What does it mean to be a rich person. What is wealth? What does it mean to be rich


What is wealth, in your opinion? What is the meaning of this word? For some people, this word is associated with the presence of monetary and material wealth. For another category of people, wealth is associated with spiritual development. It is no secret that often a person can be wealthy in material terms, but be at a low level of spiritual development. This can hardly be called rich. I also met in my life spiritual people who were not entirely financially secure. In my opinion, to become truly rich means to become self-sufficient both in the spiritual and material spheres.

If we consider the etymological picture of the origin words Wealth, we see that the word God is the basis, and since a person is created in the image and likeness of God, it follows from this that a person simply must be rich, healthy, happy, self-fulfilled and self-sufficient. These states are the natural states of Man. Man must be like God, become God. Realize in yourself all the Divine abilities. Not only in the material sphere (I mean having enough money), but also in other vital areas. Being healthy is also wealth. Have harmonious relationships, both with yourself and with others. Have a happy family. Your own auspicious space, your own home. The presence of a favorite business that brings material income and pleasure. It is clear that, only by achieving harmony in all these areas of life, a person can become God, and therefore rich. It is impossible to develop only spiritually or strive only for material goods. A golden mean is needed: to find the realization of oneself both spiritually and materially. And this is the basis of a happy, fulfilling life. Material and spiritual are two parts of one whole. One is necessarily related to the other. And our task is to realize all forms of wealth, both material and spiritual. We can do this if we turn to our inner and Divine essence. After all, the point is not in the presence of wealth or in its absence, but in the person himself.

In support of these words, I would like to cite one parable:

Once one of the noble people turned to the sage with a question:

- Tell me, dear, since you are so smart, why are you not rich?

To which the sage, turning to his expensive caftan embroidered with gold, replied:

You see, dear caftan, my wealth is inside, not outside. After all, when your master falls asleep, he does not take with him either you, or his servants, or gold, or anything else. And if he dreams of a tiger running after him, then he will have to run away from the tiger in fear, and not call the servants for help. Only the ability to run fast will save him from a tiger in a dream. If he dreams that he freezes in severe frost, he will be shaking from the cold and will not be able to take and hide with you - a warm caftan. Only the ability to kindle a fire will save him from the cold. TRUE WEALTH IS OUR ABILITIES! THEY ARE INSIDE, AND OUTSIDE IS ONLY THEIR MANIFESTATION.

The rich man, amazed that the wise man was talking to his caftan and not to him, exclaimed:

- Yes, you're crazy! How can you talk to my caftan and not seeme, its owner!

To which the sage smiled and said:

-That's how most people are. They speak to bodies and notsee those who are their masters.

Wealth is an integral part of a person, it is his essence. Is it possible to admit that God is poor and unhappy? No. And we are all GODS in our essence. The only question is what prevents us from manifesting ourselves as God, revealing our wealth in life. Therefore, a truly rich person is a person who has revealed God in himself! And for wealth to be fully realized, it is important that your personal desires coincide with the aspirations of the soul. Then you become a creator, a magician.

Every person is God. The god of his world, which he created. Wealth is a manifestation of harmony in life.

The first step to becoming RICH is realizing that you are already RICH, here and now. I sincerely wish you to realize this fact and accept it. Make your choice. To begin with, accept with gratitude the current level of well-being and realize your divine origin. And move on. And to help you, I offer a wonderful meditation by Brian de Flores "Activation of the money tree of life" translated by Alena Starovoitova. Be rich and happy!

Wealth (Wealth) is the totality of all material and non-material values ​​of a person or society as a whole.

The wealth of society in the traditional sense, which dates back to the founders of the classical school (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, etc.), was considered as a set of material goods accumulated by the labors of both previous and present generations. Modern economics, on the other hand, is critical of the proposition that there is only one material content of wealth. Today, a different approach to understanding this category is characteristic, namely, that wealth is everything that people value. Such a definition of wealth allows us to attribute to it natural resources, and innate human abilities, and professional knowledge, and free time. From the point of view of theory, such a definition of wealth allows us to shed light on the various subtleties of this economic category. On the other hand, when it comes to international comparisons of national wealth and statistical calculations, such a broad definition of wealth makes it difficult (if not impossible) to calculate specific numbers. We must also not forget that all the wealth of society can be represented both in cash and in kind. Therefore, when the value of money itself changes, one can come to different results of evaluations of the same set of material goods. In addition, a change in the estimates of the people themselves can lead to a change in the real size of the wealth of a particular state. For example, in the USSR, a number of shoes were produced per year that far exceeded those of England, Germany and France combined. The production of metal-cutting machine tools, cement, etc. also exceeded the indicators of the most developed countries in the world. But are these indicators, reflecting the production of goods, the real creation of wealth in the country, if, for example, people bought shoes of domestic producers only when they did not find imported ones? Is Russia poor or rich? You can always hear directly opposite answers to this question. Yes, we are poor, because we do not have enough housing at affordable prices, domestic clothing, domestic food, etc. Yes, we are rich, because we have colossal reserves of natural resources, a priority in many scientific studies, and qualified personnel. Sometimes the question is put differently: if we are so rich, why are we so poor? Have we become richer if, for example, we increased the production of gas and oil at the cost of environmental pollution?

