What about the singer Evgeny Osin. Singer Evgeny Osin was diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis


Arising on the basis of alcohol addiction, which developed after a divorce, which put an end to his relationship not only with his wife Natasha, but also with his beloved daughter Agnia, in whom he literally doted on.

And on August 18, Yevgeny Osina's sister turned to the police with a statement about the missing singer and a request to establish his whereabouts.

On the evening of August 18, 2017, information appeared that the singer was in a rehabilitation center, where he was taken by friends.

Where is Evgeny Osin now?

Earlier, the media have already reported on the problems of the singer, which arose on the basis of alcohol addiction that developed after the divorce, which put an end to his relationship not only with his wife Natasha, but also with his beloved daughter Agnia, in whom he literally doted on.

Trying to get the opportunity to see his daughter, Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher at the school where she studied. But gradually the daughter moved away from him, which led to depression and attempts to drown out the mental pain with alcohol.

Last year, the sensational program of the NTV channel "Degree of Despair" went on the air, where the material filmed by the channel's employees over several days of communication with the singer was presented.

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Looking at these shots, it is difficult to recognize once such a cheerful, young and groovy joker Zhenya Osin.

A flabby, drunkard man appeared before the audience, who lives, waving his hand at everything around, completely out of touch with reality, waking up every day only to drink his dose of alcohol again and pass out.

Having found the former idol of all the girls of our country in such a state, the TV men called an ambulance, which took him to a detox clinic.

Many well-known artists, speaking live on the program "Let them talk", promised their help to the drunken artist.

And on August 17, on the air of Channel 1, Dmitry Borisov said that they wanted to invite Yevgeny to the next program, but again they found him in a state of complete blackout.

And on August 18, information appeared that Yevgeny Osina's sister turned to the police with a statement about the missing singer and a request to establish his whereabouts.

On the evening of August 18, 2017, information appeared. that the singer is in a rehabilitation center, where he was taken by friends.

We will follow developments.

I would like to hope that everything will turn out well for the singer beloved by several generations and he will find the strength to cope with addiction and find peace of mind in order to delight us with his songs again.

51-year-old singer Yevgeny Osin, who was remembered by the Russian listener for such hits as “The girl in the machine is crying”, “Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Kachka”, “Fellow traveler”, got into one of the capital's clinics a few days ago . Doctors assess the condition of the performer as serious. After a thorough examination, Osin was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. According to doctors, the disease developed due to serious alcohol abuse.

Doctors are making great efforts to stabilize the condition of a celebrity. This is not Osin's first hospitalization due to problems with alcohol addiction. In the winter of this year, the singer spent several days in the hospital, as his illness worsened.

In the 90s, Osin was at the peak of his popularity. His songs sounded from the stalls, and Yevgeny himself even took part in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. However, the musician's career began to decline in the mid-2000s. In 2012, he was still working at school, teaching music lessons to children, and even created a group, which included his daughter Agnia.

Problems with alcohol completely destroyed the Aspen family. His beloved wife left the artist, taking the child with her. Eugene was very upset by these events, because he considered Agnia the most valuable person in his life. In order not to suffer from loneliness and forget about grief, he abused alcoholic beverages.

“I fell into a situation of hopelessness. I'm not a poor man, I have a hell of a lot to eat, but women and happiness - no. My daughter doesn't want to talk to me for two years. I suffer a lot from this, ”said Osin.

// Photo: Petr Terekhov / PhotoXPress.ru

The 90s star lives alone in a four-room apartment. He has repeatedly complained about his health and told reporters that doctors come to his house, put droppers. He developed pancreatitis and pancreatic problems. Osin said in an interview that he foresees that he will die soon, so he does not allow himself to marry again. Nevertheless, women surround Aspen with affection and care. Many of the fair sex, with whom he is friends, help the artist clean up the apartment, because, according to him, there is a real mess.

The last album released by Evgeny Osin was the disc "Separation", which arrived on store shelves in June of this year.

