What is true and what is a lie in the show “The Battle of Psychics. The death curse of the participants in the "battle of psychics" Who is the real psychic from the battle of psychics


Many reality show participants become celebrities. “Battle of Psychics” on TNT is no exception. Fans of the program are interested in how the further life of the clairvoyants participating in it developed. The tragic “Battle of psychics” after the project - in the editorial material.


One of the brightest participants in the seventh season of the “Battle of psychics” and “Psychics are investigating” shocked fans of the TV show. The clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, after falling out of the window of her own house on Enthusiast Highway.

If you believe the official verdict, Novoselova drank alcoholic beverages with her boyfriend, after which a quarrel broke out between them. The girl climbed onto the window, threatening the guy with suicide, but lost her balance and fell. However, fans of the “Battle of Psychics” star have doubts about this version.


A participant in the 10th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. The cause was acute coronary insufficiency. Information about the death of the black magician appeared on the official page of the faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Yampolsky died at the age of 33. Fans discussed the situation online. Some wrote that the magician was a wonderful person, others claimed that he himself ruined his habit of drinking.


The sorcerer Alexei Fad, the finalist of the 3rd season of the TV show, died unexpectedly of a heart attack on the day of his 50th birthday. Fans of the project and the magician himself could not believe that Fad's death was due to natural causes. Many of them are sure that the unexpected heart attack of one of the favorites to win the “Battle of Psychics” is directly related to his line of work.


No less talk was caused by the mysterious death of a participant in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Yuri Isparyants. The cause of the magician's death was a cerebral hemorrhage. It is curious that earlier Isparyants did not complain about his state of health and felt great.

Fans of the TV show are sure that the psychic died at the hands of evil spirits, because his further life after the project was closely connected with exorcism.


The death of Nadezhda Titova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, is shrouded in secrets and omissions. The healer died in early 2013, and there is no information about the causes of her death in open sources. The tragedy of this story is added by the fact that Titova left several sons and daughters. Fans are still wondering why one of the best healers in Russia passed away.

Becoming participants in a popular project, ordinary people also become mega-popular in an instant. And then they realize that they were not ready for this.

About the show "Battle of psychics" and "Psychics are investigating" are already legends. Someone says that all this is a performance, someone is sure that psychics really have paranormal abilities. However, no one will argue with the fact that the project participants are real people with real stories (and as a rule, all these stories are quite tragic).

But what then happens to the participants of the show?

Ilya Butenko is a young man who has no luck with girls. All three chosen ones left the guy right on the eve of the wedding. Confessing that more than anything he wants a family, the man turned to psychics for help. Alexander Litvin said that it was all about the young man's ancestors, and the witch Ilona Novoselova saw the curse. After the magical effects were removed, Ilya was promised a happy life and a strong marriage. That's where it all started! After the program went on the air, messages from dozens of Russian girls rained down on Ilya's page, who scattered in compliments to the guy and ... offered themselves as wives! At first, Ilya was open for communication and even set the status “I will answer everyone, but later ...”, and then he closed private messages and removed the ability to comment on photos.

The witch Novoselova predicted Ilya a strong family, and now the guy cannot fight off the fans

Maryam Gasimova is a girl from Novosibirsk who committed suicide after a quarrel with her father. The heartbroken family turned to psychics to understand if only the conflict caused the tragedy. All photos shown in the program "Psychics Investigate" were taken from the girl's personal page on social networks. That is why the viewers of the program could easily find the profile of the girl and .... start texting her. Maryam's family was shocked by this and even set the status: “Stop posting on this one! No one will answer you anyway!

Another high-profile investigation concerned the inexplicable death of a young couple in love. On July 16 last year, 17-year-old girl Olesya and her 21-year-old boyfriend Dmitry left for a drive and never returned home. Later, investigators found an abandoned car 100 meters from the road, and a hanged couple not far from the bushes. According to investigators, Dmitry first killed his beloved, and then he committed suicide. This version was confirmed by psychics Leonid Konovalov and Zuliya Radzhabova, but Dima's relatives and friends categorically denied this! Moreover, they react very painfully to all comments on social networks and sharply cut off any statements from users that the guy really could have killed. Viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” program, too, seem to have studied Dmitry’s page on social networks up and down. They found out that the guy was subscribed to groups about maniacs and murderers, some of which are labeled "21+", and made their disappointing conclusions about the guilt of an ardent lover.

