What do the tattoos of Pavel Priluchny, the main major of Russian cinema, mean. Barcode tattoo meaning


Pavel Priluchny is a young actor who became famous for his roles in the series "Closed School", "Major", as well as in the films "On the Game". The latter even gave him a memorable tattoo, which the celebrity herself compares with a birthmark, emphasizing its importance in the life of an actor. Pavel Priluchny has several more tattoos, each of which has a certain meaning. Fans of the actor carefully monitor their pet and speculate about the meaning of each sketch. The actor himself does not hide his tattoos and willingly shares his explanations. However, the sketch does not always have only one meaning.

Biography of the actor. Trying to be an actor

Pavel Priluchny was born in November 1987 in Kazakhstan. From childhood, the actor's parents tried to develop the boy, so he attended several circles. For example, musical and choreographic. The actor himself does not remember them very happily, since he was not interested in it. Another thing is boxing, which was to the taste of a rather hooligan teenager. According to Priluchny, he was always quick-tempered and preferred a fight to a constructive conversation.

At the age of 14, the future star of Russian cinema was left without a father. After this tragic event, Pavel went to Novosibirsk, where he entered the acting school. Thanks to a successful debut in one of the performances of the educational institution, the actor was taken to the local Globe Theater.

Priluchny decided to continue his studies in the capital. In Moscow, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, headed by Konstantin Raikin. However, due to a celebrity hobby Nikki Reed, who was undergoing an internship in Russia, the actor dropped out of school, deciding to move to the USA to his beloved. However, their relationship ended. Priluchny's second attempt to master the acting profession led him to GITIS.

Currently, Priluchny is a famous actor. He starred in the acclaimed series Closed School, which brought him many fans of all ages. In addition, on the set, he met his love, with whom he now has two children. Agata Muciniece supports her husband in everything, they have several joint works in films and TV shows. Looking at her husband, the actress also got a tattoo.

Tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on the neck

Barcode tattoo. Values

The role in the film "On the Game" brought Pavel Priluchny a tattoo. The celebrity got a barcode on her neck, equipped with the inscription DOC. That was the name of the character played by the actor. These kinds of images can have many meanings. For example, a tattoo with a barcode emphasizes the desire of the owner to stand out, emphasize their originality. Also it means fighting the system, the consumer attitude.

Tattoos that represent a barcode can have many meanings, some of which even contradict each other. So, some, on the contrary, emphasize love for any product with such an image. For example, it is popular among girls to display the barcode of their favorite perfume as a tribute to the brand. However, tastes can change, and removing a tattoo is not so easy.

In this case, the image was applied as part of the character's image. However, the fact that a celebrity decided to leave a tattoo also speaks volumes. For example, on the importance of film in the life of an actor. Or about the desire to remember any moments associated with the hero. You can also talk about the desire to remind others about yourself, your popularity.

Wrist tattoo. amulet

On the celebrity's right wrist is a tattoo depicting a cross. According to the actor, this is a charm that can protect him from the evil eye or evil thoughts. In fact, such an image can have several meanings:

  • Symbol of spiritual development. Such images are chosen by strong, self-confident individuals. For example, the owner of a tattoo may be going to do self-improvement, learn something new;
  • Symbol of suffering. This designation is due to the fact that it was on the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified. Since then, this particular sign has been for many religious people not only a sign of faith, but also a reminder of the imperfection of life. Also, this sign can serve as a designation of attitude towards people.
  • Symbol of faith. In this case, everything is simple, a religious person applies this image, emphasizing his belonging to a particular religion. Although Christianity is wary of tattoos, not welcoming this phenomenon;
  • Striving for growth. In Chinese mythology, the symbol of the cross was often compared to a staircase leading to heaven. Therefore, a tattoo can also speak of a desire to rise above something.

The actor says that such a tattoo is just protection and decoration for him. However, according to many characteristics, it suits the actor, emphasizing his character. Especially since this image is used by people of creative professions.

Tattoos of Pavel Priluchny on the body

Tattoo-inscription. Fight against aggression

At one time, the actor confused his fans by saying that he was going to get a tattoo in an intimate, hidden place. What options were not offered on forums and social networks! Finally a celebrity got another tattoo in the area just below the navel, closer to the thigh.

