What are working conditions - classes of working conditions. Special assessment of working conditions: harmfulness will become a rarity


Since January 2014, absolutely every official workplace must be assessed on a scale of harmfulness and danger of working conditions. This is the prescription of Federal Law No. 426, which entered into force in December 2013. Let's get acquainted in general terms with this current law, methods for assessing working conditions, as well as with a classification scale.

Federal Law No. 426: general plan of the bill

The law was approved on December 25, 2013, and has been amended three times to date: in 2014, 2015, 2016. It consists of four thematic chapters:

  1. General provisions. It's being parsed here:
    • the main subject of the bill;
    • the concept of "special assessment of labor conditions" and its regulation;
    • the rights and obligations of both the employee and the employer, and the organization that carries out;
    • application of the results of the assessment of the workplace in terms of hazard to life and health in practice.
  2. Evaluation of working conditions. The chapter is devoted to the evaluation process:
    • organization of work of the expert commission;
    • preparation for the start of work;
    • identification of potentially hazardous/harmful factors;
    • compliance of the state of affairs with state standards for safe work;
    • testing/research/measurement of harmful and hazardous working conditions;
    • what is subject to mandatory research/measurement in order to put forward an assessment of working conditions;
    • activities;
    • the results of the work of the expert commission;
    • features of evaluation of individual jobs;
    • a section on the universal federal information system for recording the results of these inspections.
  3. Organizations and experts assessing working conditions. Within the chapter, the following topics are highlighted:
    • organizations and experts authorized to carry out this activity;
    • registers of mentioned experts and expert organizations;
    • independence and a number of obligations of an expert organization that evaluates the working conditions of any jobs;
    • qualitative examination of the assessment.
  4. Final provisions. Considered here:
    • trade union and state control over compliance with the provisions of this Federal Law;
    • resolution of disagreements arising from the assessment made by the experts;
    • transitional provisions;
    • section on the entry into force of this Federal Law.

On the key provisions of the law under consideration

The general provisions of the Federal Law "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions" are as follows:

  • The main subjects of this act are the relations that gave rise to the assessment of the conditions of the workplace, as well as the obligations of the employer to ensure the safety of their employees.
  • The law establishes both the norms and algorithm for conducting valuation activities, as well as the rights and obligations of all interested parties - the employee, employer, experts.
  • The special assessment of working conditions is regulated by both the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law, as well as other acts and laws that should not contradict those mentioned in content.
  • If this Federal Law contradicts international norms, then the latter will be the final authority.
  • - this is a single set of consistently carried out measures that determine the dangerous / harmful factors of industrial or other labor activity, as well as assess the level of their negative impact on the employee - this is determined based on the deviation of the identified indicators from state standards.
  • The results of this special assessment give the experts a reason to determine the classes of working conditions in terms of hazard in the study area.

Rights and obligations of the parties

Consider in the table the rights and obligations of the parties - all participants in the process of assessing working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.

Participant Rights Responsibilities

The requirement to substantiate the results of the assessment given to the workplace.

Conducting an unscheduled special assessment of jobs in your organization.

The requirement from the expert to present the documentation specified in Art. 19 of this Federal Law.

Appealing in court the actions / inaction of an expert organization (Article 26 of this Federal Law).

Ensure an assessment of working conditions in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 17 of the considered Federal Law.

Provide the expert organization with all the information necessary to assess the degree of labor.

Do not narrow down the range of issues that directly affect the final assessment of the expert.

To acquaint the employee in writing with the results of the assessment of the conditions of harmfulness of his workplace.

Make the necessary improvements/modernizations to establish more acceptable and safe working conditions.


Presence at your workplace at the time of assessing the harmfulness / danger of the conditions of the latter.

The right to apply to the employer, an expert with proposals for more successful identification of harmful factors in their work activity.

The right to receive clarifications regarding the assessment of working conditions.

Appeal against the hazard/hazard assessment issued by the expert organization.

Familiarize yourself with the assessment that determines the degree of work in terms of harmfulness.
Expert organization

Refusal to carry out assessment activities if they threaten the life or health of employees of the audited institution.

Appeal against the instructions of the officials involved in the process.

Provide justification for the assessment of working conditions.

Provide documents confirming your authority.

Apply the methods and means of testing/measurement approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Do not start appraisal activities if:

The employer provided insufficient information for the examination;

The employer refused to provide proper conditions for the work of experts.

