What to do if the calf is gone. Stroking Taurus, Convincing Cancer: How to put up with men of different zodiac signs


Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely difficult to endure a breakup. If they choose a woman, this means that they are sure that they want to be with her for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is worth fighting for a relationship with Taurus if you want the same, but something just doesn’t work out. Let's figure out how to return the Taurus man if there was a quarrel and he left.

Taurus are mostly romantic pragmatists. Therefore, it will be necessary to appeal to both the rational and the sensual sides of his personality. Success in the enterprise upon his return is almost one hundred percent predetermined, since the thought that everything will have to start all over again is sure to dishearten him.

Distinctive features of Taurus men in a relationship

Returning Taurus is not difficult, because in a love relationship he is quite inert - he wants everything to be clear, predictable, without surprises. Even if something in the woman he loves annoys him, he is ready to put up with it (for the time being), just not to start proceedings and avoid a scandal.

Peaceful and positive by nature, men of this sign are angry and irritated. They are the type of people who are doing well, even if something is wrong. They just know how to focus on the positives, and ignore the unpleasant.

However, here lies the catch. Because sooner or later his discontent will reach a critical mass and break out, and for a woman it will be a complete surprise, because he never said anything about his claims, and did not express them in any other way.

What Annoys Taurus in a Relationship

Unpretentious in everyday life and in communication, ready to accept a woman completely, as she is, the men of the zodiac sign Taurus themselves find it difficult to answer the question of what in their loved ones can bring them to a boiling point. But this does not mean at all that a woman can allow herself any behavior if she does not want to lose relations with a representative of this sign of the zodiac circle. Let's see what can push him to want to end the relationship.

Provocative appearance and behavior

The Taurus man loves attractive, interesting girls. But if your short skirts or deep cleavage cause him to grumble with displeasure, listen. The same applies to the manner of kissing male friends when meeting, for example, or any other behaviors that cause his displeasure.

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Most women take negative comments from their man regarding their style of dress or communication with hostility. And they do it completely in vain - there is absolutely no logic here. If you want to please your loved one, and not act on him like a red rag on a bull, why not find a compromise on this issue.

In a relationship, it's all about the little things. When a huge snowball rolls down from the sum of small reasons for negative emotions, which breaks down from the top of the mountain and sweeps away the respect and intimacy built over the years. Therefore, if your man asks you to change clothes, this is not a reason to start yelling at him, but to think about how long ago he stopped admiring your appearance and why.

Scandalousness, quarrelsomeness

The Taurus man is calm, and ideally wants everything around him to be calm. If you can’t live a day without a scandal, and with or without a reason you start screaming or crying, the thing will not end well. At first it will touch him, but, in the end, all he will feel in your address is endless fatigue.

Learn to handle your emotions, and teach your man how to handle them. Explain that you sometimes (not every day, of course) need to “let off steam.” That at such moments he is not required to save you, but you just need to listen, hug and caress. Remember that it will not be easy for him, and for your part, try to reduce the number of such outbursts. Learn to process emotional outbursts in different ways, do not hang this task purely on his shoulders.


A Taurus man needs a lot of warmth and care. More than what you think is enough. Therefore, even if it seems to you that you have no equal in this matter, you are probably mistaken. The support of a beloved woman largely determines the mood of the representative of this sign, helps him achieve success. If he does not feel himself, he withers and loses some of his vital energy and his potential.

Talk to him about your love. Every day. He should feel your support, this is the easiest way to give it. Hug and kiss goodbye and when you meet (most Taurus are very dependent on tactile sensations). Admire what he does, praise him more, thank him for the little things. It's never too much.

Struggling for Relationship Leadership

If you are constantly confronting the Taurus man and trying to demonstrate your own superiority, it is not surprising that your relationship has reached an impasse. It is important for him to be significant and to be in charge, and he does not have to prove to you this position in the relationship all the time. If you have a different point of view, it may not be worth returning it.

Give it time to cool down. He's probably emotionally hurt and wound up. Whatever happens, give him time to come to his senses and think about everything properly. After that - meet with him and. Talk about how wonderful he is and how much you appreciate him, even if you didn't know how to show him that. That you regret your mistakes and are ready to correct your behavior.

