What is an art installation. What is a toilet installation and how to choose the right model


The illustration of emotions and the inner world of a person is sometimes simply amazing. Contemporary art, as one of such vivid expressions of the human "I", is proof of this. How many new trends and styles have been created recently in music, architecture and painting! A person, freed from the shackles that previously fettered his consciousness, gives the world his thoughts through works of art.

Installation is one of the trends of modern art, which takes its origins from surrealism. The creator of the installation is Marcel Duchamp, who, at one time, was distinguished by an avant-garde approach to creativity and the world around him in particular. His followers are Joseph Beuys, Robert Rauschenberg, Joseph Kossuth, Edward Kienholz and Ilya Kabakov.

What is the principle of this art form? It's simple - you need to find the meaning of each thing. The installation reveals the ambiguity of each object around us, shows its hidden meanings and features. It is not necessary to choose something beautiful and outstanding, something shocking or defiant for the installation, the object itself is unique, so adherents of this direction look for art in everything. The search for meanings and symbols in the world is the essence of the installation. This does not mean that looking at a thing you need to approach its essence from the side, no, the installation offers to become this thing itself, to penetrate inside it and find out its purpose. The peculiarity of this type of contemporary art is that for each individual person, the thing will find its symbols. That is why the installation as art is exclusive in itself. We are all different and see the world with our own eyes, so our installation will be very individual and sometimes incomprehensible to another person.

Modern installation has different forms, but the most common is sculpture.

It is through shapes and volumes that we can more deeply penetrate into the subject. For their creations, the authors use completely simple materials, sometimes even those that, it would seem, cannot be used in art. For example, metal. Emphasizing with the help of color or shape, the creators are trying to convey the meaning to the person.

Some representatives of this art do not construct anything, they simply single out some specific one from the diverse world of objects surrounding a person, and thereby make the layman think about its meaning. For example, huge packages of money. What does each of us see in this story?

House by the sea? Champagne pool? Expensive car? Or maybe just happiness?

It's simple - look around, perhaps the meaning of everything that exists is very close!

Installation (eng. installation installation, placement, installation) is a form of contemporary art, which is a spatial composition created from various elements. Entering into extraordinary combinations, the thing is freed from its utilitarian function, acquiring a symbolic function. The change of contexts creates semantic transformations, a play of meanings.

The installation is widespread in postmodern culture, originating from the avant-garde of the early twentieth century. Its founders were the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp and the Surrealists. Artists of different trends created installations, among them are: Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Dine, Ilya Kabakov, Joseph Beuys, Yannis Kounellis and many others. The main goal of the installation is to create in a certain volume a special artistic and semantic space, built on an extraordinary combination of trivial things, revealing in them new semantic meanings and sensual qualities hidden from ordinary perception. The development of scientific and technological progress, the possibilities of video technology, computer technology have helped to develop new types of installations, including video installations.

Types of installations An installation can be characterized as a valuable symbolic decoration created at a certain time under a certain name. It is important that the viewer does not contemplate the installation from the side, like a picture, but finds himself inside it. Some installations approach sculpture, but differ from the latter in that they are not sculpted, but mounted from dissimilar materials, often of industrial origin.

Performance Performance (eng. performance performance, presentation, performance) is a form of contemporary art in which the work consists of the actions of an artist or group in a certain place and at a certain time. the artist, using the environment, objects, people, performs a certain action, the purpose of which is to involve in the world of abstract art and dissolve in it.

Any situation that includes four basic elements can be classified as a performance: time, place, the body of the artist, and the relationship between the artist and the viewer. This is the difference between performance art and fine art forms such as painting or sculpture, where the work is defined by the object on display. Sometimes such traditional forms of artistic activity as theater, dance, music, circus performances, etc. are called performance. (4 minutes 33 seconds of silence) The poster for this concert featured a performance.

There are words that have not one, but several meanings. For example, the word installation - what is it? What exactly does it mean? Sometimes we hear that somewhere there was an exhibition where the installations of such and such an artist were presented, and then, when we look at the computer, we see the inscription on the screen "Installing the program". We call home the master to replace the plumbing and again we hear from him the mysterious word installation; we are looking for a job on the Internet and suddenly we stumble upon such a field of activity as installation and service ... Well, my head is spinning from this universal word! And meanwhile, everything is simple and clear, if you know its meaning.

Light installations

Recently, light installations have become especially popular all over the world. Such unusual art objects are located in many capitals and large cities of the world.

Luminous objects of various shapes and colors give city streets and squares a fantastic festive look. Apparently this art form has a great future.

