generation.

Few of the non-superstitious people admit that at this sad moment they do not believe in omens. Belief in the afterlife is intensifying and the fear of doing something wrong, not correctly leading a loved one on the last journey, is too great.

Funeral, farewell to a dear person always causes emotions, tears. But, according to signs, the deceased can drown in tears in the next world.

Always on the table during a memorial dinner they put a photo of the deceased, a glass of vodka and a piece of bread. It is strictly forbidden to consume and drink them, as well as to give them to pets. The first funeral pancake is for the deceased.

To what cannot be done at a funeral, superstitious people include the expression of vivid emotions: laughter, fun.

During the funeral process, one should not speak or think badly about the deceased.

Pregnant women are not allowed to attend funerals.

In no case should you cross the road when a dead person is being carried. It is better to wait until the funeral procession passes by, otherwise there will be trouble. It is believed that the one who crosses the road will fall ill with exactly the same disease as the deceased.

The lid of the coffin is hammered in only at the cemetery and before burial. It is believed that the one who prematurely closes the coffin will bring death to his house and the house of the family of the deceased.

When leaving its territory, you need to turn your back and wipe your feet.

After the coffin has been placed in the grave, it is necessary for everyone to throw a handful of earth into the grave. According to the sign, if you do not do this, the dead will come at night.

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When are mirrors opened after a funeral?

Relatives absolutely do not need to rush to open mirrors and mirror surfaces in the house where their loved one died. For 40 days, the soul of a deceased person still walks around their native places and can “get lost” in the mirror. Only after 40 days, when the soul flies to heaven, can the fabric be removed from the mirror.

Why a trifle on the grave?

Traditionally, small coins are thrown into the grave at burial. But not many people know what it is. It is believed that the money on the grave will be needed by the deceased person to buy himself a place in paradise.

If money (small or large) just fell out of your pocket, you can’t pick it up.

Why can't you watch the funeral through the window?

There is nothing wrong if a stranger wants to look at the funeral and sympathize, wish the Kingdom of Heaven to the deceased. But it is forbidden to look through the window. Superstitions believe that a person who looks at a funeral procession may die.

Many attribute this to the fact that with your gaze you can anger the soul of a deceased person, which is located next to the coffin. The spirit will surely take revenge, even if during life it was a kind person. Children, who are considered to be energetically weaker, should be especially removed from windows.

You can open the window and see the dead man quite by accident. In order not to anger the deceased, it is necessary to cross yourself three times, wish him the Kingdom of Heaven.

In order to watch the funeral, you need to leave the house and close the doors.

Also, according to the sign, you need to wake up everyone who sleeps in the house when there is a funeral procession near the house. A sleeping person is very vulnerable, and the soul of the deceased can take him with him.

According to the sign, you can’t step on the towel that lies near the coffin.

It is also forbidden to drink during the funeral at the cemetery.

Never take your children to the cemetery.

A sign also speaks of death, when the deceased in the coffin opened his eyes. In order to avoid this, it is customary to put copper coins on the eyes of the deceased.

Fear, faith, respect for the deceased and other emotions lead to the fact that even a non-believer tries not to violate the traditions of burial. After all, it is worthy to say goodbye to a dear person, to lead him with all honors on his last journey is the duty of everyone.


Signs at a funeral: what not to do? How to behave at a funeral: folk signs

Unfortunately, sooner or later every person living on planet Earth faces the funeral rite. One has to either simply take part in the funeral process, as a person who came to say goodbye to the deceased, or as the organizer of the entire procession. In both cases, each of us should know what signs at the funeral can affect our future fate. In this article, we will detail the superstitions associated with the funeral rite.

Signs related to the funeral rite

A funeral is a sad, tragic, but inevitable rite, so we must know how it should be carried out, and what should be taken into account without fail for every person who came to say goodbye to the deceased.

