What separates the stage and the visual. Stage space and time


This "second reality" is created, of course, primarily based on the perception of the audience. Like the “first reality”, it has its own laws of being, its own space and time, its own rules and laws of mastering space and time by the actor and the viewer. Living time, orientation in space. But conscious experimentation and conscious, painstaking directorial work with stage space and time is a phenomenon that is far from traditional and not ancient in theatrical art. It enters the historical stage at about the same time that directors and spectators become psychologically interested in theatrical art; in modern terms - when the corresponding social order appears.

The great innovator and experimenter in the Appia theater (90s of the 19th century) is trying to understand why he is not satisfied with the traditional ways of decorating the stage space performances. He finds an unexpected explanation for this: the number of “significant” elements of the stage picture prevails over the number of “expressive” ones. (The iconic ones help the viewer navigate the plot and appeal to his mind and reason, while the expressive ones address the viewer’s imagination, his emotional sphere, his unconscious See: Bobyleva A. L. The owner of the performance: Directing art at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. M. , 2000.).

Appia believes that the measure of realism should be the power of the viewer's experiences, and not the degree of scrupulousness in recreating the illusion of the reality of the scene. He proposes to reduce the number of "sign" elements of space to a minimum and increase the number of expressive ones.

Appiah himself was the first director of this period to create light scores for the play. He prefaces them with figurative descriptions of places of action. They deal not so much with lighting techniques, light apparatuses and their placement (although he also wrote about this), but with the semantic and poetic spatial functions of light.

How, for example, does this director select the appropriate stage solutions for the lyrical and epic heroes of the Wagnerian drama? If we are talking about the self-disclosure of the protagonist (a lyrical episode), then the picture is built on the principle "the viewer sees the world through the eyes of a hero." The stage world turns into a reflection of his spiritual movements. (This is what Vygotsky wrote about this: “The hero is a point in the tragedy, on the basis of which the author makes us consider all the other characters and all the events that take place. It is this point that gathers our attention together, it serves as a fulcrum for our feeling, which otherwise was lost would, infinitely deviating in their shades, in their excitement for each character "Vygotsky L. S. Psychology of Art. Rostov-on-Don, 1998. P. 54.

). And when the time comes for action and events (epic scenes), the space enhances its "reality", plausibility.

Interpreting Hamlet, Appiah understands the conflict of this tragedy in a romantic way. In those works for which Appia wrote "scripts" or director's plans, there is always a hero of the romantic type (more precisely, as he is understood by the director). Siegfried, Tristan, Hamlet, King Lear - they are all heroes, individuals who transcend the spiritual norm. But the world in these dramas is not always given as a lyrical background - it is imperiously present in its reality, objectively independent of the hero.

Appiah wants the viewer to be able to identify with the powerful hero and tries to create directorial techniques that work towards this goal. At moments of important lyrical outpourings, Appia dissolves the hero in the stage landscape. The world becomes a virtual embodiment of the hero's state of mind. Thus, this subjective state intensifies and spreads, filling the entire stage and the auditorium. This approach assumes that the plot of the hero's developing relationship with the stage world allows one to feel the hero's inner experiences. The "psychology" of the characters is molded into a spatial form, unfolds in a picture, in a pose. “We must see the drama with the eyes, heart and soul of Hamlet; our attention should not be distracted by those internal obstacles that confused Hamlet: if we focus on the outside world on the stage, we will weaken the conflict and inevitably come to see and evaluate Hamlet through the eyes of other people ”See: Craig G. Memoirs. Articles. Letters. M., 1988. S. 186. Gordon Craig, in turn, saw Hamlet not only as an unwitting hostage, but also as a "director" of the events taking place in the tragedy. To identify with the “superpersonality” that forms the world around oneself means to realize oneself in a historically new creative, existential quality.

In Appia's stage paintings, the darkening of the foreground has a double function. Firstly, Appia follows the old pictorial technique: the darkened foreground contrasts favorably with the illuminated distance. Secondly, Appiah believes that if the action takes place in the depths of the scene, then the viewer perceives it "from the outside", as some kind of objectively occurring event. Only from the foreground (which is very dangerous to abuse) can the heroes appeal to true complicity, sympathy.

Another example is from our time. Director M. Zakharov recalls with great gratitude and respect his collaboration with artist V. Leventhal and composer A. Kremer in the course of work on the play "Profitable Place" at the Satire Theater. He speaks about the enormous role of the solution of the stage space of the performance, in particular, about the mysterious object, resembling a theatrical model enlarged to a huge size, hanging above the stage. “The object disposed every sane theater critic to create a large number of purely “literary” versions about what this would mean. Of course, a strange, mysterious box invited to reflection. The object had a strong scenographic energy, "gathered" the space and created a stable zone with a pronounced magical beginning" Zakharov M.A. Contacts at different levels. M., 1988. S. 46.

Another memory is even more interesting. “The performance began out of the darkness with a violent movement of scenery. Both stage circles rotated in opposite directions. Doorways and rooms flashed by, dimly lit by ancient lamps, some dull, disturbing music sounded, rather reminiscent of the gnashing of decayed floorboards in an old house and the distant, barely audible, rattling chimes of an office clock. After some time, in this "circle" flashed the gloomy shadow of Vyshnevsky - Menglet, then the white peignoir of Anna Pavlovna - Vasilyeva floated by. Her anxiety, her desire to escape from this nightmare, fear and disgust for her monster husband - all merged with the feverish movement of the lights, the mournful howl of the passing walls and the creak of the floorboards.

In this peculiar prologue - in the first scene of Vyshnevsky and Anna Pavlovna - the directors, as it were, agreed with the viewer that the stage story would be edited rapidly, feverishly, partly according to the laws of modern cinema. P. 54 .. An amazing thing happens here - even before the first appearance of the actors, with the help of visual arts (settings) and music, the viewer creates a dominant throughout the subsequent action attitude. Moreover, as a result of such a prologue, the authors of the play “negotiate with the audience”, that is, contact with the hall, dialogue with the viewer begins even before the actual acting action. This example once again proves how important the role of the artist and composer is in the theater and again speaks of the synthetic nature of theatrical art.

As in the case of space, special structuring time in the performance becomes a means of expressiveness of the director's theatre. The accumulation of the director's and artistic ideas about time begins when the director more or less consciously creates a "second reality", and is not simply responsible for staging a theatrical performance. Works with time, the rhythm of the performance.

Compared to the romantic compression of time, when the events of several months or even decades took place on the stage during the performance, in Maurice Maeterlinck's "static theater" the passage of time slowed down, words and actions were "washed", enveloped in silence and external inaction. But this was a specific inaction, the external stiffness was the result of an excessive activity of the inner life.

Maeterlinck builds his dramatic works in such a way that word and silence literally fight each other for possession of the true meaning. Repetitions, complex rhythmic constructions of characters' replicas contribute to the emergence of a mood indirectly associated with ongoing events, have their own score, their own logic of development.

The musicality and rhythm of the dramatic structure is also a property of Chekhov's style. Chekhov's picture of the relationship between "objective" and "subjective" time is even more colorful. Although in him, like in Maeterlinck, a pause occurs at the climax of a change of mood, it is often unexpected, asymmetrical, as if it is not at all a continuation of the rhythmic development that preceded it. Chekhov's pause is not even always psychologically motivated - in any case, such a motivation does not lie on the surface of the meaning. Chekhov's pauses are the moments when the undercurrent of the play is exposed and becomes visible, giving the viewer the opportunity to ask the question: what actually happened? - but leaving no time for an answer. Silence in Chekhov, like in Maeterlinck, becomes an independent figurative unit, it is already - rather reticence, a mysterious understatement. These are the 5 pauses in Treplev's play or a sounding pause ending with "a distant sound, as if from the sky, the sound of a broken string, fading, sad." The intensity of the sound, the rhythmic alternation of loud and quiet scenes act as a means of actively influencing the viewer. Thus, act 4 of The Cherry Orchard, which is notable for its accelerated rhythm (the author allotted 20-30 minutes for the whole action, just enough for the characters to catch the train) ends with a quiet scene of Firs's loneliness and, finally, "silence sets in, and you can only hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an axe.

So, the creation of a “second reality” in the theater, according to its special laws, with special space and time, is the necessary moments for creating a special world that lives its own life, where the viewer is invited. This world is by no means intended for simple, passive and soulless "consumption", an indifferent presence at the play - no, it is created in order to attract the spirit and soul of a person to co-creation, to work, to creation.

Game beginning of theatrical action

... For two hours you will become kinder,

"To be or not to be" decide in favor of "to be",

So that, without regretting anything later,

Go home and forget everything to hell ...

A. Makarevich

In the 19th - 20th centuries, with the development of humanitarian studies, art criticism, various areas of aesthetics and philosophy of art, many theories were created and many different views were developed on the essence of art, including theatrical and dramatic art. All of them contribute to the modern understanding of creativity and art. One of these theories was proposed by F. Schiller (2nd half of the 18th century), a German poet, critic and art theorist. One of the central concepts of Schiller's aesthetics is play as a free disclosure of the essential forces of a person, as an act in which a person asserts himself as the creator of a higher order reality, that is, aesthetic reality. It is the desire for play that underlies all artistic creativity.