Photos with psychics can still be found on Artem's personal page

Photo: Artem Gaivoronsky's personal archive

Artem Gaivoronsky is another hero of the popular show. The guy, as a former military man, was asked to portray the role of a sniper in one of the tests. There were six snipers in total, but it was Artyom who received great fame after the shooting. The girls wrote him private messages, put "likes" on the photo, wanted to get to know each other, asked for a phone number. On Instagram, more than three thousand people subscribed to Artem's page in a couple of days. At first, the young man seemed to like such popularity, because he marked most of his photos with hashtags associated with the “Battle of Psychics”, but then he closed his personal messages and even changed his last name to a sonorous synonym associated with the name of the city where he comes from.

Psychics discovered magical abilities in one of the participants

Getting on the screen, all participants in the mystical project automatically become popular. However, sometimes this popularity even begins to go off scale. This happened to a resident of the city of Pushkin. Yana called magicians and mediums to explain why some kind of devilry was happening in her apartment. As soon as he crossed the threshold, Alexander Sheps said that there were a lot of "souls of the dead" in the apartment, which Yana herself attracts here. Say, the girl has a special gift and, if she wants, psychics will open it, and then Yana herself will be able to become an excellent medium. “However, you need to remember the consequences and understand whether you need it,” said witch Victoria Rydos. During the filming, Yana did not give an answer whether she would “discover” her gift, and after the program was released on the screen, the girl was attacked on social networks. The audience was divided into skeptics who were interested in the details of the shooting, and those who were almost ready to make an appointment with Yana and can't wait for her to discover her gift.

“Everything that happened is true, but I haven’t decided anything yet and haven’t decided!!!” - the girl wrote in her heart.

Eva Grebennikova participated in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. The girl came to the shooting of the show, and the mediums were faced with the task of guessing what trouble happened to her and two other invited people.

Almost all her life, Eva suffered from bulimia - an eating disorder. At 9 years old, her weight was more than 100 kilograms. To reset it, the girl was on various diets, was fond of vegetarianism and a raw food diet. Thus, she managed to lose weight up to 47 kilograms. But the torment did not end there - Eve fell ill with anorexia. About six months later, the body was so exhausted that she began to eat everything without stopping and "earned" bulimia. In nine months, she again gained 40 kilograms.

Eva Grebennikova. Photo: AIF / Irina Chukhno

“Whatever I did to cope with overeating: I went to psychiatrists, endocrinologists, I was in hospitals. Now the disease is practically not manifested. If earlier I was gaining weight at a rate of five kilograms per month, then for the past two years I have had a stable weight. But I can’t call it the merit of psychics, ”says Eva Grebennikova.

Participants of the 14th season of the 8th edition of the Battle of Psychics. Photo: TNT channel frame

unexpected facts

The girl was invited to the “Battle of Psychics” by the workers of the show through a social network. On the appointed day, she arrived at the studio.

“There we were seated on chairs, and then they began to take turns launching psychics. They came up, looked and said something. One said that I had changed my appearance very drastically. Well, everything like that, ”says Eva.

No magical rituals were performed on Eve, but only psychological advice was given. One of them: after buying clothes, immediately cut off the size tags.

“In general, we talked about personal life, about my boyfriend. She said that our relationship would last from eight months to three years maximum. But she was wrong, we have been dating for three years and ten months, and we are not going to run away, - the girl explained. - True, we had very strong quarrels, but now everything is calm. So if psychics or fortunetellers predict separation or even death, this does not always happen.

“I lost weight because I moved from my parents to my boyfriend and began to cook dinners on my own. But I don’t like my own cooking, I can’t eat it, so I lost weight, ”says Eva.

From the disease one way - a psychiatrist

After the show was released, people on the streets approached Eve, asked about filming in the program, took autographs. And girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia wrote on the social network asking for advice.

“I really want everyone who has faced similar problems to know that there is only one way to recover - it is a psychiatrist,” Eva shares. - Going to psychics in a similar situation is not a good idea. If you break your leg, you will go not to a clairvoyant, but to a doctor. It's the same here. In general, you need to learn to love yourself for who you are and not torturing yourself with diets.

Mystical Sareptha

Old Sarepta is an open-air museum. Here, within the boundaries of Volgograd, among hundreds of concrete boxes of the same type, an amazing corner of the 18th century has been preserved: a Lutheran church, a pharmacist's house, a pastor's house and a trading shop. There are more than 20 historical buildings imbued with the spirit of that era.

