What you can take in hand luggage: rules and tips. What can you take with you on the plane? Getting ready to fly


Can I take food on the plane? – A question that many travelers are interested in. It worries people who are going to distant countries or just like to eat. In answering this question, there are many nuances, such as the composition of products that can be carried in baggage, hand luggage, the amount of liquids allowed for storage on board the liner, and so on. We will tell you more about all these features in more detail.

What food can you take on a plane?

Passengers' doubts about whether food can be brought onto the plane are always resolved positively. Airport and airline employees have nothing against food. At the same time, the question is: “Is it possible to carry products in hand luggage?” makes air harbor employees smile.

It is allowed to take any products on board, not just those bought in Duty-free, as most tourists think. The meals that the passenger took with him can save some money on food during the flight (especially on low-cost flights) or provide additional calories for the body during a long trip. Food will be especially useful in case of unforeseen delays at take-off or docking airports.

In order not to get hungry, you can take sandwiches on the plane. These are simple and nutritious dishes that are stored for a long time and easily satisfy your appetite. In order to ensure better preservation of food, it is advisable to pack sandwiches in cling film or in lunch boxes. Can I carry sausage, my favorite sandwich ingredient, in hand luggage? Yes, you can. But it is better to use boiled types of this product, without spices, which have a strong smell. Don't annoy your fellow travelers with specific scents and think about their comfort.

Also suitable as components of a second breakfast or afternoon snack:

  • Cookies and snacks (preferably without spices, only salty or sweet);
  • Chocolate (without flavors and additives);
  • Fruits (can be carried in hand luggage, it is better to take not too juicy fruits, such as bananas or apples);
  • Dried products (except meat with spices);
  • Sucking sweets (especially orange ones).

All products that are taken on board must be cut and separated into pieces that do not require the use of a knife or scissors before being placed in the bag. This must be done due to the fact that it is forbidden to take piercing and cutting objects (even a manicure set) into the cabin of an airliner.

Can I take liquids on board?

It is forbidden to carry any liquids, including creams or gels, on the airliner. The maximum allowed amount of moisture that can be carried on board an aircraft is 1 liter, but no more than 100 ml should be in one container. Thus, the total number of containers is limited to 10 bottles.

The list of prohibited liquids does not include baby food purchased at a supermarket or pharmacy (not necessarily located at the airport). Non-alcoholic drinks are always available from the flight attendant and do not need to be carried with you. Only on the flights of some low-cost airlines you have to pay separately for water, tea or coffee.

What liquids can not be taken on a plane?


You can also take caviar on a plane, which is also considered a liquid and falls under the 100 ml limit. In order not to worry about this precious and tasty product and not to make nice gifts to border guards, it is better to check it in your luggage.

canned food

Still to liquids always carry canned products. At the same time, seaming can be transported in the luggage of the aircraft. So, if you want to bring fruit in syrup or fish that is not produced at home, it is better to put it in the main suitcase.


All creams and jellies, according to international transport regulations, are liquids. For this reason, the cake cannot be transported on an airplane. The border guards will take away any sweets with filling or cream and will be very happy to eat such products after the shift.

In the information desk of any carrier, the answer to the question will be negative: Is it possible to take jam on a plane? This product is classified as a liquid and is prohibited from being carried on board.

What liquids can I take on a plane?

Exceptions to the rules are:

  • Liquids purchased from Duty-free stores. Drinks from duty-free markets can be taken on board in any quantity. At the same time, it must be remembered that drinking alcohol on the planes of some airlines (for example, Turkish Airlines) is prohibited and the presence of cognac or vodka in a bag does not guarantee that you can drink alcohol without incident in the cabin of the liner.
  • Liquids that are intended for dietary nutrition (kefir, mineral water). Along with liquids, you need to have a certificate from a doctor, which confirms the need to drink a certain type of liquid for various periods of time (every 2, 3 or 4 hours);
  • Medications (but only those that must be consumed during the flight and only with a relevant certificate from a doctor. For international flights, it is advisable to issue medical documents in English);
  • Baby food (more on that later).

