What do the concepts of "patriot" and "patriotism" mean today? What is patriotism and why should we love our homeland


And he was instilled from an early age, sometimes in a forced form, then respect and love for the state is everyone's business.

Manifestations of patriotism

Who is this and how are patriotic feelings manifested? Someone considers himself such, because he speaks exclusively in the state language and honors traditions, someone has made a significant contribution to the history of the country, and someone is sick of every event in the Motherland.

A patriot respects and remembers the history of his country, he proudly accepts both victories and defeats, without trying to ridicule or humiliate.

You can feel patriotic feelings for the state in which you live, or you can feel like a part of it being thousands of kilometers away.

Of course, one can call patriots people who daily, investing their strength, work for the good of the country, teachers who instill respect for the state in future citizens. manifests itself in small things and adds up to one big feeling of pride in the country.

To be a patriot is to believe in the future of the country, to see the prospects and strive for them, this is a shiver that permeates the whole body at the very first chords of the anthem. The patriot is ready to devote to the Motherland, to act in its interests and to die for its sake, if necessary.

Patriotism and emigration

Often people leave the country due to various circumstances. Perhaps someone does this because they do not want to live there, someone is forced by life, but the distance cannot cause the loss of patriotic feelings. When a person, already living under a different sky, worries about the Motherland, even in small things, for example, rooting for its sports team or not indifferent to cultural events, this only causes respect.

It is better to nurture and develop a sense of patriotism in yourself than a sense of shame and hatred, because it is pointless to blame your location for failures.

If the citizens of a country are not imbued with its problems, do not worry about its fate and do not respect it, then they first of all laugh at themselves, at the history of their lives. Life beyond the horizon always seems different, new and more promising, but it is not in vain that they say that it is good where we are not. It is better to try to improve your own than to stare at someone else's, already created by someone state space.

The future of the country is in the hands of its inhabitants, it is they who create its positive or negative image for other states, it is they who create its history.

What does it mean to be a patriot? Completed by: Mikhail Ivanov, student of the 6th "B" class. Leader: Pyshnaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher of history and social studies. I will decide on everything just to have the happiness of seeing the glory of Russia, and I will sacrifice the last drop of blood to her well-being. Pyotr Bagration

1. Introduction In September 2012, V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, at a meeting with the cadets in Krasnodar, in his speech said that patriotism is the foundation of our country. And the future of Russia depends on how many patriots there will be in our country. Patriotism... Where did this term come from? What does it mean? What does it mean to be a patriot? It was interesting to figure it out. This is how the topic of the research work “What does it mean to be a patriot?” appeared.

Tasks: Consider the concepts of "patriotism", "patriot", personal qualities of a patriot. To reveal the historical features of Russian patriotism. Describe an example of patriotism from the life of a particular person. Present the results of a sociological survey among peers. Develop practical recommendations for the education of patriotism. Organize presentation materials. Select information for presentation. Schedule your commentary while showing slides on a topic.

Contents of the work: Introduction. Main part. 1. What is "patriotism"? 2. What does "patriot" mean? 3. Historical features of Russian patriotism. 4. The life path of my great-grandmother is an example of patriotism. Related research. Conclusion. Bibliography.

2. Main part What is "patriotism"? PATRIOTISM [fr. patriotism

Components of patriotism Pride in the past and present of one's Motherland Love for the Motherland Patriotic consciousness Patriotic feelings Patriotic beliefs, tolerance Patriotic behavior Devotion to one's Fatherland The desire to protect interests, live for the good of the Motherland Readiness to defend one's Fatherland

What does "patriot" mean? PATRIOT [fr. patriote

Personal qualities of a patriot: Self-sacrifice - sacrificing one's personal interests for the sake of others. Selflessness - lack of concern for personal gain. A sense of duty - duty - obligation. An active civic position is an active desire to direct one's abilities for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of one's Motherland.

