What to do when everything is bad in life: recommendations from experts and ways to overcome problems. Everything is very bad in life: what to do if you decide to change it


Do not forget that life is not one day. If it didn't work out today, tomorrow things will be different. Friends forgot to call - there will be time and you will not call. All the clouds that are gathering over our heads are all temporary. Difficulties must be overcome.

“It happens that wherever you look, everything is bad. Hands down, I don’t feel like doing anything, my heart is sad and, as luck would have it, my friends don’t call, there’s a blockage at work, and a nightmare on TV, the pictures taken by my beloved Sony DSC-TX55 disappeared without a trace on the PC. - writes the website growth.in.ua. And what to do when everything is bad? How to get out of this state when you feel bad? What to do?

We offer you a number of tips and we hope you find the answer for yourself, what to do when things are bad.

1. Think only positive things.

Remember, absolutely everyone can change their life. Only desire is needed. And to change your whole life you need to start with your own thoughts. If you constantly think about only bad things, it will come to you. You have heard many times the phrase that thoughts are material. What does this phrase mean?

2. Talk about good things

It is not enough just to think about the good, because the word is also material, and therefore it is necessary to talk about the good. With friends, at home, at work, say that life is getting better, everything is just fine. If acquaintances begin to discuss the topic in front of you: “where is this world heading”, do not support this discussion. After all, you know that everything will be fine, life is getting better every day.

3. Don't drink

Do not try to flood all the problems with alcohol. They will only add up. In addition, you will lose your health and a lot of money. The same goes for smoking. This is a direct path to permanent illness.

4. Go in for sports

You can advise to go in for sports: it gives positive emotions, health. It is not necessary to achieve records, just a regular run, swimming pool, morning exercises are enough. It not only invigorates the body, but also tempers the spirit. After that, you will not want to think about the bad, decide how to overcome depression.

5. Love

Love always changes life for the better. She brings a lot of positivity and happiness into our lives. This bright feeling turns our life upside down, inspires us to exploits, to achieve success. What can be depression if you love and are loved?

6. Give free rein to your emotions

It's not true that tears won't help me. Sometimes it is enough to cry when the soul feels bad to see life in a new light, to understand that it has not ended yet, that there are other interests in life.

Try to look at your situation impartially. Is she really that bad? Look around, how many people around you are much worse off. But they continue to live, rejoice, fight.

8. Communicate

When everything is really bad, you really want to withdraw into yourself, not to see anyone, not to communicate with anyone. This is the wrong way. On the contrary, be among people who can listen to you and relieve suffering.

9. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, start taking action

Stop feeling sorry for yourself: many are worse off than you. Get started. This is the only way to change the situation. Or start a new life.

10. Ask for help from loved ones

Feel free to ask family or friends for help. For any person, timely support is very important. It will help to solve a lot of life problems and find a way out of any situation, and especially when bad at heart (what to do?).

Hello dear readers of the site www. raduga-schastie. en . The topic of our new article:What to do if everything in life is bad?If you have been thinking for a long time why everything is bad and what to do in this situation, then this motivating article is for you! If you are afraid that sooner or later you will be overtaken by a black streak in life, then read this article!

Where can you start a conversation? Good question that goes like this: Why is everything so bad for me? Why has this been happening to me for so long? Unfortunately, we all know when a day, a week or a whole month we are covered by a series of failures. We know that another black streak has come and we believe that it will someday end. And, in principle, this is how it happens. Our whole life is not stable. Nothing in this world is stable. Even you! Today you are in a good mood, and tomorrow it is terrible, despite the fact that things are going well for you. Tomorrow you want one thing, and after tomorrow something completely different. Our desires change over time. Today we dream of becoming successful actors, and in 5 years we want to be deputies. But even here, some of you are true to only one dream.

What to do if everything in life is bad?

To begin with, you should ask yourself this question out loud: Why is everything bad for me? What exactly is wrong with me right now? This is an important step. After all, a person can endlessly itch: “Oh, how awful everything in my life is. I don't want to live. My life is full of horror." But if you ask him a question, what exactly is wrong with you, he can go into a stupor! It turns out everything is quite good. It's just that there is a habit of being a victim and you need to complain to someone about something. Test yourself! Are you one of those people?

