What does the name Elvira mean? What does the name Elvira mean for a girl: a complete description


Often the question may arise, to which nationality the name Elvira can be attributed. There was a lot of controversy on this subject, since this name form is present in several cultures at once. But having studied it more deeply, we can say that the German culture was the primary source. At the moment, this name is very popular among the Tatar population. Also, the similar is gaining more and more popularity.

The origin and meaning of the beautiful and rare name Elvira promises its owner a not simple, but very interesting life. Her character is multifaceted and unusual. She unpredictable and full of secrets. Her inner potential can bring both trouble and great joy. But it is important to remember that those qualities that we cultivate and educate throughout our lives can fully develop.

  • patron planet- Mercury and Jupiter.
  • Stone- Beryl.
  • Element- Air.
  • totem animal- Monkey.

Elvira's stone - beryl

  • patron zodiac- Twins.
  • Plant- Daisy.
  • Lucky day of the week- Thursday.
  • Lucky time of the year- Autumn.

Character and personality traits

Elvira from birth with the meaning of the name form is given such a quality as leadership. Since childhood, she knows how to defend her opinion. Name endowed this girl with a more masculine temperament. Hot temper, emotionality, rigidity and adherence to principles - that's what you can see when you get to know this girl. She is well versed in people and it is almost impossible to deceive her.

All people have positive and negative qualities, and Elvira is no exception. Even despite her aggressiveness, she has a big kind heart. She subtly feels the state of others. Always ready for decisive action. She is also prone to self-sacrifice.

Elvira is the kind of person who can change dramatically in her lifetime.

Girl character

The meaning of the name Elvira for a girl gives her a soft and calm disposition. Little and pretty Elvira can often be called by the abbreviated name of Elya or Elechka. I want to do this because in childhood this girl resembles a little angel who communicates and makes friends with all the children.

But do not think that she is white and fluffy. Elechka will never let herself and her friends be offended. From early childhood, she is very smart and reasonable. The girl listens to the opinion of her parents, but can do as she sees fit. But such a child will always be in the spotlight.

Over time, Elvira can acquire several additional qualities. In adolescence, she will be surrounded by many friends and acquaintances, but it will hardly be possible to find understanding among them. Already in her youth, she will gain fame among her acquaintances as a girl who never gives up. She will achieve his goal by any means and efforts. This can be an excellent quality if directed to the labor sphere. But manifesting it in terms of friendship, she can scare away even her most devoted friends.

As a child, Elya resembles a little angel who communicates and makes friends with all the children

Her forte is to question the words of others. She cannot live a day without arguing and arguing about something. Also, young Elya is a very straightforward person. This quality both repels and attracts others to her.

Woman character

The meaning of the name Elvira on the character and fate of an adult woman also left its mark. Most often, all problems are associated with aggression and Elya's emotionality outgrows. By a more mature age, a woman named like that becomes more balanced, systematic, ready to make compromises and concessions, reasonable, restrained.

The bearer of this name cannot stand loneliness. She still argues and questions the words of others, but she does not like it when others unquestioningly agree with her. She respects the opinions of others, but cannot admit that her opinions are wrong.

Also, Elvira will always give a helping hand to a friend, rush to help at any time of the day or night, help a person in need. But she does it not without her own interest. She just wants to feel needed and important.

The qualities that this woman has endowed with a name make her a persistent and strong-willed person. Even if she fails, she silently, without complaining, will continue on her way. She believes in everything she does and does not need additional motivation from outside. She is good because it is difficult to influence her and she is not exposed to public opinion. Such people are capable of great inventions and often become important people in society.


The name Elvira means that such a girl will endowed with good health. Often she has no problems at all throughout her life. But it is important to consider that you need to maintain a balance of moral and physical health.

But still, the meaning of the name gave its bearer weak points. The vulnerabilities of such a woman is the spine and the gastrointestinal tract. Emotions also need to learn to control, otherwise their overabundance can seriously undermine the nervous system.

In order to maintain the internal balance in the body, Elya can do yoga and attend cardio workouts.

Marriage and family

Elya is an adherent of fidelity and is looking for only serious relationships. She monogamous and always believes his chosen one. For her, mutual understanding and equality are important in relationships. Elvira is the person you can always rely on, she will never betray her beloved and will follow him into fire and water. It is distinguished by its constancy and reliability. Only such a devoted, faithful and reliable person as she herself can become her husband.

A woman with this name respects and appreciates the common interests and goals in the family. She believes that common plans and dreams make the family stronger.

Such women most often do not get off with one marriage. They like to idealize relationships and therefore demand a lot. Not everyone has such a woman in the teeth and psyche. A man for Elvira must be balanced and understand all her requests.

Such a woman is not for everyone

Elya marries for love, but there are elements of selfishness. She sees next to her a successful and organized man who can provide for her family. Elya - not the most diligent hostess, she is not ready to give up her career and friends and give herself completely to the family. But this does not prevent her from fulfilling all her duties as a spouse, mother and mistress of the house.

Career and hobbies

In terms of a career, the name Elvira for a woman means that she is endowed with enviable prudence and practicality. All areas of activity that are associated with creativity are alien to her. She prefers serious work and longs for high positions. She loves when something depends on her and clearly does her job. Elya is the employee whose photo is most likely to be hung on the honor roll. She is well suited to work in tax, accounting, legal structures.