Museum-reserve "Old Sarepta". Photo: Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve

According to the workers, they all feel the presence of invisible forces here, many can not stand it and leave.

“Eerie. If you saw a ghost like this, up close, what would your reaction be? asks one museum employee. We wanted to figure out if this is good or bad? How can we work with this in the future? And so they turned to the “Battle of Psychics” program. ”

As a result, two clairvoyants flew to Volgograd.

"Beer and Bread"

Filming began when it was already dark.

Kirkha is located opposite the mass grave. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

“The shooting took a very long time,” recalls head of the information department of the museum Tatyana Rvacheva. - Throughout the day, the film crew was on the territory, and the process itself began at 10 pm and ended only at five in the morning. Several buildings and cellars of Sarepta were explored.” One of the clairvoyants "heard the cry of mothers and children who hid here from the terrible raids of nomads, and even told us about what was here before the first German settlement appeared."

Another clairvoyant even “summoned the spirit of a man who allegedly lives here and thereby frightens workers and visitors.”

Ritual in the dungeon of Sarepta. Photo: TNT channel frame

The clairvoyant also told the workers that the spirit "requires beer and bread." He allegedly considers this place his home and thus protects it.

"Spirits" brought visitors

The move worked, and now the legend of the Sarepta ghosts has become almost a hallmark of this place, and many people seek to get on nightly mystical excursions. At the very least, the psychics definitely helped the museum.

The mystical dungeons of Sarepta attract tourists. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Today, the museum even has a program "Mystical Stories of Sarepta", during which guests get acquainted with legends and traditions, descend into the mysterious dungeons of the 18th century.

Alcoholism is not treated by psychics

Together with Eva Grebennikova in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" was filmed Evgeny Smelov. He turned to the show in the hope that mediums would help him get rid of alcohol addiction.

“I wrote on the show myself, because I was aware of my problem and was looking for different ways out of it. I could not cope with alcoholism alone, so I decided to turn to psychics. Then I thought that everything was fair there, ”explained Eugene.

Evgeny Smelov. Photo: TNT channel frame

According to the man, he began to drink, like many of his peers, at the age of 17, but in moderate doses. Alcoholism appeared only in the last one and a half - two years before the start of filming. Particularly long and heavy binges were during the divorce. However, the show said something completely different. The voice-over said: "Unrestrained drunkenness has been going on for 10 years."

“As soon as I heard this lie on the air, I immediately called the program in order to sort it out. I asked them: “Do you have any idea what would happen to me if I really didn’t get out of binge for 10 years?”. To my dissatisfaction, they replied that it was necessary for the show. Then I already freaked out and said, let them write and do whatever they want, ”he said.

After a while, Eugene got a call from the show. The man talked to the program worker for more than an hour. “The questions they asked me over the phone were quite harmless. Therefore, during the filming, I didn’t even think about them, but I was simply surprised at the things that psychics told, ”recalls Eugene. “Then he began to talk about how they knew everything. And I understood - thanks to the questioning. The mediums "saw" only what I had previously called them. Plus, they also found a lot of information on my VKontakte page. For example, there I wrote about the death of my friend, about which the sorcerers later told. I haven't heard anything from them."

Psychic Nadira Azamatova is being tested. Photo: TNT channel frame

Going to psychics is a sin

As Eugene said, five of the eight psychics who participated in the program promised to help him, but in the end no one helped.

“None of the psychics helped me. They're just brainwashing people. I would say that these people are just good psychologists with excellent pre-air training. You yourself understand that as many mediums as participate in the show cannot be in the country.”

Another man noticed that all psychics conduct personal receptions and ask for about 50-60 thousand rubles for a session.

“This show is needed so that fools like me who are looking for salvation pay big money to psychics. This infuriates me. Well, if you have the ability, then help just like that. And then there are people who take loans because of them. And all right, if “clairvoyants” could actually solve problems, otherwise ... To say something - yes, to help - no. And how many more people will get into their networks and give their last money is unknown, ”Smelov noted.

A year after filming, Eugene began to visit the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery often. There he lived for several months, then went home, and then returned again.

