What happened to the group center. Ptah Biography - The collapse of Centr, Conflicts, Solo Creativity

emanator2 - 07/12/2011

« Everyone asks in his own way: this one prays, and that one thinks.

Well, is it a song?

Fucked Ptah's wife Guf - Aiza or not fucked - for me a secondary question. Who oteizenshitset who is there, who will thrash whom is, of course, interesting. Whatever some people say about their high morality, it is much more adequate to take it as news than to plug your ears and shout hysterically: “When it smears you! They swing their swing! Everyone! Strings! Center! Metru!" In addition, the rumor about debauchery in the group does not carry anything out of the ordinary. If he did not appear, another one could appear .... Imagine a video that accidentally hit the Internet where a naked Slim is sitting in a cowboy hat and says: "I'm a mean, dirty law enforcement officer, I'm a real scoundrel." After that, the frame is blocked by the back of a man in a black hat with a tattoo of skyscrapers. Burring at the letter “R”, this person says: “I am Zorro, I love to punish disobedient guardians” .... After that, no one would be surprised to see at the end of the video how Ptaha gets up from the tired Aiza and utters the sacramental phrase: “Now to fuck a couple of Tajiks ....”. As Anatoly Byshovets, notorious in football, once said: "There is no limit to human abomination." Therefore, there were countless variants of the scandal. But they are not the point.

I think the main reason is the real reason, and not the obscene details of the breakup of the group. In my opinion, the collapse was predetermined even at the time of the recording of the Swing album. Moreover, our people, guided by domestic production by intuition, felt this. Many shouted that Bird and Slim were weaker than Guf in terms of level. That they can’t read, that they burr…. They screamed a lot. Something on the case, and something by .... In a word, they felt a catch, but they could not fully understand what it consisted of.

Many of those who are not very well versed in rap got through the album. Many of those who understand, at first, got along with them. Indeed, the first listening impression is provided by Slim's high-quality production, as well as excellent features: Princip, 5 Pluh, Basta, Pale, "Tandem" and Strizh - each added a twist. However, many of the people who accepted the album "City of Roads" with a bang, realized that in the role of "Swing" they were being sold real bullshit. Why?

“Well, is it a song? There is just no thought about what we are interested in ”- Slim in the track “To All Shores” most clearly defined the content of the entire “Swing” album. Like a live journal. Center is one of the best image projects in Russian rap. In my opinion, only Decl was more successful with his album “Who are you?”. Then the project had two main success factors, it was the backbone of the Russian rap team of that time who worked on them: Chef, Liga - who wrote the lyrics and Screw from LA - who prepared a decent sound. The second equally important factor was the image, because then the public massively turned away from Decl after learning that it was just Kirill Tolmatsky whose dad had money, and the lines: “exactly nine - Friday, the capital is having fun” lost their power. Unlike Decl, the guys from the Center made themselves, and in all respects, from building a team and creating a project to its collapse.

Mu Mu

I consider Guf's album "City of Roads" to be truly brilliant. It will be possible to listen to it with pleasure in 10 and 30 years. Thanks to the literary devices organically used in it, many images will live forever. In this album, the personality of Guf is not important, everyone is interested in his artistic world. For example, the track "New Year" is completely independent of the person of the performer. Whether its author really tried to sell the grandmother’s icon or not, in fact, it doesn’t matter to anyone, because a lot of people in our country, many of whom heard this track, would go and sell it in his place. Some of them lost their toasters and coffee makers at home, silver and leather from the dining room even when it was hot.…. But the track "Winter" did not become native for people. The guys from the studio do not call them and say that they need them there. People didn’t start rapping from the “Chinese Wall” and they don’t participate in the photo shoots of the Center group ...

