What is a sharp mind. Miscellaneous


Wit can be called a special and rare gift, but one should not think that only a select few have access to it. In fact, this ability, like many other abilities, can be developed quite well, and this is done without much effort, although, of course, with a certain amount of perseverance and purposefulness.

Wit is the “muscle” of a sense of humor, and if it is poorly developed, it’s too early to talk about yourself as a joker, humorist, and even more so a comedian. Being witty means being able to break patterns, play with associations, observe people and what is happening and see the comic in it, change the perspective of situations. In addition, a witty person almost always has a quick, almost instantaneous reaction, because the joke that is said to the right place and on time is good. If there is no such reaction, even the funniest jokes lose their strength and sharpness.

In addition, wit makes a person more interesting to other people, turns him into the soul of the company and a magnet for others, makes him more attractive to the opposite sex. So the development of wit carries a lot of positive aspects regarding humor and not only. And the fourth lesson of our course is devoted to this topic.

  • To always be able to show off your mind, expand your horizons, learn to joke by watching other people, read more useful thematic literature, for example, books by such masters of the word as Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, Gilbert Chesterton, Pelam Wodehouse and, of course, domestic wits - Garik Huberman, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, Sergey Dovlatov, Mikhail Zoshchenko and others. By the way, the English sense of humor is considered the standard of wit, and differs in that the jokes in it may be incomprehensible to uninitiated people. Therefore, pay more attention to English humorous literature (as well as films and TV shows).
  • Try to joke accurately and laconicly, because wit, like a great anecdote, works precisely because of its unexpectedness.
  • Do not neglect self-irony. If you constantly play pranks on others, you will get the fame of an evil wit, but if you regularly play pranks on yourself, you can.
  • For the development of wit, it is useful to look for hidden properties of phenomena, objects, people and situations that are not striking. By learning to compare the incomparable, you will learn how to joke cool.
  • Try to avoid trivial phenomena. Remember that wit involves the absence of clichés and clichés. Be on the lookout for new words and associations, mix dissimilar terms, low and high, official and familiar, bureaucratic and romantic, etc.
  • To enhance the effect of comparisons, bring concepts and phrases to the point of absurdity, because in wit, as, for example, in caricatures, it is quite possible to use exaggeration (hyperbole).
  • Do not trust spontaneous improvisations. Professional and experienced comedians say that a high-quality and effective impromptu must be prepared. Therefore, save phrases, sayings, jokes and comparisons and repeat them regularly so that you are always able to apply in conversation.
  • Cultivate a humorous attitude towards life. Even the most difficult problems and situations can be taken with a smile. Humor helps to bypass troubles and resolve them much faster and better. Excessive seriousness, on the contrary, makes it stiff and makes it difficult to solve problems.
  • Don't spout jokes and jokes while interacting with other people. It's best to quietly insert a cool one-liner at the right time to evoke the most positive reaction possible, rather than bore the listener with an endless stream of fun. Be tactful and get creative.
  • Keep your intellect in good shape and, critically perceive reality and look for something that goes beyond the ordinary. Never let your mind be idle.
  • The skill of making jokes is the skill of finding interesting and unusual associations. Strive to find associations in everything that is in your field of vision. Moreover, associations can relate to anything, even that which has nothing to do with the original object.
  • Learn to choose the right time for the main phrase of a joke. This means that you don’t need to make unnecessary pauses, and you shouldn’t pronounce the text like a tongue twister. Only by joking in time, you can achieve the desired result.
  • Identify all kinds of connections between people, situations, objects and phenomena of the world. Learn to express yourself in metaphors, make comparisons, build the most unexpected associative chains.
  • Become such a strong person that in negative situations, quarrels and conflicts you can joke, and not show negative emotions. To learn this, you need to look more often at situations and actors from different angles: from your own side, from the side of another person, society, vital importance. This will allow you to perceive what is happening in different ways, thanks to which it will be possible to respond more objectively, including humorously.
  • Strive to keep your feelings and emotional state in a positive mood. Depression, sadness, melancholy, blues, anger - all this reduces the potential of a sense of humor to zero, and it can be quite difficult to get out of this. You should be in a mood where you can make jokes and jokes even when you're out of sorts.

These recommendations should become constant companions of your behavior in everyday life. If you always adhere to them, you yourself will not notice how your mind has become sharper, and your attitude to everything that happens to you and around you has changed so that it allows you to stay in good shape, joke and perceive life with ease and positive.

