What does it take to write well? How to learn to write and compose poetry from scratch? Practical application of knowledge


To succeed in this field, you must follow at least a minimum of rules. And they do not need to be taught, just remember! We were all taught to write articles at school in the Russian language lessons. Remember how you racked your brains over an essay on "War and Peace"? That's what it is .

First you need to choose what to write about. In fact, it is not so easy to find an unhackneyed topic, which, moreover, will be of interest to a large number of people. There is another option - to write about what you like, but first look at what search engines give out for this query on the first page, and write better. Much better!

Sometimes, of course, you just want to write about something, regardless of the “weather”. About my mood, impressions about the film, thoughts about life. If you want - write, but do not forget that this topic may be unpopular.

Before you start writing, you need to collect as much information as possible, find a couple of fun facts, some statistics, analyze it all, and then plan the article. Of course, for those who have been writing for a long time, in most cases a plan is not required: the writing scheme itself takes shape in the head, it becomes clear what and why to write. But for a beginner, in order not to sit in front of an empty monitor, it is better to immediately sketch out a work plan.

Typically, an article consists of the following parts:

  1. Announcement- a summary or just an explanation of why you decided to write about this topic (this is often done by bloggers who write in the first person). It must indicate why this article will interest the reader and what he will learn from it for himself.
  2. Introduction- facts, existing views on the problem under consideration, statistics. Questions that you want to consider in the article.
  3. Your vision of the problem and theses- the largest part of the article, where the author expresses his opinion and argues it, makes comparisons, reveals the topic. The main task here is not to pour water, to write only on the merits. It depends on whether the reader sees a professional approach to the matter, whether he finds fresh thoughts on this issue and whether he feels the author's style, it depends whether he will stay with you or not.
  4. Conclusions and recommendations- a conclusion about what the author wanted to convey to the readers.

The plan may vary depending on the topic, the style of the author, the length of the text and other factors. In addition, it is not necessary to write in order, because no one sees that you started from the middle or even from the end. The main thing is to start. Gradually, a clear picture of the future article will emerge.

If inspiration is gone, do not force yourself to work. It is better to get up from the computer and do something else: drink tea, wrinkle a pillow, wash dishes, or take out the trash. After 10 minutes you can return to work.

When the article is ready, let it rest and look at it the next day - you will find a lot of interesting things, maybe even rewrite everything. The final version should be carefully checked for errors. You can use special services for this.

Why do we write

When there is and it is necessary to constantly write there, motivation becomes one of the serious problems. How to write articles if the blog is young, brings only losses, the cat has cried a lot of visitors, but there are no comments?

In general, everyone has different motives: some blog for the sake of money, the second - to fulfill themselves, and the third - because everyone does it. Therefore, for some, the best motivator will be a photo of an expensive thing on the desktop, for others - the first money actually earned on the Internet, and for others - the attention of readers and their comments. First of all, you need to sit down and think about what motivates you best.

My motivation is the desire to share information, to leave useful thoughts for readers. To be not just an observer, but also a creator, a small creator. There is, of course, laziness, and sometimes this state lasts for a long time, but we are all people. Sooner or later, inspiration comes or an event occurs that you want to talk about, and everything returns to normal.

Finding inspiration

  • Read the comments on the posts on the site.
  • Describe the social events you plan to attend or in which you will participate.
  • Expose the myths or legends.
  • Write an article about a national or international event.
  • Find an unusual solution to a common problem.
  • Look at your favorite groups on social networks, suddenly something juicy is being discussed there.
  • Write about the success of an interesting person.
  • Tell us about a new service, gadget, or super thing you've tried.
  • Think of a movie that surprised you or changed your views.
  • Tell us about researching something. It can be anything, even hydroponics.
  • Get someone to interview.
  • Compose your top movies, games, blogs, books or series.
  • Take a closer look at popular resources and try to understand why they interest others.
  • Criticize some product or service that you would never recommend to others.
  • Tell an amazing story on the verge of fantasy.
  • Take a serious topic and reveal it with humor.


