What do May 9 drawing. How to draw a tank with a pencil step by step


Do-it-yourself drawings on the theme of May 9 are one of the kindest and oldest traditions of this holiday. After all, if you think about it, it's hard to find anything more touching than a children's drawing dedicated to Victory Day. Traditionally, such drawings adorn home-made postcards and thematic posters in kindergartens and schools. It is also customary to give beautiful drawings on May 9 to veterans and relatives as a keepsake. In our today's article you will find some simple step-by-step drawing master classes. Be sure to use these drawing ideas to design congratulations on Victory Day.

Drawing for May 9 for kindergarten "Tulips" - step by step instructions with a photo

First of all, we propose to master a very simple drawing - a bouquet of tulips. These flowers, along with red carnations, have long become symbols of Victory Day. Therefore, they can be used to design holiday cards and posters for May 9th. The master class itself is quite easy and suitable even for kindergarten. Additionally, a bouquet of tulips can also be decorated, for example, with a St. George ribbon.

Necessary materials:

  • White paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils / felt-tip pens / paints

Step-by-step instruction:

Pencil drawing for May 9 for schoolchildren "Dove of Peace" - step by step instructions

From the next master class, you will learn how to easily and quickly draw one of the main symbols of Victory Day - the dove of peace. At first glance, it may seem that drawing this bird is quite difficult. But we assure that our step-by-step instructions and detailed photos will help to draw a dove on May 9, even for a younger student. Moreover, this drawing is done with a simple pencil, which means that you can always correct small artistic flaws.

Necessary materials:

  • White paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction:

Do-it-yourself drawing "May 9" - step by step instructions with a photo

The following drawing is perfect for designing a thematic poster or postcard for Victory Day. It is based on the inscription "May 9" from the St. George ribbon, which is complemented by flowers and fireworks. You can complete this drawing with both pencils and paints. If you wish, you can complement the picture with festive bouquets, for example, from carnations or tulips.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils/paints

Step-by-step instruction:

A beautiful drawing for May 9 is a great gift for all those for whom Victory Day is the most significant holiday. Thanks to our simple master classes with step-by-step photos, each child will be able to draw a beautiful and original picture.

Simple children's drawings for May 9 in pencil: Festive carnation

Drawings for veterans on May 9

Pictures and flyers for May 9, drawn with paints or felt-tip pens, require more accuracy than pencil drawings. Therefore, it is much easier for children and adults to draw with a pencil - simple or colored. A carnation drawn in pencil looks festive - a cute gift for Victory Day.

Necessary materials

  • Paper
  • Simple pencils
  • Eraser

Drawing step by step

You can draw a whole bouquet or decorate a card with eternal fire or a verse with painted carnation flowers. Such a drawing by May 9 with your own hands will become a real masterpiece.

Do-it-yourself drawing on the theme of May 9: Carnations in watercolor (master class on video)

The same carnations can be painted using watercolor technique. This technique is more complicated, but it looks very impressive. The video describes in detail how to draw a carnation by May 9 in watercolor.

Necessary materials

  • Watercolor (you can take honey).
  • A thick sheet of paper for drawing and a separate sheet for mixing paints (if there is no special palette).
  • Brush No. 5 (possibly No. 3, 4).

Drawing step by step

  1. First, with a brush, lightly mark the places where our carnations will be. Gradually add colors to them with pink paint.
  2. Using green paint, lightly draw the stems and petals. Since the paint becomes liquid when mixed with water, you need to gradually add colors, wait until the previous layer dries a little.
  3. Having drawn carnations and stems, we draw a St. George ribbon, with which the bouquet is connected, as it were.
  4. Finally, with black and red paint, add bright strokes on the flowers and stems. Our carnation drawing is ready for May 9th!

A simple drawing for May 9 in stages: Eternal flame with a pencil

The eternal flame is a symbol of the Victory holiday. Drawing it with a pencil is quite simple, but it will take a little time.

Necessary materials

  • Paper
  • A simple outline pencil
  • colored pencils to color the finished drawing
  • Eraser

Step-by-step instruction

With this pattern, you can decorate greeting leaflets, wall newspapers and posters for Victory Day on May 9th.

Drawings for May 9 Victory Day for the competition: Dove of Peace in pencil

On the eve of any holiday, educators, mothers and fathers are interested in which drawing is easier for a child to draw - with a pencil, watercolor or felt-tip pens. In the drawing program given by the elementary school, there are sure to be different techniques in which you can complete the drawings by May 9th. With a pencil, even small children can draw a dove of peace - another symbol of May 9th.

Necessary materials

  • A sheet of paper or blank for a postcard
  • simple pencil
  • Eraser.
  • Paints (watercolor or gouache)

Draw step by step

Preschoolers and schoolchildren have already developed a tradition - to draw thematic drawings for the holidays, including Victory Day. In the classroom, educators and teachers show children how to draw a picture by May 9 in stages with a pencil, paints or felt-tip pens. Today we will learn how to create real children's masterpieces using different do-it-yourself drawing techniques that will help create a festive atmosphere. You can draw anything. Flowers, military vehicles, eternal flame, a dove of peace and even a St. George ribbon are easy to perpetuate on paper. Such art will be a great gift for veterans or those people for whom May 9 is the most important holiday of the year.

