What kind of dance style is waking. Waking dance


What is waking? This is a beautiful and energetic dance. Wacking appeared in the early 1970s in special establishments for people with a gay orientation in Los Angeles.

The Garbo

At first, this style was called The Garbo (after the name of the famous Swedish artist, the dancers imitated her theatrical poses).

It looked pretty interesting. The modern name of the dance "wacking" (from the word wack - waving arms) is commercial, it arose due to the fact that more and more people became interested in this phenomenon. Initially, this style was a mixture of jazz, locking movements, as well as hip-hop.

Waking and locking

This style has another name - Punkin. How did it come about? It's just that the locking dancers called homosexuals who tried to imitate them the word punk. It should be noted that there was no enmity and confrontation between them, on the contrary, there was something like cooperation: some borrowed something from others. Waking appeared as part of locking, the musical accompaniment for this dance was different: first in 1972-1973 it was funk, then disco, and after a while - house. The latter is still used for performances. Nowadays, waking is an integral part of house culture.

Origin of Waking

How did this dance originate? It's just that homosexuals began to imitate locking dancers: they made similar movements with their hands. However, by their manners it was possible to understand that these were people. At that time, many began to be interested in what waking was. This dance became more and more popular.

Waking in Los Angeles and New York

Of course, there was a connection between New York and Los Angeles, and waking thus began to gain more and more popularity. The dancers added to it movements from voging - a direction that appeared in the 40s and 50s in New York establishments for homosexuals. What can be said about this style? He was an imitation of their postures. So it turns out that the New York and Los Angeles manners have many differences. In the first case, there are pretentious poses, bouncing and ejections, and in the second - a lot of different hand movements. It may even seem that these are different dances. In addition to hand movements, this style is characterized by peculiar postures and model gaits. Currently, waking is an integral part of a variety of colorful performances.

But it should be understood that this is rather not choreography, but a desire to express one's individuality. It is a pity that some still do not know what waking is. The dance, whose origin is very exotic, does not appeal to some at all.

People who contributed to the development of waking

Waking came about thanks to the following people: Lanny Michael Angelo, Tinker, and Aurther Andrew. But many other individuals have contributed to this cause. However, today it is not possible to find them, some of them have already died. Currently, the founders of waking are members of the Dancing Machine, a collective founded in 1975 by a man named Jeff Kutach. In the 70s and early 80s, it included such talented personalities as Fast Freddy, Dino SugarBop, and Gino. There were also representatives of the fair sex: Topaz Lanette, Flame, Ana Sanchez, Diane and Dallas. Thanks to these people, many understood what stylized waking is. A

Shabbadu - the creator of a new direction

A huge contribution to the development of waking was made by Shabbad, who was listed in the famous The Lockers. Together with Ler Courtelmont, he once told an interesting story: once in a club, a homosexual who performed garbo decided to compete with him. And Shabbadu wanted to be the best in everything, and therefore he immediately began to study this style, which he had previously known nothing about.

Soon he realized that you can mix garbo with locking - this is how the Shway direction appeared. In general, when he realized what waking was, his life changed dramatically. Of course, for the better.

Tyrone Proctor - famous dancer

Tyrone Proctor is another person who contributed to the development of wacking. He is one of those people who contributed to the popularization of dance in New York. He arrived there from the West Coast in order to become an employee of the Soul Train program. Currently, Tyrone Proctor continues to teach dance to beginners, although he has an injured one hip and is only able to move his arms. The dancer moves with difficulty. The meaning of his life is to show people what waking is. The origin of this dance is very unusual, but even more interesting are the bright personalities who contribute to its popularization.

Archie Burnett is a legendary figure

Another top notch and very talented dancer in the underground scene is a man named Archie Burnett. For thirty years, he regularly visited the most prestigious institutions in New York, and all this time honed his original, beautiful and flamboyant style.

At the moment, he is 54 years old, but no one who has ever talked to him can believe it, because he looks younger than 40. He has participated in filming for dance publications, for example, Village Voice Dance, as well as Dance Ink. He can also be seen in Sally Sommer's documentary Check Your Body At The Door. Anyone who has watched this movie knows what waking is.

Waking up now

Today, waking is used as a base for original, original dance shows. They are very spectacular. The basis of this direction is not impeccable choreography, but the resourcefulness of dancers who improvise tirelessly. They show individuality and demonstrate the originality of their personality. The dancers are united by one desire - they want the audience to know what waking is. And many people like this style. Some even light up with desire too, and that's fine.

What is waking? This is a beautiful and energetic dance. Wacking appeared in the early 1970s in special establishments for people with a gay orientation in Los Angeles.

