What to drink with alcohol poisoning. What to do in case of alcohol poisoning


Alcohol poisoning is one of the most severe and common types of acute intoxication. The severity of the patient's condition is due to the fact that not only exogenous chemicals, but also endogenous toxins have an impact on the body.

According to statistics, among all fatal poisonings, 60% of cases are due to intoxication with alcoholic beverages. The number of cases of poisoning by high doses of alcohol, its substitutes, counterfeit drinks and home-made alcohol is growing daily.

In 2016, ~330 thousand people died from alcohol poisoning in the world.

The lethal dose of ethyl-containing drinks varies and depends on:

  • the amount of ethyl alcohol drunk and its quality;
  • age group;
  • gender differences;
  • race;
  • state of mind and psycho-emotional mood;
  • the presence of systemic diseases;
  • rate of administration and exposure time;
  • food taken before or during drinking alcohol;
  • temperature conditions;
  • the degree of adaptation of the body to certain doses of alcohol.

A dose of 4-8 g of ethanol per kilogram of human weight leads to acute poisoning with a fatal outcome. This number is very arbitrary. So, some sources indicate that, for example, for a young (20-30 years old) man of average build (weight 70 kg), a lethal dose of 750 mg for spirits (20-50%) and 1.5 liters of beer (300 ml of ethyl alcohol), drunk over a period of time less than 5 hours and without a snack.

These figures are for a person with an intolerance to ethanol. In the presence of tolerance, the dose increases to 800 g, which is 5-13 g per 1 kg of body weight.

For children and women, these figures are significantly reduced. The use of a minimum amount of alcohol in childhood (up to 3 g / kg) leads to severe poisoning due to the fact that they have enzymes synthesized by liver cells involved in the biotransformation of ethanol are produced in an insufficient amount to neutralize alcohol.

In addition, in children, the nervous system is less resistant to the effects of toxins, and the adaptive-compensatory mechanisms are imperfect. A lethal outcome from ethanol intoxication is most likely when its content in the bloodstream is more than 4-5 ppm.

Alcoholic drinks contain ethyl alcohol, which is moderately toxic on the toxicity scale. The alcohol molecule is small in size, has a small charge and is able to quickly decompose, which causes the ability of ethanol to mix with liquids in unlimited quantities. Alcohol also dissolves in fats. These properties allow alcohol to quickly spread through the blood and lymph to all organs and penetrate through the cytomembranes.

From the digestive system, 100% of alcohol is absorbed and enters all biological fluids. The high degree of permeability of ethanol molecules through the blood-brain barrier determines that its concentration in the brain is 75% higher than in blood serum. Ethanol metabolites have a toxic effect on the body. Alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, which easily enters into biochemical reactions and is a very toxic substance.

Reacting with substances in the body, acetaldehyde disrupts carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in organ tissues, leading to hemorrhages, focal destructive changes, necrosis, tissue degeneration, and fibrosis. The maximum concentration of ethanol in the blood is observed, regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed, 60 minutes after its use.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Poisoning can occur not only when the dose of alcoholic beverages is exceeded or the use of surrogates - lotions, windshield wipers, brake fluid or medicinal tinctures. Some people do not produce enough enzymes in their bodies to inactivate acetaldehyde. There are few of them among the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese.

These enzymes are completely absent in the Yakuts. Among Europeans, every tenth person has a high sensitivity to the toxic effects of acetaldehyde. Even a small dose of alcohol will cause poisoning in such people.

Some medications affect the absorption of alcohol. Sensitization is caused by taking Metranidazole, Disulfiram, Pyrroxan, Calcium Cynamide, antibiotics of the cephalosporin and nitrofuran series. The combined effect of drugs and alcohol causes a disulfiram-alcohol reaction.

Food in the stomach, especially carbohydrates and fatty foods, reduces the absorption of alcohol. Poisoning is possible when taking high doses on an empty stomach, since 50% of alcohol is absorbed within 15 minutes after taking alcoholic beverages.

Psycho-emotional state contributes to ethanol poisoning. Overwork, depression affect the sensitivity of dopamine receptors. They are depleted, and in order to get a state of euphoria, a person needs to take more alcohol than in a normal state.

Stages of alcohol poisoning

Acute alcohol poisoning has three degrees of severity:

  • severe intoxication, which manifests itself when the content in the blood is 2.5 - 3 ppm of alcohol;
  • acute intoxication - toxic effect on the body of ethanol and its metabolites;
  • acute poisoning or coma (3 - 5 ppm ethanol).

A coma when taking a lethal dose of ethyl alcohol (5-6 ppm in the blood) lasts from 6 to 12 hours. Death occurs due to:

  • severe depression of the function of external respiration;
  • hemocirculation dysfunctions;
  • renal and liver failure.

Each stage of poisoning with alcohol and its substitutes corresponds to symptom complexes of different severity.

The most susceptible to the pathological effects of alcohol is the central nervous system. In case of poisoning, there are:

  • euphoria and excitement;
  • uncoordinated movements;
  • delirium, hallucinations;
  • change in speech perception;
  • hypothermia;
  • involuntary urination.