What can be taken from food for children?

All types of baby food are allowed in carry-on baggage. Any cereals and milk mixtures can be fed to the baby during the flight. For a short voyage with 1 flight lasting no more than 4 hours, you should take:

  • Jars of baby food or milk formula;
  • Dried fruits and snacks for a snack (crackers, raisins, banana chips, dried pineapples);
  • Fruit and vegetable juices.

When making a long trip with 1-2 transfers for a baby, you additionally need to grab sour-milk drinks. Kefir, ayran or fermented baked milk will make it easier for the child to change the climate.

It would be right to take with you instead of 1 bottle of juice or yogurt with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, several small containers with a volume of 0.33-0.5 liters. Such containers will cause less dissatisfaction among airport staff and border guards.

Particularly tough on baby food that is carried on board is in China. They select everything that is needed for kids over the age of 5 years. It is believed that a child of 6 years or more can eat on a par with adults.

Resort countries such as Thailand and Turkey stand out with a loyal attitude to food for young passengers. Employees of the airports of these states skip almost all the food. Sometimes employees may ask the question "For baby?" and limit it.

It is desirable that all products that are taken with you as baby food are purchased at the store and marked as baby food (with special inscriptions or labels). In no case should you carry home-cooked meals on the plane. Border guards may seize such foods as potentially dangerous or intended for adults.

What products can be carried in the baggage of the aircraft?

You can carry any food in the baggage of the aircraft. The main thing is that the total weight of the bag does not go beyond the norm of 20 kg. Perishable or fatty foods (lard, fish, meat) are best wrapped in vacuum packaging or at least in several layers of cling film. Such measures will help not to stain other things that are in the bag and prevent the spread of the smell of smoked, salted or dried meats or fish.

What products cannot be taken in hand luggage?

International air transportation rules do not provide for prohibitions on the presence of any products in hand luggage or baggage of a passenger. But some airlines, in order to avoid unpleasant incidents, introduce lists of prohibited foods and individual products on their own. You can find out about such a list on the official website of the carrier. Also, restrictions on the import and export of food are in effect in almost all countries of the world. On Russian domestic flights, it is allowed to carry any food.

In order not to cause indignation among the other passengers of the vessel, you should not bring into the cabin of the aircraft:

  • Perishable products (fish, boiled and fried meat)
  • Milk and kefir;
  • Foods that exude a strong odor (eggs, sausages, chicken, onions and garlic).

Which countries are not allowed to import food?

Some countries, for security reasons, prohibit the importation into their territory of most of the food available in Russia and the CIS. These states include:

  • Finland;
  • Sweden.

To avoid problems at the customs of these countries, it is better to eat all the edible things that are taken with you into the cabin before landing at the airport. Meat, milk, meat and dairy products cannot be imported into EU Member States. An exception is baby food if it weighs no more than 2 kg and does not require storage in refrigerators or freezers.

From some countries of the world it is limited or prohibited to export products that are the property of the country. For example, you can’t take nuoc mam sauce from Vietnam (even on domestic flights), and sturgeon caviar from Finland. You also need to constantly follow the news. New products prohibited for import are introduced constantly due to epidemics (bird flu).

Brief Summary

Before traveling to any country in the world, you need to inquire about its customs rules, especially regarding the import of food and the export of valuable products. All information about this is available on the Internet in Russian or English.

It is allowed to carry food on the plane, but you should not take perishable products with you. Liquids can be taken on board in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml. The exception is:

  • Baby food;
  • dietary products;
  • Medicines;
  • Drinks from Duty-free.

You can carry anything in your luggage, but you should not forget about the correct packaging of food.

The requirements for transporting food in each airline are different. What is allowed and what cannot be taken on a plane largely depends on the country to which the flight is carried out. Many people wonder: is it possible to take food on a plane in hand luggage? There are no food restrictions for flights within Russia. The only thing you need to take into account is the allowable size and weight of bags or backpacks.