Presentation on the topic: "Installation"

Completed by: Shaikhullin Usman

Checked by: Mukhametshina L. G.

Almetievsk, 2012

Installation is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (industrial and household items, natural objects, fragments of textual and visual information). Entering into extraordinary combinations, the thing is freed from its utilitarian function, acquiring a symbolic function. The change of contexts creates semantic transformations, a play of meanings. One of the central concepts for designating contemporary works of art. It usually refers to spatial compositions built or assembled (mounted) from a wide variety of things and objects, both created by the artist and ready-made utilitarian items (household items, industrial machines, appliances or structures, ready-made dresses, children's toys, etc.). . P.)

Esther Stocker geometric installation

Esther Stoker did

stunning geometric installation which can be explored by the viewer. It seems that the construction of each piece was generated by a strange equation resulting in unusual linear patterns and plans.

Cage installation in Sydney

In the center of Sydney you can see an interesting installation "Forgotten Songs". Created in 2009 by artist Michael Thomas Hill, this project features 110 empty bird cages suspended high in the air that sound like the songs of fifty birds that once lived in central Sydney before urbanization. The sounds change day and night, representing the songs of day and night birds.

Installation Lexus CT Umbra

Lexus teamed up with Los Angeles-based design studio Nondesign to create an installation in the form of the new Lexus CT 200h hybrid. This composition is part of the Darker Side of Green campaign, designed to raise awareness and promote the use of advanced environmental technologies. The viewer, walking around the perimeter of this installation, created from two and a half thousand aluminum rods, exactly following the contours of the Lexus CT 200h, can observe how the color of the composition changes from luxurious and luxurious gold to ecological green.

Tennis balls Ana Soler

Ana Soler- someone like a maximalist in the art scene. Her latest work is Causa-Efecto consists of 2,000 tennis balls suspended and carefully aligned in their flight path. They seem to bounce in the air. Installation installed in an art gallery Mustang in Alicante, Spain.

Thank you for your attention!


1.Video from Youtube, user chaskorru

2. Information from Wikipedia and visaginart.narod.ru

At the final stage of repair in the bathroom, it is time to choose plumbing. Nowadays, it is possible to furnish a bathroom not only with standard elements, but also with new interesting appliances. Hanging ones are becoming more and more popular. In a modern interior, they look more harmonious, and thanks to a special mounting system, space in the bathroom is significantly saved. To understand what an installation is and how to choose a wall-hung toilet for it, in this article we will look at the features of different types, selection criteria and several popular manufacturers of this type of equipment.

Read in the article:

Toilet installation, what is it?

The installation is a metal structure on which plumbing equipment and additional elements (for example, a flush button) are fixed.

Interesting! There may not be a flush button at all if the equipment is equipped with modern automation.

The installation contains various mechanisms and communications, thanks to which the bathroom becomes aesthetically more attractive. And the design of the system allows you to mount devices at different points, so you can experiment with the arrangement of elements.

Important! It is possible to install a floor-mounted toilet with installation, installation of a suspended model is not a prerequisite.

Types of installations for the toilet

All kits (installation and toilet) can be divided into two large groups: block and frame.

The frame system is a prefabricated structure with a choice of the following options:

  1. Mounting method. The frame installation can be attached to both the wall and the floor, which in some cases is the only option.
  2. Construction dimensions. This design does not have standard sizes; it is assembled individually for each specific case.
  3. Mounting option. For example, it is possible to install a corner installation for a wall-hung toilet. This solution is often used for very small bathrooms.

The frame system is the most versatile and convenient toilet installation option available. However, its cost is also appropriate (at least 3 times higher than that of a standard toilet bowl).

A more budget option is to install a block system. It is somewhat cheaper, but has several disadvantages compared to the framework:

  1. Only standard sizes.
  2. The system can only be installed on a load-bearing wall.
  3. The system is monoblock, that is, the installation of additional or replacement of existing elements is a difficult task.

Pros and cons of installing a toilet

So which is better: an installation or a regular toilet? In order to understand which toilet is better to buy for your bathroom, it is worth considering in detail the advantages and disadvantages of installations.

Despite the structural differences between frame and block systems, all installations have a common list of pros and cons.


  • Attractive appearance. Such systems are usually made in a modern minimalist style, which allows them to harmoniously fit into any interior.

  • Save space in the bathroom. The tank of a conventional appliance usually has an impressive size. In particular, its depth does not allow the seat to be moved as close as possible to the wall. In the case of an installation, the depth of which can even be 12-15 cm, the seat is attached directly to the box, while saving space.

