What to do with a remark as a disciplinary sanction? We announce a remark or reprimand.


The application of one or another measure of punishment in various labor disputes is regulated in the same legislative act. In this article, we will consider such a type of disciplinary sanction as a remark.

A remark is the most loyal measure of punishment for an employee for non-compliance with the requirements prescribed in the employment contract.

This disciplinary action is usually carried out in writing.
The violator in the explanatory note may indicate the facts of his innocence or good reasons, as a result of which the offense was committed.

If the employer considers the arguments specified in the document to be weighty, the employee will not be reprimanded. Good reasons are illness, non-observance of working conditions by the authorities, lack of materials for work.

The employer has the right to apply any disciplinary sanction (in particular, a remark) only in cases where the employee does not comply with the obligations legally enshrined in the employment contract.

Violations for which it is appropriate to apply a penalty

There are no strict instructions in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for which misconduct one or another disciplinary sanction should be applied. But all violations of the requirements established in the contract are divided into minor and more serious. Often the employer himself sets the penalty.

But still, there are some limits that determine the type of disciplinary sanction for a particular offense.

The employer can make a remark for:

  1. single non-gross violation of labor duties;
  2. single failure to perform duties.

Let's consider each case separately.

The most common example of a non-gross violation of labor duties is.

For a single misconduct of this type, a remark is threatened, which is valid for exactly 1 year after the order is issued. If an employee is late for the workplace repeatedly during this period, then the employer has the right to apply another, more serious disciplinary sanction, most often, removal from office.

In order to issue an order for the application of penalties, it is necessary to prove the commission of a particular violation.

You can fix the delay:

  • By taking readings of the device at the checkpoint, if the company has introduced a system of magnetic cards.
  • By issuing an act of being late or absent from the workplace. For reliability, such a document is signed by 3-4 persons.
  • Taking readings from CCTV systems.

For a single non-fulfillment of labor duties, a remark also threatens.

Registration procedure

If the fault of the employee and non-compliance with the requirements specified in the employment contract is proved, an act on the application of the penalty is drawn up. For its registration it is required:

  1. Draw up a memorandum or any other document on the fact of the violation.
  2. Request an explanation from the employee in writing. In case of refusal, an appropriate act is drawn up.
  3. Issue in relation to the offender. This document should spell out the clauses of the employment contract that were not observed by the employee, and attach documents proving the misconduct.
  4. Register the order in a special journal.
  5. Provide the employee with this document for signature. In case of refusal, an appropriate act is drawn up.


Neither remarks nor reprimands are entered into the employee. But these disciplinary sanctions, like dismissal, have serious consequences.

After a single non-gross violation, followed by a remark, an order is drawn up.

It is valid for 1 year. If during this period the employee did not commit any misconduct, then such a disciplinary sanction does not entail consequences.

But repeated even minor misconduct, followed by a remark or reprimand, can lead to the dismissal of an employee. This disciplinary sanction will be mandatory included in the work book. This can lead to problems in subsequent employment.

What to do if an employee disagrees with a disciplinary sanction?

Every employee has the right to appeal any penalty for misconduct. In case of disagreement with, you can apply to the State Labor Inspectorate, to the court or to the bodies resolving labor disputes. Upon application, a thorough review will be carried out.

The employer is obliged to bear responsibility for unlawful disciplinary action in the form of a remark.

According to the results of the audit, he will be held administratively liable. The employer is also required to reimburse previously unpaid incentives (i.e.) with interest.

We are all “remarkable” in the sense that we notice many things in others that we do not see in ourselves. And we try to fix it, point it out, often not very correctly and kindly. When is our remark really necessary, and when is it better to remain silent once again? Let's talk about it today.

They call me very correct. If something around me is wrong, unfair, I intervene. The child on the bus indulges, screams, interferes with everyone - I make a remark to my parents. Can a child be allowed to do this? Someone brazenly climbs out of line - I can not remain silent. But often in response I get rudeness. Why? I'm with the best intentions! Tell me, when is it permissible, and when is it unacceptable to make comments? Nadezhda, 55 years old, Tula.

Stop, this is my border!

The question is ambiguous. First of all, you need to focus on whether the one to whom you are making a remark violates your (or other people's) personal boundaries, or, according to your internal set of rules, you simply think that he is behaving “incorrectly”. In the first case, yes, it is permissible and even necessary to ask (or demand) a person to change his behavior. For example, you are riding a bus, and a drunk half-asleep man collapsed on top of you. You won't be silent, will you? Your privacy has been violated! In the theater, you are absorbed in the action, and your neighbors are endlessly talking, rustling, chewing. This is also a clear violation of the boundaries! And here is another situation: your colleague came to work in “inappropriate”, in your opinion, clothes. If you are not the boss and it is not your responsibility to enforce the dress code, then this does not violate your personal boundaries in any way. If you start chastising a colleague, then you violate his boundaries. Leave the aesthetic feeling to yourself - everyone has different tastes.