We have taken the first step! Now it is necessary to reveal the reason why everything is bad. What did you do wrong. Where did you make a mistake. And in order for you to think faster, you need to calm down. Without this, your brain will not be able to find the true reasons for you. While you are in anger and in a state of irritability, things get even worse (certainly not better). The best way to calm down istake in air with your stomach at a speed of 4 seconds and exhale smoothly for all 8 seconds.Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. Try this exercise now!

And the third step remains - to start thinking positively and enjoying life. This is the only way you can get your white stripe back. In order to start thinking positively, you need to occupy yourself with something interesting. If you are depressed now, then only sports will help you. Especially running. Running shakes everything "dirty" thoughts and only energy remains that charges you for the whole day.

If you just want to improve your mood, thencomparison method.

1. Compare yourself to people who live much worse than you. Think of disabled people who are limited in their movements (and not only). Remember children from orphanages, beggars who do not even have normal clothes, pensioners who spend their entire pension on medicine, bread and water.

2. If you have a dream, then dream. It's better than not dreaming. We have already said that without a dream a person is the same as dead. Make a map of your desires and all possible actions for their realization. This will make you forget and remember how much good you can expect.

3. Start reading positive books, watch funny comedies, watch various videos. You can even play a video game that is interesting for you (the main thing is that it does not annoy you). And what you should not do is drink alcohol. Everything else is possible!

4. Go to the gym, sauna, massage.

This is all that will make you forget about a difficult situation for a while, let your brain calm down, and you will not notice how, but life begins to improve. Imperceptibly, but getting better.

It is important to know and clearly understand for yourself:panic, stress, irritability, a constant search for reasons why everything is so bad, will not help you. Only by calming down with a cold mind you will be able to overcome the black bar. And only getting pleasure from life, you will enter the streak of luck!

One last thing to remember: Your problem may go away on its own. Such a phenomenon exists in our life. The more you touch your problem, the bigger it becomes. It is worth forgetting about it, as everything falls into place. But here it depends on the problem itself. It is necessary to analyze them, since many of them will require your intervention. But if you do interfere, then with a smile on your face and with a cool head.

That's all and see you soon!

Before reading this text, I must warn you: deterioration in life does not occur overnight, they are the result of gradual and sometimes imperceptible processes for a brain deceived by illusions. It doesn't happen that time! and everything in life became very bad. A person himself prepares the ground for this - he strengthens inadequate realities and unviable attitudes by faith, makes strategically erroneous decisions, ignores facts, etc. and so on.

To begin with, one simple thing should be understood and accepted as an axiom, which is that there are no unsolvable problems, there are unpleasant solutions. It is difficult to accept it, because in the minds of many people, the woman’s mindset instilled from childhood to perceive reality “what is true is pleasant”, “I will close my eyes and all bad things will disappear” dominates. It is with its elimination, eradication that the process of getting out of that ass into which a person has driven himself begins (a special module in ).

Next step This is a sober view of reality. You cannot fix the situation / solve the problem without recognizing the facts. This is usually made difficult by the fact that the individual is used to lying to himself. Freud also proved that most of our words and thoughts serve to hide the truth. First of all, from ourselves. It is difficult to figure out your own lies and false interpretation of facts on your own, so smart people turn to those who know how to separate reality from shiza for help.

In fact, after this step, we can consider that half of the path has already been completed. Since an honest and conscious view of reality automatically puts everything in its place and a fat (if not a large) part of the problems falls off by itself. By the way, Allen Carr's methods for overcoming drug addictions are based on this (“the easiest way to quit smoking” and others).

Third step is decision making. It seems to be a simple action, but it stalls in the swamp of childish infantilism, generated by women's upbringing. The average representative of society does not have the desire and ability to live independently, that is, to live freely - he is used to others deciding everything for him: first his parents, then the school with the institute, then the authorities with the government and money, which the bablofil-like educated layman perceives as "universal problem solver”, they say, I’ll bring it where it’s necessary, I’ll pay and there’s no need to strain myself.