The inscription in Latin, which means "keep calm" should keep the actor from rash actions. Three words that are above each other, according to Priluchny himself, are already helping him in life. As mentioned above, the actor has always preferred a fight. However now he's trying to keep himself in

On the neck of Pavel Priluchny you can see a tattoo in the form of three letters DOC, which is an abbreviation. American prisoners wear robes with these letters written on the back. Now Pavel admits that he got a tattoo a long time ago, but now he considers it idiocy. He says that he suddenly got into his head, so he did.

Pavel studied at three institutes. First he graduated from the theater school in Novosibirsk. Then he studied at the Moscow Art Theater School for three years, then transferred to the directing department at GITIS and also studied there for only three years. Pavel admits that he himself does not know how he managed to become an artist.

Pavel says that his last four girlfriends were non-Russians. One is from Estonia, another is from Latvia, the third is from America, and his wife Agata is also from Latvia. He wondered why he did it, because he did not specifically choose such people. Finally, Pavel realized that it was more difficult with Russian girls, they were insanely jealous. And he also said that they are "some kind of loud." Pavel admits that he himself has an explosive character, he is very quick-tempered. Therefore, Pavel needed a calm girl who could extinguish his temper. It didn't work with Russian girls.

On the first of March, wife Agatha celebrated her birthday, and Pavel went to the grocery store. Leaving the apartment, he saw that the entire entrance from the ninth to the first floor was decorated, on each step there were inscriptions: beautiful, smart, and the like. A poem was written on every flight of stairs, and confetti was strewn everywhere. Pavel says that their entire entrance was simply “littered”, but at the same time he considers it to be good.

Pavel thinks that his wife Agatha is not jealous, at least there has not yet been evidence to the contrary.
Regarding his role in Major, Pavel says that he once worked with producer Alexander Tsekalo and liked him. Tsekalo then jokingly swore that he would make a film with Pavel, because he was capable of much. And after a year and a half, Alexander Tsekalo called and said that he had found an interesting script. Tsekalo sent Priluchny a script written by a Russian author. Pavel admits that when he read it, he felt real interest, everything was so famously twisted. Pavel called Tsekalo and said that he would like to act, but Tsekalo at first refused. A week later, however, he called and invited me to a reading. A lot of applicants gathered at the samples, but Pavel Priluchny was approved.

The film was shot for six months, Pavel worked without days off at all. Pavel admits that it was one of the most dangerous films in which he took part. In the scene with the fire, the house was really on fire, everything collapsed there, and burning debris fell, the actors were smeared with a special ointment so that they would not burn. The fire was then extinguished, then kindled, then extinguished again, and so on several times.

In the final scene of the fire, Pavel had to run out of the burning house, and that house would completely flare up. The camera was placed in front of the door. The pyrotechnicians, setting fire to the house, overdid it so that the actor could not run out. Pavel yelled to get out of the fire because he couldn't run out. And behind Pavel, burning debris was already beginning to fall. The actor had to kick the door with his foot. Paul almost lost his life.

Pavel Priluchny admits that he does not dream of any special roles. He just wants to have a constant demand in the cinema. He can't stand downtime. He wants to have any permanent job, and he will try to make it interesting. Pavel says that a man should not be without work at all, this is a very difficult condition.

Pavel recently acquired a plot thirty kilometers from Moscow, where there is gorgeous, fantastic nature. There is a lake and a forest nearby. And Paul is building a house there. This turned out to be no easy task. Builders raise prices. Pavel goes to the construction site with an iPad to control prices and understand where he is being deceived. He searches the Internet for information about the construction of houses, tries to learn, and when he arrives, he starts checking. In general, Pavel drives the workers properly.

March 15, 2017

Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo not in such a significant amount as, for example, Timati. However, as a popular actor, he gets a lot of attention. And part goes to the drawings on his body. Especially as outstanding as the tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on the neck.

How many tattoos does the actor have in total? What do they mean? Is he going to stop or is this just the beginning of the "ink disease"? Find answers to these questions in this article.

Who is Pavel Priluchny?

Pavel Priluchny was born in Kazakhstan, but since childhood he has been living in Russia. In his youth, he tried many hobbies - he was engaged in boxing, vocals and even managed to try himself as a boxer. This was facilitated by Pavel's parents - his mother is a choreographer and his father is engaged in boxing.