At first, this style was called The Garbo (after the famous Swedish artist Greta Garbo: the dancers imitated her theatrical poses). It looked pretty interesting. The modern name of the dance "wacking" (from the word wack - waving arms) is commercial, it arose due to the fact that more and more people became interested in this phenomenon. Initially, this style was a mixture of jazz, locking movements, as well as hip-hop.

This style has another name - Punkin. How did it come about? It's just that the locking dancers called homosexuals who tried to imitate them the word punk. It should be noted that there was no enmity and confrontation between them, on the contrary, there was something like cooperation: some borrowed something from others. Waking appeared as part of locking, the musical accompaniment for this dance was different: first in 1972-1973 it was funk, then disco, and after a while - house. The latter is still used for performances. Nowadays, waking is an integral part of house culture.

How did this dance originate? It's just that homosexuals began to imitate locking dancers: they made similar movements with their hands. However, by their manners it was possible to understand that they were people of non-traditional orientation. At that time, many began to be interested in what waking is. This dance became more and more popular.

Of course, there was a connection between New York and Los Angeles, and waking thus began to gain more and more popularity. The dancers added to it movements from voging - a direction that appeared in the 40s and 50s in New York establishments for homosexuals. What can be said about this style? It was an imitation of the gaits of models and their postures. So it turns out that the New York and Los Angeles manners have many differences. In the first case, pathos poses, bouncing and ejections take place, and in the second - a lot of different hand movements. It may even seem that these are different dances. In addition to hand movements, this style is characterized by peculiar postures and model gaits. Currently, waking is an integral part of a variety of colorful performances. But it should be understood that this is rather not choreography, but a desire to show oneself and express one's individuality. It is a pity that some still do not know what waking is. The dance, whose origin is very exotic, does not appeal to some at all.

Waking came about thanks to the following people: Lanny Michael Angelo, Tinker, and Aurther Andrew. But many other individuals have contributed to this cause. However, today it is not possible to find them, some of them have already died. Currently, the founders of waking are members of the Dancing Machine, a collective founded in 1975 by a man named Jeff Kutach. In the 70s and early 80s, it included such talented personalities as Fast Freddy, Dino SugarBop, and Gino. There were also representatives of the fair sex: Topaz Lanette, Flame, Ana Sanchez, Diane and Dallas. Thanks to these people, many understood what stylized waking is. And it's worth it.

A huge contribution to the development of waking was made by Shabbad, who was listed in the famous The Lockers. Together with Ler Courtelmont, he once told an interesting story: once in a club, a homosexual who performed garbo decided to compete with him. And Shabbadu wanted to be the best in everything, and therefore he immediately began to study this style, which he had previously known nothing about. Soon he realized that you can mix garbo with locking - this is how the Shway direction appeared. In general, when he realized what waking was, his life changed dramatically. Of course, for the better.

Tyrone Proctor is another person who contributed to the development of wacking. He is one of those people who contributed to the popularization of dance in New York. He arrived there from the West Coast in order to become an employee of the Soul Train program. Currently, Tyrone Proctor continues to teach dance to beginners, although he has an injured one hip and is only able to move his arms. The dancer moves with difficulty. The meaning of his life is to show people what waking is. The origin of this dance is very unusual, but even more interesting are the bright personalities who contribute to its popularization.

Another top notch and very talented dancer in the underground scene is a man named Archie Burnett. For thirty years, he regularly visited the most prestigious institutions in New York, and all this time honed his original, beautiful and flamboyant style. At the moment, he is 54 years old, but no one who has ever talked to him can believe it, because he looks younger than 40. He has participated in filming for dance publications, for example, Village Voice Dance, as well as Dance Ink. He can also be seen in Sally Sommer's documentary Check Your Body At The Door. Anyone who has watched this movie knows what waking is.

Today, waking is used as a base for original, original dance shows. They are very spectacular. The basis of this direction is not impeccable choreography, but the resourcefulness of dancers who improvise tirelessly. They show individuality and demonstrate the originality of their personality. The dancers are united by one desire - they want the audience to know what waking is. And many people like this style. Some even want to learn how to dance too, and that's great.

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Our fifth waking class has come to an end and it became clear that the finale of the #WLDdancing experiment was close at hand. Recall that the WeLoveDance team consists of dancing people - we all practiced different styles, at different venues and levels. But one day they came up with an experimental project: to try to learn an unfamiliar style and show by example whether it is possible to succeed in waking, pole dancing, twerk, flamenco or any other direction in eight lessons.

If you follow our diary, you know that waking is based on improvisation, which, in turn, is based on penetrations, postures and an element called “loops” in various variations. Waking is often confused with wog, because both styles appeared in the same country within a couple of decades, and besides, there are poses and penetrations here and there. But, as Lena TT, the teacher at The Dome studio, says, true professionals will never include elements of vog in their performance, just as vogers at balls never use waking loops.