Also, a woman with that name can count on success in the field of business. She loves money and, what is very important, knows how to earn it.

The woman who bears this wonderful name good at dealing with people. She can easily take a leadership position. Elvira will be a good leader because she knows that each person needs a special approach. She will be respected and asked for her opinion.

Elvira Nabiullina (Russian statesman and politician)

Famous name bearers

  • Elvira Menendez- Queen of Galicia since 910, Queen of Leon since 914, first wife of King Ordoño II of León.
  • Elvira of Castile- The first queen of Sicily.
  • Elvira of Bavaria- Bavarian princess from the Wittelsbach dynasty,
  • Elvira Ivanovna Berezkina- Soviet historian of mathematics.

Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III

name day

Patrons - Saint Elvira and Holy Martyr Elvira

  • July 16
  • August 21
  • October 8
  • June 14

Scientists say that in order to keep your brain in good shape, you need to learn new information every day. So why can't this information be the meaning of some name? Today we revealed the personality traits of a girl with an interesting name Elvira. You may also be interested in learning about the most beautiful. Even Ludwig van Beethoven himself dedicated his immortal musical masterpiece to this name. And pay special attention to the meaning of such a rare name as . Do you know women named Elvira? Write in the comments if our description matches their character and fate?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Elvira, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

What does the name Elvira mean?: protective (name Elvira of Tatar origin).

This name has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, in translation from the ancient German language, the meaning of the name Elvira is “all-truthful”. Historians also believe that the name Elvira was formed from the male version of the name Alvar, which can be translated as "true, faithful, real" or "benevolent, supportive." Another assumption suggests that the name comes from the names of the German-Scandinavian spirits, which among the ancient peoples were personified with fertility.

Another version indicates that Elvira, translated from Spanish, means “protecting, protecting”. It should be said that the name Elvira is very popular among the Tatar peoples, but often sounds like Ilvira.

Short meaning of the name Elvira: Elvirka, Elya, Ela, Ella, Elunya, Elyusya, Elyusha, Vira, Elvi, Elva.

Elvira's Angel Day: The name Elvira celebrates name days several times a year:

  • June 14
  • July 11 and 16
  • August 21
  • December 26
  • Elvira's Zodiac - Gemini, Virgo
  • Color Elvira Elvira - orange, brown
  • Auspicious day - Thursday
  • Elvira's treasured plant - cinnamon, mint, violet
  • The patron saint of the name Elvira is a dolphin, a peacock
  • Talisman stone Elvira Elvira - agate, jasper

Characteristics of the name Elvira

Positive features: As for the main qualities, we can say that Elvira has a rich imagination, fantasy, a penchant for analytical thinking, developed intuition, and a vivid imagination.

Negative Traits: But it is important to know that the name Elvira is able to work on inspiration only in solitude, therefore, often she herself wants to retire and isolate herself from the outside world.

The nature of the name Elvira: What does the name Elvira mean? Elvira is difficult to deceive, as she is well versed in people. A girl named Elvira has an iron will, sometimes she is quick-tempered for no particular reason, but most often she quickly “cools down”.

Elvira is not always ready to try on the image of a housewife - career growth is a priority for her. Although it is worth saying that the complex nature of Elvira does not always contribute to successful promotion, and you need to re-educate yourself in some ways. Elvira dreams of leading people and strives for this. This also applies to friendship and marriage. But at the same time, she perfectly adapts to the situation and, if necessary, can turn a blind eye to any human shortcomings.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Elvira perfectly understands the psychology of other people, which is why she can become a teacher or take a leadership position in any company. But if she wants to engage in trading or financial activities, she will need an adviser who can direct Elvira's thoughts in the right direction.

The meaning of the name Elvira from the point of view of numerology is characterized by the number 7, which indicates people who are able to manifest themselves to the greatest extent in the field of philosophy, science, art and even religion. However, their success largely depends on the ability to plan their own activities and analyze past experience.

Business and career: Elvira is determined and persistent in achieving her goal. Similar features are manifested in the owner of such a name even in childhood, and as she grows older, it becomes clear that she will become confident and domineering. Elvira is a true leader. She knows how to defend her point of view, is quite demanding of the people around her, and her stormy temperament manifests itself in conflict situations in the best possible way.

The fate of Elvira in history

What does the name Elvira mean for female fate?

  1. Elvira Nabiullina is a Russian statesman, economist, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
  2. Elvira Repetto Trisolini is an Italian opera singer with a soprano voice.
  3. Elvira Kokorina - teacher, ballerina, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation. She is the head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Classical Dance of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.
  4. Elvira Avakyan is a Soviet director and animator.
  5. Elvira Danilina - Honored Artist of Russia, theater and film actress.
  6. Elvira Khasyanova is a Russian athlete who competes in the synchronized swimming category and is a multiple world and European champion.
  7. Elvira Todua is the goalkeeper of the Russian women's national football team.
  8. Elvira Menendez - Queen of Galicia and León, first wife of King Ordoño II of León.
  9. Elvira Baryakina is a writer.
  10. Elvira of Castile is the illegitimate daughter of Jimena Munoz and King of Castile Alfonso VI the Brave.

Elvira in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Elvira in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Elvira, it is read as Elvira. The abbreviated name will look like this: Elli, in French Elvir is written.

