What is romance in literature definition. Romance genre


Romance history

The term "romance" originated in Spain during the Middle Ages, originally referring to a secular song in Spanish ("Romance") rather than a religious hymn in Latin. It soon came into use in other countries, although in some countries romance and song are still denoted by one word (German. Lied, English Song) .

In the 19th century, bright national schools of romance were formed: German and Austrian (Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf), French (G. Berlioz, J. Bizet, Massenet, Gounod), and Russian. Composers often combined romances into vocal cycles: an early example is L. Beethoven (“To a Distant Beloved”, 1816), a mature one is Schubert (“The Beautiful Miller’s Woman” and “Winter Road”), later Schumann, Brahms, G Mahler, Wolf and many other composers, including Russians: Glinka, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov.

In the 2nd half of the XIX - early XX centuries. samples of Czech, Polish, Finnish, Norwegian national schools become noticeable. Along with the chamber-vocal classics, the household romance designed for amateur singers.

In Russia

In Soviet times, especially since the late 1930s, romance was persecuted as a relic of the tsarist era, harmful to the builders of the socialist future. Leading performers fell silent or were repressed. The revival of the Russian school of romance came in the 1970s, when romances began to be performed by Nikolai Slichenko, Valentin Baglaenko, Valentina Ponomareva, Nani Bregvadze and other bright stage artists.

Features of vocal romance

In form, a romance is similar to a song; like the last one, it is written in a knee pattern, but it does not necessarily have that quadrature, that parity of measures that are pursued in the song. In romance, deviations are allowed in the form of so-called extensions or inserts, transitions from one tribe to another. The vocal part of the romance should have a clear and embossed melodic outline and be distinguished by melodiousness. The refrain, or chorus, is most often absent in the romance. (Although there are exceptions, such as, for example, the work of A. S. Dargomyzhsky "The Old Corporal" - a romance with a chorus in the form of a couplet song). In a romance, attention should be paid more to conveying the general mood of the text than to a detailed illustration of its details. The interest should mainly lie in the melody and not in the accompaniment.

The romance is written for singing with the accompaniment of one instrument, mainly the piano, and belongs to the category of chamber music, although some romances are accompanied by an orchestra. "Instrumental accompaniment in a romance is important, often being an element of a single whole on an equal footing with the vocal part" .

The main genre features of the romance

  • The content of the romance does not go beyond the lyric (exceptions: Mussorgsky, Dargomyzhsky). The text is dedicated to some experience, usually love.
  • The romance is characterized by only one lyrical mood. However, the range of emotional states in the romance is so wide that each performer and listener has the opportunity to choose the one that is closest to him.
  • In a romance, the melody is more closely connected with the verse than in the song, reflecting not only its general character and poetic structure, but also individual images, rhythmic and intonational particulars.
  • Due to the fact that a romance usually expresses a love experience, it either has or implies an addressee, and therefore is initially dialogic in its very content.
  • The presence of two heroes gives rise to one of the most important qualities of a romance - its intimacy, intimacy.
  • Romance as a vocal and poetic genre is a three-sided structure in which the word, music and speech are equally significant.

Romance is also found in operas (for example, Raoul's romance in the first act of The Huguenots).

The form of romance passed into instrumental music under the name "romance sans paroles"(= "song without words", "Lied ohne Worte", "song without words"): this is a knee piece with a predominant melodic meaning. Such romances are written for the piano (see Mendelssohn) or for some other solo instrument, with accompaniment.


Genre varieties of romance - ballad, elegy, barcarolle, romance in dance rhythms, etc. A romance poem is devoid of solid genre features - usually it is a small lyrical work, strophic, rhymed, with verses of medium length, with a melodious type of intonation.

Famous romances

  • Plaisir d'amour is a classic French romance written in 1784 by Jean-Paul Egide Martini with lyrics by Jean-Pierre Clary de Florian.