Remember all the good things that are between you. You can try to appeal to your mutual responsibility. To the fact that you have already come a long way together (if so), and turning off it is irrational, because you are so suitable for each other (if so).

Turn to logic. He knows you, you know him, correcting shortcomings and misunderstandings in this case is much easier than conquering and taming a new woman. He himself thinks so, and all you need to do is convince him that you will listen to him and will do what he asks you to do.


Getting a Taurus man back is easy. Persuade him to give you a second chance and correct those behaviors that brought your relationship to a break. Just remember - the resumption of relations in this case will not mean your "victory". The victory will be his phrase “It's good that you persuaded me to continue then,” said to you some time later, and repeated again and again.

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Stage one. Alertness

In general, Taurus is a little less boring than Capricorn, so he is pleased with himself and his partner until the partner starts him with a knife to his throat, trying to push Taurus to something that he is not ready for yet. Marry, learn how to cook “like Sveta”, have a second child, change your favorite job to a well-paid one, etc. Since Taurus is a leisurely creature and lives in its own mode, he does not like it. But, having innate intelligence, Taurus will be silent for the first time and will not say anything, will not even quarrel, and even - and here is the ambush - will not stop the partner.

But the residue will remain. If this is one of the first showdowns on the topic "I'm leaving - I can't - do something - let's go wrong," Taurus will then step back - a centimeter, barely noticeable. If on the topic “what is happening, explain” - by two centimeters. If at this moment the partner was twisted by an attack of throat paralysis and he accidentally fell silent, Taurus quietly crosses himself and exhales.

Then, kind soul, he will come close again, because, well, it was good. Well, well. But he will already be on his guard, because you never know? Therefore, Taurus, imperceptibly to himself, tries not to be substituted in order to maintain the existing balance. In the event of a conflict, he explains, makes excuses, demands to stop, and, in general, apologizes and asks for forgiveness if he is even slightly wrong.

Stage two. Attempts

If nothing changes, Taurus, as a born teacher, decides to gently educate a partner. Well, or at least try. From that moment on, he may stop making excuses and begin to attack in response, and then completely disappear from communication for a short while. If every morning you started with his affectionate greeting or kiss, now after a nightly showdown, it becomes more and more difficult to make peace with him, and you will not notice how kisses and “good mornings” begin to disappear from your life.

The ambush is that he does not quarrel and does not argue. There is no open conflict at this stage. But there is practically no Taurus either. He hits himself and draws you into a vicious circle: you rage at his cooling, he moves away even further, you rage even more, he - even further. But since Taurus, in general, are quite sane people, the very first changes in your behavior for the better make the relationship immediately an order of magnitude warmer. But remember about the sediment, and about alertness. Taurus, like some miser, does not throw anything away, saves and remembers everything. At this stage, he does not stop trying to tell you in different ways that this is not possible in his world, in his world there are other rules. he is ready to listen to your rules, talk about his own, find a compromise.

Did you hear him? Great, you just have to survive the fairly frequent relapses of the Taurus jumping into the bushes at the slightest danger, and everything will be fine. But if you get frightened yourself and frighten him with different punishments, the process goes further.

Stage three. hide and seek

You are returning from vacation, shopping, walking, and Taurus is gone. Nowhere. This means, he clearly understood: one more quarrel, and you will lose him, he will not be able to control himself and will disappear completely, and he needs you, he does not want to be disappointed in you, and therefore hides.

That's a good explanation, rosy. Bad - you got him (her) so that he can no longer see and hear you. Today, tomorrow, a week, he himself does not yet know when he will leave. He hides no matter where. It doesn't even matter how or with whom. A wife who went to a neighbor's house and got stuck there for the whole evening and doesn't want to go home. A man who suddenly left somewhere sits there, answers calls and texts, but does not leave the bunker. Your friend or girlfriend, who was, was, laughed, argued a little, quietly asked about something “you don’t have to do this, otherwise it’s bad for me,” and then it suddenly turned out that they had a different company and this time you spend your vacation separately.