Poisoning is accompanied by dehydration of the body. The patient experiences thirst, muscle weakness, drowsiness, indifference. The next target of ethanol is the cardiovascular system.

As a result of dehydration, the blood thickens. Due to the release of hormones and certain enzymes, blood vessels narrow, and vascular resistance increases at the periphery of the system.

All this leads to an increase in the load on the heart when "pushing" viscous blood through the reduced lumen of the vessels. The volume of blood circulating in the body is significantly reduced, which leads to oxygen starvation, disruption of metabolic processes, a decrease in blood pressure and the volume of urine excreted. From the side of the heart and circulatory system, the following symptoms of poisoning are noted:

  • hyperemia and swelling of the face;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • fast, uneven pulse and heartbeat;
  • dizziness:
  • dilation of the capillaries of the eyes and reddening of the proteins.

Alcohol intoxication is manifested in violation of the function of external respiration:

  • frequent shallow breathing;
  • organ hypoxia.

Respiratory failure develops both as a result of toxic damage to the respiratory center, and as a result of the accumulation of stomach contents in the oral cavity and bronchial tree. Due to muscle relaxation, the airways are blocked by the tongue and the overhanging epiglottis.

The initial stage of poisoning is characterized by increased excretion of fluid through the kidneys, frequent urination, impaired absorption of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract. Then dehydration occurs. Decreased fluid volume and toxic effects on liver cells cause:

  • decrease in diuresis up to the complete cessation of urine output;
  • pain in the liver;
  • yellowing of the skin, and in severe cases - the sclera.

Progressive loss of fluid leads to impaired consciousness, convulsions, hyperthermia, hallucinations. Depending on the degree of intoxication of the body with ethanol, alcoholic coma has its manifestations:

  1. 1 stage- the patient is unconscious, but shows motor activity in response to sensory stimulation. All reflexes are weakened, inhibited or absent. There is a spasm of the muscles of the jaws, hypothermia and increased blood pressure, muscle twitching, dilated pupils of the eyes. Breathing shallow, rapid. Reduced pain sensitivity.
  2. 2 stage- The patient is unconscious. Reflexes are significantly depressed. The pupils of the eyes are constricted, poorly responsive to changes in lighting. Breathing is weak, not deep. Frequent recurring vomiting, involuntary urination, bronchospasm, pressure continues to fall, tachycardia (90-110 beats / min) is noted.
  3. 3 stage- the patient is unconscious, the eyeballs "float", complete muscle relaxation, body temperature decreases. The skin is pale, cold, earlobes, lips are cyanotic. The heart beats weakly, slowly. Pulse weak, thready, intermittent. The vessels are so narrowed that intravenous drug administration requires vascular catheterization.

According to statistics, if the patient was given timely medical care and intensive methods of therapy were used, a lethal outcome in acute ethanol poisoning is observed only in 1.5% of cases. At the prehospital stage, 98% of patients die.

Providing emergency assistance

In case of poisoning with alcohol or surrogates, you should immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, you need to provide emergency assistance to the patient:

  • lay on a hard, flat surface on its side, placing something under your back for support;
  • cleanse the intestines of alcohol - give a weak solution of potassium permanganate or warm boiled water to drink and induce vomiting. Ideally, repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the wash water leaves without mucus and food debris;
  • give absorbents - in order to remove toxins and avoid further absorption of alcohol, it is necessary to use,;
  • to normalize the water balance, give the patient a warm drink - strong tea, juice, fruit drink, mineral water without gas. Drinking should be given in small portions, but often, so as not to induce vomiting again;
  • clean the oral cavity from vomit, fix the tongue with improvised means;
  • when breathing and palpitations stop, perform forced ventilation of the lungs and heart massage.

At home, you can help the patient only with mild and moderate stages of poisoning. With a headache, the patient should be given pills,.

There is no alcohol antidote, but natural detoxification mechanisms can be enhanced at home. In addition to cleansing the intestines with vomiting, you can increase the excretion of urine and feces in order to remove alcohol and metabolic products.

To do this, you can use medications or decoctions of medicinal herbs:

Target Name of the drug medicinal plants
Increased diuresis Torasemide, Indapamin, Akveks, Clopamid, Lazeks calamus, balsam, birch, lingonberry, heather, elecampane, oregano
Elimination of toxins with feces Senade, Guttalax, Regulax laxative joster, brittle buckthorn, hay, rhubarb, anise, columbine
Metabolism boost Vitamin and mineral complexes stork, wild rosemary, hawthorn, black elderberry
Cleansing and protecting the liver Karsil, Gepabene, Silimar budra, initial letter, cornflower, gryzhnik, fume, tansy, ivy
Painkillers , Citramon bergenia, veronica, oregano, narrow-leaved fireweed, linden
For blood thinning St. John's wort, coriander, nettle, toadflax, aspen
Maintaining heart function Verapamil, Riboxin, Dopamine Arnica, hawthorn, lure, lily of the valley, leuzea, sucker, lemon balm, cudweed

To increase metabolism and accelerate the breakdown of alcohol, the patient is given vitamins, but you need to make sure that surrogates did not cause poisoning. Accelerated metabolism of methanol, ethylene glycol will lead to the formation of very toxic metabolites.

