What to take with you on vacation abroad. What to take with you on vacation at sea: a list of necessary things for a family trip to the sea


So that your vacation does not turn out to be spoiled because you forgot something, you need to pack your things in advance. If you gather immediately on the eve of departure abroad, this is exactly what will happen.

Before you go shopping to buy something new, you should clearly determine what exactly you need.

To do this, you need to sit down and, slowly, deliberately make the right list of everything that you might need.

You should not include in this list all your wardrobe for the summer, which you wear in the city, it is unlikely to be useful to you at sea.

Take a minimum of things with you, and you do not have to exhaust yourself with a heavy suitcase. Do not take things "just in case" and yet - take care not to lose sight of everything you need.

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Things to travel

  1. first aid kit;
  2. Documentation;
  3. Personal hygiene products;
  4. Technique;
  5. Leisure items;
  6. Other accessories you may need.

What will be useful on the road?

first aid kit

At sea, you may need medicines.

It’s good if you manage to relax without them, but it’s still worth making sure, especially if you are flying with children. Climate change, water changes, and just an occasional cold should not spoil your holiday.

You may need:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Febrifuge;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Adhesive plaster;
  • Ointments or creams against mosquitoes and other insects.


In addition to the documents that you will take directly on the plane (passport, insurance), you must not forget:

  • Return flight tickets;
  • Documents from the travel agency confirming the booking of accommodation;
  • Driving license (just in case);
  • Permission of parents to export the child;
  • Cash and bank cards;
  • Photocopies of the most important documents;
  • Travel insurance.

Personal care products

Hygiene products can also be bought on the spot, but in order to immediately put yourself in order after the flight on the day of arrival, and not run headlong in search of soap or something else in stores, It is better to take everything you need with you:

  • Fragrant soap;
  • Favorite shampoo;
  • Shower gel;
  • Washcloth or sponge;
  • comb;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Toothbrushes;
  • toothpaste;
  • Shaving accessories.

You should not take a lot of decorative cosmetics with you to the sea.

It is better to use decorative cosmetics on vacation as little as possible.

But if there is absolutely no way without cosmetics, then take:

  • powder;
  • waterproof mascara;
  • Shadows;
  • Light lipstick.

On the beach, a woman with bright makeup will look at least strange. Although, if you go to a night bar or restaurant, you can still bring some beauty.


There is also no need to take a lot of equipment at sea. Give your electronic devices a break.

If you don't need a laptop while you're on vacation, it's best to leave it at home.

  • Camera, video camera are, of course, essential when traveling by sea. How else can you capture beautiful places, sights, yourself and your loved ones against the backdrop of this beauty?
  • Mobile phone- also a necessary thing, you can’t do without it.
  • Phone charger and cameras

link .

The number of clothes will depend on several factors: where exactly you are going, what kind of cultural program will be, how long you will be at sea. But in any case, it should not be much. Moreover, for sure you will want to buy something new on the spot.

Clothing for men

Men in this regard are more practical, they take a minimum of things with them.

  • Beach clothes

The most important thing at sea is swimwear. Take two swimming trunks, that will be enough.

  • Everyday things. Two shorts, a pair of T-shirts, a bright shirt, a light windbreaker and cotton jeans (in case it suddenly gets colder) - perhaps this set will be enough for the rest, including evening walks. From underwear - two shorts or swimming trunks.
  • Shoes. Take a pair of flip-flops, they are suitable for the beach and for walking. Just in case, you can also grab light moccasins.
  • Other.

Don't forget to take everything you need for a shave if you don't want to turn into Robinson Crusoe during your seaside vacation.

Clothes for women

As a rule, women are more whimsical and less practical than men when it comes to clothing. They sometimes think that literally everything is useful.

Do not judge them too harshly, because they dress up solely to please men. And quite a bit to flaunt in new clothes in front of each other.

And yet you need to limit yourself to a minimum of outfits:

  • Bathing and beachwear. The main part of a woman's wardrobe at sea is swimwear. Take two - open and closed, they do not take up much space, but they will allow you to be different. A bright stylish pareo will perfectly complement a beach outfit and serve as a "cover" from the sun's rays. In addition, a pareo can also replace a sundress.
  • Casual wear. A pair of sundresses, a top, shorts or breeches is a sufficient set for walking, visiting cafes and excursions. Jeans and a light windbreaker will come in handy in cool weather.
  • Evening wear. Evening dress as such you do not need. After all, the same vacationers go to cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. Moreover, in an evening dress you will look out of place there. A bright sundress, shorts or a skirt with a fashionable light top are quite suitable for this purpose.