It should be noted once again that the understanding of wealth largely depends on people's assessments. In many ways, this is a normative category, and outside the judgments of people about the value of any good, they do not exist. Also, wealth can be imagined as everything that expands a person's choice, his alternative opportunities. From this point of view, money, things, free time, natural resources, and knowledge expand people's choices and can be equated with wealth.

It must always be seen in the context of satisfying needs. For example, if goods are available in the quantity in which they are able to satisfy all our needs to full saturation and are available, then we can say that we are rich. But more and more we turn our attention to the normative context in the definition of wealth. Is a millionaire who is bedridden and physically and mentally incapacitated rich? Is a yogi rich who lives on a minimum of food and is busy realizing God? What does the rather popular expression “the main wealth is freedom” or “the main wealth is health” mean? Is it possible to be free at the same time without having that amount of goods, which is called the subsistence minimum?

All these questions in the analysis of the concept of wealth are posed in order to emphasize the importance of normative, evaluative categories in economic theory.

WEALTH, -a, cf. 1. See rich. 2. The abundance of material values, money. National wealth.

Watch value WEALTH in other dictionaries

Wealth 1— security
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Wealth 2- abundance
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Wealth- cf. plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. harvest. thoughts. | The abundance of property, stomachs, money, yarosl. bonfire richly, arch. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Wealth- wealth, cf. 1. Large property, advantage. monetary.|| advantage pl. The totality of material values. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable. 2. trans. A bunch of,........
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wealth cf.- 1. Material values, money, jewelry. // Luxury, splendor, magnificence. // Something that is of value only to someone. 2. Abundance, diversity of natural ........
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Wealth- -A; cf.
1. Abundance of material values ​​(money, jewelry, real estate, etc.); great fortune. amass, accumulate b. Multiply b. of their country. Unseen.....
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Wealth- a set of material values, money.
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Wealth National- the most important characteristic of the economic potential of the state is the totality of material goods created by the labor of generations that society has at its disposal. In B.n .........
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Material Wealth— real
Durable assets that provide immediate returns over a period of time
period of time. Material
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World Investable Wealth— Part of the world's wealth that becomes available to investors in
the bidding process.
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National Wealth- the totality of natural resources, created means of production, material goods, values ​​that the country has.
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Wealth (wealth; Welfare)— The value of assets owned by a person or group of persons. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and ........
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Material Wealth- - real assets, durable assets that directly give returns over a certain period of time Material wealth is capital and land.
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National Wealth- - the most important indicator of the economic state of the state, representing in monetary terms the totality of consumer values ​​created and accumulated ........
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People's Wealth- see National wealth.

National Wealth- the most important indicator of the economic state of the country, representing in monetary terms the totality of benefits created and accumulated by society for the entire time of its production ........
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Russian Wealth- monthly literary, scientific and political magazine, 1876-1918. Founded in Moscow, from ser. 1876 ​​published in St. Petersburg. From 1880 it was published by an artel of writers of the populist direction: ........
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Wealth- -can have a different character, see the tabernacle, Solomon, Mt 19.21, Lk 16.8-13.
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wealth (wealth)- an abundance of property, stomachs, money (V. Dahl). In Russia, there is a different attitude to money and wealth than in the West. For a Westerner, freedom is embodied in money........
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National Wealth- - the totality of material goods used by society
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Russian Wealth- - one of the most influential monthly magazines before the revolution. It began to appear under this name in 1880. In 1891, it passed into the hands of former employees of Otechestvennye Zapiski.........
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Russian Wealth- literary, scientific and social and political. magazine; published in St. Petersburg (then Petrograd) in 1876-1918; in 1879 it was transformed into a general monthly magazine. In the history of the magazine...
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Today I want to talk about what does it mean to be rich. What is wealth? What does this concept imply? How and how to measure it? What are the key criteria for wealth? How can you tell which person is rich and which is not?

What does it mean to be rich?

If you ask this question to different people, then I am sure that each of them will name completely different criteria for wealth.

Someone will say that being a rich person means having a million dollars, and someone will name a hundred million (the difference is a hundred times right away!). For someone, a person who has a solid house and a big beautiful car will be considered rich, for someone, for example, a yacht will serve as a criterion for wealth, and for someone, the presence of a surname on Forbes lists. Surely there will be people who will say that happiness is not in money, but a rich person is one who is spiritually rich. Each of them will be right in their own way.

Each person will answer the question “What does it mean to be rich?” in their own way. Everyone has their own criteria for wealth, and this is quite normal and understandable.

In addition, an individual's idea of ​​wealth can change throughout life. At a young age, many people dream of saving a certain amount of money or having a certain amount of income per month, and it seems that achieving this is the ultimate dream. But now the dream comes true, and it turns out that this is not so much as it seemed. Along with the growth of incomes, the needs also grow, so those earnings and savings, which previously could only be dreamed of, are no longer enough. The criteria for wealth are changing.

From this we can conclude that since wealth is a very vague and changing concept, it is almost impossible to become rich, because the “bar” of wealth for a particular person will constantly grow.