Eugene said: “After participating in the Battle of Psychics, I both drank and continued to drink. These so-called clairvoyants did not help me. There was only one thing left - to turn to God. With the thought that psychics were useless, and going to them is generally a sin, I went to the monastery. I haven't been drinking or smoking for 13 months now.

Since 2007, the popular program "Battle of Psychics" has been broadcast on the TNT show. Almost 20 seasons of the program have passed.
Its format is a TV show developed in England, the franchise of which is broadcast in Israel, Australia, the countries of Snow and even in America.
According to the authors, the participants go through a series of qualifying rounds, while the easiest is not shown to the audience - people with declared supernatural abilities must say what kind of geometric figure is depicted on a hidden landscape sheet of paper.

Katya Gordon, Mikhail Porechenkov, Marat Basharov about the "Battle of Psychics"

Many stars have been in the role of skeptics on the program. Porechenkov commented on his participation in such a way that he is an Orthodox person, but was interested in superpowers. Basharov liked the participation, and he says everywhere that the project is pure truth. But Katya Gordon, the ex-wife of the famous TV presenter and actor Alexander Gordon, offered anyone to prove their abilities on an independent project - then she is ready to give a million to someone who really proves it. Katya said that she knew one of the psychics - an ordinary hairdresser.

Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about the project

The authors of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" have repeatedly exposed anyone - for example, Daria Mironova, Natalya Nosacheva, Mikhail Filonenko. After the program, people turned to them for help, gave a lot of money for the reception, but the "healers" "did not help and even aggravated the situation."
Komsomolskaya Pravda also said that many participants got on the show with the help of connections. In particular, for a lot of money, the centers of "clairvoyance", "healing", etc., where these "specialists" carry out their activities, send their employees to television for the sake of PR.

Recognition of the participants about the "Battle of psychics"

One popular program on the TNT channel released the story "Magic of Money", devoting the release to the "Battle of Psychics". The guest of the program said that she was dependent on the medium Daria Mironova, giving her money just like that - paying off. Psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov confirmed that Daria is a scammer. However, the same psychiatrist admitted in an interview that many of the tests for the show were staged, that is, they did not exist in reality! In this case, how did the participants not understand that they were false? All this was "for greater showiness of the transmission", cynically commented on this fact one of its authors!

In December 2017, a story about psychics was broadcast on Channel One in the Male-Female program. It was shown how they intimidate people, manipulate them. It was shown how fake calls are made by editors and channel employees, how the plot of the medium’s arrival is written and what he should “see the light” (for example, “here this girl cried”, “here she was beaten and then killed” - all this information was collected program editors).

The contestants who “dropped out” of the show honestly say: don’t believe everything that is shown on TV, just as you don’t believe that horror films are shot in reality with ghosts and zombies ...

What is magic?

In the modern world, people are surrounded by offers to fulfill all their desires with the help of extrasensory perception, magic and various healing. Many of these people hide behind Orthodoxy, more precisely, icons and prayers, which they use as conspiracies. If you see that a person offers to fulfill your desires, heal diseases and, moreover, harm other people - know that these are servants of the dark forces. With the help of demons, they fulfill desires, for which a person then pays with even greater troubles.

Many of our failures are natural; they are explained, for example, by our ill health, insufficient preparation for the task. The Lord shows us what to pay attention to, maybe go the other way.

However, sometimes failures, "black stripes" in life can be the result of the influence of evil spirits through people or on their own. In the people, such a dark effect is called damage or the evil eye. Maybe they want to take revenge on you, remove you from your post, survive from the apartment through rituals with psychics, magicians and other witches and healers. It happens that people, simply because of their anger, bad upbringing and dissatisfaction with life, curse you in passing or in a quarrel, they wish evil.

Damage or the evil eye is called the influence of dark forces that comes from another person. For example, your friend, having found a psychic on the ad, decided to take revenge on you for something. Or a colleague wants to take your place through an appeal to an "Orthodox witch." Often people just want evil in the eyes or behind the eyes. Can it hurt you?

Yes, if you are not protected by prayer and the Sacraments of the Church: you are not baptized in Orthodoxy, you have not been married, you do not read prayers, you do not attend church services, you do not confess and do not receive communion. St. Paisius of Athos himself, a saint of our time, spoke about such an impact: the evil forces do not sleep and try to cling to our sins and mistakes in order to harm us.

Signs of harm from evil people and dark forces can be

  • a series of illnesses for you and your loved ones,
  • prolonged failure at work
  • great life difficulties.

