What to wear to the gym for a man for running, cycling, barbells? Gym: clothes and attributes of a novice bodybuilder.


Are you going to the gym for the first time and do not know how to dress and what to take with you? The fitness instructor made a list of the right things so as not to be the black sheep among experienced jocks.

Fitness Instructor with fifteen years of experience Irina Kaminskaya believes that not only the right technique and good equipment is the key to successful training. Clothes and shoes can also help in sports victories.


Irina advises choosing clothes made of breathable and quick-drying materials: “For example, pay attention to measurements, or clothes that combine cotton and elastane. Now in the sportswear market you can easily find comfortable beautiful models from the “right” materials.”

In the cold season, sportswear should be multi-layered. When a person first came to the gym, his muscles are cold, and in order to avoid injuries, you need to do it only after warming up well - if you are warmly dressed, this can be done faster. When you feel that your muscles have warmed up, you can remove the bike. And in the summer, layering is not needed - you should be comfortable in your sportswear.

We ask Irina where it is better to buy clothes - in the market or in a branded store? The girl says that the main thing is convenience: “If you choose the right material from which your shorts or pants are sewn, then you can train in clothes from the market. True, with frequent washing, such clothes will deform and you will not be able to wear them for a long time: they are usually not wear-resistant. But the clothes for the hall pass those other strength tests. Sometimes T-shirts bought in a non-specialized store, after a couple of workouts and the first wash, have to be transferred to the category of home clothes - because of the unpresentable appearance.


1. Avoid clothes with studs, laces and other small details - they can interfere with you. It is better to unfasten the hoods or choose clothes without them - they can catch on the simulator.

2. Choose pants of the right length so as not to cling to barbells and bars.

3. Do not wear shorts with loose legs: you will have to perform a series of exercises while lying on your back - you may find that you are demonstrating to those present more than you would like.

4. Do not wear T-shirts made of "glass" materials - they are poorly breathable and do not absorb sweat.

5. To hide uneven skin, girls sometimes wear pantyhose under shorts. You don't have to do that in the gym.

6. Remember: barefoot or bare-chested you will not be allowed into the gym!


Shoes for the gym should be closed and have a hard sole - stability is important when performing exercises with weight. “Men sometimes sin by coming to the hall in shales,” Irina says sternly. “It is strictly forbidden to do this: and if a weight falls on your leg, who will be to blame then?”

“Running on the bike path or practicing on the steppe without the right shoes is generally prohibited for safety reasons,” says Irina. “Another consequence of exercising in the wrong shoes is the incorrect position of the spine when exercising.”


A small list of things that will come in handy in the gym:

  1. 1. Towel(you will be able to wipe sweat during your workout) and shower accessories.

2. Water bottle. You can take a special "sports" bottle - it is convenient to use and carry with you. But you need to drink in moderation: a large amount of water negatively affects the internal organs. It is also impossible not to drink during a workout - your body is waiting for dehydration and lethargy.

3. Gym gloves. Minimize hand slip and avoid blisters.

4. Heart rate monitor. Useful to monitor your condition and the quality of exercise during training.

5. Protein shakes. They are generally recommended to be consumed 40-60 minutes after a workout. If the path from the hall to the house is not close, then you can take a cocktail with you to make up for the loss of nutrients in the body in time. But better, of course, consult with your coach.

6. Sports bag- roomy and comfortable.

Irina says that many take to the gym player, but does not advise beginners to practice with headphones. “Often novice athletes do not know how to properly perform exercises, so it is especially important for them to focus on technique, breathing and proper body position, and not on music. She will only distract. In addition, with the player you will not be able to hear the advice and recommendations of the coach.

Photo: website .

Greetings ladies and gentlemen! Somehow in my articles I undeservedly bypassed our beautiful half of humanity - women. It seems that spring is already in the yard, and the eighth of March has passed, and the articles are all harsh, purely masculine (When will it get warmer?). Therefore, this article is, as it were, a rehabilitation for my forgetfulness about lovely ladies. True, the article is not entirely female, it is like a mix (hodgepodge), i.e. will be useful for both men and women. The first - find out which representatives of the opposite sex, girls , can be found in gyms in principle. The second ones will get acquainted with those mistakes that they already make or will make as soon as they appear on the threshold of the fitness room. So, what are the girls in the gym like?