In the twentieth century, such thinkers as Huizinga, Gadamer, Fink showed that a person plays not because there are various games in his culture, in the society around him, but rather because the game principle lies in the very essence of man, in his nature. Important here are such aspects of the game as its non-utility, the free activity of the essential forces and abilities of a person, an activity that does not pursue any goals that lie outside the game itself, and presupposes the presence of another subject (even a little girl, playing with her doll, in turn " voices "different roles - mothers, daughters ...).

“Play is a form of human action or interaction in which a person goes beyond their normal functions or the utilitarian use of objects. The purpose of the game is not outside it, but in maintaining its own process, its inherent interests, the rules of interaction ... The game is usually opposed to: a) serious behavior and b) utilitarian action with an object or interaction with other people "Modern Philosophical Dictionary. M.; Bishkek; Yekaterinburg, 1996. P. 193. It is in this capacity that play is always present in a theatrical performance.

These essential characteristics of the game allow a person to gain complete freedom in the game: the game includes, involves a transformed reality, and a person, playing, can freely choose some kind of existence. The game, therefore, seems to be a kind of pinnacle of human existence. Why?

The player does not just see himself from the outside, he portrays himself, but "the other himself." He "finishes" himself during the game. This means that he is transformed, becomes different in creating and playing the image. While playing, a person is aware of his image, treats and addresses himself as a riddle, as something unknown, and opens and reveals himself as a person. This is one of the key semantic moments of the game and, of course, one of its aesthetic facets. Do I need to clarify that everything that has been said directly and immediately refers to the theatrical performance, to what the actor performs on stage.

It is the pictorial nature of acting that makes us see the viewer in the player himself, and therefore “the presence and outsideness of him in relation to the depicted” Berlyand I. E. Game as a phenomenon of consciousness. Kemerovo, 1992. S. 19.. The pictorial nature of the game, which provides consciousness of the conventions, the "appearance" of the game action, splits the consciousness of the player, makes it both open and closed. Figurativeness reveals the aspiration of the consciousness of the player playing for himself, and, consequently, his inner dialogue.

In the process of becoming the consciousness of a maturing personality and (since this is an objective process that inevitably leaves an imprint on both the consciousness and the psyche) the physiological maturation of the body against the background of youthful idealizations and romantic aspirations that conflict with parental vetoes and social taboos, the actor was seen by the author as a kind of creator. A creator who not only gives birth, builds up (literally builds up, like a reptile builds up new skin before shedding the old one) his images and transforms them at his own whim. With his charm, some strange magical energy, he influences the minds, moods, feelings of the audience. This is almost hypnosis, manipulation, which the viewer gives himself consciously and absolutely voluntarily. The opportunity, on the one hand, to live many lives, and on the other hand, to have the right to the attention of a large number of people, seemed to the author infinitely attractive.

Both seem attractive to the author even today, after many years of service to the Amateur Theatre. Due to this involvement of the author in the theater, it seems that there may be a reference in the course of the study to personal artistic experience. Perhaps the reader will have a question about the legitimacy of such a reference due to the fact that the author is dealing with an amateur, and not with an academic, professional theater. There are two points to justify this possibility.

First, let's refer to the director M. Zakharov, who had experience working with amateurs, first at Perm State University, and later at the student theater of Moscow State University. In his book “Contacts at Different Levels”, he devoted an entire chapter “Militant amateurs” to the latter, where he highly appreciated the phenomenon of amateur theater and, moreover, his contribution to the development of theater in general. Here is a rather lengthy quotation that vividly illustrates the significance of the Student Theater in the cultural situation in Moscow in the 1960s and in which an attempt is made to reveal the phenomenon of dilettantism in art. “The House of Culture on Herzen Street, quite unexpectedly for many uninitiated, suddenly became a place where new theatrical ideas of the 60s were born. In addition to the Student Theater, another student amateur group began to function in this room - the variety studio "Our House". Such a double blow by the efforts of "militant" amateurs created a special creative situation in a small club, which became the subject of close interest of all true connoisseurs of theatrical art and numerous spectators. ... However, why did these "militant" amateurs create such a powerful and stable center of theatrical culture? And here is his answer. “With our generally contemptuous attitude towards the amateur, it is worth emphasizing that the amateur who has reached a high intellectual level, possessing human originality, can demonstrate qualities that no other successful professional can reach. G.A. Tovstonogov, speaking about Treplev, the hero of Chekhov's "The Seagull", convincingly proved that "nihilists" like Treplev, subverters of generally accepted norms in art, are necessary for society even if they themselves know little and are inferior in professionalism Trigorin. ... Amateurs are free people, not burdened with special knowledge, they do not risk anything, some kind of irresponsible courage roams in them. It leads them to insights, bypassing a rationally meaningful search” Zakharov M. Contacts at different levels. M., 1988. S. 37 - 45 ..

The second argument in favor of the appropriateness of referring to the experience of an amateur theater actor can be the following consideration. The very definition of "amateur" contains an extremely important point. In contrast to the usual opposition "amateur - professional", it seems that a deeper meaning, important for understanding the phenomenon, is hidden in the etymology of the word itself. Amateur theater is a theater in which people play, driven by love for it, they do not earn their daily bread in this way, they go on stage only for the very act of creativity. Therefore, amateur theater, along with professional theater, is a genuine theater, which means that it can also be considered in the context of the theme "Aesthetics of the theater".

So, the mind of the player is actively dialogic. It presupposes a subject capable of detaching himself from himself - therefore, it presupposes the existence, as it were, of two consciousnesses "within the framework of one." Therefore, the game is, as it were, the “completion” of the actor himself, his personality. During the performance of the role, the actor treats himself as an Other (in the second chapter of the work, we will consider how various innovators of the theater understood and expressed, each in his own way, each within the framework of his doctrine of theatrical art, this position). It is in this that the unifying principle of existential situations of play and dialogue lies.

The remarkable playwright, theatrical figure and innovator B. Brecht said at the end of his life that real theater should be naive. He explained at the same time that staging a play is a form of play, that watching a play means also playing. After all, it is no coincidence that in many languages ​​the same word is used to designate a play and a game See: Brook P. Empty space. M., 1976. S. 132.

While acting, theatrical figures (director, actors, artists, composers) create this unique situation of dialogue. They create and cultivate this tense field, the space of interaction. A miracle happens every time - every time the audience is involved in this dialogue and game, living this particular piece of their life in a special way.

The issue of stage space and time has been little developed in the specialized literature on drama theatre. However, not a single theater expert or critic analyzing modern theatrical works can do without referring to them.

Moreover, it is difficult to get around in modern directorial practice. As for the literary theater today, this is a fundamental question. We will try to outline the most obvious patterns that characterize the genres of modern literary and poetic theater.

In the previous chapters, there has already been a conversation about the stage space as an important material of art in specific forms and genres of literary theater.

We emphasize that one of the foundations of the theatrical language in general and the language of literary and poetic theater in particular is specificity of the artistic space of the stage. It is she who sets the type and measure of theatrical conventionality. Artistic space, being a figurative embodiment of living space, like any image, is distinguished by high symbolic saturation, that is, semantic ambiguity.

I recall the words of the well-known modern theorist of poetic art Yu. Lotman, who rightly notes that everything that enters the stage tends to be saturated with additional meaning, in addition to the direct functional purpose of the thing, the phenomenon. And then the movement is no longer just a movement, but a gesture - psychological, symbolic; and a thing is a graphic or pictorial detail, a design detail, a costume - an image that carries a multidimensional meaning. It was this feature of the stage that Goethe had in mind when he answered Ackermann's question: "What must a work be like in order to be staged?" “It has to be symbolic.”

B. Brecht had the same in mind when he noted that in life people do not move much, do not change position until the situation changes. In the theater, even less often than in life, it is required to change the situation: “... in the stage embodiment, phenomena must be cleared of random, insignificant. Otherwise there will be a real inflation of all movements and everything will lose its meaning.

It was the nature of the stage space that Pushkin put at the basis of the "conditional improbability" of the language of the stage.

In the outline of the preface to Boris Godunov, he wrote: “... Not to mention the time and so on, what the hell can be credibility in a hall divided into two halves, one of which accommodates two thousand people, as if would be invisible to those who are on the stage ... "

The ambiguity on the stage of a word, deed, movement, gesture in relation to a similar one in life is due to the fundamental law of the stage - the duality of the nature of the addressee. There is an interaction of phenomena, persons. Their speeches are simultaneously addressed to each other and to the public, to the auditorium.

“The participant in the action may not know what the content of the preceding scene is, but the audience knows it. The spectator, like the participant in the action, does not know the future course of events, but unlike him, he knows everything that has gone before. The viewer's knowledge is always higher than the character's. What the participant in the action may not pay attention to is a sign loaded with meaning for the viewer. Desdemona's handkerchief for Othello is evidence of her betrayal, for a partner it is a symbol of Iago's deceit.