Keep commercial and other secrets protected by law that become known during the assessment

To determine how dangerous the work is, the expert commission, together with the employer, conducts a number of activities. Let's briefly analyze them.

13 stages of labor hazard assessment

The key steps in determining the degree of labor in terms of harmfulness / danger of its conditions are as follows:

  1. Issuance of an order determining the formation of an expert commission.
  2. Approval of the list of jobs requiring assessment.
  3. Publication of the order on the work schedule of the evaluation commission.
  4. Conclusion of an appropriate agreement with an expert organization.
  5. Transfer to experts of information necessary for their activity.
  6. Approval of the results of analyzes of harmful/dangerous factors.
  7. Approval of the report on the assessment activities carried out.
  8. Notification of the expert organization about the previous paragraph.
  9. Submission of a declaration of compliance of the actual situation with state standards for safe work.
  10. Familiarization of employees with the assessments.
  11. Placing information about grades on the official website of the employer.
  12. Notification of the results of the FSS RF.
  13. Application of the results of evaluation activities to improve working conditions, minimize harmful / dangerous work.

  • optimal;
  • permissible;
  • harmful;
  • dangerous.

Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

Optimal working conditions

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of danger and harmfulness begin with the first - the most favorable. Here, the impact of hazardous or harmful factors is absent / minimal / does not exceed the established safety standards. Working conditions do not interfere with maintaining an increased level of human performance.

Permissible workflow conditions

The workplace, which was awarded class 2, is distinguished by the fact that the worker is exposed to dangerous and / or harmful factors, but in such an amount that official hygiene standards allow. The moral and physical condition of the employee is fully restored subject to the established regime of work and rest by the beginning of the next working day.

Harmful working conditions and their varieties

Accordingly, labor, according to Federal Law No. 426, will be those that exceed the established standards for harmfulness / danger of influencing the employee's condition. Class 3 has four additional subclasses inside:

  1. The state of the worker can fully recover with a long rest (more than a break between work shifts). There is a risk of harm to health.
  2. Exposure to harmful / dangerous factors in the process of work can lead to certain dysfunctions of the body (heavy physical work definitely belongs here). With a long (more than 15 years) work experience, the manifestation of the initial stages of occupational diseases is possible, causing slight harm to the general condition.
  3. Working conditions can lead to both mild occupational diseases and diseases of moderate severity, which can contribute to the loss of professional suitability.
  4. The conditions of the working process inevitably lead to the appearance of severe forms of occupational diseases, the consequence of which is the general loss of the worker's ability to work.

Hazardous working conditions

Class 4 includes such definitely harmful and dangerous working conditions that not only can contribute to the emergence and progression of severe forms of occupational diseases, inevitably leading to total disability, but also endanger the life of the worker during the working day.

Federal Law No. 426 not only establishes a general classification of the harmfulness of working conditions, but also determines the procedure for making such an assessment of a particular workplace by a special expert, determines the rights and obligations of the employee, employer and expert organization within this process.

The conditions in which the worker is located can have an impact on his health. It is important to know whether a certain profession affects the life and health of an employee. If the harmfulness does not exceed the permissible rate of negative impact on the body of an employee, then such conditions can be considered harmless.

Many factors can have a negative impact on the health of an employee. If the environment or work process is harmful and unfavorable, it can cause a number of negative consequences for the worker.

These consequences include: exacerbation of chronic diseases, the emergence of new diseases, negative changes in the psyche, complete or partial disability. In order for the employee to clearly understand what working conditions he will have to deal with, and what the consequences may be, they introduced a special classification of the conditions of workers according to the degree of its harmfulness.

What are harmful working conditions?

There are such degrees of harmfulness of work:

  • first degree of harm.

Unfavorable factors of the working environment can cause a number of negative health changes that disappear if the employee interrupts contact with them for a long time;

  • second degree.

Significant changes occur in the work of the employee's body due to the influence of various factors during work. They relate mainly to those organs that suffer the most from this type of activity. An employee may be temporarily unable to work. It is restored some time after the termination of employment;

  • third degree.

The employee receives occupational illnesses. Their severity can be mild or moderate. The employee loses his professional ability to work during the performance of his work;

  • fourth degree.

Working in such conditions suggests the occurrence of serious diseases. They may be chronic. The employee loses the ability to work in any field.

Harmful factors affecting the health of the worker:

  • physical factors;
  • chemical factors;
  • biological factors;
  • labor factors.

All these factors can significantly affect the health and well-being of an employee.