But there is one important similarity - in both vogue and waking, the dancer must be able to improvise. In the lesson, we focus on this - we turn on our favorite music and add hands and hands to the steps in place. Important: during the execution of the “loop”, you can clench your hand into a fist, or you can leave your palm.

“This time we tried to perform a movement where each arm and leg does its own element. It looks cool, but it's almost impossible to do it right away. Probably, this is the difficulty of waking: individually everything is simple, but you need to work on coordination,” says content dancer Alena Bratukhina.

Over time, we add poses to the hands, and after a couple of minutes we connect the hips.

“I started to feel like I was hopeless. At least, I definitely need much more than eight lessons, - our usually cheerful editor Olga Lifintseva sadly states. - As soon as Lena showed the movement, when different hands perform different elements, the mission became impossible. I don't understand: how do style dancers manage to twist their arms so fast? Either mine is too heavy, or it’s clogged shoulders, but in speed I am a clear outsider. ”

Improvisation is not easy for everyone. Especially when Lena demands a solo exit from us.

“The body immediately ceases to obey, and then the most important thing is to distract yourself from the thought that everyone is looking at you now, and concentrate on the music and on yourself, try to just dance with drive, as the rhythm asks for it. This moment of overcoming myself was especially valuable for me,” says our dance photographer Natasha Murzina.

We also tried to make side penetrations, connecting them with “loops”: one hand performs circular motions, and the other twists. This is a difficult level, but Lena gives it to try, this skill is gained by practice and it requires already developed coordination.

“Working on coordination, especially in waking, is a complex and long process. A lot of time should be devoted to the basics of style, because. a very wide variety of elements. It is much easier to coordinate yourself when you are confident in at least half of the movements. But the desire to overcome oneself helps to quickly understand and do what seems very difficult for you, - says dance parthership manager Zhenya Medvedeva. – It is also important for waking to practice public improvisation, for example, in front of your group. The first and second times the knees are shaking and the result is ridiculous, but by the fifth attempt you feel more confident.

At the end of the lesson, Lena told us about "Soul Train" - an American TV show, thanks to which the world got to know dancers and new styles. It was she who gave the name to a separate tradition "Soul Train Line": the dancers stand in two lines, forming a free space, and everyone has to go through the dance from the beginning of the path to the end.

We try the tradition on ourselves. First, be sure to catch the rhythm and do something simple. Terribly embarrassed, we still went out. And it added, albeit a little, but confidence.

“Improvising is not a problem for me, but only when you have a base of movements and you dance them confidently. The same task for me became a real test, thinking about what movement to make next, trying to remember what we generally learned, I absolutely stopped hearing music, - says Olga. - After sinking, everyone received valuable advice from Lena. I got this: “Start simple, take what works best from this style.”

So our fifth lesson passed and only three remained ahead. And we still have to learn how to improvise like a goddess and look no worse on the outside. We hope that the images that we plan to try on in the final will help us open up more.

How long do you think it would take you to master a new style, even if not waking, and how quickly you would improvise? Share with us in the comments.

Modern fitness studios come up with an offer for their clients to visit Wacking. For beginners, this is a completely new concept, and, coming to the next lesson, many do not even suspect that we are talking about dance. What is wacking dance? Its origin and style are of interest to many. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

What is the secret of wacking?

Waking is a popular type of street dance style characterized by gracefulness and mannerisms. This style is gaining more and more popularity both in youth circles and in the professional show industry. Waking conquers the hearts of only self-confident and bright people who are able to show all their plasticity and beauty.

What is waking? The dance, whose origin is of interest to many, has established itself as rhythmic and impetuous. Its essence lies in the precise technical movements of the hands and an important proud gait. An important feature is close communication with the public. The dance is often performed in nightclubs and other entertainment venues.

Waking is an entertaining show where each participant imagines himself to be a famous model or a popular star who has visited the famous Broadway. Lightness and femininity reign in the dance, so the main attention in its construction is given to clear hand movements and quick change of poses.

Historical reference

It is impossible to specify the origins of the origin and appearance of an unusual dance. None of its performers can specifically tell how this direction appeared, which became popular due to the extravagant technique of performance and a number of extraordinary body movements, which, in combination, give an unusual effect, intriguing the audience with their individuality.

Where did the wacking dance come from? Its origin has several versions. The first says that Wacking originates from the enthusiastic applause of the surprised audience who attended the performance. The second version of the origin of this direction has English roots and is formed from the word wacking, which means “waving hands”.

According to one theory of the origin of the wacking style, the very first dancers who reproduced the dance were men of non-standard sexual orientation living in America. In movements, they wanted to reveal female behaviors, in some cases they even tried to parody them. It was they who defined the dance as garbo. The explanation for this was the famous G. Garbo, who became famous for her extraordinary theatrical poses. The movements of the actress were often imitated by novice dancers, hence the parodies and techniques appeared.