If you comment, how?

There are situations when you need to kind of make a remark, but in such a way as not to offend a person. There is no gross violation of boundaries, but still there is a need to express one's opinion. Why do people often react aggressively to "well-wishers" interfering in their lives? Why does everyone hate comments from strangers so much? Because "remark" implies a position "from above": you - an omniscient person and "ultimate truth" - dictate to another person how to behave. You become in the position of a “parent”, and the one to whom you make a remark is put in the position of an unintelligent child. Who is pleased? But it is necessary to convey information to the “addressee” in such a way as not to offend his self-esteem. There is a simple but very effective technique in psychology - first praise, then criticize. Let's take the situation - the child behaves badly on the bus. You can turn to the baby, try to distract him, say what a beautiful car (doll) he has, and then say that such a cute boy (girl) should be polite and well-mannered. Addressing the child in this case, you still address his parents.

Let's now analyze the different situations when you can intervene, and when you should not.

A colleague comes to work smelling of fumes or drunk. Before you give free rein to "righteous anger", think: what if something happened to a person? Maybe a colleague “washes down” depression or went over at a friend’s birthday party? Find out carefully, but be prepared for the fact that a person will not reveal his soul to you. You can kindly make a remark, before saying something nice.

Sharp criticism rarely helps, only if a person really needs a good “shake”.

But you have to be a subtle psychologist to understand that this shake-up is really needed!

Your loved one is gaining weight. This can also be problematic. What does your relative “eat”, what kind of longing? Or maybe he has a metabolic disorder (this also happens)? If there are still no health problems, then the person simply relaxed. Well, as it happens: a woman got married, gave birth to a baby, breast-fed. A year or two has passed, and the woman does not want to get into shape: cakes for the night, sandwiches, lying in front of the TV. And my husband loves slim! Of course, it is worth making a remark clearly, clearly, but not offensively. If a husband says to his wife “well, you’ve grown fat, horror!”, Women are usually offended by this and give “counterarguments”. Think about how to help: maybe switch to a healthy diet together, buy a simulator?

Hooligans pester a passerby. Of course, there are no excuses here, and a remark needs to be made. Well, or at least draw people's attention to the incident, call the police. Wish: to do it firmly and confidently, but not aggressively, because aggression breeds aggression, and even more so for hooligans.

A person unceremoniously climbs out of line (in a social institution, a store). He may be in a hurry, literally in a “worst” situation, or maybe 15 minutes ago he was already “at the reception”, now he was running after some documents, but you didn’t see it. But since a person does not ask to skip the line, but goes ahead, it is quite appropriate to make a remark to him or ask a question.

Child misbehaves in public, interferes with other people, and parents do not make attempts to calm the child. Now there are a lot of children with neurological disorders, hyperactivity, etc. From the outside, some diseases really look like bad upbringing. If you are not a pediatric neurologist or psychologist, but an ordinary passer-by, you will not see the difference. The parents of such children themselves worry about all this, and when strangers begin to read notations, they say, you are raising a child poorly, it can become very painful and very insulting.

If the child nevertheless violates your boundaries, for example, in the bus he waves a toy and has almost torn your pantyhose, or kicks the seat with his feet, screams almost in your ear, etc., then you should ask the parents to calm the child. After all, you can do this without a “lecture” on the topic of education. Your lecture to your parents is unlikely to help, but you have the right to make sure that you do not personally interfere.

Only numbers

Work and the dissatisfaction of the authorities are inseparable just like an office and a business lunch. But if a lunch break is always pleasant, then criticism is usually disgusting. You can't love her. You can learn to calmly accept comments.

Terrible truth

We know we're not perfect. One is lazy, the second is inattentive, forgetful, sloppy, quick-tempered, the third skillfully combines all these qualities. But deep down, each of us is sure that she is the best. And laziness or forgetfulness are cute flaws, so to speak, the highlight of a crumbly biscuit of an angelic character. We easily admit to ourselves that “it is difficult for us to concentrate on work,” but as soon as the boss declares our inattention, we lose appetite, sleep and the desire to come to the office by 10 o'clock. “When we talk about our shortcomings out loud, deep down we continue to believe that they are negligible, and in comparison with our colleagues, we are brilliant professionals. Therefore, when others point out this shortcoming to us, we are terribly surprised and offended, ”explains the psychologist. Irina Romanova. And what do we conclude? We are treated badly! Moreover, only a few are able to tactfully make comments. Whatever the criticism - deserved or not, it seems offensive, tactless, harsh. “Very often we think: a fair remark only masks the hostility of the critic, forming a so-called sandwich: from above and below - supposedly fair words, and inside - a cutlet that can be poisoned. And therefore, a person instinctively avoids and aggressively does not accept this fast food, ”explains the psychologist. Dmitry Klevtsov.

