What does it take to be a manager? Management skills and professionalism


Learn sales theory. Let's say you are a future sales star, you are confident in yourself, and you even manage to make sales. Great. This confidence will help you a lot in the future, but thousands of managers have walked this path before you. Why don't you take advantage of their experience? Why not take the ideas that suit you? In addition, it is important to have an idea of ​​how your competitors may operate. This, of course, does not mean that you need to take any theory on faith and immediately rush to fulfill it, you can’t become a good seller that way. There are no absolutes in sales. You must develop your individual style, but for this you need theory.

Develop skills. Even if thousands of books have been studied, bare theory will not help you in sales practice, because this theory must be fixed to the level of automatism through training and development of specific professional skills, which are different for each sales manager. Some sales stars need deep analysis to succeed, others need pressure and pressure, and others need the ability to impress.

See the target. This is necessary to be successful in any endeavor. There will be difficulties along the way. It is necessary to strain to overcome the black bars. Only a person who clearly sees his goal can do this successfully, otherwise difficulties will lead astray.

These are the general requirements for a good sales manager. But in order to sell a specific product well in a specific company, you will need some more specific skills).

And what else?

Product study. It is clear that you need to read all the booklets about the product, explore the possibilities of the product / service, the entire product line. But that's not the point. The main thing for studying the product is to take the place of the buyer and try to analyze the product from his point of view. Find information in open sources, compare specific characteristics, understand what will really be used by the client, and what is just a joke. For example, Kirby vacuum cleaners, for sure, have already been announced to you. So, he can do both, and another, and the third. I pay tribute, people know how to present a product, but in practice, fancy functions are used 1-2 times. Why pay for them? So you should not just study the product. Use it, let them give you the goods in the company. Get the service, evaluate it critically: what you like, what you don't. There is nothing easier than conveying emotions about a product that you have tried or that you really believe in. It is much worse to hear from a customer about problems with your product and not know if the customer is telling the truth or not. Tomorrow it will be sold again. Therefore, study the product, the opinion of existing customers, reviews on the Internet. There are products that you cannot "try" on yourself. Then you must absorb positive emotions about the product from customers and understand why negative reviews may arise.

Studying clients. Friendly relations with customers allow the sales manager not only to ensure their loyalty and future orders, but also to find out how customers live, what interests they have, what problems they have, what interesting ideas they have, why the product suits them, and why the competitor’s product does not. . This is information that comes to you by itself if you are sincerely interested in the business of clients and the tasks facing their companies. The information will allow you to find new customers tomorrow, understand what opportunities there are to increase the efficiency of your sales, kick a competitor, and much more.

promotion within the company. In order to sell well, you need to be able to promote the product not only to the client, but also within the company. You need to know how to quickly agree on technical specifications or refinement of goods, how to get the right product in stock without red tape, how to easily agree on changes in the contract with lawyers, how to ensure delivery to the client exactly tomorrow, how to provide the client with a deferred payment, how to provide the best after-sales service. You must establish contacts with the manufacturer of the goods, marketers, financiers, accountants, logisticians, etc. In today's world, it is not enough to sell only outside the company, real sales start inside! And the real sales star knows about it! However, many aspiring salespeople focus on working outside the company or may decide that sales is not their calling because they are tired of being dependent on other departments.

Don't take the advice given in this article seriously. This is just a look at what a good salesperson is. Everyone has their own way of selling. I absolutely do not rule out that you will be able to achieve high professional achievements and build a career as a sales manager, having, for example, only arrogance and nothing more. You will still have your way. It's great if my view on how to become a sales manager, moreover, a good, real star, will help you achieve more!

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The vacancy for a sales manager is perhaps the most frequent of those found in the lists of job advertisements from employers. The fact is explained very simply - all companies need to distribute and sell goods. It does not matter whether the business is related to the production or the provision of any services, the main thing is that the product quickly "falls into the hands" of the consumer. At the same time, the latter should not be constrained by either the increased cost or the insufficiently high quality of the product. A skilled seller will competently bypass the negative sides, provide clear arguments about the benefits and uniqueness of their products.

For the most part, the managerial position attracts young, ambitious people. Those who do not have work experience may be interested in it. The lack of higher education will not become an obstacle. Good salespeople are obtained from those applicants who are self-confident, patient, persistent and not afraid of difficulties. If you also decided to change your profession and are wondering how to become a sales manager from scratch, read the article below.