When waking is performed by the male cast, it evokes strange and incomprehensible feelings, but after a while, the audience receives a huge charge of positive emotions. Time has passed, and the direction is of interest to both the strong half of humanity and the fair sex.

Is the stylized waking difficult to perform, the origin of which we are so interested in? At first glance, one can agree that there is nothing complicated, but only professional dancers boldly declare that it is very difficult for beginners to achieve liberation on stage, combining the sharpness of movements with plasticity. Not everyone is subject to the language of this dance. At the time of the lesson, dancers often do not lend themselves to the technique of emancipation, hence errors and stiffness arise. To learn the basics of this direction, it is necessary once and for all to get rid of all the shortcomings and complexes, and also to force the body to obey the basics of dance. Therefore, Wacking is a dance only for selected and gifted people who achieve their goals and go ahead to their goal. If you have a huge self-confidence, then waking is for you.

Wacking and modernity

What is interesting today about the Waking dance style, the origin of which we are discussing? Currently, he embodies several styles that have original parodic roots. Some of the dancers conveyed the voqueing style, where they demonstrated the model walk and mimic gestures of the girls. The other part depicted the locker technique, parodying the arm swings. All this was combined and presented to the viewer in an uninhibited version, characteristic of representatives non-traditional orientation.

As a response to this imitation, the lockers gave the waking another name - punkin. The dancers of the two styles adopted each other's best techniques and body movements. As a result, many believe that waking is a form of locking.

Modern waking is not considered a dance of sexual minorities, it is embodied with great pleasure by both girls and boys of any orientation.

Waking and music

What kind of music is suitable for the Waking dance, the origin of which we are interested in? The origins of the dance indicate that a variety of music is suitable for its musical accompaniment. The very first tune waking is played to is funk. It was replaced by the disco style.

Modern dancers choose house music to dance. Professionals say that music does not matter in this dance. The priority is always a positive mood and a good inner mood. Only they will help convey the meaning of the dance to the viewer.

Waking: the basis of performance technique

  1. Waving your arms in different directions and forward.
  2. Clear and polished swaying in combination with energetic movements around the stage and the hall.
  3. Sudden acceleration and decline in rhythm.
  4. An abrupt stop of movements and, conversely, an unpredictable beginning of a new dance element.

What is the power of dance?

  1. Waking will help you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  2. Dancing will make you stand out from the crowd.
  3. Waking will make you harmonious and graceful, plastic and fast.
  4. You will become the owner of an easy and beautiful gait.
  5. Waking will teach you to move freely, despite the difficulties and difficulties.
  6. The dance will reveal all your inner sides and make you liberate.
  7. Dance will make you look at yourself and your inner world in a new way.

Waking today is danced by very creative people who know how to express their "I" in dance. Spectators are delighted with this direction, because it is unique and colorful.

Waking - dance energetic and very handsome. He appeared in Los Angeles, in the seventies of the last century in institutions where gay people gathered. At first, the style was called The Garbo, in honor of Greta Garbo, the performers imitated her postures. The name waking arose later, due to popularity, and is a commercial name.

Initially, waking was a mixture of hip-hop, locking and jazz. Homosexuals imitated locking dancers, but the manner of performance made it clear that these people were gay. Many began to take an interest in waking. The dance became famous in New York, but there the dancers added movements that mimic the poses and walks of the models.

Waking, the origin of the dance

The history of the origin of the Waking dance quite exotic and not all people accept it. The direction was developed thanks to some famous personalities Tinker, Aurther Andrew and many others. A big contributor was Tyrone Proctor, a famous dancer who still teaches waking to those who want to, although he can hardly walk after a hip injury.

Another legendary person who contributed to the popularization of dance Archie Burnett. For thirty years he visited all the prestigious New York institutions and honed an original, flamboyant style. Now he is in his fifties, but everyone who talked to him is sure that he looks under forty.

Waking dance video

Currently, waking is used as a basis for original, spectacular, original dance shows. The basis of the direction is the resourcefulness and improvisation of the dancers, individuality and demonstration of the originality of the personality. Performers want to convey to the viewer what waking is and many want to learn how to dance it.

Original Waking dance style has its own inherent attributes, which are expressed in artistry, the ability to stand out and express oneself. The musical accompaniment of the dance is different, at first it was funk, later disco, and now waking is an integral part of house culture.

Everyone can dance waking, self-confident youth, creative, emotional, having a bright personality. All movements are simple, but the speed of their execution is high, it will be difficult for beginners to get into the rhythm. Hard and long work on coordination of movements will help. The clear technique of the elements for the hands is not easy to combine with an uninhibited gait and a free body. But, the efforts will not be in vain. Having learned to dance waking you will become the star of any party, it is impossible not to notice such a performer.

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