Historical features of Russian patriotism: The special love of Russian people for their native land. Community. Love of freedom, readiness for conscious self-sacrifice for the sake of the freedom of the Fatherland. Vitality and courage. A special understanding of military heroism. Statehood. Internationality. The effectiveness of the manifestation of patriotic feelings. The high humanistic orientation of the Russian patriotic idea, adherence to Orthodoxy.

The life path of my great-grandmother is an example of patriotism My great-grandmother Ivanova Olga Egorovna in 1943, at the age of 20, graduated from the courses of nurses at a field hospital in the army. She worked at the front as a ward nurse until the end of the war. Participated in battles on the North-Western Front, the Bryansk Front, the 1st Belorussian Front. Came to Berlin.

A patriot is a person who ... 90% of students believe that a patriot loves and respects his homeland; 10% are proud of their country; 20% are interested in and respect customs; 20% - takes care of their country; 10% - ready to defend their homeland; 5% - find it difficult to answer.

Patriot, who is he? Patriot, who is he? The one who loves the place where he was born and raised. He knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors. Knows and cherishes his native language. Ready to defend the Fatherland. Defends the prestige of his country. I am ready to give all my strength and abilities to my Motherland. He builds his future, linking it with his Fatherland.

So what does it mean to be a patriot? It means feeling patriotism, experiencing love in one's Motherland and putting its interests above one's own, this is the desire to do everything possible to preserve itself, its people and its culture, the desire to protect its interests and borders.

Recommendations "If you want to become a patriot" Recommendations "If you want to become a patriot" If you want to grow up as a worthy person and citizen, do not speak badly about the country in which you live, where your ancestry originated. Study the history of your country, get acquainted with the memorable and historical places of your homeland. Watch programs, films that tell about people who glorified the country in which you live. Do not be indifferent and indifferent to the events that are now taking place in your country. Be proud of the people who glorify your country. Show yourself on the positive side, prove your patriotism not in words, but in deeds. Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

4. Conclusion The research work allowed me to reveal the historical features of Russian patriotism and establish that patriotism is a deeply individual, intimate feeling that is in the human soul; identify the personal qualities of a patriot and make sure that patriots are not born, they are made. I believe that my hypothesis was confirmed. It is not by chance that I would like to quote the words of Vasily Rozanov: “What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but it is also necessary to do something specific for it. You can become a patriot. Patriotism is judged not by words, but by the deeds of each person. So - everything is in our hands!

5. References V.O. Klyuchevsky. historical portraits. M.: True, V.M. Solovyov. Russian history. M. White City, N.V. Chudakov. Children's encyclopedia. I know the world. M.: AST, M. Khitrov. Holy noble prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. M., Materials of the family archive.

Thank you for your attention! To be a patriot... What does it mean? And this means to love the Motherland, And this means to honestly, disinterestedly serve the beloved Fatherland. To love his gray-haired history, The holy faces of our mothers, Who, more than once in the evil year, accompanied their own children into battle. To teach children to be proud of their kind And to observe and preserve its honor, To be the best part of our people, Which no one could crush.


V.G. Belinsky

Class hour on the topic : "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

Purpose of class

    Instilling a sense of patriotism in studentsdetermine the role of patriotism in the life of modern society.

Class tasks:


    To acquaint students with the concept of "patriotism", with the main features of a patriot and his personality, with the role of patriotism in the future of the country.

    To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, fidelity to duty.


    To form in schoolchildren the concepts and ideas associated with patriotism.

    To develop the volitional qualities of students, independence, the ability to overcome difficulties, using problem situations, creative tasks for this


    Education of conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of one's history;

    Cultivate a culture of communication, develop communication skills.

Equipment : Computer, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation “We are the motherland

Conduct form : Classroom hour

On the desk: " Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proved not by word, but by deed»

V.G. Belinsky

A patriot is a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some cause, passionately loving something.

Dictionary S.I. Ozhegov



Teacher greeting:

Good afternoon guys, dear guests.

I suggest you watch the video and think about the question:

What is the theme of our class hour?