To increase the level of sugar in the blood, the patient is given sweet tea, juices, decoctions of herbs with honey. To neutralize the action of acetaldehyde, vitamin C and Thiamine (B1) are administered. Thiamine helps reduce the risk of developing alcoholic psychosis in alcohol poisoning. Vitamin B1 helps restore carbohydrate metabolism, and the introduction of glucose normalizes energy metabolism.

All activities used at home must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. In chronic alcoholism, many drugs work differently than in the treatment of patients without addiction, so self-medication can lead to aggravation of the condition and drug poisoning.

Currently, poisoning can occur with any food. But most often this phenomenon occurs with excessive or poor-quality alcohol consumption. On the eve of the holidays, the problem becomes most urgent.

How to remove alcohol intoxication at home quickly and effectively, not a small number of people are beginning to be interested. Today, there are several traditional and folk methods to alleviate the condition. But more important is the prevention of such a condition.

Even in small doses, alcohol has a detrimental toxic effect on our central nervous system. In medicine, doctors distinguish three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

Today we will talk about what to do with alcohol poisoning at home, what assistance should be provided first of all in order to alleviate the condition of the injured person and prevent serious consequences for health and life.

What can not be done in case of alcohol poisoning, and in what cases should you consult a doctor without wasting precious time on self-medication? Let's analyze these issues in detail, because this information is very important and can help, if necessary, provide first aid and save a person's life.

Stages of alcohol poisoning and their symptoms

For alcohol to act on the body, in fact, only 10-12 grams of ethanol is enough. This is equal to a glass of wine or a glass of vodka, they are usually considered as an average serving. It is after this dose that the breathalyzer is able to detect the release of alcohol vapors. Conventionally, the following stages of development of alcohol intoxication with certain manifestations are distinguished:

  1. 1-2 servings. Already after this volume, there is vasodilation, a slight increase in heart rate, a feeling of warmth behind the sternum, self-confidence and a decrease in concentration. Indicators of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air range from 0.3 to 1.0 ppm. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, a slight speech disorder may occur.
  2. 5-6 servings. Balance is significantly disturbed, dizziness and slow reaction appear. A person is capable of doing reckless actions. The ppm volume is 1.0-1.5. The state of intoxication gives out a shaky gait and alternation of psychomotor agitation with apathy.
  3. 8-9 servings. After such an amount of alcoholic drink, a hangover syndrome appears in the morning. During intoxication, speech, coordination of movements and vision are sharply disturbed. The results of the breathalyzer indicate 1.5-2.2 ppm.
  4. 11-12 servings. The condition is quite severe. The body's response to alcohol consumption is uncontrolled vomiting, frequent urination, and diarrhea. There is no reaction to external stimuli, a person is not able to move independently, and sometimes even speak. The volume of alcohol in the exhaled air is 2.2-3.0‰.
  5. 12 servings or more. The concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds all permissible limits. As a result, a coma or death can develop. The body is not able to get rid of ethanol on its own, which affects the functioning of the respiratory system and heart rate.


For an adult in good health, one drink per hour is acceptable. It should be understood that this is a relatively safe amount of alcohol. The best option would be the complete absence of the supply of strong drinks.

First aid - how you can help yourself

Life presents us with not always pleasant surprises, very often the situation after festive feasts develops in such a way that the question arises: when poisoning occurred and a person has alcohol intoxication, how to remove it at home, urgently, to save a life?

In severe alcohol intoxication, in the first place, a person should not be left unattended. He is constantly in a certain danger, as he can fall and suffocate with vomit. In addition, in this state, a sudden stop of breathing and cardiac activity often occurs, a stroke develops, renal or hepatic colic develops.


If you experience persistent vomiting, with impurities of bile or blood clots, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms usually indicate the development of severe pathology.

Under the influence of alcohol, even the most calm and modest person is capable of sudden outbursts of aggression. Therefore, before conducting first aid, it is necessary to try to explain to the victim the procedure for their actions. They will be as follows:

  1. Release the person from dirty, oppressive, wet clothes and cover warmly.
  2. You should not try to deliver the victim to the shower room or constantly give him strong tea, especially coffee. The caffeine contained in these drinks can increase the effects of intoxication, which in turn provokes the development of a heart attack and a sharp increase in blood pressure.
  3. Induce an artificial gag reflex. This is allowed only if the person is conscious. In a fainting or pre-fainting state, this is fraught with the ingress of vomit into the respiratory tract.
  4. During vomiting, give a drunken position half-sitting, tilt your head forward and constantly hold it to prevent injury.
  5. If the poisoned person is not able to sit, then during a vomiting attack it is necessary to lay him on his side and turn his head so that it hangs from the bed. In this position, the victim may fall, so it must also be held.
  6. To remove alcohol residue from the stomach, one can flush it out by consuming 2 glasses of salt water. This is usually followed by a gag reflex. Rinsing is recommended until the water is clear.

Help with severe alcohol poisoning!

If the stomach is empty and vomiting does not stop, then the following should be done: wet the head with cold water, apply ice from the back of the head, drink a little Regidron solution, do not consume any food or other drinks.