Everything that falls into the orbit of the stage space acquires multiple meanings for another reason. The acting actor comes into contact with the audience. Sending mental, volitional, emotional impulses there, awakening the creative imagination of the viewer, the actor perceives the response signals coming from him (expressed by the most diverse reaction - silence, deathly tense silence, signs of approval or indignation, laughter, smile, etc.). All this dictates the improvisation of its existence, the discovery of new semantic accents, discovered today in contact with this auditorium. Excluded from the artistic space of the stage, the actor, objects, action fall out of the field of theatrical vision.

The space thus participates in the creation of the entire structure of the spectacle, its individual links, episodes. Experiencing transformations and interactions with stage time, it determines the development of the video sequence on the stage, its qualitative and semantic enrichment.

Stage time is also an artistic reflection of real time. Stage time in the conditions of stage space can be equal to real time, concentrate it or push a moment to eternity.

Under these conditions, the scenic word, especially poetic, although close to real colloquial speech, infinitely exceeds its semantic saturation, which similar statements would have in a life situation. Acquiring inner action, subtext, it may not coincide with what is said, with its direct purpose, be directly opposite to it, acquire a symbolic interpretation.

One of the most important functions of space in the modern literary theater, in performances of poetic performance, is to show the visibility, tangibility of the thought process on the stage. This is especially important in montage structures, where the course of comparison, collision of facts, arguments, figurative analogies, associations should be visible. In the work “I Write with Fire” (Garcia Lorca), different points of the stage space were needed in order to visibly compare the document-history of the death of the poet and his poetry with a sense of anxiety, prediction of troubles in the face of the “black gendarmerie”. It was necessary to divide sections of the stage in such a way and build transitions between them in order to reveal the artist’s switching from one genre of thinking to another (meditation in a lyric verse, reading a document, a fragment of a poet’s speech, his articles, etc.). Each of them differs in the way of stage existence, the nature of communication with the audience. In addition, the site has its own "zones of silence", the personal presence of the artist, a person from today, establishing a direct connection with those sitting in the hall. In other words, space becomes a means of revealing the relationship of the performer to the author, to the situation, a means of conveying subtext, internal action.

Within the genres of thinking, which correspond to the varieties of literary texts, during the stage embodiment, their own specific, spatial video sequence is revealed. It arises as a result of the stage dramaturgy of the relationship between the performer and the objects of visions, addressees, appeals, including the audience. In some literary works, where a moment of today's existence of a hero, a lyrical subject is combined with the memory of the past, experienced, giving rise to psychological retrospection, the number of objects of visions is growing. They must be appropriately outlined, marked in the stage space by location, by means of movement, gesture, switching of gaze.

For example, V. Mayakovsky's poem "Tamara and the Demon". It is included in the literary program - “V. Mayakovsky "About time and about myself" (Leningrad, Palace of Culture named after Volodarsky).

What are the objects of vision here? This is the poet himself with self-observation, turning to himself. This is the Terek, which at first caused an outburst of indignation in him and he came to him to make sure that the estimates were correct, but he would sharply revise them, these are the mountains, and the tower, and Queen Tamara. Contact, dialogue, romance will arise with her. And finally, Lermontov, who "descends, defying the times" to bless the union of two hearts of representatives of the lyrics of the 19th and 20th centuries, classics and modernity.

To build a visible connection in space between the objects of visions, the change of these objects in time - already give the opportunity for stage action, the development of thought and the image to take on flesh.

In the literary theater, unlike the dramatic one, as already mentioned, we are dealing with an empty stage. The artistic fabric of the performance is created with the help of several chairs (or one), objects with which the acting actor enters into a relationship.

One of the important functions of the stage space, including empty space, is the embodiment of the scene. It is known that in the Shakespearean poetic theater "Globe" the place of action was indicated on the stage by a sign, when it was changed, a new sign was hung. In the modern literary theater, however, the viewer is accustomed to a different degree of conventionality. Changing places of action are assigned to a certain system of episodes.

For example, it is worth A. Kuznetsova in the solo performance "Faust" to take a few steps on the stage, and she was transferred from Faust's office to another scene of action - to the garden near Margarita's house, to prison, to the witches' sabbath, etc.

Or in the solo performance "Francois Villon" (performed by E. Pokramovich), four spheres, scenes of action are simultaneously presented on the stage: a prison, where the hero repeatedly ends up (at the piano on the left in the middle ground), a temple - it is denoted by a crucifix in the background in the center of the stage, a tavern - on the right on a chair with a woman's hat and, finally, an open-air (in the center of the stage, middle, foreground, proscenium) - a forest glade, a street, a square, Villon's grave. Changes take place before the eyes of the audience. The change of scene corresponds to a new episode, which is born in the course of the development of stage dramaturgy, made on the basis of the poet's poems, the Small and Big Testaments. The stage space, thus undergoing transformations, participates in the transformation of the proposed circumstances, which entails changes in the behavior of the actor.

S. Yursky pays great attention in his works to the solution of the stage space. “Space is always ambiguous for me. This is the real space of the author who is now on stage, the author I am playing. For him, all things are adequate to themselves - a table, a chair, a backstage, a stage, spectators. But this real space can and must turn into imaginary space of his plot, his fantasy, his memories(emphasis mine.- D.K.). And then two chairs are a door, or a bench, or two banks, or ... The floor of the stage is a field, and a palace hall, and a garden in bloom.

The actor emphasizes that everything fantasized, transformed by the performer must be convincing for the viewer to believe in this imaginary reality. He shows how in “Count Nulin” with the help of chairs he mis-en-scenarios a stage action in space: “I will put a chair with its back to the audience, sit down and lean on the back with my elbows, and look at the farthest point of the hall, at the red light above the exit - and it will be already not a chair, but a window sill. Words, glances, rhythm will help to guess the window above the window sill and the landscape outside the window.

Examples have already been given of the use of two chairs in literary performances of two actors based on the works of N. Gogol, M. Zoshchenko.

In Manon Lescaut, chairs are also involved in the transformation of space, in the formation of mise-en-scenes. Set apart from each other at some distance (edge ​​to the viewer) - the room and house of Manon and de Grieux. Chairs pushed together tightly are a carriage in which de Grieux will find a girl with a letter from Manon, etc.

The mystery of the instant transformation of the stage into a forest, a battlefield, a palace, a ship, not only in the performance of the artist, but also in the imagination of the audience, was easily given to the Shakespearean theater, which possessed the magic of theatrical metamorphosis. Since then, the theater has lived a long time, experiencing periods of renewal of stage forms, moving away from poetry and coming to a doubling of reality, plausibility and again returning to "conditional improbability".

The reincarnation of space is one of the achievements of the modern stage language, which was enriched not only by changing acting technology, the birth of new forms of drama, but also by how space and time became the material of art.

And here it is important to recall the turning points associated with the reform of stage space for the topic of interest to us. It was largely determined by the struggle against stage naturalism, associated with copyistic, detailed reproduction on the stage of the everyday and social environment surrounding a person. Man himself with his spiritual world has moved into the background. The stage space of naturalists becomes everyday life, loses its iconic richness. After all, a copy is always inferior in the concentration of meaning to a metaphor. The latter is replaced by an inventory of identifying features of the environment. The center of attention on the stage becomes a motionless picture of a “cut out of life” or “a piece of life”. The stage composition is based on the isolation of space. The movement of time - logically consistent - is reproduced by the change of pictures.

Outliving the naturalistic tendencies of his first productions, K. S. Stanislavsky turns to revising the functions of the stage space. Without excluding the significance of the environment, by deepening the dialectical relationships of characters and circumstances, the great stage reformer, however, deprives the environment of the fatalistic force that suppresses the personality. Man is not denied spiritual self-determination. It is no coincidence that Stanislavsky puts forward the formula “the truth of the life of the human spirit” as a defining formula.

Instead of a “description of the environment”, the director affirms the idea of ​​reflecting on the stage the ideological and artistic concept of reality, the “internal setting”, which determines the artistic integrity of the performance. Space in such a situation acquires an important function - the interpretation of life, world relations, and not the reproduction of individual signs of reality. When staging the poetically polysemantic drama of A.P. Chekhov, Stanislavsky's stage space acquires an atmosphere. It is formed not only by air, nature entering the stage (in "The Seagull" - a damp spring wind, a garden on the lake, the croaking of frogs, rustles, sounds of the night, etc.), but also the disclosure of the "undercurrent" of the play, itself intimate depth of the work.

A new dialectic of terms of space emerged. The free inclusion of broad and deep spheres of external and internal life presupposed the composition of the performance to be extremely internally organized. The author showed freedom in creating the image, but in accordance with the overall integral form of the performance, with the director's concept. The saturation of the inner life, its fluidity in the performance led to qualitative acquisitions in the field of stage time. It acquired a sense of extraordinary extension and mobility.

Another important achievement of K. S. Stanislavsky is his experiments in the field of transforming the stage space, connected with the search for new forms of the tragic on the stage.

So, in 1905, when staging the "Drama of Life", Stanislavsky experiments with "tents"-screens, and in "The Life of a Man" A. Andreeva uses black velvet and rope contours instead of everyday furnishings.