(showing the video “We are the Motherland”)

I .Introduction

The theme of patriotism is now a burning and sore subject for our country. How to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland? Namely “to awaken”, because it is in every soul. You can not force to love the Fatherland. Love must be nurtured. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the "problem of patriotism" has become perhaps the most discussed in our country. For everyone and everything today is vying to talk about false patriotism, true patriots, to which they consider themselves, trying to explain what exactly their love for the Motherland consists and is expressed in. Especially fashionable is the win-win patriotic theme on the eve of the elections, which is understandable. Other's

talk about patriotism causes only a wry smirk.

"What kind of patriotism can there be in a state that treats its citizens like this?" - older people say and with a sigh they recall those times when one could really be proud of the Motherland and its achievements. The younger generation more and more often contemptuously calls their country "Rashka" and dreams of "getting out" of here.

That was the goal of our class hour “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”

The purpose of our meeting is for you guys to realize that you are proud, worthy people, I want you to have pride for your country, for yourself. Only the proud, the worthy can become a patriot of their country.
And for starters, let's take a closer look at what the concept of patriotism means and who is a patriot?

The words of Vissarion Grigorievich are taken as the epigraph for the class hourBelinsky - Russian thinker publicist, critic, philosopher, writer

"Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proved not by word, but by deed"

V.G. Belinsky

From Ozhegov's dictionary I wrote out that

"Patriotism - Thisdevotion and love to one's fatherland, to one's people.

Patriot - a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some business, passionately loving something.

II . Information block

1. Respect for the past of their country.

“The history of the Russian people is unique, special, original. Our ancestors created it for thousands of years, they formed statehood, bit by bit collected lands, honed the Russian language, multiplied culture, forged the Russian character. What we have inherited from past generations was obtained by the labor and blood of millions of people.

At respect for the past is an indispensable component of respect for one's contemporaries, for oneself. An example of selfless service to the Motherland is for the younger generation our grandfathers and fathers, who defended the freedom and independence of the country in a difficult battle with the enemy on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. Someone from the wise said: "Where the cultural and historical past of the country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins.

Is it necessary today to cherish the past, to respect it? Isn't it more correct to build a new life without relying on the experience of our predecessors?

Conclusion: At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. The lessons of citizenship and patriotism must begin with a conversation about the historical past, without which neither the present nor the future is possible.

People who are not indifferent to the fate of the country, the people, should not forget their history, be ashamed of it, just as they should not forget and be ashamed of their parents.

In the last elections of city mayors, a little more than 20% of those who have the right to take part in the elections came to the polls.

How can this be explained? How can one treat those who do not go to the polls, is it necessary to apply any measure of punishment to them? Who went to the polls?

Conclusion: In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 32), citizens have the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government. Thus, participation in elections is precisely the right, and not the obligation of a citizen.

We often do not understand that by their non-participation in elections, they provoke the creation of such a system in the country, which will by no means contribute to their prosperity and well-being. Therefore, participation in voting is an active participation in the life of one's country, the feeling of being an integral part of it.

3. Service in the army.

In Soviet times, it was very honorable to serve in it, and someone who was not taken there was somehow looked askance. Now, the prospect of serving, even for one year, does not arouse much desire, much less pleasure. Being interested in the opinion of the parents of future conscripts, sociologists heard very contradictory arguments “for” and “against” military service.

The main reasons for the reluctance to send their children to the army, according to the interviewed parents, are:

    The army is a waste of time.”

    It's terrible for the lives of the children.” “I'm not sure that this will be of any benefit to my son and the country.”

    It's all about the current state of the army: when the reforms take place in it, then you have to serve.”

    Hazing in the army.

    There's a mess there."

    I am ready to serve again, so long as he does not serve.”

And what is your opinion? If given the opportunity, would you serve?

Conclusion: Today, society is discussing the issues of reforming the Russian army, its modernization and even the possible inclusion of girls in the conscripts. Let's hope that the transition of the Armed Forces to service on a contract basis will solve many problems that have accumulated in the modern army, make it more combat-ready and mobile.

