Which means the free will of the saved paradise. Church Orthodox newspaper


Regret that a person acts unwisely, not listening to the advice of others.

  • ⚜ White light is given free
  • ⚜ Free will, walking path
  • ⚜ Own will, own and share (share depends on will)
  • ⚜ You can't overcome God's will (you can't overcome it)
  • ⚜ Do you want as you want; if you don't want it, it's up to you

In expression from the time when serfdom in Rus' was just being formed. At that time, the peasants were divided into free and slaves (serfs).

Free peasants could change their place of residence, land, and so on. Thus, the expression emphasized that a person has the right to choose, freedom of action.

That is, a free will (can do as he wants), a saved paradise (who lives not according to his own will, but as God commands, will be saved). You can also find this version of the proverb:

  • ⚜ Free will, paradise saved, wild field, damn the swamp

The inspector turned to Kartashev and, pointing to Borisov, said:
- With this gentleman, I advise you to stay away ...
“He thanks you for your advice,” replied Borisov, “and asks you to let him be guided by his own considerations.
Inspector... replied:
- Free will.

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky. "Engineers"

Free will (saved paradise)

Regret that a person acts unwisely, not listening to the advice of others.

❀ ❀ ❀

Spouses should strictly observe the customs of the Church’s decrees regarding keeping themselves clean on holidays, Sundays, and fast days (Wednesdays and Fridays), remembering the words of St. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the church day begins in the evening, at six o'clock, and therefore one should save oneself on the eve of a festive or fast day, considering their end the evening before the next day.

Cases are known when peace was broken in Christian families and one of the spouses was driven to despair because of the refusal of the other to marital relations, caused by unlawful zeal for abstinence. This also applies to periods of long fasting. Here, according to the instructions of the Apostle Paul, abstinence should be carried out only with the unanimous consent of both spouses: it cannot take place if one of them is burdened by it, losing his spiritual peace from abstinence.

But what if one of the spouses does not want to reckon with the day of fasting or a holiday? Here we meet with one of those dangers that marriage is fraught with people of different views and worldviews. Here, emotional dramas and deep sorrow are inevitable. According to the commandment of the apostle, one cannot refuse a spouse, but in this case the holiness of a holiday or fast will be violated.

Here we come to the conclusion about the importance of a prudent choice of a spouse, which determines happiness in marriage. Marriage, which in its essence is voluntary submission, is easy and happy only when the soul is given to a pious and virtuous spouse, and disaster cannot be avoided if the spouse is in the power of passions and sin. It is not for nothing that the apostle Paul mourns for those who have entered into marriage: "These will have affliction according to the flesh; but I am sorry for you" (1 Cor. 7:28).

From the book "How to Fast"

About fasting

For Adam, the fast given by the Lord was a test of faithfulness. For us today, fasting is also, firstly, a test of our fidelity. When Adam and Eve questioned the words of the Lord and ate the fruits of the forbidden tree, they were expelled from paradise. In the same way, according to the 69th Rule of the Holy Apostles, those who do not trust the fasts established by the Church and willfully violate them are excommunicated from church communion. As they say: to the free - will, and to the saved - paradise.

When we say about ourselves that we are Orthodox, then by this we define our belonging to the Orthodox Church, and we show our belonging to the Orthodox Church by fulfilling its decrees. For example, observing the posts.

Priest Sergei Nikolaev, "Merry Lent Time"

A sensual person does not oppose anything with such force as holy fasting. To attend divine services, to start confession - even sensual people agree to all this, but to lay the yoke of fasting on themselves - this seems too difficult and even dangerous for many Christians.

How do you think to be a true Christian without fasting if you do not follow the orders of the Mother Church? A non-faster arbitrarily separates himself from the entire host of fasting Orthodox children of the Church. Are you sorry for your weak constitution? Have pity on him indeed and give rest to your womb.
Saint Innocent of Kherson

Fasting is the violence of nature, the rejection of everything that pleases the taste, the extinguishing of bodily inflaming, the extermination of evil thoughts, the liberation from bad dreams, the purity of prayer, the luminary of the soul, the preservation of the mind, the extermination of insensitivity of the heart, the door of compunction, a humble sigh, joyful contrition, the retention of verbosity, the cause of silence, the guardian of obedience, the relief of sleep, the health of the body, the originator of dispassion, the resolution of sins, the gates of paradise and heavenly pleasure.

Saint John of the Ladder

About the post

Two weeks of Great Lent have passed, during which the Orthodox Church called us to correction and repentance. She, like a tender and loving mother, offered us to go through the Holy Forty Day under her guidance. She offered and offers us the rules of life, teaching some, meekly rebuking others, supporting and strengthening others on the true path.

But many of us did not hear her advice or did not pay attention to these calls. For many of us, time rushes forward like a stormy whirlwind, dragging us along like soulless objects devoid of independent forces. And we, drawn farther and farther, find ourselves in the strange position of people having eyes but not seeing, having ears but not hearing. The storm of God's wrath rumbles over us, and under its hammer we become more and more insane. People are idols who do not feel any sign of the times, who are not enlightened by the teachings of the Church, deaf to the voice of reason, cold to the pleas of feelings and reproaches of conscience.