Actually, the church understanding of corruption is the introduction of a demon into a person. Then he ceases to belong to himself, speaks, for example, in other voices, suddenly utters swear words and acts strangely. All this could be a sign of a mental illness if people possessed by a demon were not afraid, like fire, holy water and touching icons, visiting a temple, blessing priests.

Do not despair. This can really harm you - the saints spoke about the real impact of demons. But evil forces are always trying to cling to our sins and mistakes. Therefore, attacks usually come if a person is not protected by the Sacraments of the Church and prayer: if you are not baptized in Orthodoxy, have not been married, do not read prayers, do not attend church services, do not confess and do not take communion.

What to do if you feel the influence of psychics?

    Turn with prayer for help to God and his saints.

    Visit the temple in the near future, talk with the priest and tell him about your feelings.

    If you believe in the existence of God and His help, accept Holy Baptism. The priest will tell you how to live the church life.

    In no case do not turn to sorcerers, healers, psychics. People who are engaged in spiritual help without the blessing of the Church do it through dark forces, which will then take a double “payment” from you with troubles and sorrows.

    Visit the temple, purchase church candles and pray in the church before the image of the Lord, the Mother of God, the martyrs Cyprian and Justina;

    Before or after prayer, light a candle from other candles in a candlestick, put it on, cross yourself twice, bow and kiss the image of the saint on the hand or edge of the clothes, cross yourself again and bow. They usually bow to the waist.

    You can purchase icons for home prayer in the temple if you don’t have them, and church candles that you will light during prayer at home.

    After any prayer, they also make the sign of the cross and bow.

    Every prayer is communion with God and His saints. Pray attentively, with faith in God's help.

    Do prayer work constantly - read the morning and evening prayers, which the Church blesses to read daily and which are in every prayer book. Visit the temple and pray at the services. If you are not baptized, accept Holy Baptism so that the Lord will be your Patron and Helper. Marry your spouse, especially if you wish to conceive and have a child. Confess and take communion - find out how to do it from a priest or in Orthodox literature.

Prayers against psychics

Everyone knows the prayers “Our Father”, because it was composed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, this is a direct quote from the Gospel - a prayer to the Holy Trinity, as well as a prayer for the detention of the elder Pansophius, a prayer to the holy martyr Cyprian. A strong prayer to Cyprian the Hieromartyr and the Lord Jesus Christ is a traditionally read petition for all those who suffer from the action of evil spirits. It is better to pray to the saint in front of his image with a lit church candle.

Of course, at the same time you need to take care of yourself, try not to sin.

Any person can read a prayer asking for protection from the effects of evil spirits at any time of the day. This is an "ambulance" with a feeling of damage.

Prayers before the icons are read in the "red corner", where the home iconostasis is usually located. This is the name of the place on the wall opposite the door or at the window, where the icons of the Lord, the Mother of God and further, according to your desire, are revered by the family of saints, for example, the namesake patrons of the house or great saints, are placed on the shelf. You can buy a shelf in an icon shop, or you can simply put the icons on a bookshelf - preferably next to publications about spiritual life. In the same row with the icons there should not be photographs of relatives, newspaper clippings, especially portraits of "stars".

    An important prayer from witchcraft and the dark energy of demons is the psalm “Living in Help” (“Living with the help of the Almighty ...”). This, one might say, is the first aid when you feel anxiety from witchcraft influences. The reading of this prayer does not require the performance of any rites or rituals, as is often written about. You just need to pray to the Lord with sincere faith, preferably in solitude and silence, in front of the icon of the Almighty Jesus Christ.

    Pray to the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justina, great helpers against demons.

Since ancient times, the Church has venerated the holy Archangel Michael of God as the strongest defender from dark forces. If you feel in danger, if you have enemies who do not want reconciliation with you, daily prayer to Archangel Michael will help protect you from the evil eye, evil-wishers and all kinds of misfortune.

For example, a prayer that changes fate is excerpts from a long prayer to St. Nicholas, an akathist. Obviously, a pious person created this prayer in sorrow and a miracle happened: his life, through prayer to St. Nicholas, completely changed.

The use of candles by psychics in prayer, in ritual, rite

Lighting a candle in front of the icons is one of the ancient church rites. A candle is a symbol of the soul, burning with the flame of faith and love for God, a sign of prayer flaming before God. A candle can also be called a shining thread, a connection between God and man.