For example, if the production temperature is very low, the worker may experience acute respiratory diseases. And if the employee has to work at night, or the working day exceeds the allowable norms, there may be difficulties with concentration and well-being in general.

With prolonged observance of such a regimen of work, sleep disturbance occurs. The degree of influence of these factors on the life and health of an employee will directly depend on the strength of their influence.

Harmful working conditions by class

List of hazard classes.

  • First grade. The conditions are optimal. This category includes workplaces where there are no factors that threaten the life and health of employees. This is a perfectly safe job;
  • second class. The possibility of harm to the health of employees is negligible. Recovery of the body should occur by the beginning of the next working day;
  • third class. Working conditions are harmful to the health of employees. The impact of adverse factors on the health of the employee is significant. The third class of production hazard is divided into four subgroups:
  1. The first subgroup of harmful working conditions of the third class. The body of an employee is exposed to the harmful effects of working environment factors. Normalization of all body systems does not have time to occur before the start of the next work shift. The health risk is significant.
  2. Second subgroup. Persistent changes in the health status of the worker begin. They are harmful to moderate severity, can cause various diseases. The employee completely or partially loses his ability to work after fifteen or more years of work in such conditions.
  3. Third subgroup. During the performance of work duties, illnesses of mild to moderate severity may occur. The effect of negative factors on the body is persistent and destructive.
  4. fourth subgroup. Assumes a threat to the life and health of the employee, loss of ability to work in this professional field;
  • fourth grade. Dangerous working conditions. The work activity of an employee poses a danger to life and health.

Under such conditions, chronic diseases can worsen. Severe occupational ailments appear.

Assessment of harmful working conditions

SOUT has replaced certification of workplaces.

SOUT - a special assessment of working conditions. This is a set of activities that are carried out in order to assess the conditions in which employees work at a particular enterprise.

When there is an assessment of working conditions, members of a special commission check all possible factors under the influence of which the employee is. All parameters of the production environment are subject to verification.

After their detailed study, the commission assigns one of the hazard classes to the enterprise. Depending on the assigned hazard class, employees are paid benefits and special working conditions are created.

The level of hazard can be reduced if employees use personal protective equipment.

These protective equipment are subject to mandatory certification.

Benefits for harmful working conditions

Employees are entitled to benefits.

Those factors that affect the employees of the enterprise during work often have an adverse effect on the body, disrupting its proper functioning. Sometimes adverse conditions in the workplace can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the employee.

Therefore, each employee who performs his labor duties in conditions of harmfulness is entitled to benefits. Accounting is responsible for calculating them. The size and form of benefits are determined depending on the class and degree of harmfulness of working conditions.

Benefits that are due for working in harmful conditions: timely pension on special conditions, provision of milk and other products to employees, changes in working hours, monetary compensation.

For example, a typical work week is 40 hours. If there are harmful working conditions, the working week is reduced to 36 hours.

Labor legislation allows a significant reduction in hours in the presence of exposure to harmful factors.

If the length of the working week is 36 hours, one shift can last no more than 8 hours. If the working week is 30 hours, then the shift can last no more than 6 hours.

Leave for harmful working conditions

Extra leave available.

An employee of any enterprise necessarily receives a well-deserved paid vacation. Those employees whose activities are associated with hazardous production are entitled to additional leave. Such leave is given to the employee in addition to the main one.

Additional leave is available to those who:

  • works in adverse conditions, for example, in conditions of low air temperature;
  • is employed in an enterprise where there is a harmful effect during the performance of labor activity;
  • performs work of a special nature;
  • has an irregular work schedule.

Certificate of absence of harmful working conditions

An employee may request a certificate.

Each employee can receive a certificate in which the conditions of his work will be prescribed. You can get it by contacting the accounting department. Help is written in free form.

It must clearly spell out all the nuances of working at a particular enterprise: how harmful are the working conditions; how long should the shift be? what benefits and compensation rely for specific working conditions.

Such a certificate may contain information that the employee, due to any factors of labor activity, is entitled to special seniority and early retirement. A certificate of this nature must contain complete information about the enterprise and the employee.

It is mandatory to attach job evaluation data and the employee's personal card. Sometimes employees need a certificate stating that their work does not have a negative impact on their health. If the working conditions meet these requirements, the accounting department will issue such a certificate.

From this video you will learn about compensation payments for harmful working conditions.

Question form, write your

However, in many industries there are factors that can directly affect our performance and health, as well as the labor process itself. Moreover, the presence of such factors can cause various occupational diseases in an employee and even reduce life expectancy.