So take your seats, our light spring article begins…

Girls at the Gym: Notes from a Seasoned Man

In the first part (purely masculine, so to speak) I will tell about them. Yes, yes, it is about them - fighting girlfriends and your faithful companions in life, girls. Because beach season is just around the corner and the girls (as diligent students) prepare for the main summer event in advance, then the number of the latter in the fitness halls has grown significantly. According to my observations, if earlier one single man had a guy on average 2 girls, now this figure is somewhere in the region of 3 before 4 .

So, because the ladies who come are all different, I have accumulated something of a hunter's Notes of small notes / observations that have been in my head until now, but now I decided to put them on paper. In general, the notes are about the types of women who can visit or already visit your gym/fitness rooms. Read carefully, men, maybe you will recognize someone from this list and tell them about the note dedicated only to them :). The listed types, although conditional, however, tried to be copied as accurately as possible, we can say that the probability of hitting 80-90% . So we wind on a mustache. Girls, no offense.

I don’t know, maybe I was lucky with a sports institution, maybe the stars are favorable, but I will take the liberty of saying that with representatives of at least 5 from 7 described types, I came across and communicated personally. I won't say that the below fimail types are the majority. (probably the other way around), many come to the hall to really plow, and sometimes even better than many men, but it’s worth talking about such unusual buds.

Girls in the gym: types

So here is the top 7 representatives who are most visible and stand out from the crowd in any gym:


Usually blooms with spring and appears in the hall somewhere in early April. Global goal - for the May holidays (or rather, a possible trip to Turkey) acquire the figure of the goddess Aphrodite. How exactly the goal is going to be achieved, it is not possible to understand, because. only one type of simulators in this flower causes sacred horror and panic fear.

All exercises and recommendations are performed with a facial expression: “Well, hello, we’ve arrived. Couldn't think of anything smarter? and only under the vigilant control of the coach, who is two steps behind. During the second training, mournful songs and groans begin, such as: “everything hurts me”, “I can’t do it”, “are you kidding me”. Usually after the third lesson it already disappears and appears during the next thaw.

"Gentle Creature"

This one, with all its appearance, emphasizes its unearthly, feminine fragility and ephemerality, and, moreover, regardless of the actual proportions and tonnage of the body. For carrying 1kg dumbbell for a distance 2-3 meters, she needs a whole pack of assistants-attendants. More 3 She does not do the exercise for minutes on principle, because she believes (and knows) that she will not be illusory “tired”.

“Glamorous Beauty”

This one is always in the “squeak” of fashion and knows that you must definitely come to the fitness room in a stylish outfit (in every possible way emphasizing the most appetizing sides of the figure, real or imaginary), completely unsuitable for sports activities. Give her free rein, she would repaint the walls of the hall in a “cute” pink color and pedal on an exercise bike with shoes on the highest stilettos. Her hair is the longest and loosest, and therefore they can often be found on the floor covering of the hall.

Sweat while exercising? God forbid… the mascara will flow, and then who will be the Miss Universe of the hall?

"Girlfriends Laughs"

They usually walk in pairs 2 person, however, despite their small composition, the noise rises from them more than from the State Folk Choir. Their favorite pastime is to tell each other (across the room) how Esteban Rodrigo is (in 139 series) acted badly with Juanita or who was expelled from the execution place “House 2”.

If any simulator falls into their field of vision, then write wasted, because they will get off it at least an hour later. But what about, they did one approach - they tried, they did it again - they tried it again and all this without leaving the cash register. Well, the “laughers” get a real buzz from heart-to-heart conversations with the coach, all at once, in one voice and on one topic: “nothing will happen if we treat ourselves a little with dessert at our leisure, but will we also actively engage in the gym?”.

