What does independent word mean? What are independent parts of speech


To independent parts speeches include noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun, speeches e. The noun is an independent part speeches, which generally names the subject and answers the questions who? What? This group of words can denote an object (table, house), a person (a boy, a student), ( , ), a sign (depth, height), an abstract concept (conscience, altruism), an action (singing, dancing), an attitude (equality, exclusivity ). Nouns animate or inanimate, proper or common nouns, have gender, number and case. In a sentence, they most often act or. Adjective - independent part speeches, denoting a sign of an object and answering the questions "what?", "what?", "what?", "what?", "whose?". Under the sign it is customary to understand the properties, quality, belonging, characterizing objects. By value, adjectives are divided into qualitative, relative and possessive. Adjectives depend on nouns and agree with them, that is, they are put in the same case, number and gender. Adjectives can have a full and short form (green, green). In the proposal, these parts speeches are usually agreed definitions. Short adjectives are used only as predicates. The verb is an independent part speeches, which indicates the state or action of the subject and answers the questions what to do? what to do? (be, look). Verbs are imperfect and perfect, transitive and intransitive. This part speeches changes with inclination. The initial (indefinite) form of the verb is called the infinitive. She does not have time, number, face and gender (do, walk). In the sentence, the verbs are . The participle is a special form of the verb denoting the sign of the subject by action. It answers the questions "what?", "what?", "what?" (flying, drawing). The gerund is a special invariable form of the verb, denoting a sign, but acting as a sign of another action. It answers the questions "what are you doing?", "what are you doing?" (crying, effortlessly, skipping). The numeral is an independent part speeches, which denotes the number, the number of objects, as well as their order when counting. By value, they are divided into quantitative (answer the question "how much?") and ordinal (answer the questions "what?", "what are the numbers?"). Numerals change (fifth, fifth, fifth). In a sentence, numerals are subject, predicate, circumstance of time, definition. Pronoun - independent part speeches pointing to objects, signs, but not naming them (I, mine, this one). In a sentence, they are used as a subject, addition, definition, less often - a circumstance, a predicate. By meaning, pronouns are divided into personal (I, you, he, they), reflexive (myself), interrogative (who, what), relative (who, than, which), indefinite (something, some), negative (no one, how much - then), possessive (mine, ours, ours), demonstrative (that, such, so much), (any, other). On speeches e - independent part speeches, which denotes a sign of an object, a sign of an action, a sign of another sign. It answers the questions "how?", "where?", "where?", "when?", "why?", "for what?" (well, attentively, beautifully, tomorrow, very much). On speeches e does not decline, does not conjugate, in a sentence it is most often a circumstance.

To find out which parts of speech are independent, you should understand the signs that characterize them. Independent parts of speech are the main words in sentences. Without them, it is impossible to transmit at least some information. All words that name objects, denote actions (what happens to them) and describe them - these are uniquely independent parts of speech.

In contrast to them, there are service words - they only serve the rest of the parts of speech and help to unite them. There is a third category of words - interjections, which are neither independent nor auxiliary.

Independent parts of speech can interact and transmit any informational messages without the help of service ones. But service ones without independent ones are not used.

Signs of independent parts of speech

In order not to be mistaken in determining which group certain words belong to, you can do this according to the following criteria.

  • By the word, which is an independent part of speech, it is possible to ask a question. Who? What is he doing? Which? Where? Where?
  • In a sentence, independent parts of speech are necessarily its members.
  • Each individual part of speech that falls under this general category has grammatical and morphological features.

Independent parts of speech

  • Noun. It always answers the questions: who, what? This part of speech can be either an animate object or an inanimate one. In a sentence, the noun is mostly the subject or the object.
  • Adjective. Describes the characteristics of nouns and pronouns. What or what? Can be qualitative, relative, possessive.
  • Verb. Expresses action. What is he doing? What did you do? What will do? In a sentence, this part of speech usually becomes a predicate.
  • Adverb. The word that does not change. answers the questions: how?, when?, where? etc.
  • Communion and participle. Sometimes they are called special forms of the verb.
  • Numeral. Talking about quantity. Answers the questions: how much, which in the account?
  • Pronoun. When pointing to an object, it is used instead of a noun.