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See what "Romance" is in other dictionaries:

    It is used in two meanings. 1. As applied to Spanish literature, R. from the Old Castilian adjective "romance" "romantic, common people" denotes folk poems of a lyrical epic nature, performed independently or under ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (fr.). Song, lyrical poem for singing with music; in music, it occupies a position between song and ballad, having more melodic fluidity than a song and less dramatic movement than a ballad. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Romance to I... "ROMANCE TO I...", early verse. L. (1831), addressed to N.F. Ivanova, as well as a number of other verses. 1830 31. Included in the circle of youthful poems L., united by "providential" motives: persecution, exile, premonition of the tragic. exodus... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    romance- a, m. romance f. it. romanza. 1. In various medieval Western European literatures and in imitative poetry of later times, a lyrical love poem of a folk song type. BAS 1. The first inventors of troubadour romances ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Spanish romance), a work for voice with instrumental (mainly piano and guitar) accompaniment. The main genre of chamber vocal music. Popular in Russia (named from the beginning of the 19th century), including the gypsy romance, in others ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (Spanish romance) a musically poetic work for voice with instrumental (mainly piano) accompaniment, the most important genre of chamber vocal music. The name romance is also carried by some instrumental pieces of a melodious nature ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Target: To designate the concepts of the vocal genre of song and romance

Tasks: Define the terms "song" and "romance". Get familiar with these genres of music.

Music can be vocal or instrumental, or mixed: vocal-instrumental.

Vocal music is sometimes performed without instrumental accompaniment, such a performance is called a cappella.

Today we will talk about vocal music, about such genres as song and romance.

And we will try to figure out how they differ from each other.

Song - the simplest and most popular form of vocal music, combining poetic text with a simple, easy-to-remember melody.

Song = poetry + simple melody.

Songs differ in genres, structure, forms of performance, and other features.

The song can be performed by one singer or by a choir. Songs are sung both with instrumental accompaniment (piano, guitar, instrumental ensembles of various composition), and without it (a cappella).

Song types:

    folk song

    lyric song

    history song

    revolutionary song

    bard song

  • Pop song:

Song properties:

    Not always addressed to someone (not always there is an addressee)

    A bright melody, and the lyrics are not always important (especially in popular pop songs)

    Usually there's a chorus, but sometimes there isn't.

Today we will listen to a wonderful song by Mikhail Glinka to the verses of Nestor Kukolnik "The Lark"


    What type is this song? ( lyrical)

    Is there a target for this song? ( No)

    Is there a chorus? ( No)

Romance - a vocal composition written on a short poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

Most often performed solo, usually with instrumental accompaniment.

He owes his birth to Spain. Initially, this term meant a secular song in Spanish ("Romance"), and not in Latin, adopted in church hymns. Collections of such songs were called "romanceros". In each country, this genre developed in its own way, but everywhere and everywhere its intonational origins are undeniable, its roots are the folk song.

The romance developed from the song. It appeared and took shape in the 18th and 19th centuries. Romance came to Russia from France and soon acquired national features. On its basis, in the first half of the 19th century, the leading Russian composers created the genre of gypsy romance, which was subsequently refined and brought to a high level by the gypsies themselves.

In the second half of the 18th century, romance began to penetrate into Russia, and its appearance is associated primarily with the emergence of musical theater. Like many other things in Russia, opera took root with difficulty. Under Elizaveta Petrovna, the audience was forced to go to the theater and even fined for not attending musical performances.

Many composers who wrote vocal music were not bad singers themselves and created a repertoire for themselves and their students; M. Glinka and A. Varlamov even created their own vocal schools.

2 types of romance: everyday (urban) and classic ("high")

In Russia, the most popular type of Russian romance is household romance .

A. Alyabiev, A. Varlamov, A. Gurilev, P. Bulakhov,

founders classical romance were M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, C. Cui, M. Mussorgsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, who wrote music to the verses of outstanding poets.