It is clear that the Taurus partner is experiencing a range of feelings at this moment. Perplexity: what did I do? Fear is the end Outrage: In your opinion, you were within your rights. Despair: it is not clear how to return it. Guilt: Was it really that bad and I didn't notice? At this moment, he throws and sausages his partner, Taurus enjoys life and peace, from time to time remembering with a heavy feeling that he must return.

At this moment, Taurus is quite accessible for contact, but where there used to be real warmth, now there is affectionate politeness. So Taurus finally establishes the distance he needs, not yet a very large distance, which saves him from too much involvement in the process.

Stage four. Escape

Having rested, gained strength and has not yet made any fateful decisions, Taurus at this stage nevertheless returns to the quiet partner and if he sees that something has changed, the relationship continues on. But if everything is still the same and Taurus is again turned over and taken out in any way, he will silently and relatively soon no longer hide, but run away.

At this time, you will observe new unpleasant things: he is no longer available for contact, does not respond to your attempts of any plan, it seems that he does not care about your tantrums, and your declarations of love, and your begging, and your threats. Doesn't work, that's it. Finished. In his Taurus look, he has suffered so much from you that he is ready to close any previously available information from you. In especially severe cases, you will be removed from his contact lists, defrauded, everything will be under lock and key, mutual acquaintances will receive clear instructions to remain silent.

For a Taurus partner, this is the right time to decide - what next? If not, everyone quietly disperses, but you will be congratulated on holidays and birthdays. Maybe even for a moment something will resume. But it will be such a boring, pathetic surrogate that both will quickly stop.

If Taurus sees that you desperately need him back, then he hopes that you have made at least some conclusions during this time. And if you take the first step, Taurus, in general, listens to you quite willingly. If fate brings you together again, and everything has really changed, everything will be ok, just remember that everything that was accumulated in the piggy bank has not gone away. And alertness, and attention to your intonations, and cold-blooded playing of a mini-script about flight in order to sober up a partner.

Stage four. Disappointment

If Taurus sees that the partner has successfully pretended to be a rag, while he himself is still sharpening his teeth, and little by little, slowly, everything comes back to where it was, he is really disappointed. Nothing changed. She still makes me jealous. It still crawls into my computer and phone. She pushes me away again when I kiss her. He again takes offense from scratch. Unlike Capricorn, at this stage, Taurus does not physically go anywhere. He doesn't disappear anymore. He, by and large, is now always in touch, at home, present, even preparing a delicious dinner.

But here's what's interesting: for some reason it is now impossible to arrange a showdown with him or her. Something stops you from asking how your day went. No, you don't have to, he'll tell you. Only later you accidentally find out that he kept silent about the main thing - you are no longer aware of his new ideas and projects, he no longer introduces you to new friends, he no longer brings home new films and does not share his impressions with you. He answers the questions “where will we go on vacation”, but evasively, and increasingly uses the adverb “someday”. "Someday we will go to Bali." "Someday I'll take a picture of you." "Someday I'll tell you everything." This is not noticeable at first, then you realize that specific dates, plans have gradually disappeared from your life, and most importantly, despite the fact that he is there all the time, no actions come from him anymore, he almost does not help, almost does not care , is almost not interested, asks almost nothing.

From this moment on, Taurus, managing to maintain the appearance of well-being and not quarreling with you, establishes an absolutely iron inner distance. He practically does not see you anymore, although outwardly he does not ignore you. He doesn't require anything more from you. He calmly endures everything that used to torment him so much, only instead of exhortations, anger and resolute suppression of the process, he now keeps silent, maintaining an almost good-natured look.

Stage five. Boredom. End

If nothing changes, one fine day Taurus suddenly wakes up and sees a partner in a completely new way. He is still silent. Only now he is watching to see if something moves inside. But inside there is silence. Usually it takes him from one day to a month to understand that he is no longer interested in you at all, he is bored with you, and most importantly, he is not interested in the possibility of keeping something with you further, even the appearance of a relationship.

He will still remain polite, he will most likely treat you in the most generous way - up to some point where your interests end and his begins. You can now break your head on his well-bred indifference, which will be completely in vain. In response, he yawns and dials someone's number. Unlike Capricorn, who is able to go naked into the cold to nowhere, if only to immediately and radically change everything, Taurus, after the final release from a partner, begins to fly over alternate airfields, lured and looked after at the third stage.