We reduce alcohol intoxication - methods of rapid impact

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of ethanol in the bloodstream. If this is not done, it will be difficult for the body to cope on its own. How to quickly remove alcohol intoxication and sober up without consequences? The following methods will help you:

  1. The simple solution is to drink plenty of fluids in combination with diuretics. It is worth remembering that such a tool as Furosemide is prohibited. This can cause kidney problems.
  2. A good option is to take aspirin, which actively neutralizes acetaldehyde, a substance produced by the breakdown of ethanol. That is what causes the symptoms of poisoning.
  3. To bind alcohol and the elements of its decay in the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth taking a few tablets of activated charcoal or Filtrum-Stee.
  4. In severe cases, intravenous administration of certain drugs is required. It is not recommended to do this without special knowledge.
  5. With severe intoxication, a good result is observed with intramuscular administration of vitamin B6.
  6. After clearing the mind, you can drink a solution of nicotinic acid, phenamine, and corazol. A few drops are added to half a glass of water. Even with strong intoxication, after a few minutes, thinking normalizes and lethargy disappears, and after 1-2 hours, complete sobering up occurs.

A solution of glucose, ascorbic acid or nicotinamide removes alcohol intoxication well. These funds can be counted with B vitamins.

When is an ambulance called immediately?

The threat of life with alcohol intoxication can occur at any time. The risk is highest in adolescence, in the elderly, and in those with concomitant somatic diseases.

In case of alcohol poisoning, when should an ambulance be called?

There are symptoms in the presence of which it becomes clear that simple home methods are not able to have the desired effect. Therefore, with the formation of the following symptoms, you need to call an ambulance:

  • lack of consciousness and reaction to physical and noise stimuli;
  • sharp pallor of the skin with severe cyanosis and the presence of cold, sticky sweat;
  • slowing of the respiratory rate;
  • the presence of pigmentation of an unusual shape on the skin;
  • development of seizures;
  • pathological wheezing or severe snoring;
  • intermittent breathing lasting more than 10 seconds;
  • entry of vomit into the respiratory tract.

What can't be done?

First aid to a person who is in alcohol poisoning should be approached with all seriousness. There are a fairly large number of myths, according to which you can easily get rid of a serious condition. However, in practice, many of them remain ineffective or, on the contrary, can lead to unpleasant consequences.


If there are clear signs of alcohol poisoning, it is forbidden to take sleeping pills or sedatives. In most cases, this leads to death.

There is a difference between a mild degree of intoxication and real alcohol poisoning. Therefore, in severe cases, it is strictly forbidden to do the following:

  1. Take a drunk person out into the fresh air and make him walk outside. Due to a sharp loss of coordination of movements, serious injuries can occur when falling or colliding with various objects.
  2. Leave a person unattended. In cases of drinking a large dose of alcohol, the concentration of ethanol in the bloodstream will increase as it is absorbed for some time, even if the person stopped drinking alcohol several hours ago.
  3. Give large doses of strong coffee or black tea, as well as any drinks containing caffeine. This component, when mixed with alcohol, provokes dehydration of the whole organism. Such exposure is fraught with negative consequences in the structure of the brain.
  4. Do not throw cold water on a drunk person. As a result of intoxication, body temperature decreases, an additional cold effect can provoke hypothermia.

Non-traditional methods of influence to get out of the state of alcoholic intoxication have been known for a long time. However, many of them are effective only in complex treatment with a certain amount of ethanol consumption. If there was a clear poisoning, then such funds will only be an addition to the complex effects. The following is recommended for admission:

  1. Diuretic teas. They are decoctions of parsley root, linden flowers, thyme or mint.
  2. Saffron tincture. It is recommended to take it after a complete cleansing of the stomach. To prepare, one teaspoon of saffron powder is enough for a glass of boiling water.
  3. Egg whites. For a single dose, you need 2 raw chicken eggs. It is necessary to thoroughly shake the proteins and drink in one gulp.
  4. Honey water. It helps to eliminate malaise and speed up the process of sobering up. Preparing the solution is quite simple. Take 150 g of natural honey and completely dissolve in a glass of water.
  5. Apple vinegar. They give ammonia in the amount of 10 drops per glass of water (this remedy is quite dangerous and it is better not to use it), it is better to take apple cider vinegar in the amount of 1 teaspoon per half glass of water. A solution of apple cider vinegar should be drunk in small sips every 15 minutes.
  6. Melissa and mint. When nausea does not go away even on an empty stomach, a decoction of lemon balm or mint will help overcome this condition. It is recommended to drink it chilled, half a glass every 40-50 minutes.
  7. Fresh orange juice. It helps to effectively neutralize toxins formed as a result of the breakdown of ethanol.
  8. Lemon and sugar. Half of the sour fruit needs to survive in a glass of water and add a spoonful of sugar.
  9. Brine. This proven folk remedy, for several centuries, has been making people feel better after a feast. The most suitable is sauerkraut brine. However, it is worth noting that such treatment has only a symptomatic effect and is more suitable for a hangover syndrome.

It is important to know!

Folk remedies that help with alcohol intoxication will be indispensable during the recovery period. They will help remove toxins and strengthen the immune system.