Romance features:

    Lyrical, most often love content

    Addressed to someone, has an addressee

    Equally significant is the word, music and performance

    Usually there is no chorus, but not always, especially in everyday romances similar to a song

A. Alyabyev's romance to the verses of A. Delvig "The Nightingale" refers to everyday romance.

Time of creation of the romance: about 1725.

This romance was very popular in the 19th century, we will listen to it performed by Valeria Barsova.


    How is this romance different from the song "Lark"? ( there is an addressee: nightingale)

    What is more important in it - text or music? ( both)

    Is there a chorus? ( is, because this is a domestic romance)


  • 1 History of romance
    • 1.1 In Russia
      • 1.1.1 Types of Russian romance
  • 2 Features of vocal romance
    • 2.1 The main genre features of the romance
    • 2.2 Text
  • 3 List of romances
  • 4 Notable artists
  • Notes
      .1 Literature


Vasily Tropinin. "Guitar player"

Romance in music (Spanish) romance, from late lat. romance, literally - “in Romance”, that is, “in Spanish”) - a vocal composition written on a small poem of lyrical content, mainly love; chamber musical and poetic work for voice with instrumental accompaniment.

1. History of romance

The term "romance" originated in Spain during the Middle Ages, originally referring to a secular song in Spanish ("Romance") rather than a religious hymn in Latin. It soon came into use in other countries, although in some countries romance and song are still denoted by one word (German Lied, English Song).

The romance developed from the song. It appeared and took shape in the 15th and 19th centuries. The heyday of the romance as a synthetic musical and poetic genre began in the 2nd half of the 18th century in Germany, France and Russia. The work of the greatest poets Goethe and Heine had a great influence on its development.

In the 19th century, bright national schools of romance were formed: German and Austrian (Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf), French (G. Berlioz, J. Bizet, Massenet, Gounod), and Russian. Composers often combined romances into vocal cycles: an early example is L. Beethoven (“To a Distant Beloved”, 1816), a mature one is Schubert (“The Beautiful Miller’s Woman” and “Winter Road”), later Schumann, Brahms, G Mahler, Wolf and many other composers, including Russians: Glinka, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov.

In the 2nd half of the XIX - early XX centuries. samples of Czech, Polish, Finnish, Norwegian national schools become noticeable.

Along with the chamber-vocal classics, the household romance designed for amateur singers.

1.1. In Russia

In Russia, the romance soon acquired national features. In Russia, at first, a vocal work in French (albeit written by a Russian composer) was called "romance", and a work with a text in Russian was called a "Russian song".

Then the genre of Russian romance appeared, which quickly became popular on the wave of romanticism. In the 18th century, there was a sentimental romance, when poems by poets like Sumarokov or Trediakovsky were written to the motives of folk songs.

On the basis of the Russian romance in the first half of the 19th century, leading Russian composers created the genre of gypsy romance, which was subsequently refined and brought to a high level by the gypsies themselves.

Of the Russian composers, remarkable examples were created by Alyabyev, Varlamov, Gurilev, Verstovsky, Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Rubinstein, Cui, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Bulakhov, Rachmaninov, Sviridov, Medtner, B. Prozorovsky.

1.1.1. Types of Russian romance

Isabella Yurieva

  • The urban romance is authorial in terms of the way it was created, but folklore in terms of the way it exists.
  • gypsy romance
  • Cruel romance
  • Cossack romance - Cossack author's songs, on Cossack themes, originated on the Don. The ancestor of the "Cossack romance" is the song of an unknown author of the 19th century "Spring will not come for me ...".

2. Features of vocal romance

In form, a romance is similar to a song; like the last one, it is written in a knee pattern, but it does not necessarily have that quadrature, that parity of measures that are pursued in the song. In romance, deviations are allowed in the form of so-called extensions or inserts, transitions from one tribe to another. The vocal part of the romance should have a clear and embossed melodic outline and be distinguished by melodiousness. The refrain, or chorus, is most often absent in the romance. (Although there are exceptions, such as, for example, the work of A. S. Dargomyzhsky "The Old Corporal" - a romance with a chorus in the form of a couplet song). In a romance, attention should be paid more to conveying the general mood of the text than to a detailed illustration of its details. The interest should mainly lie in the melody and not in the accompaniment.