However, acting fame began to "look for" him at school. Pavel was invited to various shootings. As a result, he made his debut quite early in the TV series The Club. Further, the projects "Children in a Cage", "School No. 1", "Travelers" and, finally, the well-known series "Major" awaited him.

Glory began to come to Priluchny. Each new work became more successful than the previous ones - "On the Game", "On the Game 2", "Children under 16", "Closed School".

Now Pavel is a successful actor and family man. Behind him are more than 30 works in the cinema and even more performances in the theater. And ahead, of course, even more successful projects await him.

Priluchny Pavel: tattoos and their history

It cannot be said that the drawings on the actor's body are his most remarkable feature. However, they are a fairly debatable topic. The fact is that Priluchny Pavel tattooed not only on more or less inconspicuous places, but also on such an open one as the neck.

By the way, the tattoo on the neck is the very first drawing that appeared on his body. It is a barcode located vertically on the side of the neck. In addition to the symbol itself, there is an inscription - DOC. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with Paul's daily life. With this tattoo, he just wanted to give a twist to his character in the TV series On the Game.

After the series, there was no dissatisfaction with the drawing and Priluchny is still pleased with his choice. He is not going to remove this tattoo. According to him, this symbol did not become part of the hero, but of himself, like a birthmark.

The second tattoo is hidden in a more secluded place - in the lower abdomen. It represents the phrase "keep balance" written in Latin.

There is a third tattoo, which acts as a talisman. The sign is located on the wrist. The actor believes that this tattoo will be his last.

Where did the tattoo disappear during the filming of "Major"?

Attentive fans could not help but notice that in the series "Major" Priluchny Pavel lost his tattoo. Of course, the actor could not help asking questions about it. There was even a theory that Priluchny's tattoos were originally fake. And they did not disappear during the filming of Major, and the make-up artists simply stopped drawing them.

Of course, this is not true. Priluchny's tattoos are the most real. It’s just that for his character in the series Majors, the tattoos on his neck were completely inappropriate, so they were painted over with a special make-up. This information was confirmed by Pavel himself in an interview.

Knowing this, the most devoted fans can now watch Major with double attention: they say that in some shots, even under heavy make-up, you can see the famous pattern on the neck.

Who made a tattoo in honor of Priluchny?

Priluchny Pavel not only made tattoos, but also inspired other people to them. When the actor was still not particularly famous, American actress Nikki Reed accidentally got to his performance. Subsequently, many will know her for her role in the popular Twilight saga. But at that time, the girl was also unfamiliar to the Russian public. Nevertheless, the meeting with Priluchny took place and an affair broke out between the young people.

Pavel and Nikki even wanted to sign in Las Vegas, and the girl made a tattoo on her wrist with the Russian surname Priluchny. However, one day Reed suddenly disappeared, and when she appeared, Pavel's feelings had already cooled down.

Already in 2011, another actress appeared in his life, this time Russian-speaking - Agata Muceniece. The novel began with a joint project "Closed School" and grew into a strong exemplary family. Now the Priluchny family has two kids.

Source: fb.ru



    Now people have a special interest in Pavel Priluchny, and all this is due to filming in the TV series Major. His tattoo looks like a barcode with the word dos. He made it for the film On the Game. Probably many already know that such tattoos are very fashionable. They help you stand out and be different.

    Pavel Priluchny has a very prominent tattoo on his neck in the form of a barcode. By the way, the actor got a tattoo during the filming of On the Game. But it seems to me that such a tattoo is not very well suited for all roles and images. For example, in the TV series Major, make-up artists covered up and masked this tattoo.

    Barcode labeled doc

    Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo with the word doc on his neck, which is stylized as a barcode.

    This tattoo was made for the filming of Pavel Priluchny in the movie On the Game.

    I think that even Pavel himself does not know the meaning of this tattoo, at least he does not speak about the specific meaning of his tattoo, preferring to call it his birthmark.

    I recently watched the TV series Major consisting of 12 episodes. Everyone tried to find the famous tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on his neck, but did not find it. Apparently she was powdered.

    Here's what the actor and director themselves say about Tatu

    That's how this tattoo on the neck remained.

    It was fashionable tattoo in the form of a barcode. She adds coolness to the actor or something.

    Doc is written because in the movie at the game his hero's name was doc. Type of nickname he had this word.

    Now I can’t even imagine Priluchny without this tattoo.