Such factors form harmful working conditions (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

General information

In turn, according to the degree of harmfulness, working conditions are divided into four classes - optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous working conditions (part 1 of article 14 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions").

It should be noted that the employer has a legislative opportunity to reduce the class of working conditions by providing its employees with modern and effective personal protective equipment that has passed mandatory certification, subject to other requirements of the relevant technical regulation (parts 6 - 8 of article 14 of Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 , TR TS 019/2011, approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of December 9, 2011 No. 878).

The legislator strictly requires the employer to comply with regulations and create the safest working conditions for employees, including through regular assessment of the hazards of work and mandatory familiarization of all employees with the results obtained.

However, the employer cannot always exclude the presence of harmful factors at work, therefore the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for certain guarantees and benefits for persons employed in work with harmful working conditions.

Harmful factors

Damage to the health of an employee can be caused by:

  • physical parameters of labor (air humidity, temperature, electromagnetic radiation, exposure to constant vibration, etc.),
  • chemical provocateurs (hormonal and enzymatic substances, exposure to reagents, etc.),
  • biological hazards (pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, etc.),
  • labor features (high load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body);
  • labor intensity (high load on the central nervous system).

Classification of harmful working conditions

As mentioned above, the legislator refers to harmful working conditions as class 3.

Depending on the degree of impact of harmful factors on the health of the employee and his performance, harmful working conditions are classified into (Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013):

  • harmful working conditions of the 1st degree (subclass 3.1),
  • harmful working conditions of the 2nd degree (subclass 3.2),
  • harmful working conditions of the 3rd degree (subclass 3.3),
  • harmful working conditions of the 4th degree (subclass 3.4).

The above classification of harmful working conditions is built by the legislator on the principle that each subsequent degree of exposure to harmful factors on the body of an employee leads our body to such changes and disorders, on the one hand, and loss of working capacity during the performance of official duties, on the other hand, that at 4 degrees the worker is completely unable to work.

How to prove harmful working conditions

In addition, the employee has the right to apply to his management and / or the controlling organization (its expert) with a statement that they conduct an inspection of his workplace in order to identify potentially harmful and (or) dangerous production factors (clause 2, part 1, article 5 Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013).

Certificate of presence/absence of harmful working conditions

If, according to the results of the assessment of working conditions, your production is recognized as harmful, then the workers employed in it are entitled to receive an old-age labor pension earlier than the generally established retirement age (that is, men earlier than reaching 60 years old, women - 55 years old).

These provisions are provided for in paragraphs. 1 p. 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ).

In such cases, confirmation of the nature of the employee's work is required, namely, additional working conditions (factors) that determine the right of the insured person to early retirement benefits. For example, employment in hot work areas, work with radioactive substances with a certain degree of their activity in the workplace, underground work, in a certain structural unit, etc.

In practice, as confirmation of the nature of the work of the insured person, organizations provide clarifying certificates confirming the presence of harmful working conditions and periods of work.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Art. 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring a part-time job with another employer for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the employer has the right to require a certificate of the nature and working conditions at the main place of work.

Such a certificate is drawn up at the place of work, signed by the head and stamped. Since there is no standard sample, the certificate is compiled in an arbitrary form on the basis of documents containing information about the nature of the work (for example, orders for hiring and dismissal, staffing, time sheets, magazines for issuing overalls, milk or therapeutic and preventive nutrition, information about additional holidays in the employee’s personal card (form No. T-2), descriptions of the technological process, technological maps, orders, operating cards, hygiene certificates, job descriptions and instructions for workplaces, safety instructions, certification cards for workplaces according to the conditions labor, the results of the assessment of working conditions, etc.).

The document usually contains the following information:

  • Full name of the employee, number of the insurance certificate;
  • registration number of the organization in the FIU;
  • position, work experience;
  • information about the nature and special working conditions (if this information is not contained in the work book);
  • information about the employee's full-time employment;
  • mode of operation;
  • other data.

The employee receives occupational illnesses. Their severity can be mild or moderate. The employee loses his professional ability to work during the performance of his work;

  • fourth degree.

Working in such conditions suggests the occurrence of serious diseases. They may be chronic. The employee loses the ability to work in any field. See also: Certification of workplaces: concept, features, how many years it is valid Harmful factors affecting the health of an employee:

  • physical factors;
  • chemical factors;
  • biological factors;
  • labor factors.

All these factors can significantly affect the health and well-being of an employee.

