What is the old new eternal. Fatherland old new eternal fatherland old new eternal unbroken general lesson of courage dmitry mikhaylovich karbyshev mou sosh im


The old goes, the new comes

592 = Rider of Light - 8th interdimensional DNA layer (26) = 2012 - Galactic Initiation = Number written in cursive becomes word (38) = What is a "cycle"? - The old is leaving - the new is coming =

"Numeric Codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy



I AM Manas! Greetings, Lord!

Svetlana, 2012 is the year of the Galactic Initiation, you know what it means, but do people around you know about it?

Yes, you will now say that they are busy with other concerns and do not even want to hear about the Highest Knowledge from the Creator. But we do not condemn them, we argue. If no one talks about the Higher Knowledge from the Creator, then how will people know that there are Star Systems leading the evolution of your Solar System. It is necessary to reveal the secrets of the Cosmic Internet, otherwise the cybernetic Internet was created on the Planet, and in fact it is based on the Natural Laws of the Living Cosmos - the Living Divine Space.

Or maybe it's time to talk about the Living Divine Space?

And then thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, and people do not understand the Living Divine Electricity, or do not want to understand? The nature of electromagnetism is Divine! The Uncreated – Not Made by Hands Light – is the Living Light of God. The nature of Consciousness is electrical, which means that Consciousness exists everywhere in Space.

It's time to think about the fact that Eternity exists. But how you exist in Eternity is already a process of cognition of the Subtle Bodies of the Soul and the Fiery Bodies of the Spirit, it’s time for the Children of the Creator to become adults, otherwise, out of a thirst for power, they are ready to turn the World over, not knowing Its Main Law – the Law of Universal Unity!

The Common Unconscious Field of the Human of the species received Illumination by the Ray of Knowledge of the Creator, the cell, as a microcosm, received a signal to raise the frequency, which leads to the growth of consciousness, evolution, and the development of the higher abilities of the Soul. The fall of the Spirit into Matter is over, now the Spirit illuminates Matter – this is the Law of the Cosmic Development of Energies, this is the Galactic Initiation of the Earth, that is, the Earth has received the status of the Planet of Light Worlds, whose inhabitants have achieved the Consciousness of the Unity of the Life System of Everything.

GOD is EVERYTHING! You need to know the functions of God, then your actions as a Person in the World will be different, you will be responsible for the World, for its preservation, you will be the creator of Purity, Joy, Beauty - Harmony in the World, and not a consumer of all the blessings of the World, without the gratitude of Life.

The Common Unconscious Field of the Human species received the Ray of Knowledge from the Creator, and the Souls ready to perceive the Ray of Knowledge of the Creator have already awakened, and now they are helping their immediate environment to realize the arrival of new energies of Higher Star Systems on Earth, and new energies bring new knowledge, so we will all learn, and it is a natural process of the development of the Human consciousness, originally incorporated by the Creator into the Human genome. There is no need to be afraid of the new, we must strive for the new. The Creator reveals all his secrets, although he never closed them, just the undeveloped consciousness of a Human could not unravel the mystery. There have always been thunder and lightning, but few people thought about the Living Energy of the Creator, it's time to get to know yourself and the World.

Svetlana, now you understand what your desire led to: - “I want to know everything, where did I come from and where will I go?”.

To the Knowledge of Eternity!

We hope that Everyone will want to know themselves and the World, they will also want to talk with the Creator, and everyone will succeed, you just need to really want to. I am everywhere and in everything!

Love you!

Heavenly Father, through Manas and Svetlana.

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D. M. Karbyshev 14(26) – PhotoPhoto | VideoVideo Soviet military leader, professor, doctor of military sciences, lieutenant general of engineering troops, Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev was born in Omsk on October 26, 1880. In 1898 he graduated with honors from the Omsk Cadet Corps, then the Nikolaev Military Engineering School and Nikolaev military engineering academy. Member of the Russo-Japanese and World War I. Even then, he proved himself to be an outstanding fortifier. During the Civil War, Karbyshev participated in the construction of a number of fortified areas and the organization of engineering support for the operations of the Red Army. In the interwar period, Karbyshev served in senior positions in the Red Army and at the same time taught at military academies. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers in various fields of military engineering and military history. Scientist. Warrior.