How to draw a picture for May 9 with your own hands: Eternal Flame (step by step)

In the modern world of information technology, people are less and less doing something with their own hands - they write, draw. Computers do it for them. But, for children, drawing with pencils and paints remains the most favorite pastime. Today we will learn how to draw a drawing by May 9 with our own hands using a simple pencil. We will draw one of the main symbols of Victory Day - an eternal flame.

Necessary materials for drawing for the Victory Day

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser.

The best script for the holiday Victory Day

Step by Step Instructions for Drawing an Eternal Flame

Drawing by May 9 with a pencil in stages: Carnations

The easiest way to draw a thematic picture or a poster is with a pencil, and you can first draw outlines with it, and then add bright colors with paints or colored pencils. In our simple master class, we will learn how to create a drawing by May 9 in stages with a pencil (for schoolchildren). Let's draw carnations.

Necessary materials for drawing by the day of May 9

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils (to make the carnation drawing bright and attractive).

Step-by-step instructions for drawing with a pencil

The best selection of songs for Victory Day

Drawing for May 9 with paints: Symbols of Victory in watercolor

Drawing with paints requires accuracy and patience. This video tutorial shows how to create a beautiful bright drawing by May 9 in watercolor. First, all lines and elements are created with a simple pencil. Next, the picture is painted with paints.

Thanks to simple and interesting step-by-step workshops with photo or video instructions, each child will be able to create a drawing by May 9, adding their own adjustments to it. Happy Great Victory Day to you!

Coloring pages are a convenient way not only to introduce children to any topic, but also to give and consolidate them

  • painting skills inside the outline,
  • teach to be careful
  • attentive
  • diligent
  • assiduous.

Everyone knows that these skills will be needed by the guys in school. Coloring pages are a convenient and unobtrusive way to acquire them at preschool age.

Victory Day is approaching, and by May 9, coloring pages will be most welcome. You can download them on our website, print them out and use them with children for leisure activities. Of course, by themselves, coloring pages for May 9 Victory Day are unlikely to give the baby any useful information. Basically, they are filled with symbols of victory, images of flowers, among which carnations play a leading role, ribbons, balls, and sometimes military equipment. By itself, the child will not form an idea of ​​the meaning of the holiday. So the pictures for May 9, coloring pages are just an excuse to introduce the guys to the history of the Great Patriotic War.

If you are a teacher in a kindergarten or developmental center, use the coloring pages as a teaching aid in the classroom. After your story, perhaps a presentation, invite preschoolers to color the cards for their grandparents. Even if there were no war veterans or no survivors in the families, let the children present their blanks to their grandparents: after all, they still survived that difficult time. Parents can also use coloring pages to encourage children to congratulate their grandparents.

Especially relevant on the eve of Victory Day is the coloring of "Carnations" by May 9th. Carnations are a symbol of the fallen in the battle for the Motherland, they are brought to the Eternal Flame. This fact should certainly be explained to the children, otherwise the meaning of the symbolism will remain incomprehensible to them. Let the children take the drawing and color it in the shades of red, lilac, purple that they like best. Children will give a decorated postcard to veterans or their elderly relatives.

Thus, coloring pages not only enable children to acquire useful skills and develop personal qualities, but are also an excellent educational moment and an occasion to tell the children about any holiday or event.

Salute and carnations - coloring for Victory Day

Medals and orders for coloring for Victory Day

Children laying flowers on the grave of the unknown soldier

Coloring poster for Victory Day with tanks and planes

Beautiful coloring card

is an international celebration. To remember and be proud of the exploits of our ancestors is the duty of every generation. That is why, on the eve of May 9, thematic classes are held in schools and kindergartens, veterans come to visit the kids to learn more about the difficult times they had to go through. Children, in turn, are in a hurry to please the heroes with their crafts and postcards made by themselves.

Traditionally, postcards dedicated to Victory Day depict symbols of military glory: this is the well-known St. George ribbon, orders and medals, carnations, military equipment. Actually, these components of the holiday, today we will learn to draw.

Master class: How to draw a drawing by May 9 for children in stages with a pencil

Example 1

The St. George ribbon is one of the most recognizable symbols of victory, as every preschooler knows how it looks. And since not a single thematic postcard can do without a traditional ribbon, let's start our master class on drawings for May 9 for children with it, telling you how to depict it in stages.

So, in fact, we figured out how to gradually draw with a pencil one of the easiest drawings by May 9 for children.

Example 2

Now let's remember what else we associate this wonderful holiday with? Of course, with flowers, or rather with carnations. Drawing carnations is not at all difficult, you will soon see for yourself if you follow our step-by-step instructions:

You can go the other way and draw several flowers on one stem.

Example 3

After we have learned how to draw simple pencil drawings for May 9 for children in stages, we can move on to complex compositions dedicated to Victory Day.

Articles on this topic:

Preparations for the great holiday of May 9 are especially active for children - the kids prepare congratulations for veterans: they learn poems about war and victory, prepare songs, theater performances, thematic drawings. Let's look at how to draw drawings for Victory Day in stages.

Which of the children did not feed the pigeons? Children love to take care of animals, including birds. Taking care of them, they will certainly remind their mother to take some treats for their feathered friends. With pleasure, they will want to draw them on a piece of paper.

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