Full name: Elvira

Similar names: Elvira, Elvira, Ilvira

Church name: -

Meaning: benevolent; protective; faithful

The meaning of the name Elvira - interpretation

Elvira is an attractive female name used around the world. There are several versions of its origin. The most common opinion of experts associates it with ancient Germanic roots. Translated from the German Elvira - "all-truthful." This name comes from the male Allovera, which means "favorable", "kind", "faithful", "real", "vigilant". Some linguists suggest that Elvira is related to the name of the German-Scandinavian spirits - elves and elvars. The latter were revered by the ancient peoples as a symbol of fertility. There is a possibility that the specified name is endowed with Spanish roots. Its translation is “preserving”, “protector”. Muslim families also give their daughters this name. It means "patriot" in Arabic.

Elvira name in other languages

Astrology named after Elvira

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

At an early age, Elvira is a restless and inquisitive child. The girl loves active games, attends dance and sports clubs with pleasure. The baby is impulsive and not planned. She can be interested in any occupation, but this is not for long. From the first years of life, the crumbs have a strong inner core. Elvirochka is proud and proud. It is difficult for her to establish contacts with new people. Parents should pay attention to the development of such traits as kindness, friendliness, generosity.

As a child, Elvira grows restless, in a hurry to do everything and everywhere. The girl has little interest in studying, she is much more interested in games with her peers, various active sections and circles. Elvira is not systematic, having caught fire with one idea, she can just as quickly cool off towards it. But in the girl already now there is a strong inner core. She is proud, proud, not just converges with people. Parents should pay attention to these qualities; in Elvira, kindness, peacefulness and tact should be developed. Over the years, not the best qualities of Elvira can only get worse - this will greatly ruin the girl's life.

The correct process of education contributes to the correction of character. But Elya still becomes a difficult teenager. Its priorities are somewhat different from the traditional and generally accepted ones. The girl has the makings of a leader, prone to protecting weaker people. The latter turn into devoted friends to her. Elvira is demanding, which often causes conflicts with loved ones. To achieve success in life, a girl needs to learn how to determine priorities and goals, move in the direction of their implementation.

In friendship, Elvira is also drawn to leadership, she is too proud. But then she will never betray those whom she considers a true friend. With age, dissatisfaction with society is becoming stronger in her, she feels her superiority. Unfortunately, excessive pride makes Elvira too susceptible to flattery. And not very good people can take advantage of this. All negative qualities in communication are smoothed out by Eli due to the ability to respect people, as well as an excellent sense of humor. She is good at adapting to her surroundings. She has equally developed qualities such as objectivity and subjectivity. Elvira throughout her life, feels the need to devote herself to one thing.

What does the name Elvira mean? The meaning of the name Elvira from the point of view of numerology is characterized by the number 7, which indicates people who are able to manifest themselves to the greatest extent in the field of philosophy, science, art and even religion. However, their success largely depends on the ability to plan their own activities and analyze past experience.

Women with the name Elvira are patronized by two amazing plants - lily and violet. The latter endows the fair sex with self-esteem, which is especially evident in adulthood. Elya is faithful and constant in regards to love. She is ready to worship her man. Lily is a symbol of royalty and wealth. By correctly disposing of the acquired knowledge and experience, Elvira is able to achieve a lot in the professional field.

Elvira's character

Elvira's positive qualities are dominant, despite the fact that there are also disadvantages. These include kind-heartedness, determination, activity, purposefulness, an excellent sense of aesthetics, a penchant for self-sacrifice, natural charm, and talent.

Elvira has such a quality as leadership. The ability to defend one's point of view and exactingness towards others have been present in Eli since childhood. She has a very violent temperament, which manifests itself in various conflict situations. This woman has a very strong character. She will never allow herself to show nervousness in petty situations. Elvira perfectly understands people, it is almost impossible to deceive her. She is quite diplomatic and knows how to use this quality when communicating with people. In addition, Elvira has an iron will.

The key disadvantage of a woman with this name is a tendency to psychological imbalance. Losing self-control, she is able to say a lot of unpleasant and unfair words.

Regretting what she has done, it is not a fact that Elvira will come first to apologize. Some pride is inherent in her - she will rather wait for an apology from her opponent.

The fate of Elvira

Since ancient times, this name was given to daughters who were wished for financial well-being and a high position in society. Fate is demanding of Elvira. She needs to develop and sharpen a strong character in order to strike a balance between softness, femininity, purposefulness and determination. Success awaits women accustomed from childhood to work and good manners.

Aristocratic roots are often manifested by an increased craving for self-education, the desire to have an impeccable appearance and the desire to enter the circle of high society. Elya has an inexhaustible optimism that allows her to overcome any life difficulties and hardships with ease and a smile on her lips.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Elvira is practical and prudent. She chooses a serious and responsible profession - tax inspector, production technologist, chief accountant, politician. In business, a woman feels like a fish in water. Success accompanies in any field. He treats money mediocrely, but appreciates high-quality and expensive things.

Elvira perfectly understands the psychology of other people, which is why she can become a teacher or take a leadership position in any company. But if she wants to engage in trading or financial activities, she will need an adviser who can direct Elvira's thoughts in the right direction.