Benefits of being a sales manager

Before you get a job in a new job, it's a good idea to consider the advantages of a future profession. The following points will be an excellent motivation for employees:

  1. High income. The main thing that a sales specialist counts on is a decent salary. Moreover, bets should be made not on the salary part, but on bonuses from transactions. A novice manager receives at least 15,000 rubles. After the expiration of the probationary period and upon the arrival of experience, the amount of the employee's income increases significantly. It is important to note that sitting on a simple salary will not work. An employee who shows the same deplorable result for 2-3 months will be asked to change sales tactics or make room.
  2. Career growth. In case of success in the professional field, you will not have to stay too long in recruits. Sooner or later, your help will be needed in training and mentoring new inexperienced employees. The prospect of obtaining the position of a coach or head of a department opens up. If you work for a large, established organization, you might expect to be offered curation for multiple sites or stores. Former salespeople are steadily rising to the level of commercial directors and executives. The accumulated knowledge in the field of marketing and sales helps to boldly open their own business.
  3. An establishment of useful acquaintances. The ability to build the right connections with the people you meet allows you to achieve success in other matters. By attracting some clients, you create the ground for their partners and acquaintances to contact you. By selling a product or service, you present yourself, show how much you can be trusted. Your business card with contacts will be passed from hand to hand, speaking of you as a reliable and knowledgeable specialist. The “echo” effect will definitely affect the bonus part of the earnings. Acquaintances often turn into the dragging of a valuable employee. The sales manager has every chance of finding a more advantageous job.
  4. Development of personal interests and skills. Once you overcome your fears of cold calls and meetings, you can emerge victorious from every controversial situation. Daily communication with customers adds confidence, determination and firmness of character. With such qualities, it is easy to go through life and achieve your goals. Business communication skills, the ability to work with modern computer programs and a client base, the ability to maintain documentation, perceive information flows, find alternative solutions - an incomplete list of knowledge and skills of a manager.

The list of obvious advantages covers all the disadvantages of the profession. It will be difficult to cope with the functions of a salesperson only for those who do not know how to find contact and do not like to communicate with people. If there is awkwardness and stiffness in speech and actions, if you can’t explain yourself, overcome objections and respond to customer complaints, it’s better to look for another job.

An employee involved in attracting new customers must be prepared for an incredible number of rejections and a rude response. Not all leaders communicate politely and delicately. From the abundance of various offers that regularly come to their phones, representatives of firms interrupt the conversation within the first minute. Unsuccessful attempts turn into serious psychological problems for sales specialists.

How to get started as a sales manager from scratch

Having adjusted to the hurried work rhythm, beginners and trainees begin to enjoy their activities. The first victories, even in the form of small transactions, push for big achievements, stimulate and give confidence.

The main mistake of novice managers is inconsistency in actions. “Floating” and experimenting in calls and meetings, it is difficult to get consent from the client. When talking with a potential customer, use scripts correctly. Having in stock 2-3 template texts, previously tested in practice by experienced colleagues, it is easier to achieve interest from interlocutors.

The following tools will help you achieve the fastest high results:

  • Product knowledge. It is impossible to sell a product without knowing its distinctive features, characteristics and advantages. Ideally, the employee should try the product, touch and feel it from all sides. Buyers tend to ask non-standard, tricky questions. In negotiations, it is important to prevent the occurrence of ridiculous pauses and phrases. The manager must be competent and developed in his field.
  • Company awareness. The one who presents the product is automatically associated with the company itself. Knowing at least a little about the company in which you work, you can defend your positions and overcome objections. An employee who speaks with historical facts, figures, and analytical data deserves more respect and trust among customers.
  • Following sales techniques. Everyone who decides to try his hand at trading should know the stages of sales. The execution of each step, from the cold contact to the completion of the transaction, is extremely important. Sales technology needs not only to be studied, it must be introduced into daily practice.
  • Self-learning and development. Some experience helps to acquire and books. Benefits and specialized publications written by eminent managers will help you get around sharp corners, not stumble and overcome fears. Trainings and courses are a good help. At such classes, students learn to take the initiative, work out risks, and learn new sales tools.
  • Neatness and cleanliness. Impeccable appearance is the hallmark of a salesperson. A friendly smile, well-groomed hairstyle and neat clothes are a must for a manager. A visit to leaders and dignitaries requires the observance of elementary etiquette. The key to success is punctuality and beautiful clear speech.
  • Learning from the experience of colleagues. Do not be shy to ask questions and ask for help from the staff of the department. In part, you can learn from their example. Experienced colleagues will tell you where to look for profitable customers, reveal the secrets of interaction with top customers, and teach you how to build an effective sales funnel.