“Unlimited tariff subscriber”

Only in the hall she feels "like a fish in water" and can talk enough on a cell phone. He calls non-stop, but she is so sociable that she is unable to refuse anyone, even on 5 minutes. Favorite simulators - sitting or lying (on the legs), because. they are the most comfortable to talk to. As soon as you try to drive her away, she will declare that she is busy doing the exercise, just now there is an important, business call, and as soon as it ends, she will immediately vomit with her legs 100 kg in 10 approaches.


This entertaining person comes to the fitness room with a specific goal. She read somewhere that there are many men in such establishments who, at the sight of her, 100% they will drop the barbells, dumbbells and start vying to offer to feel their steel press, biceps, and maybe they will offer a hand with a heart. For the most impressionable, a different program has been prepared - some should simply become numb, others should fall unconscious and stack themselves in piles.

The “Huntress” comes in full combat readiness, not forgetting first to carefully make up and be as naked as possible. The gait is free - “from the hip”, the eyes shoot in all directions and sniper hit right on target. He usually leaves without salty slurping with thoughts: “and what do these peasants need? such a girl in the hall, and they are all pieces of iron and pieces of iron pulling ... ”.

“Temporarily losing weight”

Usually he has certain problems with weight, so he zealously tries to follow all the instructions of the coach, splashes with enthusiasm, gushes with energy. However, through 1-2 month, without noticing significant changes in volumes, fades away. The force of inertia still somehow keeps her in the gym for a couple of weeks, but then - the case is abandoned, and everything returns to normal, namely, Sneakers-Wickers, bounty-ouunty :). There is only one conclusion - the temptation to eat “yummy” with one blow will overturn all the arguments in favor of taking care of yourself and going to the fitness room.

So, in fact, these are all the representatives of the fair sex, whom I was lucky to meet, and, best of all, to talk personally in the gym. Your list can be replenished with a couple more types, the main thing here is to turn on observation and take a good look. In the end, not all the same pieces of iron to pull, it is necessary to follow the social life of the hall.

With the male half of the article finished, now we turn to the purely female.

Girls in the Gym: Top 10 Women's Mistakes

Dear ladies, we will start by finding out how a gym/fitness room can be useful for you personally, and in the end we will bring out the stereotypes that are sitting in the head of each of you about such establishments.

All women want to be slim and have appetizing shapes, but the beauty of the body is built not only on the absence of fat, but also on the presence of muscles. Only developed muscles can make your ass and legs attractive, and since. Most of the time you spend at home, then the muscles simply have nowhere to come from, because they need a varied load. In addition, nothing emphasizes the waist like the back and shoulders. Nothing keeps the chest in good shape like the pectoral muscle.

So, I’m all about the fact that only dynamic exercises in fitness or gyms can give a quality load on the muscles. Therefore, a trip to this kind of institution opens up a lot of opportunities for a woman:

  • You will become more resilient and stronger. Of course, a woman should not be a “draft horse”, but the combination of tenderness and strength is that bomb for men;
  • Strength training is the best way to fight excess weight, it will help you build the body of your dreams, because only the shape of the muscles makes it attractive and desirable;
  • Active training normalizes the menstrual cycle. This is due to improved blood supply to the pelvic organs. Therefore, various lunges, squats, jumping out are the most effective exercises here;
  • Increases testosterone production (male sex hormone), which is also necessary for a woman, and it is the right amount that is produced during strength training. It will make you many times more energetic, invigorate and add tone;
  • Your sex life with a partner will become much brighter. This is connected, first of all, with powerful stimulation, improved blood supply and toning the muscles of the small pelvis. Therefore, not only you will benefit, but also your companion.

Actually, look how many pluses there are from visiting the gym. Yes, and I’ll tell you a secret, men like moderately muscular female bodies more than just “fat-free” ones - so now we are finishing the article and going straight to the gym!

In the meantime, you have not run away :), consider a list of the most common mistakes that are made every day (from generation to generation) almost all the "new" girls. Remember them and try not to do them, and if you are already attending the gym, then fix whether they are in your program.