Who is speaking to this listener? And he is told not by a person who is freezing on the street with an icon in a bag, but by a very successful whiner from a lukewarm studio, who is not yet a major, and did not live in poverty, and his mother did everything for his happy childhood .... Guf fell for Darmavshchina. Gone from real artistic power. Instead of showing, he began to tell. Turgenev wrote Mumu - he showed people with words what is happening in his work. And a junior school student, standing near the desk, says to the whole class, “Well, it’s there, man, they called him Gerasim, he took the dog and drowned it” .... No, of course, not everything is so bad with Alexei Dolmatov on the albums of the Center group. In some places he does it masterfully: “He feels with his heels how the asphalt replaces the paving stones,” he feels so that everyone listening along with him. But, here, excuse me, skill is skill, but in fact, this is not about the country, not about “three threads from a huge web”, but just about how Slim, Ptakha and Guf live. It was at the moment when Guf stopped narrating from the roof of the house and from the cold streets, but began to do it from the Center studio ... .. When, instead of turning to the listener in prayer, kneeling under cold water, as he did this at the end of the track "Leader", the author began to read in the warmth, from the studio, where Slim and Ptah enter with a rattling package, exchanging glances in front of the guards .... Since then, even if he didn’t kill, he simply put a living rapper in a coffin and covered it with a lid. He did not die, but is on indefinite leave. The greed of the fraer ruined, I wanted to be not only a rap star, but also a hero, both in my own song and in life. But we can't do that in Russia. Here, as Zakhar Prilepin correctly said, "the poet must be responsible for the market." He called himself a hero - your right, but what makes you better than others? It turns out that you have to adjust your own life to the artistic image, and the artistic image to your own life .... Just don't be sincere, it's not real. Make-believe…. As 5 Plyukh rightly noted, the native listener is an idolater. You can speculate on this. The question is how long?

Our people are sincere. They sympathize with the three performers with a difficult fate, not in everything, of course, only in the fact that they understand what they themselves saw, but they sympathize. They know where they live. They know about lawlessness and lawlessness. Remember the nineties. But, on a national scale, in yakitoria with Japs, few people eat and few people wear Lacoste crosses .... Here: “The iron sky of the chamber instead of huts. The term has been served,” - this is what people will understand, these are eternal images, and the presentation in Russian is modest. A look inside, without show-offs, without canoes, honest. And without show-offs it is difficult in Moscow. Few people know how. That's what they got on their heads. They nailed it and didn't take it out. Curled up like the last thing. They ran into each other like children. Before the whole country. Who slept with whom, who is a cunning Jew. We do not forgive this. Remember how in that video: “A man is defined by deeds, not by words. And if I wear a candibober on my head, this does not mean that I am a woman or a ballerina. Underline the sentence about the man.

Why did they meet for such a short time?
- We thought and decided that the history of the band should start beautifully and end beautifully. I don’t want to run around later, being mad old men, as some ancient groups do, ”Ptakha shared. - Now we will work solo.

This will be a good final point. I don't want to put a small comma, - added Slim.

Well, at least sometimes you will get together?

Well, so, purely in the evenings, - admitted Guf

And on stage?

Probably not. It's time to turn around.

When you wrote "System", did you already know that this is the last album of the band? Was there a concept?

We didn't invent anything. Just wrote and wrote - Guf

Everything went by itself. We worked on it for a very long time: we started about two years ago. We recorded several tracks, then there was a pause. But the main tracks were born in just 7 months - Slim.

It seems to me that I wrote it in two months, - Guf figured

It's just you for two months. - laughs. Slim

Lesh, something you lost 5 months somewhere.

I - yes. I always lose somewhere 5 years, 5 months.
Judging by your words, the album was given to you very hard?

You don't even know how - Guf

You have repeatedly said that the album "System" is somehow special. How?

These are other thoughts. 5 years later. We didn't want to sound like 2007 against the backdrop of modern music. Therefore, naturally, the fresher sound, lyrics, technique have changed. There are some new chips, - said Slim

There, the music is different, the reading has changed, and the style is completely different, - added Ptakha

How do you think the audience accepted this album? Did they like your innovations?

Of course, new material is always difficult for listeners to assimilate. Yesterday we had our first performance with the new album in St. Petersburg. Judging by this concert, the album went. There were a lot of shortcomings at the concert, because we never rehearse with the whole group. But today we will try to eliminate them, - Guf.

I am told that we are reading about the same thing. I just don't understand, who has said something new in the last 20 years in rap? We live in Russia, where nothing has changed dramatically during this time, - Slim

You have to motivate with your tracks! And you don’t motivate something at all, - Ptakha laughs.

Well, I'll take into account, - Slim took note.
Many fans believe that in fact the reason for the breakup is another conflict between you. This is true?

Yes, it's not just that. Everyone has their own creative vision. Each of us is an accomplished creative person. It's hard to record joint tracks - Slim

That is, the vision of common tracks is now different for you?

In general, a lot of things have changed during this time. We see almost everything differently. In principle, Centr has always been like this. We just decided to collect the dough, - Ptakha laughs.

And how did you collect it?

They collected it, but more could have been done, - the guys admitted laughing in one voice. - For the sake of money, we could travel around our vast homeland for a long time. But we are not like that.