  • Underwear. A pair of underwear sets will be enough for you. You can also grab a nightgown.
  • Shoes. You can also wear comfortable flip-flops for the beach while walking. For excursions, prepare shoes without heels. If you still decide to show off in an evening dress, you will need sandals, preferably with stilettos.
  • Hats. It all depends on your imagination and style.

As a headdress, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat, bandana, baseball cap, or you can use a beautiful silk scarf.

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Children's clothing

Every mother is absolutely sure that she knows exactly what clothes her child needs. This is true, but it is important not to overdo it here.

Babies don't need as many things as a mom might think.

A few tips for traveling couples with children:

  1. If you have an infant, take a casual set of clothes for him. There must be several panamas, a sufficient number of swimming trunks, T-shirts, T-shirts, a tracksuit, light shoes.
  2. You will also need diapers., a potty and a small stroller (it is better to take a folding one).

It is worth recalling that all clothes for children should be made from natural materials, preferably cotton. And no synthetics!

Children under 7

Small children are big fidgets, they often get dirty, therefore, they will need a little more clothes.

  • 4-5 panties, the same number of T-shirts, shorts and T-shirts, a pair of panama hats, comfortable light pants and a windbreaker, slippers and sandals from shoes.

Children over 7 years old

If your child is over 7 years old, then for his equipment for vacation, you can focus on tips for adults.

Leisure items

If you have already bought such necessary things on the beach as an air mattress, a children's circle, an umbrella, a pump, then it is better to take them with you so as not to buy again.

Other accessories

  • An obligatory accessory for a holiday at sea is sunglasses;
  • Earplugs;
  • Mask for sleep;
  • Writing pen;
  • personal business cards;
  • Food for a snack;
  • Towels: for the shower and for the beach;
  • A bedspread, mat or rug on which you will sunbathe on the beach.

Things You Can Do Without

  • You do not need to take dishes with you. Crockery is available in most private apartments or family rooms in hotels. Most likely, you will eat either in a hotel or in a cafe.
  • Decorations and jewels.
  • You can not take some personal hygiene items(soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo), because it doesn't cost a lot of money and you can buy a lot of it in the country where you plan to travel.
  • Slippers can also be found in many hotel rooms or bought for a penny in local stores.

The preparations are over, finally the long-awaited flight... Sea, sun, beach... If you haven't forgotten anything, your trip to the sea will be pleasant and unforgettable!

The article was prepared by Christina Endless.

Print out your to-do list

You can get and print a ready-made list of things for a trip from me by leaving your e-mail on the link page.

it is convenient that by printing this list of things, you can check off what you have already collected in your suitcase

It's still spring outside, but everyone is already thinking about summer. Have you decided to relax on the beach, bask in the sun and swim in salt water? Now it remains only to wait for the cherished vacation.

Each time, planning a long-awaited vacation, we are engaged in pleasant chores. We consider how much money is needed for the trip, choose a hotel, order new clothes. My friend and I, for example, have already ordered chic swimsuits for ourselves, because we planned to spend two wonderful weeks at the seaside.

This trip will not be the first for us, so there will be no problems with packing things. But you should have seen my bag when I first went to the Black Sea! She was so heavy that I could hardly drag her up the stairs at the station.

Half of what I took was not useful at all. And when we were going back, it turned out that we needed another bag for gifts that I bought in the southern stores for relatives and friends. So it won't work! On my next trip, I decided to take a lot less things.

So what is worth taking with you when going on vacation to the sea, so that everything you need is at hand and the bag remains light? Let's figure it out.

Mandatory things

1. Documents. Be sure to prepare your passport, medical policy, insurance, tickets and other necessary documents in advance. It will be more convenient if you buy a plastic waterproof envelope with a button on the day of them.

2. First aid kit. No, you do not need to take all the medicines from home with you. A thermometer (not mercury, of course), a band-aid, a suitable antipyretic, a remedy for gastrointestinal disorders, and something disinfectant can come in handy.

3. Money. It is very convenient when the main amount is on the card, and there is some cash in the wallet.

4. Phone and a charger for it.

5. Manicure set. For some reason, at sea, nails break especially often. If the file does not refuse at hand, this can cause a lot of inconvenience.

6. Cosmetics. It is worth talking about it in more detail. No need to take with you all the tools that you use every day. Most of them can be bought on the spot. If you use products that are not sold everywhere, buy small bottles or pour shampoos and creams into jars from the “travel kit”. These can now be bought at any hardware store. I would recommend bringing face cream and a proven sunscreen. The rest can be bought on the spot and used during the holiday. In this case, cosmetics will not take up space in your bag both on the way to the sea and when you go home. It is better not to take decorative cosmetics at all. If even now you apply makeup every day, you will not want to do this in the heat. Humid air and high air temperature will spoil any makeup.