Mistake #1. Side bends with dumbbells

Itself, perhaps, is a favorite exercise from the female arsenal, with which they think to remove the hated sides. Almost all girls do it selflessly, up to a seventh sweat, but they get the exact opposite effect - this exercise (and its analogue - side crunches in the hyperextension machine) increases the waist, i.e. spreads it out. Therefore, do it either very rarely (1 once a week), or even throw it in the furnace.

Mistake #2. Regular cardio workouts

Sometimes girls are so addicted to losing weight that they don’t notice how they got hooked on cardio. They do them before, after and during the workout itself and probably want to achieve an amazing drawing of the body, but in fact they get a high level (a stress hormone that negatively affects muscles) bloody and emaciated. It turns out that the more (more 3 once a week) and longer (more 40 minutes) we pedal on an exercise bike or just run, the more cortisol breaks down our proteins, the less our muscle mass becomes, and the slower the metabolic processes proceed. Therefore, everything in moderation 2-3 once a week for 40 minutes is sufficient.

Mistake #3. Image is nothing, thirst is everything

Often, many girls in the gym do not normalize their water-salt metabolism, or simply drink insufficient amounts of water. Usually during classes, many girls (guys) do not bother with voluminous water bottles, they have enough 0,5 liters per workout. However, the best option is the consumption rate: for women - up to 1 liters, men - up to 2 liters. If you do not drink enough fluids, you will get tired faster, significantly slow down your metabolism and rattle on the floor from dizziness.

Mistake #4. Dislike for dumbbells

Most women believe that dumbbells are purely male equipment and if you touch it, you can develop huge muscles and become “masculine”. However, some cardio loads will not help build the body of your dreams, because the fat will then “grow”, and what will remain under it, skin and bones?

It is strength training (including with dumbbells) will help you get tight buttocks, a flat stomach and good muscles of the shoulder girdle, all this, in the end, will improve your entire appearance and add attractiveness. Also, do not forget that the better the muscles are developed (the more there are), the more calories you burn even at rest. Well, it’s not worth talking about strengthening the bones and ligamentous apparatus.

Mistake #5. Overloading the press in order to reduce the waist

What girl does not dream of a flat stomach and a wasp waist? Sometimes girls in the gym, in order to get what they need, ladies are ready to “pound” the abdominals with all known exercises - these are various types of twists, leg raises in the hang, side bends, the list is endless.

However, it is impossible to reduce the waist by excessively loading the abdominal press. By doing various exercises, you can only create the illusion of a tight stomach, however, in order to reduce the layer (which covers the abdominal muscles) twisting and folding is certainly not enough, so stop “hammering” the press.

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See you soon.

PS.If you have questions, additions, and other differences, then comments are at your service.

When it comes to action, motivation plays a huge role in success. But the way you are dressed also plays a role in this. Baggy tops and stretchy cotton t-shirts can be comfortable, but they add clutter and chaos to your outfit. Correctly selected gym clothes provides not only comfort and beauty of movements, but also protects the body from sweat and irritation of sensitive skin.

What not to wear to the gym. 8 things not for the gym

Consider yourself a fitness veteran? Don't think that you are invulnerable. Both beginners and experienced athletes can fall prey to sports fashion. So before you lace up your favorite sneakers or put on a sports bra, it's worth knowing what not to wear to the gym:

  1. 100% cotton clothing

  2. Not worth it dress in the gym 100% cotton clothing. This fiber may seem cool and comfortable at first glance, but since cotton absorbs moisture and dries slowly, the sweat will literally stick to you. In addition to being heavy, damp cotton can cause chills and irritation, and increase friction in the folds.

    How to fix: buy clothes that, in addition to cotton, also contain synthetics for quick drying. Now a special fabric has been developed to separate sweat drops from the skin with optimal further evaporation.

  3. Worn out shoes

  4. If you don't drop your shoes until the sole is cracking or there is a hole in the toe, you're doing your feet a disservice. A worn out sole and arch support deprives you of a solid foundation when standing and can even damage your joints. If the shoes do not provide the necessary support, then this will lead to pain in the knee and feet.

