What is crossfit, or the killer training system. Fashionable sports direction crossfit


The choice of techniques to increase the level of physical fitness and improve your body is now able to amaze even the "experienced" athlete. At the same time, a variety of disciplines allows everyone to choose exactly the direction that would satisfy their needs and wishes. And one of these training systems is CrossFit. Being one of the modern techniques, it causes a lot of controversy around itself among professional bodybuilders, trainers and doctors. Therefore, today we decided to talk about what CrossFit is, what its advantages are along with the traditional areas of physical culture, and also who can be engaged in such a training system.

Under the definition of "CrossFit" is a system of physical exercises based on the philosophy of versatile improvement of the capabilities of the human body. Exercises according to this system allow you to simultaneously develop strength, endurance and agility.

Returning to the definition of what crossfit is, it should be noted that this is a special circuit training system that involves performing certain exercises in a minimum period of time. But this is not the only reason why it differs from many other areas.

First of all, such a complex develops several characteristics of an athlete at once: strength, flexibility and endurance. In this regard, crossfit training consists of three main parts:

  • athletics
  • Gymnastic exercises
  • Cardio exercises.

In addition, they are divided into two categories according to the level of physical fitness:

  • physical education exercises that are suitable for beginners;
  • more complex ones, which are used by trained athletes for competitive purposes.
    In addition, the difference in this direction is also in the absence of isolated exercises performed on simulators or with free weights. Although the program will include combinations of actions with kettlebells, dumbbells or barbells (presses, lifts, jerks, etc.).

In addition to this, such a system does not provide for a competitive aspect. At sports tournaments, athletes are allowed to perform different exercises in different combinations. The training of athletes consists in working out different muscle groups responsible for the development of a certain ability on different days. For example, combinations such as endurance and flexibility, flexibility and strength are practiced.

The concept of training according to such a system is one of the most productive, which allows you to achieve the maximum possible parameters for the development of the athlete's physical fitness. For those who decide to start working in this direction, the coach develops an individual exercise program, taking into account the level of physical fitness of the person, as well as the equipment of the gym. By the way, such gyms also differ from typical gyms not only in terms of equipment, but also in size, which can be seen when watching videos with examples of training.

Currently, the concept of crossfit is associated with a specific training methodology. And this term appeared as a result of the merger of two English words - “cross” (to cross or cross), as well as “fit” (an abbreviated form of the word fitness). At the same time, such a term appeared in the not so distant 2000, when two athletes founded a physical training center with the same name. It is worth noting that until now one of the co-founders of the fitness company (former gymnast Greg Glassman) is the ideologist of the entire CrossFit direction.

Characteristic features and benefits of such a program

When we talk about what CrossFit is, we mean high-intensity training with a constant change of exercises and a clear training schedule. Such a system will be characterized by elements present in other directions. Namely:

  • athletics (light, heavy)
  • gymnastics
  • weight-lifting
  • cardio
  • powerlifting
  • fitness

Speaking about what it is - crossfit, one cannot fail to mention the advantages of this system. Firstly, this direction has become literally a symbiosis of several different methods for developing the capabilities of the human body, which can be seen in the video on the crossfit system. Moreover, the concept of the direction borrowed the best exercises from different programs, which made it possible to give better results and “grow up” the most physically developed people.

Secondly, according to this technique, they are very useful for the human body. And here we are not talking about the appearance of an athlete, but specifically about his health, because the comprehensive development of a person through circular crossfit training can increase endurance and body strength in every sense.


Other benefits of this sport include:

  • The variety of programs that makes each workout interesting (as you can see from the examples of classes in the video), even if it is difficult.
  • A high level of training of athletes, which can give them the opportunity to participate in different competitions. A crossfit athlete is able to lift weights on a par with a bodybuilder, perform gymnastic exercises on a par with gymnasts. The only thing in which such an athlete is a little inferior to his opponent is running.
  • Significant progress in the development of willpower - the rules of execution provides for the desire to increase the results achieved.
  • The maximum possible effect, which is noticeable after a few weeks of training. With proper nutrition, the athlete's body will change significantly - the muscles will become more expressive, a few extra centimeters will disappear, and the relief will also appear.
  • No restrictions on the age of the athlete, subject to prior consultation with a doctor and coach.