4. Tolerance in the national question.

Patriotism should be distinguished from nationalism, chauvinism and racism, which are based on the ideas of national superiority and exclusivity, opposing one nation to another. In terms of the diversity of the national composition of its population, Russia, perhaps, has no equal: here for centuries, side by side, they live and work peacefully, build houses, raise children, rejoice together and grieve together because of common troubles people of more than a hundred nationalities.

The national question in Russia will be acute for a long time to come, because we are a multinational state. It is no coincidence that today we talk so often and so much about tolerance. To the question of a sociological study “Why do people feel hostility towards representatives of other nationalities?” 46% of respondents said that this reason is that they do not take into account the customs and norms of behavior adopted in Russia, they do not know how to behave, they are alien to this country, therefore they are not its patriots. That is, we are talking about the fact that in their behavior, in its most diverse forms, they behave differently from the majority of Russians.

The national policy of the state should not just help its citizens to answer the questions: “Who are we? Where?”, but also to explain the historical and current meaning of the existence of the state.Have you ever faced a national problem in your life? Is it a fact that representatives of other countries cannot be patriots of Russia?

Conclusion : Belonging to one's own country, one's own state should unite people. In the history of Russia, there are many examples of selfless love and devotion to it on the part of representatives of national minorities. We do not remember nationality when it comes to various kinds of achievements: in sports - Marat Safin, Kostya Dzyu; in literature - Chingiz Aitmatov, Musa Jalil; in medicine, Leo Bakeria; in science - Landau. Patriotism is the constant work of the mind and soul, love and respect for the elders, everyday efforts to ensure that our common homeland - Russia becomes more powerful and more beautiful, so that the citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their nationality, live better and believe in the future of their children and grandchildren .

5. Support for the domestic manufacturer.

Surprisingly, today the majority of Russians are in favor of supporting domestic producers and restricting access to the Russian market for imported goods. This is evidenced by the data of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM).

Almost unanimously, Russians declare their desire to buy Russian products (only 93%), which indicates support for domestic producers, and are in favor of limiting the import of imported goods.

Support for domestic producers should not consist in restricting the access of foreign goods to the Russian market. This opinion was expressed by the President of Russia at one of the press conferences in the Kremlin. Russia must create competitive products.

The President also said that this principle should also apply to Russian culture: "The dominance of foreign television, film and book production cannot please our producers." In addition, in the field of culture, Russia can successfully compete with other countries.

Conclusion: It is possible that the assertion that the support of a domestic manufacturer should be regarded as a manifestation of a patriotic principle is not entirely true, but it is also not unfounded. Making a choice in favor of Russian products, we thereby provide not only support, but also give confidence to the manufacturer, give him a chance to catch up and overtake his competitor in his industry. And the development of all sectoral structures makes the state the strongest and most powerful power.

6. Faith in the revival of Russia as a strong power.

Look at the map of our country, vast expanses. Vast plains with full-flowing rivers, dense forests and endless steppes spread across our country. Mountain ranges encircle our country with a stone belt. The bowels of the plains and mountains are pantries with countless riches of coal, oil, metal ores, gemstones. Russia is an immense country. Its area is 17 million km². Imagine that we are traveling from the north to the south of Russia. We have to cover a distance of about 4 thousand km. And if we fly by plane from west to east, then we will be on the way for about 12 hours, flying 10 thousand km over the expanses of Russia.But why then do we live so badly ? Why is the standard of living of the average Russian still much lower than in any developed country?

Yes, this country must be protected, there were plenty of people who wanted to encroach on our country. They are still there...

    Do you believe in the revival of Russia and what do you think needs to be done for this?

Conclusion: The youth stands up for the revival of Russia as a strong power, as well as for economic and financial stabilization in Russia. Thus, in their aspirations, values ​​and life plans, young people are very close to the older generation, and in this sense, we can talk about the revival of continuity. And for the revival of Russia, you only need to work. Lots and good. Stop relying on someone (we always know what and how to do to someone, but not to us), but to arrange our own life and the lives of those around us, to be a source of the best cultural traditions and moral purity.