If you are only, then remember the following tips:

  • Come up with a catchy headline.
  • Structure your post.
  • It is better to write less often and better than more often and worse.
  • Look for inspiration.

Success comes only to those who write and who are read, but how is it interesting to write articles? This skill comes with experience. Pay attention to the first and last articles of famous bloggers - heaven and earth, as if different people wrote, but only 1-2 years have passed. They just learned, memorized the best chips of competitors, tried different options, got their hands on it.

Anyone who wants to write quickly, interestingly and with high quality will have to go through this path; in this case, not a single program can replace a living person. Write, don't stop.

Writing well is a useful skill, and it's not that hard to develop it. The best way is through "", a free and cool writing course from the editors of Lifehacker. You will find theory, many examples and homework. Cope - it will be easier to complete the test task and become our author. Subscribe!

Rap in recent decades is very popular among the youth of various countries. Many simply listen to him, some also adhere to the appropriate style of clothing and lifestyle. But there are also creative individuals who want to realize themselves in music. But how to do that? How to write rap? There are some basics.

Rhythm selection

How to write rap? Usually at the very beginning of the process of creating a song, a melody is born, and then the lyrics. Rap artists do the same - first there is a "sense of rhythm", and then words fall on it. That is why we can say that the rhythm is the basis of the song. It is important that the lyrics fit the given music. For example, an optimistic, humorous and cheerful text is not suitable for a clearly minor lyrical melody. For training, you can take some of your favorite rhythms. You must fully trust your intuition and musical instinct.

"Alien" rhythm

How to compose a rap? First you need to learn to get into the rhythm. Before dwelling on one variation, you need to listen to a large number of very different ones. Listening to rhythms, one can imagine what meaning would be put into words that could fit a given rhythmic pattern. This is the only way to answer our question. Even if you have an idea for a song (text, poetry), try to choose several options for musical accompaniment. You can start with a rhythm from a soul song or old jazz - this is what many famous hip-hop artists did and do. So how do you write rap? First of all, you need to find your rhythmic pattern.

"Own" rhythm

After that, you need to try to compose a rhythm yourself. To do this, you can use a computer and programs for virtual music creation, for example, FL-Studio or Cubase. How to write rap? How to come up with a rhythm for it? This can be done using a virtual drum machine. Roland TR 808 is canonical. Many classic tracks are written with its help. It has a variety of drum, cymbal, treble, rattle and percussion sounds that you can program to create different rhythmic patterns and then process them to create a unique track.


How to write rap? Music should be the basis, so after creating a rhythm, you need to decide on a melody for it. You can pick up an existing one and slightly modify it. After that, you should try to record the so-called draft track. No need to be upset if it turned out not the way it sounds in your head. The first pancake is always lumpy. However, listening to it, you can (and should) look for your mistakes and analyze them.

Brainstorming while writing text

How to learn to compose rap on the go? This is the so-called freestyle - the highest degree of rapper skill. Naturally, this cannot be achieved quickly. But you can work on it.

Having written rhythm and melody on your hands, you must try to improvise under them. No need to take up pen and paper - it should be a pure flight of fancy. At first, thoughts will be confused, rhymes - bad. But over time, they will begin to add up together into already designed couplets. And they can already be recorded and combined.

How to learn to write rap? Follow the tips above. It was in this way that many of the talents of our time learned to create music. Grow text.

How to write rap? It is necessary to select key points from the recorded verses. Fill the text with idioms and metaphors. How to write rap on the go? It is very important to be persuasive. Concentrate on the most memorable images and lines. It's best to discard anything that doesn't fit into the tone, mood, story, or theme. If it is difficult to determine the right and wrong, you can use one simple trick: sing the song from memory without looking at the lyrics. If it is difficult to remember a certain moment, then, with a high degree of probability, it is a weak part of the material. Such text is subject to processing or cutting out altogether. This is especially important if the future performer is thinking about how to compose a rap about love. This intimate theme should not contain anything superfluous in the lyrics, otherwise it will quickly spoil the impression of the listener.

