What do ancient calendars say? Calendars of ancient civilizations.

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    Once I came across a brief description of the calendars used by the philosophers of ancient India and the Mayan priests. These publications interested me, I began to collect materials on ancient calendars, research and compare them, and gradually I developed a firm conviction: for all the apparent differences, the ancient systems of chronology are based on the same system of the universe!

    Indeed, consider the calendar of the Mayan priests. The length of the year - CAR - in this system was defined as 368.2420 days of CIN. The year was divided into 18 months VINAL - 20 days each. The remaining five days were added at the end of the year. The priests considered them unfortunate, black days, fraught with all sorts of catastrophes and upheavals. The table below shows the duration of subsequent calendar periods ending in truly astronomical numbers: Kinchilbtun - 2,592,000 years and ALAUTUN - 46,656,000 years.

    Mayan galactic calendar year tun (360+5 days)
    5 KIN 5 black days
    20 KIN 1 VINAL = 1 month
    18 VINALS 1 tun = 1 year
    20 tun 1 KATUN = 20 years
    20 KATUN 1 baktun = 400 years
    18 BAKTUN 1 PIKTOON = 7,200 years
    20 PIKTOON 1 KALABTUN = 144,000 years
    18 CALABTUN 1 KINCHILBTUN = 2,592,000 years
    18 KINCHILBTUN 1 ALAUTUN = 46,656,000 years

    Galactic calendar of ancient Indian philosophers
    TIME 3 ERA
    1 ERA 6 EPOCH

    Now let's see what happens when we move on to our usual chronology
    1 TRITHANKARA 108,000 years
    1 AGE 24 * 108,000 = 2,592,000 years
    1 ERA 6 * 2,592,000 = 15,552,000 years
    TIME 3 * 15,552,000 = 46,656,000 years

    I unexpectedly discovered the key to the calendar of the ancient Indian philosophers in the secret teachings of the Orphics from Egypt, who claimed that life on Earth perishes in fire every 108,000 years. Paying attention to the indication that the Indian TIRTHANKARA "lived" an unusually long time, I thought: if life on Earth really perishes every 108,000 years, then it cannot be that such an important event was not known in India. And if so, isn't the duration of the TIRTHANKARA exactly equal to 108,000 years? Multiplying this value by 24 the number of TIRTHANKARA in one EPOCH, I got the duration of the EPOCH - 2,592,000 years, that is, a period exactly equal to one kinchilbtun of the Mayan calendar! And the duration of TIME, which in the Indian calendar is equal to three ERAMs, turned out to be equal to 46,656,000 years, that is, it exactly corresponded to the Mayan alautun!

    This discovery, indicating the connection between the calendar systems of civilizations far apart from each other - India, Egypt and Maya, - prompted me to think that they are based on the same cosmogonic model of the Universe. But what was she? To try to recreate it, I decided to deal with the ideas of Claudius Ptolemy (c. 90 - c. 160 AD)

    According to the teachings of this great astronomer, the Universe consists of nine rotating spheres, of which the ninth - the sphere of the CRYSTAL SKY - sets in motion all the others. Above the Crystal Sky is the immobile Empyrean. Thus, the Universe is, as it were, enclosed in a certain shell, the core. In "Timaeus" of Plato it is specified: the creator of the World gave the all-encompassing ether the form of a dodecahedron. Taking these ideas as a basis and taking into account the laws of Indian and Mayan calendars, I built a hypothetical model of the Universe as it seemed to the ancients. The figures below show the Super-core, in which the Universe is closed, in sections along the "equator" and along the "meridian". In the section along the "equator" the internal space is divided by energy Super-fields passing along the meridian into three equal segments, which corresponds to the division of time into three ERAs, as in the ancient Indian calendar. In the meridional section, space is divided into nine circles or spheres, each of which is separated from the neighboring one by a sky with stars. Of these nine circles-spheres, seven are considered the main ones - from the second to the eighth (in the figure they are indicated in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple). The first common sphere, located in the central part of the Super-core, (white color) does not have stellar formations in itself. It is in the language of the ancients PRIMARY SWAMP. The ninth general sphere, covering all the others (white color) is the PRIMTOR, which sets the entire system in motion. The opening of the "black hole" in the Empyrean serves as a trigger for turning on the prime mover, as a result of which the ninth sphere, unwinding, creates a separating sky and, transferring part of its energy, begins to unwind and form the seventh main sphere, consisting of one ring.