Time unceasingly makes its course, and we only count the number of days and terrible misfortunes that we experience, without thinking about their inner meaning. Meanwhile, terrible days contain terrible edification and teaching. We must see the cause of the misfortunes that occur in ourselves. An individual person destroys himself, destroys himself and the whole people by sins. The multiplication of sins multiplies diseases and types of diseases that shorten our lives.

The visible and obvious sin of our time is self-love, which despises the law of God, the law of the state, the law of nature. A person does not want to restrain his lusts, does not consider it necessary to abstain. Who does not know that the mass of the people perish from overeating and from drunkenness? The beginning of these two sins lies in the fact that people despise the requirements of the Church, commanding temperance and sobriety. If a person has violated these requirements, then he will violate the requirements and those that society offers him.

On the days of the established fast, people lead a shameful life, not distinguishing the fast from other days. When people are not ashamed to break the fast before society, then they go even further: they get fed up and get drunk. And thus violate the third law, the law of nature. Punishment for violation of these requirements is not late: we see a whole mass of misfortunes resulting from intemperance. Obviously, spiritual vices lead to innumerable misfortunes.

The Church, like a tender mother, teaches humility, the State - self-respect, nature - the maintenance of human dignity in oneself. And again, we freely break these laws, and after the violation, like a body, grief and disaster follow. Where is the cause of all our internal and external difficulties? In unwillingness to fulfill the law of God. Where is the cause of our reckless undertakings and unfortunate failures in undertakings? In the fact that we take on other than our own business, we undertake to proudly lead the ship through the stormy depths of the ocean, when we are not yet experienced in sailing on the river in a boat. Where is the reason for our lack of character, will? In the fact that we live too peculiarly and self-willedly, we do not set for ourselves either a measure or a goal. That is why we live a long time, and life passes without pleasure and enjoyment, God appointed to man on earth. A person does not go to church, he does not know the pleasures that God's word, Divine services gives him. A person freely lives in a family, loves only himself - that is why he does not understand family joy and does not feel in himself feelings of generosity, devotion, love. Accustomed to living for himself and in himself, he does not understand the grief of the people, does not understand the sorrows of the people, and becomes like an idol, which, wherever you put it, he will be mute and insensible.

But the Church again incessantly calls for correction. The Savior calls us to faith. We believe and be healed; and then He will tell us, as He said to the healed paralytic now in the Gospel: Your sins are forgiven you: your faith has saved you (Mark 2:5). Amen.

Archpriest Valentin Amfiteatrov, "Lent"

“You can often hear the proverb
"Free will, paradise saved."

How to understand it correctly?

Natalya Moskalenko

Andrey Ukhtomsky, Candidate of Theology, answers

The well-known proverb “Free will, saved paradise” has a deep meaning. Free will - a person is free to do as he wants. Paradise for the saved - whoever lives not according to his own will, but as God commands, will be saved. In other words, a person can act according to the will of God or against the will of God, but only actions performed according to the will of God will lead a person to heaven. This maxim sounds more concise in the German equivalent of the proverb: “Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich“, “the will of man is the Kingdom of Heaven” ...

The proverb is often used when they want to express disagreement with actions like “one’s own hand is the master” and out of respect for human freedom, only hinting at the variant of the consequences. This explanation of the proverb can be compared with the words of the Bible: “I have set before you life and death, a blessing and a curse. Choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut. 30:19).
The content of the proverb, as in the quoted biblical text, contains respect for human freedom. He is not forced to do one way or another, but only one of the two ways is correct.
In our “enlightened age”, every day a person sees the future more transparently and acts more confidently. He does not notice one thing: his life from the outside, otherwise for this it is necessary to be both an observer and an observed, and this is impossible. We see ourselves in a distorted light. Therefore, it is only “better seen from the outside” that “the good that I want I do not do, but the evil that I do not want I do” (Rom. 7:19). Our desires do not always produce the desired actions. As you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
A person sees himself through the prism of sin, distorted. Often, others cannot always catch the motivation of a person’s actions in order to direct him to the right decision, to give the right “recipe” in a given situation. And man, being the crown of creation, can only turn to God, as the highest authority, for the solution of his questions. And the will of God is the highest authority for man.
Fulfilling the will of God, a person is saved from the sinful urges and desires that tear him apart, and as a result, with a single, whole impulse, he is sent to paradise.
The providence of God is for everyone. Accordingly, nothing happens to a person without the will of the Almighty. Our choice is to follow God or not. This does not mean that God has determined for everyone their place in life and given instructions, following which a person “does not fall out of the cage”. No. God gave the first man the commandment to preserve paradise, cultivating and decorating it, loving his Creator. But, being not strengthened in goodness, a person began to serve the devil... And when he realized that “it is impossible to serve two masters,” it was already too late, sin sprouted in the mind of a person, starting, competing with the will of God, to direct the actions of a person. Nevertheless, the Lord God, by His will, directs a person to Himself, only knowing how to lead a person out of “dual service”. When saving a person, God respects his free choice, not making him a blind slave of base desires, but showing him the best way out of the situation, leaving, nevertheless, the choice for a person.