Independent parts of speech are differentiated into two categories: significant and pronominal. It is known that significant - they name an object, an action with an object, or characterize it. And the pronouns only point to it.

Very often, students confuse independent and significant parts of speech, believing that they are one and the same. However, it is only true that all significant parts of speech are independent, and pronouns include only pronouns.

Independent (significant) parts of speech are categories of words that name an object, action, quality, state, etc. or point to them and which have an independent lexical and grammatical meaning and are members of the sentence (main or secondary).

The independent parts of speech are:

1. noun

2. adjective,

3. numeral,

4. pronoun,

5. verb

6. adverb.

NOUN- this is an independent part of speech, which combines words denoting objects and animate beings (the meaning of objectivity) and answering the questions who? What? This meaning is expressed using the independent categories of gender, number, case, animateness and inanimateness. In a sentence, nouns mostly act as subject and object, but they can also be other members of the sentence.

ADJECTIVE- this is an independent part of speech that combines words that denote non-procedural features of the subject and answer the questions what? whose? This meaning is expressed in non-independent inflectional categories of gender, number and case (perform the grammatical function of agreement). In a sentence, adjectives act as a definition or nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

NUMERAL- an independent part of speech that combines words that denote abstract numbers or the number of objects and their order in counting. Numerals are combined as a quantitative determinant only with nouns and form an indivisible phrase with them, which in the sentence is one member of the sentence. Numerals cannot be determined by adjectives.

PRONOUN- an independent part of speech, which includes words that indicate objects, signs, etc., but do not name them. In a sentence, pronouns can act as various members of a sentence.

VERB- this is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting action and answering the question what to do? what to do? This meaning is expressed in terms of aspect, voice, tense, person, and mood. In a sentence, verbs act mainly as a predicate.

PARTICIPLE- this is a special non-conjugated form of the verb that denotes an action, but presents it as a sign of an object. The participle combines the features of a verb and an adjective:

Verb features:

1. transitivity - intransitivity,

2. return - irrevocable,

5. time (present and past);

Adjective features:

4. in the sentence acts as a definition,

5. the presence of both full and short forms in passive participles.

GENERAL PARTICIPLE- this is a special invariable form of the verb, which denotes a sign, but acts as a sign of another action. The participle combines the features of a verb and an adverb:

Verb signs:

1. lexical meaning,

3. syntax control,

4. recurrence - non-returnability;

Adverb signs:

1. immutability,

2. type of subordination - adjoining.

ADVERB- this is an independent part of speech, which includes words denoting signs of actions or signs of signs and answering questions like how? Where? When? Where? Why? For what? in what degree? (read carefully, see you tomorrow, very cheerful). In a sentence, adverbs act as circumstances, adjoining verbs, adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

STATUS CATEGORY WORDS- this is a category of words that denote a physical or mental state, often with a modal color (express the attitude of the speaker). In a sentence, they act as a predicate impersonal sentence. (It was cold in Moscow).

Independent parts of speech

Independent parts of speech

Independent (significant) parts of speech
grammatical classes of words that name fragments of reality (object, event, sign) and have a special system of form formation and inflection, which is determined by grammatical semantics. In Russian, independent parts of speech - noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

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  • Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook , . The proposed textbook is the second part of the systematic course of the Russian language in a general education school (grades 5-9). It includes sections "Word formation", "Basic concepts ...
  • Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook. Federal State Educational Standard, Panov M.V. The proposed textbook is the second part of the systematic course of the Russian language in a secondary school (grades 5-9). It includes sections "Word formation", "Basic concepts ...
  • Russian language. 7th grade. Tutorial. In 2 books. Book 2. Morphology (independent parts of speech). Noun. Pronoun. Adjective. Numeral. Adverb. Predicatives. Modal words and interjections. , V. V. Repkin, E. V. Vostorgova, T. V. Nekrasova. The Russian language teaching kit for grade 7 includes workbooks (No. 1, 2 and 3), which are an obligatory component of the kit and are associated with the textbook of a unified ...