How to develop wit: tricks

Humor and wit only at first glance seem spontaneous. But if we consider them more closely, then, as already noted, it turns out that there are special mechanisms that cause people to smile and laugh. Therefore, further we want to introduce you to a few simple tricks with which you can make anyone laugh and be known as that other joker. Of course, they cannot be called new, but this is precisely their effectiveness, because professional comedians and comedians have been using them for many years.

We bring to your attention five cool humorous tricks.

comic exaggeration

The technique of comic exaggeration is one of the simplest and most common in humor. At one time, the American comedian Bill Cosby noticed that in mathematics 1 + 1 is always equal to 2, but in humor 1 + 1 is 11. People themselves often lie, and this seems ridiculous. So why not try to lie in absurd proportions?


- How long have you been waiting for me?

- Yeah, since the Neolithic era


- The movies were so scary that even my cat turned gray!


- The hangover was so strong that even the traffic cops knowingly let my car go ahead

New words

People tend to use the same words and expressions in their speech, which is why even funny phraseological units have already become covered with dust and no longer seem comical. To fix this, it is enough to update them a little by inserting unexpected words instead of bored ones. Interestingly, the more appropriate the new word is, the funnier the joke will seem.

EXAMPLE: Glue fins - glue flip flops

EXAMPLE: Stick and carrot - hammer and cookie

EXAMPLE: Sunstroke - sun kick

Changing the places of words and letters

Changing the places of words and letters can be done automatically with a little practice. You can swap letters in words and phrases, you can swap words in sentences. The main trick here is surprise and speed - the sooner the replacement is done, the funnier the result. You should not pay attention to the semantic load of what happens, because the main thing in this case is not the essence, but the call of positive emotions.

EXAMPLE: Deputy - pedudat

EXAMPLE: Sweaty hands - mouth farts

EXAMPLE: Battleship Potemkin - armored scumbag


- Warm up the kettle and wash the dishes

- Fine! Wash the kettle and warm the dishes!

direct meaning

When people say something, you can simply pay attention to the direct meaning of their words, discarding the circumstances and context. Listen to everyday speech and focus on one detail, even if it seems unimportant. The simplest thing in the words of others can be a great occasion for a cool and witty joke.


- I got up today like a cucumber!

- What, turned green and covered with pimples?


- Support me!

- Are you falling?


- You completely lost your conscience! What is it called anyway?

- Listen, I've never heard such a riddle before.


- Yes, you have a complete madhouse here!

- Exactly! I am the head physician. What are you with us?

inverted pattern

You can make cool jokes by simply turning speech patterns upside down, for example, proverbs, some quotes, sayings, etc. The method is not very simple, because for its application it is necessary to strain the imagination. At the beginning of a joke, you need to take some kind of template, push off from it and unexpectedly end the statement.


- I vouch for my head - why do I need it?


- I am ready to give my right hand .... to learn how to write with my left!


- For lovely ladies! I'll pick up the day after tomorrow


- If you like to ride downhill - love to repair sleds!

Use these techniques as often as possible - in communication with colleagues, family, friends and even strangers. Over time, the habit of “witting” will be firmly rooted in your mind, and you will be able to invent all sorts of jokes and jokes in the blink of an eye, causing others to laugh or just a kind smile. And to make your thinking more malleable and flexible, take note of a few exercises to train creativity and wit.

How to develop wit: exercises

The construction of jokes, even the most ridiculous, ridiculous and witty, should be approached with all seriousness. And special exercises can provide good support in this. There are eight in total.

"Linguistic pyramids"

Linguistic pyramids are the connections of individual words with their classes and subspecies. For example, you look around you and see an ordinary pen. Separately, it does not represent anything special, but it can be attributed to a higher class - writing instruments. Thinking about it, we understand that a pen can be plastic, metal, with several rods, ballpoint, gel, etc. In other words, we have divided the pen into varieties.

This can be called the initial model of the linguistic pyramid, i.e. almost every object is a subspecies of something, and can have varieties. Among other things, within the same class, there may be similar objects. In the case of a pen, these are pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and other writing utensils. The first exercise is based on this idea.

Purpose: to determine the features of one's thinking, to develop the skills of generalization, separation and transition by analogy.

Fulfillment: find a helper for yourself. Let the assistant name some object on which his eyes fell. Your task is to show what can be done with this subject, find an analogy for it, generalize it to a large group, or divide it into subspecies. It is best to complete the task in silence, for which you should use sign language: thumb up - generalize, thumb down - dissociate, thumb points to the side - give an analogy. With one object, the exercise is performed for at least 5 minutes. After that, you can switch roles with the assistant.

