What can be made from wax crayon. How to melt wax crayons: wax crayon recycling


Share your experience, if any: how long you could do without a face cream, and at what age did you decide to apply it. At the same time, do you think the skin is worse / better or on a par with those who use creams for a long time and constantly?
Why am I asking? Yes, I don't have this cream. For hands only. Yes, I wash my face with water. No soap. And I don't use tonics.
So I want to know the opinion and experience of the same as me. Happy New Year everyone!



Hi all. I have always been amazed at spoiled teenagers who quarrel with their parents because of an iPhone in that color, but this story happened to me: This year my husband and I had a lot of expenses: buying a house, furniture, renovating a kitchen, having a baby ... in general, I didn’t count on a New Year’s gift, although I stuttered several times that I wanted a new iPhone 11 pro. Well, yesterday I found the same phone under the Christmas tree, but ... in gold color, and I really wanted Midnight Green, fashionable this season. In theory, it can be changed to green, but I'm afraid to offend my husband and seem ungrateful. What should I do?



I decided to write here, because it is very annoying, but I don’t know what to do and how to react. Many thanks in advance for your advice.
I have an 11 year old daughter and my colleague has a 13 year old daughter. She could not get pregnant from her husband for a very long time, got divorced and gave birth to a random man who sometimes helps them. I gave birth in marriage, then my husband left for another.
A colleague talks about her daughter all the time in superlatives. That she knows English perfectly and speaks with a British accent, even the English teacher is amazed at her innate abilities. She has been dancing since the age of five and she is always put to dance the first parties or solos in a dance circle. She swims like a little mermaid, holding her breath for six minutes. She rides like a real rider. All the boys in the class run after her in herds, the girls line up to sit at the same desk with her. And, well, what a beauty is by itself. The photo does not show that we, envious aunts, do not jinx her.

And so my sister transferred her son to the class where this girl studies. After a while, we accidentally talked about her, and it turned out that this girl is very shy, stutters with excitement when teachers or classmates talk to her. She is tall and plump, she has very thick legs and a long, slightly equine face with a heavy lower jaw, she is terribly clumsy, waddling. She doesn’t go to the pool at all with the class, she is allergic to bleach. He studies so-so, because of timidity he often does not answer, even if he knows the topic, and those teachers who do not spare her often give C's. In general, she studies between 3 and 4. None of the boys runs after her, but on the contrary, they tease and laugh at her. And the girls do not want to take her into their company, they snort. She sits alone, she never participates in any class activities, she always resorts to the latest in physical education.

And now, when at work my colleague begins to tell stories about her daughter, I always want to somehow respond, but I don’t know how. If only she would just tell, otherwise she always speaks as if in defiance of the others. Someone says “mine is completely out of hand, doesn’t do homework, walks, can’t be dragged home,” she immediately: “and my smart girl does all the lessons as soon as she comes from school, then she studies English on Skype for two hours, then cooks for my when she arrives, she vacuums, embroiders with satin stitch, then at her leisure she sews aprons, potholders and hems curtains. "Or I tell that I got two Bs in a quarter, and she immediately says that her daughter is an excellent student from the first grade, and some teachers even "Sixes are put in her diary from delight. And so it always is. I would like to somehow let her know that I am aware of how things really are with her daughter, but I don't want it to look like I'm out of envy I do it.

What would you do?


tatyana konyukhova

Happy New Year forum members! Interested in the opinion of those who gave birth in the Lyubertsy maternity hospital. What are the pros and cons. Are the pluses (or minuses) of paid childbirth in this RD obvious. I understand that reviews can be very subjective. Therefore, if it’s not difficult, what specifically liked and what didn’t. All health, kindness and love!


Actually what is the problem. As far as I know, in such cases, some kind of payment is due. Insurance or something like that. How to get it? What is required for this? It is clear that the leadership can resist, it is their own fault, they say, and all that. Is there any chance to achieve something?



Do not throw away your old and broken wax crayons. Just like candle wax, crayons can be melted down and turned into new crayons, candles, or even lipstick! There are several different ways to melt pencils, and in this article we will tell you about them.