§1. What is the classification of words according to parts of speech?

Morphology studies the grammatical nature of words and classifies them on the basis of their inherent morphological features. In principle, a variety of classifications are possible: the result depends on what features are the basis. Therefore, when faced with a classification, always think about what it is based on.

Morphological classification of words - this is their division into classes, which are called parts of speech.
This is a complex classification. It is built not according to one, but according to three signs:

  • grammatical meaning
  • set of morphological features
  • syntactic role in a sentence

grammatical meaning
is the most generalized meaning inherent in the whole class of words. More subtle differences in meaning reflect digits by value, which stand out for a particular part of speech. Let's take a noun as an example.

The grammatical meaning of a noun is "thing". It is expressed in words that answer the questions: Who what?
Examples: Who what? - leg, lamp, son, Moscow, gold, silver, nobility, youth, kindness, greed.
These words, of course, convey different meanings: concrete and abstract, real, collective, proper. It is important for morphology that these differences in meaning are expressed at the morphological level. For example, most nouns with specific meanings usually have singular and plural forms: leg legs, and all the rest - only one form: either singular or plural: Moscow(own) - singular, gold(real) - unit. h., nobility(collective) - unit. h., good(abstract) - singular But all these words are of the same class. They answer some questions, which distinguishes them from other classes of words, such as verbs that answer questions: What to do?, What to do? and express the grammatical meaning of "action": walk, jump, laugh, fight, learn.

Morphological features -
these are characteristics of the grammatical nature of words. For morphology, it is important:

  • words change or not
  • what sets of forms does the word have,
  • what endings these forms are expressed,
  • what these forms express.

Some morphological features are common to several parts of speech, for example case, others are peculiar to only one class of words, for example time. The same feature can be immutable, constant for some class of words and changeable for others, as, for example, genus. Each part of speech has its own set of morphological features. Without knowing them, it is impossible to make a morphological analysis of the word and understand what unites the words of one part of speech and distinguishes them from the words of other parts of speech.

Syntactic role in a sentence -
it is the role that words of a certain class play in a sentence. Important:

  • whether the word is part of a sentence,
  • what is its role in the grammatical structure of the sentence.

§2. Parts of speech


The dotted line shows that participles, gerunds and the category of state are not distinguished by all authors. This issue is considered in more detail below.

Part of speech is a class of words united by a common grammatical meaning, a set of morphological features and a syntactic role in a sentence. This class of words differs from other classes in a set of characteristics.

The logic of such a classification of Russian words by parts of speech is generally accepted.

It is also common to distinguish:

  • interjections and non-interjective classes of words,
  • divide non-interjective into auxiliary and independent classes of words,
  • distinguish between significant and pronominal words among independent ones,
  • significant divided into changing and unchanging (adverbial),
  • changing to divide into inflected and conjugated (verbs),
  • inclined to divide further by types of declension (nouns, modified by numbers and cases, and others, modified by numbers, cases and genders).

Traditionally allocate 10 parts of speech:

  • Nouns
  • adjectives
  • Numerals
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles
  • Interjection

§3. Why do textbooks have different numbers of parts of speech?

Linguistics is an interpretive science, i.e. explaining.
Specific interpretations of linguistic phenomena depend on the point of view of the author.
In the language there are such phenomena that can be interpreted (explained) in different ways.

Participles and participles

Dotted lines in the diagram show the special status of participles and gerunds. Depending on the point of view, they are either considered forms of the verb, and then they enter the part of speech Verb, or isolated as special parts of speech. Why have there been different interpretations?

The peculiarity of participles is that they retain verbal features, for example, aspect, tense, transitivity, reflexivity, conjugation. But at the same time, participles change in a special way, like adjectives. Full participles - by cases and numbers, and in the singular - by gender, and short - by numbers and in the singular - by gender. And the participles do not change at all.