Now the guys will continue to perform with the presentation of the new album "System" in other cities, but these will be their last performances as part of the Centr group. Now they continue to actively work on solo projects. According to the guys, around September of this year, Ptakha and Guf will release an album, and a little later, taking into account the mistakes of their colleagues, Slim will also please with his solo album. Who knows, maybe we will witness their next high-profile comeback.

One of the brightest rappers in Russia, for whom “conflict” can be called a middle name.

Real name: David Nuriev
Creative alias: Bird x Bore
Year of birth: 3.06.1981
City: Baku
Nationality: Azerbaijani
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 82 kg

The first part of the biography Birds () was dedicated his personal life and development. The second part reveals conflict temperament that doesn't stop draw attention to bird since 2008.

The first known conflict of Ptah had its beginning more than 10 years ago - in 2008.

Bird and Drago. Conflict 2008

In 2008,when battle rap was the prerogative of Internet sites, and not a nationwide phenomenon, rappersDrago, St1m'a and Seryoga catches a sharp lineBirds from the track "About love".

Doesn't make you wait long Drago releasediss on Center(mostly forBird ), calling Center drug addicts. After which follows O a skirmish between two rappers in video format.

In the end, everything converges to the fact that the ratiomust be decided with fists. Bird calling Drago to mixfight.

100 kg battle rapper Drago agreesarranging a duel in Ukraine. But Birdis not, hoping thatthat this is kindergarten.

The collapse of the Center group - Why did Guf leave Centr?

Centercontinues to collectthousands of crowds on tour,not suggesting anytroubles. But somewhere already insidethere is a big conflict.

Bird and Guf quarrel with each other.Gufa not satisfied thatBird hangs out and doesn't teachown texts, A Bird , What Guf Maybe somewhere to the abyss, forgetting about everything.To the point of not comingto the shooting of the video, where a film crew with paid equipment is waiting for him.

The atmosphere heats up to the limit when in 2009Center performs in Lugansk where is happening an event that causes Guf to leave the group.

What happened inLugansk rappers are kept secret.We only know that the conflicthappened on a domestic basis and finally tipped the scales. Guf leaves Ccenter Vsolo art.

By unverifieddata provided by twitter , Bird and Isa (ex-wife Gufa ) chatted on the phone on rather intimate topics. Learning about itGuf left the project and divorced.

The group does not cease to exist. remains at the coreSlim and Bird.

The next three years pass relatively quietly. Bird manages to add another pseudonym to himself - Nerd and issuesAlbum “Cigarettes” 2010 and Album “Legends Pro…Centr ” 2011.

The rapper explains his pseudonym by the fact that all his life he was a stubborn bore who liked to grumble.The Cigarettes album is different from creativity Birds good sadness, without melancholy inserts.

“I sincerely rejoice in the success of my brothers. But I know that tomorrow each of them can betray me.”

Bird in the "Three Whales"

In 2011, Ptaha throws a party in honor of his 30th birthday, where as invitedMCs come from Bustazz RecordsGipsy King and Tato.

This year rappers together with Bird reported that they are preparing an experimental album Three whales" , which came out in 2012.

Bird and Shock (Schokk) - Conflict

In 2012 between Shock and Birdconflict escalates from skirmishes toTwitter. Well, rappers solve the problem by meeting in person.

The bird scores the “arrow” withshockwhen he arrives atMoscow, getting the address where to drive.Rappers meet andsolve questions verbally.

In 2013, their joint work is released.The clip shocked everyonebecause they were the most different representatives of culture.

Ptah Albums “Po Nizam” 2013 and “Fitova” 2015

next couple of yearswere relatively quiet in Ptah's career. The rapper was delving into himselfexperimenting with your creativity and guts.He gave up heavydrugs and alcohol.

Album released in 2013"By Nizam",which according toBirds , was tortured hundreds of hours.

He looked for every line, walking through Moscow courtyards and clubs, remembering the atmosphere of those days.

By the way, after a year and a halfthe long-awaited collection will be releasedPhyto ", which will consist ofmany collaborative tracksthat have not previously been included in releases.

Bird and Obe1 Kanobe Fight - Bird and Obe1Kanobe Conflict

In 2014, the scandalous rapper registers a second twitter account,charging clips of dirt, which instantly begin to pour out on all the hip-hop community.

Exactly there obiwan says that Center fell apart becauseISA wrote bird intimate messages.

It hurts Bird , it calls obiwana to a meeting in Gorky Park, from whichthe first one refuses.