    How to fix: Change your favorite women's fitness shoes approximately every 500 km. If you, for example, work out two days a week, then you need to change your shoes a couple of times a year. If six or seven days a week, then they should change their sneakers about every three months.

  5. Loose sports bras

  6. You can't get the most out of your workout if you're uncomfortable or shy. A good sports bra protects the ligaments and tissue in your breasts from being overstretched or strained, so you can work out without worry.

    How to fix: To find the perfect bra, take into account the intensity of the training loads and the structure of your body. For activities such as yoga or walking, soft models are suitable. For intensive cardio workouts, you need to choose denser models that absorb moisture well. Women with large breasts should choose bras that have wide straps and provide maximum support.

  7. Bijouterie

  8. Jewelry that hangs, wobbles, or sticks out has no place in the gym. Anything that gets in the way or makes you think about anything other than training should be left at home. This even applies to a wedding ring - it can cause discomfort, or cause injury when pulling up, or come off your hand when doing yoga and Pilates.

  9. Headphones with loud sound

  10. While headphones can help you get into the rhythm of your workout better, they can also limit your perception of your surroundings. Keep your music volume level low so you can hear what's going on around you.

  11. baggy clothes

  12. Wearing too loose clothes in the gym is a safety hazard. It can get stuck on something. In addition, it will be more difficult to see your body, the evenness of your posture and the correctness of the exercise. And doing it the wrong way can hurt you more than help you.

  13. Too tight clothes

  14. There should be a golden mean in sportswear. It should not be an obstacle to full range of motion.

  15. Strong smell of perfumes and lotions

  16. Nobody wants to smell bad at the gym. But the scent of strong perfumes or colognes intensifies when the body heats up and begins to sweat, which can lead to headaches for you or someone close to you.

    How to fix: choose perfumes without fragrances and oils, specially designed for sports.


Pick the right shoes. There are many types of running shoes, depending on what you plan to do. Due to the different types of load on the machines, the choice of universal shoes can be recommended. But if, for example, you mainly work out on a treadmill, opt for running models.

Under sneakers, wear socks or golfs of sports models. Such underwear does not imply seams, which will reduce the likelihood of blisters for you. It is best to opt for socks made of cotton materials - they not only allow you to maintain foot hygiene, but are also quite durable.

Sportswear should be neither cold nor hot - it should be such that if you stand still, it will become cool. This will stimulate not to stop for long breaks during training. This approach will allow you not to overheat from intense physical exertion.

The benefits of any sports facility for a person are invaluable, regardless of its type, be it a fitness center or a gym. And the first, and the second and any other tool of physical activity will allow you to keep the body in great shape, slim and taut to the envy of the lazy.

It will be difficult for the unknowing to understand what it takes to feel good muscle tone every day, so much it gives self-confidence. Going to the gym will definitely be preceded by a certain preparatory stage, which consists in choosing comfortable clothes, shoes, more experienced athletes even take certain elements of a nutritious diet with them, but today we will not talk about them.

Let's talk only about the comfortable look of a visitor to the gym, namely the wardrobe elements that will make training enjoyable and effective with a minimum of discomfort. A properly selected form will eliminate diaper rash on the body, calluses on the hands and feet, will allow sweat cells to breathe and, accordingly, not cause an unpleasant sensation for a person.

The skin must "breathe" in clothes


The choice of shoes for the gym should be given special attention. Difficulties are also given by a wide variety of various options for this element of the wardrobe, each with its own characteristics and recommendations. In order to make a personal choice even before going to the store, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to go to the gym.

If you will spend most of your time on the treadmill, then you need special running shoes accordingly. As a rule, their design has a soft, springy sole, which allows you to minimize the load on the feet and avoid unnecessary blows to the spine. Ventilated inserts on the sides of the sneakers will create a pleasant microclimate for the skin of the legs, it will be able to “breathe” without obstacles, as if it were happening in the fresh air.