But how long should the song be? On average, this is two or three verses of several dozen measures and three or four choruses. In the chorus, the number of lines can vary, but it is not recommended to write too many of them, as the hook should be catchy.

Rhymes on the go

How to write rap anywhere? You just have to let your thoughts flow freely. Keep a notebook with you everywhere - in transport, while shopping, at work. As often stated in interviews with rappers, a very popular place to write lyrics is in the shower, and the time is before bed/after waking up. It is important not to miss the find, but immediately write it down. Do not get hung up on the thought "how to learn to compose rap on the go." After the notebook is filled with lines of texts, you can start editing them: sort out which rhymes and topics are better, which ones are worse, and so on.

The Importance of a Good Hook

When a person writes a report, he starts with a thesis. But how do you apply this rule to music? And how do you write rap? You should start with a hook. This moment in the song is also called simply the chorus. Hook not only reflects the very essence and main theme of the composition. It should be catchy and unique. A good hook is the basis for rhythm and lyrics. If you don’t know how to compose rap right away, on the go, then you can take lines from another song and rephrase them “for yourself”.

Song structuring

After creating the rhythm, melody and lyrics, you need to put together the final version of the song. You can start a verse from any part of the text, and you need to end with lines that carry the main idea in themselves. How to compose a rap? The most popular structure is this: an introduction at the beginning, then a verse and chorus, repeating a verse and chorus again, after which there may be a loss or some other inserts, and then the chorus again (sometimes you can repeat it several times, or make a modulation - transition to different tone). The ending can also be different: you can abruptly cut off the song, you can end with a recitative to minimal accompaniment, just a recitation, go “fade” (that is, when the song gradually fades away). The song can have an insert (solo) on any instrument. It can be entered, for example, before the last chorus. Very interesting is the use of backing vocals (additional, "on vocals"). It can be either the voices of interested friends or your own, but in this case it will have to be slightly changed.

To help novice authors, we have created and are constantly refining . (Recently, I found out that it is used as a teaching aid in a respected online writing course :)) I also constantly pay attention to articles in which experienced writers give advice on how to learn how to write interestingly.

6. Good texts are born as a result of processing.

A good writer is not the one whose texts are immediately born perfect, but the one who spends time honing them. Usually, ideas do not appear in your brain in the best way to share them with other people. It takes work. These words must be obeyed. Roll up your sleeves and fight them. Here's what Steven says:

“In many ways, advice to writers is advice on refining. Very few people are talented enough to not only make any plausible argument, but also to formulate it in clear words. Most authors need to go through the text twice to achieve this, because the order in which ideas come to the author rarely corresponds to the order in which the reader best consumes them. Often, writing good copy involves revisiting and rearranging thoughts so that it is easy for the reader to follow them.”

And if you think that SMS, e-mails and social networks destroy literature, then you are mistaken. As researcher Christian Rudder writes, “Twitter can even improve the quality of text because it forces people to cram meaning into a limited number of characters. Linguists also measured the lexical density of Twitter and found that it was not only higher than that of e-mail, but also comparable to the level of smart magazine Slate.

For the journalists with whom we made a monthly business magazine, I advised them to "sleep" with the article. After the text seems to be completely ready, it needs to be postponed. Best of all, see you tomorrow. And the next day, read it with fresh eyes from cover to cover. However, do not forget that the best is the enemy of the good. And although I perfectly understand how difficult it can be to pacify your perfectionism (this is the fourth time I am processing this material), accept it as a fact: all the jambs cannot be tracked and cannot be corrected. Let an article with an error appear on the site, than none will appear.