Occupational Safety and Health

Those factors that affect the employees of the enterprise during work often have an adverse effect on the body, disrupting its proper functioning. Sometimes adverse conditions in the workplace can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the employee.

Therefore, each employee who performs his labor duties in conditions of harmfulness is entitled to benefits. Accounting is responsible for calculating them. The size and form of benefits are determined depending on the class and degree of harmfulness of working conditions.


Benefits that are due for working in hazardous conditions: timely pension under special conditions, provision of milk and other products to employees, changes in working hours, monetary compensation. For example, a typical work week is 40 hours.

If there are harmful working conditions, the working week is reduced to 36 hours.

Article 14. Classification of working conditions

  • Approval of the results of analyzes of harmful/dangerous factors.
  • Approval of the report on the assessment activities carried out.
  • Notification of the expert organization about the previous paragraph.
  • Submission of a declaration of compliance of the actual situation with state standards for safe work.
  • Familiarization of employees with the assessments.
  • Placing information about grades on the official website of the employer.
  • Notification of the results of the FSS RF.
  • Application of the results of evaluation activities to improve working conditions, minimize harmful / dangerous work.
  • Four categories of working conditions The Evaluation Commission must allocate one of the four classes of harmfulness of a certain labor process:
  • optimal;
  • permissible;
  • harmful;
  • dangerous.

Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

What are working conditions - classes of working conditions

Optimal Permissible Harmful Dangerous (extreme) 1 degree 2 degree 3 degree 4 degree 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 I a 68 (58-77) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 18 16 14 12 I b 88 (78-97) according to SanPiN 17 15 13 11 II a 113 (98-129) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 14 12 10 8 II b 145 (13°-16°) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 13 11 9 7 III 177 according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 12 1° 8 6 Table No. 57. Classes of working conditions in terms of air temperature (°C, lower limit) for open areas during the cold season and in cold (unheated) rooms 3 degrees 4 degrees 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 I A 0.71 -30 -36 -38.5 -40.8 -60< 0,6 0,1-0,6 < Рн Отраженная блескость отсутствие наличие Коэффициент пульсации освещенности (Кл, %) Клн Клн Яркость (L, кд/м2) Lн Lн Неравномерность распределения яркости (С, отн.

Classification of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

Federal Law No. 426: the general plan of the draft law It consists of four thematic chapters:
  1. General provisions.

    It's being parsed here:

    • the main subject of the bill;
    • the concept of "special assessment of labor conditions" and its regulation;
    • the rights and obligations of both the employee and the employer, as well as the organization carrying out appraisal activities;
    • application of the results of the assessment of the workplace in terms of hazard to life and health in practice.
  2. Evaluation of working conditions.

Harmful working conditions: the concept of 2, 3 and 4 degrees and who belongs to them?

Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of factors of the working environment and the labor process from hygienic standards, working conditions are conditionally divided into 4 classes according to the degree of harmfulness and danger: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous (“Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions "R 2.2.2006-05). Optimal working conditions (class 1) - conditions under which the health of the employee is maintained and prerequisites are created to maintain a high level of efficiency. Optimal standards for working environment factors have been established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors.
For other factors, such working conditions are conventionally taken as optimal, under which harmful factors are absent or do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

The chapter is devoted to the evaluation process:

  • organization of work of the expert commission;
  • preparation for the start of work;
  • identification of potentially hazardous/harmful factors;
  • compliance of the state of affairs with state standards for safe work;
  • testing/research/measurement of harmful and hazardous working conditions;
  • what is subject to mandatory research/measurement in order to put forward an assessment of working conditions;
  • classification of working conditions;
  • the results of the work of the expert commission;
  • features of evaluation of individual jobs;
  • a section on the universal federal information system for recording the results of these inspections.
  • Organizations and experts assessing working conditions.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.

  • 1 Degrees of harmful working conditions
  • 2 Harmful working conditions by class
  • 3 Assessment of harmful working conditions
  • 4 Benefits for harmful working conditions
    • 4.1 Leave for harmful working conditions
  • 5 Certificate of absence of harmful working conditions

Degrees of harmful working conditions What are harmful working conditions? There are such degrees of harmfulness of work:

  • first degree of harm.

Unfavorable factors of the working environment can cause a number of negative health changes that disappear if the employee interrupts contact with them for a long time;

  • second degree.

