What does the concept of art mean. Why is art necessary? What is real art? The role and significance of art in human life


Art - the sphere of human activity, covering creative work on the creation of aesthetically significant objects - works of art, ways of storing them and bringing them to the public through inclusion in the process of public communication.

Currently, there are many definitions of the concept of "art". Here are some of them:

"Art- a special form of social consciousness, which is an artistic (figurative) reflection of life. Displaying the world, the artist embodies his thoughts, feelings, aspirations, ideals in a work of art. He reproduces the phenomena of life and at the same time gives them his assessment, explains their essence and meaning, expresses his understanding of the world. "/Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary/

"Art(lat. ars) any ability to produce skillful work requiring talent, knowledge and experience was called.

"Art- the totality of all possible types of artistic creativity, including literature"

Art is understood and defined as a set of art forms, attempts to classify which can only be considered relatively successful.

From the point of view of the material conditions used, it is customary to divide art into three groups:

1) spatial (plastic)

Sculpture, painting, graphics and art photography constitute a special group of visual arts.

2) temporary

    music (composing art)


3) spatio-temporal

    acting art (as well as the so-called synthetic art based on it: choreography, theater, cinema, television and video art, variety art, circus)

    computer art

In each of these three groups of art, artistic and creative activity can enjoy

    figurative signs, i.e. suggesting the similarity of images with sensually perceived reality (painting, sculpture, graphics - the so-called fine arts; literature; acting art)

    signs of a non-figurative type, i.e. not allowing recognition in images of any real objects, phenomena, actions (architecture, music, dance)

    signs of a mixed pictorial and non-pictorial nature, characteristic of synthetic forms of creativity (synthesis of architecture or decorative and applied art with fine art, etc.)

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the list of types of art is not unchanged in time and space - in different cultures and societies we are dealing with different configurations, moreover, in some cases it is difficult to draw a hard line separating artistic activity from non-artistic (different types of applied art, as well as design).

Art reflects the world holistically. The main subject of art is man, social life. The circle of phenomena of reality depicted by the artist is usually called the theme of the work

the inner world of the depicted is called idea emotionally expressed attitude of the artist to the depicted - evaluation . The theme, idea and evaluation, being inseparable, constitute the content of a work of art.

We call modern works of art those where complete unity of content and form, design and implementation, and mastery has been achieved. This unity is the basis of the beauty of art. Embodying the ideal of the artist, works of art are created according to the laws of beauty, become the embodiment and personification of beauty.

Art (lat. experimentum - experience, test) - figurative understanding of reality; the process or result of expressing the internal or external (in relation to the creator) world in an artistic image; creativity directed in such a way that it reflects the interests of not only the author himself, but also other people. Art (along with science) is one of the ways of cognition, both in the natural sciences and in the religious picture of the perception of the world. The concept of art is extremely broad - it can manifest itself as an extremely developed skill in a particular area. For a long time, art was considered a kind of cultural activity that satisfies a person's love for beauty. Along with the evolution of social aesthetic norms and assessments, any activity aimed at creating aesthetically expressive forms has gained the right to be called art. On the scale of the whole society, art is a special way of knowing and reflecting reality, one of the forms of artistic activity of social consciousness and part of the spiritual culture of both man and all mankind, a diverse result of the creative activity of all generations. In science, art is called both the actual creative artistic activity and its result - a work of art. In the most general sense, art is called craftsmanship (Slovak. Umenie), the product of which gives aesthetic pleasure. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines it as: "The use of skill or imagination to create aesthetic objects, settings or activities that can be shared with others." Thus, the criterion of art is the ability to evoke a response from other people. TSB defines art as one of the forms of social consciousness, the most important component of human culture. The definition and evaluation of art as a phenomenon is the subject of ongoing debate. During the Romantic era, the traditional understanding of art as craftsmanship of any kind gave way to a vision of it as "a feature of the human mind along with religion and science." In the XX century. In understanding the aesthetic, there have been three main approaches: realistic, according to which the aesthetic qualities of an object are inherent in it immanently and do not depend on the observer, objectivist, which also considers the aesthetic properties of an object to be immanent, but to some extent dependent on the observer, and relativistic, according to which aesthetic the properties of an object depend only on what the observer sees in it, and different people may perceive different aesthetic qualities of the same object. From the latter point of view, an object can be characterized according to the intentions of its creator (or lack of any intentions), for whatever function it was intended. For example, a goblet that can be used as a container in everyday life can be considered a work of art if it was created only for ornamenting, and an image can be a handicraft if it is produced on an assembly line.