A hereditary military man, an officer first of the Russian imperial - he served in it for 18 years - and then of the Soviet Red Army, he went through all the wars of his era. Second lieutenant in the Russian-Japanese (for which he was awarded 5 orders), divisional engineer, in the First World War - a participant in the legendary Brusilovsky breakthrough, lieutenant colonel - in the Civil War. But his life's work remained fortification - the strengthening of cities and borders throughout the country. The last was the Brest Fortress. And how long its defenders will hold out is the merit of General Karbyshev. The Brest Fortress is a fortified outpost near the western borders of Russia. Resistance to the Nazi troops in the Brest Fortress continued from the first day of the war until the 20th of July 1941.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev at the beginning of the war ended up in Belarus in the area of ​​operations of our 3rd and 10th armies. He was sent there to inspect fortification work. With the outbreak of the war, he could return to Moscow. But the general did not leave the troops. Dmitry Mikhailovich was in his 61st year. August 8, 1941 when trying to escape from the encirclement with a group of fighters and commanders of the 10th Army, General Karbyshev was shell-shocked and unconsciously captured. German doctors brought him to his senses only a day later. War…

Karbyshev was kept in German concentration camps: Zamosc, Hammelburg, Flossenbürg, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Mauthausen. The fascist concentration camp Auschwitz is a terrible symbol of the mass extermination of people. Such traces were left behind by fascist executioners in concentration camps

The Germans set out to lure the Soviet general into the service of Nazi Germany at any cost. It was very important to get information about new types of weapons, especially the Katyusha secret, from the most famous and authoritative military specialist. In the concentration camps, the Nazis continued to resort to blackmail and provocations, but did not break the will of the general. Failing to achieve their goal, the Nazis doomed D.M. Karbyshev to certain death. Courteous recruiters from Berlin promised Karbyshev a high rank in the Wehrmacht units, the post of commander of the Russian Liberation Army instead of Vlasov, the portfolio of Minister of War in the "new Russian government". For persuasion, he was even taken to Berlin, to the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. The general refused to cooperate with the German command and ended up in the dungeons of the Berlin Gestapo. Here, for a month, he was subjected to inhuman torture, in particular, for example, round-the-clock torture with blinding electric light. I have the honor ... Russian General Karbyshev

Mournful, bitter fame fell to the lot of the Austrian town of Mauthausen. In March 1939, shortly after the occupation of Austria by the Nazi troops, the construction of another Nazi concentration camp began near the quiet and cozy Mauthausen. Not ordinary, but a special type: death camps. On the document of the prisoner who came here, there was an ominous note: “Return is undesirable”, or “Non-returnable.” No prisoners returned from here. Among them are Soviet prisoners of war. Mauthausen death camp

From camp to camp, prisoners of war passed his call: Do not lose honor even in dishonor! and Karbyshev's order: "Captivity is a terrible thing, but this is also a war, and while the war is going on in the Motherland, we must fight here." Among the prisoners of war, General Karbyshev conducted active underground work. Dmitry Mikhailovich saw the strength and salvation of Soviet people who were taken prisoner in the struggle and only in the struggle. From the memoirs of the captive doctor L.I. Hoffmann: “In front of me stood an extremely emaciated, with a swollen face and legs, a gray-haired old man, dressed in torn striped clothes, with dugout wooden blocks on his legs. Only strict facial features and burning passionate eyes testified that the will of this man was unshakable. Is it any wonder that the words "Russian General Karbyshev said" for prisoners of war of all nationalities sounded undeniable, like a password. The captive general developed a set of rules for the behavior of Soviet people in captivity: “Organization and cohesion ... Mutual assistance. First of all, help the sick and wounded... Highly uphold the honor of the Soviet soldier... Create patriotic groups for sabotage and sabotage... Break the myth of the invincibility of the Nazi troops and instill confidence in our victory... ". A symbol of indomitable will and perseverance

February 16, 1945. Mauthausen concentration camp. Frost 12 degrees. The camp commandant walked through the ranks of prisoners of war. The sick and old were ordered out of action. Weak fascists expelled themselves. The prisoners were ordered to strip naked. They were driven into the bathhouse and let out of the shower, first cold, and then hot water. Then the people were driven out into the cold, water flowed from them, which immediately froze on their bodies. The SS ordered to douse the prisoners with ice water. Screams, moans. People gradually overgrown with an ice crust, their voices subsided, broke off ... Among them was Dmitry Karbyshev. He stood under the streams of water, leaning against the wall. Before the eyes of many people, the unbroken Russian general turned into an icy monument to military stamina and fidelity to duty. The last words of Karbyshev: “Cheer up, comrades! Think about your homeland, and courage will not leave you.” 450 prisoners died. The last step towards immortality...