7. Shoes. Avoid heels. Usually I put on comfortable sandals, and I put beach slippers in my bag (you can not take them either, you can buy them on the spot). If you plan an active holiday with long walks and hikes, I take sneakers. Beautiful shoes with heels will only take up space, but the sea will not come in handy - checked!

8. Sunglasses. Beautiful and comfortable glasses will help you out on the road and on the beach. You can, of course, buy them on the spot, but the quality of the goods often leaves much to be desired.

9. Clothes. This is the most difficult point. There you want to “walk” one dress, and another, and also that one, beautiful, “to go out”. Take a couple of skirts, shorts, pants (just in case), a few swimsuits, a bag of underwear, four t-shirts, a few cute tops, a pareo, a jacket (suddenly it gets colder). The bag is running out of space, and we are trying to put something else in there to avoid a situation where there is “nothing to wear”. Oh yes, they forgot the hat! What is it really? It will be much nicer and more interesting if you buy a hat, a pareo, a new top and a dress on the spot. By the sea, you often want to buy a little thing that will later remind you of the trip. You don't have to deny yourself.
It is worth taking with you underwear, a swimsuit (preferably two), a T-shirt, a top, shorts, a light and comfortable dress, one warmer blouse. This is quite enough. You will have a change of clothes in case anything gets dirty or wet. Remember that hotels have washing machines, and if something is missing, it can be bought.

10. Comb and a handy hair clip. It is very inconvenient when on the beach it turns out that there is nothing to stab wet hair with, and there is no store nearby.

Optional things

1. Portable charger. May come in handy if you are traveling by train. It is often difficult to find a free charger on trains, so this device can help you out.

2. Beach bag. I like to take a beach bag with me, besides, it takes up little space - it folds very compactly.

3. Book. Even if you are traveling with a fun group of friends, it can come in handy sometimes.

4. Mosquito repellant. It often turned out that it was difficult to buy it on the spot, so I take it with me.

5. Camera. I rarely take it with me, because, as it turned out, it is much more pleasant to enjoy a vacation than to look at the world through a lens, taking pictures of everything.

Enjoy your relaxing holiday!

A place to stay has been chosen, a hotel has been booked, tickets have been bought, the mood is suitcase. It's time to pack, but then disputes begin - both with the household and with ourselves - what to take on vacation? Good if you are traveling by car. In this case, the extra things may not be useful, but at least you won’t have to wear them on yourself. When you go for new experiences by train or plane, the question - what to take with you on vacation - becomes especially relevant. In this case, you should not only remember to put the essentials in the suitcase in the place where you are going (swimsuit on the beach and comfortable shoes on the excursion), but also not to take too much, because you will have to carry the bags on yourself. Read this article before packing your bags How to prepare for vacation? Useful Tips» on the Solar Hands website. Armed with our advice? Now let's start compiling a list of things that you are thinking of taking with you on vacation. Happy collecting!

Vacation begins

In the process of preparing for a vacation, everything is important, especially the mood. Planning a vacation date, choosing a place for it, making a list of things that will be useful to you, you need to be happy and in anticipation of new experiences. How many times I experienced this law on myself personally - when the fees do not give pleasure, then the rest turns out to be uninteresting. Therefore, leave the worries and doubts. You will indulge in sad thoughts at another time, and vacation happens once a year! The secrets of positive thinking are opened by the editor of the Solar Hands website Anastasia Gay in the article “I have nothing to be thankful for… Or how not to lose heart?” .

Once you've decided on where you want to go and how you'll get there, make a list of the things you'll take with you on your vacation. Think about what the rest will be like - you will only sunbathe or plan to attend excursions, and if you only lie on the beach, then what would you be interested in doing at this time (read a book, listen to music). Based on the answers to such questions, decide what to take with you on vacation. Give it a few days. As soon as you remember what else you need, write it down in a notebook. When the list is ready, reread it again and cross out unnecessary things. Tell me, what exactly is the most difficult in the process of collecting? I agree, but that's why I recommend you make a list. When you see it on paper, and not just keep it in your head, it is much easier to understand what things will not be useful. Yes, and when packing a suitcase, it is more likely not to forget anything, it is enough to cross off the items that have already been packed from the list. And this process raises the mood, because you are going on vacation!