The director is looking for a universal "simple background" capable of transforming in order to most vividly embody the "tragedy of the human spirit" on the stage. Thus, the very object of art - the spiritual struggles of the individual - entails the search for forms of poetic space. The practice of G. Craig and K. S. Stanislavsky in staging Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet led to a new stage in the search. As the researchers write, this experience is important for the entire history of the world theater of the 20th century, in particular the poetic theater.

In this formulation, the concept of kinetic space, dynamic spatial metamorphoses was developed. They were provided by the movement of vertical planes moving around the stage. They did not depict anything from the area of ​​concrete everyday life, but gave rise to "a symbol of the space itself, as a category of physical and philosophical". In addition, Craig's space became an expression of the state of the soul and the movement of thought, born of tragic consciousness.

The idea of ​​Craig and Stanislavsky in "Hamlet" is "everything that happens on the stage is nothing but a projection of Hamlet's gaze." The tragedy took place in the mind of the hero. All characters are the fruit of reflection, the personification of his thoughts, words, memories. In stage dramaturgy, the model of lyrodrama was actually proposed. To express the life of the human spirit, Craig and Stanislavsky resorted not to real human figures, but to something that is devoid of flesh and matter - to the movement of space itself.

Craig paved the way to this idea through all his previous experience, turned to the embodiment of Shakespearean poetics. The director tried to completely free the stage from furniture, props, and things. An absolutely empty stage and its instantaneous transformation with the help of light, sound, the movement of the actor, in order to make visible the development of poetic thought, image. Later, these ideas will be developed in the practice of European directing, in particular, the poet, composer, director and artist E. Burian (with his slogan “Sweep the stage!”) When staging poetic performances at the Prague D-34 Theater, as well as in experiments Sun. Meyerhold, Peter Brook, author of Empty Space, and others.

Dynamics, the poetic essence of the space, transforming before the eyes of the audience - all this was an integral feature of the theater of Vl. Yakhontov, who spoke the language of stage metaphor. In his performances, the functional or symbolic movement of one, but transforming detail (“playing with a thing”) was realized, which reincarnated in the course of action, acquiring a new meaning (kibitka, Pushkin's coffin, etc.).

Later, a similar principle would be widely used in modern poetic performance - the curtain in Hamlet, the boards in the production of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." at the Taganka Theater, etc. Experiments with poetic space turned out to be in close relationship with the category of stage time.

The path that Craig's and Stanislavsky's Hamlet traveled in the painful awareness of his civic duty - to carry out revenge in the name of justice, in the name of the good of his country - suggested "ruptures in the spatial fabric" that took place before the eyes of the audience, which corresponded to the rapid decay of time. This justified the cyclical (episode-by-episode) structure of the tragedy.

As we remember, Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" also has an episode-by-episode structure. Sun. Meyerhold attached great importance to the tempo-rhythm, the time spent on changing episodes. And it is no coincidence that the poetic dramaturgy and the stage form corresponding to it reflect the course, the dramaturgy of the author's thought. It arises through a montage-comparative series of facts, events, metaphors, phenomena, often not directly related to each other. V. Belinsky at one time noticed that A. Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" gives the impression of a monumental work, but constructed in such a way that individual pieces, scenes, can be staged independently.

The latter can be attributed to the poetic theater: “The artistic message can be transmitted not only through the direct wire of the plot, but also through the juxtaposition (“montage”) of certain figurative isolations: metaphors, symbols...”.

In a poetic performance, pieces of plot-narrative lines, images of characters, stage metaphors, abrupt as a dotted line, are not an end in themselves. They are a means for the lyrical zones of the presence of the creator of the performance. All separate, seemingly unrelated fragments, episodes are subject not to the narrative, but to the poetic logic of linkages (as in a metaphor - comparison, assimilation, associative connection). The dramaturgy of the author's poetic thought comes through more clearly if the "montage shots", the elements of cohesion collide more intensely, more dynamically. In other words, the speed and intensity of this process play an important role.

Any kind of lethargy, slowness, evenness of the flow can lead to inhibition, blurring, disintegration of thought. Handling stage time, tempo-rhythm, which enters into a direct relationship with kinetic space, is of great importance.

In the recordings of the rehearsals of "Boris Godunov" with Vs. Meyerhold, made by V. Gromov, we find many important observations in this regard. The director sought to saturate the performance with the dynamics of mise-en-scenes, various rhythms, the whirlwind pace of the boiling of passions, forcing the actors to move like a prayer more: “... we must give everything to the viewer as soon as possible so that he does not have time to gasp. Rather give it crossover events- and as a result, the viewer will understand the whole "(italics mine. - D.K.).

The director puts the birth of the whole in direct dependence on the speed of "crossing events". For example, in an effort to shorten the breaks between the paintings of "Boris Godunov", Meyerhold allocates a minimum of only fifteen seconds for them. He finds a justification for this speed in Pushkin's text, which swiftly, almost with cinematic speed, unfolds the tragedy.

The pattern, manifested in the speed of "crossing events", has been confirmed more than once by the practice of poetic performances of our time. Suffice it to recall "King Lear" by P. Brook, "Medea" by P. Okhlopkov, "History of the Horse" by G. Tovstonogov, "Comrade, Believe!", "Hamlet" by Y. Lyubimov. Their construction is distinguished by the embossed outline of episodes - stages of stage action - externally and internally dynamic, with a tangible speed of development.

A huge role in the tempo-rhythmic harmonization of the performance Vs. Meyerhold, like many directors of a poetic performance, assigns mise-en-scene, calling it "the melody, the rhythm of performances", a figurative implementation of the characteristics of what is happening.

The stage time of a modern literary performance, and especially a performance in the theater of poetic performance, inevitably includes pace- change of speeds in episode construction, in stage behavior of characters, in mise-en-scene and rhythm- the degree of intensity of the action, due to the intensity, the number of effective tasks implemented per unit of time.

Sun. Meyerhold, taking care of the ultimate harmonization of the spectacle and considering the director as a composer, introduces a combination of two concepts. This - meter(account for 1,2 or 1,2,3), metric outline of the performance. AND rhythm- something that overcomes this canvas, introduces nuances, complications caused by the internal line of action, events, characters. He assigns a huge, rhythmically organizing role to music.

In the same "Boris Godunov", in addition to musical pieces specially written for individual paintings, he proposes to introduce several songs of an oriental and Russian character. Their main theme, as V. Gromov recalls, is "sadness, sadness of a lonely person, lost among boundless fields and forests." The songs were to be played throughout the performance. The nature of the music indicates that it is devoid of an illustrative beginning. Music enters into complex contrapuntal, associative connections with what is happening on the stage, participates in the stage dramaturgy of the play, carries the aura of time - its figurative concentrate.

The role of music in a poetic performance - this topic deserves special consideration. It must be said that in a modern literary and poetic performance, music is the most important component of the stage composition, its semantic content, a source of additional meanings.

Turning to the topic of stage space in an important quality for us - poetic, it should be noted that it is largely formed by the nature of the movements, the plasticity of the actor.

The empty space, freed from things, inevitably focuses the viewer's attention on the spiritual world of the individual, his inner life, which takes on plastic forms in the mise-en-scene of the thought process. Every move. actor, a gesture - random, not selected or borrowed from the poetics of the everyday theater, turns out to be destructive in relation to the artistic whole. That is why the question of plastic culture in the literary theater, in the theater of poetic performances, is becoming one of the most topical today. If we turn to the amateur scene, then in large groups he is given a proper place.

So, in the Ivanovo youth folk theater of drama and poetry, in the Orel theater studio of poetry and journalism, along with the word, acting, classes are held on movement, plasticity. Moreover, the plastic image in the poetic performances of the theater plays an important role.

We find interesting the experience of I. G. Vasiliev (Leningrad), who creates a model of a poetic theater (DK named after Karl Marx) with the active participation of plastics, pantomime.

The first experience - the play "Pierrot's Requiem" - is entirely built with musical and plastic means. Works that include prose and poetry are ahead.

The material of the "Pierrot's Requiem" was the poem of the same name, dedicated by its author I. Vasiliev to the memory of his teacher. The performance is built on a polyphonic combination of motifs of creativity, struggle, life and death, united by the theme of the Artist, his thoughts associated with tragic trials. In the embodiment of oneself in others, in passing the baton to the next generation - the immortality of the creative spirit.

Revealing the path of Pierrot in life and art, his arrival in the booth theater, his ability to share what he knows and can do with his creative brothers, his struggle for the right to incarnate, take place, the duel with the forces of evil, the creators of the performance turned to the synthesis of different arts - acting, pantomime, choreography, circus, song, poetry, music. And this is their closeness to the origins of oral folk poetry, which does not dismember drama, dance, gesture. Looking for a poetic equivalent of Pierrot's relationship with the world, I. Vasiliev uses episodes of classical pantomime (the resurrection of a butterfly, the birth of a tree with fruits) in creating an image of art, building a spectacle of a folk booth, a mask theater.

A large place in the performance is occupied by the spiritual life of the characters who are looking for human contacts, commonwealth. To express this sphere, the techniques of the poetic theater of gesture (pantomime), plastic improvisation are used. The unifying principle is the image of the poet, musician, author of the spectacle, performing poetic stanzas of lyrical digressions, the part of the piano, flute and drum (I. Vasiliev).