In its first and broadest sense, the term "art" (art) remains close to its Latin equivalent (ars), which can also be translated as "skill" or "craft", as well as to the Indo-European root "composing" or "make up". In this sense, everything that was created in the process of deliberately compiling a certain composition can be called art. There are some examples that illustrate the broad meaning of this term: "artificial", "art of war", "artillery", "artifact". Many other commonly used words have a similar etymology. Artist Ma Lin, an example of painting of the Song era, circa 1250 24.8 H 25.2 cm art antiquity knowledge

Until the 19th century, fine arts referred to the ability of an artist or artist to express their talent, to awaken aesthetic feelings in the audience and engage in the contemplation of "fine" things.

The term art can be used in different senses: the process of using talent, the work of a gifted master, the consumption of works of art by an audience, and the study of art (art history). “Fine Arts” is a set of disciplines (arts) that produce works of art (objects) created by gifted masters (art as activity) and evoke a response, mood, convey symbolism and other information to the public (art as consumption). A work of art is the intentional and talented interpretation of an unlimited number of concepts and ideas in order to convey them to others. They may be created specifically for a specified purpose, or they may be represented by images and objects. Art stimulates thoughts, feelings, representations and ideas through sensations. It expresses ideas, takes many different forms, and serves many different purposes. Art is a skill that can be admired. Art that evokes positive emotions and mental satisfaction with its harmony can also evoke a creative response from the perceiver, inspiration, incentive and desire to create in a positive way. This is how artist Valery Rybakov, a member of the Professional Union of Artists, spoke about art: “Art can destroy and heal the human soul, corrupt and educate. And only bright art can save humanity: it heals spiritual wounds, gives hope for the future, brings love and happiness to the world ".

Each person understands the meaning of art in different ways: some elevate and exalt, others erupt into the abyss of emotions. A person can do without works of art in everyday life, but emotional hunger needs to know real art, which gives a feeling of happiness, joy and peace of mind. It is able to take a person into the world of dreams and fantasies, which everyone expresses in various forms of art. Below we will consider them.

Plastic or spatial arts


This type of creativity aims to reproduce the surrounding world and feel it visually. For the sake of this type of art, many artists gave up a calm, well-fed life and burned on the altar of art. The works of the masters became the causes of political clashes and wars. Collectors were ready to incur a curse. That's what people are willing to do for the sake of art.

  • Painting. The art of depicting reality with colors. It represents objects depicted with a multi-colored palette on the surface. The artist can express his inner world and emotions on canvas, easel and cardboard. This genre is divided into several types: easel, monumental, miniature.
  • . The art of depicting objects with strokes and lines. On the one hand, both adults and children can do this, having only a sheet of paper, paints, pencils. But not everything is so simple, and those who believe that graphics are publicly available are mistaken. This is a complex kind that needs to be trained if you want to become masters of this business. The artist applies strokes, lines and spots on the plane (wood, metal, structures, cardboard, and so on), using one or two color schemes (in some cases, you can use more). This genre is divided into several types: easel, computer, magazine and newspaper, book, applied and industrial.
  • Sculpture. The artist expresses his works from solid and plastic materials that have a three-dimensional form. The captured works in the materials are able to convey the life image of the objects of creation. This type is divided into several types: sculpture of small forms, monumental, easel, small plastic and monumental - decorative.

constructive art

The master expresses his creativity in reproduction of artistic buildings that organize the spatial and objective environment around us while not showing anything. It is divided into two genres:

  • . It is based on the life, views and ideology of society and easily adapts to the change of style in different historical periods of life. This genre is divided into several types: urban planning, landscape and architecture of three-dimensional structures.
  • Design. It is an aesthetic symbol of the modern world. By creating masterpieces, the designer consolidates the style of the era with his creativity. It is divided into several genres: exhibition, subject, landscape, interior design, clothing and books.

Decorative and applied art

Creative works of this art have practical use in everyday life . The basis of this art is various branches of creative activity aimed at creating artistic products with utilitarian and artistic functions. It is divided into several types:

  • ceramics;
  • forging;
  • glass;
  • tapestry;
  • clay toy;
  • sewing;
  • application;
  • quilted products;
  • artistic processing of leather;
  • weaving;
  • stained glass and much more.