Significant changes occur in the work of the employee's body due to the influence of various factors during work. They relate mainly to those organs that suffer the most from this type of activity.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger of factors of the production environment and the labor process Any type of professional activity in order to achieve the final goals in the best case should be accompanied by the highest productivity and labor efficiency in the absence of signs of a violation of the health of workers. Ensuring these conditions is based on scientifically developed hygienic standards, according to which working conditions are divided into classes according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.
Hygienic criteria are indicators that characterize the degree of deviations of the parameters of the factors of the working environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger table

Сн Сн Table No. 59. Classes of working conditions under the influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic fields and radiation) Factor Class of working conditions Optimal Permissible Harmful Dangerous (extreme) 1st degree 2nd degree 3rd degree 4th degree 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 background< 50 Электростатическое поле естеств. фон < 10 Постоянное магнитное поле естеств. фон < 10 Электрические поля промышленной частоты (5° Гц) естеств. фон < 50 40 Магнитные поля промышленной частоты (5° Гц) естеств. фон < 50 ЭМИ, создаваемые ВДТ и ПЭВМ < 50 ЭМИ радиочастотного диапазона: 0,01-0,03 МГц естеств. фон < 10 0,03-3,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 3,0-30,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 30,0-300,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 50 300,0-МГц-300,0 ГГц естеств. фон < 10 50 Таблица № 60.

And the production environment that affects the employee of the enterprise.

Characteristics of the production process and are determined by the equipment used, objects and products of labor, technology, and the system of servicing workplaces.

Work environment, first of all, it is characterized by sanitary and hygienic working conditions (temperature, noise, illumination, dustiness, gas contamination, vibration, etc.), labor safety, work and rest regime, as well as the relationship between employees of the enterprise.

Labor intensity characterizes the amount of labor expended per unit of working time.

The main factors affecting the intensity of labor include:
  • the degree of employment of the employee during the working day;
  • pace;
  • the efforts required in the performance of work, which depend on the mass of the goods being moved, the features of the equipment, and the organization of labor;
  • the number of serviced objects (machines, jobs, etc.);
  • the size of the objects of labor;
  • specialization of the workplace;
  • sanitary and hygienic working conditions;
  • forms of relationships in production teams.

Classification of working conditions

Working conditions- a set of factors of the production and labor process that affect the performance and health of a person.

Based on hygienic criteria R 2.2.2006-05 “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions” working conditions are divided into four classes: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions

Optimal working conditions (1st class) are such conditions under which the health of workers is maintained and prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of efficiency.

Permissible working conditions

Permissible working conditions (2nd class) - characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated breaks or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an unfavorable actions in the near and long term on the health of workers and their offspring. Permissible working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

Harmful working conditions

Harmful working conditions (3rd class) - the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and his offspring. Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers are divided into four degrees of harmfulness.

Hazardous working conditions

Hazardous (extreme) working conditions (grade 4) - levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift poses a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational diseases, including severe forms.

The class of working conditions is determined by the degree of deviation of the parameters of the production environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards in accordance with the identified effect of these deviations on the functional state and health of workers.

Hygienic standards of working conditions (MPC, MPD) - levels that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week, during the entire working experience should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health detected by modern research methods, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations. Compliance with hygienic standards does not exclude a violation of the state of health in persons with hypersensitivity (hygienic criteria).

Ensuring comfortable living conditions in industrial premises

The meteorological conditions in the room or the microclimate, which depends on the thermophysical features of the process equipment, the season of the year, and the conditions of heating and ventilation, have a significant impact on the performance. The microclimate is determined by combinations of temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, temperature of surrounding surfaces, and intensity of thermal radiation acting on the human body.

Temperature is the main microclimate factor. air temperature. The change in air temperature in industrial premises is affected by heat (the kinetic energy of molecules) coming from various sources mainly due to thermal radiation from heated surfaces and convection.


Humidity - the content of water vapor in it, it is characterized by the following concepts:

  • absolute humidity (expressed as water vapor pressure (Pa) or in weight units in a certain volume of air (g / m3) at certain pressure and temperature);
  • maximum humidity (the amount of moisture at full saturation of air at a given temperature, g/m3);
  • relative humidity (characterizes the degree of air saturation with water vapor and is defined as the ratio of absolute humidity to maximum),%.

For saturated air, relative humidity is taken as 100%. To determine relative humidity, there are psychrometric tables, graphs and charts that allow you to find the value of relative humidity depending on air temperature using dry and wet bulbs.