The performance is spatially and rhythmically clearly organized, almost according to the laws of choreography, while the organic behavior of the characters is achieved.

In the process of rehearsals, the director developed a system of exercises in acting, dance, pantomime, and rhythm. The next stage in the life of the collective is the inclusion in the poetic representation of the word - poetic and prose, the word-deed, the word-confession, an appeal to the poetry of A. Tarkovsky, Russian and foreign classics. Another way to the theater of poetry.

Modern literary theater is in search, It rediscovers old and new continents of poetry and prose.

Turning to literary works of high ideological and artistic significance, he brings into art the energy of historical, philosophical, moral quests. And thus it expands the capacity of the artistic image, renews the stage forms, giving birth to new ideas in art - professional and amateur. Literary theater, along with other areas of art, creates spiritual values, enriching morally and aesthetically all those who come into contact with it, both participants and spectators.

The theatrical production designer, together with the director, creates in the performance not just a “place of action”, but theatrical circumstances in which a specific stage action takes place, the atmosphere in which it takes place.

The conflict in the play always manifests itself only in action. The design of the performance is involved in its development and. resolution. The conflict, expressed only by the design, is always illustrative, communicates a certain static effect to the action by its “formulation”, and exists in the performance independently. There are exceptions to this rule when such an open, pictorial conflict is required by a special genre of performance: poster, pamphlet, etc.

An obligatory condition for creating the design of a performance is for the artist movement and conflict - the basis of the expressiveness of any art. In art, as in life, there is no infinity and immobility. People simply do not perceive them.

For the perception of a theatrical performance, first of all, it is necessary to have a space in which the environment of the stage action is built, there are actors, and a space in which the audience is accommodated. These two zones are collectively called the theater space, and the zones are the spectator and stage zones.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that the performance and its spatial design exist in the conditions of the spatial environment, time and rhythm.

In the theater, time is an indispensable component of the performance, only unlike other temporary arts, here it is calculated very accurately, and the director works with a stopwatch in his hands.

Any art exists in a certain rhythm. Rhythm is most clearly manifested in music, poetry, dance, less definitely - in prose, painting, but rhythm always participates in the organization of a work of art, forcing the viewer, listener to subordinate his inner rhythm, his rhythmic state to the rhythm of a work of art, thereby connecting with it and surrendering to its influence.

In the theater, the problem of the rhythmic organization of the impact of the performance on the viewer is one of the most difficult: with the beginning of the performance, you need to instantly include a large number of people in the most diverse rhythmic states into a single rhythm of the stage action. Some, having bought a ticket a month before the performance, came to the theater on foot, internally prepared for the perception of a well-known play; another, on the last day of his business trip, accidentally bought a ticket from his hands and, out of breath, flew into the already dim hall, not even knowing what performance he would see. Naturally, in order to bring everyone to readiness for perception, active means and techniques are needed.

The perception of each type of art requires certain conditions. For the perception of painting, light is needed, and not darkness, which, in turn, is necessary for the perception of the movie; for the perception of music, silence is a prerequisite, and sculpture can only be perceived in the presence of a calm, even background.

The theatrical production designer, dealing with physical space (limited by specific dimensions), changing its proportions, scale in relation to the human figure, filling it with various objects, illuminating it in different ways, turns it into an artistic space corresponding to the artistic and figurative goals of the performance.

Whatever the nature of the theatrical space: arena, proscenium with an amphitheater, stage, tiered hall with a stage-box, it can only be of two kinds: real and illusory.

real space does not hide its true size. The viewer feels its depth, width, height, and everything in this space is necessarily proportionate to the human figure. If there is a small chair next to the actor, everyone understands that this is a high chair.

illusory space is usually created in the conditions of a box stage, when the artist, using the laws of perspective, various disguises and transformations of the true dimensions of the stage, and techniques for creating a sense of depth in the viewer, changes the perception of the real dimensions of the stage space, creating the illusion of endless fields, a boundless sea, a bottomless sky, far placed objects, etc. Compared to the actor, a small chair in these illusory conditions can already be perceived not as a child's chair, but as a normal chair, standing far away, in perspective reduction.

To create the design of the performance, the artist, in the conditions of space, time and rhythm offered to him, uses material borrowed from other plastic arts and successfully used in the theater: plane, volume, texture, color, light, the architecture of the theater building, various mechanisms and technical devices. The theater does not have its own single material, like sculpture or literature. The material of a theatrical artist is synthetic, flexibly changeable, and each time takes on a character in accordance with the objectives of a particular performance.

In a performance, movement can be depicted by an artist by changing color and light, moving a costume against a differently colored background, changing mise-en-scene positions, and so on. Very often movement is depicted simply by movement.

On the continuous movement of the turning circle, the center of which is the table of the party committee, the image of the play "Minutes of one meeting" based on the play by A. Gelman in the ABDT them. M. Gorky. The movement of the circle at the speed of the minute hand makes it possible to imperceptibly change the position of the characters sitting at the table in relation to the viewer, and in addition, the background moving at the same speed, depicting the walls of the party committee, creates the feeling of turning the room around the viewer and forms a figurative accent in the performance: hanging on the wall, the portrait of Lenin first, together with the moving wall, disappears from the viewer's field of vision, and in the finale, when the room makes a full turn, it appears again. Thanks to the rotation of the room, this disappearance and appearance of the portrait does not look like an intrusive metaphor.

An example of a theatrical solution to the conflict, when the action and design are inextricably merged into a single figurative whole, can be the already mentioned performance of the Kiev Theater. Lesia Ukrainka "On the wedding day".

The conflict-effective structure looks just as solid in the uniform design of D. Leader for the performances of Macbeth by W. Shakespeare and The Career of Arturo Ui by B. Brecht. The design for these performances is a crossroads of two streets of a modern city with poles, a web of wires and manhole covers of underground utilities on asphalt, from under which both witches in Macbeth and gangsters in Arturo Ui's Career rise to the surface from the underworld.

A piece of asphalt in the void of the stage, entangled with wires, surrounded by metal poles, studded like poisonous mushrooms with manhole covers - entrances to the underworld where evil lives - these are not domestic, but theatrical circumstances, not domestic, but theatrical environment of action.

A scaffold made of old gray boards with a bunch of freshly sawn inches and heaps of flowers is also a theatrical, and not a domestic scene of action, not a domestic, but a theatrical truth.

A tiny furka platform, all lined with antique furniture and stuffed with people so that the apple has nowhere to fall, leaving for the center of the semicircle of an empty stage in Meyerhold's The Inspector General, is also not a domestic, but a theatrical environment for the existence of actors on stage.

But the stage space itself is dead and expressionless. And as soon as you light a pocket flashlight and direct a thin beam at the tablet boards or turn on the blue spotlights half-heartedly, the scene comes to life: contrasts of dark and light, warm and cold appear. . .

stage space

The art of theater has its own specific language. Only the knowledge of this language provides the viewer with the possibility of artistic communication with the author and actors. An incomprehensible language is always strange (Pushkin, in his manuscripts for Eugene Onegin, spoke of “strange, new languages,” and ancient Russian scribes likened those speaking in incomprehensible languages ​​to dumb ones: “There is also a cave, that language is dumb and with a Samoyed they sit at midnight”). When Leo Tolstoy, reviewing the entire edifice of contemporary civilization, rejected the language of opera as “unnatural,” the opera immediately turned into nonsense, and he justifiably wrote: they express feelings that they don’t walk like that with foil halberds, in shoes, pairs anywhere except in the theater, that they never get so angry, they don’t feel touched, they don’t laugh like that, they don’t cry like that ... there can be no doubt about it. The assumption that a theatrical spectacle has some kind of conventional language of its own only if it is strange and incomprehensible to us, and exists “so simply”, without any specific language, if it seems natural and understandable to us, is naive. After all, the kabuki theater or no seems natural and understandable to the Japanese audience, while Shakespeare's theater, which for centuries of European culture was a model of naturalness, seemed artificial to Tolstoy. The language of the theater is made up of national and cultural traditions, and it is natural that a person immersed in the same cultural tradition feels its specifics to a lesser extent.

One of the foundations of the theatrical language is the specificity of the artistic space of the stage. It is she who sets the type and measure of theatrical conventionality. Struggling for a realistic theater, a theater of the truth of life, Pushkin expressed the profound idea that the naive identification scenes and lives or a simple cancellation of the specifics of the first not only will not solve the problem, but is practically impossible. In the outline of the preface to Boris Godunov, he wrote: “Both the classics and the romantics based their rules on credibility and yet it is precisely this that is excluded by the very nature of the dramatic work. Not to mention time and so on, what the hell can be plausibility 1) in a hall divided into two halves, one of which accommodates two thousand people, as if invisible to those who are on the stage; 2) language. For example, in La Harpe, Philoctetes, after listening to Pyrrhus's tirade, pronounces in the purest French: “Alas! I hear the sweet sounds of Hellenic speech," and so on. Remember the ancients: their tragic masks, their double roles - isn't all this a conditional improbability? 3) time, place, etc. and so on.