    The ring of the seventh sphere, rotating, creates its own dividing sky and in the space below it creates two rings of the sixth sphere, which through their dividing sky create three rings of the fifth sphere under them and so on up to the first main sphere of seven rings, below it is the primordial swamp .

    The coloring of the rings is not accidental. Newton also noticed that the seven colors of the spectrum correspond to the musical scale from "si" to "do". Sound waves, similar to the waves that arise on a sounding string, but propagate in a spiral, are generated as a result of the unwinding of the ninth sphere. In each of the three segments of the seventh main sphere - violet - one whole wave-spiral - "si" is created. In the next - blue - sphere, two whole waves fit in each sector, which correspond to the sound "la". And so on up to the first - red - sphere with seven sound waves-spirals in each sector, which corresponds to the sound "to".

    And, finally, the third important element of the cosmogony of the ancients is "water". In Indian sources, space is spoken of as the heavenly Ganges. The Indians of South America believed that “first there was the sea, and everything around was plunged into darkness. Neither the sun, nor the moon, nor people, nor animals. The sea was the Mother. memory." In ancient Egypt, it was believed: an endless watery desert surrounds the firmament of the universe. On Earth, these waters take the form of seas; they fill the vault of heaven, through which the stars make their way; they feed the bed of the underground river and every year wash the earth anew, overflowing with the flood of the Nile. It turns out that water is a symbol of the word, so the higher the sphere, the higher the quality value it carries. It turns out that the ancients considered each sphere to have “its own” water, different from the waters of all other spheres. The discovery of nine isotopic varieties of water surprisingly confirms this hypothesis of the ancients.

    Thus, the existence of a certain spiritual trinity follows from the ancient model of the Universe - the spiritual triad: WATER COLOR SOUND (POETRY, PAINTING, MUSIC).

    Since the energy of the Universe is discrete, discontinuous and changes abruptly from one sphere to another, the Universe must be considered as a heterogeneous system in which seven main spheres make up seven periods, and the first period will correspond to the seventh period of the periodic system of elements. Thus, the world of stars merges with the world of atoms. The basis of a star is the core of a certain chemical element, and the shell in which the Universe is enclosed should also be considered as the core of the same chemical element, but only on a different scale. Thus, another triad is formed, uniting the Super-core with the world of stars and atoms. This triad reflects the structural unity underlying the world, which alone makes the world knowable.

    The energy of the nuclei of all galaxies obeys the wave of the sphere. The higher the sphere, the smaller the mass of the nucleus and the fewer stars enter it, but they proportionally increase their speed, the value of which cannot be arbitrary, but is determined by their own (internal) angular momentum. The core of our galaxy makes one revolution around its axis during one spiral in 2,592,000 years. It has twenty-four "holes" along the "equator", which open the bowels of the star and form beams of very strong radiation. The solar system enters them every 108,000 years and stays in each of them for about five days. For the Earth, this is a catastrophe when all living things die in fire.

    Each star entering the galaxy moves in a spiral that is harmonious with the main one. The sun overcomes its spiral in 25,920 years. It is this spiraling motion of the sun that creates the precession of the earth's axis. The sun has two "holes" along the "equator", and every 10.8 years an increase in solar activity is recorded on Earth. The super-kernel has one open "hole"; it will be a BLACK HOLE for us, since there are no radiation sources outside the Super-core ...