Six tips from Steven to make your copy awesome:

  1. Write as you speak, draw pictures, tell stories. Be specific, help the reader see things for themselves, and don't try to impress them.
  2. Beware of the "curse of knowledge". Have someone read your text and rate how easy it is to understand. Don't trust your brain.
  3. Don't hide the meaning. If readers do not understand what is being said, they lose interest in reading.
  4. It is not necessary to write strictly according to the rules. Sometimes you can break them.
  5. Read more. Never stop learning.
  6. "Good text" means "reread and revised." Never hit "send" before you've read your article a few times. But don't try to make it perfect.

Original article by Eric Barker

  • tutorial

On my way I met a variety of people of writing professions: from editors, copywriters, writers just to real writers. He pestered everyone with a request to teach them how to write, and an intelligible answer, how to write? - I did not hear, but all the answers can be somehow ranked.

"It's not for everyone..."

This is the worst answer ever. There are two reasons for this (to choose from): a) consciously or not, a person sees a competitor in you; b) a person does not own technology, but uses techniques at the level of intuition.

"Well, it's art..."

Any creativity or art, call it what you want, can be called a process, and how a process can be called a technology. It is the technology of writing that few people own, and few people talk about it and talk about it. No, this is not art, the artist has paints, technique, doesn’t he paint with air?

“Well, read something for an example ...”

You can read all your life, but when do you write? And if you read "Faust" - how can you write something after that? You feel like a silent midge, which needs only to be silent and listen, that is, to read. There are many examples when a person not connected with writing in any way became a writer.

Luckily, I met a writer who made a living by writing. He pointed me in the right direction, that writing is the same profession or, more precisely, a craft.

Where does mastery begin?

From exercise. For a writer, the most important and first exercise is writing an essay. This is a short literary form - the basis for the construction of large novels. For example, we open Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front” - they are sitting in a trench - a half-page essay, half a page - an essay about the memory of the house, then half a page about the bombing - Remarque made thick novels from such essays. Anything can be a topic for an essay - a pillar, thoughts of a homeless dog, but at least a day lived - the essay will be a diary entry. Essay size can be from a couple of sentences to several pages. An essay is to a writer what an etude is to an actor, like plays or vocals are to a musician.

I will try to lay out a few principles that helped me in mastering the craft:

1. Don't lie. Write only the truth. It's hard to explain - but you can't lie to yourself, otherwise people are not fools - they will see the deception. Here you need the skill not to lie at least to yourself, and not to others. There are 2 extremes: a) striptease (this also includes the negative subconscious) b) fear of saying something at all, because we often lie without thinking. No, write as sincerely as possible, even if you are sincerely mistaken, it will be your truth. But if you betray the truth that is inside you, this is fraught not only for your texts, but also for your head.

2. Sympathy. Write soundly. Harmonies should be pleasing to external and internal hearing. “Game or business - eat Mars boldly” - a combination of deaf and hissing is not the most pleasant in Russian. It is better to avoid such combinations: “Design is beauty in functionality” - this phrase is not functional, because of the monstrous combination of sounds. So you need to look for other options - they are, you just need to look. It is easy to check the harmony - read what you wrote - if it cuts your ear - rewrite.

3. Seven words in a sentence. Yes, yes, I know that a lot of people will come running now - they say, we have a rich and powerful one, that there are complex and complex sentences. Thank you, I'm aware - complex sentences are great, I'm not arguing, but we're talking about the beginning. Write / play symphonies right away, think / write in complex structures, and readable, moreover - to make them pleasant to read - no one undertakes to do this - it will not work. You must first learn how to fire bricks, and then take on something more difficult. Writing in long sentences is aerobatics, not every writer can do it. Recall Tolstoy's kilometer-long sentences in War and Peace, I'm not sure that these phrases inspire everyone. I advise you to listen again and count the words: “my uncle of the most honest rules, when he fell seriously ill ...”, etc.