The monument was erected in 1963. Author: sculptor Vladimir Tsygal Decades have passed, a whole generation separates humanity from the atrocities that took place in Mauthausen. The air above it is clean and transparent. But a man here, if he is a man, is unbearable. Squeezes the heart. The blood freezes. There is nothing to breathe. And it seems that the fumes and smoke are still hanging in an impenetrable veil, enveloping the camp. A monument rises in front of the iron-bound gates of Mauthausen. From a large array of noble white marble, as if from an ice block, a gigantic figure of a warrior grows. He stands, mighty and strong, full of faith in the righteousness and triumph of the cause for which he fought. On a dark wide granite slab of the pedestal is carved in two languages ​​- Russian and German: “To Dmitry Karbyshev. To the scientist. Warrior. Communist. His life and death were a feat in the name of life Both life and death were a feat ...

Only faded photographs have survived, where Dmitry Karbyshev, either with a famously twisted mustache in a cadet overcoat, or at the Budyonovsky shooting range. His daughter keeps them as the biggest relic - the memory of the Russian officer who was her father. Keeps Elena Karbysheva and father's letter. "Be strong, take courage, and most importantly - never be afraid of anything and do not worry - here's my testament to you. Kisses. I wish you success. Dad." “On the morning of June 23, I ran for a telegram, but there was no telegram on the 23rd, never again.” He would not write a single line, and Elena would only learn about her father’s fate after the war. In 4 years, she would memorize all his letters. the last - from Grodno, after which there will be encirclement, captivity and Nazi death camps. Father wanted Elena to become a military specialist. She graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School. During the Leningrad blockade, she built defensive structures, served in the main headquarters of the Navy, then in the main headquarters of the Armed Forces of the USSR She was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, the Friendship of Peoples, the medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Leningrad", etc. Karbysheva Elena Dmitrievna Daughter's recollection:

And among the cadets of engineering schools, a combatant song is especially popular, the chorus of which ends with the words: "... Karbyshev should be an example for us, how selflessly to serve the Motherland." Monuments to Karbyshev are installed in Moscow, Kazan, Vladivostok, Samara, Omsk and Pervouralsk, etc. His name is a boulevard in Moscow, Karbyshev Street (St. Petersburg), streets in Brest, Kazan, Balashikha, Minsk, Kiev, Tolyatti, Samara, Perm , Kherson, Gomel, Ulyanovsk, Vladivostok and Omsk. A minor planet in the solar system is also named after him. The name of D. M. Karbyshev is carried by a number of schools on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Memory

Commemorative plaque D. M. Karbyshev on the building of the Military Engineering Academy. Moscow Ship "General Karbyshev" Monument to D. M. Karbyshev. Sculptor V. Fedorov. Omsk Monument in Moscow on Karbyshev Boulevard, Pskov region. 47th Training Center for Missile Troops

Awards of the Russian General Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union On August 16, 1946, Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Order of Lenin Order of the Red Banner Order of the Red Star Order of St. Anna 3 tbsp. Order of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir Order of St. Anna 4 tbsp. Order of St. Stanislav 2nd class Polish Order of St. Stanislav, 3rd class Reshin E.P. General Karbyshev: dokum. Tale - M .: Publishing house of DOSAAF of the USSR, - 317 p.: ill. School Encyclopedia "Russika". Russian history. 20th century. - M.: OLMA - PRESS Education, - with E. Smirnova. In the school museum // Murzilka // -p.7-8. Karbyshev Dmitry Mikhailovich //– M.: – P. 114: Karbyshev Dmitry Mikhailovich // Heroes of the Soviet Union: short. biogr. words. - M.: - T. 1. - P. 626: Sources of information ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karbyshev nvo.ng.ru/history/ /5_karbyshev.html

January - February, 2010

Good morning Rob.
I'm sorry, I left while you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you up. And... you know, it's so much easier for me. It's much easier to say goodbye to you.
P.S. Don't look for your shirt. I'm not sorry at all, but I really hope that you will forgive me. I wanted to take a piece of your warmth with me.
I miss you already.