And this is where a mistake comes out, because an active, that is, a subjective life position ALWAYS involves the application of effort, and any effort requires a certain amount of effort. Otherwise, it turns out, as in that vulgar joke: “And what did you understand, Vovochka? “Don’t relax, otherwise you will be!”. True, one must also strain according to the mind, and not like the horse Boxer from Animal Farm, who, in the situation of the onset of another ass, constantly said the same thing, “I will work even harder.” As you know, the horse ended badly - he was sent to the slaughterhouse-soap factory. Yes, you have to work not for 18 hours, but with your head.

The degree of tension, by the way, directly depends on the coolness of the solution. You won’t have to work hard to correct, but slightly tint a leaky fence, though the result will not be particularly beautiful and not so hot as durable. But for a little man with small goals, in general, it is quite acceptable. For a complete reconstruction of a dilapidated house (this is if everything is really bad in life), all forces and resources must be concentrated into a fist. And, of course, you need to know WHAT EXACTLY do. Because, as the classic bequeathed, “a specific analysis of a specific situation is the very essence, what is the living soul of Marxism.”

Actually, the development and assistance in the implementation of a detailed strategy for overcoming the crisis is the subject. Since it requires operations that are very problematic to do alone - honestly look at yourself and your life from the outside, clarify your true goals and desires (understand your real, and not fictitious purpose / vocation) and discard false ones, subject them to critical analysis and revision of beliefs and the attitudes that I previously guided in life and which eventually led to my ass (after all, our destiny is neither more nor less, but the deployment in time of our unconscious attitudes and “game packages”). Well, and other important things.

"Having deceived the emperor, cross the sea"

Another dissatisfied reader will grumpily say: so, they say, everything is bad, there is no health, life is not going well, debts, loans, no housing, no work, in general, I don’t want to live, and there’s still a lot of money to spend on the help of a coach-consultant. I would like some free actionable advice.

Only here and free and effective advice, unfortunately, does not happen. You have to pay for everything in life. And often not with money (a virtual and renewable resource), but with much more expensive resources - time, energy, health ..

There is a thing that I called "last money theory" and which has numerous confirmations in world practice (for example, the biography of the former poor man Peter Daniels or Edison Miranda, a homeless man who became a famous boxer). Its essence is to put yourself in a hopeless situation, when "either pan or gone."

The fact is that any person always has money, even if he believes that they do not exist (here, as a rule, we are dealing with a perverted form of lying to oneself). The issue is priorities. If survival is a priority, then all the money is spent on it. And a person will do only one thing all his life - to survive. If the priority is a breakthrough and development, then all his actions will be subordinated to precisely these goals. Therefore, when a person invests all his money in himself, then he has no other acceptable options but to win.

Before reading this text, I must warn you: deterioration in life does not occur overnight, they are the result of gradual and sometimes imperceptible processes for a brain deceived by illusions. It doesn't happen that time! and everything in life became very bad. A person himself prepares the ground for this - he strengthens inadequate realities and unviable attitudes by faith, makes strategically erroneous decisions, ignores facts, etc. and so on.

To begin with, one simple thing should be understood and accepted as an axiom, which is that there are no unsolvable problems, there are unpleasant solutions. It is difficult to accept it, because in the minds of many people, the woman’s mindset instilled from childhood to perceive reality “what is true is pleasant”, “I will close my eyes and all bad things will disappear” dominates. It is with its elimination, eradication, that the process of getting out of that ass into which a person has driven himself begins.

Next step
is a sober view of reality. You cannot fix the situation / solve the problem without recognizing the facts. This is usually made difficult by the fact that the individual is used to lying to himself. Freud also proved that most of our words and thoughts serve to hide the truth. First of all, from ourselves. It is difficult to figure out your own lies and false interpretation of facts on your own, so smart people turn to those who know how to separate reality from shiza for help.