Free will, saved paradise

those. free will(can do what he wants) saved paradise(who lives not according to his own will, but as God commands - will be saved)

Own will, own and share(the share depends on the will)

Wed(Are you in a hurry) to the settlement? Do you feel like going to the gallows? Free will, heaven saved!.

Gr. B. Tolstoy. Book. Silver. 27.

free will in the literal sense - about the right of free people (not slaves) to enjoy complete freedom of action and movement from one place to another.

Wed Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich.

Man sees his bliss in free will.

Wed Sebastian Frank. Sprichwörtersammlung. No. 16. 1832.

Cm. live the way you want .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "free will, saved paradise" is in other dictionaries:

    White light is given. Free will, saved paradise. See WILL CUSTODY ...

    Free will, paradise saved, wild field, swamp to hell. See WILL CUSTODY ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed Here is your gratitude for love and for affection ... Well, God be with him, free will, walking the path, we are not at a loss, that for no reason, for no reason, he recoiled from us. Melnikov. On the mountains 2, 10. Cf. Wer nicht kommt, braucht nicht wegzugehen. Cm.… …

    Female the arbitrariness of action given to a person; freedom, scope in actions; lack of bondage, rape, coercion. Creative activity of the mind, Khomyakov. To each his own will. Your will, your own and share. Own will (willfulness) of the king is more. A person has…… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Puffed up, but not pouted. Got out of strength. You can't, you can't; and if you get overwhelmed, you won't help. What will you do with him: you won’t get off his hat (from the old custom to dishonor by shooting a hat). You can't take your hat off him. Bribes are smooth from him. The camel lay down, so ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (the share depends on the will) Free will, paradise saved. Free will (can do as he wants), saved paradise (who lives not according to his will, but as God commands, will be saved) Cf. Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich. A person in free will sees his own ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

“You can often hear the proverb
"Free will, paradise saved."

How to understand it correctly?

Natalya Moskalenko

Andrey Ukhtomsky, Candidate of Theology, answers

The well-known proverb “Free will, saved paradise” has a deep meaning. Free will - a person is free to do as he wants. Paradise for the saved - whoever lives not according to his own will, but as God commands, will be saved. In other words, a person can act according to the will of God or against the will of God, but only actions performed according to the will of God will lead a person to heaven. This maxim sounds more concise in the German equivalent of the proverb: “Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich“, “the will of man is the Kingdom of Heaven” ...

The proverb is often used when they want to express disagreement with actions like “one’s own hand is the master” and out of respect for human freedom, only hinting at the option of consequences. This explanation of the proverb can be compared with the words of the Bible: “I have set before you life and death, a blessing and a curse. Choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut. 30:19).
The content of the proverb, as in the quoted biblical text, contains respect for human freedom. He is not forced to do one way or another, but only one of the two ways is correct.
In our “enlightened age”, every day a person sees the future more transparently and acts more confidently. He does not notice one thing: his life from the outside, otherwise for this it is necessary to be both an observer and an observed, and this is impossible. We see ourselves in a distorted light. Therefore, it is only “better seen from the outside” that “the good that I want I do not do, but the evil that I do not want I do” (Rom. 7:19). Our desires do not always produce the desired actions. As you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
A person sees himself through the prism of sin, distorted. Often, others cannot always catch the motivation of a person’s actions in order to direct him to the right decision, to give the right “recipe” in a given situation. And man, being the crown of creation, can only turn to God, as the highest authority, for the solution of his questions. And the will of God is the highest authority for man.
Fulfilling the will of God, a person is saved from the sinful impulses and desires that tear him apart, and as a result, with a single, whole impulse, he is sent to paradise.
The providence of God is for everyone. Accordingly, nothing happens to a person without the will of the Almighty. Our choice is to follow God or not. This does not mean that God has determined for everyone their place in life and given instructions, following which a person “does not fall out of the cage”. No. God gave the first man the commandment to preserve paradise, cultivating and decorating it, loving his Creator. But, being not strengthened in goodness, a person began to serve the devil... And when he realized that “it is impossible to serve two masters,” it was already too late, sin sprouted in the mind of a person, starting, competing with the will of God, to direct the actions of a person. Nevertheless, the Lord God, by His will, directs a person to Himself, only knowing how to lead a person out of “dual service”. When saving a person, God respects his free choice, not making him a blind slave of base desires, but showing him the best way out of the situation, leaving, nevertheless, the choice for a person.
The choice of a person is his own, he is responsible for his choice and reaps the fruits of this choice. For the right choice, it is necessary to turn to God with a request that the Lord sanctify the ways of men. Then for the free will there will be a single, true will - he will be saved and inherit paradise. The equivalent of the above proverb is the words of the Bible - “I have set before you life and death, a blessing and a curse. Choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut. 30:19).

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