Air mobility

The mobility of air in the premises is created by convection currents due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room, as well as the operation of mechanical ventilation. The unit of measurement is m/s.

Thermal irradiation intensity

The intensity of thermal irradiation of the human body is the thermal energy of the source per unit surface of the human body, W/m2.

Thermoregulation of the human body

Thermoregulation of the human body. The human body has a constant temperature of 36.6 °C. To maintain its constancy, there are two types of analyzers on human skin: some react to cold, others to heat. Temperature analyzers protect the body from hypothermia and overheating, help maintain a constant body temperature. The totality of the processes of heat generation and heat transfer that occur in the body and allow maintaining a constant body temperature is called thermoregulation.

The mechanism of heat generation has chemical thermoregulation, and heat transfer has physical thermoregulation. The increase in heat generation is achieved by increasing the intensity of energy metabolism, and the main contribution to it is made by muscle activity. So, at rest, heat generation is 111.6-125.5 W, and during intense muscular work - 313.6-418.4 W.

The heat transfer of the body to the environment, depending on the meteorological parameters, occurs:
  • in the form of infrared rays emitted by the surface of the body in the direction of surrounding objects with a lower temperature (radiation);
  • heating of the air washing the surface of the body (convection);
  • evaporation of moisture (sweat) from the surface of the body (skin) and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • thermal conductivity through clothing;
  • heat transfer from exhaled air.

Deviation of microclimate parameters from standard values ​​significantly affects health and labor productivity. High temperature causes intense sweating, which leads to dehydration, loss of mineral salts and water-soluble vitamins. The consequence of this is blood clotting, violation of the water-salt balance, changes in gastric secretion, the development of vitamin deficiency. High temperature causes increased breathing (up to 50%), weakening of attention, deterioration in coordination of movements, slowing down of reaction. Prolonged exposure to high temperature leads to the accumulation of heat in the body, and body temperature can rise to 38-40 °C. As a result, heat stroke with loss of consciousness can occur. Low temperatures can cause cooling and hypothermia of the human body. When the body is cooled, heat transfer decreases reflexively and heat generation increases due to the intensity of oxidative metabolic processes. Compensation for heat loss occurs until the energy reserves run out. Trembling of the body is an attempt by the body to generate additional heat and speed up the movement of blood due to micro-movements.

Hygienic regulation of the microclimate

The norms of microclimate parameters are established by SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”, which present the optimal and permissible values ​​of the microclimate parameters in the working area of ​​industrial premises in warm, cold and transitional periods of the year for work of various categories of severity - light , medium and heavy. The warm period of the year is characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature above 10°C, the cold (transitional) period of the year is less than or equal to 10°C.

Optimal microclimatic conditions

Optimal microclimatic conditions are a combination of microclimate parameters, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provides a feeling of thermal comfort and creates the prerequisites for high performance.

Permissible microclimatic conditions

Permissible microclimatic conditions are a combination of microclimate parameters that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause tension in the mechanisms of thermoregulation that does not go beyond the limits of physiological adaptive capabilities. At the same time, there are no disturbances in the state of health, but quickly normalizing uncomfortable heat sensations are observed.

According to the norms, the optimal relative humidity does not depend on the season and the severity of the work and is 40-60%.

The optimal parameters of the microclimate in industrial premises are provided by air conditioning systems, and the permissible parameters are provided by conventional ventilation and heating systems.

Aeroionic composition of air

Along with temperature, humidity and air mobility in industrial premises, the aeroionic composition of the air affects human life. Negatively charged air ions have a beneficial effect on the human body, increase labor productivity. In rooms with negative ions, the number of micro-organisms decreases, the concentration of dust in the air decreases, electrostatic charges on the surface of the equipment are eliminated, and some gases are neutralized. Air ions in the air are called light ions. Light air ions, meeting suspended particles on their way, combine with them, imparting their charge to them. As a result of such compounds, charged particles are formed, which are called heavy ions, which are harmful to health.

Air ionization

Air ionization- the process of transformation of neutral atoms and molecules of the air into electrically charged particles (ions). Natural ionization occurs as a result of the impact on the air environment of cosmic radiation and particles emitted by radioactive substances during their decay. Technological ionization- when the air environment is exposed to radioactive, x-ray and ultraviolet radiation, thermal emission, photoelectric effect and other ionizing factors due to the technological process. Artificial ionization is carried out by special devices - ionizers, which provide a given concentration of ions of a certain polarity in a limited volume of air.