If you buy a ticket, for example, at Aeroflot, you can take a bag weighing up to 15 kg (if you fly in business class) and up to 10 kg (if you fly in economy class) into the cabin. In this case, the sum of the length, height and width of the bag must be less than 115 cm.

What kind of food you decide to take on the plane does not matter. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible weight and dimensions. All edibles must be carefully packaged. For example, liquid products have specific packaging requirements. This information must be found out before you pack things for a trip.

The situation is quite different with the rules for transporting products on international flights. In this case, hand luggage, in particular food, must comply with the customs requirements established in the country of arrival or in the state in which the transfer is made. When planning such a flight, check in advance whether it is possible to carry food in hand luggage.


As a rule, it is forbidden to bring with you products without their original packaging, if at the same time they are classified as epidemiologically dangerous. For example, if the flight is to an EU country, it will not work to bring meat or dairy products. This ban is associated with the risk of spreading the infection. In America, it is forbidden to transport meat products, eggs, fish, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, some vegetables and fruits. There is also a ban on fresh caviar (there is no ban on canned caviar).

Some countries have export bans for certain products. For example, it is forbidden to export sturgeon caviar from Finland, and it is forbidden to export a sauce called “nuok-mam” from Vietnam. This sauce in Vietnam is forbidden to take with you, even if you are flying on a domestic flight. Also, in some countries, airlines prohibit the transport of durian due to the fact that this fruit has a very unpleasant odor.

Upon returning to Russia, you can carry food on the plane in a limited amount. In particular, there is a restriction on meat products. It is allowed to import only up to five kilograms of meat. Moreover, an indispensable condition is the presence of factory packaging. In Russia and other countries, bans on the import of products that are subject to quarantine periodically come into force. Therefore, before packing a bag, it is worth finding out if there are time restrictions on certain products.

Fish and seafood

If you plan to fly from Russia to another country, you should take into account that only a limited amount of fish and seafood is allowed on board the aircraft:

  • up to 5 kg of seafood, including fish, but excluding sturgeon caviar;
  • up to 250 g of sturgeon caviar.

It is important to pack these products carefully. Caviar belongs to the category of liquid products, so it must be packaged in accordance with the standards adopted for the transport of liquids on board.

You can also take liquid products on board, but the volume of the container should not exceed 100 ml.

Liquid and bulk products

Many people wonder: is it possible to carry food in hand luggage on an airplane if it is in liquid form? Yes, such food is allowed to be taken into the cabin. Liquid products include:

  • jam, jam, jam;
  • fish caviar;
  • pate;
  • cottage cheese, soft cheeses, sour cream;
  • sauces;
  • oil (any);
  • soups.

If you wish to take any of these products with you, they must be packed in 100 ml containers. There can be from 1 to 10 such containers, but no more (per person). All containers with liquid products must be placed in a transparent bag that is fastened.

Coffee in cans, cookies, teas are best carried in luggage. It is also recommended to check in luggage in a rigid metal container. And in soft packaging, food can be taken on board. If the product has a specific odor, sealed packaging must be used.

duty free

Food purchased in Duty Free stores is allowed to be taken into the salon. They can even be unpacked and eaten on board. However, it is important that such products are in the branded Duty Free package. In some countries, there is a ban on opening liquid goods during a flight. In particular, if a transfer is provided, then before boarding the second plane, you cannot open alcoholic drinks purchased in Duty Free.

What food to take with you?

If you are wondering what kind of food to take on board an airplane, use the recommendations below. As a rule, flights in which passengers are not served lunch do not last long. Therefore, you do not have to take a lot of food with you. It is enough to limit yourself to dry soldering. Take, for example, several sandwiches (but first you need to check if there are any products that make up a sandwich in the list of prohibited items). You can take dried fruits, nuts, chocolate bars. Take a few lollipops with you to avoid blocking your ears during takeoff and landing. Chewing gum is also suitable for these purposes. Since you cannot take sharp objects on board, in particular knives, cut the food you take on board in advance.