Temporary arts

The composer expresses his spiritual beauty and picture of the world with the help of sound tones and rhythms, meaningful and organized in an orderly manner. This is the spiritual language of the material world, reproduced with the help of musical instruments. (their basis is a resonator), unconsciously grasped by hearing. Types of music can be divided according to different criteria, for example, according to the nature of the performance, it is divided into such types as vocal, instrumental, chamber, solo, electronic, vocal-instrumental, choral and piano. By habitat - military, church, religious, dance and theatrical. But basically it is divided into two types:

  • vocal;
  • instrumental.

Most often, this type of art means only fiction, but not everything is so simple. In addition, this includes scientific, philosophical and other works that reflect the views of people. Here works are created with the help of words and writing. They reflect the totality of branches of knowledge of a particular science or specialty. Literature is divided into such types as educational, technical, scientific, artistic, reference, memoir and documentary prose. Created in several genres:

  • folklore;
  • prose;
  • poetry.

Spatio-temporal arts

This is a combination of several art forms, such as literature, choreography, music, poetry, and so on. The theater has its own views and views on the reflection of reality and does this with the help of dramatic action. This is a collective art, expressing one's ideas with the help of actors, directors, screenwriters, directors, composers, costume designers and make-up artists. It consists of several types, such as drama, puppet, opera, ballet and pantomime.

A type of artistic creativity based on various technical methods for recording and reproducing an image in motion, accompanied by sound. There are several types of this art - feature films, documentaries and short films.

Expression of emotions and inner experiences with the help of body movements, built into a certain work, accompanied by music. People have the opportunity to express their feelings, themes, ideas through pantomime, scenery and costume. It has its own directions and styles: ballroom dance, historical, ritual, folk, acrobatic, variety and club dance.


One of the main tasks of our society facing the system of modern education is the formation of a culture of personality. The relevance of this task is connected with the revision of the system of life and artistic and aesthetic values. The formation of the culture of the younger generation is impossible without referring to the artistic values ​​accumulated by society in the course of its existence. Thus, the need to study the foundations of art history becomes obvious.

In order to fully understand the art of a certain era, it is necessary to navigate in art history terminology. Know and understand the essence of each of the arts. Only in the case of possession of a categorical-conceptual system, a person will be able to fully realize the aesthetic value of art monuments.


Art (creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.) exists and develops as a system of interrelated types, the diversity of which is due to the versatility of itself (the real world, displayed in the process of artistic creation.

Art forms are historically established forms of creative activity that have the ability to artistically realize life content and differ in the ways of its material embodiment (word in literature, sound in music, plastic and color materials in fine arts, etc.).

In modern art history literature, a certain scheme and system of classification of arts has developed, although there is still no single one and they are all relative. The most common scheme is its division into three groups.

The first includes spatial or plastic arts. For this group of arts, spatial construction is essential in revealing the artistic image - Fine Arts, Decorative and Applied Arts, Architecture, Photography.

The second group includes temporary or dynamic arts. In them, the composition unfolding in time - Music, Literature - acquires key importance.
The third group is spatio-temporal types, which are also called synthetic or spectacular arts - Choreography, Literature, Theater Arts, Cinematography.

The existence of various types of arts is due to the fact that none of them, by its own means, can give an artistic comprehensive picture of the world. Such a picture can only be created by the entire artistic culture of mankind as a whole, consisting of individual types of art.



Architecture (Greek "architecton" - "master, builder") is a monumental art form, the purpose of which is to create structures and buildings necessary for the life and activities of mankind, responding to the utilitarian and spiritual needs of people.

The forms of architectural structures depend on geographical and climatic conditions, on the nature of the landscape, the intensity of sunlight, seismic safety, etc.

Architecture is more closely connected than other arts with the development of the productive forces, with the development of technology. Architecture is able to combine with monumental painting, sculpture, decorative and other arts. The basis of the architectural composition is the three-dimensional structure, the organic interconnection of the elements of a building or an ensemble of buildings. The scale of the structure largely determines the nature of the artistic image, its monumentality or intimacy.

Architecture does not reproduce reality directly; it is not pictorial, but expressive.


Fine art is a group of types of artistic creativity that reproduce visually perceived reality. Works of art have an objective form that does not change in time and space. Fine arts include: painting, graphics, sculpture.