Marriage and family

The owners of this name get married several times. It's hard to get along with them. They demand a lot and almost never compromise their principles. Elvira has a good relationship with complaisant and very balanced men. This woman is a good housewife and mother. But she is not ready to give up her career for the sake of her family.

Elvira marries out of love, but with a share of calculation. Next to her, she wants to see a wealthy person who will be ready to completely obey her and carry her in her arms. Elvira is not the most diligent housewife, life and household duties weigh on her. Over time, she learns to find a compromise between household chores and personal freedom, she tries to shift the work around the house to specially hired staff.

Sex and love

Elvira is not a romantic nature. She gives importance to feelings, but considers common interests, goals and plans to be more valuable in relationships. Only a person with a strong will, a sharp mind can become the chosen one of such a woman. For Eli, sex is not essential. She quietly manages without intimate relationships for a long time. Does not tolerate coercion and violence.

Elvira is very beautiful, she has the right features, a slender figure, the girl knows how to teach herself correctly. At the same time, her beauty is somewhat cold and aloof, Elvira lacks sensuality, but her pride and quarrelsome disposition are palpable. Elvira has many fans, without their attention the girl simply dies. But Elvira is not in a hurry to choose a single betrothed, her own freedom and independence are very dear to her, she does not want to lose them.


The name Elvira endows its owner with excellent health. In her youth, she can work tirelessly, while maintaining good moral and physical health. The weak points of a woman are the gastrointestinal tract, the spine and the musculoskeletal system.

Without learning to control emotions, Elya runs the risk of acquiring neuralgic and psychological diseases. To stabilize the internal state and health, cardio training is recommended.

Interests and hobbies

Elya prefers men's activities, to match her character. Her hobbies include fishing and sports. The woman loves to travel and take care of pets. She cannot live in a house without a cat or a dog - something will always be missing. With a pet, she manages no worse than a veterinarian.

Elvira is determined and persistent in achieving her goal. Similar features are manifested in the owner of such a name even in childhood, and as she grows older, it becomes clear that she will become confident and domineering. Elvira is a true leader. She knows how to defend her point of view, is quite demanding of the people around her, and her stormy temperament manifests itself in conflict situations in the best possible way. Elvira is difficult to deceive, as she is well versed in people. A girl named Elvira has an iron will, sometimes she is quick-tempered for no particular reason, but most often she quickly “cools down”.

Proud, principled, intractable. a rather ambiguous, complex cocktail of the girl’s character has been causing trouble for her family and friends since childhood. At first glance, calm and balanced, upon close acquaintance - demanding, bold and unpredictable.

Despite the fact that the upbringing process will be able to correct and direct the restless energy and assertiveness of the baby in the right direction, the bad character will still remind of itself.

However, this does not mean that the girl is trying to go against the established rules, just that her priorities are slightly different from those generally recognized.

From an early age, the baby shows leadership qualities and stands up for all the weak, zealously fighting for justice. Those people whom she considers her enemies, the girl will not spare. However, many of the young lady's enemies later become her friends.

Friendships are very important and rather difficult for a girl, her exactingness often leads to conflict. A young lady pays great attention to her surroundings and friends, she can sacrifice a lot for them, while demanding the same from her loved ones.

All her life, Elvira needs to set serious goals for herself and achieve them, the only way a girl can achieve success and prosperity. A woman can devote her life to any one goal (serving God, helping and caring for a person with disabilities) and will follow her calling even though she does not particularly like it.

origin of the name Elvira

It is not known for certain where the name came from. The origin of the name Elvira is based on several assumptions. According to the first, it was formed from a combination of two words of ancient German origin "al" (etymological translation of "everything, everything") "wer" (which means "truth").

The history of the second assumption has German-Scandinavian roots, and is based on a combination of the names of the ancient Elvars, which in ancient times were considered symbols of fertility.

Elvira, whose name was formed from the modification of the Arabic name Ilfira ("patriot"), is the third assumption. The etymological translation of Elvira from Latin is light, sunny, ruddy.

At the first meeting, one gets the impression that a woman has practically no flaws, however, with prolonged communication with her, the negative aspects of her character are also striking.

But do not think that the characterization of the name Elvira consists of some shortcomings, like any person, a girl has her pros and cons of character.

Among the pluses, the most dominant are kindness, warmth, self-sacrifice, aesthetics, natural talents for drawing, modeling and forecasting.

A huge disadvantage in character is the mental imbalance of a woman, which can affect both family life, health and career.

Elf in the modern world

The name Elvira allows its owner to be a principled, independent person and good-natured at the same time. Parents and close friends may call her Elya, Eva, Ella or Vira for short.

Each owner of such a name has a complex character since childhood. Girls grow up principled and not accommodating. These wayward traits are reflected not only in relationships with loved ones, but also in the future, when girls try to build relationships with guys.

It is common for the girl Elvira to manipulate others, stopping the same attempts in relation to herself. Compromises, persuasions and ultimatums are not suitable for raising girls with that name.

Therefore, future parents need to look for an individual approach to education from the first years of the baby’s birth if they decide to give her the name Elvira.

The meaning of the name Elvira suggests that without proper upbringing, girls and girls grow up to be self-centered and a bit selfish. Therefore, the approach to persuading the baby will need to be thought out more than carefully.

The ambition inherent in Elvira's character does not help her achieve good marks for a school certificate or diploma.