    Let's go back to the Maya priests. The tun calendar system described at the beginning of the article was based on the HAAB calendar of everyday life, in which the number of years was limited to twenty. At the end of each twenty years, a stone pillar was erected with a description of the most important events for this period. The TUN system, in essence, continued the HAAB system, transferring the account to thousands, hundreds and millions of years. In addition to these two calendar systems, the Maya had another ZOLKIN calendar, in which the length of the year was 260 days (20 weeks of 13 days and 13 months of 20 days). For the Maya, this was a sacred year, the biological year of man, by which he is associated with the cosmos. This is a wave-spiral, which a person obeys in his development. Life in the Universe in all its forms is one! Linked with the HAAB system, the ZOLKIN system underlies the TRINITY OF LIFE.

    So there are three triads:

    1. Harmony of the Universe: WATER-COLOR-SOUND (Poetry-Painting-Music).

    2. Structural trinity: MICROWORLD - MACROWORLD - SUPER-NUCLEAR.

    3. Trinity of life:

    Human spiral - 260 days, Earth spiral - 25,920 days, Sun spiral - (72 years) 25,920 years, Galaxy core - 2,592,000 years. (MICROCOSM MACROCOSM SUPERCOSM)

    These three triads make up one large triad, which expresses the essence of the Universe.

    This model, which underlies the ancient calendar systems, oddly enough, sheds some light on problems that remain a mystery to modern science. Now, for example, Saturn and Jupiter are considered "failed stars." However, the past of the Earth suggests that in ancient times it was illuminated more intensely than it is now. The chemical composition of their atmospheres is the same as that of the Sun: helium, hydrogen and other light elements. Like the Sun, they have their own planetary systems. Jupiter radiates 2 times more energy than it receives from the Sun, and Saturn - 2.5 times. And finally, and most importantly, Jupiter has a BIG RED SPOT and SATURN has a BIG BROWN SPOT! It turns out that in place of these spots in the cores of these planets there are "holes" that only stars can have! Saturn and Jupiter are dead stars!

    What would collapse look like in this model of the universe?

    When Saturn and Jupiter "holes" close, there will be a special case of the collapse of Saturn and Jupiter. They, in turn, will close the "holes" in the Sun - each his own - and this will be the collapse of the solar system. The sun, tied to a larger star, will close it, along with other stars, each with its own "hole" and so on along the chain to the core of the galaxy.

    When the "holes" at the core of the galaxy close, the galaxy will collapse. But this will become possible only after the "hole" at the Super-core closes. This will be the beginning of the collapse of the universe. The movement in the ninth sphere will go out, the energy frame of the Universe will begin to blur, Time will cease to exist.

    This article attempts to look at the Universe through the eyes of the ancients. The scheme of the structure of the Universe, which is proposed here, has been restored bit by bit from disparate sources. Based on the analysis of all available information, it can be argued that the ancients had a complete understanding of the universe. It had certain space-time parameters backed up by specific numbers, which makes it understandable, but this is only a diagram that may have some inconsistencies. It is not easy for us to understand the ancients to the end. They lived in a different time, thought in different categories, but they were in no way less than us. Therefore, much of what we are now trying to comprehend and revive, we find in them ...

    [email protected]

    The parade of planets (otherwise connection) is an ambiguous term, best known as a designation for a rare astronomical phenomenon during which eight planets (or part of them) of the solar system converge, line up in one imaginary line. With this arrangement, celestial objects visually appear close to the Earth. Researchers of the legendary Mayan calendar believe that the next time such a parade will happen when the solar system crosses the equator of our galaxy. A new era will come. The fateful date was also named - December 21, 2012.

    But scientists have already found out that the next "Parade of Planets" will not take place in 2012, but only in 2161. Were the Mayans wrong? Or did they not mean the end of the world at all, and the calendar just got the wrong interpretation? Some scholars, for example, are of the opinion that the inscription: “It will happen” may mean the return of the gods, the onset of a New Age, or so on.