Graphics (translated from Greek - "I write, draw") is, first of all, drawing and artistic printed works (engraving, lithography). It is based on the possibilities of creating an expressive art form by using lines, strokes and spots of different colors applied to the surface of the sheet.

Graphics preceded painting. At first, a person learned to capture the outlines and plastic forms of objects, then to distinguish and reproduce their colors and shades. The mastery of color was a historical process: not all colors were mastered at once.

The specifics of graphics are linear relationships. By reproducing the forms of objects, it conveys their illumination, the ratio of light and shadow, etc. Painting captures the real ratios of the colors of the world, in color and through color it expresses the essence of objects, their aesthetic value, calibrates their social purpose, their correspondence or contradiction to the environment. .

In the process of historical development, color began to penetrate into drawing and printed graphics, and now drawing with colored crayons - pastel, and color engraving, and painting with water colors - watercolor and gouache are already included in graphics. In various literature on art history, there are different points of view about graphics. In some sources, graphics is a type of painting, while in others it is a separate subspecies of fine art.


Painting is a flat visual art, the specificity of which lies in the representation with the help of paints applied to the surface of the image of the real world, transformed by the creative imagination of the artist.

Painting is divided into:

Monumental - fresco (from Italian Fresco) - painting on wet plaster with paints diluted in water and mosaic (from French mosaiqe) an image of colored stones, smalt (Smalt - colored transparent glass.), Ceramic tiles.

Easel (from the word "machine") - a canvas that is created on an easel.

Painting is represented by a variety of genres (Genre (French genre, from Latin genus, genitive generis - genus, species) is an artistic, historically established internal division in all types of art.):

The portrait is the main task to convey an idea of ​​the external appearance of a person, to reveal the inner world of a person, to emphasize his individuality, psychological and emotional image.

Landscape - reproduces the surrounding world in all its variety of forms. The image of the seascape is defined by the term marinism.

Still life - the image of household items, tools, flowers, fruits. Helps to understand the worldview and way of a certain era.

Historical genre - tells about historically important moments in the life of society.

Household genre - reflects the daily life of people, the temper, customs, traditions of a particular ethnic group.

Icon painting (translated from Greek as "prayer image") is the main goal of directing a person on the path of transformation.

Animalism is the depiction of an animal as the protagonist of a work of art.

In the XX century. the nature of painting is changing under the influence of technological progress (the appearance of photo and video equipment), which leads to the emergence of new forms of art - multimedia art.


Sculpture is a spatial and visual art that explores the world in plastic images.

The main materials used in sculpture are stone, bronze, marble, wood. At the present stage of development of society, technological progress, the number of materials used to create sculptures has expanded: steel, plastic, concrete and others.

There are two main types of sculpture: volumetric three-dimensional (circular) and relief:

High relief - high relief,

Bas-relief - low relief,

Counter-relief - mortise relief.

By definition, sculpture is monumental, decorative, easel.

Monumental - used to decorate the streets and squares of the city, designate historically important places, events, etc. Monumental sculpture includes:




Easel - designed for inspection from a close distance and is designed to decorate the interior.

Decorative - used to decorate everyday life (small plastic items).


Decorative and applied art is a kind of creative activity in the creation of household items designed to meet the utilitarian and artistic and aesthetic needs of people.

Decorative and applied arts include products made from a variety of materials and using various technologies. The material for the subject of DPI can be metal, wood, clay, stone, bone. The technical and artistic methods of manufacturing products are very diverse: carving, embroidery, painting, chasing, etc. The main characteristic feature of the DPI object is decorativeness, which consists in imagery and the desire to decorate, make it better, more beautiful.

Decorative and applied art has a national character. Since it comes from the customs, habits, beliefs of a certain ethnic group, it is close to the way of life.

An important component of decorative and applied arts is folk art crafts - a form of organizing artistic work based on collective creativity, developing a local cultural tradition and focused on the sale of handicrafts.

The key creative idea of ​​traditional crafts is the assertion of the unity of the natural and human worlds.