When making a list, write down everything, even if you are sure that you will definitely not forget this thing. In the holiday turmoil, you can spin around and take with you what you don’t need, leaving the most important things at home. A few years ago I visited the US on an exchange program. We, the students, were warned that upon arrival at the New York airport, we must put on branded T-shirts with the symbols of the company that processed the documents in Russia. It was on these T-shirts that the host party met us. Halfway to the airport, I remembered that my T-shirt was left at home. I went to the airport, and my brother had to come back for her. When registering for the plane, they met me and waited until my brother brought a T-shirt. Since then, in the list of what to take with me on vacation, I enter every thing that I need on the road and at the place of rest.

Be sure to indicate in the notebook a list of documents, both those that you will need on the territory of your country, and those that you cannot do without abroad if you are traveling outside your homeland. Make photocopies of them and put them in a separate folder. Attach a sticker to the package with the original documents indicating your phone number and the phrase that a reward is guaranteed for the return of documents. Anything can happen on a trip. One of my friends got into such a story on the Black Sea coast. He rented a car for a vacation, and on the second day after his arrival, getting into it, put a bag with documents on the roof of the car, and drove off. The purse fell to the ground. Fortunately, there were business cards in it, and the finder called the number indicated. The documents were returned. Haven't decided on a vacation spot yet? Perhaps it will help you.

Comfort on the trip will also ensure the competent distribution of things in bags. From experience I can say that it is more convenient to travel with a suitcase on wheels. You can pack the main luggage in it, and put everything you need directly on the road into a small bag. It can be replaced with a bag, but then it is better to immediately pack things in a “double” bag - put one bag into another to get four handles. So there is more chance that they will not tear. Buy special containers for cosmetics, these are now sold in many stores. Transfer to each the amount of funds that you have enough for the duration of the trip. So you will significantly lighten your luggage, and you will also be sure that the funds will not spill during transportation. Special containers, as a rule, have a tight lid, unlike jars of most cosmetic preparations. I have been using these travel containers for a long time, and in the past, my shower gels, face lotions and shampoos almost always spilled out during transportation. And the things in the suitcase got dirty, and the cosmetics spent for other purposes, it was a pity. In any situation, the advice of Natalia Maksimova, the author of the article, will help you stay beautiful "How to look stylish?" on the portal "Solar Hands".

Be sure to pack a first aid kit on any trip. I wish you do not need it while you enjoy your vacation, but just in case, there should be a first aid kit. Put in it:

- painkillers (especially for headaches, because when the climate changes, time zones, almost everyone has a headache);

- bandage, cotton wool and adhesive tape (the latter preferably of a different shape - a strip, a square);

- antiseptic for treating wounds (hydrogen peroxide);

It is a remedy for colds and colds. If you know that you have a weak throat, then be sure to take medicines for sore throats, as well as lozenges that relieve sore throats. Put in the first aid kit and a means that lowers the temperature;

- means that improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

- a remedy for burns (if you are going to the sea. For example, "Panthenol");

- insect repellent;

- a remedy for allergic manifestations;

- a remedy for healing wounds and cuts, a remedy for bruises and sprains;

- a remedy for motion sickness;

- paper handkerchiefs;

- Feminine hygiene products.

Also on the journey, wherever you go, you will need:

— chargers for phone and accumulators;

— additional memory cards for the camera, batteries;

- notebook or notepad, pen;

- mailing addresses of best friends and relatives - send them a postcard instead of magnets.

What to take with you on a trip to the sea?

Beach holidays are one of my favorites. To make your trip to hot countries wonderful, do not forget to take the following things with you on vacation:

- a bathing suit, and even better two - one dries, wear the second. A cosmetic bag for a bathing suit will not hurt either. In branded lingerie stores, now usually all swimwear comes with such a cosmetic bag. This is very convenient, as you can change at the beach and fold your wet swimsuit into it so that other things in the bag do not get wet. If you were not given such a cosmetic bag for your swimsuit, then take the usual one, intended for storing cosmetics (only made not from fabric, but from polyethylene). Swimwear is better to take one style - so you will have the same areas on your body that are not tanned because of it;

- slippers. To avoid having to carry multiple pairs to match each swimsuit, bring shoes that are neutral in color and design. If you are vacationing in a country where it is also recommended to go into the sea in shoes, do not forget to buy one too (usually these are rubber sandals with a clasp);

- a product with a sun protection factor, preferably one for the face (with a higher factor), and the other for the body. Some of my friends also use after-sun products, but I do not consider them a mandatory purchase before a trip to the sea. If you sunbathe properly, use sunscreen, then you will not burn, and the skin will not experience stress. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with a moisturizing body milk that you use at home. And I do not advise you to purchase funds marked "For a quick tan." You really will become chocolate quickly, but a tan will also quickly come down;