Maximalism and stubbornness will interfere with her studies and, in particular, in interactions with teachers and lecturers. Regardless of the strong-willed nature, selective qualities will manifest themselves more often than the desire to please someone.

From a wayward girl, Elvira grows up and turns into a purposeful person who will only do what can truly interest her.

At a more conscious age, Elvira's character will complement the desire for leadership, which will manifest itself in almost everything. It is worth noting that she can always justify her point of view, thereby puzzling the interlocutor.

Extremely restrained, the girl Elvira will not allow herself to be nervous because of the little things. Although, in more significant situations, she can flare up and show excessive emotionality. This quality does not particularly affect Elvira's compatibility in friendship and love, as she is quickly outgoing.

Fate does not deprive girls with that name of friends. In her social circle there will always be a couple of people who will come to the rescue in difficult times.

The character of the matured Elvira practically does not change. She remains as strong, purposeful and not accommodating. The lack of desire to pacify your character will create little difficulties on the way to the heights in your career.

Romance is rare for girls. This means that not only feelings are important for them, but also common goals and a sense of unity with a partner. The meaning of the name Elvira suggests the propensity of its owner to dominate the family, but if the husband turns out to be weaker than the girl, then such an alliance leads to the collapse of the relationship.

It is very rare for a young lady to have a good relationship with her husband in her first marriage. The second marriage often becomes the last and happy, having learned the negative experience of previous relationships, a young woman tries not to make mistakes made in the past.

The owners of this female name dominate in bed, preferring variety. They feel calm and comfortable with a long absence of intimacy; for them, not only closeness itself is of great importance, but also personal sympathies.


Elvira copes with all household chores excellently. This means that the children are fed, clean and obedient. In raising children, he uses the "carrot and stick" method. Mostly boys are born to women.

However, according to her unusually complex nature, a woman’s relationship with her husband’s relatives does not develop very smoothly. The girl will not attach great importance to criticism and advice from acquaintances, preferring to deal with the situation herself.

The interpretation of this name says that a woman will try to maintain order in the family circle and will not allow even her parents to command herself and her household.

With all her abilities, a young girl will not be able to keep her restless energy within the four walls of the house and become a good-natured housewife. With a long occupation with one life, a girl can turn into a "grumpy woman" who will not give life to either her husband or children.

The same qualities will not be the best for personal life. The role of a complaisant and humble housewife is clearly not for her. The meaning for the name "Elvira" suggests that it is difficult for such women to build a family. In most cases, this is due to the wayward disposition and the shortcomings characteristic of these girls.

As for her personal life, here it is also not acceptable for Elvira to look for a “golden mean”, She is unlikely to be able to combine her career and family. Therefore, for her, the family hearth is either everything or nothing.

The search for a soul mate and the construction of romantic relationships complicate the difficult nature of the girls. But if they truly fall in love, they are ready for a lot. Even pacify your temper and work on shortcomings.

At the same time, if her chosen one gives rise to doubts, or worse, disappointments, she will make ruins from the family hearth with her own hands. For her, the main thing is that the spouse corresponds to the ideal that she draws in her mind.

In general, family life with girls whose name is Elvira is not easy. Complicates her character of the owner herself and some masculine features inherent in her.

Those who are interested in what the name Elvira means for building family relationships need to be prepared for the girl's perseverance. Overshadowing most of the virtues, the desire for leadership will go far to the detriment of the relationship. This quality will be relevant if the chosen one himself gives up the “reins of government”. Having received supremacy in a pair, she will show all her only best qualities.

Surprisingly, the meaning of this beautiful name Elvira defines her as an excellent hostess. Being loved, she is ready to restrain her restlessness, devoting herself to her husband and children completely.

Such a woman will become a very strict mother, because the meaning of the name Elvira implies a predominance of male traits in the character. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a woman will be grumpy and demanding without an obvious reason.

Fortune and fate will be favorable to the girls, whose name is Elvira, if she is calm in stressful situations and when she is defeated. In addition, they should not be disappointed in themselves when the "streak of bad luck" drags on.

A woman can handle almost all the work. In a career, the meaning of the name Elvira suggests that its owner will occupy a fairly high leadership position, but on condition that the girl works closely on her character.

Traits such as bossiness and unwillingness to compromise can do a disservice when moving up the career ladder. And ambition and excessive self-confidence make the young lady susceptible to flattery. She pays great attention to her appearance, which means that flattering words can slightly dull a woman's vigilance.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - agate, beryl, jasper, amber.
  • Zodiac sign - Virgo, Gemini.
  • Name day - July 16, August 21.
  • Color - yellow, orange, purple.
  • Flower - violet, lily.
  • Planet - Sun, Mercury.

Famous people

  • Elvira Ibragimova (1986) is a rising star in the television and film industry. The TV presenter of the rating TV channel of Kazan - "Efir", starred in the film "The Treasure of the Boar Island".
  • Elvira Bolgova (1975) - Russian actress, known for the films "Tests for Real Men" and "Abyss".
  • Elvira Nabiullina (1963) - Russian statesman, economist, Minister of Economic Affairs of the country. Read more:

Name Forms

  • Full name - Elvira.
  • A diminutive and abbreviated form - Elya, Ella, Vira, Elyusya, Elunya.
  • Derivatives of the name - Elvirka, Elvirochka. Name options - Ella, Ilvira, Vera, Alla.
  • In the Orthodox calendar, Elvira does not appear. However, you can consult with a priest who will select a name that is consonant or close in meaning and meaning to the child.
  • Name declension: Elvira-Elvira-Elvira.