From the side

The first reaction in response to a negative remark is an acute desire to be offended and leave. Or say something mean in return. But neither is a good option. Then you will have to worry not only because of criticism, but also because of your own rash words and actions. To perceive spacing without unnecessary emotions, psychologists advise learning to see the situation from the outside. When we look at what is happening with our own eyes, we do not notice anything but a person uttering hurtful words. But if you try to enter the role of an observer, you can notice much more. “First of all, you need to take a deep breath and ask yourself the question:“ How do I look now? Anton Bezmolitvenny.

More specifically

Very often, when we are criticized, we hear not specific things, but general accusations. We are told “you are wrong”, we hear “you are mediocre”, they say “it could be done better”, we hear “you are a hack”. It is human nature to exaggerate the scale of troubles.

If our work is criticized, especially one in which we think we have put our soul into it, it becomes a real disaster. But in fact, it is not our view of the world as a whole that is most often condemned, but some individual act, a mistake that can be completely corrected. “It is very important to separate criticism of actions from criticism of personality. If they say: the pie is not tasty, it means that they are criticizing a particular pie, which this time failed. Not our culinary skills, and even more so not us, ”explains Dmitry Klevtsov. Does your boss express dissatisfaction with your knowledge of English? He does not mean at all that you "studied at the institute in vain and in general - a mediocre employee." He just says that you need to improve your vocabulary and practice your pronunciation. And nothing more."

The first reaction to criticism is an acute desire to be offended and leave.

Like from the wall

And it happens that criticism turns out to be clearly unfair and offensive. For example, you sit at night on a new project and have already forgotten what a full weekend is. But the customer, due to his harmful nature or just a bad mood, criticized your work to the nines, without clearly explaining what exactly he did not like. Or the arguments are so far-fetched that it's even ridiculous. Only you at this moment are not laughing - it's insulting to tears. In such cases, Anton Bezmolitvenny believes: it’s worth telling the offender - everything that he wanted to convey to you, you heard and learned. Yes, they say, Ivan Ivanovich, I understood you, I will take it into account, I will correct myself. This is the easiest way to stop the conversation and protect yourself from the next flurry of reproaches. Unfair remarks most often indicate that the critic is not in a good mood and is trying to improve the mood by spoiling the positive mood of the other. Don't give him a chance! And if your calm agreement does not help and the accusations do not stop, imagine: offensive words bounce off you like balls from the wall. In psychology, there is such a method of protection: you need to imagine that an invisible wall has appeared around you, protecting you from external aggression. And let them say what they want there - it doesn’t concern you and doesn’t care. It has been tested in practice: very often, without receiving the expected rebuff, the aggressor cools down and after a while comes back with an apology. “The most important thing is not to apply to your self-esteem all the received information about yourself. Evaluation of yourself is your own business, a territory that others are not allowed to enter. Remember: no matter how offensive the remark is, it is just the opinion of the person standing in front of you, even if he is the boss, ”says Anton Bezmolitvenny.


Another way to respond to aggressive criticism is empathy. Agree, if a person is not in a good mood now, then he has reasons for that. Maybe a couple of hours ago he was ruthlessly reprimanded by his superiors. Or, which is also likely, he is simply jealous of your talents. Bad weather, an unfortunate reflection in the mirror - you never know what. “The hidden cause of humiliating criticism is often an insult to the whole world or a specific part of it. But only you have nothing to do with it, and therefore there is absolutely no point in worrying about claims. Think that the offender is now much harder than you, sympathize and let him go in peace, ”advises Irina Romanova. You can sympathize silently or out loud, depending on the situation. For example, if the chain of command allows, address the critic: “I think you are upset about something. Are you feeling well?" This will help him get distracted and think about his own problems.

Word replacement

" You are always late!" - says a colleague, "you always forget everything," the stern boss frowns, "you messed everything up again," says the client. After these words, you can sprinkle ashes on your head and admit that you are a good-for-nothing loser. But it is better to translate the heard words into a constructive channel. “Don't let critics generalize and exaggerate. You don’t lose documents every day, and specifically yesterday a copy of the contract got lost somewhere. Or, for example, you don’t “always forget”, but today you worked hard and didn’t wish your company’s partner a happy birthday,” says Irina Romanova. In addition, the psychologist reminds us that in any phrase you can find a second meaning. That is, you can safely look for praise in your address in a critical statement. For example, if they say: “you are too talkative”, this can be translated as “yes, I am sociable, sociable, I have good public speaking skills”. They say that "you work at the pace of the turtle" - think: "I'm a damn hardy marathon runner, I do everything in good conscience."