Incorrectly assembled hand luggage can cause a lot of trouble. This will stretch the queue and extend your stay at the screening. If you want to smuggle something forbidden, then at best you just have to get rid of it. Such cases are not uncommon, because passengers often forget about the requirements for filling hand luggage. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, it is important to know in advance what you can and cannot take with you on the plane.

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What is hand luggage

Hand luggage is the cargo that a passenger can take with him on board the aircraft. The main baggage, if any, must be checked in before the flight. For a safe flight and being in the cabin, there are many requirements for hand luggage. It should not be too large, heavy, or contain prohibited substances and items. You will learn more about this later.

Permissible dimensions and weight of hand luggage

Let's pay attention to the dimensions of hand luggage. The requirements vary from airline to airline, but in general they are the same. If you took a bag, then it should be no more than 55 cm long, 20 cm wide and 40 cm high. For a small suitcase, the requirements are slightly different: up to 40 cm long, 22 cm wide and 53 cm high.

Important! This norm may be slightly exceeded, since no one will measure your hand luggage in the inspection area. But still it is better not to take risks and strive not to go beyond the established values.

The exact weight of hand luggage also depends on the airline, but it is usually in the range of 5-10 kg. This is quite enough to put all the most valuable and necessary in flight. This weight is also enough if your trip is short and without a lot of things. Please note that if the weight is a little more, then they may not say anything in the inspection area, but if the excess is over 1-1.5 kg, then you will probably have to pay extra for it.

What can you carry in hand luggage on an airplane

From time to time, new rules and requirements for filling hand luggage may arise. Something completely new is unlikely to be introduced: usually small changes are made to existing rules. There are also temporary bans. For example, in 2014, during the Sochi Olympics, it was forbidden to carry any liquids with you. Fortunately, this restriction was quickly lifted.

So, let's take a closer look at what you can take in hand luggage:

  1. Medications that may come in handy during the flight. If you take several varieties of pills for reinsurance or for medical reasons, then there will be no problems in the inspection area. You should not take a whole first-aid kit with you, collected on the road: it belongs in the luggage. If you need to take any specific medicines, it is best to get a prescription in advance to prove that the medicine is really needed and will be used as directed. If you need to bring a lot of medicines abroad, then be sure to prepare prescriptions proving that you need exactly this amount for the duration of the trip: this will help to avoid inconvenience. A prescription is also required for drugs with psychotropic and narcotic substances in the composition. Also, find out in advance which drugs are prohibited from transporting to some countries. For example, in Israel, the usual green stuff is banned, in Lithuania and the USA - "Valocardin" and "Carvalol".
  2. A stroller, carrycot and crutches may be on board the aircraft, but please note that their weight must not exceed 10 kg. At the end of the article, it will be described in detail what else can be carried along with hand luggage.
  3. Technical devices. These include phones, laptops, tablets and other equipment. The main condition is to turn them off or switch them to airplane mode. It is allowed to carry in hand luggage along with the camera and a tripod if, when folded, its length does not exceed half a meter. Those who use electronic cigarettes, as well as portable chargers called power banks, must put them in their hand luggage. It is forbidden to carry them in your luggage! E-liquids are subject to the same requirements as any other liquids in hand luggage.
  4. Products. In the screening area, they look disapprovingly at the products that the passenger takes with him, so it is better to have a bite to eat with something bought in the waiting room. On domestic flights, these requirements are not so important, so you can take a sandwich, fruit, something sweet for tea with you. If the flight is carried out outside of Russia, then you should carefully consider the transportation of products of animal origin. These include meat in any form, cheeses and other dairy products. Check the rules for transporting products to the countries you plan to visit. When traveling to EU countries, it is better to refuse to import products of animal origin both in baggage and in hand luggage.
  5. Goods from Duty Free. It is difficult to resist and not buy something in such stores. Since they are located in the waiting area, which you find yourself in after passing through all the security checks, the question arises quite logically: can you take liquids bought there as hand luggage on the plane? Yes, you can. The key is to keep them sealed.