Today, the crossfit training system has become a part of their lives for many adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Working out in groups or individually, people are convinced of the effectiveness of exercises, while strengthening their body and improving their body. However, despite the compelling advantages of this method of sports development, some points remain controversial. For example, lively discussions are caused by the fact that CrossFit training can be traumatic. If we go into details, we can safely say that doing exercises according to such a system is no more dangerous than such a sport as weightlifting. Another point that causes controversy among doctors is the harm of training for the heart. As for this, there are no reliable versions, neither "for" nor "against". So, if you have no contraindications to classes according to this technique, you can safely sign up for a workout.


Currently, there are a large number of combined training programs for the CrossFit system. You can also find videos with examples of classes on the network. We will give a variant of simple but effective exercises that a novice athlete can include in his program.

So, the list of exercises:

Considering the topic of what it is - crossfit, it is also worth giving advice to beginners: do not use maximum loads from the first days during classes on this system. Let your body adapt to this technique, so you can enjoy highly productive training results later.

And so friends, hello everyone. We are moving to a new level, because I don’t know what to discuss about bodybuilding ... Today, I want to tell you what crossfit is. By the way, there is practically nothing on the Internet on this topic, at least I found only the opinions of people who only do what they do to promote crossfit (well, for example, the well-known company Reebok), specifically and on the case - there is very little information. That's why, I decided to take up this sport in order to objectively tell about it, and so let's get started.

CrossFit - what is it?

crossfit- this is a circuit training without rest, you perform exercises one after another without rest (or with minimal rest). As a rule, exercises are used such as: squats, deadlifts and other various tractions, jerks, snatches, pull-ups, push-ups, etc. . all this in order to involve as many muscles as possible in the work.

But, in addition to basic exercises, free weight exercises are also allowed, that is, all the same exercises only without weights (push-ups, jumps, pull-ups, squats, etc.) + aerobic exercises such as running, rollerblading, cycling, rowing, swimming, jump rope, etc. Here the load is both strength and aerobic (because there is cardio training). In addition to this, exercises from other various sports are also used (kettlebell lifting, weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, rowing, athletics, etc.), where exercises are performed with high intensity.

Here, watch the video clip and you will understand everything:

CrossFit aims to develop athletes in the following areas:

  1. performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  2. Endurance
  3. force power
  4. flexibility;
  5. power;
  6. speed;
  7. coordination;
  8. quick adaptation to changing loads;
  9. balance;
  10. accuracy.

CrossFit training programs have both their pros and cons, in general, like other training programs in various sports. Now we will consider them in more detail.

Pros and cons of CROSSFIT

CrossFit has no SPECIALIZATION. What does it mean? For example, a bodybuilder trains strength performance (i.e., he can show monstrous strength for a long time with minimal rest, approach after approach), a powerlifter trains for strength (i.e., it is important for him to press with his maximum weight for one repetition), as you see, every sport has its own specialty. In every sport, athletes try to achieve the maximum in some way (i.e. they specialize in one thing, and the narrower the specialization, the more you will achieve achievements in it).

What about CrossFit? There is no specialization in CrossFit. And it has both its pros and cons.

The disadvantages are that there is no specialization - which means that the result will not be the maximum, let's say weakly expressed (serious). For there, both strength training and endurance ..

And the pluses are that, crossfit gives you versatility (i.e. it is more common in real life), this type of training makes you more adapted to real life situations unlike other sports. You can run 500 meters, immediately move the cabinet and go for pull-ups and then run 500 meters again, whatever, I have a weak imagination ... this is just an example.

And so friends, I hope I have interested you in this topic. I recommend that you are not afraid to try something new for yourself, look for something new .. Get out of your comfort zone, try it out, and do you like a friend? Then you won’t pull it off ... step forward and never ... never look back.

For dessert - an interesting video + training (and a lot of explanations about crossfit) from Borodach:

Sincerely, administrator.

    Even 17 years ago, athletes did not know anything about crossfit (crossfit) - what kind of system it is and where it is applied. In 2000, Greg Glassman and Lauren Genai came up with the idea to create a fitness corporation CrossFit Inc., which is based on a fundamentally new sport. So what is CrossFit today?