Medications for alcohol poisoning

It is better that all medicines are prescribed by a doctor. Of course, many of them are sold freely in pharmacies without a prescription. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to compatibility with other medicines. In case of alcohol poisoning, you will need several drugs with different effects.


They are prescribed immediately after the release of the stomach from the remnants of alcohol and food. Enterosorbents, as it were, collect all the toxins and decomposition products of ethanol, which are subsequently excreted with feces. These include:

  1. Enterosgel. It is used for gastric lavage in a volume of 10-30 g for dissolution in warm water. After that, Enterosgel is taken in pure form up to 50 g, washed down with plenty of water, repeated intake is allowed after 3 hours.
  2. Polysorb MP. This drug should be drunk in the amount of one tablespoon, with a glass of water. With severe poisoning, the frequency of administration increases to 5-6 times a day.
  3. Smekta. The tool has not only a sorbing effect, but also enveloping. This is an additional plus for alcohol poisoning. A single dose is 1-2 sachets.


Ethanol is able to quickly absorb into the bloodstream. Adsorbent preparations simply do not have time to bind the alcohol particles and prevent their spread. Therefore, they are considered as an addition to complex treatment and rehabilitation therapy. Adsorbents will be especially indispensable when various surrogates enter the body.

A fairly good effect is exerted by Lingosorb, Karbolen, Entegnin and Polifenap. Rekitsen RD is considered to be a modern and highly effective drug today. It is used not only for poisoning, but also for alcohol withdrawal.

Symptomatic effect

To eliminate all the results of the negative effects of ethanol on the body, complex therapy is required. For this, drugs such as:

  1. Biotredin. The drug has a fast action and does not accumulate in the tissues. It helps to normalize metabolism, activate mental ability, relieve hangover symptoms and emotional stress.
  2. Metadoxil. It contains a combination of magnesium and sodium. Allows you to accelerate the excretion of the breakdown of ethanol and quickly cleanse the blood. Available in tablets and solutions for injection.
  3. Yantavit. It is a biologically active food supplement. The therapeutic effect is due to the influence of Glucose and Succinic acid. It is used to strengthen the body's defenses and restore energy metabolism.
  4. Limontar. It has an antioxidant effect, enhances efficiency, appetite, neutralizes toxins, which ensures a normal metabolism.
  5. Alka-Seltzer. This is a well-known drug that improves liver function, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves headache and muscle pain, and also eliminates the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the influence of citric acid and sodium carbonate, which is contained in its composition.

Precautionary measures

To prevent yourself from the consequences of excessive consumption of strong drinks, you should perform certain actions. Unfortunately, they will not save you from surrogates, but they will reduce the hangover syndrome and help you recover faster. These rules include:

  • before the feast, take 3-5 tablets of activated charcoal;
  • if possible, drink a glass of milk;
  • vitamins that are taken a few days before certain events will help alleviate the condition;
  • during the festivities, be sure to eat meat, fish dishes, as well as potatoes;
  • do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks;
  • try to take a break between drinking alcohol more often;
  • drink in small doses;
  • you should leave the table for fresh air and be outside for at least 10 minutes;
  • stop drinking alcohol 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • drink more natural juices or compote;

Immediately after the feast, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables (you should not consume them in large quantities while drinking alcohol, as this will lead to the effect of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and cause additional problems).


So that there is no need to remove alcohol intoxication on your own and at home, you do not suffer from such a serious condition as a hangover, you should completely abandon strong drinks. This is the surest and most effective way.

It is important to know!

If only everyone who consumes alcohol would be aware of the damage it brings to the body, how its internal organs and systems suffer, then they would certainly change their attitude towards this addiction.

Alcohol intoxication is a poisoning of the body that has arisen due to a large dose of drunk alcoholic beverages. This condition gives a lot of inconvenience, interferes with productive work and can lead to many dangerous symptoms and complications.

Many people in our time do not know how to remove alcohol intoxication at home, so they resort to the help of folk methods, the use of which does not lead to the desired result. However, in order to learn how to get rid of the disease, you need to be able to recognize it, and for this it is worth studying the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcoholic beverages do not affect all people equally. Their action is due to the amount of alcohol consumed and the individual characteristics of the body. However, the signs of alcohol intoxication are always the same:

  • Severe nausea, vomiting.
  • Seizures may occur, but this is not a mandatory symptom.
  • Problems with the mental state.
  • Possibly a coma.
  • Breathing is too slow, the intervals between breaths are 10 seconds or more.
  • Body temperature drops sharply.
  • The skin turns pale sharply, a blue tint may appear.
  • Headache or dizziness, which occurs due to disorders of the cerebellum, provoked by alcohol.
  • pathological thirst.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning can vary depending on the degree of intoxication.

What stages does the body go through?