    As you name the yacht, so it will float. Pythagoras, the father of numerology, believed that a person’s fate is influenced by his name and date of birth. Another is the surname, month n \u003d birth and year are not so important. It has been helping me for many years now.

    I didn’t get out of any troubles with the least losses. But most importantly, I am surrounded by good and decent people, just like me, I just get rid of the bad ones. Girls, girls and women with that name are happy! Thanks to my older sister, who was only 6 years old, for calling me that. She asked her parents very much and they agreed with the child. Or they could call Karina. And bad people come across everywhere, but there are fewer of them than good ones. You need to remember one old truth. You need to treat people the way you want to be treated. And, believe me, it always works.

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    Yes, the descriptions match, nothing good - capricious, demanding, likes to order - everything about me - but this does not help in life. friendship, YES - despotic, very proud. I liked the short description, I don’t remember the number, - I smiled at the phrase about the lack of scrupulousness, if you need to lie for your own benefit and a generous heart or something like that, if it does not oblige you to anything -))) yes, and this, too, is what it is, that is)

    In the second description, the most common, there are a lot of inaccuracies. but the beginning also smiles - yes, the character is complex with outward calmness - absolutely EVERYTHING is deceived.

    In general, I love my name, beautiful, unusual, but the character of the kanesh is not so hot - I would not call my daughter that for anything))))


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    Hi, Elvirochka! Since childhood I like this awesome name! Not hackneyed, rare, very beautiful!

    A very beautiful woman with her head held high appears immediately!

    I recently read that if you don't like your name, you don't have to go and change it at the passport office. You can just take a pseudonym and sometimes use it - after all, your friends and relatives are used to your name given by your parents. Only I have already for some people Elvira for 2.5 years now and have become very accustomed to him!

    I'm literally in shock! Everything about me!

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    hello Elvira! our name is the most GORGEOUS! envy. all sorts of yuli-masha-dashi and other consumer goods such as the evil loser christina! (above)))) we are all bright, individual! intuition-on all 100! smart ones! taste is great! I am proud of my name and carry it with my head held high! You will never forget us if you meet at least once in your life! and what they call us bitches is a plus for us! they would like to be the same, but they are not given, from birth))) they will be mashas until the end of their lives)))) gray mice are raging))) “A CAT WILL NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO THAT, WHAT DO MICE SAY ABOUT HER! ” Respect to all Elviram!

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    Elvirki, hello! Help advice! How to live with my name??? Everything coincides: the character is bad, but it is not stupid. I swear all the time, I push people together (I don’t even want to). And I can’t restrain myself for a long time, Elvira just crawls out))). I can’t be friends with women, they just don’t tolerate me, my straightforwardness just rolls over. I was brought up badly as a child, now it’s just a disaster. If I want to learn something, it’s easy, but it’s not enough for a long time, I don’t know what to do in life, but I want to give myself to a cause close to my soul. Help, only, please, without attacks - and it's so bad!!!

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    • You just need to talk less and listen more. It helped me a lot when I realized that I could offend people for no reason. Now I sit in the company and keep quiet. I just sit and study people. I'm very interested. You can learn, I know from my own experience. Don't be upset.

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      Firstly, it is surprising how similar people can be if each believes that almost the entire description of the name, with the exception of some unpleasant moments, suits her. I also think that the description of the name seems to have been written from me))

      Secondly, as a child, I cried that they called me that, my favorite name was Elena, this, apparently, from fairy tales. But now I feel my uniqueness, which I really like, so I really love my name. I also like how my name is combined with the patronymic - Elvira Viktorovna. Sounds nice?))

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      Yes, it’s interesting to read about yourself. Almost 33 years ago, my father had a dream that the girl should be called Elvira, her parents had never heard such a name in their life, but they called them and I’m grateful for it. In general, everything is so. But I don’t agree with the secrets I know how to keep. Yes, and I’m in order with taste. It’s like my first marriage broke up a long time ago. Over time, I already learned to correct some aspects of my character. Elvirki Hello everyone.

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      My name is also Ela! I didn’t like my name before and I liked the name Alesya)))))))) but time passed and I realized that only the name ale suits me more than anyone else) and I really love my name and I’m happy that they called me Elvira! with respect to girls and boys with other names, I ask you not to grow badly in the name of elvira !!! respect the name Elvira, otherwise others will not respect your names either!!! and in the end, show respect just to the person who bears this name! everyone deserves respect!

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      Before, I somehow disliked my name, because there was a cartoon “Elka the bear cub” and it infuriated me. But now I really love my name, especially when my friends call me Elka. All options are suitable for me a little bit, i.e. each in a different way. But the name Elvira still really sounds too pretentious. But I am very proud of my name.

      To all all Els, Elks, Elvirs, Elchiks, Elvirchiks, Elushkas, in short, hello everyone, love your name, We are the best_;))))

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      when I lived in Ufa, I just hated my name ... where Elvira doesn’t spit everywhere, moved to Moscow, it got better ... you rarely see Elvirochek here ... some even asked “is this a pseudonym?”, but they also immediately asked “are you a Tatar?”, although I don’t looks like a Tatar, I have a Slavic appearance.