    Definition, translation and types of training

    CrossFit is a system of functional high-intensity training, which is based on elements of such disciplines as: weightlifting, gymnastics, aerobics, kettlebell lifting, a set of strongman exercises and other sports.

    Crossfit, unlike other fitness areas, is a competitive sport, tournaments are held all over the world, incl. and in Russia. In addition, CrossFit is a trademark (brand) registered in the USA by Greg Glassman in 2000, who is also its founder.

    Translation from English

    Few, even advanced athletes, know how crossfit is translated:

    • Cross - cross/force or cross;
    • Fit - fitness.

    That is, "forced fitness" - in other words, high-intensity or, according to another version, "crossed fitness" - that is, incorporating everything from fitness. Here is a literal translation of the word crossfit we get.

    Types of training

    Today, there are different types of crossfit as physical training, depending on the purpose: it is used in combat and security units, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, in self-defense courses, as a training set for sports teams. There are also specialized applications with gentle programs for the elderly, pregnant women and children.

    Why crossfit is needed, what it is, and how it can develop the physical capabilities of a person - we will talk about this in our material. What is crossfit - look at the video!

    What is CrossFit for?

    CrossFit is primarily aimed at increasing the strength and endurance of the body. CrossFit Inc., characterizing this sport, defines it as constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity in various time intervals and modal domains. This, lasting a total of 15 to 60 minutes, most often includes several different physical exercises at once to engage different muscle groups. This is what crossfit means in fitness - it is multidirectional self-improvement of the body and willpower.

    About what crossfit training is and what main sets it includes, we will talk in more detail later. The basics of crossfit include several basic sets - cardio, gymnastic exercises and free weights.

    So what is CrossFit for? Of course, like any fitness direction in sports, it pursues the task of effectively building the human body, but unlike all others crossfit aims to create the ideal athlete - the fittest person on the planet. That is why the crossfit technique is actively used in combat sports, when training special power units, firefighters and other professional areas where physical training is at the forefront.

    Pros and Cons of CrossFit

    Like any other sport, CrossFit has its pros and cons. Let's examine this issue in detail. Let's start with something pleasant 😉


    CrossFit has a lot of advantages - we tried to structure them into functional blocks to make it clearer.

    In addition, the undoubted advantages of CrossFit include:


    But in any barrel of sweets, there is a spoonful of filth. Where without her. CrossFit has its downsides, and that's a fact.

    • High load on the cardiovascular system. There is an opinion that. If you do not carefully follow the regime of training and recovery, then problems will not keep you waiting.
    • Like any sport associated with free weights, crossfit is traumatic. It is important to carefully observe the technique of exercises, not to set unnecessary records and neglect the exercises. (“ahh, I did it a hundred times” - you will say, and you won’t do it on the 101st)
    • For maximalists there is an unpleasant moment. The versatility of CrossFit also has its downside - you will always bench press a little worse than a lifter, pull yourself up than a gymnast, or run than a marathon runner. In each of the disciplines you will be a strong average.

    Methodology and regimen of crossfit training

    How are CrossFit workouts going? Next, we will talk about the methodology and mode of training, dwelling in detail on the three main components of this sport - aerobics, gymnastics and weightlifting. What is each of them for?

    Cardio (aerobics)

    The aerobic exercises included in the CrossFit training regimen are also called Metabolic Conditioning (metabolic). By developing with their help, the athlete improves the ability to work at low load power for a long time.

    Cardio exercises in CrossFit contribute to the training of the heart muscle and overall physical endurance. They are accompanied by increased heart rate, as well as increased heart rate and improved blood flow in the body. These include running, swimming, rowing, cycling and skiing.

    Thanks to a well-designed cardio program, the following happens:

    • Intensive fat burning and as a result, weight loss. In combination with other physical exercises, this effect allows athletes to gain a great physique with a minimum of excess subcutaneous fat in the shortest possible time. This is one of the main reasons why CrossFit style workouts are so popular among those looking to lose weight effectively.
    • Gradual increase in effective lung volume for easier oxygen access and processing.
    • Strengthening the heart muscle, which improves blood flow, since a trained heart does not experience problems in transporting blood through the vessels.
    • The combination of cardio with other physical activities can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, and stabilize blood pressure.
    • Metabolism improves: and you feel better.