Osin Evgeny Viktorovich- one of the famous pop singers. Passion for music began at a typical age - 14 years.At first glance, everything developed as usual. Eugene played in the school ensemble mainly on drums. He studied at a music school, but then dropped out. HowEugene himself says “dry academic approaches to such a “subtle” matter as music were not close to his soul”. Eugene graduated from the institute for promotionqualifications of cultural workers.
At the end of which he received a certificate of musical education, giving the right to work as the head of an amateur ensemble in any house of culture. In a word
"amateur" Eugene does not find anything shameful, he considers the word amateur to be identical to the word "independence". By the word "professionalism" he understands, first of all, the technical ability of a musician to translate his plans into a living reality.
In search of his own creative person, in 1986 he created the Night Cap group, which he later renamed it into Keks, where he played the guitar and performed vocal parts.
The search continued. Eugene played in the Nicolaus Copernicus group, where he performed percussion parts. Then he moved to the Alliance group, played the drums.
In 1986-87 he worked under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, where he also tried to find his creative "I". In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he led the Ded Moroz group, where he performed vocal parts and at the same time was a showman.
The end of the eighties on the Russian stage, according to many critics, passed under the sign of the star of the Bravo group. It was its own special world, with its own signs of cultural and historical existence. Thunder from a clear sky was the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova from the group.
The first male soloist of the Bravo group immediately after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova was Evgeny Osin, where he sang for two years. According to critics of those years, it was a successful period in the life of the group. The team no longer worked for one particular soloist, creating a beautiful, openwork shadow for him. It became a collective of like-minded people working on one musical idea, delineated by the specific culture of the sixties.
But the search still continued. Eugene created the Avalon group, in which he played the guitar, sang and composed music and poetry.
Finally, the beginning of the nineties came. In 1992, Evgeny Osin released the disc "70th latitude". It is possible that we still have not realized the scale of the event. More than one generation of young people was brought up on the music of the seventies.
Behind the historical vicissitudes of the early nineties, the music of the seventies was undeservedly forgotten. Through the open gates of the country poured a flood of foreign music. Evgeny Osin was not afraid to turn to the music of the seventies and gave a reason to return to the stage for many pop stars of the past. He practically revived a whole layer of Soviet pop culture.
Now Evgeny Osin enjoys well-deserved popularity, constantly tours around our country and abroad. Evgeny Osin's tour schedule is the geography of our Fatherland.
Currently, Evgeny Osin is filming a lot in various television programs "Big Wash", "My Family" and many others, has more than ten video clips and CDs, a lot of audio cassettes.
Eugene is a frequent visitor to orphanages, special reception centers and other social institutions.
I would like to note that Evgeny Osin and his team work only in a "live" performance as part of a group of ten people, eight of which are on stage. You don't often see that on the stage.
The main character traits of Eugene are - simplicity, friendliness, adherence to principles. In difficult circumstances, Eugene always comes to the aid of friends.

Former girlfriend of Evgeny Osina, singer Natalya Shturm, published on her Instagram a photo taken by one of her subscribers. The singer signed the publication: "Oh, Zhenya Osin ... But I knew that this was how it would end." In the picture, Evgeny Osin, who recently returned to Moscow from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, is standing in a store ... with a bottle in his hands.

My sources photographed Aspen today in a shop near his house. He bought wine there. All therapy went to hell!


Recall: a little more than a month ago, Aspen was sent after Dana Borisova to a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where he was supposed to be able to get rid of alcohol addiction. Osin obediently flew off, but upon arrival, when he was forbidden to drink and rowdy in the clinic, he began to resent.


A month later, Andrey Malakhov, who took the initiative to "save" the singer, contacted him - Evgeny noticeably freshened up. True, Osin did not look particularly pleased, and even Malakhov in that he promised him completely different conditions. Natalya Sturm, who called on Osin to do something. But, as it turned out, she did not really believe in the success of the "rescue operation".

“I warned you from the very beginning that this would be the case. Until a person himself wants to be treated, it is impossible to help him. Whatever forces and means would not have been spent on it. And Eugene, it seems, does not want to be treated. I talked to the doctors who had been taking him all this time. He skipped therapy, neglected his health even on Koh Samui. Alas, it will not be such that he now drinks and drinks and stops. Even if doctors are assigned to him again, he will again run away and break. Until he realizes that he himself is responsible for his life, no one will help him.