What liquid can be carried on board an aircraft

You can carry liquids up to 100 ml and a total volume of up to 1000 ml. It is important to note that liquids also include gel and creamy care products, mascaras, lip glosses, as well as products such as yogurts and jellies. The exception is baby food: its volume may exceed the prescribed 100 ml.

It is better to carry small containers with you: this will save space in your hand luggage. Avoid packages of 200 ml or more that are half full or less: there is a good chance that you will simply be asked to dispose of it at the security checkpoint.

What you can not carry in hand luggage on an airplane

Ordinary passengers are unlikely to have weapons, explosive and toxic substances in their hand luggage, but one can easily ignore one of the restrictions and lose some of their belongings. Items that cannot be taken in hand luggage include the following:

  1. Weapon-like toys. Of course, toys do not pose a threat to other passengers, but it is still better to refuse to carry them in hand luggage.
  2. It is forbidden to take any objects with magnets on the plane. Therefore, if you return from a trip and bring souvenirs to family and friends, then leave them in your luggage, especially items with magnets.
  3. You can not transport women's manicure tools: files, scissors. The place for a manicure set is in your luggage, otherwise you will have to leave it in a basket in the security area.
  4. Even especially valuable souvenir knives and daggers cannot be taken on an airplane. Pack them carefully in your luggage to minimize damage in transit.
  5. Sprays and aerosols are also not allowed on board. If you need some kind of aerosol on the plane for health reasons, then an exception can be made, but only if you provide a prescription.

What can I take into the cabin except hand luggage

To understand what you can carry with your cabin baggage, check out this list of items allowed to be carried in the cabin:

  1. Taking into the cabin of the aircraft small vehicles for transportation: unicycles, gyro scooters and others - in the event that the battery is removed from them and placed in luggage. If the battery cannot be obtained, then such a vehicle is not allowed on board. Just in case, check the admissibility of their transportation in the airline of your choice.
  2. In addition to hand luggage, women can take a small or medium-sized handbag with them. You are also allowed to bring laptop bags.
  3. If you often get cold during the flight, then you can safely take a blanket with you. It is allowed to carry folding umbrellas, but it is better to leave cane umbrellas in your luggage.
  4. You can take various magazines and other printed publications, but not in huge quantities.

Now you know what you can and cannot take with you in your hand luggage. You will not need to leave any of your belongings in the inspection area, as well as experience inconvenience from increased attention to the contents of your hand luggage, because there will be nothing superfluous and forbidden to be taken on board!

The question of what to take in hand luggage on an airplane is asked by many passengers. Today we will try to answer it.

To begin with, let's be clear - you can take nothing at all, except for a passport. Most likely, you will not need anything else. The plane is not a bus, most flights last up to 3 hours.

What to take on a plane for a comfortable flight?

The list of things you will need on the plane depends on the duration of the flight.

  • Hygiene products: toothpaste, brush, comb.

If the flight is over 6 hours, many airlines give out small kits that include a mini version of toothpaste, a brush, an eye patch, and earplugs. But if you use a certain paste or the flight is not so long, then it is better to bring your own.

Pay attention to the volume of the tube of paste, toothpaste is a liquid, and as we wrote earlier, it is allowed to carry liquid in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml in hand luggage, while the total volume of liquid that a passenger can carry in hand luggage is 1 liter.

Wet wipes will also come in handy, and if you have dry skin, then face and hand cream. (cream is also a liquid)

  • Sleeping pillow, blindfold and earplugs

Many airlines have pillows on board, but they are not always comfortable and on short and medium haul routes they are usually limited. You may not have enough if you do not ask the flight attendant about it in advance. If you get on a plane and see that there are no pillows and a blanket on each seat, then immediately ask the flight attendant for them. If the flight is short, then they may not be on the plane at all.