Yours. Yours Kristen

He clenches a sheet of paper in his fist and closes his eyes so hard and so abruptly that his eyelids hurt. A feeling of heaviness covers him with an uncontrollable avalanche. And only a painful emptiness remains, which seems to penetrate right into the soul, leaving deep scars and lines burned in the memory.
Rob leaned back against the pillow, which still held memories of its warmth, and his head began to spin. Her scent. Native, necessary, intoxicating, clouding the mind smell. He is everywhere. The pillowcase and blanket are saturated with it, it is in the air, in its hands, hair, skin. Everywhere.
Strong, almost burning coffee did not help at all. Robert didn't taste any at all. And with some mute desperation, he set fire to the first, but by no means the last cigarette.
Robert: I know you're still on the plane and you won't read this message until you land in Los Angeles. I just can’t even believe that you are getting further away from me with every second ... I Don't want believe in it. You know, my pillow still smells like you. And it seems to me that you are near. I open my eyes and see your smile. I don't understand why I'm writing all this to you. I must be crazy. But I go crazy every time you leave. Sorry about that.
P.S. And I'm sorry about the shirt. Do not even ask. No way.
Kristen: Your voice is missing. Like air...
Robert: I'll call you now, can I?
His fingers are twitching, and he tries to stop the trembling by pressing the hackneyed "send".
Kristen: Don't ask any more stupid questions, ok?..
He hastily makes mistakes in words. Corrects, rewrites, deletes. And now for some reason it is so difficult, almost impossible to collect my thoughts. And the most wrong, damn wrong thing in this situation is that he has to say such important, even banal things like this
Robert: I need you so much, Chris.
So simple. So few. So short. And her cheekbones from a wide happy smile.
Kristen: Let's assume that you agree.
Robert: I can't sleep. Do you mind if I call you now?
He leans his forehead against the cool glass. No strength to move, think, blink, breathe. There is no strength at all. I don't even have the strength to fall asleep like a human being. And the air is so spicy, so thick, so smoky...
Kristen: We seemed to agree about stupid questions, remember?
He finds some well-hidden inner reserve in himself - and smiles. And this feeling is so alien, so forgotten, so lost. Disappeared forever in spicy cigarette smoke.
Robert: Sorry. Habit. Stupid questions are the secret of my charm.
He does not take his eyes off the mobile screen. The most precious thing to his heart that he had left. Looks with some inexplicable doom. Like an addiction.
Kristen: And I'm scratching my head, what did I find in you ...
Kristen: Rob, can I ask a stupid question?
Robert: Ask about anything.
Kristen: What are you thinking now?
He peers intently into the cold rain, which ruthlessly, heartlessly kills the fragile, weightless snow cover, turning it into an insignificant mud ...
Robert: Sometimes it seems to me that I have already forgotten how to think about something other than you ...
Tom: Get ready, we're going to heal your heart wounds tonight.
Robert: Damn, now I feel like a mental patient. Who told you, my friend, that they are treated with alcohol?
Tom: You're way behind the times, Rob. I will tell you many secrets of modern medicine.
Robert: There you go. It turns out that I am not the only one who is not friends with the head. Now I don't feel so worthless.
Tom: Well, what else are friends for, Pattinson?
She printed out all his e-mails. I re-read each one. From the first letter to the last. Soaking up every dot, every letter, every ellipsis.
How would you like to smoke?
Kristen: I want to hear your voice. Are you busy now?
Robert: I thought stupid questions were my thing. Do you remember? Are you trying to impress?
Kristen: No. I just got really bored...
New double. Another scene. Black and white Paris is covered with a snow-white cover. And everything around is not at all like the bright, picturesque, exciting pictures that all the romantics of the world are in love with in absentia. Everything is so dim. No color, no color, no life. Shooting of the film "Dear friend" is in full swing. Damn them...
Robert constantly jokes about his own appearance and avoids reflective surfaces so as not to burst out laughing. He draws heavily in the frosty morning air, squeezing a hot cardboard cup in his hand. Ruins filming with endless failed takes and infectious laughter for which he gets away with everything. And only when the break is announced, he, left in the long-awaited loneliness, takes off the mask of false carelessness and, with some strange hopelessness, impotence, reaches for a pack of cigarettes. And this is a bitter and shameful defeat ...
Kristen: I miss you.
Without empty and unnecessary “Hi. How are you?". Just like that. Simply and sincerely.
Robert: My pleasure. My. My Kristen. I didn't think I'd be so bored. I didn't know I could be so bored. I miss you so much. I want to tell you every second about some stupid little things. Every time I see something, hear it, feel it, I feel a vital need to tell you about it. And miraculously stop. Because it's half past two in the morning in LA, right?.. I need you so much, Kristen. So needed.
Kristen: You know, Rob, the most tormenting thing right now is the time. I've probably never felt it so strongly in my life. And I so sincerely believed that it would stop even for a moment. Will give at least a second to come to his senses, to come to terms. To not hurt so much. But she just wasn't there. And, you know, now I'm almost used to living in your time zone. After all, we are at different ends of the world. And it turns out it's not romantic at all. It just hurts, Robert.