The journalists managed to contact Osin, who returned to his homeland, and ask him about the treatment he had undergone. True, the singer said that he did not undergo any treatment in Thailand. Instead, he was brainwashed, as he himself put it.

“There is no cure, you understand! There are no doctors, there are no medicines, there are no droppers. It's just brain therapy!


- I looked at the bottles, but did not buy, but just looked. I bought groceries.


The singer stressed that he still managed to stop drinking. Shortly before his departure to Moscow, Evgeny celebrated his non-alcoholic 53rd birthday at the clinic. He was congratulated by Dana Borisova, to live in Thailand, and singer Chris Kelmi, who also flew to that clinic to “recover his health”, as he himself put it.

Popular in the 90s, singer Yevgeny Osin dreams of seeing his daughter and is struggling with drunkenness, while releasing a suicide album.

A black streak in the life of the idol of the 90s, Evgeny Osin, came a few years ago. After a divorce from his wife Natalya, Zhenya went into all serious trouble. Now it is increasingly possible to see him not on stage, but with a glass in his hands. The singer leads a reclusive life and regularly drinks alone. "I'm dying!" - the singer was dumbfounded when we called him asking for an interview.

You can safely shoot a serial film about the life of Evgeny Osin. The future singer was born in Moscow. From childhood he was fond of music. Osin played the guitar for days on end and dreamed of a successful career. In parallel, he was engaged in pigeons. He kept them on the balcony in a box. Future singer. And one day his dream came true. For five hundred rubles, Zhenya bought a real dovecote. He was proud of her, and when he became popular, he even filmed in the video "The girl in the machine is crying." Then no one suspected that this song would become a super hit and glorify Aspen throughout the country.

The ex-wife forbids Aspen to see her daughter / Archive of the Sobesednik publishing house

“When popularity came and I became a famous artist, I had to sell the dovecote,” the singer admitted. - I could not pay the birds the same attention. All the time was occupied by music and tours.

The popularity of Aspen was gaining momentum every day. After the song “The girl in the machine is crying”, which in the early 90s came from every iron, the singer gave out another hit. And the whole country sang again: “But I do not believe what they say. All guys write about girls. I will answer silently. I don't want to doubt you." Soon other songs followed: "Tanya plus Volodya", "Yalta". Under the latter, even Boris Yeltsin started to dance. During the presidential tour, Boris Nikolayevich heard a hit tune, went up on stage to Aspen and began to dance, not paying attention to the stunned singer.

“For me, the fact that Yeltsin went on stage really came as a shock,” the musician later admitted. - Nobody expected Boris Nikolaevich to get up and start dancing. This is his spontaneous desire - it was not discussed with any of his assistants.

In parallel with his career success, the singer experienced changes in his personal life. One day, Zhenya came to the bank and drew attention to a pretty employee. The girl's name was Natalia. He invited her to the concert. Later, Osin found out that she had a husband. For some time, Zhenya and Natalya stopped talking, and then their relationship resumed. Natalya told her husband that she had fallen in love with another, and began to live with the singer. The girl's mother was against this union, but the lovers did not pay attention to her. In 2000, they got married, and two years later they had a daughter, who was named Agnia. Osin doted on the girl. However, with the birth of a child, relations with his wife began to deteriorate. Zhenya more and more often applied to the bottle. His career also went down: the singer was no longer invited to shoot ... Osin lived on income from performances at corporate parties, which became less and less every year. At some point, Natalia decided to divorce. She took Agnia with her and forbade the singer to communicate with her daughter. For Aspen, this was a real blow. Since then, without alcohol, he could not imagine his life.

/ Archive of the Sobesednik publishing house

“Eugene several times promised himself to start a new life without alcohol,” his fans say on the Internet. But all such attempts did not last long. Zhenya broke down again. Of course, he needs a woman to guide him through life. But he didn't meet one. That's why he's going downhill.