    Gymnastics (body weight exercises)

    Any crossfit training system includes a set of gymnastic exercises that allow you to develop:

    • Flexibility;
    • coordination;
    • Equilibrium;
    • Accuracy;
    • Kinetic receptors of muscles and joints.

    And, in addition, gymnastic exercises contribute to the improvement of the physique. The main method of training crossfit, in a gymnastic set, involves working on shells:

    • Rope climbing, which works out the muscles of the hands and affects the development of flexibility and dexterity.
    • Pull-ups on the rings, effectively influencing the development of the upper body - arms, shoulder area.
    • Exercises "corner" - on the uneven bars, rings or horizontal bar, which improves not only the physical preparation of the hands, but also the abdominal area.
    • Work on the uneven bars - push-ups.
    • Pull-ups on the bar.

    That is, all those exercises in which the athlete's own weight is involved.

    Weightlifting (exercises with free weights)

    If you have only approximately heard something about crossfit before, what kind of sport it is - Weightlifting (weightlifting), you probably do not know yet. Weightlifting is an exercise with free weights, that is, weightlifting or powerlifting, the training modality of which is based on jerks and pushes with weights - barbells, kettlebells and other similar equipment.

    If we talk about weightlifting in crossfit, what develops this type of exercise and how it is useful, it should be noted right away that this is one of the most difficult and traumatic training sets. It requires skills and a carefully designed program and preferably, for beginners, the presence of a coach.

    Otherwise, classes allow you to improve such parameters as:

    • Endurance;
    • Development of muscles and their resistance to increased loads (strength factor);
    • limiting concentration;
    • sustainability;
    • Balance.

    Training mode

    Even if an athlete understands the principles of crossfit well, what it is, how it differs from the usual fitness, it is extremely important for the first time to either use existing training programs or develop your own with an experienced trainer. Doing this on your own, still poorly understanding the capabilities of your own body, is fraught with injuries and a general deterioration in well-being.

    A common mistake of many athletes who think about crossfit is that it is a series of endless training cycles, like running for 5 minutes, then running on the bars for 10 minutes and then immediately rushing for the kettlebell, and so 20 approaches, leads to such problems as:

    • - adaptation of the body to certain, uniform physical loads, as a result of which the growth of muscles and other physical indicators stops. Knowing what crossfit is for, athletes alternate loads, and also gradually increase them, thereby avoiding this unpleasant symptom.
    • - this is what CrossFit gives to unprepared athletes most often. Usually they are associated with fatigue and impaired coordination due to an illiterate approach to gymnastic and cardio sets when switching to weightlifting, as well as hasty inattention of athletes associated with their desire to meet a certain time period. In addition, injuries occur as a result of athletes' inconvenient equipment.
    • for those who do not understand that the crossfit system should be accompanied not only by uninterrupted training, but also by proper rest, healthy sleep is a fairly common occurrence. To avoid it, you need to take small breaks between sets, accompanied by a low five-minute physical activity, as well as arrange days off from classes.

CrossFit is currently one of the most popular and growing areas of fitness. It is being introduced everywhere by fitness clubs and everywhere is in great demand among the visitors of these clubs. It allows you to work out the whole body with minimal use of stationary equipment. Most workouts are built around bodyweight work and gymnastic equipment, which makes CrossFit very similar to functional training. But at the same time, functional training is not CrossFit.

In 1996, the couple Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenay from California (USA) developed the concept of a completely new direction of physical development, which would be interesting and accessible to the general public. Later, in 2000, they created and registered the trademark Crossfit Inc. is a company that promotes the philosophy of physical development. This philosophy needed to be somehow promoted to the masses, so it was decided to create a kind of sports discipline with its own rules, exercises, equipment and training system that would enable anyone who wants to join this mass movement. Thus, a new (at that time) sports discipline was created - crossfit. It is also worth noting here that crossfit is primarily a brand - a commercial project positioned as a system of specialized physical training and at the same time being a competitive discipline.