In the breathing zones of personnel at workplaces where there are sources of electrostatic fields (video display terminals, copiers, televisions), the absence of air ions of positive polarity is allowed.

To normalize the air ionic composition of the air, air ionizers are used that have passed a sanitary and epidemic assessment and have a valid sanitary and epidemic conclusion. In this case, it is also necessary to use supply and exhaust ventilation, automatic control devices for the ionic regime of the air.

Lighting in industrial premises

The main task of industrial lighting- maintenance of illumination at the workplace, corresponding to the nature of visual work.

Illumination (E) is the surface density of the light flux; the unit of illumination is lux (lx). This is the illumination of 1 m2 of the surface when a luminous flux of 1 lumen (lm) falls on it. Lumen is a unit of measurement of the luminous flux of a light source.

Luminous flux (F)- the power of light energy, estimated by the light sensation experienced by the eye.

Light intensity (I) is the spatial density of the light flux within the solid angle. The unit of light intensity is the candela (cd).

Brightness (B) is the surface density of light intensity in a given direction. The unit of brightness is candela per square meter (cd/m2).

Glare value (P) is a criterion for evaluating the glare of a light source. Unit - %.

Pulsation coefficient of illumination of the gearbox is a criterion for assessing the change in surface illumination due to periodic changes in time of the luminous flux of the light source. Unit - %. The need for the indicator “ripple factor” is caused by the widespread use of gas discharge lamps. When powered by alternating current, there is a ripple in time of the magnitude of the light flux of these sources with a frequency twice the frequency of the current in the network.

Natural lighting and its regulation

Natural lighting and its regulation. Lighting in industrial premises during daylight hours is provided by a natural light source - the sky. Natural lighting is created in rooms with a constant stay of people. It may be absent in rooms with a short stay of people and where the presence of light is unacceptable due to the technological conditions of work.

Types of natural lighting there are: lateral (through windows), upper (through antiaircraft lamps) and combined. The use of a particular system of natural lighting depends on the purpose and size of the room, its location in the building plan, as well as the light climate of the area.

With a lack of natural light, artificial lighting is used, the combination of which is called combined lighting.

The intensity of natural lighting is estimated by the coefficient of natural lighting (KEO), showing how many times the illumination in the room is less than the illumination of the outside, as a percentage. The KEO value is normalized according to SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting” and SanPiN 2.2.1 / “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings”, taking into account the nature of visual work, the category of visual work, type of natural and combined lighting, light climate where the building is located. KEO is in the range from 0.1 to 6%.

Artificial lighting and its regulation. Artificial lighting according to its purpose is divided into working, emergency, security and duty. Working lighting is provided for all premises, buildings intended for work.

Artificial lighting system- for systems of general, local and combined lighting.

General lighting - general uniform and general localized. The general uniform illumination provides the required visibility conditions over the entire illuminated area as a result of the uniform arrangement of the luminaires at a relatively high height under the ceiling. General localized lighting is determined by the location of the equipment.

The combined lighting system is used where the accuracy of the process being performed is required and the general lighting creates shadows on work surfaces located vertically or obliquely. In combined lighting, in addition to general lighting fixtures, local fixtures with non-translucent reflectors are used. The use of one local lighting is not allowed. This is due to the fact that a sharp uneven illumination in the workplace and in the room reduces the efficiency of vision and causes fatigue.

Artificial lighting is standardized according to SNiP 23-05-95 and 2.2.1 /, taking into account the nature of visual work, the category and sub-class of visual work, the contrast of the object with the background, the characteristics of the background, the lighting system and is in the range from 5,000 to 20 lux for any observation of the production process.

Sources of light

Sources of light. For artificial lighting, incandescent and gas-discharge (fluorescent) lamps are used. When choosing artificial lighting sources, their electrical, lighting, design, operational and economic indicators should be taken into account.

Lamps are placed in lighting fittings (together they are called lamps), designed to redistribute the luminous flux, protect the eyes from glare and the lamp from pollution, ensure electrical, explosion and fire safety, and protect against moisture.

Important characteristics of the luminaire are the protective angle and the efficiency of the luminaire (COP). The protective angle of the luminaire is the angle within which the observer's eye is protected from the glare of the lamp and which is formed by a horizontal line and a line tangent to the luminous body and the edge of the reflector edge. The smallest value of the angle is 15 degrees.

The efficiency of a luminaire is the ratio of the luminous flux of the luminaire to the luminous flux of the lamps in this luminaire. In modern lamps, the efficiency is 60-80%.

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