Robert: I really want to go home.
Kristen: I always thought London was your home. That this is where your soul comes from.
Robert: I always thought so too. But now I finally understand, my soul is where you are.
She has been sitting on the floor for an infinitely long time, smiling stupidly, forever imprinting this elusive moment in her memory. A small, neatly packaged parcel, and on it is the name most dear to the heart.
Thin, fragile fingers carefully tear open the envelope. And in it is his men's checkered shirt and a small piece of paper, on which is written in even handwriting: “I want you to be warm. With all your heart. Robert".
Robert: What are you doing, my love?
Puff. Another one. Smoke envelops with a tart foggy smog, soaking through. And it's so… as palpable as ever.
Kristen: Drinking tea. Green.
A bitter half smile. A few more convulsive puffs. Burns in the throat. And she quietly slides her back along the piercing cold wall. Kristen Stewart with all her heart, with all her soul, with every cell she hates winter, cold and ... loneliness. And again a delay. As if there was never a solemn promise to quit. She knows she won't quit. This addiction.
Robert: I'm sorry.
Kristen: Are you sure you're English, Rob?.. I always thought that you were all turned on tea, football and the Beatles. In general, it's not that important. What are you doing?
Rob looks around confused. Everywhere only ashes left from countless cigarettes. He runs his hand thoughtfully over his stubble. And what is he doing?
Robert: I smoke. Again.
The acrid smoke slightly stings her eyes. Damn habit. Addiction.
Kristen: Me...hell, me too. I smoke too, Rob. Again and again.
Robert: I know, dear. I know it…
And they, being hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, smile at the same time.
Kristen: How are you? How's the shooting? How is London?
Robert: London. London is raining. Sounds trite, right? Filming. They're going at full speed. And I... I miss you, Chris. I miss you very much.
Kristen: You know why I don't like LA? Hell, the weather is always so good here...even in February, can you imagine? Even in February. And now I want rain. Very very…
Kristen: And one more thing... I don't know about you, but I already I hate this movie. And those damn shots. And... call me, Rob. I've been waiting for your call for so long.
Kristen: I can't smoke that much anymore. I just can not. Please save my lungs.
She read the message again and smiled bitterly, somehow too bitterly. She scanned the screen again, fumbled in her pocket for a lighter.
She inhaled the viscous bitter smoke deeper and ... removed everything in one fell swoop.
Cameron: My precious sister! Where did you go? And is she alive at all? You may not believe it, but I'm worried. No matter how you turn into one of those depressive girls who eat tons of chocolate, believe in love horoscopes and kiss portraits of loved ones at night. I'll come by today. And I swear by all the saints, I will pull you out of your "crypt" into the light of day. What would it cost me. See you soon, dear. Kiss.
Rob tightened his grip on the glass filled with something suspiciously intoxicating. The crowded pub became too noisy. Deafening bursts of laughter and squeals were heard everywhere, live music was playing somewhere, someone persistently tried to shout it down in karaoke. Here she is. Prudish and cold England...
He never understood why his head hurt so much. From the surrounding screaming chaos? From an extra glass of whiskey? From sickly happy couples around?..
He reached for his phone, but an unopened envelope was already shining on the screen. So, her nerves passed quickly.
Kristen: I hate this fucking day.
Rob somehow opened the door of the room, out of the corner of his eye noticing something small and white on the floor. Envelope. His heart pounded wildly, almost painfully. Letter? The name of the sender really warms the soul. Maybe a Valentine? He almost laughed at the last thought. Just think about it. Valentine. Whatever comes to mind.
But that's what you want. Valentines, stupid heart-shaped sweets, banal bouquets and sweet kisses somewhere on a bench in a frozen park.
Robert carefully opened the envelope, and for an infinite moment it seemed to him that the sheet was blank. But only for a moment. The imprint of her lips shone on the snow-white paper. Clear contours, graceful curves, and below a small discreet signature: "You are the most precious thing I have".
Robert: Darling, I'm so sorry I'm spending this damn day away from you. How I wish I could just be by your side right now. It's so easy, Chris.
Kristen: I need you, Rob. I just can't... I try, but I can't. Can not live without you.
That's better. It's easier. She wouldn't have told him all this over the phone. I couldn't. The voice would tremble.
Robert: One week left, honey. One damn week.
She covered her face with her hands. Defending, hiding, renouncing everything. Just one week.
Kristen: Happy Valentine's Day, Rob.
Robert: You are the most precious thing I have, Kristen.
You have seven passes from "Robert".
Kristen: Don't get me wrong, but now it's easier for me to just text you. I want, I really want to hear your voice. But to me, this is just proof of your absence. This is hopelessness. Impotence. Addiction. Call it what you want. Sounds stupid. Worse, it sounds pathetic. Just give me time. And remember... I love you.
Uncomfortable shoes screaming - she, damn it, will never learn to walk in heels - too short a dress, dozens of sloppy strokes called autographs and again photos, photos, photos ... Why so many? Who needs them?
She smiles, tucking a naughty strand behind her ear, and, confused in words, tries to honestly, sincerely and non-standard answer standard questions. That's all Stuart is.
"Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness" Memories are so dim, fuzzy. Faded under the dazzling brilliance of world glory.
So long ago. A whole life ago. Even before the maddening epic called "Twilight", which in one fell swoop crossed out everything she once had, crossed out who she once was.
Robert: How was the premiere, kid?
Kristen: The premiere is fine. As always. Don't call me that, Rob. Please.
Robert: Sorry.
Kristen: Forgive me. I don't know what's going on with me. It's just... what if there was no Saga? If we never met? How would I live without you?
Robert: We would definitely meet. You are my life. You are my soul. You are my destiny, even though I don't believe in it. We would have met. I know it. I feel it, Kristen.
Kristen wrapped herself in a heavy blanket, exhaustedly pulling her knees to her and closing her eyes. Insomnia has become as integral a daily torture as cigarettes ...
The cozy men's checkered shirt still carried his scent. And Chris breathed deeply inexplicably, indescribably, impossibly favorite aroma.
Robert: Three days. Just three days, love.
The clock stubbornly shows the beginning of the third night. And that means Rob was the first to give up today...
And she smiles into the darkness, clutching her phone. Three days…
Chris set several hysterically screaming alarm clocks at once. And she woke up as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon. Rob, in turn, could not sleep at all that endless night.
Kristen: Today. Already today.
She was surprised when, picking up a cup of freshly brewed coffee, she felt only a slight warmth. The temperature is forty degrees. What could be more beautiful right now?
But even this circumstance could not break her today. Today. They will see each other today.
Music blared through her headphones, but she couldn't hear a single sound. The pain reliever didn't help. Only echoes of what Ruth had heard before landing were spinning in my head: "You're not together, Chris, do you remember that? So out there, in front of the press and during the ceremony, stay away from each other, okay? Ideally, pretend that you don’t know each other at all”.
Kristen: I love you so much Robert...
The London weather pleased in winter with cold rains. Flashes, screams, close attention of the public, endless questions. She suddenly clearly remembered why she hated the red carpet so much.
He smiled heroically as he posed for a photo, but she couldn't. It's very hard to smile when you're on fire. In all senses.
She honestly didn't care where she was now. At the BAFTA, Oscar or at the next premiere. The talented actress Kristen Stewart had a hard time putting up with that damn mask of indifference at this damn festival of the absurd.
Only somewhere in the hall she accidentally caught his eye. And I realized that she was not the only one on fire ...
It was not scary to go on stage. Receiving the award was not scary. Let her fall at least three times. It's not scary. Even giving a speech in front of an audience of thousands was not scary. It was terrible to submissively and limply submit to their role. It was terrible that she could not just look at the person she loved, without whom she went crazy. That was truly scary.
Kristen barely perceptibly nodded to him and, probably for the first time in the evening, smiled.
The ceremony was truly endless, like all those long months of separation. She glared at him, he tried unsuccessfully not to look in her direction.
Chris did not hear congratulations and confessions. She tried to at least sometimes avert her eyes to look at someone else. Someone other than him. It turned out bad.
Rob tried not to smile like an idiot when he caught a glimpse of her. It didn't work at all.
They, like little children, played peepers, and were not at all afraid of being caught. He smiled at her again, and she whispered with her lips alone: "What?".
Rob laughed out loud as she too gleefully rushed to say goodbye to those present.
And now, after a moment, she, once again dreaming of becoming invisible this evening, breaks the ringing silence of an empty corridor with the sound of high heels. And he feels his inaudible steps somewhere very close.
Another moment - and she desperately clings to his thin fingers for his silk tie. Rob gently presses her against the cold wall, covering her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, chin, lips with gentle kisses. Her hands hug his neck, he carefully takes her face in his hands, greedily biting into his beloved lips. How he missed...
They interrupt each other with kisses, inhalations and exhalations. And so warm, so good.
Her quiet sigh echoes off the walls. His hot breath almost burns. Hot tears roll down her cheeks, and he gently kisses every tear, every wet eyelash.
And she hides her tear-stained face in the crook of his neck, mixing tears with kisses, and he, laughing, presses her to his chest, inhaling and exhaling the smell of her hair.
- How I love you, Kristen. My good one. How much I love you...
And this is exactly what she has been dreaming of hearing for so long...
On the street they are met by deafening screams, tired, but still squealing fans, blinding flashes, loud exclamations of the paparazzi, but they do not notice anything.
She walks ahead, letting him burn her back with careless, frankly caring looks. And every second he repeats to himself: “She is here. She's nearby".
Rob hurriedly looks away and is even afraid to imagine what a stupid smile flaunts on his face. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he hears an outside voice: “Robert, are you happy for your colleague Kristen Stewart?”
And he, chuckling, answers sincerely, simply, uncomplicatedly: "Yes, yes, glad, definitely glad", which seems to be even louder than her lipstick on his lips, screams to the whole world about his feelings ...