      And when she moved to New York, she fell in love with her name ... I haven’t met a single Elvira here yet,

      And everyone says that such a beautiful and unusual name)))

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      my daughter (Elechka) is four years old, and you know she is proud of her name all the time. She is delighted with it at the moment! and the fact that she is very demanding of people is true. and the fact that you can’t hide anything from her, I have the impression that she can read minds. always tells in advance who is coming to visit us. And she knows how to behave nobly. I LOVE HER SO MUCH: SHE IS MY ANGEL!!!

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      I didn't know that some Elvirs liked their name. :)

      I was always sure that the name should be hated. Well I hated it. They would call Manka or Tanka. Much easier. I'm serious.

      Srglasna ... and so, in principle, the truth is written

      Somewhere around 30% is not true))))

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      Don't be offended by Tanya, Natasha, Sveta, there are many of you. There are several in each class, at each enterprise. And we are the only ones. It's immediately clear what you're talking about. Be proud of your rare name. Or is it better to be Natasha? In Turkey, this name is not only a household name, it means a woman of easy virtue. About marriage. I do not agree. We have been living for more than 10 years and everything is fine!.. Love yourself and love the name.

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      I don’t like my name, it sounds very rude, I always wanted to be Elina. I have a lot of friends whose name is Elvira, but they are all so nasty ... almost everything that is described about Elvir suits me, except: the first husband’s name was Sergey - they didn’t get along , the second name is Peter, I'm not complaining, and one more thing: WE CAN KNOW SECRETS, isn't it? I hope not all Elviras are nasty and you can be friends with them!

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      Hello to all Elvirs)) As I noticed, I was not the only one who hated my name here in my childhood, but now I am proud of it) It sounds very nice) especially in consonance with a suitable middle name :) It seems to me that it is with this name that one should occupy leadership positions) 1 option almost everything about me, except that I know how to keep secrets and most of all I am in the circle of girls)))

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      • I'm Elvira Yuryevna. And my last name is Varlamova. It's very cool. But I'm not the boss.

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        Hello to all Elvirs! The most wonderful name to wear! By the way, in childhood, more than half of the children do not like their names. The description is similar, but do not forget that it was written by people. Leadership qualities, the revolution is definitely about us. As for taste, I disagree. I think that this is all right. And how many songs about Elvir!

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        • and how many? and what?

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          Hello to all Elvirks! At first I didn’t like my name, but now I just trudge from it. The first option completely coincides with my character, but that’s just about the fact that we don’t know how to keep secrets, that we have no taste, that leadership positions are not suitable for us, and that the first marriage is unsuccessful, I do not agree with this. And in everything else, why not!

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          Hi all! yes, we are like that, very interesting people)))))) I have many friends, but I feel much better with men)))) about taste, everyone tells me that I look great)), I probably have a taste. I am also very emotional and sociable. people are always drawn to me. i love my name. and I am very glad that once they didn’t call me Rimma))

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          My name is also Elvira. I agree that these parameters are not suitable for everyone, there are so many of us, we are all different. Much depends on the upbringing and temperament of the person. For those who are interested, I give one more meaning of the name from the ancient Greek language. The name Elvira in Greek is elviros-amber. By the way, beer was not called ale for nothing. I wish you all love in the new year my amber!

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          I met Elvira for about three years, really nice girls, somewhere around 60% of the above is true, but I’m confused by their ability to adapt to everything, which for me personally is self-humiliation. By the way, the name Elvira is found not only among the Tatar peoples, I personally met Russian Moldovan women, but yes, the fact that they are quiet people is Truth

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          My name suits me. yes, I didn’t love him as a child either, but now I’m proud of him. sometimes it is very difficult to feel and know for sure a person, to know about him what he hides from everyone, and sometimes it helps. That's why they call me a witch. But nothing, you can live, and even have fun))) So, Elki, respect to us and respect!!!)))

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          I agree, the character is difficult) But we KNOW to keep secrets! And in general, Elvira is a great name! You immediately feel the purposefulness, the strength. And at the same time, the name is so cute - Elya, Elechka .._)) so rejoice if you were called that! But I don’t like the second marriage ... I hope I will have one and the happiest.

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          Hi all! Now I understand why since childhood I do not like my name. If the main thing in the Elvirs is the thirst to lead and go "over the heads", then this is what I lacked most in my life. Everyone calls me Eli! When they called Elvira at the registry office during the marriage, everyone opened their mouths))) Now, when they want to tease, they call ELVIRA!

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          Elviras know how to keep secrets, they never betrayed or betrayed anyone, I think this is disgusting and somehow unworthy. I love my name) the first option - everything is exactly) Yes, and about the taste, I have never seen Elvira poorly dressed. All my friends think that I have good taste and always consult with me. Be proud of your name

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          I didn’t like my name before, because there were only Masha, Sasha around me ... it was a shame why my name was so stupid ... Everyone constantly asked again ...

          Now I'm proud of him ... I have my own point of view, and I don't care about others ... By the way, the description practically fits me ... I'm Libra according to the horoscope :)

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          Hello to all Elvirs! I really like my name and I'm PROUD of it, I especially like the code they call Elvirka, Elya sounds like something childish. And it’s also true about marriage, the first marriage fell apart, I’m looking forward to the second happy one. ELVIRA is the coolest name in the world!!! Respect to all the Elvirks. Elvirks rule!