An active position, determination and perseverance will bring the proper results. The management likes to encourage distinguished salespeople with valuable gifts and certificates, send them to development courses and seminars, set an example for all other specialists.

How to become the best sales manager

Monthly overfulfillment of the plan is not realistic for every manager. If this succeeds, the employee is unambiguously awarded the title of the best. A specialist who has weight and respect in the team will be able to take a leading position. You can be ahead of everyone using simple tools:

  1. Set clear, achievable goals with a deadline for achieving them. When solving a specific problem, it is important to identify intermediate and final control points and follow them.
  2. Create a massive sales funnel. The more companies you call, the more executives will agree to meet with you. It should be noted that out of 10 calls made, only 2-3 contacts will be loyal to the manager.
  3. Answer phone calls and respond in a timely manner. Don't make customers wait. Managers are issued corporate SIM cards, during working hours employees should always be in touch. It is important to quickly get ready for a trip or prepare for an unplanned meeting.
  4. A good salesperson has up-to-date commercial offers and supporting materials with him. Negotiations are always accompanied by a presentation of goods. Talking about a product is easier when the listener presents it visually. The main points are written on branded paper: advantages, prices and benefits for the buyer.
  5. Respond to customer complaints and requests. Attracting a "hot" client is a long, painstaking journey. The manager does not receive bonuses for consulting and service. Be prepared to solve customer problems for free, for a salary.

By constantly improving your skills, you can achieve record numbers in terms of sales. By increasing the company's revenue, you replenish your personal wallet. The experience gained in trading is valuable and useful. In addition to the fact that the horizons are expanding, new acquaintances are made, the ability to advertise and speak appears, and a successful start in a business career is created.

There are many tips for those who are thinking about becoming a project manager. But, perhaps, in any list of such tips, the majority will not refer to the projects themselves, but to people, their tasks and load distribution. Because it is these moments that hide both the keys to the success of the project and the risk factors. Therefore, any project manager's instruction will include many points for managing the project team.

If your employees are overworked or if they become confused about tasks and responsibilities, then their productivity drops sharply, and they themselves become dissatisfied and resentful. To avoid overdrafts in the work of personnel caused by really high intensity of work and conflicting tasks, which in turn reduce the moral climate in the team, workload management must be organized. And it cannot exist without the proper distribution of resources and the definition of those problems, the solution of which will allow for the optimization of resource management and their loading.

Load management? As easy as pie!

Resource allocation

One of the popular definitions of the term “resource allocation” (“PMO and Project Management Dictionary” by PM Hut) is scheduling the work and assigning the resources required to complete each work within the constraints of resource availability and project time frame.

Resources usually include personnel, tools and equipment, technology and machinery, real estate, natural and financial resources. The purpose of resource allocation is to select those options for their use that provide maximum efficiency and achieve the goals of a particular project and the company as a whole. It is impossible to find the answer to the question “How to become a project manager?” without knowing the basics of resource allocation.

For the purposes of this article, resources are more about people, and workload management refers to the proper distribution of tasks among them to achieve optimal project results.

What does the project manager do before proceeding with the allocation of resources? It must answer three critical questions in the following areas:

  1. Expected results
What problems or challenges does the client have? What does the client expect to receive at the end of the project? By answering these questions, you will be able to determine the scope of the project and the scope of work, which is the starting point for starting the formation of a project plan. A person who knows how to become a project manager, first of all, focuses on the needs and requirements of clients, takes into account the opinions of all interested parties.
  1. Timing
By what time does the customer expect the project to be completed? A clear timeline helps to define the time frame within which the project must be completed, which subsequently determines the maximum duration of each phase of the project.
  1. Workload
How many people will be needed to implement the project? Which specialist is best suited for each specific task? Is it possible to get them right now? If not now, then when? How much work can be entrusted to each specific specialist? Determining which of the employees can be included in the project team and how much each of them can be loaded with project tasks without compromising quality and within the agreed time frame is important for subsequent planning. After that, you can start building a people-to-tasks matrix to maximize productivity and resource efficiency.

