As of now, everyone is at home. Timur Kizyakov after the closing of “So far, everyone is at home”: They got rid of us as dangerous competitors that interfere with their business


The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person drinking tea. According to RIA Novosti, citing a source familiar with the situation, Channel One will no longer purchase the entertainment program "", which has been running for many years.

According to the source, this decision is connected with the results of the audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program, from which the country "crazy"

“So far, everyone is at home” is a real symbol of the era. The first issue aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. There was very little positive on TV at that time. Therefore, Sunday gatherings with tea were a real outlet for the audience, and the presenter Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

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For the beggars of the 1990s, the heading “Crazy Hands” became a godsend, in which the inventor Andrei Bakhmetyev, together with Kizyakov, created simple crafts from improvised materials. The most popular of them were, of course, plastic bottles, from which Bakhmetiev seemed to be ready to collect anything - up to the space station.

In 1996 and 2006, "So far, everyone is at home" won the TEFI award in the nomination "Best Educational Program".

Over a quarter of a century of existence, the program has become so recognizable that, perhaps, there were no major humorous projects where they would not joke about it, ranging from parodies in "" and ending with hurricane numbers in.

"While everyone is at home" spoiled the "children's question"?

Television critics frowned, believing that the transmission format was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated over 25 years of continuous tea drinking. And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the unscrupulous work of foundations for placing children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the program “So far, everyone is at home”, in which since 2006 there has been a heading “You will have a child”, which deals with assistance in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared the so-called video passports of children, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds is a big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds in the regions that there is a high return of children.

At the same time, information surfaced that the heading “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: the methods of Channel One are unacceptable for us

Sources on Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. The "hole" in the Sunday broadcasting grid is called upon to close the new show "".

Channel One reported that when buying the program "So far, everyone is at home" from the manufacturing company, he did not know about the production of the heading "You will have a child" at the expense of the state, about the participation of the creators of the program in tenders and about the registration of the trademark "video passport", reported RIA News .

Earlier, the media reported that the production of the so-called video passports for orphans for the heading "You will have a child" within the framework of the program "So far, everyone is at home" was taken from several sources at once: from the state, from the TV channel and from sponsors.

On Wednesday, an official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation said that the department had organized an audit of information previously posted in the media about violations during the filming of the TV show "So far, everyone is at home" on Channel One - in particular, they will check the use of 110 million rubles allocated, according to media reports, by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for commercials about orphans.

“Channel One bought the program “So far, everyone is at home” from the manufacturer, the Dom company, including the heading “You will have a child.” The channel did not know that the heading was being produced at the expense of the state, as well as about the participation of the creators of the program in tenders and registration of the trademark "video passport". As a result of publications in the media and public reaction, we decided to close the program. At the moment, the contract with the producer of the program has been terminated, "the press service of Channel One said.

The program "So far, everyone is at home" first went on the air in 1992 and since then has done it every Sunday at 10.30 am, according to the project's website. The program is served "just in time for a family breakfast: on one side of the screen at the table - a family of spectators, on the other - the family of a famous artist, writer, athlete or musician." The permanent host of the program was Timur Kizyakov. Kizyakov's wife Elena led the column "You will have a child."

In December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the unfair work of funds for placing children in families that are not related to the relevant program and give up to 30% of the return of children, recalling the work TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, who prepares the appropriate passports for orphans and helps them settle into families.

In August 2017, it became known that Channel One in the new television season would not purchase the program "So far, everyone is at home." According to a source familiar with the situation, this decision is related to the results of the audit, which revealed how the program was funded.

Timur Kizyakov, TV presenter of the program "So far, everyone is at home," said that the sponsoring companies did not transfer money to the program's accounts, but sent it to the guardianship authorities. According to him, strict accountability was provided for the state funds allocated for the program. As noted, the TV presenter considers reports about the sources of the program to be slanderous.

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On the evening of August 15became knownthat the TV show “So far, everyone is at home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. This was reported by RBC, Vedomosti and Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing sources on the TV channel. Sources from RBC and Komsomolskaya Pravda linked the termination of the contract between Channel One and Dom LLC, which produces Poka Vse Doma (49.5% of the company belongs to the host Timur Kizyakov), with the events of the end of 2016 - then the journalists learned about the state funding of video questionnaires orphans who appeared in the program. At the same time, the source of Vedomosti specified that the reason could be the drop in the rating of the program over the past years, and the situation with video questionnaires has become the “final point” for the channel.