"What I see, I sing"

Purpose: development of associativity and ease in speech.

Fulfillment: find a helper for yourself. Let him point to some object in his field of vision, and you must provide as much information as possible about this subject within 5 minutes. This may be its history, purpose, functions, application features, etc. To bring some humor into your story, tell the assistant about why humanity cannot do without the subject under discussion.

"The Raven and the Table"

The third exercise comes from the well-known riddle of the British writer and philosopher Lewis Carroll, which sounds like this: “How is a raven like a table?”. The author, unfortunately, did not provide an answer to the riddle, but even today, inquisitive minds and fans of his work give more and more new answers.

Purpose: to develop the skill of creating unusual analogies.

Fulfillment: Find two helpers for yourself. The first names some living creature, for example, the same crow, the second names an inanimate object - in our case, this is a table, and the third must explain what these objects have in common. For example, a black raven, like a table, folds its wings at the raven, and drawers at the table, the raven screams, and the table may seem to creak, etc. After discussing the first subject, you can switch roles. In just one approach, you need to discuss at least 3 objects per person.

There is also a complicated version: the first participant voices a state or emotion, the second - an inanimate object, and the third names their common features. After a dozen other repetitions of this exercise, you can easily create funny analogies and compare anything.

"Continuation of the theme"

Purpose: to develop the ability to communicate on any topic.

Fulfillment: gather a small company of friends - six people. One plays the role of leader. At the sign of the host, the first player begins a monologue on a free topic. Then the host gives a new sign, after which the second player continues the story. This is how all participants should speak. One round of such a game lasts 5 minutes, after which a new leader is selected.


Purpose: to develop the skill of conducting a conversation on any topic and from any place.

Execution: Stand in front of a mirror. Take 5 seconds to look at yourself and pay attention to your thoughts. Then start saying out loud whatever you think for 10 minutes. To complicate the task, accompany your speech with jokes, funny remarks, comparisons. Perform the exercise 3 times a week, and after 1-2 months you will be able to maintain any conversation and skillfully wit.

"Sour Hat"

Purpose: development of a creative view of things and the ability to consider what is happening from different angles. Thanks to this, you will learn to talk about banal things in an unusual way.

Fulfillment: find a helper for yourself. Let the assistant call you one noun, and you select five adjectives for it that are suitable in sound, but do not fit with it in meaning. Adjectives should endow the noun with new properties and characteristics, for example: a boring soup, a pale glass, a cheerful hat, a red mood, quick pills, a screaming sofa, etc. Exercise should be performed daily at least 20 times a day.

"Solution to the problem"

Purpose: development of abstract, creative and extraordinary thinking.

Fulfillment: Find one helper for yourself. Let him tell you in detail about some of his problem or difficult situation. Your task is to offer possible options for the development of events and solutions to the problem. But the trick is this: for the first stage of the exercise, it is enough to select non-existent objects or creatures to solve the problem of your assistant. At the second stage, you need to figure out how the chosen object or creature solves the problem in a physically impossible way. And, finally, at the third stage, it is necessary to supplement the actions performed with words in a non-existent language, but so that they obey all the laws of the language (remember Lewis Carroll's poem "Jarmaglot" from the story-tale "Through the Looking-Glass", where there are lines: poked around the nave, and the zelyuks grunted like mumsiki in the movie "- you should get something like that).

"Alternative reality"

The eighth exercise can be called the result of all the previous ones.

Purpose: training the skill of generating unusual thoughts of the “highest grade”.

Fulfillment: imagine that you are in your own alternative reality, similar to the usual one with one exception: everything in it is created not from molecules and atoms, but from other elements, for example, from hamsters. Everything that is around consists of a variety of hamsters of various sizes and their derivatives, obtained at hamster processing plants, hamster production plants, hamster smelters, etc.

Now you need an assistant - a psychiatrist. Joke J

Now you need a partner. You have to blindfold him, and then lead him around the room, bringing his hand to any object and explaining exactly how it consists of hamsters. After 10 minutes, switch roles.

Naturally, hamsters are just an example. Similarly, an alternate reality might be pasta, foil, cones, raccoons, a tomato, and so on. The task is to learn how to logically connect your feelings, fantasies and thoughts. The exercise can be repeated an infinite number of times.