We will list you the main signs at the funeral and at the cemetery, which you definitely need to know about:

  1. If you witnessed a funeral procession while in the house (a dead person was carried past your windows), then you should definitely make sure that no one is sleeping at that moment. Wake up everyone (even a small child), as there is a sign that the dead can take the soul of a sleeping person with them.
  2. If you witnessed a funeral rite when you walked, for example, from a store or other place, you should not cross the path of the deceased. They say that meeting a funeral on the road is a sign that portends the quick death of a person who tries to cross the road to the dead. In this case, the cause of death will be the same event that led to the death of the one who is being buried.
  3. In the grave in which the deceased lies, especially when you bury a loved one, you must definitely put an ax. By doing this, you allegedly cut off the connection with the other world so that the deceased does not take the life of someone else from your relatives with him in the coming year.
  4. If it so happened that the coffin that you ordered is large in size for the deceased, or the grave turned out to be too wide, this means that soon someone else from your family will go to the next world.
  5. If a coffin was dropped at a funeral, this is a sign that foreshadows another death over the next 3 years. But this can be avoided if a special ceremony is performed:
  • wash your hands thoroughly, then be sure to warm them;
  • bake pancakes, and in the morning go to the cemetery and bring pancakes to 3 graves of people who have the same name as you (you need to read the prayer “Our Father” near them);
  • go to church to hand out pancakes (you need to do this in complete silence, you even need to turn off the phone when you are on the road - it is strictly forbidden to talk to anyone).

  1. If you accidentally forgot some component of the coffin in the house, then in the near future you will lose another loved one forever. It is possible that you will die if you are very sick.
  2. If there was a collapse of the grave from the south, then a man in your house will soon die, if from the north - a woman, if from the east - a long-liver, if from the west - a child.
  3. If you trip or fall in the cemetery during the funeral procession, it means that you will soon die.
  4. If it so happened that lately you have already had to go through 2 funeral processions, then 3 cannot be avoided, because it is believed that death loves a trinity.
  5. The funeral, which takes place on December 31, portends that next year you will bury someone from your family every month. If you bury a person on the last day of the week - on Sunday, this means that all next week, at least 3 times, you will bury someone again.
  6. If, for various reasons and circumstances, you have to postpone the date of the funeral, this means that the deceased simply wants to take another life with him. Most likely, after this funeral, you will have to go through another one.

  1. There is a sign that in no case should be done at a funeral - to put some of your own thing in the coffin of the deceased so that he does not forget about you in the next world. With these actions, you can send yourself to the next world before the life span allotted to you.
  2. After the death of a relative, it is necessary to close the mirrors in the whole house with white sheets so that the deceased does not accidentally see his reflection. If this happens, then most likely, within 40 days after his death, someone else will die.
  3. Carrying the coffin of the deceased should not be blood relatives. If this rule is neglected, then the deceased may decide that they are happy about his death, and take one of his relatives with him.
  4. Those who carry the coffin on their left hand need to tie a new towel, this will mean that the deceased thus expresses gratitude to them for accompanying him.
  5. Everyone present at the funeral should throw a handful of earth on the clogged coffin lid so that the ghost of the deceased does not frighten anyone at night. This is an unverified sign, but people believe in it.
  6. The table or bench on which the coffin with the dead stood, after he is buried, must be turned over. He must remain in this state for a day so that none of his relatives die in the near future. While the coffin with the dead is on the table, you need to put a glass of vodka and a slice of bread under it. So you protect living relatives from sudden death.
  7. The water in which the deceased was washed should be poured out where no one walks. Do not pour this water under the plant, especially under the tree.

  1. Clean carefully in the room where the coffin with the dead stood. Items with which you clean - a broom, a rag, a bucket, throw it out into the street. Just in no case do not clean the house while the deceased is in the house, otherwise you can “sweep away” everyone who lives in it, and the family will die overnight.
  2. Do not take anything from the coffin or just from the graves in the cemetery, as the death of someone close may soon come.
  3. If one of the spouses died, the survivor must remove the wedding ring from the ring finger on the day of the funeral and not wear it after the funeral.
  4. If a woman wants to get married after the death of her husband, then she must ensure that he lies in a coffin without a belt and not buttoned up.
  5. Do not look back while in the cemetery, even when you are called. Make sure that everyone who came with you does not stay in the cemetery - you must leave together. If it happens that someone accidentally stayed and you left, then most likely this person will die soon.
  6. Place in the coffin to the deceased all his personal belongings, without which he could not live, as well as items that were used for combing the deceased and other procedures. Be sure to put him a clean, and preferably a new, handkerchief. It is believed that he will definitely need it during God's Judgment.
  7. Make sure that animals do not enter the room where the coffin is located. Their barking or meowing frightens the souls of the dead.
  8. Spruce branches are necessarily placed on the threshold of the house in which the deceased is located. They will protect everyone who comes to say goodbye to the deceased from sudden death.