The true geniuses of tragedy never cared about verisimilitude." It is significant that Pushkin separates the “conditional implausibility” of the language of the stage from the question of genuine stage truth, which he sees in the life reality of the development of characters and the veracity of speech characteristics: “The plausibility of positions and the veracity of dialogue - this is the true rule of tragedy.” He considered Shakespeare a model of such truthfulness (whom Tolstoy reproached for abusing “unnatural events and even more unnatural speeches that do not follow from the positions of persons”): “Read Shakespeare, he is never afraid to compromise his hero (by violating the conventional rules of stage “decency”. - Y. L.), he makes him speak with complete ease, as in life, for he is sure that at the right moment and under the right circumstances he will find for him a language corresponding to his character. It is noteworthy that it was the nature of the stage space (“hall”) that Pushkin put at the basis of the “conditional improbability” of the language of the stage.

The theatrical space is divided into two parts: the stage and the auditorium, between which relationships develop that form some of the main oppositions of theatrical semiotics. First, this opposition existence - non-existence. The being and reality of these two parts of the theater are realized, as it were, in two different dimensions. From the point of view of the viewer, from the moment the curtain rises and the play begins, the auditorium ceases to exist. Everything on this side of the ramp disappears. His true reality becomes invisible and gives way to the wholly illusory reality of stage action. In the modern European theater, this is emphasized by the immersion of the auditorium into darkness at the moment the light is turned on on the stage and vice versa. If we imagine a person so far from theatrical conventions that at the moment of dramatic action he not only with equal attention, but also with the help of the same type of vision observes at the same time the stage, the movements of the prompter in the booth, the illuminators in the box, the spectators in the hall, seeing in this some unity, then it will be possible with good reason to say that he does not know the art of being a spectator. The border of the "invisible" is clearly felt by the viewer, although it is not always as simple as in the theater we are used to. So, in the Japanese bunraku puppet theater, the puppeteers are right there on the stage and are physically visible to the viewer. However, they are dressed in black clothes, which is a "sign of invisibility", and the public "as if" does not see them. Turned off from the artistic space of the stage, they fall out of the field theatrical vision. Interestingly, from the standpoint of Japanese bunraku theorists, the introduction of a puppeteer to the stage is estimated as improvement: “Once the puppet was driven by one person, hidden under the stage and controlling it with his hands so that the public saw only the puppet. Later, the design of the puppet was improved step by step, and in the end the puppet was controlled on stage by three people (the puppeteers are dressed in black from head to toe and are therefore called “black people”).

From the point of view of the stage, the auditorium also does not exist: according to Pushkin’s precise and subtle remark, the audience “ as if(emphasis mine. - Y. L.) are invisible to those on the stage.” However, Pushkin's "as if" is not accidental: invisibility here has a different, much more playful character. It is enough to imagine such a series:

text | audience

stage action | viewer

book | reader

screen | spectator -

to make sure that only in the first case the separation of the space of the spectator from the space of the text hides the dialogic nature of their relationship. Only the theater requires the addressee, who is present at the same time, and perceives the signals coming from him (silence, signs of approval or condemnation), varying the text accordingly. It is with this - dialogic - nature of the stage text that such a feature of it as variability is associated. The concept of "canonical text" is as alien to the spectacle as it is to folklore. It is replaced by the concept of some invariant, which is realized in a number of variants.

Other significant opposition: significant - insignificant. The stage space is characterized by a high symbolic saturation - everything that enters the stage tends to be saturated with additional meanings in relation to the directly objective function of the thing. Movement becomes a gesture, a thing - a detail that carries meaning. It was this feature of the stage that Goethe had in mind when he answered Ackermann's question: "What must a work be like in order to be staged?" “It must be symbolic,” Goethe replied. - This means that each action should be full of its own significance and at the same time prepare for another, even more significant. Molière's Tartuffe is a great example in this respect." In order to understand Goethe's thought, one must keep in mind that he uses the word "symbol" in the same sense in which we would say "sign", noting that an act, a gesture and a word on the stage acquire in relation to their counterparts in everyday life. life, additional meanings are saturated with complex meanings, allowing us to say that they become expressions for a bunch of various meaningful moments.

In order to make Goethe's deep thought more clear, let us quote the following phrase from this entry following the words we have quoted: “Remember the first scene - what an exposition in it! Everything from the very beginning is full of meaning and excites the expectation of even more important events to follow. The “fullness of meanings” that Goethe speaks of is connected with the fundamental laws of the stage and constitutes an essential difference between actions and words on the stage and actions and words in life. A person who makes speeches or performs actions in life has in mind the hearing and perception of his interlocutor. The scene reproduces the same behavior, but the nature of the addressee is twofold here: the speech refers to another character on the stage, but in fact it is addressed not only to him, but also to the audience. The participant in the action may not know what the content of the preceding scene was, but the audience knows it. The spectator, like the participant in the action, does not know the future course of events, but, unlike him, he knows all the previous ones. The viewer's knowledge is always higher than the character's. What the participant in the action may not pay attention to is a sign loaded with meanings for the viewer. Desdemona's handkerchief for Othello is evidence of her betrayal, for the stalls it is a symbol of Iago's deceit. In the example of Goethe, in the first act of Moliere's comedy, the mother of the protagonist, Madame Pernel, just as blinded by the deceiver Tartuffe as her son, enters into an argument with the whole house, protecting the hypocrite. Orgon is not on stage at this time. Then Orgon appears, and the scene, just seen by the audience, seems to be played a second time, but with his participation, and not with Mrs. Pernel. Only in the third act does Tartuffe himself appear on the scene. By this time, the audience has already received a complete picture of him, and his every gesture and word becomes for them symptoms of lies and hypocrisy. The scene of Tartuffe seducing Elmira is also repeated twice. Orgon does not see the first of them (the audience sees her), and refuses to believe the verbal revelations of his family. He watches the second one from under the table: Tartuffe is trying to seduce Elmira, thinking that no one sees them, but meanwhile he is under double surveillance: a hidden husband lies in wait for him inside the stage space, and an auditorium is located outside the ramp. Finally, all this complex construction receives an architectonic completion when Orgon retells to his mother what he saw with his own eyes, and she, again acting as his double, refuses to believe the words and even the eyes of Orgon and, in the spirit of farcical humor, reproaches her son for not waited for more tangible evidence of adultery. An action constructed in this way, on the one hand, acts as a chain of different episodes (syntagmatic construction), and on the other hand, as a multiple variation of some nuclear action (paradigmatic construction). This gives rise to that “fullness of meanings” about which Goethe spoke. The meaning of this nuclear action is in the clash of hypocrisy of a hypocrite, deft twists and turns representing black as white, gullible stupidity and common sense, exposing tricks. The episodes are based on the semantic mechanism of lies carefully revealed by Moliere: Tartuffe tears words from their true meaning, arbitrarily changes and twists their meaning. Molière makes him not a trivial liar and rogue, but a clever and dangerous demagogue. Molière exposes the mechanism of his demagogy to a comic exposure: in the play, before the eyes of the viewer, verbal signs that are conditionally related to their content and, therefore, allow not only information, but also disinformation, and reality change places; the formula "I do not believe the words, because I see with my eyes" is replaced for Orgon by the paradoxical "I do not believe my eyes, because I hear the words." The position of the spectator is even more piquant: what is reality for Orgon is a spectacle for the spectator. Two messages unfold before him: what he sees, on the one hand, and what Tartuffe says about this, on the other. At the same time, he hears the intricate words of Tartuffe and the rude, but true words of the bearers of common sense (first of all, the maid Dorina). The clash of these diverse semiotic elements creates not only a sharp comic effect, but also that richness of meaning that delighted Goethe.

The semiotic concentration of stage speech in relation to everyday speech does not depend on whether the author, by virtue of his belonging to one or another literary movement, is guided by the "language of the gods" or by the exact reproduction of a real conversation. This is the law of the stage. Chekhov's "gibberish" or remark about the heat in Africa is caused by the desire to bring stage speech closer to real, but it is quite obvious that their semantic richness infinitely exceeds that which similar statements would have in a real situation.

Signs are of various types, depending on which the degree of their conditionality changes. Signs of the "word" type quite conditionally connect a certain meaning with a certain expression (the same meaning in different languages ​​has a different expression); pictorial (“iconic”) signs connect the content with an expression that has a similarity in a certain respect: the content “tree” is connected with the drawn image of a tree. A sign over a bakery, written in some language, is a conventional sign, understandable only to those who speak this language; the wooden “bakery pretzel”, which “golden a little” above the entrance to the shop, is an iconic sign that everyone who has eaten a pretzel understands. Here the degree of conventionality is much less, but a certain semiotic skill is still necessary: ​​the visitor sees a similar form, but different colors, material, and, most importantly, function. The wooden pretzel is not for food, but for notification. Finally, the observer should be able to use semantic figures (in this case, metonymy): the pretzel should not be “read” as a message about what is being sold here only pretzels, but as evidence of the ability to buy any bakery product. However, from the point of view of the measure of convention, there is a third case. Imagine not a signboard, but a shop window (for clarity of the case, let's put an inscription on it: "Goods from the shop window are not for sale"). Before us are the genuine things themselves, however, they do not appear in their direct objective function, but as signs of themselves. That is why the showcase so easily combines photographic and artistic images of the items being sold, verbal texts, numbers and indexes, and authentic real things - all of which act as an iconic function.