- Sunglasses. Some people neglect this subject. But sunglasses are not even an accessory, but, first of all, a means to protect our eyes and the skin around them. This article will help you buy them. "How to choose a frame for glasses: the main secrets of a successful choice" on the site "Solar Hands";

- a bedding for the beach, but personally I always buy it on the spot so as not to carry extra weight in my suitcase, and after the holidays I leave it in the room. If you decide to bring bedding from home, then include it in the list. The bedding can be replaced with an air mattress. Its advantage is not even that you can lie on it and swim, but the main thing is that it is convenient to sunbathe on a mattress on any beach - stone and sandy. On a litter on a stone beach it is not always comfortable;

- panama, hat or scarf on the head. We often forget to take such things with us, but they are very necessary under the scorching sun. I prefer scarves. Firstly, they are suitable for any clothes, not just a bathing suit. Secondly, they are more feminine than panama hats or baseball caps. Hats are also feminine, but few people go;

- a beach bag and a small cosmetic bag for small things that you may need when sunbathing (comb, handkerchief, wet wipes, cream). I forgot my bag very often until I began to make a list of necessary things. Then I had to buy any bag that I found in the place of rest. Therefore, do not be lazy to add this item to the list;

– means for leisure on the beach: a book, a magazine, crossword puzzles, knitting, a player, etc. Buy your favorite magazines or a new work by an author you like in advance, create a playlist with music. It seems that these are all trifles, but in fact your holiday mood will also depend on them. After all, it’s great when there is an interesting book in your purse, and not the one that you grabbed at the last moment before the train departed, and your favorite music plays in your headphones, downloaded in advance and distributed into folders (for the beach, the way home, etc.);

- comfortable shoes if you plan to go on excursions. It is better to take old sneakers than new ones with which you can rub your feet. And you won’t get pleasure from the excursion, and the calluses will torment you;

- information about interesting places to visit. Even if you still doubt whether there will be excursions in your vacation schedule, such preparation will not hurt. Choose a few interesting places, find information about them, print out and take the sheets with you;

- a small pack of washing powder and laundry soap, as well as bags (several regular and small plastic ones).

As for clothing, then focus on the planned pastime. If you spend the whole vacation only sunbathing and swimming, then a pair of sundresses, some linen trousers and a feminine top for them will suffice (two blouses are enough). Take some shorts and some T-shirts. If you are planning excursions, then add another set of shorts to this set, complementing the look with a polo or checkered shirt. Instead of shorts, you can buy capri pants. A raincoat or windbreaker will not interfere. When compiling a travel wardrobe, choose those things that are combined with each other. So you can make ensembles, and look in the photos as if in new clothes every time.

What to take with you on a sightseeing trip?

Looking for an educational trip this summer? Then you need to take with you on vacation:

is a good guide. Do not take it as advertising, but from such literature I recommend the guidebooks of the publishing house "Around the World" and "Afishi". These books contain reliable information, since they are based not on reprints from the Internet, but on the personal experience of the authors. They go to other cities and countries, study sightseeing places, transport systems, hotels, etc. Reviews of tourists from the forums are also useful. Information from the Solar Hands website will also be useful. Natalia Maksimova visited the USA and shares her tips in an article "America Journey";

- Dictionary and phrase book. Last year, I took an e-book with me on a trip, where I downloaded a dictionary. But this is inconvenient, since the book takes up more space than the printed counterpart, and you can also accidentally forget it somewhere, drop it. My conclusion is that a dictionary is more convenient;

Comfortable shoes, preferably two pairs. Shoes also need a rest, so I always take two pairs on sightseeing trips. If the vacation will take place in a country where the weather is unstable, also take closed shoes;

- an umbrella, a raincoat, a hat - a baseball cap, a panama hat (depending on what you like best, it goes and will be appropriate on trips). If you are flying to a hot country, bring sunscreen. Apply it on exposed skin. It is very easy to get burned when you are on your feet all day and under the scorching sun;

- a capacious bag where a guidebook, documents, a bottle of water, an umbrella are placed. From personal experience, I can say that large bags are more convenient than small ones. Maybe the latter look more elegant, but convenience is still the main thing. A backpack is even more convenient, but not all travelers like this thing;

- if you are traveling by bus, then take a blanket and a pillow. They will keep you comfortable on the road. In the same case, I recommend collecting two cosmetic bags - put one, the main one, in your luggage, and take the other with you on the bus. On the road, you usually need wet wipes, hand cream, thermal water, toothbrush and paste, towel and soap, hygienic lipstick, comb;