In fact, after this step, we can consider that half of the path has already been completed. Since an honest and conscious view of reality automatically puts everything in its place and a fat (if not a large) part of the problems falls off by itself. By the way, Allen Carr's methods for overcoming drug addictions are based on this (“the easiest way to quit smoking” and others).

Third step
is decision making. It seems to be a simple action, but it stalls in the swamp of childish infantilism, generated by women's upbringing. The average representative of society does not have the desire and ability to live independently, that is, to live freely - he is used to others deciding everything for him: first his parents, then the school with the institute, then the authorities with the government and money, which the bablofil-like educated layman perceives as "universal problem solver”, they say, I’ll bring it where it’s necessary, I’ll pay and there’s no need to strain myself.

And this is where a mistake comes out, because an active, that is, a subjective life position ALWAYS involves the application of effort, and any effort requires a certain amount of effort. Otherwise, it turns out, as in that vulgar joke: “And what did you understand, Vovochka? - Do not relax, otherwise you # but! True, one must also strain according to the mind, and not like the horse Boxer from Animal Farm, who, in the situation of the onset of another ass, constantly said the same thing, “I will work even harder.” As you know, the horse ended badly - he was sent to the slaughterhouse-soap factory. Yes, you have to work not for 18 hours, but with your head.

The degree of tension, by the way, directly depends on the coolness of the solution. You won’t have to work hard to correct, but slightly tint a leaky fence, though the result will not be particularly beautiful and not so hot as durable. But for a little man with small goals, in general, it is quite acceptable. For a complete reconstruction of a dilapidated house (this is if everything is really bad in life), all forces and resources must be concentrated into a fist. And, of course, you need to know WHAT EXACTLY do. Because, as the classic bequeathed, “a specific analysis of a specific situation is the very essence, what is the living soul of Marxism.”

Actually, the development and assistance in the implementation of a detailed strategy for overcoming the crisis is the subject of coaching and consulting work. Since it requires operations that are very problematic to do alone - honestly look at yourself and your life from the outside, clarify your true goals and desires (understand your real, and not fictitious purpose / vocation) and discard false ones, subject them to critical analysis and revision of beliefs and the attitudes that I previously guided in life and which eventually led to my ass (after all, our destiny is neither more nor less, but the deployment in time of our unconscious attitudes and “game packages”). Well, and other important things.

"Having deceived the emperor, cross the sea"

Another dissatisfied reader will grumpily say: so, they say, everything is bad, there is no health, life is not going well, debts, loans, no housing, no work, in general, I don’t want to live, and there’s still a lot of money to spend on the help of a coach-consultant. I would like some free actionable advice.

Only here and free and effective advice, unfortunately, does not happen. You have to pay for everything in life. And often not with money (a virtual and renewable resource), but with much more expensive resources - time, energy, health ..

There is a thing that I called "last money theory" and which has numerous confirmations in world practice (for example, the biography of the former poor man Peter Daniels or Edison Miranda, a homeless man who became a famous boxer). Its essence is to put yourself in a hopeless situation, when "either pan or gone."

The fact is that any person always has money, even if he believes that they do not exist (here, as a rule, we are dealing with a perverted form of lying to oneself). The issue is priorities. If survival is a priority, then all the money is spent on it. And a person will do only one thing all his life - to survive. If the priority is a breakthrough and development, then all his actions will be subordinated to precisely these goals. Therefore, when a person invests all his money in himself, then he has no other acceptable options but to win.

The problem, however, is that the absolute majority of people have an unconscious ban on victory by upbringing (hence the life-survival according to "Victim Philosophy"). But it is also curable. The main thing is to overcome your own fear. Fear of finally becoming yourself, strong and free!

Even for the most positive and optimistic personalities, it happens that hands fall: it doesn’t add up anywhere - on the personal front, at work, with friends ... Only despair and nothing more. What if everything in life is bad? Just be, and the rest will fall into place.

A few thoughts to support you

If everything is bad in your life, “what to do” should be the second question. And for starters, you need to change your mindset a bit and support yourself.

