What is the lunar zodiac sign. How to find out the lunar zodiac sign: a description of the signs


Everyone knows very well their zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun relative to the zodiac constellations at the time of our birth. We are accustomed to reading horoscopes based on this calculation, hundreds of books have been published describing the common features inherent in people born in a certain period. But few people know that there is also the so-called Lunar horoscope, which is compiled on the basis of the position in the sky of this satellite of the Earth at the time of our birth.

The moon in the signs of the zodiac stays no longer than 2 - 3 days in each of them. The sidereal lunar month is the time interval during which the planet passes through all 12 zodiac constellations. Its length is 27.3 Earth days. Being in each of the signs, the Moon changes its characteristics and, accordingly, its influence on various processes occurring on Earth, including people, their behavior, habits, emotions, character, changes.

If the Sun is responsible for the formation of the “visible” qualities of a person (such as character, willpower, perseverance in achieving a goal), then the Moon in the zodiac affects our unconscious: sensitivity, intuition, emotions, impressionability, reflexes, instincts, habits. In other words, it determines a person's reactions to the world, those processes that happen to us faster than our thought is formed. It also has a strong influence on the change in our mood and on the formation of the type of human behavior.

It depends on what zodiac the Moon was in at the time of our birth, whether a person will be endowed with extraordinary abilities (for example, clairvoyance). Often it is the location of the Moon that determines how sensitive a person is to the energies of the cosmos, how much he catches their change, how strong his intuition and the ability to positively or negatively influence others.

The moon is a symbol of the soul, a conductor between the material world and the spiritual world. By itself, this planet does not create or radiate anything. It would be more correct to say that it is a link, conductor and reflector of energies.

It is also interesting that the Moon affects men and women differently. Often it is associated precisely with the feminine, with a woman-mother. It has a greater influence on the feelings of men and on the rational principle in women. For men's horoscopes, this planet is very important at the beginning of life, for women - in its second half.

If the Sun for men correlates with the right side of the body and body, and for women - with the left, then with the Moon everything is absolutely the opposite: for men, it affects the left side, while for women it affects the right.

Since the Moon is our emotions, it most directly affects our relationships with others, how easily and quickly we can find contacts with people, how strong and trusting our relationships with loved ones are. Not surprisingly, the Moon in the zodiac plays an extremely important role in love. A remarkable fact: the strongest and longest-term relationships between people are possible when the Moon in the horoscope of a woman is in the same zodiac sign as the Sun in a man. For example, if he has the Sun in Virgo, and she has the Moon in Virgo, this couple has excellent chances to live a long and happy life together, as there will be complete harmony, trust and mutual understanding in their couple.

The influence of the Moon on a person depends on its position in the zodiac sign. If you feel that you are constantly in conflict with yourself, you are worried about internal contradictions - study the position of the Moon in the zodiac at the time of your birth and the current position of the Moon in the zodiac.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the lunar sign of the zodiac symbolizes the soul and emotions of a person. It may not coincide with the sun sign, but it definitely affects it. If the lunar sign of the zodiac is calculated, then you can see how it affects our character. From what sign the moon is in, such traits of a person’s character as sensuality, impressionability, emotional susceptibility, intuition depend. It is often said that the moon in the signs of the zodiac is responsible for the innate inclinations of a person and for those habits that we acquire in childhood.

Each person realizes that his individuality consists not only of completely conscious features. We do a lot of actions in our life under the influence of a momentary impulse, emotion, unconscious reaction. This type of behavior is inherent in nature, because consciousness does not always allow you to protect yourself from danger in time, to react to an acute situation. Speaking from the point of view of astrology, then it is the moon, or the lunar sign of the zodiac, that determines these spontaneous reactions to certain events.

The influence of the moon is almost impossible to control because it comes from the subconscious. The best way to determine the lunar zodiac sign is in situations where a person has the least control over their actions, for example, at home, on vacation, with close friends, or in extreme situations.