In one of the attempts to sober up, Osin even got a job as a music teacher at the school where his daughter studied. Now he could see her at least within the walls of the educational institution. The idol of millions became the artistic director of the children's group "Chips". The children adored him, Zhenya himself liked him at school. Videos from the singer's classes with children can still be seen on the Internet.

“I worked at school for almost five years,” Osin says in a slurred tongue. - I have already left school, I do not work. But I'm glad I worked there. This is a good experience for me. I studied the psychology of children in full, I understood how to communicate with them. I had both high school students and juniors. They paid twenty-five thousand rubles a month.

Aspen turned 50 last year. Zhenya did not throw noisy parties on the occasion of the holiday. With material wealth, the singer is tense. According to psychologists, after fifty men change their psychology. Osin has not changed anything in this regard.

“Nothing happens, the person feels as usual,” the singer says. – Although the age is not felt. I feel like I'm 25 years old!

However, despite the "young" age, the singer does not want to live at all. He rarely leaves his four-room apartment and increasingly thinks about death. The singer claims that a black streak has begun in his life again. During the conversation, Osin barely spoke the words.

- Zhenya, why are you drinking?- we could not get around the burning topic.

I drink because I don't have anyone. Yes, fans to hell. For them, I have now recorded an album. Live - with drums, with keys, with guitars. I'm preparing it for release. My album is huge. It's a bomb, just a bomb. I listened to it and realized that I did not live in vain. Maybe it's a suicide album because I'm dying. Just on the brink of death. But the album is about to come out. There is such a person, Vitaly Yarygin, he will probably release him without me, because I am in a very poor state of health.

- What hurts you?

Everything hurts: both the soul and the heart. The fact is that the album is also called "Separation" ... I had a friend with whom we were together from the very beginning and with whom we recorded all my songs - Sanya Alekseev. He died a few years ago, and left the songs to me, and I recorded all these songs.

Recently, the singer is not happy with anything. He hardly leaves the house and does not watch TV. The only thing I looked at was a parody of myself, which was made in a show of reincarnations. In "One to One!" Aspen was portrayed by Svetlana Svetikova. He liked the performance of the singer.

“They called me and said that there would be a parody of me,” the singer explained. I turned it on and looked. Well done. This is one of the first parodies I've seen.

According to Aspen, his subtle mental organization was broken by love ups and downs. Eugene says that he recently broke up with his beloved woman. Because of this, he went back to drinking. When asked why they broke up, Eugene answers without delay:

- Yes, stupid! She left me. And we were together for five years. She is generally a guitarist, a guitar teacher ... Now she is gone. I do not have anyone.

Evgeny Osin / Archive of the Sobesednik publishing house

- What should be your favorite?

- To match the concepts. I would like to have a slender little woman. No models needed. The main thing is that she be wise and understand me. Until then, there is none!

- Maybe you should look for your soul mate on the Internet?

- On what Internet? It's a total betrayal!

The singer, even in an alcoholic frenzy, talks about his daughter, without whom he cannot imagine his life. But, as he claims, the ex-wife does not allow to see the child.

“I haven’t seen my daughter for more than a year,” the singer says. – . You say: Surrounded on all sides. I have now problems and with Homeowners' association. Simply impossible. In general, the full program was overlaid: debts and rent, and the garage. Tell for a long time.

- Do your relatives help you? Do you have a sister?

- Yes, we communicate with my sister, of course. I not only have a sister, I also have a mother, a daughter and a nephew.

Maybe you should see a psychologist?

- Which psychologist? I need to go to the 67th hospital. They put such a thing - droppers, so as not to drink. Four flasks hang, and here you are dripping for four or five days. Here it helps. But if you call a doctor home, all this is garbage. I'm in the hospital and going now.

- Today?

- No not today. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t have anyone now: everyone just threw me and betrayed me. I think, of course, about my daughter. And the daughter does not call, does not answer my calls. Moreover, I bought gifts for her birthday, but she does not take them away. Bought gold earrings for five hundred dollars. My sister gave me two branded and very expensive jackets. But she doesn't take them either. I sold a motorcycle for three hundred thousand. I offer my wife alimony of 120 thousand. She says she won't take less than two hundred. And how to live in general?

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