COMMITTEE OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE VOLGOGRAD REGION State Budget Vocational Educational Institution "Kamyshinsky Pedagogical College"


Head of department

educational work and

youth initiatives

Davydenko Olga Viktorovna


"What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

A patriot is a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some cause, passionately loving something.

Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov

Patriotism: the belief that your country is better than others because you were born in it.

Bernard Show

Substantiation of significance and relevance.

The significance and relevance of this topic are determined by:

    a special role in educating young people in memory of the heroism of our ancestors;

    the need for young people to have an ideal to look up to;

    the presence of a complex set of problems in the field of organizing the patriotic education of young people, requiring both new forms of work and the consideration and use of accumulated experience.

Place in the educational process :

Civil and patriotic education of students.


Organization of value - oriented activities for the adoption by a person of morally significant ideas; contribute to the formation of patriotic ideals, readiness to fulfill the constitutional duty, to contribute to the success of the socialization of young people.


Contribute to the creation of conditions for positive dynamics in the following areas:

    manifestation of ideological attitudes towards readiness to defend our country;

    involvement of young people in value-oriented activities;

    creating a favorable, friendly microclimate among young people.


The theme of patriotism is now a burning and sore subject for our country, for the Russian people. How to awaken a feeling of love for the Motherland? Namely “to awaken”, because it is in every soul, and it must be strengthened with a precise, pure tone. You can not force to love the Fatherland. Love must be nurtured. That was the purpose of the debate “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”. "Patriotism", "love for the motherland", "faithful sons of the Fatherland"... Today, only the lazy does not remember these words - sublime, noble and at the same time - because of the frequent mention of utterly worn out and lost their original brilliance and even meaning. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the "problem of patriotism" has become perhaps the most exaggerated in our country. For everyone and everything today is vying to talk about false patriotism, true patriots, to which they consider themselves, trying to explain what exactly their "exclusive" love for the Motherland consists and expresses. Especially fashionable is the win-win patriotic theme on the eve of the elections, which is understandable. However, this circumstance, perhaps, only complicates the search for an answer to the main question: "What does it mean to be a patriot in Russia today?" Of course, one can recall the well-known truth that "patriotism is love for one's people, and nationalism is hatred for others," and that's it. But, I think, winged words, no matter how beautiful they may be, do not exhaust the entire depth of the problem.

So let's figure out what patriotism is? And what has our difficult time brought to his understanding? How, after all, to educate a patriot in today's difficult conditions, full of contradictions?

Let's try to express our thoughts on this matter.

Respect for the past of their country.

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -
In them the heart finds food -
Love for native land
Love for father's coffins.

    Who does not know these Pushkin lines?

    But does everyone think about their meaning?

The poet proclaimed love for the past of the Fatherland, in which - he knew it very well - not only roses bloomed. He proclaimed, because he understood that respect for the past is an indispensable component of respect for one's contemporaries, for oneself. An example of selfless service to the Motherland is for the younger generation our grandfathers and fathers, who defended the freedom and independence of the country in a difficult battle with the enemy on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. Someone from the wise said: "Where the cultural and historical past of the country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins." Indeed, the historical past is not only a present based on achievements and merits. These are still failures and mistakes, which, unfortunately, were many and which, alas, cannot be corrected.

    Is it necessary today to cherish the past, to respect it?

    Isn't it more correct to build a new life without relying on the experience of our predecessors?

    Do you think patriotism today is a reality or a utopia?

    Do you believe in the revival of Russia and what do you think needs to be done for this?