The moon in the signs of the zodiac is also a kind of link between the outside world and a person, his individuality. The solar sign is the basis of individuality, and the sign of the zodiac according to the lunar calendar is the basis of human reactions to external influences. Thanks to such a close interweaving of these two signs, a multifaceted human personality is created. It should also be noted that moonlight is just a reflection of the sun. Therefore, no matter how important the lunar sign is, it is not worth calculating that it will influence the character of a person. The moon is only light, reaction, emotion, important, but not decisive.

All signs of the Zodiac are divided into four elements:

  • Element Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
  • Element Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Element Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
  • Element Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;

People of the same element operate with similar values, so signs of the same element are ideal for friendship and partnership. There is a concept of related elements, these are Earth - Water and Air - Fire. The signs of these elements can also be suitable for each other for joint partnership and friendship, but grinding and some misunderstandings are already possible here.

Description of the Lunar Elements

The moon is in a "fire sign" - warm days. In summer, the heat is especially difficult to tolerate, the risk of getting a sunstroke or getting burned increases. The skin loses moisture faster, so it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time. In winter, on the contrary, these days it is good to go for a walk, to the forest, or to the skating rink. It is especially stuffy in rooms, ventilation is required. The moon in fiery signs creates a warm emotional background, and we become a little warmer on the physical level. These days we are more optimistic and determined to succeed.

The moon in the "earth sign" - days of cold. At this time in the summer, we are easier to tolerate the heat, coolness blows from the earth. And in winter we get colder. When going for a walk, dress warmly. When the Moon stays in earth signs, we feel the energies of the earth better, so we can recommend a trip to the country, a walk in the forest, work with earth, clay, minerals and all natural materials. These days, our interests are directed, first of all, to the earthly plane and ordinary affairs.

Moon in an "air sign" - days of air and light. It is more difficult to look at the sky, you want to close your eyes, and even bright rays break through the clouds. These days we feel the energies of the sky, and our strength is quickly replenished if we just stay in the fresh air, take a walk in the field, or in another place where there is a good view. It is recommended to perform a series of breathing exercises. "Air" Moon increases our sociability, interest in various information.

Moon in a water sign - days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the earth can retain morning dew for a long time. The chance of precipitation increases. It is recommended to reduce fluid intake. You can emphasize the energy at the pond, or visit the pool. When the Moon stays in water signs, emotionality, sensitivity, and receptivity increase. These days are especially suitable for creativity, as they awaken imagination.

The signs under which this day passes also have their influence on people born on a given lunar day.

So, we were able to make sure that the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac turns into an incredibly reliable and accurate compass in the midst of a raging ocean of passions, emotions and feelings. The state of our body, mental and physical health, as well as the position of household and garden affairs depend on the position of the Moon in a certain sign. Thanks to the information provided, you can easily improve your life, making it more harmonious, calm and conscious. Your relationships with loved ones will become stronger and happier. Follow this link to calculate.


Aries is ruled by Mars, which belongs to the fire element. Therefore, Aries are people who are subconsciously tuned in to struggle, skirmishes, scandals and tensions. They have a high sensitivity to everything sharp and sharp. In their lives, situations of an extreme, maximally intense and critical nature often occur. This is due to the fact that the Moon is in Aries, and the unconscious attitude to such situations leads them to search for where they could apply their forces, actively act, jerkily achieve high and difficult goals, capture and overcome difficulties.

The very character of man will also be changed by Martian traits. Aries will become rude, quick-tempered, impulsive, their perception will become sharper and sharper. Aries are able to get very carried away, idealization is characteristic of them, since the Martian form of manifestation is distinguished by activity and the desire to act. Whatever the planet that fell into this sign of the Zodiac, it will always have a black and white perception, and halftones are completely excluded. Precisely for this reason, this idealism is characterized by extreme assessments, and not by intuitiveness and "aquatic" nature.

Such people subconsciously show fearlessness, aggression, the desire to take risks and fight, determination. They will be emphatically self-confident, ready for any extreme and critical situations.