Stage action as a unity of actors acting and performing actions, verbal texts spoken by them, scenery and props, sound and light design is a text of considerable complexity, using signs of different types and varying degrees of conventionality. However, the fact that the stage world is symbolic in nature gives it an exceptionally important feature. The sign is inherently contradictory: it is always real and always illusory. It is real because the nature of the sign is material; in order to become a sign, that is, to turn into a social fact, meaning must be realized in some material substance: value must take shape in the form of banknotes; thought - to appear as a combination of phonemes or letters, to be expressed in paint or marble; dignity - put on “signs of dignity”: orders or uniforms, etc. The illusory nature of the sign is that it is always Seems, that is, it denotes something other than his appearance. To this it should be added that in the sphere of art the ambiguity of the plane of content increases sharply. The contradiction between reality and illusory forms the field of semiotic meanings in which every literary text lives. One of the features of the stage text is the variety of languages ​​it uses.

The basis of stage action is an actor playing a person enclosed in the space of the stage. Aristotle revealed the symbolic nature of stage action extremely deeply, believing that “tragedy is an imitation of action”, - not a genuine action itself, but its reproduction by means of the theater: “Imitation of action is a story (the term“ story ”is introduced by translators to convey the fundamental concept of tragedy in Aristotle : "telling with the help of actions and events"; in traditional terminology, the concept of "plot" is closest to it. Y. L .). In fact, I call a legend a combination of events. "The beginning and, as it were, the soul of tragedy is precisely the legend." However, it is precisely this basic element of stage action that receives a double semiotic illumination during the performance. A chain of events unfolds on the stage, the characters perform actions, the scenes follow each other. Inside itself, this world lives a genuine, not iconic life: each actor "believes" in the full reality of himself on stage, as well as his partner and the action in general. The viewer, on the other hand, is in the grip of aesthetic, and not real, experiences: seeing that one actor on the stage falls dead, and other actors, realizing the plot of the play, carry out actions that are natural in this situation - they rush to help, call doctors, take revenge on the killers - the viewer leads himself differently: whatever his experiences, he remains motionless in the chair. For the people on the stage, an event takes place; for the people in the hall, the event is a sign of itself. Like a product in a shop window, reality becomes a message about reality. But after all, the actor on stage conducts dialogues in two different planes: expressed communication connects him with other participants in the action, and unexpressed silent dialogue connects him with the audience. In both cases, he acts not as a passive object of observation, but as an active participant in communication. Consequently, his existence on the stage is fundamentally ambiguous: it can be read with equal justification both as an immediate reality and as a reality turned into a sign of itself. Constant fluctuation between these extremes gives vitality to the performance, and transforms the viewer from a passive recipient of a message into a participant in that collective act of consciousness that takes place in the theater. The same can be said about the verbal side of the performance, which is both real speech, oriented towards extra-theatrical, non-artistic conversation, and the reproduction of this speech by means of theatrical conventions (speech depicts speech). No matter how the artist strives in an era when the language of a literary text is fundamentally opposed to everyday life, to separate these spheres of speech activity, the influence of the second on the first turned out to be fatally inevitable. This is confirmed by the study of rhymes and vocabulary of the dramaturgy of the era of classicism. At the same time, the theater had a reverse effect on everyday speech. And on the contrary, no matter how hard the realist artist tries to transfer to the stage the unchanging element of non-artistic oral speech, this is always not a “transplantation of tissue”, but its translation into the language of the stage. An interesting post by A. Goldenweiser of the words of L. N. Tolstoy: “Once somehow in the dining room below there were lively conversations of young people. L.N., who, it turns out, was lying and resting in the next room, then went out into the dining room and said to me: “I was lying there and listening to your conversations. They interested me from two sides: it was simply interesting to listen to the disputes of young people, and then from the point of view of the drama. I listened and said to myself: this is how you should write for the stage. One speaks and the other listens. This never happens. It is necessary that everyone speaks (at the same time. - Y. L.)“. It is all the more interesting that with such a creative orientation in Tolstoy's plays, the main text is built in the tradition of the stage, and Tolstoy met Chekhov's attempts to transfer the illogicality and fragmentation of oral speech to the stage negatively, opposing Shakespeare, blasphemed by him, Tolstoy, as a positive example. A parallel here may be the ratio of oral and written speech in artistic prose. The writer does not transfer oral speech into his text (although he often strives to create the illusion of such a transfer and may himself succumb to such an illusion), but translates it into the language of written speech. Even the ultra-avant-garde experiments of modern French prose writers, who refuse punctuation and deliberately destroy the correctness of the syntax of the phrase, are not an automatic copy of oral speech: oral speech, put on paper, that is, devoid of intonation, facial expressions, gesture, torn from the obligatory for two interlocutors, but missing for readers of a special “common memory”, firstly, it would become completely incomprehensible, and secondly, it would not be “accurate” at all - it would not be living oral speech, but its killed and skinned corpse, more distant from the model than a talented and conscious transformation of it under the pen of an artist. Stopping being a copy and becoming a sign, stage speech is saturated with additional complex meanings drawn from the cultural memory of the stage and the audience.

The premise of the stage spectacle is the viewer's conviction that certain laws of reality in the space of the stage can become the object of playful study, that is, be subjected to deformation or cancellation. Thus, time on the stage can flow faster (and in some rare cases, for example, in Maeterlinck, more slowly) than in reality. The very equating of stage and real time in some aesthetic systems (for example, in the theater of classicism) has a secondary character. The subordination of time to the laws of the scene makes it an object of study. On the stage, as in any closed space of the ritual, the semantic coordinates of the space are emphasized. Categories such as "top - bottom", "right - left", "open - closed", etc., acquire on the stage, even in the most everyday decisions, increased importance. So, Goethe wrote in his Rules for Actors: “For the sake of a falsely understood naturalness, actors should never act as if there were no spectators in the theater. They should not play in profile, just as they should not turn their backs to the public ... The most revered persons always stand on the right side. Interestingly, in emphasizing the modeling meaning of the concept of "right - left", Goethe has in mind the point of view of the viewer. In the inner space of the stage, in his opinion, there are other laws: “If I have to give my hand, and the situation does not require that it must be the right hand, then with equal success you can give the left one, because there is neither right nor left on the stage. ".

The semiotic nature of scenery and props will become more understandable to us if we compare it with analogous moments of such art, which, it would seem, is close, but in fact is opposed to theater, like cinema. Despite the fact that both in the theater hall and in the cinema we have a spectator (the one who watches), that this spectator is throughout the entire spectacle in the same fixed position, their relation to that aesthetic category, which in structural theory art is called "point of view", profoundly different. The theatrical spectator maintains a natural point of view on the spectacle, determined by the optical relation of his eye to the stage. Throughout the performance, this position remains unchanged. Between the eye of the moviegoer and the screen image, on the contrary, there is an intermediary - the lens of the movie camera directed by the operator. The viewer, as it were, conveys his point of view to him. And the device is mobile - it can come close to the object, drive off to a long distance, look from above and below, look at the hero from the outside and look at the world through his eyes. As a result, the plan and foreshortening become active elements of film expression, realizing a mobile point of view. The difference between theater and cinema can be compared to the difference between a drama and a novel. The drama also retains a “natural” point of view, while between the reader and the event in the novel there is an author-narrator who has the ability to put the reader in any spatial, psychological and other positions in relation to the event. As a result, the functions of the scenery and things (props) in cinema and theater are different. The thing in the theater never plays an independent role, it is only an attribute of the actor's performance, while in the cinema it can be both a symbol and a metaphor, and a full-fledged character. This, in particular, is determined by the possibility of shooting it in close-up, keeping attention on it by increasing the number of frames allocated to its display, etc.

In the cinema, the detail plays, in the theater - it is played out. The attitude of the viewer to the artistic space is also different. In the cinema, the illusory space of the image, as it were, draws the viewer into itself; in the theater, the viewer is invariably outside the artistic space (in this respect, paradoxically, the cinema is closer to folklore and farce spectacular performances than the modern urban non-experimental theater). Hence, the marking function, which is much more emphasized in theatrical scenery, is most clearly expressed in the pillars with inscriptions in Shakespeare's Globe. The scenery often takes on the role of a title in a movie or the author's remarks before the text of a drama. Pushkin gave the scenes in Boris Godunov titles like: “Maiden's Field. Novodevichy Convent”, “The Plain near Novgorod-Seversky (1604, December 21)” or “Tavern on the Lithuanian border”. These titles, to the same extent as the titles of chapters in the novel (for example, in The Captain's Daughter), are included in the poetic structure of the text. However, on the stage they are replaced by an isofunctional iconic adequate - a decoration that determines the place and time of the action. No less important is another function of theatrical scenery: together with the ramp, it marks the boundaries of the theatrical space. The feeling of the border, the closeness of the artistic space in the theater is much more pronounced than in the cinema. This leads to a significant increase in the modeling function. If the cinema in its “natural” function tends to be perceived as a document, an episode from reality, and special artistic efforts are required in order to give it the appearance of a model of life as such, then the theater is no less “natural” to be perceived precisely as the embodiment of reality. in an extremely generalized form and special artistic efforts are required in order to give it the appearance of documentary "scenes from life".