The romance is written for singing with the accompaniment of one instrument, mainly the piano, and belongs to the category of chamber music, although some romances are accompanied by an orchestra. "Instrumental accompaniment in a romance is important, often being an element of a single whole on an equal footing with the vocal part" .

2.1. The main genre features of the romance

  • The content of the romance does not go beyond the lyric. The text is dedicated to some experience, usually love.
  • The romance is characterized by only one lyrical mood. However, the range of emotional states in the romance is so wide that each performer and listener has the opportunity to choose the one that is closest to him.
  • In a romance, the melody is more closely connected with the verse than in the song, reflecting not only its general character and poetic structure, but also individual images, rhythmic and intonational particulars.
  • Due to the fact that a romance usually expresses a love experience, it either has or implies an addressee, and therefore is initially dialogic in its very content.
  • The presence of two heroes gives rise to one of the most important qualities of a romance - its intimacy, intimacy.
  • Romance as a vocal and poetic genre is a three-sided structure in which the word, music and speech are equally significant.

Romance is also found in operas (for example, gjgmghjghjghjghjgj Raoul's romance in the first act of Les Huguenots).

The form of romance passed into instrumental music under the name "romance sans paroles"(= "song without words", "Lied ohne Worte", "song without words"): this is a knee piece with a predominant melodic meaning. Such romances are written for the piano (see Mendelssohn) or for some other solo instrument, with accompaniment.

2.2. Text

Genre varieties of romance - ballad, elegy, barcarolle, romance in dance rhythms, etc. A romance poem is devoid of solid genre features - usually it is a small lyrical work, strophic, rhyming, with verses of medium length, with a melodious type of intonation.

3. List of romances

  • Plaisir d'amour is a classic French romance written in 1784 by Jean-Paul Egide Martini with lyrics by Jean-Pierre Clary de Florian.

4. Famous performers

  • Agafonov, Valery Borisovich (1941-1984)
  • Bayanova, Alla Nikolaevna (b. 1914)
  • Vertinsky, Alexander Nikolaevich (1889-1957)
  • Leshchenko, Pyotr Konstantinovich (1898-1954)
  • Labinsky, Andrei Markovich (1871-1941)
  • Malinin, Alexander Nikolaevich (b. 1958)
  • Morfessi, Yuri Spiridonovich (1882-1957)
  • Morozov, Mikhail Alexandrovich (b.1972)
  • Pogudin, Oleg Evgenievich (b. 1968)
  • Ponomareva, Valentina Dmitrievna (b. 1939)
  • Plevitskaya, Nadezhda Vasilievna (1884-1940)
  • Slovtsov, Pyotr Ivanovich (1886-1934)
  • Utyosov, Leonid Osipovich (1895-1982)
  • Figner, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1857-1918)
  • Khil, Eduard Anatolyevich (b. 1934)
  • Chaliapin, Fedor Ivanovich (1873-1938)
  • Shtokolov, Boris Timofeevich (1930-2005)
  • Yurieva, Isabella Danilovna (1899-2000)

A romance is a musical work of a vocal nature, which is written referring to a poetic form of not very great content, mainly its theme is love. This musical poetic chamber creation is created for voice and accompanied instrumentally.

Romance in history

This term first appeared in Spain in the Middle Ages. At first, "romance" was called a secular song, but after a while, it spread to the territories of other countries. In some of them, to this day, song and romance are understood under one specific word.

Romance is derived from song and originated in the fifteenth century, but was fully formed in the nineteenth. Its special furor occurred at the end of the eighteenth century in such countries as Russia, France, Germany. A significant mark in the development of the romance was left by the creative works of famous German poets - Heine and Goethe. Even schools of romance were created, which were considered national.