Taurus is ruled by Venus and belongs to the element Earth. Therefore, those people whose planet is currently in the sign of Taurus will be sensitive to comfort, material environment, harmony. The disharmony of the surrounding world will cause them a strong reaction of rejection. Harmony lies in the relationship with nature, surrounding people and the material world. Such people, on a subconscious level, will tune in to those situations that are characterized by slow development, stability, provide an opportunity to feel comfortable and accumulate something.

However, remember that each situation is always more diverse than what we can perceive. Our consciousness interacts only with its small part. In other words, we enrich our inner world with this part of the situation, and what our mind's eye falls on first of all depends precisely on the position of the Moon in a certain sign. That is, any situation is characterized by multidimensionality and infinity, and people build it according to their own program of attitudes and perceptions.

The perception of people when the Moon is in Taurus is characterized by slowness, and stability, calmness and balance prevail in feelings and emotions.

It is generally accepted that the Moon in Taurus guarantees everyone a healthy, rational and stable psyche. However, do not oversimplify everything. At first glance, we see stability, but if any crack appears, then people cannot adapt to the changed conditions of life.

In people with the Moon in this sign of the Zodiac, subconscious reactions are extremely slow in development, so their character is dominated by patience and a long “buildup” before taking any action. What often happens is that people with the Moon in Taurus try not to make unnecessary movements, since actions require energy. And Taurus is a symbol of filling, accumulation and calm, therefore, if there is no emergency, people are unlikely to budge.

Such people are distinguished by their love for good food, warm cozy atmosphere. The most comfortable position for them is to sit in a large comfortable chair and admire the fire in the fireplace. However, Mars and other active planets may be expressed in humans. In other words, in life they can from time to time perform bold deeds and active actions, but their idea of ​​a happy life is the same as was given a little higher: tasty, satisfying, warm, cozy, beautiful and pleasant to the touch things around, calmness, lack of stress , pressure and coercion.


Gemini is an air sign and is ruled by Mercury. They are subconsciously tuned in to making acquaintances, making new contacts, getting new information, transferring it, and communicating. There are no better guides than Gemini. The characteristic features of their essence are a high level of psychological variability, fluctuations in emotions and mood. It is worth the situation to change slightly, as it will instantly affect the state of mind of the Twins. It happens that in just one hour they experience a whole range of different emotions - from anger and despondency to enthusiasm and goodwill towards the whole world.

Gemini requires a regular change of environment. They feel an irresistible craving for the new, the unknown and the undiscovered. At the same time, they do not need to know exactly what they need. The true motive of their actions is the search for new information and its transmission, the creation of new acquaintances. At the same time, they will always be able to rationally explain the reason for their actions, even if it differs from the above.

Gemini has a strong need to be influenced from the outside. The position of the moon makes them excellent guides: they learned something new and immediately passed it on, leaving nothing for themselves. Gemini can learn new things only when they are affected by something or someone.

It must be remembered that people with the Moon in Gemini experience difficulties in relationships, because they expect others to influence them to receive new information, but their expectations and ideas are not justified. The relationship of two people with the Moon in other signs usually develops very well.

Rarely enough, but there are situations when a person turns into a conductor of the Cosmos, manifesting in himself the highest, divine, being able to perceive information from the Universe.


This zodiac sign is the abode of the moon. It is here that she is the true mistress. If you imagine what was said figuratively, then this is exactly the feeling of calm and security that you feel when you are in your own home. The moon is the mistress of this sign, so it is in it that it manifests itself most fully and vividly. People with Moon in Cancer are able to perceive subconscious processes, which makes them psychologically gifted: they feel the subconscious of the people around them.

Man with Moon in Cancer is greatly influenced by his inner world, soul, emotions and experiences. Inner feelings are much more important to him than the outside world. Real relationships have little effect on him, but you should not assume that this is an abnormal, mental deviation.

Born with Moon in Cancer the usual state is a kind of detachment from the real world and attunement to one's inner state. They subtly feel the cosmic rhythms, especially the lunar phases. Phase breaks for them are something like crises, which is clearly seen when the transition is made to the 4th quarter from 3. People with the Moon in Cancer have an increased sensitivity to every rhythm of the Cosmos, so they often experience causeless excitement, anxiety and anxiety. At the same time, for an outsider, this situation will mean absolutely nothing.