Training according to the principles of this discipline are movements, exercises, their combinations and elements taken from completely different sports, which we will discuss below.

What is crossfit

CrossFit is a training program aimed at developing such qualities as strength and endurance, which consists of exercises of a predominantly aerobic nature. Crossfit Inc, which, as you already know, is the developer of this training system, positions it as "Continuously changing high-intensity functional movements at various time intervals." All these manipulations are performed in order to improve the degree of fitness of an athlete, which is understood as his performance, or in other words, the efficiency factor. The better you are trained, the higher your efficiency.

CrossFit training is carried out mainly in specially equipped halls using equipment from a great variety of disciplines, including barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, parallel bars, horizontal bars, rings, ropes, platforms, bollards, jump ropes, expanders, rowing machines, air bikes and this is far from complete list of used equipment. CrossFit aims to perform systematically alternating high-intensity functional movements drawn from weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, plyometrics, acrobatics, rowing, running, and swimming.

CrossFit Audience

The CrossFit training program is decentralized. This training technique is used all over the world, both by ordinary visitors to fitness clubs and specialized brigades of the fire department, law enforcement agencies, the national guard, military units and more. Also, crossfit equipment and training according to this system are increasingly being introduced in educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, schools of higher sportsmanship, and even in the park area at specialized sites.

CrossFit is positioned by its creators as a purposeful desire to expand the functional abilities of a person, improving 10 main parameters of his physical development: endurance of the cardiovascular system, endurance of the respiratory system, endurance of the muscular system, as well as strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Such an extensive range of training parameters is designed to cover the widest possible audience, which can set completely different tasks for itself. That is why both men and women can engage in crossfit, and according to statistics, the number of representatives of both sexes involved in crossfit is approximately equivalent.

CrossFit Benefits

As we have already found out, this discipline aims to cover as many parameters of a person’s physical development as possible in order to increase his fitness, which is understood as efficiency. In addition to physical parameters, crossfit also trains the psyche: willpower, discipline, character, and more. High-intensity workouts are often done in "circles" where you end up doing a set of exercises and start over again. In such a situation, when you are at the peak of exhaustion and you have a desire to quit everything, your mental parameters are just being trained - the ability to overcome yourself, show stamina and accomplish the impossible.

High intensity training allows you to change the composition of your body in a relatively short time, that is, in conjunction with proper nutrition, you can significantly reduce body fat while increasing muscle relief. An average workout allows you to burn about 1000 calories, which can be equated to a segment of 30 km of cycling in 1 hour. In addition, the absence of the need to visit gyms is also considered a big advantage, but only if you have at least a minimal set of equipment at your disposal and, most importantly, an experienced and qualified trainer.

crossfit exercises

There is an unofficial division of training into those that require specialized equipment and those that can be done independently with a minimum of sports equipment. However, the very essence of functional training lies in the maximum adaptation of a person's physical abilities to various (including aggressive) environmental conditions. In other words, a basic workout can even be done without equipment at all - in the countryside or in a resort where there is water (swimming), rough terrain (running) and trees (pull-ups, push-ups). However, now our task is to describe the most popular exercises using equipment.

Exercises performed with the maximum availability of sports equipment are divided into three categories: metabolic exercises, gymnastic exercises and strength exercises.

2nd category. Gymnastic exercises. Squats, single leg squats, lumbar extensions, two-handed barbell raises, two-armed rings, box jumps, hyperextension crunches, floor push-ups, hanging ring push-ups, floor-level ring push-ups, push-ups in a handstand, walking on hands, lifting knees to elbows in the hang, lifting socks to the bar in the hang, pull-ups with an angle, pull-ups with various grips, rope climbing, twisting on the floor, sitting press riveting, burpee.

3rd category. Strength exercises. Shoulder Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Snatch to Chest, Overhead Snatch, Snatch and Clean & Jerk, Push Press, Push Push, Thrusters and Barbell Clusters, Standing Press , Bench Press, Deadlift, Shoulder Snatch Deadlift, Farmer's Walk, Ball Throw, Ball Throw, Shoulder Bag Lift, Tire Flips, Kettlebell Swings, Dumbbell Lunges, Barbell Lunges.