The main folk crafts of Russia are:

Woodcarving - Bogorodskaya, Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya;

Painting on wood - Khokhloma, Gorodetskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Mezenskaya;

Decoration of products from birch bark - embossing on birch bark, painting;

Artistic processing of stone - processing of hard and soft stone;

Bone carving - Kholmogory, Tobolsk. Khotkovskaya

Miniature painting on papier-mache - Fedoskino miniature, Palekh miniature, Msterskaya miniature, Kholuy miniature

Artistic processing of metal - Veliky Ustyug black silver, Rostov enamel, Zhostovo painting on metal;

Folk ceramics - Gzhel ceramics, Skopinsky ceramics, Dymkovo toy, Kargopol toy;

Lace making - Vologda lace, Mikhailovsky lace,

Painting on fabric - Pavlovsky shawls and shawls

Embroidery - Vladimirskaya, Color interlace, Gold embroidery.


Literature is a kind of art in which the material carrier of imagery is the word.

The scope of literature includes natural and social phenomena, various social cataclysms, the spiritual life of the individual, her feelings. In its various genres, literature embraces this material either through a dramatic reproduction of an action, or through an epic narration of events, or through a lyrical self-disclosure of a person's inner world.

The literature is divided into:






The main genres of literature are:

- lyrics- one of the three main genres of fiction, reflects life by depicting a variety of human experiences, a feature of the lyrics is a poetic form.

- Drama- one of the three main genres of fiction, a plot work written in colloquial form and without the author's speech.

- epic- narrative literature, one of the three main genres of fiction, includes:

- epic- a major work of the epic genre.

- Novella- narrative prose (much less often - poetic) genre of literature, representing a small narrative form.

- Tale(story) - a literary genre that is distinguished by a less significant volume, fewer figures, life content and breadth

- Story- An epic work of small size, which differs from the short story in the greater prevalence and arbitrariness of the composition.

- Novel- a large narrative work in prose, sometimes in verse.

- ballad- a lyrical-epic poetic plot work written in stanzas.

- poem- a plot literary work of a lyrical-epic nature in verse.

The specificity of literature is a historical phenomenon, all the elements and constituent parts of a literary work and the literary process, all the features of literature are in constant change. Literature is a living, mobile ideological and artistic system that is sensitive to changes in life. The predecessor of literature is oral folk art.


Music - (from the Greek musike - lit. - the art of muses), a type of art in which musical sounds organized in a certain way serve as a means of embodying artistic images. The main elements and expressive means of music are mode, rhythm, meter, tempo, loud dynamics, timbre, melody, harmony, polyphony, instrumentation. Music is recorded in musical notation and realized in the process of performance.

The division of music into secular and spiritual is accepted. The main area of ​​sacred music is cult. The development of the European musical theory of musical notation and musical pedagogy is connected with European cult music (usually called church music). By performing means, music is divided into vocal (singing), instrumental and vocal-instrumental. Music is often combined with choreography, theatrical art, and cinema. Distinguish music monophonic (monody) and polyphonic (homophony, polyphony). Music is divided into:

For genera and types - theatrical (opera, etc.), symphonic, chamber, etc.;

Genres - song, chorale, dance, march, symphony, suite, sonata, etc.

Musical works are characterized by certain, relatively stable typical structures. Music uses, as a means of embodying reality and human feelings, sound images.

Music in sound images generally expresses the essential processes of life. An emotional experience and an idea colored by feeling, expressed through sounds of a special kind, which are based on the intonations of human speech - such is the nature of a musical image.


Choreography (gr. Choreia - dance + grapho - writing) is a kind of art, the material of which is the movements and postures of the human body, poetically meaningful, organized in time and space, constituting an artistic system.

Dance interacts with music, together with it forming a musical and choreographic image. In this union, each component depends on the other: the music dictates its own laws to the dance and at the same time is influenced by the dance. In some cases, the dance can be performed without music - accompanied by clapping, tapping with heels, etc.

The origins of the dance were: imitation of labor processes; ritual celebrations and ceremonies, the plastic side of which had a certain regulation and semantics; dance spontaneously expressing in movements in movements the culmination of a person's emotional state.

Dance has always, at all times, been associated with the life and way of life of people. Therefore, each dance corresponds to the character, the spirit of the people from whom it originated.


Theater is an art form that artistically masters the world through a dramatic action carried out by a creative team.

The basis of the theater is dramaturgy. Synthetic nature of theatrical art determines its collective nature: the performance combines the creative efforts of a playwright, director, artist, composer, choreographer, actor.

Theatrical performances are divided into genres:

- Drama;

- Tragedy;

- Comedy;

- Musical, etc.