- an adapter for sockets, if your trip will take place in a country where sockets are different from ours;

— a cosmetic bag for various little things — extra batteries, metro tokens;

- extra bag Everyone returns from a trip with new clothes, cosmetics, presents for relatives. In order not to figure out where to pack it all on the spot, take an extra bag from home;

- hand sanitizer gel. Sold in pharmacies, costs around 100 rubles. During walking tours, when you often have to eat on the go, it will come in handy very much;

- anti-fatigue foot cream. Coolants with essential oils of mint, rosemary deserve special attention;

I probably won't recommend taking anything from the books. From excursions you will get so many emotions and new impressions that you are unlikely to have the strength for literature. Choose clothes that are comfortable and loose fitting. Give preference to trousers made of light fabric, pick up shirts for them - a stylish look is ready! A few simple cut dresses, as well as one evening dress and stilettos, will not hurt if you plan to visit concert halls.

And some more useful tips on the topic "What to take with you on vacation."

If you are driving, buy or rent a car refrigerator from a friend. You can put water, juices, food in it. Slaps do not interfere - the legs swell when sitting for a long time. In flip flops, it is easier for them to “carry” the road. Put a pillow in the car too. You may also need a thermos. If the road is long, make coffee - it will help the driver to cheer up.

When traveling by train, put your travel clothes in a separate bag, such as a T-shirt and shorts, as well as a change of shoes. It can get very hot on the train, so have an extra T-shirt ready if one gets stale. Also take a few magazines (one for yourself, and the other for a neighbor if you bother with conversations. A joke, but there is truth in it), disinfectant hand gel, hygiene products, a mug for tea.

Will your vacation start with an airplane? Take thermal water and hand cream into the salon. From clothes, give preference to wrinkle-resistant, you will have to sit in one position for a long time, so the clothes will wrinkle a lot. Do not take warm clothes - why do you need an extra burden? Many people put a cardigan or a sweater in their travel bag on the plane, because it is often cool at altitude. But even if you get cold, you can always ask the flight attendants for a blanket. Grab scanwords, glossy magazines - let your flight be easy in every sense of the word! Socks don't get in the way. Legs on the plane also swell, and you want to take off your shoes. But the legs can freeze barefoot, and outwardly in a public place, socks look more aesthetically pleasing. Lollipops or chewing gum will not interfere - they will help out with nausea and stuffy ears.

How to pack a suitcase?

Start packing your suitcase with your shoes. Pack clean and dry shoes with toe to heel in bags and put them at the bottom of the suitcase. Place non-wrinkling things nearby - linen, knitwear, jeans, cosmetics and a first aid kit on top. If you will not put anything else in the main compartment of the suitcase, then put wrinkled clothes on the very top. Books, chargers for devices, cards and similar trifles are placed in pockets.

When the suitcase is packed, you are ready, your mood is cheerful, sit down on the path. You worked for a whole year to go on vacation. You carefully prepared for it, even overcame this article ... Well, your vacation cannot fail to turn out perfectly! You can say that you are doomed to the most wonderful, positive, kind and unforgettable impressions! Bon Voyage!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

Having sent all the duties away, and not to give up this very moment, having escaped from troubles and problems somewhere into the sunset, only one thought helps: I’ll finalize a month (two, three, six months), and finally take a long-awaited vacation. I’ll pack up and leave here for some fabulous, paradise corner, and for days and nights I will listen to the singing of birds and crickets in turn, plunge into crystal clear water and absorb the expanse of the sky with my eyes on dark and starry tropical nights.

But as soon as the long-awaited day approaches, everyone starts to panic: what kind of things to take on a long trip? What must not be forgotten? Surely after the arrival it turns out that something incredibly important and necessary was forgotten in their native lands, and now, it would seem, such a trifle, but the rest is already spoiled.

Fortunately, for such cases, for the sake of their forgetful compatriots, more organized and experienced travelers were not too lazy and made a clear list that lists all those things that will certainly come in handy for every vacationer. A list of things at sea, on vacation or on the road will also be simply indispensable if the fees need to be made as soon as possible. After all, there is not always a reserve of time to gather your thoughts and determine for yourself a list of necessary items and things.

What to take to the sea

The list of things at sea should be compiled with great care. It is important not to forget to put sunscreen, swimwear and other special items in your bag. Having compiled a list of things and documents, you should definitely mark what has already been packed, so as not to remember later whether all the necessary things have been taken. So the list should include...