    Everyone is asking this question now, even the most remote from astronomy people. And if we assume that the Mayans were still right, then are there other planets in the Galaxy similar to the Earth, on which people can hide from disaster?


    In a word, it's coming. According to the Maya, it means the end of the baktun - the thirteenth cycle, which began in 3114 BC. It is this kind of comments that have become the cause of general anxiety in modern society. However, it is impossible to speak with confidence about the correctness of the "translation", the correct understanding of what the Mayans wanted to tell in the calendar. They believed in the cyclic nature of the universe, the continuous repetition of creation and destruction. This is evidenced by the books and paintings of the Maya on the monuments. Their texts tell about the creation and unification of the gods, there is a connection with mythology, significant dates are predicted, but not a word about destruction is mentioned. Probably, the Maya assumed in 2012 not the collapse of the universe, but simply the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one. Further, there was simply no point in writing a calendar.

    Surprisingly, the ancient Mayan calendar cycles are still used by the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Guatemala and the inhabitants of some regions of Mexico. Its masters - the "keepers of the days" - still predict significant dates and perform ritual rites based on it.

    Secrets of the Mayan Calendar

    The Maya were a fairly advanced Mesoamerican civilization, the first American inhabitants to start keeping records of their history. For the most part, monumental stone stelae were covered with inscriptions.

    On the steles you can find a description of various events important to the Maya and evidence of the highest level of knowledge in the field of astronomy - a calendar. The complex and extremely unusual calendar system is an example of the outstanding achievements of the Maya in the field of culture. Their calendar system had a great influence on the development of astronomy among the Aztecs, and indeed left an imprint on the lives of all people on earth.

    Today, the calendar leaves no one indifferent. He, according to some researchers, carries an ominous prophecy that in December, when the winter solstice of 2012 comes, the whole world will be destroyed after a terrible flood. Some people are afraid of this prophecy, others chuckle and believe that the Mayans just wanted to end their calendar. But be that as it may, everyone knows about it now.

    How does this happen? What is the basis of calendars?

    Usually, calendars are based on knowledge about astronomical phenomena: for example, about the solar cycle, the movement and direction of movement of planets and stars. Ancient civilizations regularly observed the movement of these celestial bodies in order to determine the time of year, month and year. The priests-astronomers revered at that time made a notice that a new segment, a time period, was coming.

    Such calendars can still be found today. They are used in the field of agricultural activities, during migrations, hunting. Also, thanks to such calendars, the exact date of some religious holidays and other events taking place in society is determined. One of the first calendars was created in the southern region of Mesopotamia by the Sumerians about five thousand years ago.

    Sumerian calendar

    The Sumerian calendar, which later became the basis for the creation of the Babylonian calendar, contained information about the division of the year into months and days. In addition, in a somewhat unusual interpretation: the year was divided into thirty months, the day consisted of twelve parts (each part of two hours), and each part of the day, in turn, was divided into 30 more periods (each of which had a duration of four minutes). ).

    The Sumerian calendar had two half-years, the first of which was called Enten (enten was considered a cold and wet period of the year), and the second was called Emesh (respectively, a hot, dry period). The Sumerians did not have seasons.

    The beginning of the year took place in the spring, after the first new moon was celebrated, expected immediately after the flood of the rivers. Spring was characterized by two features - the harvest of barley and the flood of fish.

    The calendars of each Sumerian city had their own differences from the calendars of other cities. For example, interesting information from the calendars of cities such as Nippur, Ur or Uma: they were so extensive that they even mentioned the names of months and religious rituals. Of course, Sumerian names have nothing to do with modern names. For example, the first month was called Barag-zag-gar-ra, which in ancient Sumerian means "the throne of the sanctuary." Or, for example, the month of Ab-ba-ed, in the name of which its purpose was hidden - "the month of the father's departure", most likely nothing more than the month of going to sea.