I would love to hear your feedback. If after reading there are any thoughts or emotions, share with me. Even if they are not the best. I really appreciate objective criticism. Thanks for reading!

Tasks: To contribute to the creation in children of the image of the Fatherland as a unity of the present, past and future for its citizens. Encourage students to study the past and present of their native land through the study of the history of their family and village. To form an idea about the traditions of their village, about the need to observe universal values.

Cultivate a sense of pride in their small homeland, patriotism.

To cultivate respect for the historical heritage of their people, family, the desire to continue family traditions.

To develop the cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren.

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Read the topic of our lesson. What do you think we will talk about?

(about your homeland, about its past, present, future)

2. Work on the concept of "Fatherland".

What do these words have in common (the words are written in 2 columns.)

Father clan (single-root words, associated with the native home)

Father's native

Middle name parents

Fatherland, native land

Compatriots people

How do you explain the word "Fatherland"? Choose synonyms for the word "Fatherland"? Who are compatriots?

3. Working with the textbook: p.38.

1) - Read the interpretation of the word Fatherland in the textbook. Compare it with your answers. Did you think right?

2) - Read the text of V. Peskov to yourself. Find in it the words that seem to you the most important. (The concept of the Motherland is the memory of everything that is dear in the past, these are the deeds and people of today, this is the native land with everything that grows and breathes on it)

How would you explain the word memory?/ These are memories of someone or something, the ability of a person to retain impressions and experiences in the mind and reproduce them. /

Each person has cherished memories, in memory of them we keep photographs, gifts, little things dear to the heart.

What is the name of the thing that is kept as a memory of the past, which is the subject of veneration? (Relics)

At the last lesson, we got acquainted with the relics of your families, designed an exhibition. Learning the history of our family, we learn the history of the Fatherland.

Relics - a mini-museum of the family,

From past years have come down to us,

And if you take these things into your hands -

They can tell you a lot.

You take care of these things

Don't lose, don't hurt.

They are sacredly cherished in the family,

Passed down from generation to generation.

4. Work on the concept of "tradition"

But we receive not only relics from our ancestors. Every family has traditions.

Tradition - from the Latin "transmission". This word means the native language, customs, rules of conduct that have developed and been transmitted for a long time from generation to generation. Every nation has many beautiful rituals, songs, dances. Children imitate the elders, thereby adopting the traditions of the family. Over time, the rules of conduct, language, laws change, something goes into the past, something new is added, and traditions remain unchanged.

5. Fizminutka: Russian dance.

6. Project protection: For a month, we have been working on studying the history of our family. They compiled their genealogy, talked with family members about their lives, studied family relics.

Your family photos, memories of close relatives gave rise to a research project called:

"Across the Pages of the Family Album"

Group 1 History of our village.

Group 2 Cultural life of the village.

1 group.