After the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth, simultaneously with the classical romance, it began to develop - household, which was concentrated on amateur singers.

For the Russian romance, the most difficult time was the end of 1930, when it was considered a relic of tsarism and was subject to persecution. The perpetrators fell silent, and those who did not obey were subject to repression. The revival took place only in the seventies.

The concept of romance

In its form, the romance is very similar to the song. The difference is that in this work a deviation in quadrature and clarity of measures is allowed. You can also find some deviations, which are called inserts or extensions. The vocals here are clear and outlined in relief by the melody. The melodiousness is also slightly different from other pieces of music.

In most cases, the chorus, but in the romance it is a refrain, is absent. Of particular importance here is the transfer of textual mood, rather than illustration of details. The emphasis is on the melody, not the accompaniment.

Romance belongs to chamber music, and it is accompanied by just one musical instrument. Although sometimes this is done with orchestral accompaniment.

In this type of work, both text and music have equal rights. If this is not adhered to and preference is given to one thing, then the romance loses its very essence.

Romance is divided into several types of genre:

  • elegy.
  • Ballad.
  • Barcarolle.
  • Romance with dance rhythms.

How to recognize romance?

This work can be recognized by the following features:

  • The texts for the romance are in most cases of a lyrical nature, dedicated to some kind of experience, mostly love.
  • Romance always has a monotonous mood. Emotional spectra are very diverse, which makes it possible for each listener to choose what is closest.
  • Romance melodies differ from song melodies in that they reflect more the nature of the poetic text. Expresses each image with rhythm and intonation.
  • Considering that in most cases love experiences are expressed in a romance, it remotely resembles a dialogue. At the heart of the work there are a couple of heroes, and a high-quality creation expresses all the intimacy and intimacy.

Considering the romance as a vocal and poetic genre, one can notice. What it perfectly combines the trihedral structure:

  • Music.
  • Speech.
  • Word.

Sometimes you can also find romances in the opera.

Varieties of Russian romance

In Russia, almost at the same time as the classical chamber romance, it began to develop - everyday. It has been divided into three areas:

  • A cruel romance.
  • Urban Romance.
  • Gypsy Romance.

The first of them was conceived in the city and suburbs, where mostly the bourgeois lived. They began to create their own subculture, which at first consisted of ditties, dances, painting on the bast, including romance. Since at that time all such actions were not welcomed, this is what comes from - "cruel".

The genre of this romance is almost impossible to determine. Its main features were a limited plot and it always ended with either domestic murder, or suicide, or death associated with some kind of grief, and if it was about love, then only unrequited.

But after some time, when everything calmed down, he gave impetus to the creation of an urban romance. Unlike the violent direction, from the point of view of literature, it is more harmonious than its predecessor.

Starting from the urban romance, the development of such genres began:

  • Blat song.
  • Author's song.
  • Russian chanson.

The thieves' song sings of the severity of life and morality in a criminal environment. This genre is concentrated on people who are imprisoned or very close to criminal acts. At first he found fans in the Soviet Union, but after a while he became popular in the CIS countries.

Author's songs appeared a little later. Their peculiarity is that there is no specific author, and if there is, then “unknown”. Here, too, the basis was the life of the convicts who were in the camps, about the unsuitable living conditions in these places.

After some time, among the thieves' songs, works began to appear that deviated a little from the theme of crime, although they also contained the same melody, jargon, and a look at the world around them. This genre was called - Russian chanson.

Nowadays, it can be heard anywhere. Fans of Russian chanson, like performers, are not necessarily convicted or those who have already served their time.

Although the gypsy romance was created on the territory of Russia, it combined both Russian and gypsy texts.

Varieties of world romance

In addition to the above, there are also such types of romance:

  • Noble.
  • Acting.
  • White Guard.
  • Ironic.
  • Romance-answer and others.

But the classic romance is always considered unchanged and does not lose its popularity.