4. No inspiration. This word is so raped that it's just embarrassing to use it. There is an objective reality, and it is naive to think that something “from above” will fall on our heads, or on our heads. We have a huge and powerful machine - the subconscious, it needs to be loaded correctly, and it will produce high-quality and necessary things. I mean this: what questions are you asking? What are you thinking about? What are you reading about? What are you dreaming about? How do you look at others, at the world? What do you have in your head? - It depends on what and how you will issue on paper. A person “under inspiration” is the same as “high” - he does not understand anything, is captured by his condition and does not see anything around - you can drive a bicycle for a long time, or you can safely ride a truck. Inspiration is the schizophrenia of a creative person, less inspiration.

Discover any recollections of recognized classics about how they wrote. You won't find a word about "inspiration" there. You'll find details about how they set up the process. It was the technological process: how they wrote down thoughts, how they worked with drafts, how and when they returned to the text, how they found topics for writing, how they processed and polished the text. That's what it's about, not about inspiration that you never get. It is necessary not to wait, but to work - and not inspiration will come, but you will write the text - there will already be something that you can return to and finish, and there will not be empty thoughts.

Usually, everything that was written down when the stream was running requires severe and rigorous verification. After that, you need to calm down, and choose all the most valuable when you are no longer under "inspiration". Like, “Oh! I wrote such a cool thing! Wow, how cool!” You call a friend to read your creation to him, and he, as luck would have it, does not pick up the phone. Damn, but this is a masterpiece, here with ..., does not pick up the phone! Then you get up in the morning, go to the toilet, your creation catches your eye, and you think - how good it was that they didn’t pick up the phone yesterday ...

5. "Any fight starts with the first blow" - as my coach said, any text begins with a shock phrase. Put everything you want to say and more into one sentence. Make it the slogan of your text. With a shock phrase, you put a dot and draw a line - you illustrate / reveal / decipher the shock phrase. For example, in the shock phrase to this text, I put everything that I prove, I show that the writer's craft is as earthly as all other professions. The shock phrase can consist of several words, and from one word: “Moscow. How much is in this sound, for the heart of the Russian merged. The catchphrase is Moscow. If in a conversation you try to put it all in one word with the right intonation, with a feeling, then everyone will understand the meaning that you put in. And here there is only paper and a reader, you are not around to comment - that's how you need to put everything in the first phrase in order to set the right tuning fork for the reader to read no longer your text. It already belongs to the reader, and he is free to read it as he wants.

The shock phrase, by the way, solves the eternal dilemma - “What to write about?” and "Where to start?". Come up with a shock phrase - and that’s it, then it’s a matter of technology to paint this shock phrase in the text.

6. During the writing of the text, you must make a discovery. If you didn't, throw the text in the trash. Learn something new for yourself, even, it would seem, from everyday objects. If your text is solid platitudes, throw it away.

7. Going beyond the form. The words in the text should be used in such a way that you go beyond the ordinary meaning of the words. Kind of like in poetry - when the same words get a new meaning and sound. This point is difficult to explain, you need offline work and examples. In a word, this is linked to the previous one: there is no opening, which means that we have not gone beyond the limits of the form; we have not gone beyond the limits of the form - there will be no opening.

8. Appreciate paper. In this age of terabytes, it's hard to explain. Paper has become not only cheap, but generally free. And you imagine that the paper on which you want to write something was made from the skin of an antelope for a whole month. Here one or several people worked for a whole month so that you could write something there, or even better, did you work hard for a long time to make this paper? After that, you will not write garbage, and you will think many, many times, practice on the sand before writing something on such paper. And so! Sat! Hit the keyboard - and voila! Bang! Weak, but what are you, here you go, everything is ready. The word depreciates along with the paper. So for training it is better to write on paper, and not on a computer - you will appreciate paper more, and words, respectively. Habr, in this regard, it is also a very good thing - I wrote something wrong, there will no longer be the right to retake it, or you need to try very hard.