  • Purity. Due to the fact that the pipes are mounted inside the wall, dust does not accumulate on them. In addition, when the toilet is suspended, it is easier to clean the floor.

  • Complete absence or minimum noise level. The flush system is located in the wall, so this solution is the quietest.
  • Reliability and durability. Installations are very popular at the moment, so to stay competitive, manufacturers are constantly improving their models, trying to eliminate errors and increase the service life.
  • The ability to replace the flooring after installation a hanging toilet with installation (reviews on the Internet confirm that this possibility is very convenient, since it often becomes necessary to replace several floor tiles).


  1. Price(several times higher than standard toilet bowls).
  2. Lack of direct access to pipes. You can protect yourself by installing hatches to monitor the condition of the pipes. After all, if leaks appear, they must be eliminated as soon as possible.
  3. Difficulty in repair and replacement. In the event of a complex repair or complete replacement of equipment, you will have to completely disassemble the wall.

Toilet dimensions for installation

The dimensions of the toilet installation can be different, it all depends on the imagination of the designer. However, the most common sizes (or standard) can be distinguished. The length of the toilet bowl with the installation (or depth) is usually from 50 to 60 centimeters. The height of the bowl (not to be confused with the installation height) is 30-50 centimeters. Width - from 30 to 40 centimeters.

These sizes of installations for hanging toilets are the most convenient. Minor deviations, of course, will not affect comfort. But there are times when, in order to implement an unusual design solution, it is required, for example, to greatly expand or narrow the design. Then convenience often becomes a victim of style.

For your information! There are also built-in barrel standards. Rarely their width exceeds 50 centimeters, the most common size is 10 centimeters.

In addition, the dimensions of the toilet with installation depend on the type of system:

Which hanging toilet with installation is better? (selection of basic parameters)

How to choose an installation for a wall hung toilet? Many pay attention only to the set of functions and the cost of the goods - this is wrong. This issue should be approached more responsibly, since this equipment is burnable, and its dismantling is a complex and lengthy process.

When choosing a wall hung toilet, you need to pay attention to:

The best manufacturers of installations for the toilet

The most difficult thing in choosing a toilet installation is finding a good manufacturer. After all, new companies appear every year, they carry out large-scale advertising activities, supply equipment to the most visited stores and become sales leaders in the shortest possible time. But is their equipment really that good? Which toilets are the most reliable?

In order to decide which company's hanging toilet is better to choose, based on reviews on the Internet, we compiled a rating of manufacturers. Toilet installation is their main activity, so every year they improve their production technologies in order to stay at a high level and keep up with the competition.

Geberit toilet installations

Swiss group of companies Geberit has been producing quality sanitary ware for over a century. Moreover, the company's range covers all areas of bathroom equipment: toilets, sewer systems, installations and so on.

Due to the consistently high quality of products, the company receives a large profit, the lion's share of which is invested in the purchase of the latest equipment and the development of unique production technologies. The company's products are represented in dozens of countries around the world. The main advantages of the presented products are durability and high environmental safety.

The most interesting and popular Geberit installation models with reviews and main characteristics are presented below.

Installation system
Geberit Duofix
Delta Plattenbau
Installation methodTo Wall
Height, cm112
Width, cm50
Depth, cm12

Geberit Duofix
Delta Plattenbau

Installation system
Geberit Duofix
Delta 458.124.21.1
Installation methodTo Wall
Height, cm112
Width, cm50
Depth, cm18

Geberit Duofix
Delta 458.124.21.1

Sergey, Vologda:“I chose the Geberit Duofix Delta Plattenbau system because of the low cost and suitable dimensions. Attached to the main wall. Advantages: easy to mount, saves space in the bathroom, reliable design (can withstand weight up to 150 kg). Disadvantages: hidden plumbing system - difficult to access.

Vladimir, Moscow:“Eight years have passed since I got acquainted with the quality of Geberit, having installed the installation of Geberit Duofix Delta for the toilet bowl in my house, and since that moment this technique has not let me down, confirming the operational periods specified in the warranty and technical specifications. The installation has been working properly over the years without any complaints. The mechanisms are made of quality materials. The Geberit installation is a reliable and necessary thing, and boldly justifies its price. I recommend!"

Wisa installations: reviews, prices

Company production Wisa based in the Netherlands. Thanks to a narrow specialization (only toilet bowls, installations and accessories for them), Wisa specialists have achieved the highest quality of their products.