A sleep bandage and ear plugs, as we wrote above, are often included in sets that are distributed to passengers, but only on night and long-haul flights. If your flight is not so long, then it is better to take your own. You can most often buy a bandage at the airport, and there are earplugs in almost every pharmacy.

  • Laptop and tablet

Laptops and tablets are transported only in hand luggage, do not forget about the charger for them. Some aircraft have sockets on board. You can find out in advance whether you will have them by viewing the plane plan on seatguru.com. In addition, you can charge the device during a transfer at the airport.

  • Comfortable clothes and socks (or slippers)

For long flights, warm socks will come in handy. Sitting for several hours in street shoes, and if the flight is in winter, in boots, is not very comfortable. You can walk around the salon in socks.

As for clothing, ideally for the flight you need to choose a light and comfortable option that will not hinder movement. However, this is not always possible; in this case, bring a change of clothes with you. You can change your clothes both at the airport and on the plane after takeoff, when the “fasten your seatbelt” sign goes out.

  • Medicines

Just in case, always take something on the plane for a headache. And if you have health problems, be sure to carry your medicines in your hand luggage.

  • Handle

The pen will come in handy if you are flying abroad and have to fill out an immigration form. this will save you a lot of time when going through all the formalities.

  • Books, newspapers and magazines

These items are not included in the weight of hand luggage, so you can safely take your favorite magazine or book.

The planes are fed and it is included in the ticket price. If the flight is short, up to 3 hours, then you will be offered free tea / coffee or juices.

Only budget airlines have paid meals, as well as semi-budget carriers (airBaltic, Air Berlin) if you bought a ticket at the cheapest fare.

If you are not a fan of airplane food or the portion that is given is not enough for you, you can take a small bag in your hand luggage. Remember that you can't open a window on an airplane to ventilate it, so leave fried chicken and eggs at home. The ideal snack is pastry, waffles, chocolate, a low-fat sandwich/sandwich, and fruit or vegetables.

Always remember about liquids, they can be carried in hand luggage no more than 1 liter, while the volume of each container should not exceed 100 ml. Liquid is not only water, it is also milk, kefir, gel, cream, paste, sauce, canned food, soft cheese and much more.

During the flight, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids. Because the flight attendant does not go with drinks all the time, take a small container (empty) for liquid with you, which can be filled after going through security or already on the plane.

17 Sep 2014 Anna Lump Tags:

During the holiday season, the question is especially acute about what you can’t take in hand luggage on an airplane? To avoid problems when going through the baggage screening procedure while boarding the aircraft, the passenger must read in advance the new rules of 2016, which contain a list of prohibited items.

Items that should not be taken on board an aircraft as hand luggage

Hand luggage is a list of items that a passenger is allowed to take with them to the cabin of the aircraft for the duration of the flight. They are considered safe for passengers. At the same time, there is a list of items, the carriage of which is strictly prohibited. The list is constantly changing. It may vary depending on the selected airline.

Airport employees strictly monitor compliance with the rules for carrying hand luggage on board the aircraft. If there is a prohibited item in the passenger’s suitcases or bags, the item will be forced to leave at the airport. If the traveler refuses to do so, they will be prohibited from boarding the aircraft.

To prevent this from happening, things included in the list of prohibited items for transportation, but which must be taken with you, should be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

What is prohibited in hand luggage on an airplane? When collecting luggage for an upcoming flight, the traveler should know that they will not let him in at the control if he plans to take with him:

  • Weapons, including traumatic;
  • Children's toys and souvenirs imitating weapons that are easy to confuse with real ones;
  • Liquids that can easily ignite;
  • Explosives;
  • Flammable solids;
  • radioactive substances;
  • oxidizing substances;
  • Magnetized items;
  • Toxic substances.