There are 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication. Each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms, and in the future - consequences and complications. So, the stages of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree, in which the proportion of alcohol in the body does not exceed 2%. Its signs are high spirits, increased sweating, reddening of the skin of the face, dilated pupils. This stage usually goes away on its own after a certain amount of time. The person speaks incoherently and more expressively than when sober, but soon the habitual pattern of behavior returns to him.
  • The average degree of intoxication occurs when the alcohol in the body reaches from 2 to 3%. This is evidenced by the uneven gait of a person, he may see double. At the same time, he does not realize the essence of his words and deeds, but if he is left at rest, then drowsiness will not take long. After waking up, a person will feel a headache, fatigue, nausea and a feeling of intense thirst. These symptoms disappear a day after waking up. The average degree of intoxication affects not only the human psyche, but also its nervous system.
  • The third stage is the hard one. In this case, the alcohol content in the body can reach 5%. A severe degree of poisoning poses a danger to entire organ systems. In some cases, even death from alcohol intoxication is possible. At this stage, breathing problems arise, a person is able to fall into a coma or die from cardiac arrest. Acute alcohol intoxication may be accompanied by severe convulsions. It is in this case that it is necessary to remove the symptoms of poisoning.

Although urgent action should be taken only if acute alcohol intoxication occurs, it is necessary to know how to manage the symptoms of any stage of poisoning. After all, in any case, a person needs help.

To reduce the degree of poisoning, you need to remove part of the alcohol from the body. To do this, take "Aspirin" and several capsules of activated charcoal (1 for every 10 kg of body weight). These measures partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Remember that even in small doses, alcohol affects the functioning of all organ systems. Therefore, it is advisable to call an ambulance after taking the necessary medicines. But if you want to do without the participation of doctors, then explore possible ways of treating at home.

How to save the patient from the acute stage of poisoning

If you are able to take responsibility for a person who is in the acute stage of poisoning, then you should take the following measures:

  • Give the patient vitamin B6 intramuscularly. Within a few minutes, a person should be able to speak coherently and legibly.
  • When the patient thinks clearly, then let him drink a solution of nicotinic acid, phenamine and corazol, mixed with half a glass of warm boiled water. After that, in half an hour a person will begin to behave adequately, and in an hour he will completely sober up.
  • Next, you need to lower the patient's blood alcohol content. To do this, let him drink 20 ml of glucose solution. Also for this purpose, 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution is suitable.

To help the body restore strength, you can additionally take B vitamins.

If the necessary drugs were not at hand, and there was no way to call an ambulance, then you need to know how to remove alcohol intoxication quickly at home without the use of medications.

Get rid of alcohol poisoning at home

To save a person from the symptoms of alcohol poisoning at home, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

  • Provide fresh air circulation in the room.
  • Rinse your stomach. To do this, you need to induce vomiting in the traditional way. If this is not possible, then dilute a teaspoon of mustard powder in 200 ml of water and let the patient drink the resulting solution.
  • Periodically give the person affected by the poisoning a sniff of ammonia.
  • From time to time it is necessary to drink strong, hot and sweet tea.

If even after these measures the patient's condition does not change, he must be urgently taken to the hospital. At the same time, do not forget that constant drinking is the key to the normal functioning of the body.

Absorbents as neutralizers of low-quality alcohol

Absorbent drugs in general are not able to get rid of alcohol intoxication. However, they help well if poisoning has occurred in the case of the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages. Such drugs for alcohol intoxication are good because they are absolutely safe for humans. Even if the required dosage is exceeded, the drugs will not cause harm to the body.

Usually, to get rid of alcohol intoxication, the following absorbents are used:

  • Enterosgel.
  • "Enterosorb".
  • "Carbolen".
  • "Lignosorb".
  • "Enterodes".
  • "Polifepan".

In addition to absorbents, homeopathic medicines are often used.

Homeopathy as a way to deal with intoxication

There are homeopathic medicines that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Means are not able to remove alcohol from the body, but they significantly alleviate the patient's condition. For alcohol poisoning, the following drugs are used:

  • Anti-E. The medicine relieves headaches, relieves nausea and vomiting, and restores normal sleep.
  • "PROPROTEN-100". The drug activates the forces of the body that can fight poisoning.

Homeopathic remedies significantly reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

How to remove alcohol intoxication at home using a dropper

If you are dealing with acute alcohol poisoning, then a dropper will help you put the patient in order. However, keep in mind that only professional doctors can put them without a threat to the life of the patient. If you know for sure that the dropper you put in with alcohol intoxication at home will not harm the patient, then you need to study which components should be included in the solution.

The patient must be injected intravenously with glucose solution with 5 ml of vitamins B1 and B6 and 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution. Such a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home will significantly improve the patient's metabolism and help the body remove toxins from the body.

If the poisoning is so severe that even intravenously administered drugs did not help, then the patient is taken to a hospital, where he is under constant medical supervision.

Consequences of excessive alcohol consumption

If you know how to remove alcohol intoxication at home, you still need to study the consequences of such poisoning. You may no longer want to repeat past experiences and put your body at risk. So, the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • Toxic substances contained in alcohol cannot be processed by the body, they affect the human nervous system.
  • Possible chronic heart disease.
  • The blood pressure rises.
  • Kidney disease goes into an acute stage.
  • Alcohol intoxication in diabetes mellitus can provoke a coma.
  • Immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable to many infections.

Such pathologies occur in case of severe poisoning. If we are talking about the first or second stage of intoxication, then the body can cope with the consequences on its own.