Please do not be surprised at the primitiveness of these principles - but they work. This is just the beginning, just the start, for the writing person, so that he knows where to start, so that he has the technology in his hands to do something. It is clear that it is impossible to become a great master observing only these principles, but it is quite possible to start mastering the craft.

brain exercises

Another important exercise for a writer is to translate abstract things into concrete things and vice versa. Those. if you are in a good mood - you must write in what specific it is expressed (rapid heartbeat or something else), or something happened to you, you did something - you must express for yourself to draw abstract conclusions, generalizations on this occasion. In the language of the Internet, online (thoughts) need to be translated offline (specifics), and offline translated into online.

Speaking of philosophy. Whether you like it or not, your philosophy will show when you write. Therefore, most often writing is a discipline of the mind. If there are no harmonious judgments in your head, then do not harbor illusions - they will not be on paper either. If there are failures somewhere, then on paper they will be so clearly visible that I myself become sick of these mistakes. But then there is a big plus - we can work with it.

You need to carry a notebook with you. Covered with papers. As one philosopher said: “If you didn’t write down the thought that arose in you at the same second, then you will never write again.” And do not console yourself with the illusions of fullness of the head - check yourself, write down on paper what you think - everything will become clear immediately.

What are the mistakes beginner writers make?

The very first and foremost: to be a writer. I mean, it would be a mistake to constantly remember "that I am a writer" and pretend. No, you just need to write. Otherwise, this posturing is very quickly read and annoying. If you ask the current writers - who they feel like, many will simply say - I write and that's it, and I get paid for it.

A good way to check your writings is to go with them to the editors, if they pay at least 10 dollars, then it's worth it. If not, you still need to continue.

Once again, these recommendations are not a panacea, this is what helped me personally to start writing, and I sincerely believe that if a person wants to learn how to write, he should treat writing as a craft. Of course, not all artisans become masters, but without becoming an artisan, you will not have a single chance to become a master.

I don't want to pass myself off as smart, and to say that these are all my ideas is not true. books and sources are given from where some ideas for this note are taken. But I can’t give exact references - I don’t remember where mine is, and what I rethought and pass off as mine. So just links:

Ayn Rand. The Art of Fiction
Gustav Vodicka. Writing Courses
Nora Gal. word alive and dead
Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal. Practical style of the Russian language

UPD from commentators (didn't read it myself):
Mario Vargas Llosa. Letters to a young novelist
Yuri Nikitin. How to become a writer
Leonid Kaganov.

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The text influences our whole life. We come across it every day and write a lot: at school, at work, for posts in social networks ... Often, we are evaluated by texts, they form an opinion about us.

Why is it so hard to write lyrics? After all, I want to be able to write in such a way that people understand us, want to read more and more. .. So how can you make sure that you are not painfully ashamed of your texts? How to learn to write interesting articles?

Read tips on how to learn to write texts!

1. Visualize everything you write about

80% of the information that a person receives every second, he receives with the help of vision. It is logical that if we want to convey maximum information to the reader, then we need to use the most effective way.

Scientists have proven that texts are best perceived in which specific expressions are written that allow you to form a certain image.

In order for the reader to come from “It seems clear” to “I understand”, you need to visualize images for him.

2. Enter into a dialogue with the reader

They try to look smarter, insert professionalisms (and often clericalisms) right and left, use expressions a la “As we all know ...” or “It is obvious that ...” in cases where everything is actually far from obvious. They write in long difficult-to-read sentences and so on.

In most cases, readers will be divided into two halves: some will believe in the “great genius” of such an author, and their self-esteem will fall below the plinth, others will say: “Who are you in general that you are laughing in front of me?” and stop reading. So you don't have to write like that.

Classical texts that assume equality between author and reader help the latter feel like a genius

Stephen Pinker, linguist at Harvard University

How should one write correctly?

You have to be on the same level with the reader. Use the so-called "cooler test": Imagine that you are reading your material to a friend whom you met at the cooler at work. Better yet, let someone else read the text. Friend, colleague, loved one. And ask three questions:

Will he enjoy listening to you?

Will he understand you?

Will he draw the right conclusions?

If the answer to all three questions is “yes”, then you have written excellent material.