The carriage of the above items on the aircraft is prohibited in any form. Their presence in the luggage may cause additional questions from the airport security and arouse suspicion. It is best to leave these items at home to avoid problems when passing through security. Transportation of weapons can be carried out only in cases provided for by law.

  • corkscrew for wine;
  • nail file;
  • wire cutters;
  • knitting needles;
  • tweezers;
  • medical needles for injections without appropriate documents;
  • razor;
  • jackknife;
  • scissors.

These items belong to the category of piercing and cutting. If during the inspection they are found in a bag that the passenger is going to take on the plane, he will not be allowed into the cabin. Items should be transferred to a suitcase, which will be transferred to checked baggage, or purchased after landing. At the same time, a nail file with rounded edges and a razor with interchangeable nozzles do not fall into the category of piercing - cutting objects. Their passenger can safely take with him on a flight.

If it is announced that the planned flight belongs to high-risk flights, then the list of items that will be prohibited for transportation will expand significantly. Some personal items may be included in the list.

The final list should be updated on the company's website a few days before departure. The baggage of passengers traveling on a high-risk flight is checked especially carefully. If prohibited items are found, the passenger may be prohibited from flying.

Liquid transportation

If the traveler needs to take liquid with him, he must remember that its volume should not exceed 1 liter. The following are allowed for transportation:

  • water;
  • beverages;
  • shampoo;
  • creams;
  • aerosols.

Cosmetics also fall into the “liquid” category. The traveler is entitled to carry:

  • ink;
  • lip gloss;
  • cream.

The volume of the package should not exceed 100 ml. If a traveler takes a 200 ml container and fills it halfway, the liquid will have to be left on the ground when going through the screening procedure. Otherwise, the passenger will not be allowed to fly.

Baby food belongs to the "liquid" category. You can take it with you, it is necessary for feeding a small child during the flight. Baby food is the exception to the rule.

If a child requires a volume exceeding 1 liter during the flight, the rules allow taking the required amount of baby food.

If 2 passengers are sent on a flight together with one hand luggage, then the volume is not summed up.

Liquids that the passenger plans to take with him must be placed in transparent bags in advance. It is best to use a ziplock bag.

Where can I buy a container for liquid, not exceeding a volume of 100 ml?

Getting packages that meet the requirements is not so difficult. There is no need to throw away the shampoo and detergent packages that are provided during your stay at the hotel. The containers exactly meet the requirements for passing through airport control.

Bags required for carrying liquids can be purchased from the stationery. To pass the control, it is enough if the liquids are packed in a tight file with a zipper. It is best if the traveler purchases a ready-made travel kit. It is sold in specialized stores. The set is compiled by professionals, taking into account the requirements for control.

Familiarization with the requirements of a particular air carrier

After thinking about what cannot be carried in hand luggage on an airplane, the traveler should familiarize himself with the requirements of a particular airline. The list of items prohibited for transportation can vary significantly. For example, during the Olympics in Sochi, a complete ban on the transportation of liquids was introduced.

If the list of items in hand luggage is prohibited, the security will not let the passenger through. You will need to leave prohibited items at the airport. Arguing with employees is useless. The passenger runs the risk of delaying the flight or not being allowed to fly. You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for the list of items for transportation in hand luggage in the cabin of the aircraft on the company's website.

Number of seats provided to a passenger in the aircraft cabin for hand luggage

The number of baggage pieces provided to the passenger in the aircraft cabin for storage may vary depending on the class and the chosen airline. Usually, 1 place is allocated for the carriage of hand luggage per 1 economy class traveler.

At the same time, for passengers flying in 1st class, 2 seats can be allocated at once. There are items that do not count as baggage that takes up storage space. These include:

  • briefcases or women's handbags;
  • cameras;
  • laptops;
  • tablets.

If a person is carrying a folding stroller, outerwear or crutches, then these items will also not be counted as hand luggage occupying 1 piece. Items can be carried freely. There is no additional charge for them.