Then Bird finds him in the city wherenotably beats the rapper in a fair fight. This was recorded on video.

In turn, he gives an interview where he provides his version of events:

Ptakha LDPR - Ptakhy's entry into the LDPR

In the same year Bird decides to stir up interest in himself, V stepping into the party of Zhirinovsky LDPR.

The rapper becomes an MPmunicipal significance of the village of Shishkin Les.

He calls the solutionfun, and since then he has never appeared in the ranks of his fellow party members.

“I realized that this is not mine. It was a joke for me. All my crazy antics like “running for deputies” are my fan.”

Merging the CENTR group

IN 2014 year follows an event that explodes the Internet again.

Guf, Slim and Bird announce reunion group Centr.

Bird says that one daywoke up in the morning and realized that he was tired of these graters.

Bird offered Gufu reconcile. After a couple of hoursSlim already went to the apartmentGufu , anticipating joyful reunion of the group.

"Be yourself, keep faith in your soul."

Bird, Basta and Oksimiron - Conflict

In one of the interviewsBird unflattering comments about the labelBasty gas holder” and creativity

The reason was thatBird I thought thatgas holder accepted And famous artists, then about them any information in the media was lost. A Oksimiron- technical ms,but there is not a drop of real rap in it.

Answer from Bastyshould release withdrawal Birds from iTunes , which tookparticipation of rappers label Gazgolder.

dedicated bird line in the track:

Bird says that there is no rap in me, - okay, there is no Bird in my rap

Ptahi's conflict against the Anti-Diller movement

In 2015 Gufa and Slim detain in Krasnoyarsk for a few days due tosuspected possession and use of narcotic substances, on motion guidance “Antidiller”.

This year Bird expresses a note of support to his friends,speaking in the Moscow club "16 tons" with a provocative speech.He stated that the police would only be assisted“not very good people”, urging them to write obscene language on the cars of the movement.

This became the reasonfor a response.In 2016 in the rapper's apartmentA search is carried out, which does not reveal anything illegal.

The rapper is on trial for humiliation and incitement of hatred or enmity “in relation to a group of persons united on the basis of “assistance to law enforcement agencies in the search and detention of criminals”.

On Bird filed under article282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, depriving him of the opportunity leave Moscow.

The rapper was sentencedordering him to pay a fine200 000 rubles.

Ptakha - Concerts in Donbass

Bird never did not hide his anti-Ukrainian position, caused revolution in 2014.

In 2016 rapper visited Lugansk and Donetskwith concerts, having received the passport of a citizen of the self-proclaimed “LCand, taking the opportunity,shot at the range.

As a result bird was banned entry to Ukraineat the legislative levelbecause his actions are considered extremism and a violation of the integrity of Ukraine.

“There are even signs hanging in the cafe that you can’t enter with weapons. You know, there are signs with crossed-out dogs, ice cream. And there the Kalashnikov assault rifle is crossed out.

New album of the Centr group “System” 2016

2 years after mergerCenter releases his third albumSystem” 2016.

The release was warmly received by the public, although it did not cause the hype of past years.

"Good point. But there's too much about the cops. Maybe it came after the story with Krasnoyarsk. "

The collapse of the Center group - The second collapse of the Centr group

In April 2016,a couple of hours before my concert,Center once again declared a listenerabout the end of his creative path,which will henceforthsolo.

Rappers in the forefrontcalled it a decision detached fromconflicts, but soon details began to emerge.

“I made a lot of noise. Vadik is a complete production. He cut, sheared, moved it all in the studio. Lyosha? Lyosha, as a rule, came, wrote something and left. I made all the noise around the group: all sorts of scandals, pulling out. This is what I did."

Bird vs Guf on Versus Battle

In 2017 there are several videos fromGufa where is the rapper n being in a not sober state, cuts the truth of the uterus.

To one of the questions, he replies that he will come out withbird for a battle for 2 million rubles. Initially Bird notified that wants half offany amount requestedGuf .

Fall 2017 Restaurateur officially confirmed, what a battle - to be!

Battle between Guf and Bird P will come out in January, and the release will most likely be a month later.

“I’m not going to win, but to say and hear the unsaid.”

Bird - Conflict with Navalny

In March, a wave of protests swept across Russia,associated with the condemnation of the oppositionpresidential candidate Alexei Navalny.

The youth entered into confrontation co special services. cost without bloodshed. In honor of this Bird released a clip supportive regime of the current government, calling the protesters “majors”.