From this moment on, we can say that aggression well-fed by you has been accumulating inside him all this time, and it will fall on your head with some completely cruel things: Taurus opened all the information gateways, not on purpose, there is just no need to hide now, and you will find out how long and how much you did not know about him.

The only thing Taurus will take care of is to keep your general environment in a good mood.
If possible.

You have a difficult task ahead of you if the Taurus man has left you. It is extremely difficult to return these men, since they end the relationship for themselves forever. Nevertheless, there is a chance, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of this chance. Your Taurus could leave because of anything. The most serious reasons, after which it is difficult to fix something, are treason on your part and betrayal. Taurus can turn around and walk away forever. Do not despair if this is your case, because there is still a chance and with your correct behavior and actions, you can return the man. There are also many other banal reasons for a man to leave, he could get bored with you, you did not live up to the expectations of Taurus.

By the way, Taurus does not often leave their women after a long relationship. And there is one more case when it is possible. Sometimes a woman begins to fully belong to Taurus in a relationship. And, it would seem, what's wrong with that, because Taurus appreciates loyalty. But when a woman is not interested in anything, lives only with a man, often calls him, importunately invites him on dates. Taurus always choose women themselves and prefer to care for themselves. Available women do not attract Taurus, they must strive, make efforts, win, care. And if a woman deprives this man, she ceases to interest him. Taurus do not like vulgar ladies. And by the way, Taurus can look at you for a long time before deciding that you are suitable for him.

And if this was your case, you just lost value for a man, then it will be easier for you. Do not run after a man after he has left, take care of yourself and improve yourself. Taurus likes women who are in the center of attention, active, sociable, bright, in which there is something unusual. Be that woman. You have to be mysterious, incredibly sexy, sophisticated. Think over your image to the smallest detail. Surely you know what the ideal for a Taurus man should look like. Be his ideal. It's not that hard. If a man sees that you have become bright, live a busy life, there are a lot of fans around you, he will not want to give you to rivals.
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Another thing is if you cheated on a man. In this case, the situation will become more complicated. It will be difficult for Taurus to forgive you, he begins to hate the people who betrayed him and closes for himself any opportunity to return to such a person. You will have to try and do everything possible so that the man believes you again. All your further actions should not be directed to the persuasion of a man. Change your life, do not allow yourself even minimal flirting, whether in real life or on social networks. Start changing, live that life. For a man to understand, you will no longer betray him. Eliminate for a while all clothing that can be regarded as draft, for example, short skirts and so on. No need to give reasons for jealousy. Let Taurus cool down, and after a while you should talk to him. Taurus will appreciate not cheap theater, but your sincerity. Do not throw tantrums, do not shed tears. Just calmly talk to the man, explain it to him, make it clear that you will never cheat on him again in your life. But such promises can be given out if you are really sure of it.
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The character of a man - Taurus is very attractive to women. He attracts with his charm, inner strength, love of life and easy attitude to money. The Taurus man loves the sweet life - fun entertainment, delicious food, romantic connections - he wants everything at once, but at the same time he knows the price of every penny spent. In no case can you call him greedy, he parted with money easily and without regret, but the readiness of a man - Taurus to throw all his strength into getting money does not go unnoticed - without good material support, he will not feel happy.

This must be taken into account when building relationships with a man - Taurus, be prepared for the fact that he will disappear at work or invest the money saved up to buy a new apartment in new enterprises, provide himself and his family with all possible material benefits - his main life goal, and convince him in this is impossible.

His perseverance, patience and unwillingness to notice what he might not like always keep him in good shape, provide a good mood. In a relationship, he will never be confused by gossip and vile advice from friends, he will trust his partner until he is personally convinced of her "unsuitability" for him. After a single disappointment, the former relationship with Taurus cannot be returned.