What is wealth anyway? How to measure it?

If we are talking about material wealth, then I propose to answer this question as follows:

Wealth is the difference between what a person has earned and what he has spent. In other words, wealth is all monetary and material (remember what the personal budget consists of) with the exception of spending on current needs. This is all that a person has available at the current moment.

wealth formula.

Thus, we can derive the formula for wealth. It will look like this:

Or like this:

Or, speaking in simple and accessible language, the formula for wealth will be as follows:

Wealth = Earned - Spent

All these wealth formulas are identical to each other and mean the same thing, just expressed in different words.

I hope you understand what wealth is and what it means to be rich. First of all, it depends on your personal perception, and in any case there can be no unambiguous answer here.

Since wealth is an ambiguous and unstable value, I would not advise striving for it at all. It is better, in my opinion, not to strive for wealth, but for, since this is already something more clear and amenable to definition.

You don’t need a lot of money, because the concept of “a lot” will constantly grow. Rather, they should be sufficient. Enough to feel independent of money.

In the next post on I will talk about how to become rich. Stay with us!

(wealth), abundance of property, stomachs, money (V. Dahl). In Russia, there is a different attitude to money and wealth than in the West. For a Western person, freedom is personified in money (in particular, the well-known aphorism of B. Franklin), for a Russian, freedom is independence from money. The Western world most often reduces the concept of freedom to the degree of the ability to buy, acquire more and more new goods and services, the Russian sees in this “freedom” a form of bondage that entangles his soul and impoverishes his life.
“Trouble will give birth to money,” the working Russian persistently repeats. “Money is like stones - it’s hard on the soul”, “Money is dust”, “You can’t redeem the soul with money” or another version of this proverb - “Money is dust, well, they are in tartarara”. Hence it is clear what gave the right to F.M. Dostoevsky to write that the Russian people turned out to be, perhaps, the only great European people who withstood the onslaught of the golden calf, the power of the money bag.
Money for a working person is not a fetish. “It is better to give than to take”, “God forbid to give, God forbid to ask.”
To wealth and the rich, to hoarding, the Russian people treated unkindly and with great suspicion. As a working man, he understood that "from the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers", "You will be fed from your labors, but you will not be rich." Although it would be wrong to assume that he was guided by a feeling of envy. No. Simply acquiring wealth above one's need, hoarding all sorts of goods above measure did not fit into his scale of life values. "Do not boast of silver, boast of good."
Many among the people believed that any wealth is associated with sin (and, of course, not without reason). "Wealth before God is a great sin." "The rich devils forge money." “You won’t turn your head away with a nag (that is, you won’t rob your neighbor), you won’t be rich.” "Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich." "There are many sins, and plenty of money." "Do not be in hell - do not make wealth." “I saved up money, but I bought something difficult.” “Saved, saved, but the devil bought!”
Hence the conclusions: “It’s better to live a poor man than to get rich with sin”, “Unrighteous self-interest will not work for the future”, “Unrighteous gain is fire”, “Unrighteously acquired sideways will turn out, unrighteous acquisition is dust”, “Avarice did not come out of poverty, from wealth” .
The working man treats the rich with great distrust. “Wealth is akin to arrogance,” he says. "The rich man remembers no one, he only remembers himself." "A rich man rows money with a shovel." "He has money - chickens do not peck." "Cancer is a claw, but a rich man is a purse." "The man is rich as a horned bull." "The rich man will not buy his conscience, but he will destroy his own."
At the same time, the peasants even somehow sympathize with the rich, seeing in his position a moral inconvenience and even inferiority. "The rich don't grieve, but get bored." "The rich man can't sleep, the rich thief is afraid." And for the moral education of a child, wealth in the public mind brings direct harm. "Wealth of parents - damage to children." "The father is rich, but the son is unsuccessful."
Sometimes hostility towards the rich comes to curses: “We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich!” - says one of the folk proverbs.
O. Platonov

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"



See what "WEALTH" is in other dictionaries:

    Wed plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Harvest wealth. Wealth of thoughts. | The abundance of property, bellies, money, yarosl., Bonfire. rich, arkhan. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich woman, zap. rich cf. (see also bagatier), ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    It is the savings of many in the hands of one. Julian Tuwim If you are told: "My wealth is acquired by hard work," ask: "Whose?" Don Marchie Many people dream of such money, when money is no longer needed. Vladislav Grzeszczyk Very rich people don't look alike... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    See property, luxury ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. wealth of property ... Synonym dictionary

    wealth- Wealth The value of assets owned by a person or group of persons. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    - (wealth) The value of assets owned by an individual or a group of individuals. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Wealth- - everything that has a market value and can be sold for money or exchanged for other goods. (This, of course, is far from the only definition of such a general concept, but it is accepted quite widely in the economic literature). B. can… … Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    WEALTH, wealth, cf. 1. Large property, prem. monetary. || preim. pl. The totality of material values. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable. 2. trans. Plenty, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words. 3. Splendor, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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    WEALTH, a, cf. 1. See rich. 2. The abundance of material values, money. National wealth. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    wealth- magnificent (Barantsevich); wretched (Balmont) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

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