The most important of them, of course, is the passport. After all, without it, you can’t even get on a plane. Next is airfare. Because a passport alone does not confirm the right to fly. You will also need a medical policy.


Everyone (especially women) is familiar with the situation when the “most necessary and important” things taken with them, as a result, turn out to be never even worn during the holidays. That is why the minimum list of necessary things at sea for women presented below is extremely practical.

1) Underwear. You can take four panties, two or three pairs of socks and three bras: white, black and flesh-colored.

2) Swimsuit. You can, of course, buy it on arrival. But, as you know, the price of such a simple purchase can be literally sky-high. Therefore, it would be better to take care of this wardrobe item while still in your native land. Or better yet, buy a pair of bathing suits. In case one breaks or takes a long time to dry after washing, there is always a spare on hand.

3) Shorts. An extremely practical item. You can walk in them, and visit the beach, and go to the store, and just walk in your room.

4) Jeans. After all, the evenings may not be as warm as the days, and therefore the list of things on vacation at sea should contain this item.

5) Skirt. Great feminine alternative to shorts.

6) Mikey. A practical item for walking in hot climates. Just don't take too many of them to the sea. The list of the most necessary things includes no more than three copies.

7) Hats. It can be a cap, hat or panama. The main thing is that the head is not subjected to intense heat exposure to sunlight. Thus, a headdress should certainly be included in the list of things on vacation at sea.

8) Dress. It is advisable to take only one dress with you, but if you have space in your bag, you can take a pair: short and long.

9) Jacket with long sleeves. In addition to jeans. If it suddenly turns out to be a bad day, it will save you from the cold.

10) Pajamas. The list of things on vacation at sea for those who like to sleep in cozy pajamas must have such an item.


1) Slippers. Better to stock up on two pairs just in case. One will be intended for trips to the beach, and the second - for walking around the city.

2) Sneakers or ballet flats. If the place in the bag is very limited, it is better to give preference to ballet flats. They are more versatile: they can be worn with shorts, skirts, and jeans. But rough sneakers will look ridiculous and tasteless with the same skirt. And shoes take up much less space.

3) Sandals. The ideal option is one pair at low speed. By the evening, your legs will get tired of heels, and a wonderful rest has a chance to turn into a terrible torture.


1) Points. Sunscreen and with diopters (for those who have vision problems).

2) Jewelry. Gold is not worth taking, but stone jewelry is quite suitable when compiling an additional list of things to do. The list of things at sea can also be supplemented with jewelry: it is inexpensive, but often quite elegant and attractive.

3) Umbrella in case of rain.

4) A blanket for going to the sea.

5) Cosmetics. Care and protective equipment. And also decorative cosmetics, which will certainly need to be grabbed in order to look spectacular. You should also take a comb, hand cream, nail file, varnish and a means for removing it.

6) First aid kit. It must include painkillers, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, alcohol wipes, activated charcoal, adhesive plaster and small scissors.

7) Hygiene products: soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, pads or tampons.

8) Insect spray - also important and should be on the list of things on a seaside vacation.

9) Technique. Phone, charger and headphones, tablet, Internet modem and, if required, a camera.

Nice trip for the little ones

Parents traveling with children will need a special list of things to do at sea with a child. What to take depends on a number of factors, such as the age of the baby and his state of health.

For babies, a large pack of diapers will be required, for an older child - an additional set of linen. After all, as you know, children are smeared much more often than adults.

It is necessary to grab warm clothes for evening walks, since the children's body is more susceptible to cold. Getting sick while on vacation - what could be worse?

If it gets boring

Of course, you will also need entertainment items: your favorite book with fairy tales, a toy, pajamas with an adorable cartoon character. If there is space, you can include board games in the list of things you need on a vacation at sea (they are not bulky, but they will be able to cheer up a bored child). Coloring books and the accompanying felt-tip pens, gel pens or wax pencils that do not need to be sharpened will also come in handy. The main thing is that their composition is non-toxic and safe for the health of the child. For spending time on the water, an inflatable ring and armlets, a terry towel and a bathrobe are required. By the way, this little thing for children can be entrusted even to the smallest traveler, having previously packed it into a small children's backpack.

What to take on the road from products

It is more convenient, of course, to order food directly on the plane and not bother with its preliminary preparations. But for lovers of home cooking, there are also food ready-made lists for the road. What to take with you on a trip from food?


First of all, pure water. If it is not customary to drink plain water in the family, you can take tea or homemade fruit compote instead. But keep in mind that you can carry liquids only in packages of 0.1 liters and a total volume of not more than a liter. So you have to pour the drink into small jars.