1 Melt the pencils on the stove

  1. Do this with a double boiler or water bath. Pour 2.5-5.1 cm of water into a large saucepan. Place a temperature-resistant glass container inside a large saucepan. The top of the glass container should be above the water level.
    • You can use the metal cup that you use to make candles for this purpose instead of a glass container.
  2. Remove wrappers from pencils. If you encounter difficulties, you can run a clerical knife along the entire length of the pencil, carefully cutting off the wrapper from its surface. However, the wrapper should be removed fairly easily. .
    • You can also put the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper and make it easier to remove.
    • Soak the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Soften the paper and it will be easier for you to remove it.
    • Tear the wrapper. Start at one end (top or bottom) along the seam. Hook the shell with your fingernail and start tearing it off.
    • Some pencils have a loose wrapper. You can easily take it off.
  3. Sort the pencils by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This will save time later when you melt them. You don't have to separate your pencils by hue, for example you can put cyan and deep blue together. Just group together all the shades of blue, yellow, etc.
  4. Cut the pencils into small pieces with a utility or kitchen knife. You should end up with pieces about 1.27 cm long. This way you can melt them faster and reduce the amount of lumps that can form.
  5. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil. After boiling, lower the temperature and keep the water at a boil over moderate heat.
  6. Drop the pieces of crayon into a glass container. Don't throw all the colors at the same time or you'll end up with a muddy brown. Instead, send crayons sorted by primary colors for melting. Just throw the pieces of pencils pre-selected by color into the container.
    • When making candles from wax sticks, add candle wax and a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent.
    • If you are making lipstick based on wax crayons, then you should use just one crayon (you can use one or more colors, according to the size of one crayon) and ½ teaspoon of almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive oil.
  7. Wait until the pencils melt. Stir them with a spoon to heat the whole mass evenly. Do not leave the stove unattended and be sure to ventilate the room well; substances released by the wax can cause headaches.
    • Add more water if the level in the large pot is low.
  8. Take the container out of the water and use the wax. The glass container will get very hot, so be sure to use an oven mitt or mitt to protect your hands. You can pour hot wax into silicone ice cube molds or candy molds to get pencils in various fun shapes. You can also use this wax to make candles and lipstick.

2 Melt the pencils in the microwave

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Remove the paper wrapper from the pencils. You can do this with a utility knife or remove the wrapper by hand, or put pencils in a bowl of hot water to soften the wrapper a bit.
    • Peel and tear the wrapper off.
    • Score the paper wrapper with a craft knife and peel the wrapper open.
    • Soak the crayons in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes to loosen the wrapper, then peel the wrapper off.
    • Some crayons have very loose wrappers. You might be able to simply slide these off.
  2. melt wax pencils 2 Separate pencils by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This means that you should add all the pinks and purples together. You don't have to focus on separating the shades, for example, bubblegum and rose shades of pink should be put together.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Use a utility or kitchen knife to cut the pencils into small pieces. They should be about 1.27 cm long, which will speed up the melting time.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Place the pencil pieces in a microwave safe bowl. You can use a glass jar or even an old cup. If you have pencils of different colors, then you should use different containers.
    • If you want to make a candle, then you should mix pencils and candle wax in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then add a few drops of essential oil or essence.
    • If you are making lipstick, then you will need one pencil (you can mix several colors), ½ teaspoon of shea butter, and ½ teaspoon of any other oil (almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive).
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Put the plate or coaster and container of crayons in the microwave. You can place several containers/flowers in it at once, but don't overfill the microwave. It is better to heat each color individually or in small batches.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Warm up the pencils for 2 minutes, stopping the process every 30 seconds to stir. Stay in the microwave and keep an eye on your pencils. The parameters of each furnace are different, which means your pencils can melt faster.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Use melted wax. Once completely melted, you can pour the wax into silicone molds or plastic candy molds to make fun shaped figures. You can also use pencils to make lipstick and candles.