Features of installations for toilet bowls of this brand:

Wisa 3100 installation
Carre WC Front,
Installation methodTo the wall, to the floor
Height, cm113
Width, cm48,2
Depth, cm20

Wisa 3100 Carre WC Front, 8050.421422

Wall hung toilet installation
Wisa 8050.435051 (set 6 in 1), chrome key
Installation methodTo the wall, to the ceiling
Height, cm118-138
Width, cm38
Depth, cm14-20

Wisa 8050.435051

Alexander, Saratov:“Bought a Wisa 3100 Carre WC Front system last year. I installed it myself, so I was pleased with the detailed instructions and a complete set of fasteners. For reliability, I attached it not only to the wall, but also to the floor (maybe it was not necessary). There are no bells and whistles, but for such a low price (much lower than other models) I did not expect anything special. While everything works, nothing flows anywhere, so I am completely satisfied with the purchase.

Olga, Chelyabinsk:“Wisa 8050.435051 was advised in the store, they also gave the phone number of the master, who installed it very quickly. I liked that everything was included, it was not necessary to select a toilet bowl for installation. The system works stably, the only drawback is the noise, I thought it would work quieter"

Cersanit toilet installations

Polish company Cersanit is engaged in the production of all elements that fill the bathroom (from tiles to sanitary equipment). At 12 factories of this company, the most modern equipment is installed, which is maximally automated to eliminate human error.

Cersanit installations are distinguished by their minimalist design, high quality and low price, which is why they are very popular among our compatriots.

Popular models of Cersanit installations: reviews, main characteristics

Installation of Cersanit Link
Installation methodTo the wall, to the floor
Height, cm112
Width, cm40
Depth, cm15-23

Cersanit Link (P-IN-MZ-LINK)

Installation of Cersanit Slim & SilentMaterialMetal
Installation methodTo the wall, to the ceiling
Height, cm111
Width, cm52,4
Depth, cm15

Cersanit Slim & Silent

Dmitry, Voronezh:“I bought Cersanit Link (P-IN-MZ-LINK) two days ago. The consultant in the store did not warn that there was no button in the kit! It was an unpleasant surprise, but otherwise everything is in order - I connected it while it works. ”

Evgenia, Samara:"A very quiet Cersanit Slim & Silent device at an attractive price"

Hanging toilets with Grohe installations: features, average cost, reviews

Grohe was founded in 1936 in Germany. Currently, it has several production sites not only in Europe but also in Asia. Distinctive features of the products of this brand:

Grohe installation: reviews, main characteristics

Grohe Rapid SL wall hung toilet installation (38713001)MaterialMetal
Installation methodTo the wall, to the floor
Height, cm113
Width, cm42
Depth, cm16,7

Grohe Rapid SL (38713001)

Toilet installation
3 in 1, 1.13m Grohe Rapid SL (38772001)
Installation methodTo the wall, to the ceiling
Height, cm113
Width, cm50
Depth, cm23

Grohe Rapid SL (38772001)

Julia, Kemerovo:“Advantages of Grohe Rapid SL (38713001): Reduced water consumption, draws water almost silently. Two modes of descent of water. Cons: Noisy drains water"

Oksana, St. Petersburg:“Grohe Rapid SL (38772001) looks very aesthetically pleasing, takes up less space than a conventional flush toilet, and it is possible to wash the entire floor in the bathroom. In two years of use, there were no problems, everything works properly. I'm delighted, I got what I wanted"

Mepa installations: reviews, average price

This German company deservedly takes first place in the ranking of hanging toilets. Over 50 years "Measure" manufactures quality bathroom fittings. The company employs more than 250 qualified specialists who are constantly developing new solutions to improve products.

Toilet installation Mepa 514306MaterialMetal
Installation methodTo Wall
Height, cm113
Width, cm41
Depth, cm12
Toilet installation Mepa 511103MaterialMetal
Installation methodTo the wall, to the ceiling
Height, cm114
Width, cm50
Depth, cm15,5

Elena, Omsk:“I was pleased with the complete set of Mepa 514306 and the presence of a filter. My husband installed it on his own, no difficulties arose, now everything works flawlessly "

Oleg, Magnitogorsk:“The Mepa 511103 kit has everything for installation, I did it myself without any problems. The system works quietly, no problems so far (for 2 months) have arisen"

How to install a wall hung toilet with installation

You can install the installation system for the wall-mounted toilet bowl yourself. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and follow all the recommendations below. To get started, check out a few useful tips related to the installation of the structure:

Interesting! Many people wonder how much weight a wall-mounted toilet can withstand? Do not worry, modern models can withstand loads up to 900 kilograms, so they are not inferior in this parameter to standard models.

We proceed directly to the installation of the installation and the toilet bowl.


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