These people have a subtle perception, the ability to deeply feel and feel. They are characterized by vulnerability, and their psyche is changeable and unstable. Often they are voluntarily forgotten in the world of dreams, especially if it is often offended (which is achieved quite simply). In order to "keep" it in reality, a warm, safe and protected environment is needed. Such people have an extremely rich and unusual inner world - castles, palaces, amazing nature, sublime feelings.

People with Moon in Cancer few are allowed to enter their own world. To open up to another person, they need to trust them unlimitedly, believe them in everything, feel that they are interesting, that they will not turn away from them. Often these people are able to withdraw from a careless gesture or an insignificant word. What remains invisible to others is a reason for crayfish to close in order to protect their inner world from capture and invasion.

The manifestation of Cancer is most expressed in the form of a look inward, when a person looks not at the interlocutor, but into his inner world. In other words, its focus on the inner essence is expressed even externally.


This zodiac sign belongs to the element of Fire. and is ruled by the Sun. Here the Sun acts as a hospitable host, and the Moon is a long-awaited guest. The Sun is a bright disclosure of the manifested traits, so people with the Moon in Leo will be distinguished by the openness of the subconscious and are tuned to reveal their inner abilities and spiritual world. They will begin to perceive any situation that has arisen in life as an opportunity for self-realization, creativity and manifestation of their true "I".

It is for this reason that such people have a strong propensity for dramatization and acting, and this propensity manifests itself unconsciously. In the worst cases, manifestations of pomposity and theatrics, as well as steroids (a situation in which a person says incredible, ridiculous and ridiculous things about himself, and he believes what he says with all his heart - how he committed terrible deeds, crimes) . The fact is that a person with the Moon in Leo suffers from an irresistible desire to get as much attention as possible from others to his inner feelings and experiences. She will strive to organize her destiny and life in such a way that people empathize and constantly feel sorry for her. If for some reason this does not work out, then such a person will begin to attract attention to himself by artificial methods. After all, the Moon is visiting the Sun, which is known for its desire to be in the center, so that everything else spins and revolves around it.

The Moon visiting the Sun shows solar features, is seen through a prism. People these days tend to put their experiences and inner world at the center of everything that exists, including people. At worst, it will look like inventing all sorts of incredible stories, at best - charm, charisma, acting talent. After all, the secret of charisma and attractiveness lies precisely in the ability to share what lies on the soul - feelings, emotions and experiences.


Virgo belongs to the element Earth under the rule of Proserpine and Mercury. It is on a visit to these planets that the Moon is located, giving people an unconscious attitude to all the little things. People perceive them very well and capture their true meaning. In any life situation, at a glance, they see important details and react violently to them. These people make excellent programmers, investigators, detectives and scientists, whose activities require a high degree of accuracy and many detailed measurements. For such a person, everything turns out by itself, without the intervention of consciousness. The perception of such people is characterized by fragmentation, lack of integrity. Sometimes, in rare cases, a person is able to see the whole situation through many different details.

Be that as it may, the Moon in Virgo bestows pedantry, captiousness, prudence and a sober, uncomplicated look at the events taking place in life.

Virgos believe that they are small, meaningless details, wheels in this vast, endless world. Subconsciously, they are firmly convinced that they must do their job conscientiously, otherwise the whole gigantic mechanism, due to the lack of a clear performance by a person of his duties, will fall apart into small pieces. Also, these people are very obedient, do not like to open up to people, sometimes they are constrained and timid.

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Libra belongs to the air element and is ruled by Chiron with Venus. The Moon in Libra will show a subconscious attitude towards harmony, since one of the most important properties of Libra is finding an equilibrium point, a position that equalizes two different forces.

The Moon appears before us, and subconscious processes set people up to search for harmony, justice, balance, grace and beauty. Peacefulness and a tendency to find compromises wake up in a person. He will try to avoid sharp corners, conflicts, disputes and disagreements. The Moon in Libra is unconscious diplomatic qualities, excellent taste, mannerisms and sophistication. In the worst case, snobbery may appear.