    Egyptian calendar

    The Egyptians built their ancient calendar on the principle of interconnection with the lunar cycle, exactly until they figured out that the Dog star makes a joint rise with the sun. This rise occurs every 365 days and the Nile floods, which occurs annually. Such observations became the basis for the creation of a calendar consisting of 365 days. The starting point is considered to be 4236 BC. The ancient Egyptian calendar was very similar to the modern one. Namely: 12 months, consisting of 30 days, + 5 "extra", which were added at the end of the year. Months were divided not into four, but into three weeks.

    Julian calendar

    Dates back to 46 BC. It is a solar calendar consisting of twelve months or 365 days. Every 4 years in the last winter month, one day was added. This calendar served people for many years, until the appearance of a more accurate and thoughtful Gregorian calendar in 1582.

    The calendars of ancient America, including the Mayan and Aztec calendars, are similar in many ways: for example, they have a 260-day ritual year. It is known that in the Mayan calendar three multidirectional calendar systems are presented at once: the agricultural, solar calendar, the sacred calendar and the calendar of the long time reference system.

    For example, the sacred calendar, also called the Tzolkin, is the most ancient. With its help, all sorts of dates that were significant for society, a significant battle, wedding or funeral were determined. Also, thanks to this religious calendar, newborn children received names, predictions of the future, possible cataclysms, etc. were made. It consisted of thirteen months, twenty days each. Names, that is, the names of the days, were given in honor of the god who carries time across the sky, reflects the change of day and night. It is believed that the Tzolkin system was adopted from the Zapotes civilization (the ancient inhabitants of the central region of Mexico).

    Why is the Mayan calendar system so complicated?

    It is not known for sure. There is an opinion that the main reason for the excessive complexity of the calendar is the thirst for supremacy, power and influence, driven by the priests. Priests, referring to calendars, determined all significant dates for people. They informed the inhabitants about the beginning of the sowing time or the decisive battle. The population was completely dependent on the priests. In order to prevent ordinary residents from understanding the complex system, the priests tried to confuse it as much as possible.

    The Maya wanted to become gods, were ready for any sacrifice to answer the question of whether they were alone in the universe. This question excites the minds of people even now. And still no answer. The probability of the number of intelligent races in the Universe is assumed by various scientists to vary from "maximum bacteria" on Mars to a million aliens in one Galaxy.

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    Hello, I’ll start with the fact that the calendars left to us by the ancients do not at all speak of the inevitable end of the world, but first of all they are interpreted in this way. And therefore they cannot serve as a source of solid information.

    However, most predictors of the future, rely precisely on the chronicles that came out of ancient times. Sometimes deliberately emphasizing that in ancient times, people were better versed in the non-material world, and communicated with the gods.

    Practically all conclusions about the coming apocalypse, which awaits us in December 2012, the end of the world, lie on legends and myths. And also on what is listed in the calendars of ancient civilizations. It is surprising, but ancient civilizations, not familiar with each other, sometimes came to the same opinion.

    Eg, reflecting on, one gets the impression that the ancients had a common project in their hands, the purpose of which was to build up the Earth with pyramids. Exactly the same consensus was held by ancient civilizations when compiling calendars. That is, the civilizations that lived earlier agreed on the possible end of the world. At the same time, pointing to almost the same date.

    Often astrologers try to predict end of the world considering these facts. However, these facts can only indirectly state that the ancients had knowledge of the events of the future. Of course, the distant past carries a lot of mystery, beckons the unknown. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the change of the era of the fifth Sun, saying that the coming event will bring death to all living things. This is due to the fact that a change of poles will occur on Earth.

    And the process seems to have already started., which is why we are seeing more and more powerful tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons, a hurricane has just raged in America. Earthquakes are gaining strength, and they occur more often But you ask for information about these natural disasters in the past century. You will see that the frequency and power of natural phenomena was strong even then. Climatologists also say that there are no prerequisites for climate change on the planet.

    But a man always attracts the mysterious and incomprehensible, any phenomena that are difficult to explain in simple terms. Therefore, the end of the world, which is based on the prediction of the approaching era of the new Sun, is so attractive and discussed. Of course, it cannot be denied that by analyzing the change of civilizations, one can see how they echo the change in the solar cycle.