What happens to the body with mild poisoning

With moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, the body is able to cope with the consequences on its own. The liver produces an enzyme that processes harmful substances, eventually removing them to the outside.

However, a blow to the nervous system is applied even with mild intoxication. As everyone knows, health is practically not restored. Therefore, even a mild, but constantly recurring state of intoxication can lead to the development of nervous diseases.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

In order not to wonder how to remove alcohol intoxication at home, you need to take care in advance that poisoning does not occur.

Remember that any measures that are aimed at preventing intoxication will not completely eliminate the symptoms. They will only reduce the degree of intoxication, this does not mean that after a nightly holiday you will not face unpleasant consequences.

So, the rules for preparing for the feast:

  • Take a few activated charcoal tablets an hour before drinking alcohol.
  • A glass of milk before drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the degree of intoxication.
  • If you have the opportunity, do not neglect vitamins.
  • Directly during the feast, try to eat more. In this case, give preference to meat, fish dishes. It is advisable to drink all the food with juice or compote.

These precautions will greatly facilitate your condition after a feast, reduce the degree of intoxication and help you avoid medical intervention.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, you feel a headache, nausea and dizziness, and you urgently need to pull yourself together and go to work, then take the following measures:

  • Eat a fresh tomato salad or fish soup.
  • Drink more water.
  • Take Citramon.
  • Take a short walk outside.

These seemingly simple rules will help you not only look better, but also feel freer. You will not get rid of alcohol intoxication completely, but your performance will increase significantly.

Thus, alcohol poisoning is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Therefore, try not to bring to the acute stage of intoxication. However, if you have not calculated the dosage and it has come, take all possible measures to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

There are many reasons that can lead to the development of alcohol poisoning. This condition is very dangerous for a person and can lead to severe disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. In this article, we examined what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning, the main drugs for first aid when this serious condition appears.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication can be caused by many factors. The main causes of alcohol poisoning:

  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, in which its concentration in the body rises sharply;
  • combining alcohol with drugs or drugs. Especially strong alcohol intoxication develops during the combination of alcohol with antipsychotics, antidepressants, hypnotics, narcotic painkillers;
  • alcohol poisoning. These substances are poisonous to humans. They are found in counterfeit liquor. They are added to drinks to reduce the cost of the product;
  • binge, often drinking a person is more prone to poisoning. His liver is unable to effectively neutralize alcohol.

What is the danger of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol in large doses is a potent poison for the body. Alcohol poisoning develops with an increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood to 2.5-3 g / l. In this concentration, alcohol suppresses the work of the central nervous system, poisons all organs and systems of the body. It can lead to the following serious consequences:

  • development of acute renal failure. This pathology occurs with the use of alcohol surrogates;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. People suffering from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver are more prone to this pathology;
  • acute pancreatitis, which develops as a result of high alcohol intoxication. This disease is treated in an operative way;
  • dehydration - a serious condition of the body that develops due to the loss of a large amount of fluid along with vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, disruption of the heart, raising the level of blood pressure;
  • severe disruption of the central nervous system. With severe alcohol intoxication, a person falls into a deep coma;
  • irreversible blindness that develops with methyl alcohol poisoning;
  • development of alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). This pathology often develops in people who drink, alcoholics, who often fall into a state of binge drinking.

Remember that the complications of alcohol intoxication can be avoided by seeking medical help in a timely manner.

Where and by whom is alcohol poisoning treated?

Treatment of alcohol poisoning should be carried out by physicians. It is forbidden to treat him at home with drugs or folk remedies. With the development of the first symptoms, an ambulance should be called. The dispatcher should list the symptoms and give the exact home address.

In case of alcohol poisoning at home, only first aid can be provided, due to which the patient's condition will improve slightly.

Medicines in the provision of first aid

Before giving the patient pills for alcohol poisoning, you should clean his digestive system from the remnants of alcohol as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to carry out a gastric lavage and a cleansing enema.

Gastric lavage is necessary to remove alcohol, which has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps with alcohol intoxication and is essential for the health of the patient. In order to wash your stomach yourself, you need to drink a liter of water at room temperature in one gulp and induce vomiting.

Please note that such a folk remedy as potassium permanganate is not recommended for acute alcohol intoxication. In a person in a state of severe intoxication, swallowing reflexes are disturbed. He may choke and inhale this solution. Also, potassium permanganate can be poisoned due to its improper dilution.

A cleansing enema is made on the basis of simple boiled water at room temperature. This procedure can be repeated several times until clean intestinal lavages are obtained. Enema accelerates the removal of alcohol intoxication.

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61 years old

After you have cleansed the stomach and intestines of alcohol toxins, you can give the patient some medicines for alcohol poisoning. Only a few drugs are allowed to be taken at the pre-medical stage.

What pills and medicines can be given to the patient on their own is described below.


Sorbents are drugs that can be taken independently. Due to their structure, they bind, neutralize and remove toxins and alcohol residues from the intestines. With alcohol intoxication, you can give the patient any sorbents that you find in your home first aid kit.

Remember that before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and check the expiration date of the medication. The dosage of some sorbents is calculated by weight, while others - by age.