When I was young, I had problems when I couldn’t start a text for a long time, and then I opened the window of a new post in LiveJournal or a new letter in the mail, wrote there, and everything turned out right away, because writing a letter or post is easier than article. It helps a lot to come up with a specific addressee to whom the text is addressed: it’s as if you are personally telling him this story, focusing on what he will be interested in, how many minutes he will listen to you continuously (and then you need to be distracted, somehow joke or change the subject ) etc

In general, talk to the reader like a friend, then even the most demanding and busy people will find time for your text or article.

3. Do not pull, hiding the main thing

At the very beginning of the material, give the reader the main idea. If he does not understand what the “salt” is, then it will be difficult to perceive the text.

Imagine that the editor-in-chief of a sports publication is told that the Russian youth team beat their peers from Spain. Despite the fact that this is the area of ​​his professional competence, he will not understand anything.

What team? Youth is up to 18, and up to 16, and up to 14. What sport did you beat? Football? Basketball? Hockey? There are a lot of questions even for a savvy person in the subject.

What if your reader is a beginner? He will not understand anything and will feel like an idiot. These are negative emotions. They are associated with your blog or publication. Bottom line - you will lose the reader. This is bad.

Therefore, always give out the main idea at the beginning so that the reader can perceive the material based on it. There is no point in intrigue if the person does not understand what you are talking about here. Then he stops reading.

4. Shelve text

After the written material is adjusted to the optimal form (from your point of view), close it and put it aside until the next day. Take care of other things. You can start working on the next text, the main thing is that you don’t touch what has already been written.

The next day, open the material and reread it again. Most likely, there will be details that you want to correct, add or change. Correct, but it's better to stop there.

The final editing of the material should be carried out no earlier than one day after its writing.

5. Always check spelling and punctuation!

Banal spelling mistakes or commas can seriously ruin your impression.

If such incidents happen to you from time to time, then it is stupid to offer you to repeat the school course of the Russian language. Most likely you don't have time for this.

In this case, try to check your texts through specialized online services or in Microsoft Word.

Services for checking spelling and punctuation in the text:

  • http://text.ru/spelling - a simple and understandable service for quick text verification, where you can also check the uniqueness of the text;
  • https://www.artlebedev.ru/tools/ - a set of several cool services for every day for a professional copywriter and journalist;
  • https://tech.yandex.ru/speller/ - a service from Yandex for checking the literacy of the text, you can embed it into your website.

It is better to check 100 times and make sure that everything is fine than to relax once and then blush. Always check the written text for literacy!

6. Write as much as possible

It's the same as with cycling: you can't learn to ride in theory. You just need to pick up and go! Fall, get up and try again. No other way.

With the text exactly the same as with the great. You need to write every day, regularly, constantly. Live this thing. Not a day without a line. Then and only then can you become a truly professional copywriter or journalist.

Write every day, fill your hand.

  • Stephen King writes 6 pages a day
  • James Patterson - 4 pages
  • James Joyce considered a lucky day when he added 6 new letters to the text.
  • And how many pages (words, signs) do you write per day?

7. Read as much as possible

It is impossible to write well if you do not spend at least a few hours a day reading books. When we read, new words and expressions are deposited in the head, old ones are updated, the style and manner of correct speech are adopted.

Read classic literature. But do not forget to read something else - sometimes it is useful to shift your attention even to frank "slag" in order to be able to distinguish one from the other.

You need to read a lot, I would even say - read everything. Do not make yourself lists of authors, media or books, but really read everything in a row, including any informational garbage. You need to have an idea: what and how is already written, how they write now, how they do not write. In any business, the most important thing is the coordinate system in which you exist. For a writing person, such a system should be all the texts that are available to him.

Oleg Kashin

At the beginning, it is not shameful to try to imitate a famous author. There is nothing wrong with that, A.S. Pushkin in his youth imitated, for example, Byron (the famous English romantic poet of the 19th century).

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