At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. The lessons of citizenship and patriotism must begin with a conversation about the historical past, without which neither the present nor the future is possible. The word Motherland has not once been washed with the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And we need to remember and appreciate it. People who are not indifferent to the fate of the country, the people, should not forget their history, be ashamed of it, just as they should not forget and be ashamed of their parents. From the point of view of ethics, “patriotism” is a social and moral principle that characterizes the attitude of people towards their country, which manifests itself in a certain mode of action and a complex set of social feelings, usually called love for the motherland. Love for the motherland includes: concern for the interests and historical destinies of the country and readiness for self-sacrifice for its sake; loyalty to the motherland, leading the fight against enemies; pride in the social and cultural achievements of their country, sympathy for the suffering of the people and a negative attitude towards the social vices of society; respect for the historical past of the motherland and the traditions inherited from it; attachment to the place of residence. It is no coincidence that as an epigraph to our conversation, I quote the words of Vasily Rozanov:“What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but it is also necessary to do something specific for it. Therefore, being a patriot is not so difficult, true love is not only and not so much expressed in words, but is supported by concrete deeds.

So - everything is in your hands!

29.06.2016 10:38

In recent years, economic and political changes have taken place in Russia, which have led to significant social differentiation of the population and the loss of spiritual values ​​common to all citizens of the country. These changes reduced the educational impact of Russian culture as the most important factor in the formation of a sense of patriotism. The gradual loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable. Modern society sets before us all very serious tasks of educating and educating our younger generation - our teenagers. We need brave, courageous, disciplined, enterprising, competent guys who are ready to study and work for the benefit of our state, and if necessary, to defend our borders and our freedom. As a leading task in the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the task of civic education is put forward: “The education system is designed to ensure ... the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic, social state that respects the rights and freedom of the individual and has high morality ...” Therefore, one of the priority tasks of each educational institutions - patriotic education of students, which consists in the formation of a patriotic feeling in them and its further development, in increasing the interest of young people in the heroic past of our Motherland. Only in the presence of these key components of education can we talk about the education of a harmonious personality of adolescents. Patriotic education with students is a reliable way to convey to the younger generation an understanding of our strength and faith in the inviolability of the ideals, traditions, and power of the peoples of Russia.

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"Methodological development of the class hour" What does it mean to be a patriot ""

OGBOU SPO Ulyanovsk Instrument Engineering College

Methodical development of a class hour

« What does it mean to be a patriot»

within district competition for the best methodological development under the motto: "Raising Patriots of Russia" as part of the month of heroic-patriotic work with the youth of the Leninsky district

Ulyanovsk "Fatherland faithful sons"

Prepared by:


Zhukova Lyudmila Alexandrovna

UTPS address: Ulyanovsk, st. Krymova, 61

Phone: 44-73-51.

Ulyanovsk - 2015

Explanatory note.


In recent years, economic and political changes have taken place in Russia, which have led to significant social differentiation of the population and the loss of spiritual values ​​common to all citizens of the country. These changes reduced the educational impact of Russian culture as the most important factor in the formation of a sense of patriotism. The gradual loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable. Modern society sets before us all very serious tasks of educating and educating our younger generation - our teenagers. We need brave, courageous, disciplined, enterprising, competent guys who are ready to study and work for the benefit of our state, and if necessary, to defend our borders and our freedom. As a leading task in the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the task of civic education is put forward: “The education system is designed to ensure ... the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic, social state that respects the rights and freedom of the individual and has high morality ...” Therefore, one of the priority tasks of each educational institutions - patriotic education of students, which consists in the formation of a patriotic feeling in them and its further development, in increasing the interest of young people in the heroic past of our Motherland. Only in the presence of these key components of education can we talk about the education of a harmonious personality of adolescents. Patriotic education with students is a reliable way to convey to the younger generation an understanding of our strength and faith in the inviolability of the ideals, traditions, and power of the peoples of Russia.

Practical significance

work consists in the fact that the developed material can be used in the lessons of patriotic education, in the lessons of literature and history, in thematic class hours in other educational institutions for adolescents 15-16 years old.

Implementation forms : discussion and lecture event.