3 Melt the crayons in the oven

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Preheat oven to 94 C. This method will help to give old pencils new fun shapes.
  2. melt wax pencils 2 Remove the paper wrapper from the crayon. Using a utility knife, carefully cut the wrapper off each crayon. Be careful not to damage the pencil itself. The wrapper should come off easily.
    • For easier removal of the wrapper, place the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper, making it easier to remove.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Sort the crayons by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This will save time later when you melt them. This means that you need to sort yellow to yellow, and blue to blue. No need to group pencils by hue, for example, by adding together all the “cornflower blue” or “golden” yellow.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Cut the pencils into small pieces with a utility or kitchen knife. Their length should be about 1.27 cm in length. This will help you melt your pencils faster and reduce the amount of clumps that form.
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Find a suitable baking dish or silicone mold. You can use old tin molds for cakes or pastries, or silicone molds for pastries and ice cubes. Silicone molds have a very high melting point, so they are safe to use in the oven.
    • If you are using tin baking pans, lightly grease the indentations with baking spray or cooking oil. This will prevent sticking. You can also use paper cupcake liners.
    • If you're using silicone molds, you won't need to grease or use paper molds. The silicone mold is very temperature resistant and flexible, so melted pencils (after they have hardened) are very easy to remove.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Place the pencil pieces in the molds. If you plan to use curly forms, then apply the cut pieces of pencils with a small margin. Pencils during melting will fill all the voids of such molds.
    • Pay attention to matching the color of the pencils to the shape of the desired figure. For example, if you have several different shapes in the form of stars and hearts in your tray, then you should put red pencils in the shape for hearts, and yellow and blue in the shape of stars.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Place the tin mold in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes. If you are using silicone molds, place them on a baking sheet first.
  8. melt wax crayons 8 Remove the molds from the oven. Once the crayons are completely melted, take the molds out of the oven and you can use the melted wax for your project, or wait until it's completely solidified and get some fun shaped crayons.
    • When making funky shaped pencils, you can speed up the cooling process by placing the baking dish in the freezer for 30 minutes after the wax has hardened a bit.
  9. melt wax crayons 9 Remove hardened pencils from molds. When making pencils, you should wait until the wax has fully cured. The wax is completely set if the bottom of the mold is cool to the touch. Turn the mold upside down after the wax has completely cured. The pencils should fall out easily if you are using a muffin or muffin pan. At the same time, you can lightly tap the mold on the surface. When using silicone molds, gently grasp the edges of the mold and press down on the bottom of the mold, pushing the pencil out.
  • Melted pencils can be reused to make new ones. Just pour the wax into the molds or leave them in the one you melted them in. The new pencils will be the same color you added to the container.
  • Melted pencils can be poured into shaped or ornamental molds to make new pencils with interesting shapes or figurines.
  • Silicone ice molds are ideal for making new pencils.
  • You don't have to make pencils. You can make a cylinder out of wood and follow steps 1-7 to glue the lead in.


  • Melt pencils in a well-ventilated area. Keep the window open.
  • Melted pencils are very hot. Adult supervision and precautions are required during wax melting and application. Do not leave melted or hot wax unattended.
  • Don't overheat your pencils.
  • Never leave a switched on stove or oven unattended.

What will you need

  • Pencils
  • Stationery knife
  • High temperature resistant containers and containers for microwaves.
  • Microwave plate or stand
  • Equipment for the project, such as molds, etc. to work with melted wax.

Children love to draw with wax pencils, which often break. You can save these short pencils in the hope that the child will draw them. But usually children draw new, and these pieces can accumulate, because throwing them away every time is too wasteful.

These colored wax crayons have a wonderful use. They can be melted and painted with liquid bright wax, or they can be melted down into new ones.

YOU WILL NEED: broken wax crayons, silicone ice or baking molds, cheapest or old paint brushes, paper or canvas, pipette, oven or microwave, long sleeves (preferably protective paint clothing).


1. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees and proceed to the next step. Or skip it if you chose the microwave.

2. Remove the wrapping paper from the crayons and sort by color. Can be done with your child.

Cut the crayons into pieces about 1.5 cm so that they melt faster. Lay out each color in a separate form.

3. Melt the wax crayons in a preheated oven. Approximate time 5 minutes. Depends on the initial hardness and the size of the fragments.

You can also melt crayons in the microwave at medium power (450) for 2-2.5 minutes.

4. Carefully take out the molds with melted crayons. After a couple of minutes, you can paint when the silicone mold has cooled down a bit! Warn your child in advance not to touch hot molds.

5. Now we use liquid crayons as paints. You can use a brush or pipette for this. It will take 10-15 minutes to paint, then the wax will begin to harden.

6. Dry the paintings. It may take up to 30 minutes. If you drew on paper, then over time the wax will break off, and a lighter drawing will remain under it. To keep the drawing for a long time, choose canvas or any suitable fabric.

Advice: when the wax has cooled and begins to harden, place the molds in the freezer for 10 minutes until completely solidified. As a result, you will get new crayons for drawing! How happy your child will be with new wax pencils, and even unusual shapes. After all, it can be hearts, and fish, and leaves, and cars, etc.

IMPORTANT! Do not use these silicone molds for cooking afterwards.

We wish you a pleasant collaboration!