On this hamster note, we conclude the fourth lesson, but in the end, a few more tips for developing wit:

  • Always to be able to see the humorous side in any event
  • - this contributes to adequate self-esteem, healthy self-irony and normal perception of jokes addressed to you
  • Participate in creative activities as often as possible, where you need to overcome insecurities and fears, reveal your inner potential
  • Find a few artists whose jokes you like the most, view and analyze their performances
  • Keep a "Joke Diary" and write down jokes that you like, including your own.
  • Hang out with positive people with a good sense of humor
  • Read jokes and literature on the topic of humor

By the way, about literature: in addition to everything said above, we offer you a few books and articles recommended by the famous Russian TV presenter, showman and wit - Ivan Urgant:

  • Theophan of Kaluga "At what in Rus' they laugh"
  • Olga Dermacheva "Laughing women"
  • Ravil Gulyamov "There, under the mustache"

And, of course, along with the ability to joke, it is very important to be able to bypass the so-called taboo topics - topics that are not customary to joke about for one reason or another. And in the fifth lesson we will talk about just that, so that your sense of humor does not play a cruel joke with you.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

wit it the ability to unexpected convergence of concepts and objects; a witty image (comparison, metaphor) is an instantaneous synthesis of outwardly distant from each other or even antinomic concepts, the connection between which is not obvious at the logical-rational level; so, J. Donne's appeal to his beloved: “Oh, my America! my newfound land! (Elegy XIX, 1635, posthumously) unexpectedly brings together the human body and the "body" of the planet (Earth), so that the erotic game with the female body is likened to a geographical discovery. The concept of wit arises already in ancient rhetoric; Aristotle understands wit as the ability to compose visual metaphors “that give us some kind of knowledge”, revealing a new, unexpected connection between objects: “Most witty expressions are formed thanks to metaphor and misleading the listener: it becomes clear to him that he has learned something opposite his expectation, saying in his soul: How true! And I was wrong"(Rhetoric). In the future, rhetoric interpreted wit as the ability to invent (inventio). In the 16th and 17th centuries, in the literary theory and practice of the Baroque, wit becomes one of the central aesthetic categories; a number of styles based on the idea of ​​wit arise: marinism, gongorism, precision, metaphysical school.

The aesthetic theory of wit is developed in numerous treatises and receives new definitions until the beginning of the 19th century: “Natural wit consists mainly of two things: the speed of the imagination (that is, the rapid transition from one thought to another) and the steady pursuit of a predetermined goal” ( T. Hobbes, Leviathan, 1651); Wit is “a harmonic juxtaposition of two or three distant concepts connected by a single act of reason” (B. Grasian. Wit, or the Art of a sophisticated mind), “ a combination of dissimilar images, or the discovery of a hidden similarity in outwardly dissimilar things"(S. Johnson. Life of Cowley, 1779); “Wit alone invents, and invents with suddenness” (Jean-Paul. Preparatory School of Aesthetics). Being “a great ability to create something new” (Gracien), Wit was recognized as the Divine component of the human intellect, thanks to which “man became a rival rather than a servant of nature” (A. Persio. Treatise on the Wit of Man, 1576). The Divine creation itself was considered by baroque theorists (E. Tesauro) as an ideal example of Wit; Thus, the concept of Wit made serious adjustments to the understanding of the mimetic function of art: the writer from an imitator of nature became an imitator of the Creator himself.

Wit stylistic level

At the stylistic level, the wit of baroque texts is manifested in the injection of bizarre images, the paradoxical play of antitheses (for example, referring to the dead in the cemetery as teachers of life: “Oh, you who are lying, teach me how to stand”; A. Griphius. Thoughts on the cemetery and resting places dead, 1656). Jena romantics gave the idea of ​​Wit an even broader meaning, seeing in it the principle of intellectual freedom: Wit is “logical sociability”, “an explosive spirit” (F. Schlegel. Critical fragments. 1797. No 56). Later, however, Romantic aesthetics abandoned the concept of wit in favor of "imagination", "fantasy": Coleridge, in his Biographia literaria, already condemns the "logic of wit" as "the translation of prose thoughts into the language of poetry." Since the beginning of the 19th century, wit has been losing its significance as a fundamental aesthetic category, being now recognized as a possible property of the author's consciousness, as a characterization of a character, or as an attribute of marginal literary genres (feuilleton, humorous story, epigram).

The word "wit" comes from Latin ingenium, English wit, German Witz, French esprit, Italian ingegno.