Implementation methods: persuasion, influence, encouragement, stimulation.



    to instill in students respect and love for their people, for the history of our country, for their Fatherland;

    to increase the interest of adolescents and young people in the history of their native region, its traditions.


    define the concept of the word "patriot", "patriot of Russia", "Motherland";

    determine the role of patriotism in the life of modern society.


    to form in adolescents concepts and ideas related to patriotism;

    to form and develop an active patriotic, civil position among adolescents;

    to form in children the experience of moral and tolerant behavior;

    emotionally stimulate the patriotic feelings of students; by joining the traditions of our country.

Expected results, their effectiveness:

    preparation of children for participation in the public and political life of our state, readiness to worthily serve the Motherland;

    solution of problems of succession of generations;

    increasing the importance of patriotic education of pupils in educational institutions.

    increasing sustainable interest in the historical past of their small homeland and Russia;

    respectful and careful attitude to monuments of architecture and culture;

    love and respect for the native nature;

    feasible service to the Fatherland;

    interest in knowledge, desire for self-expression and self-realization;

    initiative and creativity in work, respect for the results of labor;

    awareness of the importance of work;

    honesty, respect and kindness towards people.

Preparatory work:

    selection by the teacher and students of thematic journalistic and fiction;

    determining the form of the event together with the guys;

    appointment of persons responsible for various stages of preparation: preparation of a presentation,

    drafting questions for discussion.

    selection of quotes on the topic.


Reminders for students;

Audio - equipment, disks;

Computer, video projector, screen.

Block - the scheme of the lesson.

organizational stage.

Main part.

The final stage. Reflection.

Implementation form: discussion lesson.


I'm a patriot. I am Russian air

I love the Russian land.

I believe that nowhere in the world

I won't find another one like it.

N. Kogan

Class time course:

1. Organizational stage.

The class hour begins with the reading of a poem about the Motherland. The student reads.

This whole region, dear forever,

In the trunks of white birches,

And these cold rivers

By the reach of which you grew up.

And the dark grove where they whistle

All night long nightingales

And lindens in the old cemetery,

Where your ancestors fell asleep.

And the blue caressing air

And a strong tan on the cheeks,

And grandfathers in St. Andrew's stars,

In high gray wigs.

And rye in the fields that haven't been sown,

And this bread and salt in the middle of the table,

And Simbirsk lancet cathedrals

Weird domes...

And sleds to fly like a whirlwind

And the wolf's cautious step

And earrings of yesterday's blizzard

In chilly aspens in the ears,

And the showers are so slanting

What is not visible in the field...

Remember: all this is Russia,

Enemies will not trample her.

Introductory speech of the teacher.

For our country, for our people, the topic of patriotism is now burning and relevant as never before... You cannot force people to love the Fatherland. Love must be nurtured. This was the goal of our class hour "What does it mean to be a patriot."

"Patriotism", "love for the motherland", "faithful sons of the Fatherland"... What does it mean to be a patriot in Russia today? What is patriotism, patriot? “A patriot is a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some business, passionately loving something,” says S.I. Ozhegov. We have identified a range of questions and problems for today's event.

Who is a patriot?

What are its distinguishing features, qualities?

What is Motherland?

How, after all, to educate a patriot in today's difficult conditions, full of contradictions?

2. The main part.


Let's move on to discussing our issues. In order for us to determine the meaning of the concept of PATRIOT in our understanding, we will carry out the following task.

The technique of unfinished sentences is being carried out:

    My homeland is...
    2. I know that my homeland is a lot ...
    3. The most difficult events in my homeland were ...
    4. I would like my homeland to be the most ...
    5. When I grow up, I want ...
    6. I do not want my homeland ...
    7. I am grateful (a) to my Motherland for the fact that ... ..

    1. I can call myself a patriot because….

      True patriot...

Teenagers read their answers sequentially.


In order for us to formulate what features are inherent in a patriot, we will draw a person on the board and write down around him the characteristic, in our opinion, features of a patriot. Let's justify our choice.

Sample responses from teenagers. Students name and justify their choice of answer.

Good student.

Playing sports.

Respectfully treats people of all nationalities of their homeland.

He loves the place where he was born and raised.