Many Orthodox Christians put a candle in the temple without thinking about its symbolism. Meanwhile, the candle itself invites us to think about ourselves and our soul. You need to stand before God like a candle, with a heart as bright and warm as the flame - at least striving for this.

The mechanical setting of a candle, like any presence at a service just to defend the service, is simply the performance of a ritual. But this is impossible if you are a person who believes in the existence of God, His omnipotence, His concern for people. Therefore, the words of worship, prayers need to be listened to and read carefully, pronouncing them with attention, just like candles should be placed with a request or gratitude to God, albeit brief, at least in your own words.

Every believer who uses candles should know how to ask God when lighting a candle, what to do when lighting a candle, and if there are any special signs associated with candles. It is especially useful to pray with a candle if you need to bless the apartment, get rid of damage, and cleanse the negative.

A curse or witchcraft effect will not have its power if the person who is wished evil is churched, believes in God, goes to church, attends church services and partakes of the Mysteries of Christ. Knowing or speculating about the existence of a curse is no cause for despair.

Father Dionysius Svechnikov says: “Neither prayer nor candles have anything to do with healing. Healers usually do not use prayers at all, but conspiracies that have nothing to do with the first and are the “creation” of black cultists. And candles, as a rule, are used by them in magical rites, which, as you understand, have nothing to do with God either. But no one forbids praying to the Lord or saints for healing from illness, lighting candles in front of their holy images. It is even necessary. And an appeal to a healer who “heals” with prayers and candles is impossible. It really is a sin."

Priests' opinions

You should not independently perform amateur conspiracies and rituals to clean the house. Only a priest will be able to understand what is happening in the house, give the right advice, and it is by the holiness of the Church to expel dark and evil spirits from the apartment.

On the Internet, the advice of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev and priest Dionisy Svechnikov, chairman of the Catechesis Department of the Baku-Caspian diocese, is known. Here is what Father Dionysius says: “Fortune-tellers, psychics, healers, clairvoyants - all these are ministers of black cults. At the same time, it is impossible to simultaneously pray to God for help and at the same time run around the healers. An appeal to a clairvoyant is an appeal to the devil! This is a direct violation of the first commandment: "I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:2-3). A confession is needed from the confessor, at which it is necessary to tell about visits to clairvoyants. Remember one thing: a person who lives in harmony with God and fulfills His commandments is not afraid of any corruption and witchcraft. God help you!"

Divination in the evaluation of the Church

Believe the centuries-old experience of the Church: there is no safe divination and conspiracies, just as there is no division into "white" and "black" magicians. Both the pastors of the Church and very famous saints have written many times about the dangers of predictions: “Do not be curious about the future, but make use of the present. If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not know in advance. And if it is mournful, why languish in sorrow until the time? If you want to be sure of the future, fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel Law and expect the enjoyment of blessings,” these are the words of St. Basil the Great, spoken back in the 4th century.

We also note that many types of fortune-telling and conspiracies, especially on Christmas and Epiphany days, require the removal of a pectoral cross from oneself. It is proposed to remove the cross to the side, so as not to interfere with the upcoming "dialogue" - in fact, renounce God in order to talk with Satan! It must be constantly remembered that any prediction and magical statement will certainly leave a mark on our lives, even if we just listen to them and consider them just a “game”.

May God keep you!

The whole truth about the project "Battle of psychics" April 16th, 2013

Back in 2007, I participated in the launch of the TV project "Battle of Psychics".
At that time, I pulled other projects, but now let's talk about "Psychics"
This is a format TV project. Original "Psychic Challenge"
What does it mean?
This means that companies like http://www.zodiakrights.com/ create programs
and then sell them to the whole world.

More precisely, they do not sell the programs themselves, but the rights to create a similar program but adapted to the local market.
Together with the rights they sell the so-called "Project Bible".
The project bible includes a description of the technological process, all kinds of recommendations and advice,
for the correct filming process, description of competitions, castings, graphic and audio design and much more.
In principle, the Bible is other people's mistakes on which you can and should learn.
Moreover, they paid money for these mistakes and it is not reasonable to fill their bumps.
But apparently it is not quite customary for us to learn from the mistakes of others :)
Therefore, the technological plan of filming prescribed in the bible, as well as the staffing table required for the project, were ignored.
When a consultant from the company that sold this format to the TV channel flew in to control the filming process
and compliance with the conditions of the format, she was very surprised.
She constantly repeated: this is not possible, this is not the way to work. She didn't understand how we could handle it.
In fact, the project was filmed very quickly.
Basically, everything was done not "for tomorrow" but "for yesterday".
The programming department has decided when the first program will be aired,
and no one cares that half of the staff is still missing, no script, and even sensible psychics have not been found.
There is a release date and everything needs to be in time for it. you are professionals :)