  1. In no case should you sleep in the same room where the coffin with the dead is located. If it so happens that you cannot do otherwise, then have breakfast with noodles.
  2. Do not allow the dead to be washed by married people. Only widows can do this. It is possible to dress and put in order the body of the deceased only before his body has completely cooled down.
  3. While the deceased is in the house and for 6 weeks after he is buried, there should be a glass of water on the windowsill to “wash” his soul in the next world.
  4. When you leave the cemetery after the funeral procession, turn your back on him and be sure to dry your feet.

Each person needs to know how to behave during the funeral rite. We will list the basic rules for you to remember:

  • Covering your head with a black scarf or scarf is a sign that the death of a person is mourning for you.
  • All the fair sex on the day of the funeral must wear black clothes to the floor. It can be skirts, dresses, but in no case trousers.
  • Be sure to bring the deceased either flowers or a wreath. They are laid on the grave after the grave mound is made.
  • You can not go in front of the coffin - try to always be behind.
  • You can not talk loudly during the funeral rite. Also, you can’t mourn the deceased much, as this will turn the soul of the deceased into a ghost.
  • Don't come to the funeral unless you've been invited.
  • You can not remember something bad about a dead person. If you did not have a very good opinion about the deceased, then it is better not to say anything at all.
  • It is impossible for pregnant women to attend the funeral, because, according to the sign, it will be difficult for her in childbirth or her child will be born dead. It is believed that the dead take energy from the children in the womb, who are still between the two worlds.
  • Children who have not yet reached the age of 7 cannot be present at the funeral.

Folk signs at the funeral associated with the deceased

There are several beliefs associated with the characteristics of the deceased:

  • If it rains or just bad weather on the day of the funeral, then the person was not very kind and friendly in life. If, on the contrary, the sun is shining and warm, this speaks of the most positive qualities of the deceased.
  • If a person dies with his eyes open, and they periodically open after they have already been closed, it means that the deceased is looking for a mate, and one of the relatives in the house will also soon go to the next world.
  • If a girl died at an early age, while not yet married, then she must be buried in a wedding dress, since in the next world she will undergo this ceremony.
  • The deceased, before being buried, must necessarily untie his hands, otherwise he will drag all his relatives with these ropes.
  • If the legs of the deceased at the funeral remain warm, this is a bad omen, which indicates that someone from the family will die suddenly.
  • If a person who was the owner of the house in life died, then after his funeral, you need to start a mother hen that will incubate eggs.
  • You can’t throw money into the grave at a funeral, because, according to the sign, this can offend the deceased and make him angry.

Signs associated with the commemoration after the funeral rite

After the funeral, there are also signs that should be observed. These include:

  • Coming from the cemetery, be sure to wash your hands with soap and commemorate the deceased. Relatives, in addition, need to touch the stove so that all bad signs “burn out”.
  • Someone from the relatives of the deceased should invite everyone who was present at the funeral ceremony to the commemoration. In this case, no one has the right to refuse.
  • On the windowsill in the house where the deceased lived, there should be a simple glass of water, from which his soul will drink for the next 40 days after the funeral, until he rests.
  • On the memorial table there must be pies, kutya and a full meal. At the same time, bakery products cannot be cut with a knife. Everything needs to be broken by hand, and if crumbs remain, they are swept off the table and taken the next day to the cemetery of the deceased.

Signs that signal the imminent death in the house

There are several signs by which you can determine how soon a person living in your house will die, especially if he is seriously ill:

  • If you notice that a bat is constantly circling around your house, this means that soon one of your family members will leave for another world.
  • If a bird accidentally flies into your house, this is a sign that a sick person will die in the near future.
  • If a mouse runs over a person who has been sick for a long time, this means that he will die soon.
  • If a sick person’s nose has become sharp and cold, this means that death has already “grabbed” him by the nose and will soon be gone.
  • If the patient turns away from the light from the window, this means that he will soon be gone.
  • If a terminally ill person suddenly felt that he felt better, and at the same time he asked him to turn him over on his left side, then get ready for the funeral - this is a sign that his death is already on the threshold.

The funeral of a loved one is, of course, a tragic event that is very hard to endure. But each of us needs to realize that sooner or later this will befall everyone, so we need to treat the funeral rite as an important event that ends a person’s life. The dead will not be pleased if you suffer. Your tears will only make it worse for him. Try to calm down and allow the soul of the deceased to rest. Go to church, communicate with relatives, looking at their photos, but do not disturb their souls in vain.

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