Examples of drugs:

  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • enterosgel;
  • sorbex;
  • smecta;
  • atoxyl.


Regidron is a drug for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance in the body. It helps fight dehydration. This drug is a component of many home first aid kits. It is produced in a portion packaged form.

One sachet of rehydron is diluted with a liter of water and fed to the sick. In order not to provoke repeated vomiting attacks, you should drink little and often.

In pharmacies, many analogues of rehydron have recently appeared (hydrovit, trihydron, reosolan). Breeding methods may vary. Read the instructions carefully before using them.

If you do not have these drugs at home, do not worry. At the stage of providing first aid, they can be replaced with table or alkaline mineral water. Drinks should not be carbonated, too cold or hot. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature.

First aid

More extensive first aid is provided by doctors who have come to the call. After collecting an anamnesis, examining the patient, checking his pulse, pressure, respiration and saturation, they will begin treatment. Below are its components. Droppers with solutions that help reduce intoxication and improve water and electrolyte balance. The following drugs may be used:

  • trisol;
  • saline;
  • glucose with vitamin C;
  • disol;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • rheosorbilact;
  • anti-nausea drugs. Stopping vomiting is carried out using metoclopramide, cerucal or sturgeon. These medicines affect the vomiting center located in the brain. They are administered intramuscularly. The urge to vomit disappear within 10-15 minutes.
  • head medicines are needed to eliminate severe headache and dizziness. Doctors can intramuscularly inject analgin or ketanov.
  • antispasmodics (nosh-pa, drotaverine) - eliminate abdominal pain and relieve vasospasm.

During transportation to the hospital, the patient is put on an oxygen mask and the solutions continue to drip. Hospitalization is carried out in the intensive care unit, where treatment continues and examination is carried out.

Treatment in the hospital

Treatment in the hospital begins in the first minutes after hospitalization. In parallel with it, the patient is examined. A general blood test is taken from him, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is determined.

The length of stay in the hospital depends on the severity of the patient's condition. The treatment may consist of the components described below.

  • Hemodialysis. This procedure is aimed at cleansing the blood of toxins. It is carried out in case of poisoning with alcohol substitutes (ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol).
  • The introduction of an antidote (ethyl alcohol) for methyl intoxication. Thanks to this procedure, the development of total blindness can be prevented. Although in severe cases it is not possible to completely restore vision.
  • Massive intravenous administration of solutions to replenish water and electrolyte losses. Diuretics can be added to droppers for forced diuresis.
  • Diet. In the first days of treatment, the patient is on a strict diet. During this period, he can eat only liquid rice water or oatmeal. A decoction of flax seeds is also given, it protects and restores the gastric mucosa.
  • Enzymes are drugs that improve digestion.
  • Surgical intervention, which is indicated for the development of acute pancreatitis or internal bleeding.

Alcohol poisoning is treated in the hospital. With the development of its first symptoms, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Some drugs can be given to the patient at home before the arrival of doctors. Also at home, you can wash the stomach and intestines. The length of stay in the hospital depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the timeliness of seeking medical help. Do not self-medicate this disease, it can lead to disability and death.

The question of narcologists about what to do when intoxicated is often asked by the spouses of dependent people. Ignorance of the problem, degradation of the personality of an alcoholic under the influence of toxic ethanol surrogates does not allow one to turn to a specialist due to the denial of the disease.

The classic remedies used by a person with addiction to alcoholic beverages are cerucal (for vomiting), activated charcoal (for bowel cleansing). With the accumulation of toxic metabolites, such drugs do not get rid of addiction. Under the influence of poisons, the pathology of internal organs develops, irreversible changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys gradually develop. Organ failure leads to death. Alcoholics die young!

Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and syndromes

The problem is exacerbated by the high cost of alcoholic beverages. In the absence of funds, a replacement for the next dose of alcohol is required. To fill the deficit, alcohol-containing products are used: colognes, perfumes, medicinal tinctures, lotions. When using alkaline polish, alcohol varnishes, adhesives "BF" life-threatening poisoning occurs.

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is 300-400 mg. This concentration is achieved by drinking 2-3 bottles of vodka per day with a break after 1-2 hours.

The decrease in the body's resistance in chronic alcoholics is accompanied by a certain degree of insufficiency of internal organs. Against this background, mortality increases not from alcohol surrogates, but from exacerbation of secondary diseases.

The main symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree - nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders;
  • Medium degree - disruption of the cardiovascular system, changes in coordination, gait;
  • Severe - alcoholic coma with loss of pain, temperature sensitivity.

Due to the high adaptation of the body to alcoholic surrogates, the coma of an alcoholic is not lethal. After a few hours, the condition is restored.

The danger is severe injuries, bedsores, gangrene of the extremities with a long immobile state of a person. Violation of local blood supply, hypothermia occurs at an ambient temperature of about 12 degrees Celsius. Gradually, it decreases to 31-32 degrees. Reducing the pulse to 30-60 beats per minute. Respiratory depression - up to 8 breaths per minute. These conditions lead to death directly from respiratory failure (on the first day) or from dangerous complications in the future (pneumonia, lung gangrene).

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