Theatrical art has its roots in ancient times. Its most important elements already existed in primitive rites, in totemic dances, in copying the habits of animals, etc.


Photography (gr. Phos (photos) light + grafo I write) is an art that reproduces on a plane, through lines and shadows, in the most perfect way and without the possibility of error, the contour and shape of the object transmitted by it.

A specific feature of photography is the organic interaction of creative and technological processes in it. Photo art developed at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries as a result of the interaction of artistic thought and the progress of photographic science and technology. Its emergence was historically prepared by the development of painting, which was oriented towards a mirror accurate image of the visible world and used the discoveries of geometric optics (perspective) and optical instruments (camera obscura) to achieve this goal.

The specificity of photographic art lies in the fact that it gives a pictorial image of a documentary value.

A photograph gives an artistically expressive image and captures with certainty an essential moment of reality in a frozen image.

Life facts in photography are transferred from the sphere of reality to the sphere of art almost without additional processing.


Cinema is the art of reproducing on screen moving images captured on film, creating the impression of living reality. Cinema is an invention of the 20th century. Its appearance is determined by the achievements of science and technology in the field of optics, electrical and photographic engineering, chemistry, etc.

Cinema conveys the dynamics of the era; working with time as a means of expression, cinema is able to convey the change of various events in their internal logic.

Cinema is a synthetic art, it includes organic elements such as literature (script, songs), painting (cartoon, scenery in a feature film), theatrical art (acting), music, which serves as a means of complementing the visual image.

Cinema can be conditionally divided into scientific-documentary and fiction.

Film genres are also defined:




Historical, etc.


Culture plays a special role in the improvement of the personality, in the formation of its individual picture of the world, because it accumulates all the emotional, moral and evaluative experience of Mankind.

The problem of artistic and aesthetic education in the formation of the value orientations of the younger generation has become the object of attention of sociologists, philosophers, cultural theorists, and art historians. This educational and reference manual is a small addition to a huge layer of educational material related to the field of art. The author expresses the hope that it will serve as a good help for students, pupils and all who are not indifferent to art.

Based on the creative reproduction of the surrounding world in artistic images. In addition, in a broad sense, art can mean the highest level of skill in any field of activity, not even directly related to creativity (for example, in cooking, construction, martial arts, sports, etc.).

object(or subject) art is the world in general and man in particular, and the form of existence is a work of art as a result of creative activity. Piece of art- the highest form of the result of creativity.

Aims of Art:

  • distribution of spiritual blessings;
  • author's self-expression.

Functions of art.

  1. Cognitive. Art acts as a source of information about the world or a person.
  2. Educational. Art influences the moral and ideological development of the individual.
  3. aesthetic. It reflects the spiritual need of a person for harmony and beauty. Forms the concept of beauty.
  4. hedonistic. Close to the aesthetic function, but does not form the concept of aesthetics, but provides an opportunity for aesthetic pleasure.
  5. predictive. The function of trying to foresee the future.
  6. Compensatory. Serves to restore psychological balance; often used by psychologists and psychotherapists (fans of the Dom-2 program compensate for the lack of their own personal life and emotions by watching it; although I would not classify this show as art).
  7. Social. It can simply provide communication between people (communicative), or it can call for something (propaganda).
  8. Entertaining(for example, popular culture).

Kinds of art.

Kinds of art are different - it all depends on what criterion they are classified by. The generally accepted classification considers three types of art.

  1. art:
    • static (sculpture, painting, photography, decorative, etc.);
    • dynamic (for example, silent film, pantomime).
  1. expressive art(or non-pictorial):
    • static (architecture and literature);
    • dynamic (music, dance art, choreography).
  2. Spectacle art(theater, cinema, opera, circus).

Degree of application in everyday life art can be

  • applied (decorative and applied);
  • graceful (music).

By creation time:

  • traditional (sculpture, literature);
  • new (cinema, television, photography).

In terms of time-space:

  • spatial (architecture);
  • temporary (music);
  • spatio-temporal (cinema, theater).

By the number of components used:

  • simple (music, sculpture);
  • complex (it is also synthetic: cinema, theater).

There are many classifications, and the definition and role of art is still an occasion for incessant disputes and discussions. The main thing is different. Art can destroy the human psyche or heal, corrupt or educate, oppress or give impetus to development. The task of human society is to develop and encourage precisely the "light" types of art.

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