Gary Chin, in his presentation “Accidental Project Manager”, lists three things that are necessary for scheduling work: a list of tasks, duration, and sequence. To correctly allocate resources, you will need to decide on them:

  • Tasks refer to the work that needs to be done to achieve or create the required results;
  • Prioritization determines the sequence in which tasks are performed. For each task, you need to find the answer to the question “what tasks need to be completed before starting this one?”, which will allow you to plan which tasks should be performed sequentially, and what can be “paralleled” and, as a result, reduce the project time ;
  • A due date is a specific date on the calendar when the work must be completed.

After you have decided on all this (for example, I will need a group of 10 people, divided into 2 subgroups of 5 employees to work respectively on the development of the front end and the Internet portal administration system, so that the work is completed in 3 months, which is in line with the wishes customer) and conveyed this information to your team, you can proceed to the actual distribution of resources in the following order:

  1. Delegation
Delegation is perhaps the most important thing a project manager does. First you need to determine which specialists will best cope with the performance of a particular job, then check their availability and get them on your team as soon as possible. This is the most important step to understand how to become a project manager.
  1. Documentation
Maintaining documents such as schedules, schedules, progress and status reports, etc. is an important part of an organization's overall document management system. It is important to have project documentation in an up-to-date, presentable form, convenient for all members of the project team to use it effectively for the purposes of the project. This not only reduces the likelihood of confusion, but also creates the conditions for a better analysis of the entire project and individual processes. If you have your own project manager instructions, but this item is not in it, then it should be added there.
  1. Cross Validation
Successful maneuvering “in the waters” involves the use of cross-checks as one of the techniques to improve workload management. It is necessary to constantly compare the planned and actual time spent on critical tasks. You need to continually review, reevaluate, and update your plans against actual effort as the project progresses. It is especially important to follow this principle in large teams, where the norm can become large overwork for some employees against the background of underloading of other team members, as well as periods of stressful activity with several deadlines at the same time.

How to become a project manager faster? Use Comindware Project!

Using specialized project management software such as , you can ensure transparency in the allocation of resources between and within projects. In this way, problems with understanding their role by all project participants can be avoided. The load management functionality of the Comindware Project allows you to visually monitor the workload of each team and avoid “conflicts” when using resources. You can easily determine which resources are available at any given time with just one click. And once a resource is assigned to one task, it automatically becomes unavailable for assignment to other tasks. In parallel, you can take advantage of predictive capabilities that allow you to see how your decisions affect other projects. At the same time, you always have access to a common list of resources, which makes it easier to maneuver in conditions of uncertainty.

Instead of a conclusion

Efficient project management implies the efficient allocation of resources. But as soon as resources are tied to specific tasks, your area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility moves towards load management. It is important to have a good strategy and tools at your disposal to avoid conflicts and complexities and to ensure that the project is carried out by unburdened employees with maximum productivity.

Olga Zavyalova, an expert in the IT industry, has 10 years of experience as a project manager and project coordinator of international projects. Certified Project Manager (CSPM) and Business Analyst (CSBA) for software projects. Author of two textbooks and a specialized course on project and process management.

The most important thing about being a professional salesperson is that you don't have to wait for something to happen, you can make it happen. The most successful sales professionals maintain a beginner's attitude while you approach the selling process as a continuous learning process. We are constantly learning the “small” things that make the “big” difference. There is no benefit from the trade deal we almost made. We must keep pace with change, otherwise our customers will be dealing with competitors.

Successful attitude
You must start before you fail. Most people don't really fail because they don't really start. Failure is an event, not a person. You may have failures, but this does not mean that you become a failure. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. Edison convinced himself that every failure is another step on the road to success.

No one has ever been 100% successful in life. Remember, you can't control every circumstance in your life, but you can do a lot to control how you feel about it. Positive thinking won't make you all-powerful, but it will allow you to do better than negative thinking. When you realize that your prospective client is, first of all, a person, a person, you will feel much more confident.

Finding Clients
Without customers, you are out of business. Always look for a prospective client! Whenever there are people around you. Continually work on developing relationships with others, especially people in the related field. A forced sale is caused by a lack of prospective customers, which is the result of a lack of hard work, which in turn is caused by total laziness.