Exercises performed with a minimum of equipment can be reduced to the following movements that are typical for crossfit training:

Burpee. Starting position - lying down. The movement begins with pulling the legs into a squat while keeping the palms on the floor, after which you need to jump up with maximum effort. Going down, the palms are placed on the floor, the legs are straightened to their original position.

Kipping. Pull-ups, which must be performed as intensely as possible. The CrossFit pull-up technique involves a strong swing on the bar, which, when lowering the body, gives impetus to perform the next repetition.

Push ups. CrossFit is characterized by the explosive push-up technique. In the starting position, the arms are slightly wider than the shoulders, legs together. From the bottom point, it should be performed as sharply as possible, so that at the top point you can tear your palms off the floor.

Squats. The typical CrossFit way of doing squats is to jump out at the top. From a standing position, you descend into a deep squat, and jump out of it as high as possible. The hands are always behind the head.

Leg lifts. This exercise is performed hanging on the bar. At the initial level of training, you can raise your legs bent at the knees, but technically, it is required to perform lifts of straight legs to the horizontal or, even more difficult, to the very crossbar.

Controversial CrossFit

Very often you can hear the opinion that crossfit and functional training are one and the same. In fact, such a statement is not entirely true, if not completely false. In order to understand the difference in definitions, it is necessary to understand the principles inherent in one and the other discipline.

As you may have noticed, a characteristic feature that runs in red throughout the material on the discipline of CrossFit is the high intensity of exercise. Moreover, high intensity is not just recommended, but a prerequisite, which is embedded in the very concept of this discipline. In addition, CrossFit exercises are performed without rest, which always leads to an increase in heart rate up to 200 beats per minute, which puts a significant strain on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. The goal of CrossFit is to increase the “fitness” of an athlete, that is, to perform certain work with maximum efficiency in a minimum period of time. In turn, functional training (which I wrote about in the article "") aims to increase the physical parameters of the athlete's motor activity, without strict reference to the intensity and time of exercise.


Despite the fact that CrossFit receives a lot of criticism due to its high intensity and wear and tear, at the user level, namely at the level of fitness clubs, this service is provided in a lightweight, that is, not in a competitive format, which means it must be completed. The exercises can be used by people of absolutely any fitness level. This is what makes crossfit such a popular fitness trend, and the ability to train with a minimum of equipment makes it also widely available.

If you are not accustomed to sitting in anticipation of the fulfillment of desires, but apply all your strength for this, it means that you will easily submit to the great heights of self-improvement of your physical form. Without delay until Monday, despite the weather conditions, you set a goal and achieve it. So CrossFit is what you need.

Americans learned about it at the end of the twentieth century. The creator of this type of fitness was Greg Glassman. The first gym for crossfit training was opened in 2000, and today there are more than five thousand of them.

CrossFit is one of the most popular sports today. These trainings are only gaining their popularity in Russia. But the number of fans of this most effective form of fitness is growing very rapidly.

What is crossfit

Briefly explain what is crossfit, not easy. This is an extreme system of physical training, which is based on basic movements taken from a wide variety of sports. Moreover, they often alternate randomly. This can be washed by exercises from kettlebell lifting, gymnastics, athletics, rowing, etc. The intensity of their implementation is very high.

The purpose of this fitness is physical development in ten areas: strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, power, coordination, accuracy, balance, rapid adaptation to load changes, performance of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

There are three significant points in crossfit that everyone should know:

  • Features of crossfit for beginners.
  • Important tips.

Let's start in order.

Point one - what do crossfit classes give?

This question always arises when a person chooses what to do.

Firstly, crossfit raises self-esteem Thanks to these activities, simply amazing endurance is developed. But, the loads are also colossal, so not everyone can withstand them. It is very difficult to perform exercises of such high intensity, with little or no rest. A person with low motivation and low endurance, most likely, already at the first training session will begin to feel sorry for himself, thinking that it is possible to find an easier sport. Of course, you can do, for example, yoga, although it requires considerable effort. Before you start doing CrossFit, you need to think carefully about whether you will feel sorry for yourself. And with an affirmative answer to this question, it is better to forget about CrossFit forever.