    For this period significant natural disasters occurred in the life of the planet. It should be emphasized that this did not happen suddenly and at once, but took a long period of time. And there is no need to fear the end of the world for the next half century, let alone say that it will happen in December 2012. Why half a century? - because a person in pursuit of progress can destroy himself, but you can’t blame nature for this, or talk about external factors of power.

    Considering information expressed by various kinds of predictors should not be relied upon as a solid source. As mentioned above, climatologists do not associate natural disasters on Earth in connection with the era of the new Sun.

    Yes, experts have long been sounding the alarm. However, this is due to the fact that a person, developing infrastructure, increasingly violates the natural balance. Developing our own standard of living, increasing technology, we do not always think about how much we weaken the resources of the planet that takes care of us. And this is another factor, possible natural disasters, when the Earth is tired of enduring what is happening on its back, it can throw us off.

    For more information about what the basis lies in the predictions about the change in the solar cycles, read in. The conversation will be about a large basalt monolith. This is stored in the Mexican Museum of Anthropology, the Aztec calendar, Sun Stone.

    For all time: how did our ancestors count the days?

    Of course, one of the most famous ancient calendars is the calendar of the Mayan people. Some four years ago, mass speculation about the predicted end of the world blew up the Internet and the minds of people around the world, and this story of the apocalypse has become a dense part of Internet memetics, becoming a topic for jokes. Of course, no end of the world happened, and certainly should not have happened, simply because a particular calendar ended. Modern calendars are also made in the format for a maximum of a couple of years ahead.

    But this episode, unfortunately, overshadowed a much more interesting topic: how our ancestors measured time. The very word “calendar”, and literally “announcing”, was invented by the Romans, but the first calendar was created not by the Romans and Indians, but by the Egyptians. The ancient Egyptian calendar, as in many later cultures, was associated with agriculture. Agriculture in arid North Africa was entirely dependent on a single river. It was the Nile, and its floods marked the seasons for this ancient civilization. The Egyptians had three seasons in total. The Egyptians did not know the clock, in the sense that we know now. They roughly divided the circle along which the shadow of the obelisk passed into ten parts and added one for sunset and dawn. Thus, it turned out 12 hours in daylight hours. Since this people counted in dozens, there were also 12 unequal shares for night time, because no one even thought about measuring the length of an hour: in ancient Egypt, time was measured at night by the position of the stars. Thus, a 24-hour system for measuring the day was born, reminiscent of the one we use.

    The Roman calendar was more like ours. Less accurate, but more convenient. At first, according to the Greek tradition, there were only ten months, and another 61 days before the onset of spring were simply missed, pretending that they were not there. Of course, this was not very convenient for people and the Romans added 2 more months to the calendar, creating such a 12-month calendar similar to the modern one. True, with the clock in the era of centurions and emperors, there was an old problem that haunted the Egyptians. The length of an hour varied at different times of the year by almost two times. In summer it was almost eighty minutes, and on the mildest day of winter - about forty. And almost until the 14th century, no one knew what to do with it, until someone put forward the idea of ​​“gathering everything and dividing it”. An hour became 60 minutes.

    As we can see, with the course of centuries, the calendar began to take on its familiar form. It is rather ironic that the Aztecs and the Mayans already four millennia BC had a year in the calendar of exactly 365 days, as is now recognized by astronomers. Remarkably, both of them lived according to the “human” calendar, which was 260 days, and the “correct”, “divine” calendar was needed for prayers and sacrifices. It was he who was similar to ours, in contrast to the Mayan household agricultural calendar. But these civilizations were destroyed and their legacy forgotten. The modern calendar, called the Gregorian, in honor, respectively, of Pope Gregory XIII, was introduced only at the end of the 16th century. It was compiled by astronomers, not plowmen, so it is quite accurate, like those compiled by the Aztec priests.

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