Sharp mind - magnifying glass; wit is a diminutive.
Georg Lichtenberg
With wit, the situation is the same as with music: the more you hear it, the more subtle sounds you want.
Georg Lichtenberg
Someone else's wit quickly gets bored.
Luc de Vauvenargues
In wit, as in the game, you need to be able to stop in time. You can't win for long. Talleyrand was witty no more than once a day.
Albert Maurois
Never fight with the weapon of wit against the unarmed. You need to sharpen and borrow money suddenly.
Modified Heinrich Heine
Good for Adam! If he happened to be successful in joking, he could be sure that he was not repeating other people's jokes.
Paraphrased by Mark Twain
I am not laughing at your witticism, but at the one that I will now say myself.
Jules Renard
Brevity is the soul of wit.
William Shakespeare
Rudeness is the wit of fools.
André Maurois
A pun is the lowest form of wit, so jokes are usually based on puns.
Ira Gershwin
Is the play on words cheap? See what's at stake.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec
Before I had time to open your book, I burst out laughing. Someday I will definitely open it.
Groucho Marx
If the angels were witty, I would believe in Satan's defeat.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec
(cm. JOKES), ( cm. IRONY), ( cm. JOKES), ( cm. HUMOR )

(Source: "The Big Book of Aphorisms." Dushenko K.V. Ed. 5th, corrected. - M .: EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001 .)


(Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom." www.foxdesign.ru )

Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011 .


See also other dictionaries:

    wit- wit... Spelling Dictionary

    wit- Wit, bonmo, pun, humor, pun, red word, salt (Attic). Beaten, cheap, flat sharpness, flatness. And how much anger, laughter and salt is there. Gogol. He let go of the bonmo, made a joke. Feuilleton wit ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    WIT- WIT, wit, pl. no, cf. 1. distraction noun to witty. The wit of a joke. 2. Sophistication of thought, ingenuity in finding successful, bright, colorful or funny expressions, as well as successful decisions and actions. Inexhaustible wit. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    wit- WIT, colloquial. tongue-in-cheek, wit, colloquial. witty, witty witty, witty prankster, colloquial reduced stalk, open reduced hohmach WITTY, lively, sharp, colloquial. toothy, open funny, cool lingual, colloquial decrease… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    WIT- WIT, I, cf. 1. Inventiveness in finding bright, successful, funny or caustic expressions. Inexhaustible about. 2. Ingenuity and subtlety of the mind. Show about. in resolving the issue. The conjecture is not devoid of wit. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    WIT or sharpness of mind. Witty writer. This is a witty conclusion. wit, wit, wit, witty person. Sharp-eared lynx. Pointy dog. Sharp tailcoat. Sharptail duck, sharptail, pintail, Anas acuta. | Gossip. Sharptail Husband… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    WIT- (witty) in literature, an inventive and lapidary expression of judgment, which, with its unexpectedness and paradoxicality, causes a comic effect. Quite often, witticism merges with paradox and (stylistic) irony. O. regarded as... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Wit- cf. 1. Sophistication of thought, sharpness of mind. 2. Inventiveness in finding successful, bright, colorful, funny or caustic and well-aimed expressions, as well as successful decisions and actions. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    wit- wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit, wit (

Play out of the box thinking games. This type of thinking is the ability to solve problems by establishing connections between seemingly unrelated things; it is the basis of all creativity. Not everyone is able to think outside the box, but this skill can be developed.

Tasks for non-standard thinking. They are also designed to improve your ability to make connections between seemingly disconnected ideas, as well as develop improvisational skills. Usually they are a yes or no dialogue between the questioner and the answerer, but you can make your own rules and use the clues you understand to find answers. Do not hurry; questions are double bottomed and should be confusing. You can read the question in the morning and then reflect on it during the day. If you find a suitable answer that doesn't match the questioner's answer, then that's great! Undoubtedly, a creative solution (you can find many similar problems on the Internet).

  • The man lives on the tenth floor. Every day he takes the elevator down to go to work or to the store. Returning, he takes the elevator up to the seventh floor and then goes on foot. He doesn't like to walk, so why is he behaving like that? Find the answer yourself.
  • A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender takes a gun and aims at the man. The man says "thank you" and leaves. Why? Find the answer yourself.
  • There is no one in the large wooden shed except for a dead man hanging in the middle of the central rafter. The rope around his neck is 3 meters long and his feet are a meter above the floor. The nearest wall is 6 meters away. Do not climb walls or rafters. The man hung himself. How did he do it? Find the answer yourself.
  • Improvisation games. They are designed to make you think on the go without having time to consider options. If you could not find like-minded friends, then you can play such games via the Internet. Remember, the most important improv rule is to say “yes, and…” If your partner starts a scene in which he tries to return something to the vault, then do not answer: “What are you talking about? It's not a vault!" At first, this will seem funny, but your partner may feel uncomfortable, and the phrase will not allow the situation to develop. Instead, accept the premise and continue to build on that foundation.