The cheerfulness of the Taurus man practically excludes the possibility of quarreling with him, he will enjoy the relationship as long as they exist, and try to independently correct or eliminate the troubles that prevent him and his partner from being happy. Most often, a quarrel with a Taurus man consists in imposing on his partner irreconcilable principles with him, for example, to communicate less often with friends and devote more time to his beloved. He can behave this way, but only if he needs to - and this cannot be demanded, he will not break himself, such a relationship will rather end in a break. With his love for communication and entertainment, you need to put up with it, or better, join and enjoy your vacation together, this will bring you even closer.

If a quarrel with a man - Taurus occurred, then most likely it was not his initiative, his character does not allow him to participate in squabbles, he prefers to remain silent until the storm itself subsides. For many women, this is even more annoying, and in response to ignoring it, they often "slam the door."
If you want to make peace with a man - Taurus does not need to be afraid to meet halfway - most likely he will be very happy with your initiative, although he will not show that he was going through. Most often, for a solemn truce, it is enough to come and say a few pleasant words, for example, “I'm sorry,” or “I miss you.” In response, you will receive a smile and a willingness to forget everything, unless of course we are talking about betrayal, which Taurus will never forgive. Once lost trust will never be restored, no matter how perfect you behave.
To maintain a long and strong relationship with a man - Taurus, you need to share his interests with him - often relax together, be a gourmet of sexual relations, enjoy material values ​​​​and never forbid him to spend more time working and earning money than you would like. In the end, it’s not so difficult - having “made friends” with his character, you will understand that an eternally young soul, a man - Taurus will help you enjoy every day, and family relationships with him will never become boring.
Happy days and good luck!

The Taurus man is very constant in feelings, he is quite attached to his soulmate. Taurus, despite their sensuality and sentimentality, are quite careful in choosing a partner for a long time do not dare to fall in love. But if you manage to win his heart, then it is difficult to imagine a better father husband for children ... until he loses faith in you.

What to do if you broke up with Taurus to return the man?

If you quarreled on your initiative, then the chances of reconciling with Taurus are very high. It is enough to give him a couple of days to cool down, and call for a conversation. In a conversation, you need to admit your mistakes and promise that they will never happen again. Just don't rush him to answer. The Taurus man must think things through. As a rule, one such conversation is enough for reconciliation.

Taurus are very patient, they can endure for a long time. And take down a lot from your other half. But if the Taurus man is before the explosion and departure, then it will not be easy to return him due to his natural stubbornness

So, how to return the Taurus man if he left on his own initiative?

First. Give him a few days for his anger to subside. You don't want to be face to face with an angry bull, do you?

But leaving a Taurus man for a long time is also not worth it. Due to their natural charm, they easily attract women. And after much delay, there is a chance to find another one in its place.

After that as you are convinced that Taurus has let off steam a little, you can try to talk to him. Taurus men definitely don't like change, and this can work in your favor.

If you lived together, make an appointment at home. You have to look your best. Cook his favorite dish, give him his favorite slippers and newspaper, surround him with comfort and homeliness. Speak calmly, analyze the reasons for the gap. Try to argue that your union can still be saved.

If your Taurus is still unshakable, then you can even shed a tear. But your tears should be stingy and noble, and in no case should they turn into hysterics with a red nose and convulsive sobs. Taurus react to women's crying, but only if it is a couple of tears about lost happiness, and not a violent tantrum.

As in the first case, do not demand an answer from him right away, let him have time to think everything over.

If Taurus himself is to blame for your quarrel, don’t really hope that he will admit he was wrong and be able to apologize, this is possible only if the conflict was insignificant. In a serious conflict, it is better not to wait for no apologies, do not take a wait-and-see attitude, as you will only lose time, possibly exacerbating the situation. In this case, it will be much more effective to show him your insecurity, your longing for him. The heart of a Taurus man will instantly melt.

Should I use jealousy to win back a Taurus man?

The answer is more no than yes. Taurus strive for stability, strong relationships and family comfort. Seeing another man next to you, Taurus will certainly experience a feeling of jealousy, perhaps even join the fight. But you can also achieve the opposite effect. The Taurus man may decide that you are windy and not suitable for further life together. Therefore, if you already decide to use jealousy, then be extremely careful, do not overdo it.

Taurus men do not like change and if you did everything right, then most likely in a couple of days your Taurus will return to you.

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