Only a person with excellent endurance will be able to pull himself together in difficult moments, because he is confident in himself, which means that he can perform complex exercises of this type of fitness. And if so, then he will certainly fulfill them, while experiencing pride, respecting himself for not stopping halfway. Usually, after finishing a workout, a person, like a squeezed lemon, lies completely wet, but very proud, and emotions just go wild. In his mind, he repeats: “I did not give up! I got it all!” This increases motivation exponentially. A person understands how strong he is and how much he differs from himself yesterday, to which there will never be a return.

Secondly, The advantage of such training is that you can change the exercises at least daily, making up various combinations. And this training differs from other sports, in which you need to repeat boring and monotonous exercises for the chest, legs, abs, etc. three times a week. Crossfit, unlike training in the gym, allows you to expand not only your knowledge base, but also your ability to perform a variety of exercises.

It is clear that it will not be possible to master the heavy load variants from the very first workouts, and it is not required. If you have chosen a set of exercises, but you feel that it is too difficult for a beginner, do not continue to do it. Better get ready for such loads.

The main thing in crossfit- understand its general principle, replace the exercise with an easier one, or reduce the number of repetitions. For example, you need to do ten push-ups from the floor on straight legs, and while it’s hard for you to do it, do them with bent knees, on a bench or other hill. With barbell multiple squats shown, replace them (if you haven't had to do this before) with squats without additional weight, but increase the number of repetitions.

Point two. Crossfit for beginners.

Beginners are shown simple workouts. Naturally, at the beginning of a workout, as in training in other types, a good warm-up and warm-up of the muscles is necessary. Then, you need to start with exercises that are already familiar: squats without and with jumping up, push-ups, swinging the press, lying on your back, jumping. The number of repetitions of each exercise is twenty times. And no rest! After the first round is completed, immediately begin the second, and then the third. Increase the number of circles and exercises in them over time. If there are still few exercises in the circle, it is worth “catching up” with the number of circles, i.e. make them not three, but more. Otherwise, you will not get the effect.

If you really don’t have enough strength to complete the exercise or circle, take a break. But, no more than fifteen seconds. Then, proceed to the unfinished exercise or circle. They need to be completed. If the repetitions turn out to be too many or, conversely, not enough, select such a number of them that it is suitable for you. The number of repetitions for each exercise you must choose the same. If it turns out that one of the exercises is easier for you, and which, on the contrary, is difficult to perform, adjust their number with the number of repetitions: in the first case, they should be increased, and in the second, reduced. But, even where you have a weak spot, you should not greatly reduce the number of repetitions.

During the workout and after it, you will feel an unreal feeling of fatigue. So, you did everything to the end and honestly! The described training is simple. It is the first step into the world of CrossFit. But, in the future, it will need to be complicated, adding new exercises and more complex ones, improving endurance and your skills.

Be sure to keep a training diary in which you write down everything you think is necessary: ​​exercises and the number of repetitions, the length of the workouts, etc. Take this seriously. First, by writing down everything you need to do in a workout, you can always check if you managed to master it. If not, analyze why there was not enough time or effort? Think about what could have been done better? What needs to be changed in training? A diary will help you navigate better, as well as track progress.

CrossFit is about doing a little of everything. It helps to develop general physical abilities, tempers the will and character. If this is in your plans, then you are here!

Cross-training is used in the training of various law enforcement agencies - from fire departments to special forces units - as well as in the organization of the training process of professional sports organizations around the world. Why? CrossFit has convincingly proven its ability to lead to tangible results in functional physical training and in solving a wide variety of tasks put forward by everyday, sports or combat activities.

The main idea is the functional orientation of training and, as a result, their maximum diversity. Anyone who is serious about training can use CrossFit, regardless of their level of initial training. CrossFit easily scales to fit everyone's abilities.

CrossFit specialization is the rejection of any specialization. Martial arts, survival in extreme conditions, many sports, and life itself encourage this approach to fitness.

The physical development steps taken by Olympic athletes and the elderly are different. according to the degree of load, and not according to the type of program. Fighters of anti-terrorist units, skiers, climbers and housewives have chosen CrossFit as the best fitness solution.

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