Many composers have been trying to adhere to the basics of romance as a tradition for more than a decade. At the same time, they try to give it something unusual and special. For example, already in the sixties, these works were created, which were designed for more than one voice, and this was already closer to a vocal-symphonic work.

The word "romance" means a specific genre of literary or musical work. We will consider the meaning of this term from a musical point of view. According to the definition, we get that:

A romance is a small piece of music intended for vocal performance, based on lyrical verses. It enables the performer to improvise from well-defined measures and quadrants.

It is also characterized by the integrity of text and music, the ratio of which should be one to one and which cannot be separated from each other.

To understand this genre in more detail, let's delve a little into history and find out what directions it is divided into.

How the romance was born

Romance is an old uncle, and it traces its origin from the time of the "dark" Middle Ages. He hails from Spain. It appeared in the Renaissance, when humanity radically changed its views, departed from church canons, which led to the emergence of secular culture. Romance was part of it.

Then they were poems by famous poets, set to music and conveying the most intimate experiences of the poets.

Even in romances there could be historical events, wars and battles are reflected; feats of legendary personalities were sung. And in general, this genre was close to the ballad. It was attributed to secular art because it was performed in the native language of the Spaniards, and not in Latin, in which all church songs were sung.

Often there were so many songs that they were combined into vocal cycles, each of which sounded on its own topic. These could be romances dedicated to love and beautiful lady, or dedicated to the heroes from legends, their grandiose accomplishments and large-scale events of antiquity.

Much later, this term migrated to France, where it was combined until the 18th century with the concept of "chanson".

Further evolution of the genre

The heyday of the romance is usually called the last two quarters of the nineteenth century. It was at this time that the notorious names of composers who made a huge contribution to the development of the musical genre sounded.

The Germans worked hardest of all: this and F.E. Bach, L. Beethoven, famous throughout the world for their compositions; this and Goethe and Heine- their poems served as the basis for many romance songs. Soon this genre also appeared in opera.

Opera is an example. "Iolanta" by P. Tchaikovsky, in which the romance of Vaudemont sounded, the romance of Sinodal in "The Demon". Romance in the first act of "The Huguenots" by J. Meyerbeer or in "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninoff are also representatives of the "opera" romance.

Blooming more and more, romance becomes such a significant romantic genre that it gradually acquires various schools. Most often, everyone looked up to the German, French and Russian schools.

There is not only a high-class classic, but also its everyday counterpart.

Russian romance

In Russia romance was divided into several directions:

  1. Urban. It is characterized by a person's solid knowledge of himself, clarity in the depiction of phenomena and events, the idea of ​​the impossibility of true love feelings for a person.
  2. Gypsy. It is distinguished by the specificity of music and texts in which Russian is intertwined with Gypsy. The beginning of this direction was laid by the choir of Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky, which was collected in the first half of the eighteenth century.
  3. Cruel. Showed life as it is. Often, tragic stories were the basis of romances.

In Russia, there were many talented people who could create wonderful romances. Examples might be musical works(“Don't leave, don't leave”) N. Zubov, (Don't tempt me unnecessarily) M. Glinka or (“Oriental Romance”) Rimsky-Korsakov. Many people liked the Kern sisters' performance of Pushkin's work "I remember a wonderful moment ...".

In the twentieth century, the genre is looking for ways to somehow realize itself differently, to open up new directions. It was problematic. The basis of the problems was also the combination of verse and music.

People begin not only to sing, but also to recite poems to musical accompaniment, which later will result in the very new direction that the romance was trying to find. You can listen to an example of this recitation by including creations that came out from under the hands of Debussy, which are "Songs of Bilitis".

The appearance of new equipment for listening to music - gramophones and records - generally changes the smooth sound of the romance. However, only thanks to this invention of mankind can we fully enjoy the work of such romancers as: A. Valtseva, N. Tamara.

In this article, we tried to set out in detail what the term “romance” means, how it developed and what it resulted in, and what is its rich history. We hope that we were able to fully satisfy the interest of the reader and that you learned something new from it.

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