    I was very upset when I didn’t see a tattoo in Majora. This is his personality.

    I also noticed a tattoo on my arm in the form of a cross.

    Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo on his neck and more. On the neck, it looks like a barcode and an inscription on it. doc. Due to the fact that it was made only for the filming of the film On the Game, it was assumed that then it would wash off. But apparently, Paul decided to leave her forever. Why this particular word? Perhaps it means that he is a pro in his field. After all, the doctor denotes not only medical topics, but also a number of others. I wonder what it will look like in 20 years.

    Well, everything is clear with a barcode, now it's cool when a person makes a tattoo in the form of a barcode, which, in my opinion, means marked or the only one. But with the inscription DOC it’s more complicated, this abbreviation has a lot of different meanings and I don’t think that Pavel Priluchny himself doesn’t know this ...

    Maybe ask this dude

    In my opinion, Pavel Priluchny is a very stylish guy, and this tattoo perfectly complements his image. Pavel Priluchny filled the tattoo specifically for filming the movie At the Game. And apparently he decided to leave it forever.

    The tattoo is a barcode with letters DOC. This was the name of the hero of the film On the Game, whose role was played by Pavel.

    This tattoo was made by Pavel after long deliberation, made especially for the filming of the film On the Game. It has become an integral part of the actor's image and a reminder of the filming.

    Tattoo-barcode is a new fashion fad among young people. This tattoo means that some information is encoded here, known only to the owner of the tattoo, this tattoo is a sign of distinguishing a person from the crowd, of some opposition to society.

    By the way, this is not his only tattoo.

    The Russian actor Pavel Priluchny already has several tattoos at the moment, but as I understand it, in this matter we are talking about a tattoo on the actor’s neck. The tattoo is a barcode and contains the inscription DOC, this tattoo was made for the movie On the Game, and later became the hallmark of the actor.

    The tattoo of Pavel Priluchny in the form of a barcode on his neck was made before the filming of the film On the Game, as it was planned according to the script. The decision to make this particular tattoo was spontaneous, and only Pavel himself took it. The inscription doc on the tattoo, according to Pavel herself, can be deciphered in different ways, and each letter individually has its own meaning. It seems to me that the owner of the tattoo wanted to add riddles to his appearance, and therefore placed some coded information on his neck. And the inscription doc means professionalism in any business.

    Pavel is not going to get rid of the tattoo on his neck, as it symbolizes his first success in the world of cinema.

Today, the youth series “Closed School” is being successfully broadcast on the screens of the country. After the loud start of the first part of the series, the fans literally filled up with letters from the creators with a request to definitely remove the continuation of the mystical story about the students of an elite closed school.

It is difficult to imagine the series without a bright and talented leading actor - Pavel Priluchny, who not only became a kind of "calling card" of the series, his popularity undoubtedly became part of the success of the series. Pavel Decent became known to the audience after the film "On the Game". Already today, the actor is in demand in film and television projects, and posters with his image adorn the rooms of most teenagers.

The actor carefully monitors his appearance, and even Priluchny's new tattoo was made only after much thought. It is worth noting that the first tattoo of Pavel Priluchny was pierced specifically for filming in the film "On the Game" and is a barcode with the inscription "DOC". According to the actor, the tattoo has long become part of his image and he does not plan to get rid of it. Pavel's tattoo, which is of great interest to all connoisseurs of tattoo culture, is his hallmark, which reminds the actor of the role that brought him popularity.

Relatively recently, the number of tattoos of Pavel Priluchny has changed. The actor intrigued his fans, he will announce in one of his interviews his desire to get a tattoo in an intimate place closed from prying eyes. The minds of fans literally "exploded" in search of an answer - what kind of new tattoo to decorate the body of your favorite actor. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic - as a place for a new tattoo Pavel Priluchny selected the outer part of the right thigh, will place three words there, the general meaning of which is "keep balance".

Tattoo culture is becoming more and more in demand every year, and among those who want to make a pectoral drawing, not only the powers that be, but also the fair sex, choosing intricate ornaments or floral patterns as a pattern. Giving preference to this or that tattoo, it is worth remembering that any, even at first glance, an unpretentious drawing has its own meaning. Among other things, having decided to ink a tattoo, we give preference only to professional masters who can guarantee the quality and safety of the tattooing process.

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