This was the reasoninciting hatred towards the rapper.Many listenerslearned in the track the so-called state order. But Bird continues to refute this information.

“Patriotism is a clear understanding that this is your land, your family, your friends. It's all behind you. Patriotism is support for one's country. For example, I refused to travel to Ukraine not because I don't like it. I love her very much. I have many friends there. It was a pivotal moment."

Dissolution of CAO Records

March 2017 Bird announces full dissolution and closureCAO Records.

Bird and Grandson - Conflict

In August, one of the participants in the formerCAOmakes a bold statement thatBird did not pay his artists money and clandestinely sold marijuana.

Answer Birds was such that moneypaid according to earnings but for all time Vnuk sold material only for2 thousand rubles.For concerts and festivals to everyonepaid properly.

“I have not received anything in terms of earnings for all the time with the Central Administrative District. CAO never brought loot. I sometimes even put money into it to keep it afloat. It is necessary to hire a team of professionals, command them, control the process - and I was not ready for this story. Therefore, the CAO is not a label, but such a party.

Ptakha – Jewelery Brand “Bronnitsky Jeweler”

Early 2018 it became known that Bird became a brand ambassador "Bronnitsky Jeweler".

Together with the rapper was announced jewelry line called “Lyrics”(Songs).

"Lyrics"is a state of mind: sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but always sensual”

Bird. Our days

Not so long ago Bird presented his new album“Peppy” 2017.

The rapper said that he will gradually move away from hip-hop,experimenting with such genreslike jazz and blues. They were close to himfrom early childhood. The world continues keep an eye on an interesting character and wait for the third reunion of the Center 😉

Bird. Interesting Facts

  • The rapper confesses that he does first, and then thinks
  • Doesn't hide that he smokes weed
  • Be ashamed of your song "Cats"
  • Likes SLOVO more than Versus
  • Have memory problems
  • Dependent on social networks
  • Records tracks exclusively at night

Tomorrow, Versus will be held in St. Petersburg with the participation of Guf and Ptakha, the first high-profile battle-2018 with an unprecedented prize fund by world standards - three million rubles. We recall the background of the conflict between the two ex-Centr members, which developed over a period of ten years.

- August 2009

The Centr group broke up, leaving the participants in far from friendly relations. In the wake of the collapse, Guf released the video “100 Lines”, a quote: “If two crows are sitting on your shoulders on the left and right sides, alternately pecking at your head, you can continue to pretend that you don’t care.”

Slim and Bird answered with a clip "Spice baby", an evil parody of Guf's hit that thundered then (Ptah did not read in the song itself, but starred in the video).

Later in an interview with TV Jam Guf speaks, What the reason for the breakup of the group was “not women and not drugs”, but “some kind of envy, money, something else”.“The two participants probably lacked attention, the public.” Ptah's version: some mysterious events on June 6, 2009 in Lugansk led to this.

- Fall 2009

Ptaha shows the clip "Old Age", where he allegorically comments on the breakup of the group. “We need to live more correctly, but I’m sure that you wanted to think, like me. The fact that CAO are friends, not just words. That sometimes for others it's like a family. I am not a god, but for pain, intrigue, I forgive you. Princip, a friend of Guf, is filmed in the video, this can be regarded as trolling.

In an interview with Rap.ru, answering questions about the future prospects of the Centr group without Guf, Ptakha says: I think there will be a new Centr album after all. Maybe we'll make up and make it the three of us. Or maybe we won’t make up - and we’ll make it together.”

- Spring 2012

Ptakha and Slim came to the air of the program “Minaev Live”- a couple of months after the release with Aiza and Guf. The question of the collapse of Centr arose here too, Slim and Bird answered this way: the cause of the breakup of the group is a mythical “situation”.

Quote from Ptakha: “It was a breakthrough for me. I had a cap then. I personally did not share anything with anyone. There was a moment when it was necessary to take a serious step, which would still lead to the collapse of the group. This is a closed topic, I do not want to talk about it. To tell the true story of the collapse of the Centr group is a kick-ass. I'm not ready for this second wave. There is a lot of dirt, underground things. I'm not ready for a second wave of bad-mouthing each other. Guf was perceived as a leader by people. But we ourselves did not have such a concept - "leader". I was in promotion and PR. Vadim was responsible for the musical component. Lyosha at that time stuck around and wrote the text.