Travel food

Food should not be perishable, crumble heavily and exude intense odor. Especially if it's specific. Thus, baked, fried meat and meatballs should not be taken on a plane.

An excellent option is cookies, especially biscuits (dry and low-fat), chocolate. You need to make sure that the food contains enough protein. It can be boiled meat (chicken, beef, turkey), nuts, some hard cheese. You can take fresh fruits or dried fruits, vegetables. They will be easier to pack if pre-cut into medium-sized pieces.

What should be packed separately

By the way, you can’t take canned or packaged food on the plane. Boiled eggs can be taken, but on condition that they are stored separately from other products, especially those that can accelerate their deterioration. Sweets should also be put in a separate, securely closed bag. You can also pack salads or sandwiches in an airtight container.

And lovers of hot tea can take a thermos with boiling water and bags of their favorite tea or coffee sticks on the road. Thus, on the road you can enjoy the most pleasant process of tea drinking.

Of course, for reliability, you should carefully read the rules of the flight of the particular company whose services it was decided to use. And when you are going on the road, you need to collect the basic things provided for by the ready-made list and think about some of your personal needs. It is quite possible that there is something additional, without which the journey will not be so exciting and productive. And to buy a forgotten thing on the spot can be unimaginably expensive. Have a good rest!

A long-awaited vacation is ahead, it's time to pack your bags. You will learn how to do it right and what you need to take on vacation in this article.

Before starting the collection, look at the prices in the area where you will go to rest. It is possible that it would be irrational to bring some things, it will be easier to buy them on vacation. You can easily find price information on the Internet or your travel agent will kindly tell you. And now we offer a list of what you need to take on vacation.

The most important

  • We take documents first. Do not forget about the ticket, passport, vouchers for accommodation and transfer, driver's license, tickets. Check the availability of all documents 7 times, only then put it in your bag.
  • Money. It is convenient to have not only an account on the card, but also cash. To avoid embarrassment, change a couple of large bills ahead of time for a tip.
  • Means of communication. Mobile phone (think about a card in advance: use a local one or buy it from a travel agency) and a charger. If you have long journeys ahead, it is convenient to grab a laptop or tablet. Record a couple of interesting films there and enjoy the trip.
  • Medicines. Insure yourself against adverse situations related to your health. The medicine cabinet should contain an antipyretic, a medicine for a sore throat and a cold, a remedy for indigestion, pills for headaches and motion sickness, brilliant green, iodine, a bandage, a bactericidal patch and an insect repellent. Other drugs - at your discretion.

For personal use

  • Cloth. Don't take too many things. If you have an active and beach holiday, we take T-shirts, shorts, sandals, caps, a swimsuit with us. For the evening (restaurants, clubs) bring some evening dresses (or a shirt and trousers if you are a man).
  • Personal hygiene products and cosmetics. Not all hotels offer a set of cosmetics, so you should take care of toothpaste, brush, shampoo, deodorant, shower gel. Bring sunscreen and makeup with you.

Other things

  • Essential products. They will be needed for active, independent and economical tourists. Products will save money on vacation if you do not have lunch and dinner included in the price. Good for canned food, cookies and snacks.
  • Photo or video equipment. Don't forget to capture the happy moments of your trip.
  • Multifunctional knife. If you fly by plane, do not forget to transfer it from hand luggage to the main one.
  • Tourist mat, kettle, mug, spoon, plate.

Vacation with a child

Packing a suitcase on the road is not an easy task, especially if you are traveling with the whole family. In this case, an important question arises about what to take on vacation for a child.

  • One of the main things is a favorite toy. If you forget it, you will spoil your vacation from the very beginning.
  • We take panties, T-shirts, tights in abundance.
  • Children's hygiene products.
  • A few pajamas - light and warm.
  • Shorts, T-shirts, sundresses.
  • Be sure to wear light clothing that covers the body so as not to burn in the sun in the early days.
  • Warm clothes for evening walks (sweater, pants).
  • Sun hat.
  • A pair of bathing suits.
  • Beach toys (buckets, spatulas, balls).
  • Comfortable shoes. At least one pair must be covered in case of rain.
  • Medications prescribed by your pediatrician.
  • If the child is still very small, do not forget special food for the child, diapers, nipples and drinkers, mosquito nets.

We have provided you with a list of what you need to take on vacation. Make a list of things you need ahead of time. Make sure all clothing is comfortable. It must be washed and ironed in advance, it is better to leave jewelry at home (as practice shows, they are often lost). Have a nice rest and bright impressions!

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