These days people aspire to high society, exquisite things and great works of art. Venus is working, the purpose of which is the creation of harmony; Chiron works, reflecting the subtle world in the incarnate; strong and powerful Saturn, which is directly related to the formation of Libra, builds a special system. A person subconsciously seeks to organize his own life. This organization presupposes an aesthetic system, where each thing occupies a strictly defined place, in life there is a combination of low and high elements, the laws of proportion are observed everywhere. It is here that the desire for refined society, admiration for art, love for the beautiful interior of apartments originates. After all, a beautiful and harmonious environment is necessary to maintain a person's well-being. Without this environment, a person will feel discomfort and confusion.


Scorpio is a water sign. It is under the rule of Pluto and Mars, as a result of which a person is constantly looking for destruction, crisis, transition and death. It is subconsciously aimed at the transformation and restructuring of the internal structure.

The internal structure will surely endure destruction - Pluto, who is known for his ability to bring chaos to the world, is responsible for this. Then there will be a choice - death or a qualitatively new order. A person feels sudden mood swings, lack of peace of mind, the need for constant psychological renewal.

But whatever structure is created, it will still collapse. Scorpios are always active, need to change and create something new. If this need is not satisfied, then a person has a negative worldview: for him there is no value that cannot be destroyed. He can even become a misanthrope. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary for him to ensure constant internal change.

The Moon in Scorpio bestows a powerful psychological gift: these people feel the whole inner world of a person - hopes, goals, dreams, weaknesses, flaws, complexes. Therefore, two types of people can come out of Scorpions - a professional psychologist and a sensitive psychotherapist or a dangerous, destructive manipulator.

People with the Moon in Scorpio can become clairvoyant, easily perceiving the messages of the subtle world. For example, Nostradamus had the Moon in this sign.


The moon here is in the sign of Fire, a guest of Jupiter. Therefore, a person is subconsciously tuned to authority, social relationships, hierarchy. He perfectly feels the whole structure of social relations, perceives ideology and traditions. He has a strong, irresistible desire to become a role model for the people around him, a vivid example, an authority that enjoys great influence. They have a receptivity and sensitivity to customs and traditions, unconsciously rushing to authorities and powerful persons. People also strive to become authorities themselves, so they may experience increased pride, vanity, pomposity, self-deception. They really want to have these qualities of character, so if they don’t find them in themselves, they will suffer a lot and worry for a long time.

Such people feel at ease in the social environment, like a fish in water, they orient themselves perfectly in it. They may not make a conscious choice or decision, but they already internally feel someone else's social environment, which has strictness and clearly defined steps of the social hierarchy. They instantly understand who is the authority here and who occupies a step below, they quickly orient themselves and realize how to behave in order to achieve recognition and respect. These people are like indicators, tuned in to the change of authority, the replacement of leaders and changes in the social environment. They may not be aware of such moments, but everything is manifested in their relationships, habits and behavior. They are often the distributor of scientific and occult knowledge. For free, follow the link and enter your date of birth.


Capricorn belongs to the element Earth, and the Moon is visiting Saturn. This leaves a certain imprint on people: they become obsessed with their goals. People begin to perceive only those situations that lead them to fulfill their dreams. Events occurring in life will be considered in accordance with the achievement of the goal. People's perception becomes as selective as possible.

There is a slowdown in the manifestation of emotional reactions, because the development of the inner world and unconscious processes now and then slows down, and sometimes stops altogether. Such people subconsciously do not tolerate showing their inner, mental states, feelings and emotions. It seems to them that showing their bad mood and loss of strength is a sign of weakness and worthlessness. The moon is visiting Saturn, so a person experiences all his emotions and feelings deep inside. Outwardly, he seems insensitive, unemotional, dry "log", but in fact, in his soul he is deeply vulnerable. His subconscious is limited and compressed, a person strives to close it from the outside world.