The reason for the sale is a good conversation. The secret to getting a meeting for a conversation like this is to sell the meeting first. Meetings are easier to sell than, for example, houses, insurance, cars or computers. There is little value in telling a prospective customer about your product if you haven't first sold them the importance of listening to you. Use the first 10 seconds of your call to "buy" the time you need to tell the full story. Do not hurry. Do not talk about the product if you do not have the opportunity to finish your story. No end, no sale. Sell ​​the conversation before you start selling the product.

How to deal with the fear of communicating with customers
People for whom persuasion is a profession, such as theater and film actors, lecturers, managers, educators, doctors, and salespeople, have a lot in common, including the experiences associated with the “moment of truth.” No matter where this moment comes - in front of an audience, in front of a movie camera, in front of a crowd of people, in front of office staff, students, patients, potential clients - the nature of the fear experienced is the same everywhere.

Few people in the sales profession can boast of the absence of anxiety and excitement on the eve of a meeting with customers. In fact, according to research by psychologists who have been studying the effect of fear on job performance since the 1970s, salespeople who are reluctant to meet customers earn about $40,000 a year in commissions, while people who overcome this psychological barrier earn more than $200. thousand dollars, and the representatives of both groups were largely equal in terms of abilities, opportunities, motivation, intelligence, training and experience. Moreover, the “reluctant” group spent much more money to figure out what to do and to train them accordingly. Their emotional attitudes did not allow them to fully realize their full potential.

However, you may be part of a group of people who have overcome their reluctance to meet or call clients. To do this, you need to learn how to make your anxieties work for you, and not against you. I assure you that those who make huge amounts of money from sales also experience anxiety and worry. Their advantage lies in the ability to correctly direct their nervous energy. As they say, you will never get rid of goosebumps, but you can make them run in the right direction.

By the way, if you do not experience any anxiety before closing a deal with customers, your chances in the field of sales are not so great. A healthy and functioning body is equipped with an endocrine system that produces all the chemicals necessary for success in life. Anxiety experienced on the eve of communication with clients is a biological reaction to a stressful situation. In this case, the pituitary gland releases adrenaline, which increases the mental and physical abilities of a person. Scientists have unequivocally proved that when adrenaline is produced as it should, we react to the situation faster, more accurately and with more energy. Simply put, when you get your goosebumps running in the right direction, you are channeling the flow of adrenaline properly—it works for you, not against you. According to sales experts, 84% of all sales professionals experience some degree of fear of communicating with customers. This fear manifests itself in 1001 different ways, but the main indicator of this problem is procrastination and procrastination. If a salesperson comes up with a lot of non-essential things that need to be done before meeting with customers, then fear rules the ball!

The fear of being in front of an audience is highly dependent on your self-image. If a salesperson feels fear or awe of a potential client, it will be extremely difficult for him to make an effective presentation. The professional who thinks, “Who am I to tell a customer that my product, products, and services will make them happy?” is far from the level of enthusiasm, drive, focus, and self-confidence required for success.

Until a professional salesperson weans himself from looking at anyone from the bottom up or from the top down, he will be a hostage to his worries. When it comes to your service or product, you are the expert! In your field, you have significantly more knowledge, competence and experience than a potential client. Mediocrity will run the show until the sales person becomes a sales professional, realizing that every person has their own merits.

Build your confidence
One of the best ways to believe in yourself is to play back on your "mental VCR" the moments when you really excelled. Go back to any of your successful experiences: a big sale; good grades at school; your achievements in music or sports; a successful hit on the ball in tennis; the time when true harmony reigned in your family; events where you were set as an example to others. Pick one of those moments and try to remember the sights, smells, and sensations that accompanied your success. And the next time you feel a paralyzing fear approaching, “play” this life-affirming positive recording to yourself again.

Then remind yourself that no matter how successful, rich, and powerful your prospect is, they are just as fallible as you and me. It is impossible to be 100% successful in life. My experience shows that the more successful a person is, the more obstacles, mistakes and painful blows were on his life path. Realizing that the potential buyer is an ordinary mortal, you can more easily cope with your fears.

Find out everything you can about your potential buyer. The more you know about him, the more respect he will treat you with. In addition, your awareness translates into good customer feelings towards you and your business. Respect from the client will help you grow in your own eyes.