Straight text

And sometimes criticism can be like an annoying fly. For example, you have a habit of constantly twisting your hair around your finger when you think about it. Or do you like it when there is a cup of coffee and a bowl of cookies near the computer. Neither is prohibited by corporate rules or by the rules of decency. But there will definitely be someone in the team who enjoys regularly and loudly making comments to you. “The easiest way is to tell the interlocutor in plain text: you understood him, but you have your own position, and you are not going to give it up at all, because you are not harming anyone. If criticism is intrusive or unpleasant, do not hesitate to speak honestly about it and ask to save you from further comments,” advises Irina Romanova.

as a joke

It is very important to learn to accept criticism with humor. “You can’t find a common language with customers,” says a colleague after five deals, and the sixth, alas, did not take place. Promise to take an example from the critic, because he is a “real specialist”. If the boss makes a remark, and a good joke can be taken as an insult. But you can also joke about yourself. Smile and admit: I made a mistake in the report, because, “like a real blonde, I suffer from an attack of stupidity once a year.” Self-irony will not allow the boss to get angry. A cheerful attitude will help you look at things easier, take criticism calmly, and even find something useful in it. Sometimes seriously.

It is important to learn to accept criticism with humor.

Offensive words. How to perceive them correctly

Alena Pendrik, hair and make-up artist:“When a client criticizes me, at first, of course, I try to change everything for the better. Because in our profession there is such a thing as "the customer is always right." But if I don’t succeed and all the arguments come to an end - why I do it this way and not otherwise - I don’t take criticism to heart and say: “Unfortunately, we couldn’t understand each other, and, probably, I’m just not your master. Sorry".

Ilya Bolgov, student of the faculty of film and television directing:“All directors face criticism, even the maestro. And when you are a beginner, it accompanies every work. But I have learned to clearly distinguish between important remarks and “empty words”. When a supervisor criticizes, I try to understand him and draw conclusions. If they are fellow students or spectators, I just nod, smile, but do not dwell on what I have heard. People are so arranged that they need to assert themselves by criticizing others.

Notice as a disciplinary sanctiondealt with in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the provisions of this article, we can conclude that a remark can lead to a number of undesirable consequences, is the mildest form of punishment for employees who have committed a misconduct of a disciplinary plan.

Disciplinary sanction in the form of a remark

So, a remark as a disciplinary sanction is applied when employees commit misconduct of a small degree of severity. We are talking about misdemeanors that do not entail serious consequences for the production activities of the entire enterprise / its individual structural divisions, or for officials.

A remark is one of the types of sanctions that can be applied to a negligent employee. At the same time, the procedure and consequences of bringing to this type of responsibility, as well as the rights of the employee associated with the announcement of a remark to him as a disciplinary sanction, are similar to those that take place when a reprimand is announced. Let's consider each of these points in more detail.

Consequences of the remark for the employee

A remark made to an employee as a disciplinary sanction can lead to a number of undesirable consequences, such as:

  1. Deprivation of bonus and incentive payments and surcharges. This is possible if the organization in which the employee performs his labor functions has a bonus system of remuneration.
  2. Dismissal in the event of subsequently committing another disciplinary offense, until the previously announced remark is removed (the penalty is valid for a year after its announcement). That is, if during this time the employee commits another misconduct that entails punishment, then the employer has the right to dismiss him.

The procedure for announcing a disciplinary sanction in the form of a comment, the structure and sample order

Download order form

To announce a remark to an employee, the employer must act in accordance with the provisions of labor legislation, namely Art. 193 TK. According to this legal norm, the procedure for bringing to responsibility is as follows:

  1. The employee writes an explanatory note on the fact of the violation. To write it, a citizen is given 2 working days. If he did not do this, the employer must draw up an appropriate act.
  2. The employer issues a disciplinary order in the form of a remark (you can see a sample of this on our website).

What you need to know about the form and structure of the order:

  1. It is issued on the letterhead of the enterprise, which indicates the document number and date of compilation.
  2. The main text of the document may be as follows: “In connection with the commission (name of the employee who committed the misconduct and his position) of a disciplinary offense, namely (indicate what exactly the employee did), I order to announce (name and position of the employee) remark. The reason for attraction is (the grounds that led to the imposition of a penalty are indicated, in particular, these can be acts of inspections, memos from the immediate supervisor, the results of an audit, etc.).
  3. As a result, the signature of the head of the organization and its transcript is put.

Note that it is important to comply with the requirement regarding the mandatory familiarization of the employee with the order no later than 3 days from the date of its issuance. In case of refusal to familiarize the employer must draw up an appropriate act.

Actions of the employee in case of disagreement with the announcement of the remark

If the employee disagrees with the actions of the employer, he has the right to appeal against the disciplinary sanction imposed on him by doing this in one of the following ways:

  1. Apply to the local labor inspectorate with an application.
  2. Submit a statement of claim to the courts demanding the abolition of unlawful prosecution of this kind.
  3. Contact the commission on labor disputes (if one operates in the organization).

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