Surrounding and do not suspect the suffering and torment of these people, because it is hidden deep inside. These people artificially create for themselves a lot of problems and barriers that have absolutely no connection with the outside world. They discard everything that does not lead to the achievement of their goal, because they consider any situation in terms of whether it will help them achieve what they plan or not. Sometimes this is called spiritual asceticism: all attention and efforts are concentrated exclusively on one or another algorithm of actions, and everything superfluous and unnecessary is thrown away without regret. It is here that the roots of strong will and unwavering determination grow.

The Moon in Capricorn was met by many famous people all over the world - for example, Khomeini, Caesar or Lenin.


Aquarius is an air sign, and the Moon is visiting Saturn and Uranus. This noticeably affects the behavior of people: they strive for freedom, unity, spiritual self-development and growth, perception of the unusual, strange and new. He manifests a strong inner need to find freedom, to go beyond the limiting framework and throw off heavy shackles. Freedom can have two meanings - "for" and "from".

Freedom "from" represents independence. Such a person does not tolerate the slightest obligation and strives with all his might to avoid situations where there is a risk that his freedom will be infringed. Such situations cause him unpleasant, difficult feelings, and he will strive for a life that will be free from them. This person fiercely defends his inner world from invasion, because Saturn is a constant opposition.

Such people can be faithful to their friends, but only if this friendship is at a distance. It should not be forgotten that Aquarius is under the auspices of Saturn, which simultaneously provides an aloof position ("too close is forbidden") and strengthening relationships. If spiritual intimacy is carried out under the auspices of Uranus, then Saturn strengthens it, and at the same time creates a certain distance. In this case, a person treats everyone around him with impersonal goodwill. Sometimes it combines things that are completely opposite in nature - for example, extreme egoism and altruism. This is a strange and unusual behavior in a person from Uranus.

Uranus is also known for the ability to cause unexpected turns, so the inner spiritual world of a person is characterized by a tendency to abrupt changes, instability and instability. Quite often, he experiences mood swings for no particular reason. Such a person is sometimes capricious, selfish, but at the same time he is able to invent amazing things and learn something new. Eccentricity is clearly manifested in his character.


One cannot but agree that this is the best condition of the Moon. She visits Jupiter and Neptune. When the Moon is in water signs, it gives a person an incredibly strong intuition. However, in Pisces, it gives a superficial intuition associated with the comprehension of superficial things and phenomena. A person will tune in to the perception of the secret, hidden and deep. He will have an incredibly rich inner world with very sensitive and deep feelings. He will also seek to hide from others all the beauty of his soul. Sometimes it gets sentimental. A person will begin to realize the secret meaning of this world, develop a sense of rhythm, since Neptune characterizes musical harmony. Man with Moon in Pisces usually talented in music, receptive, but he can become a capable student in a variety of areas. Pisces provide a deep and thorough understanding of things, so a person learns and comprehends something new not superficially, but with a sense of inner essence and hidden harmony.

This situation is often found in mediums - people with a susceptibility to hypnosis. In this state, they may show mediumistic abilities, but in ordinary, everyday life they are usually hidden. Such abilities are most often manifested in fanatics, drug addicts and alcoholics, since the Fish is a symbol of harmony, ideal, divine beauty. If a person is not able to perceive this, then there is no suitable environment around him, and he replaces it with fantasies, delusions, illusions, narcotic substances or alcoholic beverages. All this creates for him a kind of surrogate for the real harmony of life. Such people are highly suggestible, and women are known for their strong attachment to relatives and friends. They are often selfless. Probably, Pisces is the only sign that a person who possesses is able to sacrifice himself.

People born under the Moon in the sign of Leo are very emotional, it is easier to turn to their heart than to their mind. They absorb information quickly if their senses are touched, otherwise their interest in the subject will quickly disappear.
A distinctive feature of the lunar Leo is the unwillingness to obey someone else's opinion and imposed rules. These people are receptive to the new, but do not tolerate pettiness and narrow thinking. They prefer to be in the center of attention, like to play a significant role in society, they are often interested in art.
Many lunar Leos have a great sense of humor and endearing personal charm, they radiate an energy of optimism that is transmitted to those who communicate with them. Sociable, sincere and open, they have the gift to improve the mood of people.