High self-esteem and proper self-respect are extremely important, because a sales professional with such qualities feels free in his business and operates more efficiently. A self-respecting professional feels responsible for sales results and will never say: “I just got lucky.” He understands that the efforts made give results if these efforts are applied by a competent and self-confident specialist. Rarely, if ever, are lucky those who sit back.

The highly self-esteemed professional loves to sell and can't wait to meet a potential client face-to-face. Most of all he thinks about how to become a shopper assistant, he is deeply interested in customer satisfaction, realizing that just "good intentions" in today's market is not enough. When you "hit the bull's-eye" in customer satisfaction, you grow even more in your own eyes. As a result, your work becomes even more efficient, which, in turn, contributes to increased self-esteem.

Salespeople with sound self-respect love themselves and get along with themselves. They are committed to their profession, their product, their company. And you can make your anxiety work for you instead of against you by focusing on the factor that is within your control - yourself! By building self-confidence and proper self-esteem on the foundation of personal responsibility, you take the first step towards overcoming reluctance to meet with potential clients.

The second step in overcoming your anxieties requires realizing that selling is about conveying feelings. As you learn to focus on yourself and thereby increase your self-esteem, you should understand that the most successful salespeople close deals by focusing on the potential customer.

Yes, it is clear that the only reason for the conclusion of all transactions is to receive money. I do not deny that money can serve as a motivating (and necessary) factor here. After all, without getting money, you won't be able to do this business. But if you are trading solely for the sake of money, your performance will be very modest. There is a serious danger here. If you are only focused on money or if your financial situation forces you to make a sale, you will instinctively put too much pressure on the client or become obsessed with your needs, exerting hidden pressure on yourself, creating insecurity and anxiety in yourself.

Financial problems can bring down even the most resilient of us, so if you really want to succeed in the professional sales field, you need to learn how to manage your money. Money is a choice. With money, you can choose from many things. Without money, your choice is extremely poor. I might add that without money you have to live solely on hope. You hope that the tires of your car will not scatter on the road, and the car itself will not deteriorate; hope that the children don't get sick, the suit will look decent for some time... We all need positive hopes, and negative hopes make life humiliating and significantly reduce your performance.

You will be literally amazed how much more relaxed you will feel if your financial future is not at stake, and you can focus on a potential client, and not on your own problems. Selling, in fact, is about conveying feelings. And if you simply “radiate” the idea that you have to make a sale for your own benefit, the chances of a successful transaction are significantly reduced. But if a potential client feels that you want to make a sale in the name of his interests, these chances are multiplied many times over.

Phone fear
A salesperson who is competent in using and understanding the advantages of the telephone and confident in his own competence is usually much more successful than his colleagues who are "afraid" of the telephone. One of the main reasons for the fear of the phone is the inability to clearly define the purpose of the call. Are you going to do a market survey, make an appointment or make a sale? Until you have a clear idea about this, your willingness to dial a number with a smile is quite problematic. Please do not forget about this seemingly simple but important rule. Find out for yourself why you are calling. To begin, ask yourself the questions: “What am I going to say? Who should I ask to answer the phone? For what purpose am I calling? Do I have a clear plan for the conversation, regardless of who picks up the phone?

By making your goal clear (you're calling looking for a prospect, getting information, making an appointment, making a sale), you'll act with much more confidence.

No successful professional can recall a time when he was looking forward with a pleasant feeling to what in our professional language is called a "cold reception." Knocking on the door or dialing a phone number, any sales professional always experiences some fear and trembling before the first communication with a potential client. But I also know that once you dive into the whirlpool of events and have a few negotiations or meetings, the moment of making a sale is steadily approaching. With this in mind, you should not think for a long time whether to call, rather make a decision and immediately begin to implement it.

I strongly recommend that you do the same. After the third, fourth and fifth calls, you will find yourself enjoying the process more and more. You know that every call will be rewarded, regardless of the results, because it brings you closer to making a sale.

Using the phone, you get the opportunity to have fun, calculating the profit from each call. At the end of your workweek or month, divide your total dollar sales by the total number of calls during that period, including times when the line was busy, no one picked up the phone, or the call ended. The result will show you how much money you earn every time you dial a phone number.