Quote from Slim: “The situation that happened then was the last straw. I have a mediocre relationship with her. It seems to me that Guf eventually left, because, firstly, he understood that he would be in demand solo in the same way as in the Centr group. And that's a fact . Secondly, the relationship within the group did not quite suit him. All this accumulated in a lump, as a result, a situation occurred after which we stopped communicating. ”

- Fall 2014

The Centr members finally resolve the conflict.
The group appears on the air of "Evening Urgant" and releases clip “Turns”, according to the plot of which Slim, Guf and Bird peacefully come to the studio and eat pizza. Then, however, it turns out that Guf did not star in the final scene, where all three go on stage - instead of him there was a double.

Ptah is filmed with Guf in the video “Killer City”.
Quote from the song: “Growing up, I am pleased that we managed to stop this swing without loss. Five years later, they intelligently resumed communication.”

- June 2016

The album “System” is released, the last in the history of the group - after that it gives farewell concerts and breaks up again. It turns out that Guf is unhappy with his verses on the album, according to him, he was given two months to write 15 verses and he wrote them "on ***".

In an interview with LIfe.ru, he also says that he did not like Ptah's reading and his work on the stage.“It became terribly uncomfortable for me to be around this person. Vadik and I complained to him about the reading and performance of his verses - I was absolutely not satisfied with what he does and how he relates to the album.

Bird responds to these claims in an interview with The Flow. “Lyosha started to strain me because I hang out. I have chosen such a profession for myself that I can hang out. I don't think it's terrible to go on stage with a joint and a bottle of scotch. I am a rapper. Not a pop artist, not some kind of opera singer, I'm a rapper. For me, this is normal. And when they try to tell me that I should work exactly ... That's it, as soon as I heard the word “work”, I say: “It's okay. I’ll go to music, and you guys work.” This is where we got into a big fight.”

- May 2017

Guf on the air “vDudya” teases Ptah. According to him, having participated in the Centr reunion, he gave a colleague a chance, but something went wrong.“When Centr broke up for the first time, there was a complicated and murky story. Five years have passed and I think: somehow something has changed in people's heads, probably.<....>We went on tour first with the old Centr program. And on this tour, it turned out that I could not be with this person together. I love him very much, he is my friend, but in domestic and touring moments it was unbearable.

Guf also, answering the question of how he attracts the attention of beautiful girls, says that you should ask Bird about this - he has more girls.

- June-July 2017

Ptaha releases the track "For the Dead". There are no direct lines aimed at Guf, there are veiled hints. In the frame, he crumples a drawing of the Disney hero Goofy, just on the line “Smile - and be good. Fuck you, you're an asshole at heart."

A little later, he gives a fiery interview to the Ren TV channel. The reason for the discussion is, among other things, the personal life of Guf.

Vivid quote: “I think he is a mean, two-faced person, materialistic. Also Alphonse. Proalfonsil for half a life. He always chose a chick who was not prettier, but richer. A vile, two-faced, mercenary person who is looking everywhere for his own benefit. I won’t be surprised that he will also record with Timati after he poured mud on him. ” A couple of weeks later, the premiere of the joint clip of Timati and Guf “Generation” takes place.

In August 2009 (36), better known under the pseudonym Guf, after a quarrel with Vadim Ylev (35) (Slim) And David Nuriev (35) (bird) left the Centr group, which appeared in 2004 and managed to win the love of thousands of fans. However, in 2013 the group reunited, and not so long ago, the band's new studio album " System". But along with this came new bad news: the team broke up again. And recently Guf spoke about the reasons for the next split.

In one of his interviews, Ptakha accused Guf of another breakup of the group. In his opinion, Alexei treated his work irresponsibly. However, the rapper did not disregard the statement of a colleague and offered his own version of events. “I was, of course, very“ pleased ”that again I was to blame for all this,” said Guf. - In fact, I made this decision a long time ago, even during the recording of the album "System". Absolutely everything did not suit me, and especially the scope and deadlines in which I was driven. In two months I was forced to write fifteen verses, but I don’t know how, I always need to think! Something has to happen in life before I write a verse, I can't churn them out like pancakes."

In addition, Guf believes that the poor quality of the lyrics was the reason for the unsuccessful reunion of the group. “I think that while listening to the album, you can see that all the verses there were written by me in ***. Yes, I was not satisfied with Ptakha's behavior, the group's approach to work, behavior on tour and so on. Apparently, over the years, while we were in a quarrel, our views diverged completely. I felt terribly uncomfortable being next to this person. Vadik and I complained to him about the reading and performance of his verses - I was absolutely not satisfied with what he does and how he relates to the album. The result was such an album, I don’t know, maybe someone likes it, ”said the rapper.

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