Lunar Lions successfully manifest themselves in collective projects, because they know how to inspire people and direct their activities in the right direction. If a problem arises along the way, the lunar Lions immediately begin to look for a solution, and do not sit idly by. Possessing innate leadership qualities, they often understand and realize their life mission.
Sometimes the lunar Leo becomes overly ambitious and domineering, this happens if the Moon in the individual birth horoscope has negative aspects with other planets. In this case, the lunar Leo prefers only to give orders, and not to execute them. The main weakness of these people is vanity. They need an audience and constant attention, although they are rarely deprived of it, since the Moon provides them with the love of others.
In the sphere of personal relationships, the lunar Lions show romanticism and sublimity of feelings, they tend to exaggerate the merits of their chosen one and not see the shortcomings. When a partner does not live up to their expectations, they experience deep disappointment. Since the lunar Lions feel the need for universal admiration, they do not refuse flirting, but at the same time they themselves are quite jealous and often treat their loved ones as their own property.

The abilities, successes, health and fate of a person are largely determined by the position of the Moon in one of the zodiac constellations at the time of his birth. Knowing your lunar zodiac sign, you can reveal your hidden talents and understand in which areas of life you are able to achieve the greatest success.

Belonging to one of the twelve Signs of the Zodiac is traditionally determined by the location of the sun in the sectors of the zodiacal belt. When born, each baby receives his own “sun sign”, which can say a lot about his individual characteristics. The position of the Sun at the time of the birth of a person affects his conscious, volitional sphere, determines the most striking character traits and behavioral patterns.

In addition to the solar Sign of the Zodiac, a person is endowed with a lunar one, and astrologers consider it the most significant. If the Sun makes a journey through all twelve constellations during the year, then the Moon manages to visit each of them in a month. The Lunar Sign of the Zodiac is determined by the location of the night star on the celestial map on the person's birthday. Thus, according to the solar sign, you can be Scorpio, and according to the lunar calendar, you can be Leo. Therefore, many people, reading the description of the individual characteristics of the solar Signs of the Zodiac, often cannot find their characteristic features. As a rule, the characteristics are most consistent with those whose lunar and solar Signs coincide.

The sign of the Zodiac according to the lunar calendar determines the area of ​​the subconscious in a person: intuition, emotional background, natural inclinations and hobbies, instincts. The moon affects the structure of the body and its vulnerable sides, determines the predisposition to chronic diseases. It must be borne in mind that every year the time of stay of the night luminary in the constellations changes, therefore the lunar Sign is calculated individually, taking into account the day, month, year and place of birth.

The moon gave Scorpions sharpened intuitive flair and endowed with a good imagination. Representatives of the Scorpio sign feel good about other people, are able to calculate the situation a few steps ahead and. For self-realization, they often choose the sphere of creative activity.

archers active and unpredictable. They have good analytical skills. They are prone to outrageous behavior, strive to gain recognition in the eyes of others. In stressful situations, they can succumb to impulse and commit a rash act. Successfully realize themselves in public professions.

Representatives of the Sign Capricorn purposeful and focused. They know how to plan time and anticipate the results of their actions, so they easily achieve their goals. They are fixated on pragmatics, rarely show vivid emotions. They don't pay attention to what doesn't concern them. In relationships, they tend to limit the initiative of other people.

Aquarius pay great attention to the surrounding world. They feel a desire to know the mysteries of nature and human nature, therefore they diligently analyze the personality of each person with whom they enter into a relationship. Sometimes they can reveal more about people than they know about themselves. Aquarians are born psychologists.

People born while the Moon is in Pisces, are distinguished by a high level of empathy and love for everything around them. Always ready to provide material and moral assistance to others. Often they suffer because people use their kindness for their own purposes. They need a "guiding hand" and protection.

The signs of the Zodiac according to the lunar calendar will indicate which area of ​​life should be given special attention, help to discover hidden qualities and benefit from them. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

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