He loves and does not forget his mother, his home.

He proudly realizes that there is no better country on Earth than ours.

Not only loves, but also protects nature.

Defends the prestige of his country.

Knows state symbols.

I am ready to give all my strength and abilities to my homeland.

He decorates the Motherland with his work.

He builds his future, linking it only with his Fatherland.

Knows his native language

He knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors.

Ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of their homeland.

Ready to stand up for the Motherland.

She reads well and writes poetry.

Good friend.

Conclusion: students do, the teacher clearly formulates it.

Patriot- this is a person who is proud of the Motherland, worries about her; ready to stand up for the Motherland; devoted to the Motherland and defends its interests; loves the motherland. A patriot is characterized by such character traits as devotion, responsibility, justice, determination and gratitude.

Group work:

2 I don't consider myself a patriot.

Teenagers show signs "Yes" - I can consider myself a patriot, "No" - I do not consider myself a patriot, justify their point of view.

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that it is worthy to be a patriot.


We have already understood that a Patriot is a person who is devoted to his Motherland .... What is the word for us Motherland? In order to answer this question, we will carry out a small creative work “And what is the Motherland for me ..”

Creative work of students."And what is the Motherland for me."


Guys, read out the most important, in your opinion, words that define the word Motherland in your understanding.

The children's answers are read.

View a presentation made by students "Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region - our motherland".


Love for the motherland includes concern for the interests and historical destinies of the country and readiness for self-sacrifice for its sake, loyalty to the motherland, leading the fight against enemies, pride in the social and cultural achievements of one's country, sympathy for the sufferings of the people and a negative attitude towards the social vices of society , respect for the historical past of the Motherland and the traditions inherited from it, attachment to the place of residence.


The question that we identified at the beginning of our class hour is how to educate a patriot in today's difficult conditions full of contradictions?

Listen to the answers of the guys.

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion:

Our task is to be positive creators, because the youth of today is Russia tomorrow. If we give birth to loafers, ignoramuses, alcoholics and drug addicts in ourselves, then we will destroy our state with our own hands. Let's educate hard-working, literate, healthy people, which means we can be confident in the development and development of society. We will support the traditions of our ancestors, multiply them, we will respect the culture of the peoples living in our vast country, we will be tolerant of each other - this means that our country will be strong and invincible by no external ideology that contradicts our values. I will quote the words of Shokan Valikhanov: “What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but also to do something specific for it. Therefore, being a patriot is not so difficult - true love is supported by concrete deeds. All in your hands!

Conclusion.Reflective analysis.


We had a rather simple conversation today. What did class hour reveal to you today? What new did you learn?

Students' responses are heard.


I would very much like you, girls and boys, to be worthy citizens of our Great Country, like our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended their homeland from fascism, like heroes - cosmonauts, who glorified Russia all over the world, like your close people - kind, hardworking. It is difficult to be a real citizen of your country, but it is very honorable! I believe that after our conversation today, a spark of responsibility and pride for our Motherland will light up in your heart.

The students are given handouts.


If you want to be a patriot, then you must develop the following qualities in yourself:

If you want to grow up as a worthy person and citizen, do not speak badly about the country in which you and your parents live, where your family tree started.
-Study the history of your country, its past and present, its joyful and bitter days.
-Get acquainted with the memorable and historical places of your homeland, get acquainted yourself and tell other people about it. Believe me, our country is so rich in its history that your story will be of interest to any person.
-The more often you visit museums and historical sites of your country, the more interesting it will be for you to return to them again and again.
-Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every passing day, the fewer friends and comrades will be next to you. -People don't like people who are dissatisfied with something all the time.
-Show yourself on the positive side, do not be afraid to be proactive, try to show your knowledge and skills, erudition and curiosity.
-Watch programs, films that tell about people who glorified the country in which you live.
- Do not be indifferent and indifferent to the events that are taking place in your country. How you will show interest in her fate depends on her interest in your fate.
-Be proud of the people who glorify your country.
-Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia.

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