Interpretation 1 : participle and participle are special forms of verbs.
Initial form: verb in infinitive form, i.e. infinitive.
Participle and gerund suffixes are formative suffixes.
Infinitive erect, participles: and gerunds: erecting are just different forms of the same word erect.

Interpretation 2 : participle and participle are independent parts of speech.
The initial form of the participle: the form of unit. numbers, husband kind.
Participle and gerund suffixes are word-forming suffixes.
Infinitive erect, participles erecting, erecting, erecting and gerund erecting - different words referring to different parts of speech.

The dotted line in the diagram shows the special status of the state category words. The name itself, by the way, is also unlike the names of other parts of speech. Why have there been different interpretations?

It has long been noticed that adverbial words are very diverse. There is, in particular, a group of adverbial invariable words that denote the state of a person. To me Cold, and to him hot. This is not the same as: loud scream, quiet laugh. Both the meaning and the role in the sentence of the words: cold, hot - loud quiet differ.

Interpretation 1: all these words are adverbs. Among them, a special subgroup stands out, which has its own characteristics.

Interpretation 2: adverbs and words of the state category are different parts of speech. They have different meanings and different roles in the sentence.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

How should students answer teacher questions? How to complete test assignments? How to perform morphological analysis of words? And word-formation analysis, by the way, too?

Nowhere is it said: figure it out yourself and make a choice which of the points of view to adhere to. The textbooks unequivocally state: it is so. Some authors categorically do not accept other points of view and directly declare: the other point of view is erroneous. That is, the adults could not agree among themselves. What should students do? Everyone is ahead of the GIA or the Unified State Examination, and the younger guys have both exams.


  • how this material is given by the authors of your textbook;
  • what textbook are you studying: learn the names of the authors;
  • when completing tasks, do not rush between different concepts, act consciously and, most importantly, consistently.

For graduates: be prepared to explain the point of view you share and name the textbook that presents it. No one has the right to consider it unacceptable and lower the mark for it. In case of misunderstandings in assessing your knowledge that have arisen as a result of different interpretations of linguistic phenomena in school textbooks, persistently ask to understand the situation. The necessary information for protection is on this site.

§4. Service - independent parts of speech

Any person who speaks Russian understands that there is an important difference between auxiliary and independent classes of words.

Service parts of speech:

  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles

Independent parts of speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • numeral
  • Verb
  • Adverb


Interjection is a special part of speech. It is neither official nor independent.

What is the main difference?

Service parts of speech express not independent meanings, but relations between members of a sentence or sentences, or give words and sentences different shades of meaning. They do not have a set of morphological features and are not members of the sentence.

Independent parts of speech express the grammatical meaning inherent in the whole class of words:

  • Nouns - "thing"
  • Adjective - "a sign of an object"
  • Numeral - "number, quantity, order in counting"
  • Verb - "action"
  • Adverb - "a sign of a sign, a sign of action"
  • Pronoun - "instruction"

Independent parts of speech are divided into significant and pronouns.
Significant parts of speech name objects, signs, actions, numbers, and pronouns just point to them.

test of strength

Check your understanding of the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What classification is based on the grammatical meaning of words, a set of their morphological features and the syntactic role of words in a sentence?

    • Offer members
    • Parts of speech
  2. Can the same morphological feature be common to words of different parts of speech?

  3. Can the same morphological feature be inflected in some words and invariable in others?

  4. Can words of the same part of speech be different parts of a sentence?

  5. Can words of different parts of speech be the same member of a sentence?

  6. Is it correct to assume that significant words are divided into changeable and unchangeable?

  7. What part of speech is an interjection?

    • Self-reliant
    • Service
    • Neither one nor the other
  8. What parts of speech are interjections opposed to?

    • Official
    • independent
    • Both those and others, that is, all
  9. Do numbers decline?

  10. Do pronouns conjugate?

  11. Are all independent parts of speech significant?

  12. Are all significant parts of speech independent?

Right answers:

  1. Parts of speech
  2. Neither one nor the other
  3. Both those and others, that is, all
  • How do words change in Russian? (for high school students and those who want to understand this)

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