By the way, when the interlocutor does not want to listen to you, and sometimes is rude to you, remember that in the telephone version such conflicts are less painful than when talking face to face. In the end, you can say to yourself: "If a potential buyer saw what a wonderful person I am, he would certainly invite me to his home or office." Please understand that even if the interlocutors are rude and reject you on the phone, they are not rejecting you personally. They just refuse to listen to you. They would most likely refuse to talk to another person as well, so don't take their attitude personally. After all, someone who really knows you would never do that!

Now it even seems strange that Mayakovsky in Let them teach me ... does not have a Sales Manager. And this specialty does not fit into the rhythm of that time. Today, positions associated with active sales continue to lead in terms of prevalence. Nowadays, it is not enough for a person to buy parts for production at one factory or come to the same store for materials for finishing his home. And it's not just the price. The delivery time, the quality of the goods, the novelties, as well as the enjoyment of communicating with sales managers. So who are these people? Why does someone try by hook or by crook to make a career in this field, while someone clearly and unequivocally understands that this is not his?

First, when choosing such employment for yourself, you must clearly understand that sales are work. Methodical, requiring quick learning and development, not tolerating delays and bad mood. It is impossible to get a job in a trading company and start immediately selling easily and simply without having such experience. As a rule, candidates who have such an attitude later drastically change their field of activity and tell for a long time that he will not sell anything to anyone else.

Be prepared for the minimum wage, for the hard study of products, for the rejection of the first customers, for the poor implementation of the plan at first, if you first entered this profession. Readiness for serious work is a guarantee that you can succeed.

Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that sales specialists are not made, but born. Company [A]5's experience shows that this is partly true. If you are known as a sociable, positive person, easy-going, ready for experiments, not taking failures to heart and perceiving your mistakes as experience, while being ready to learn new things, then most likely you should try your hand at sales. Systematicity, the ability to plan, set and achieve goals are also important qualities.

The majority of successful sales managers who fit the requirements of the profession in terms of personal and business qualities are satisfied with their work. They love difficult sales, can talk about their products with enthusiasm, infect other people with their inner excitement, never miss an opportunity to capitalize on their actions. However, there is also the other side of the coin. If your personal qualities suit the profession, and at the same time you think that nothing else is needed for successful sales, then you are mistaken.

Young professionals with no work experience often come to us and say that they need a high salary, that they don’t need to learn sales, that everything is clear anyway. Various sales trainings are perceived as a waste of time, while even describing what will need to be done in this position causes difficulty.

So, the sales manager, according to Wikipedia, is called upon to communicate between buyers and trade and manufacturing organizations. As a rule, if we are talking about active sales, then the main responsibilities are the so-called cold calls with the presentation of the offer. In order to sell something to a client, you first need to understand what he needs. And here it is useful to know the basics of human psychology in terms of its needs and ways to satisfy them. But even before identifying needs, you simply have to like it. No one will talk to a person who sees people as practice for a call pattern. In order to learn the art of selling, you will need to invest time and patience in learning.

perform several basic functions. Participation in them allows you to become more confident in sales, get to know colleagues and exchange precious experience in conducting and completing complex transactions. Also, with the help of an experienced business coach, you learn how to ask questions correctly, as well as answer any questions from the client. You train the skill of presenting goods or services, you have an understanding of how to make a client permanent. And in any case, you get invaluable life and personal experience, develop and become more successful.

Company [A]5 offers affordable training for those who nevertheless made a positive decision in answering the question: to sell or not to sell. Project School of Sales Managers successfully launched in 2011 and has already brought significant results. We are waiting for you to develop your sales skills, diagnose your competencies and understand the prospects for further development in sales.

List of useful literature

  1. Aslanov Timur. How to increase sales.
  2. Ivanova Svetlana. Sales at 100%. Effective techniques for promoting goods and services.
  3. Covey Stephen. 7 Habits of Effective Managers.
  4. Paul Harry. River Ross Drive.
  5. Potapov Dmitry-Sales technique.
  6. Potapov Dmitry - NLP in sales.
  7. Reckham Neal. Spin sales.
  8. Rybkin Igor. Sales Master.
  9. Rysev Nikolay. Active sales.
  10. Rysev Nikolay. Big sales. How to find a client
  11. Samsonova Elena-Dance of the seller or Non-standard textbook on system sales.
  12. Fox Geoffrey. Secrets of sales wizards: Experience of the best.
  13. Shiffman Stephen. Cold calling techniques.
  14. Yamaguchi Tadao. Way of trade.

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