    Pour yourself a drink: This is not a requirement and should not be emphasized, but a little alcohol helps to relax by promoting creative thinking. According to Benjamin Errett, author of The Ingredients of Wit: How to Be an Interesting Person, a couple of drinks won't hurt if you know how to stop. “I did some research and came to the conclusion that people are most witty after two drinks. If you drink more, then you stop seeing yourself from the outside.

    Sense of humor- a psychological feature of a person, which consists in noticing contradictions in the world around and evaluating them from a comic point of view. The lack of a sense of humor can be an object of irony on the part of the social majority and be called fanaticism.


    A sense of humor begins to manifest itself and develops in early childhood under the influence of the environment, anecdotes, etc. The lack of prerequisites for its development leads to the formation of a straightforward character, a person with such an extreme personality type may have problems in social adaptation.


    There are studies that have attempted to measure the sense of humor in different people and link it to other human characteristics.

    Humor scores are made from the perspective of various scientific disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, psychology, anthropology. There are about a hundred theories of humor. Many theories argue that the purpose of humor is to defuse tension and stress, and to encourage new interpretations of situations. According to these theories, each joke is accompanied by increasing attention as it is told, followed by a release when the joke is told. New interpretations arise because the joke shows an unexpected association of unrelated or even conflicting circumstances. Some theories claim that humor allows aggression to vent. However, in many communities of people (soldiers in war, police, criminals, doctors), a special kind of humor, sometimes called black, flourishes; thus, sense of humor is subjective.

    A sense of humor is defined as a person's ability to see the funny in a story, environment, or situation. There is also the ability to joke. This is a person's tendency to make humorous comments or act funny in certain situations. Researchers believe that humor is a physiological protective function.

    Scientific bibliography

    In Russian

    • Freud Z. Wit and its relation to the unconscious. M., 1924
    • Bow About sense of humor and wit. - M., Art, 1968
    • Dmitriev A.V. Sociology of Humor: Essays. - M., 1996
    • Humor//Man. Philosophical-Encyclopedic Dictionary.- M: Nauka, 2000
    • Tan Aoshuang. Why don't the Chinese have a good sense of humor? // Logical analysis of the language. Language mechanisms of comedy. M.: "Indrik", 2007, p. 541-544
    • Redozubov A. "The logic of emotions." St. Petersburg: "Amphora", 2012
    • Krishtafov I.A. "Theory of humor"

    In other languages

    • Boyle GJ, Joss-Reid JM (2004) Relationship of humor to health: a psychometric investigation. Br J Health Psychol 9(Pt 1):51-66. The connection between humor and health: a psychometric study. The impact of humor on health was studied in 504 people divided into three groups (general population, university students and patients). The following hypotheses were tested: (1) humor is associated with health status; (2) individuals with a greater sense of humor are healthier; (3) scores on factors on the multidimensional humor scale would be significant on questions specific to Australia. The results confirm that sense of humor is associated with health and also show that the multivariate humor scale is useful for numerical assessments.
    • Clark A, Seidler A, Miller M (2001) Inverse association between sense of humor and coronary heart disease. Int J Cardiol 80(1): 87-88.
    • Kelly WE (2002) An investigation of worry and sense of humor. J Psychol 136(6): 657-666. An exploration of excitement and humor. To investigate the relationship between anxiety and sense of humor, the authors used the Worry Domains Questionnaire (WDQ; F. Tallis, M. Eysenck, & A. Matthews, 1992) and the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS); J. A. Thorson & F. C. Powell, 1993) in a survey of 140 students. Anxiety was negatively correlated with sense of humor. The results are discussed in the context of the cognitive model of Kelly and Miller (W. E. Kelly and M. J. Miller, 1999)
    • Sayre J (2001) The use of aberrant medical humor by psychiatric unit staff. Issues Ment Health Nurs 22(7):669-689.
    • Thorson JA, Powell FC (2001) Undertakers' sense of humor. Psychol Rep. 89(1): 175-176.


    • A person without a sense of humor is deprived of much more than just a sense of humor (Mark Twain).
    • Humor is one of the elements of genius.
    • If I didn’t have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago (option: if it weren’t for humor, I would have died long ago) (

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