What you need to know before going to the gym

Well, if your visit to the gym is limited only to classes on static simulators, then the choice can be greatly simplified, the main thing here is that the shoes are just comfortable. I would like to note the great popularity mainly among women of this type of aerobics as stretching, built on stretching exercises. To visit such classes, you need special shoes that would not hinder movement, with a thin and soft sole.

Regardless of your goals in the gym, it is desirable that the chosen shoes are made only from natural materials. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the immediate discomfort caused by sweating and unpleasant odor.


So, it's time to choose clothes for the gym. When going to a workout, the question of what to wear today often becomes relevant: a T-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, breeches, etc. Indeed, it is not necessary to adhere to the same clothes every day, this directly determines the specifics of your activities. For example, today, according to the schedule, aerobics and step, that is, for sure, the training will be intense, then take a T-shirt and shorts with you.

Also, especially if you are a girl, do not wear overly loose clothes so as not to distract others. In addition, it will not look very aesthetically pleasing from the outside and will only talk about your frivolity in the training process. For less intense workouts in the gym, you can safely stop at the option with pants and a T-shirt. Necessarily not streamlined, so as not to hinder the movement of the athlete and not very wide and long. Known cases when the wrong size clothing simply clung to the elements of the simulator and caused injury.

If you want to ensure your comfort throughout your workout, then when buying clothes for the gym, try to avoid market analogues, give preference only to reputable companies specializing in the manufacture of sportswear. It is not necessary that the clothes be completely natural, today there are excellent synthetic options, no worse, or maybe better. The main thing is good thermoregulation of the fabric, the ability to absorb moisture and ensure effective air circulation. Other decor details in the form of zippers, laces, rivets, etc. do not deserve special attention, and they are not needed at all during the training process, since they often lead to injuries.


This little thing, it seemed, also needs to be paid attention, despite the fact that it is constantly hidden under clothes. As practice shows, those who profess the inappropriateness of this issue have simply never worked out in special underwear designed specifically for sports. For the production of such underwear, special technologies and equipment are used, which allows you to test the output product under conditions of intense training. The raw materials, as a rule, are synthetic fabrics, linen ideally follows the contours of the intimate area, fits snugly, while not violating healthy ventilation.

An important role for women not only in everyday life, but also during classes in the gym is played by a bra, only in the second case a special sports option is needed. In addition to the natural function of holding the breast, it does not allow the delicate skin in this place to stretch during the process of jumping and running.

For particularly demanding athletes, the wardrobe of clothes for the gym can be replenished with sports socks. They differ from ordinary ones in that not a single seam is provided here, which eliminates calluses and any discomfort in this area. At the same time, the skin of the legs does not stop breathing. If you take the issue of choosing clothes responsibly, any workout, even the most intense one, will go off with a bang, without feeling discomfort due to various trifles.

Fitness clothing


It's no secret that most newcomers to the gym buy gloves based on sports fashion trends, with no regard for their true purpose. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, an athlete with such an attitude to training is unlikely to succeed. Gloves are an effective protective tool for hands during classes, and they have their own scope, that is, they may not always be needed.

If your status is at the “novice” stage, then until you gain some experience, it is better to postpone the use of gloves. Basically, they are needed when working with large weights, which load the muscles with a significant load. The fabric of the gloves prevents the hands from slipping off the bar or the handles of the simulator, which have an insidious streamlined shape that contributes to this. A slipping hand can cause serious injury with a long recovery time.

Rules of conduct in the hall

  1. Remember, you come to the gym to work out, to "bring to life" your body, to make it slim and fit. The gym is not a place to showcase the beauty of the body, so dress accordingly;
  2. This rule is more appropriate for a woman than for a man, although anything can happen. Let's talk about long hair. Despite the absence of prohibitions to practice with loose hair, before classes it is better to collect them in a bun, ponytail or braid. Hair is distracting, because you have to constantly brush it off your face and straighten it.
  3. For the period of training, remove all kinds of jewelry and leave it in the locker room, it is better to take especially precious things with you and keep them under constant supervision. In order not to make problems out of the blue at all, just put everything unnecessary at home.

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