“So far, everyone is at home” has been airing on Channel One since 1992 (during this time, the channel has changed its name more than once); Lead all this time was Timur Kizyakov. In 2016, he joined the supreme council of the United Russia party, promising that he would be involved in the development of children's television and the placement of orphans.

Information that Kizyakov's company receives budget money for filming video profiles of orphans appeared in December 2016; The first channel knew nothing about it. Since 2006, “So far, everyone is at home” has a heading “You will have a child”, which is run by Elena Kizyakova's wife. The section shows stories about orphans - “video questionnaires”, for each of which the “House” receives 100 thousand rubles under a state contract (for three years the organization received 35 million rubles). At the same time, Kizyakov is suing other producers of video questionnaires and criticizes charitable foundations that are engaged in placing orphans in families (for the fact that when they shoot their videos about children, they “cook who knows what”).

In December 2016, Channel One promised to investigate whether the manufacturer had violated the terms of the contract. Immediately after the publications, the First initiated a check. "As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed," - said the interlocutor of RBC.

An employee of the Channel One directorate, which oversaw the release of the program (asked not to give his first and last name), confirmed this information in a conversation with Meduza: “After the New Year, proceedings began over the scandal with orphans, and that was the end of the story. But the channel even before that had a million complaints against them [the creators of While Everyone is at Home].”

“The channel systematically works with charitable foundations, but it turned out that we help them, and our charity program is making money. It is also interesting that Kizyakov did not take part in any charity event for children, which is carried out by the channel. Every year on June 1, the channel travels to one of the cities to visit hospitals and orphanages. And they always asked in the cities to bring Kizyakov, a friend of all children,” a Channel One employee told Meduza.

"We understand that the news about the First is generating traffic, but no, we are not closing Let's Get Married", "Fashionable Sentence", "Test Purchase" and "First Studio". For the future, we are not closing Field of Miracles either, KVN, "What? Where? When? And "Evening Urgant". "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" is fine too. "Good morning" feels great. The program "Time" is still released at 21.00. Smak didn't run out of food. Dmitry Krylov is buying tickets for the next trip," the press service of Channel One told RIA Novosti.

"Let them talk" with Dmitry Borisov collects excellent ratings. You'll see the updated "Tonight" soon. (Vladimir) Posner, by the way, is also with us. But we are glad that our programs are so popular that the news about each of them soars to the top of Yandex. We advise our colleagues not to wishful thinking," the channel added.

Earlier, the media reported that the host of the programs “Let them talk” and “Tonight” Andrey Malakhov may leave Channel One. On Wednesday, the press service of the First Channel of RIA Novosti reported that on the initiative of the presenter Yulia Menshova, the project "Alone with Everyone" is being closed in the new TV season; at the same time, the channel is working with the TV presenter on two new projects that viewers will see in the near future.

It also became known that another host of Channel One, Alexander Oleshko, switched to NTV and in the new season he will host the contest "You are super! Dancing."

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August 16, 2017

The presenter named the reasons why they stopped filming the program "So far, everyone is at home."

Timur Kizyakov no longer works on Channel One / Photo: globallook

The new television season has not yet begun, but many changes have already taken place on Channel One. Andrey Malakhov no longer hosts the talk show "Let them talk," him, and several broadcasts have already been released with his participation. At this time, since his wife Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant. Also channel. Now he will host a show on the NTV channel.

Yesterday it became known that . For 25 years he hosted the entertainment program “So far, everyone is at home,” and now its shooting has been stopped. Today, the TV presenter told why this happened. He confirmed that he was leaving Channel One, and admitted that back in May an official letter was written for the channel's management, in which he announced the cessation of filming the program "So far, everyone is at home."

“Under the current conditions, it is no longer possible to work. Those methods of leadership are unacceptable to us” – this is the main idea of ​​the letter, according to him. Kizyakov noted that he himself left the TV channel, although the media report that he was fired.

Earlier there were rumors that the TV presenter was leaving Channel One due to the scandal that occurred in December last year. Then the charity column “You will have a child” was suspected of additional funding. Timur denied these rumors, and also said that he would try to continue doing this charity project for as long as he and his wife had the strength. He intends to continue helping orphans. Kizyakov also told Komsomolskaya Pravda radio that the program “So far, everyone is at home” will not be closed, but will switch to another channel, as it is in demand.

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