An interesting example of the collision of theatrical and film space as a space of "modeling" and "real" is Visconti's film "Feeling". The film takes place in the 1840s, during the anti-Austrian uprising in northern Italy. The first frames take us to the theater to the performance of Verdi's Il trovatore. The frame is built in such a way that the theatrical stage appears as a closed, fenced-off space, the space of a conditional costume and theatrical gesture (the figure of a prompter with a book, located outside this space). The world of film action (it is significant that the characters here are also in historical costumes and act in an environment of objects and in an interior that is sharply different from modern life) appears as real, chaotic and confusing. The theatrical performance acts as an ideal model, ordering and serving as a kind of code to this world.

The scenery in the theater defiantly retains its connection with painting, while in the cinema this connection is utterly disguised. Goethe's well-known rule - "the scene must be considered as a picture without figures, in which the latter are replaced by actors." Let us refer again to Visconti's "Feeling" - a frame depicting Franz against the background of a fresco reproducing a theater stage (the film image recreates a mural recreating a theater) depicting the conspirators. The conspicuous contrast of artistic languages ​​only emphasizes that the conditionality of the scenery acts as a key to the confusing and, for him, the most obscure state of mind of the hero.2. Scenes of party life The death of V. I. Lenin on January 23, 1924 occurred as a result of three strokes that followed on 05/25/1922, 12/16/1922 and 03/10/1993. After the third stroke, it was a living corpse, deprived of reason and speech by the gods, obviously, for crimes against the motherland. A country,

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Chapter Four In the box of the Kyiv scene

Continuing our journey through the theatrical world, today we will get into the world behind the scenes and find out the meaning of such words as ramp, proscenium, scenery, and also get acquainted with their role in the play.

So, entering the hall, each spectator immediately turns his gaze to the stage.

Scene is: 1) a place where a theatrical performance takes place; 2) a synonym for the word "phenomenon" - a separate part of the action, the act of a theatrical play, when the composition of the characters on the stage remains unchanged.

Scene- from the Greek. skene - booth, stage. In the early days of Greek theater, the skene was a cage or tent built behind the orchestra.

Skene, orchectra, theatron are the three fundamental scenographic elements of the ancient Greek performance. The orchestra or playground connected the stage and the audience. The skene developed in height, including the theologeon or playground of the gods and heroes, and on the surface, along with the proscenium, an architectural façade, a forerunner of the wall decorum that would later form the proscenium space. Throughout history, the meaning of the term "stage" has been constantly expanded: the scenery, the playground, the scene of action, the time period during the act, and, finally, in a metaphorical sense, a sudden and bright spectacular event ("setting someone a scene"). But not all of us know that the scene is divided into several parts. It is customary to distinguish between: proscenium, rear stage, upper and lower stages. Let's try to understand these concepts.

Proscenium- the space of the stage between the curtain and the auditorium.

As a playground, the proscenium is widely used in opera and ballet performances. In drama theaters, the proscenium serves as the main setting for small scenes in front of a closed curtain that tie the scenes of the play. Some directors bring the main action to the fore, expanding the stage area.

The low barrier separating the proscenium from the auditorium is called ramp. In addition, the ramp covers the stage lighting devices from the side of the auditorium. Often this word is also used to refer to the system of theatrical lighting equipment itself, which is placed behind this barrier and serves to illuminate the space of the stage from the front and from below. Spotlights are used to illuminate the stage from the front and from above - a row of lamps located on the sides of the stage.

backstage- the space behind the main stage. The backstage is a continuation of the main stage, used to create the illusion of a great depth of space, and serves as a reserve room for setting the scenery. Furks or a revolving rolling circle with pre-installed decorations are placed on the backstage. The top of the rear stage is equipped with grates with decorative risers and lighting equipment. Warehouses of mounted decorations are placed under the floor of the rear stage.

top stage- a part of the stage box located above the stage mirror and bounded from above by a grate. It is equipped with working galleries and walkways, and serves to accommodate hanging decorations, overhead lighting devices, and various stage mechanisms.

lower stage- a part of the stage box below the tablet, where stage mechanisms, prompter and light control booths, lifting and lowering devices, devices for stage effects are located.

And the stage, it turns out, has a pocket! Side stage pocket- a room for a dynamic change of scenery with the help of special rolling platforms. Side pockets are located on both sides of the stage. Their dimensions make it possible to completely fit on the furka the scenery that occupies the entire playing area of ​​the stage. Usually decorative warehouses adjoin side pockets.

The “furka”, named in the previous definition, along with the “grids” and “shtankets”, is included in the technical equipment of the stage. furka- part of the stage equipment; a mobile platform on rollers, which serves to move parts of the decoration on the stage. The movement of the furca is carried out by an electric motor, manually or with the help of a cable, one end of which is behind the scenes, and the other is attached to the side wall of the furca.

- lattice (wooden) flooring, located above the stage. It serves to install blocks of stage mechanisms, is used for work related to the suspension of performance design elements. The grates communicate with the working galleries and the stage with stationary stairs.

Shtanket- a metal pipe on cables, in which the scenes, details of the scenery are attached.

In academic theaters, all the technical elements of the stage are hidden from the audience by a decorative frame, which includes a curtain, backstage, a backdrop and a border.

Entering the hall before the start of the performance, the viewer sees a curtain- a piece of fabric suspended in the area of ​​the stage portal and covering the stage from the auditorium. It is also called "intermission-sliding" or "intermission" curtain.

Intermission-sliding (intermission) curtain is a permanent equipment of the stage, covering its mirror. Moves apart before the start of the performance, closes and opens between acts.

Curtains are sewn from dense dyed fabric with a dense lining, decorated with the emblem of the theater or a wide fringe, hemmed to the bottom of the curtain. The curtain allows you to make the process of changing the situation invisible, to create a feeling of a gap in time between actions. An intermission-sliding curtain can be of several types. The most commonly used Wagnerian and Italian.

Consists of two halves fixed at the top with overlays. Both wings of this curtain open by means of a mechanism that pulls the lower inner corners towards the edges of the stage, often leaving the bottom of the curtain visible to the audience.

Both parts Italian curtain they move apart synchronously with the help of cables attached to them at a height of 2-3 meters and pulling the curtain to the upper corners of the proscenium. Above, above the stage, is paduga- a horizontal strip of fabric (sometimes acting as scenery), suspended from a rod and limiting the height of the stage, hiding the upper mechanisms of the stage, lighting fixtures, grate and upper spans above the scenery.

When the curtain opens, the viewer sees the side frame of the stage, made of strips of fabric arranged vertically - this backstage.

Closes the backstage from the audience backdrop- a painted or smooth background made of soft fabric, suspended in the back of the stage.

The scenery of the performance is located on the stage.

Decoration(lat. "decoration") - the artistic design of the action on the theater stage. Creates a visual image of action by means of painting and architecture.

Decoration should be useful, efficient, functional. Among the main functions of the scenery are the illustration and depiction of elements supposedly existing in the dramatic universe, the free construction and change of the scene, considered as a game mechanism.

The creation of scenery and decorative design of the performance is a whole art, which is called scenography. The meaning of this word has changed over time.

The scenography of the ancient Greeks is the art of decorating the theater and the picturesque scenery resulting from this technique. During the Renaissance, scenography was the technique of painting a canvas backdrop. In modern theatrical art, this word represents the science and art of organizing the stage and theatrical space. Actually the scenery is the result of the work of the set designer.

This term is increasingly being replaced by the word "decoration" if there is a need to go beyond the concept of decoration. Scenography marks the desire to be writing in a three-dimensional space (to which the temporal dimension should also be added), and not just the art of decorating the canvas, which the theater was content with up to naturalism.

In the heyday of modern scenography, decorators managed to breathe life into space, enliven time and the actor's performance in the total creative act, when it is difficult to isolate the director, lighting, actor or musician.

The scenography (decorative equipment of the performance) includes props- the objects of the stage setting that the actors use or manipulate during the course of the play, and props- specially made items (sculptures, furniture, dishes, jewelry, weapons, etc.) used in theatrical performances instead of real things. Props are notable for their cheapness, durability, emphasized expressiveness of the external form. At the same time, props usually refuse to reproduce details that are not visible to the viewer.

The manufacture of props is a large branch of theatrical technology, including work with paper pulp, cardboard, metal, synthetic materials and polymers, fabrics, varnishes, paints, mastics, etc. The range of props that require special knowledge in the field of stucco, cardboard , finishing and locksmith works, painting of fabrics, embossing on metal.

Next time we will learn more about some theatrical professions, whose representatives not only create the performance itself, but also provide its technical support, work with the audience.

The definitions of the terms presented are taken from the websites.

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