From the memoirs of fellow countrymen, we learned about the life of the village in the 20th century. People were united by labor in a common economy called a collective farm. The collective farm had a pig farm, a cowshed, a horse yard, a forge, a mill, and a carpentry workshop. Then the collective farm was renamed into a state farm. Fyodor Ivanovich Glebov became its first chairman. One of the streets in the village is named after him.

Our state farm was famous for its harvests. The farm grew all kinds of vegetables up to watermelons. The famous Novolikeevo gardens and winter greenhouses were famous throughout the region. Students, schoolchildren, townspeople came to help in harvesting. The entire crop was stored on trucks and handed over to the state.

Multi-storey buildings appeared in our village not immediately. People lived in log or brick houses. There was no plumbing. For drinking, water was taken from wells, springs, and later a water pipe was installed from the village of Karaulova. For watering, washing clothes, water from Kudma was pumped into a special tank, which stood not far from the current church.

The village grew, people needed houses. The chairman did a lot to provide people with housing. State farm workers were given housing for free. And those who had their own home were helped. Over time, a school, a kindergarten, a bathhouse, and an outpatient clinic were built in the village.

2 group.

There used to be a church in the village. But because religion was banned, it was broken. The building of the Novolikeevsky House of Culture was built of brick. The club had a cinema hall with 200 seats, a dance floor and a library. The club had a stand with photographs of the Heroes of Socialist Labor and the leaders of the state farm.

Discos were held for young people, first under the button accordion, later vocal and instrumental ensembles appeared, which came from the city, and before the club closed, the music sounded from a tape recorder with speakers.

She has worked as a club director for over 20 years. The club was a place of socializing and games. Here you can play billiards, checkers, chess. In the summer, before the movie show, they played volleyball, and in the winter they skated on a flooded ice rink next to the club.

The club had a drama circle. Theatrical performances were staged by rural teachers. The Novolikeevsky Russian Song Choir was one of the best in the region. The best soloists of the choir were Kuznetsova V, Remembers - an English teacher.

“Our choir took first place. We toured the whole area with concerts, performed on the fields for the workers of the village.

7. School - the successor of traditions:

All people love holidays. This time is spent having fun: they go to visit, prepare treats, sing songs and dance. Holidays are family, church, school, state. Each holiday has its own peculiarity. Years pass, laws change, but holiday traditions remain unchanged.

What holidays are your family's favorite?

After the closing of the club, the school became the center of culture in the village. What village holidays does our school hold for the villagers? (All rural holidays: Day of the elderly, Seeing off winter, Meeting on Victory Day

Did you know that this is the anniversary year for the school. Exactly 35 years ago, she opened the doors to students. (Timeline.) Our school opened on September 1, 1977

How many of you know the name of the first director of the school?

The first director was named. A former front-line soldier, teacher-historian, Ivan Andreevich was constantly engaged in patriotic education of children. And it was he who began to fuss about the construction in the village of a monument to the Novolikeyevites who died during the Second World War.

Last year, we were with you in the history room, where relics dedicated to this war are kept. What do you remember from what you saw?

By preserving the past, we make the present stronger and stronger. That is why our school has a museum. He is in charge. High school students collect material for the museum, conduct excursions.

8. Work on the concept of "eternal": Let's think a little about the future. You and your children will live in this time. Can it happen that the Convention on Human Rights will be canceled in the future? Will people not have the right to life, will they abolish equality between people, respect for elders?

Why can't this happen? (this will lead to the death of a person)

There are moral norms, laws that were observed by all people on the planet in all periods of history. These norms are called universal human values. They are brought up in people from childhood and must be observed throughout life. This goodness, duty, work, conscience, honor, love, Motherland. These values ​​are eternal as long as people keep the main rule of the Bible: Remember this rule: "Do to others as you would like them to do to you."

9. The result of the lesson, reflection: Our lesson ends on the topic: Fatherland: old, new, eternal. What mark will he leave in your memory? Finish the phrase: - Today at the lesson I ... learned, understood, decided ... (I realized how important it is to know the history of my Fatherland, I decided to save family heirlooms.)

What symbol was formed from these concepts? (world tree) What do the roots of the tree symbolize? (old, history, our ancestors)

What does the trunk of this tree say? (about a real person)

What do the branches of a tree symbolize? (future, eternal values)

It is important for a person to know his roots, to observe the traditions of his people. The more a person cherishes the memory of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the deeper he feels responsibility for the future.

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