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          As a child, I did not like my name, I thought it was some kind of strict! but now I like it))) I just love it more when they call Elya, Elechka, Elyusha! about the fact that we don’t know how to keep secrets, it’s not true, and about greater friendship with men than with women, and so I’m more like number 1 !!! I wonder who is married, 1 marriage really did not work out?

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          a lot of truth has been written, but about the fact that elvirs do not know how to keep secrets - this is not true!

          As a child, I hated my name, because it seemed to me that it was the only one, but now I am proud that they called me that!!! The name Elvira is excellent, sweet, attractive!

          Greetings to all Elichkas ...

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          Yes, option 1 is right about me, even according to the zodiac I'm a lion! Well, by the way, we have taste ... and we are beautiful and smart. Someone wrote that it infuriates him that we adapt well ... but it's good! But we are always under the sun!) I love my name. I just tortured the question of whether I am a Tatar ... although I can see that I am Russian.

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          For those people who do not like their name Elvira, it means that initially they are no longer Elvira. Yes, this is not a simple name, but a very beautiful, strong, purposeful one. And those Elvirs who manage to use it correctly in life will be able to achieve a lot.

          Best regards, Elvira


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          Hello dear Elvira! I am also one of you, I really liked option number 1, the exact definition! And it is doubly pleasant that there are so many of us. I would like to separately address a man with the name Elvir: “Do not be upset in the Republic of Tatarstan there are a lot of men with that name!”

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          I really like my name, Elvira. I'm an excellent secretary and I'm good at keeping secrets.

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          I am very grateful to my parents for giving me this name! All Elviras are extraordinary, unique, most beautiful, brightest, most talented, etc. And my Italian husband gave me the last name! I think it turned out pretty good! Respect and best wishes to all Elvirks! I adore you!

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          hello to all elvirs. frankly, I don’t like my name. but I compare with him, because I don’t want to bend under the changing world. Let him better bend under me. and it adapts to me. and if the main thing is not what name you have, but what character you have.

          All for now.


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          the name is just great! intuition is over the top. honest. noble. we see everything beautiful around - and whoever disagrees - think about your names at your leisure - maybe our name will seem very cute in comparison with your names. I wish everyone to assert themselves. !

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          If you judge by your grievances, especially with such words, then why are you better. Silently envy all Mashka and Dashka, maybe you are losers, if you just insult the name without knowing people, maybe a girl named Elya stole your boyfriend? Elvira, you can already envy one name !!!


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          Hello to all Elechki! When I came to the new team, my boss frankly told me like fuu, who called you Elrirra like that! I was very offended. In front of strangers, I tried in every possible way to focus on my name, like look at Elvirrra in our team

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          The second option is more suitable for me, and from the first, only intuition and sexuality, because. I am a scorpio according to the horoscope and these traits are inherent in a scorpion too. On the account, to keep secrets, it depends on what) And it’s easier to be friends with boys, I’m no leader, sharp and irritable ...

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          I used to not really like my name, but now och. I’m glad that they called me that way, at the expense of secrets, it’s not true, I always keep them. Only I don’t really like it when they call me Elvira, I just like Elya more, I fell in love with this name))) Hello everyone Elya, we are cooler !! !

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          Read about Elvir...

          Elvira herself!

          Girls with this name, wear this name with pride!!!

          Despite the storms of fate, not on - howls and envy ...

          Elvira - ladies! No, not darkness! Ah, my destiny!!! I LOVE all Elchek!!!

          And, yourself too! ;)

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          My ex-wife doesn't like her full name, more like Elya or Elka. And the fact that the first marriage is not durable, does not converge with Edward, usually gives birth to sons and successfully quarrels people, this is correctly noticed. Yes, and character to the point. I'm sorry we broke up. And the name is good!

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          Well, about the fact that we don’t know how to keep secrets, this is not true. I have many friends, girlfriends who trust me with their secrets. I can’t tell anyone about the secrets of my close friends, since they are dear to me. We have a difficult character - here I agree

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          I didn't know that some Elvirs liked their name. :)

          And as a child, I was generally surprised that some people like their name.

          I was always sure that the name should be hated. Well I hated it. They would call Manka or Tanka. Much easier. I'm serious.

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          Damn, we went through all the options for characters and fit the definitions! I never liked this name, I wanted to change it, but now I'm glad I didn't! we are very bright natures, it is hard not to notice us, we are in the spotlight - this is the name, simply, aerobatics!

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          Previously, she categorically forced everyone to call me Elvira, but recently I got used to Ela for some reason) But before, I often had thoughts about changing my name. It seems to me that your fate depends on the choice of your name.
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          the second option) I’m a kind of winter Elvira) an explosive mixture)) I love my name very much)) if only because it’s completely me) I can’t even imagine myself with another name) about “we don’t know how to keep secrets”, I can’t agree.we can.

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          the name is the coolest, it seems to me that not everyone will be able to succeed in everything, as the elvirs do. Well, at the expense of Ksyusha, this name will not even reach us with a stretch. be proud of your name, not everyone can prevail in everything like we!)

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