Pain is just part of the growth

If the door closed in front of you, it's time to move forward. Many people do not start moving until circumstances force them to. Here they are! Move!

By the way, about the pain. In some Chinese martial arts schools, ligaments are deliberately torn for children during stretching. The pain is wild, but then it’s easier to sit on the twine.

This too shall pass

No need to quote the great king. Just don't think that the night will never end in the morning and the wound will always hurt. This does not happen!

Live in the moment and when everything is great for you, and if you have no idea what to do if everything in life is bad.

Complaining and worrying won't change a thing

No comments. Do not take away the strength that you can use to solve your problems.

All scars are only a symbol of strength

They show that you have survived the ordeal. The current wound will definitely heal with a scar. Don't let them hold you hostage and let you live in fear. This is a sign of triumph.

Every struggle you have is a step forward. If you have to fight what is bad, you move to where it will be better.

Bad people are not your problem

If they try to destroy or defeat you - smile! So you save yourself, which is important if you are surrounded by not the most decent or evil people. Be yourself even if someone says bad things about you. Don't let anyone break you and change you. The environment changes (and it is not always you who attract it), but you are with you forever.

Something to let go

You need it in order to continue on your way. Even if everything goes wrong, move on and don't be afraid to get angry, love again, make mistakes. In any case, the Universe is right, and for some reason this “everything is bad” is given to you: it only happens smoothly and calmly in a coffin, but you won’t feel it anymore.

What to do?

Thinking right is the beginning of the journey. But what if everything is bad?

Break down problems

You can even make a list of everything that is bad: the name of the problem, the essence, how to solve it, and whether it can be solved at all. Some things can be left undecided, because it only needs to be accepted. And some problems have a couple or more solutions. Something will have to be decided for years, and if your favorite coat is torn, you can deal with it in a few days.

When everything is really bad and hands fell, it is difficult to connect the logic, but it is better to do just that, and not complain and worry.

Go in for sports

Here the formula for success is simple. Firstly, the load will help you cope with stress, and secondly, problems can resolve while you have been working on yourself. And you will enter a new life with a beautiful and healthy body.

Don't go all out

Some people think that when things are bad, you need to arrange drinking and partying. This will not make your life better: troubles will not go away, but comrades will come to them: poor health, a hangover and lack of money. For girls, spoiled skin and extra pounds will be a special bonus. But once to take too much with a true friend can even be useful ...

Don't hide your negative emotions

Of course, it doesn’t make sense to constantly complain and grief cannot always be helped with tears, but you need to let off steam and negativity, no matter how you are brought up there ... Yes, you can roar, scream and break loose (even at your closest ones), beat cups. And not once, but as much as required in your situation. You can also start a whole notebook to drain negative emotions. The main thing is that it does not enter the system, like the mentioned alcohol. But to cherish your anger, resentment and other dirty tricks is forbidden!

Don't be afraid to call for help

And it's not just about the help of "their own" or influential people. If necessary, visit a priest, a psychotherapist, a spiritual mentor ... Someone who can cure you ... In general, do not be afraid to communicate during difficult periods. You understand that trouble can be shared with someone. But if you close yourself in, you will close your grief inside.

Think (and speak) only good things

You can dream about good things and then it can also materialize. You should not live with the thoughts that the status quo (that is, everything that happens today) is forever and you will die alone, unloved and in a tattered coat. No matter how you remember the anecdote about a man who only thought badly about everything, and a guardian angel sat behind him and wrote it all down: the boss is a beast, his wife is a fool, etc. Thinking, make the right orders and requests to higher forces. The same goes for conversations. Do not support negative topics that colleagues, friends or neighbors love to discuss so much - you have your own opinion.


This feeling is always uplifting. Do good deeds in the name of your loved ones and life will change for the better. If you do not have a half, you still have someone to love: friends or relatives, an animal. And finally, even the most difficult situations in life should not give you a reason to stop loving yourself. Just love yourself even if the husband left, the coat was torn and the boss washed down. The universe will change its attitude towards you only if you love yourself.

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