Only one piece of hand luggage is allowed in economy class.

Permissible weight and size

Requirements for the size and weight of transported items may vary. They depend on the distance of the upcoming flight and the class in which the passenger flies. Usually the weight of a suitcase or bag carried in the cabin should not exceed 5-10 kg. Items exceeding the allowable volume must be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

Weight is checked before boarding. In order for the passenger not to have problems, you should check the weight of the items that he plans to take on board the aircraft while still at home. For the implementation of the procedure, ordinary scales are suitable.

Carriage of equipment for sports and musical instruments is carried out according to existing requirements. If items exceed the allowed weight, they must be checked in as checked baggage. An exception may be rare musical instruments of high value. Their transportation is allowed in the cabin if the weight of the item does not exceed 32 kg.

According to the requirements, the passenger must be able to put a suitcase or bag on the luggage rack without assistance.

The volume of a suitcase or bag in total must not exceed 115 cm. A suitcase with a maximum dimensions of 55 x 40 x 20 may be admitted into the cabin. An item larger than that cannot be taken as hand luggage on the plane. If the luggage exceeds the measurements, airport employees will forcibly demand that the bag or suitcase be checked in as luggage. If the passenger refuses, he will not be allowed to board the aircraft.

The airline checks the amount of baggage in a special frame. Bags and suitcases must pass freely through it, along with handles and wheels. You will have to pay extra for overweight and excess volume. For this reason, the passenger should carefully consider the list of items that he plans to take with him on his trip. You should give preference only to things that are sure to come in handy during the trip. Everything else should be left at home.

Frame for checking the dimensions of hand luggage

What can you take with you on the plane?

In the cabin of the aircraft, regardless of the airline, class or country, you are allowed to take with you:

  • documentation;
  • children's toys, if they do not have sharp corners;
  • souvenirs;
  • medicines, if the passenger needs them;
  • printed matter;
  • keys;
  • money;
  • jewelry.

Medications should be taken on a trip only if they may be required during the flight. If there is no urgent need, it is better to refuse their transportation in hand luggage. The passenger will have to prove the need for medicines and their purpose. The procedure will complicate the registration process.

If the item is of high value, in order to avoid loss or damage, it is allowed to take it with you into the cabin of the aircraft. The statement also applies to expensive musical instruments. Their weight should not exceed 32 kg. Items exceeding the allowable mark must be handed over to the luggage compartment of the aircraft without fail.

The camera, outerwear, food for children, telephone and laptop are not subjected to the weighing procedure and are not labeled. There is no charge for their transportation.

It is strictly forbidden to take with you into the cabin of the aircraft:

  • Food;
  • items that may break during the flight;
  • objects with sharp corners;
  • objects capable of inflicting cutting wounds on passengers.

If a child's toy has sharp corners, airport employees may consider it a sharp object and prohibit it from being transported in the cabin. The passenger can take outerwear with him, which he can later put in the luggage rack. At the same time, he has the right to put it in the luggage rack. Clothing does not count as carry-on baggage and does not require additional space.

Carriage of umbrellas in the cabin is allowed by most companies. However, some firms have come to the conclusion that it can be used as a weapon to harm the health of passengers, and require the item to be checked in as baggage. To avoid misunderstandings, the umbrella should be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

The passenger is entitled to take any printed materials with him into the cabin of the aircraft. In most airlines, if the weight of items does not exceed 5 - 10 kg, then you can carry luggage for free. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

Strong painkillers in large quantities can cause questions

Passing control

During the screening procedure, the passenger must present to the airport staff:

  • laptop;
  • telephone;
  • hand luggage;
  • outerwear.

Inspection of objects is carried out using a scanner. It is important to remember that different airlines have different requirements for the contents of carry-on baggage, which is allowed for transportation in the cabin. To avoid misunderstandings, the passenger must familiarize himself with the requirements in advance. For more information, please visit the airline's website.

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