There was also no money for filming. Since the budget of the entire program was not signed :)
And how to create a program budget if it is not known what will happen in 8 more programs?
The script was only for the first program.
So the night before the first shoot, I created the budget for the entire first season.
On the first day, a casting was filmed in Kyiv, there was no money yet, but it cannot be cancelled;
people bought tickets and came to the casting, pavilions, decorations, catering, special equipment and much more were ordered.
As a result, I took out my money and paid the necessary expenses from my own pocket, and only then I knocked these funds out of the accounting department, since I kept all the checks and contracts for reporting.
So you can say I was the first sponsor of the program :)

Now about castings.
We've all been looking for psychics. Real, not charlatans.
It seems that it is difficult?
They took the newspapers and rang through the ads, they were piled up in the newspapers.
But everything is much more complicated.
Since we need real psychics, not charlatans, we immediately warned all applicants about this.
Therefore, many immediately refused to participate.
Those who were ready to prove their exclusivity passed a series of tests.
For example: There is a photograph of a person in a dense sealed envelope. Preferably printed from film or Polaroid.
The applicant must feel the energy of this photo and tell everything that he feels about the person who is in the photo.
Such a simple test allowed to weed out the majority of MAGES AND WIZARDS.

Now the most interesting.
I am often asked if real psychics participate in the program?
I answer. Don't know!
When we were selected, everyone was real, not dummy.
This also has a problem.
After all, real psychics are not bright characters, they look like ordinary people, and not like you are used to seeing them in the movies.
It's bad for the show. After all, the viewer wants spectacles, so that they beat tambourines, throw bones, roll their eyes, etc.
And in the frame are ordinary average residents.
I even had the idea to introduce a few dummy characters in the next seasons.
Find a colorful Shaman, a red-haired Witch, and some black man with Voodoo magic.
They will play 3-4 programs and then we will gradually bring them out at the jury meeting.
That is, real psychics with abilities will enter the final.
Perhaps in subsequent seasons they did so, or maybe they went even further. I do not know this.

It was not easy for the program participants - psychics.
Understand the term "psychic" is like the term "athlete".
After all, an athlete cannot be an excellent weightlifter, gymnast and boxer at the same time. He specializes in one thing, perhaps in related disciplines.
So is the "psychic", he can do one thing perfectly, more or less the other, and he cannot do the rest.
They also have a narrow specialization.
We drove them through all possible and impossible competitions.
I even pulled them into the casino, then it was not forbidden.
I wanted to win money with them, but alas, no one, out of three attempts, predicted a single number correctly.
They said that they were forbidden to deal with money like that :)
I want to note that many of them are good psychologists, if they did not know the answer, they tried
calculate the correct answer, speak little by little and look at the reaction of others.
Plus, as I wrote earlier, we filmed a lot and tightly.
If according to the format, it takes 1 day for preparation, 1 day for shooting one competition, 1 day for rest and a new one.
Sometimes we filmed 2 or 3 competitions during a shift. And the next day, another shooting of 1-2 contests.
Very short production times. :(
So the film crew and psychics worked in difficult conditions.

Once we tried to help them. The competition consisted in the fact that a psychic with one girl walked along the corridor of the hotel and looked for which of the rooms was the twin sister of the girl.
So, in the room where the second girl was and the operator, the light was on so that you could immediately shoot the reaction.
And in the gap under this door, you could see that the light was on. There was no one in the rest of the rooms and the lights were off.
But psychics did not pay attention to this. They acted according to their own rules and almost no one found the twin girl.

And yet it was an amazing project and I'm glad that we did it despite all the intrigues and intrigues.
And a big thank you to all the psychics and film crew I've worked with.
Only the permanent presenter Pavel Kostitsin and cameramen moved from season to season,
but the creative team seems to have been squeezed out and replaced.
Therefore, I do not regret that in time (after the completion of the first season) I left this project.

And now I'm ready to answer all your questions :) Ask.

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