Sourced from www.babbledabbledo.com

Modern artists use the most unusual techniques and strange objects to paint pictures. Today you will not surprise anyone with pictures from, and even. Instead of paints, artists use,.

Wax pencils are no exception. It turns out that you can make them not only, but also create masterpieces. The article will consider several techniques for creating paintings from ordinary drawing objects.

Method number 1 "Chips". To create a picture, prepare wax pencils of different colors.

Remove the paper wrapper from them.

There are two ways to make pencil shavings. With a sharpener. She removes a thin layer of colored wax from the pencils.

Or you can grate pencils. You will get a smaller crumb. Both sizes of fine wax are needed to create a painting. So the patterns will turn out to be more diverse.

Prepare the canvas for the painting. In order for the drawing to have saturated colors, it is better to use fabric. Colors will look washed out on paper. Sprinkle crumbs from pencils on the fabric. It can be stripes or other shapes.

Cover with parchment paper, which housewives use for baking.

Heat the iron well and iron the paper. At high temperatures, the wax will begin to melt.

When you have treated the entire surface, slowly peel off the paper. Do not make sudden movements, otherwise the drawing will be smeared.

Leave the wax to dry. Optionally, you can decorate the sides of the canvas.

Method number 2 "Paintings using a hair dryer." A hair dryer will help melt the wax from the pencils. With this option for creating paintings, you do not need to remove the wrapper from the pencils and grind. Glue them to the canvas.

Lift it up so that the pencils are on top of the base.

Turn on the hair dryer and blow hot air onto the wax. Gradually it will melt and flow down.

When using this technique, original paintings are obtained.

Drawings from wax pencils can be anything. If you arrange the colored wax in the shape of a heart, then the inside of the canvas will be clean.

Or stick a paper stencil onto the material before melting the wax.

Then remove it after working with a hair dryer. Additionally, paint an empty space or decorate with sparkles.

With this option for creating paintings, a pattern is obtained in the form of stripes. You can make bright spots on the canvas in another way. Cut the pencils into small pieces. Attach them to the canvas.

Heat up the wax with a hair dryer. If you slowly rotate the hair dryer around the pencil, you will get a round shape.

Choose colors and their placement depending on the desired composition.

Method number 3 "Glue gun". Often in needlework, a glue gun is used to connect parts of the decor. It can be used to paint pictures with colored wax. This device has a heating device in its design. It is he who can melt the wax pencils.

Instead of glue sticks, prepare pencils. If necessary, then cut off excess wax. Insert the pencils into the glue gun, and plug the device into the socket.

When the wax begins to melt, bring the device to the canvas and press the lever. The wax will drip onto the paper, creating intricate patterns.

Collect the rest of the colored wax together and make colored crayons out of them for children's creativity.

It's easy to create art with wax crayons. You can make such an original masterpiece with your own hands if you use these techniques.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a romantic atmosphere or simply decorate the interior. The modern market presents many options for candles of different sizes, colors and aromas. But why spend money on something that you can easily do at home? After all, almost everyone has ordinary paraffin candles.

Today we will tell you how to turn an ordinary candle into a work of art. This is a very exciting activity, and there is something magical in it. You can safely involve children and other family members to create a colorful miracle.

Multicolored candles

You will need

  • paraffin candle
  • paper cups
  • glass cup
  • colored wax crayons
  • wick
  • a small piece of glass or metal
  • favorite essential oils


Prepare the wick. Usually it is sold with a ready-made base, but if you don’t want to buy, then do it yourself. Place a small piece of paraffin in a paper cup and melt in the microwave (if you don't have a microwave, just hold the paraffin in a water bath). Make a small hole in a piece of glass or metal and pull the wick through it. Place the resulting structure in a glass beaker and fill it with prepared paraffin.

Cut the crayons of the desired color into small pieces.

Place paraffin wax and chopped crayons in paper cups. Melt everything in the microwave. Thoroughly mix the contents of the glasses until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add essential oil. Pour the mass of the desired color into a glass with a wick. You can tilt the container to get the desired shape.

Wait until the first color hardens, and pour the mass of the other color. Do this with each color until you get a full-sized candle. You can make each layer with a different flavor.

If you add essential oils to the mixture, before the New Year holidays, try making candles with the smell of Christmas trees and tangerines. You can also decorate a glass cup with coffee beans, shells or beads, most importantly - not plastic ones.

In this way you can make a variety of candles. The whole process will take quite a bit of time, and the result will please you and your loved ones very much.

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